MTL - Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife-v4 Chapter 7 : Men still have to marry their wives

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Li Hongyuan took Jing Hao to the front of Father Tang. "Grandpa, I want to get engaged with you first. I will pull the card by the way. As for the wedding, there are too many things to prepare, but it can be slowly. The wedding reception is troublesome. Grandma and the aunt. "Marriage, bypassing your own mother, you can see that it is not a cold.

Jing Hao snorted on his waist, but unfortunately, it was still a hard-boned muscle that could not move.

Li Hongyuan didn't have a side, as if he really didn't feel it.

Father Tang looked in his eyes. He said that he hadn’t said it well, or he didn’t even say it at all. His grandson was really planted.

"You have to trust me to be with your aunt, this is naturally no problem, and I will do it properly for you." The little grandmother laughed.

"Tang Yuan, I tell you, I don't agree with this marriage. If you insist on marrying this woman, I will..." Ms. Fang, who was ignored, was extremely angry.

"Just what? Go to die?" Li Hongyuan interrupted her rudely, smiled, cold and cruel. "You man is raising a small man outside, you know it well, because he can't help him, you are for the respect of the Tang family." With tolerance and wealth, I have always been patient. He can't have problems with his career. You can use this as a handle. He won't divorce you. When you are patient, you can also make troubles from time to time. You are the right room, you are arrogant, so you have no scruples, but have you forgotten that you were the means to break up the people, divorce is not, but if you are widowed, he can not be justified again. So, I guess you are really dead, and some people are quite happy."

"Tang Yuan-" was poked, and Ms. Fang almost screamed. "No matter what I did, you are also born to me. Without me, can you have it?"

"My existence, in your eyes, is nothing but a tool to consolidate status. Without me, you have already become a marginal figure in the Tang family. You really don't think that you are in your position in the Tang family. Gao? In the end, it’s just awkward. Ms. Fang, advise one thing, my thing, it’s best not to try to interfere, settle points, I have the expenses you deserve, let you be decent and honorable, and then do extra Things... this is the last time."

In fact, Li Hongyuan knows very well that if he really came to this world because of Jing Hao, then he is always him. He did not devote himself to the Tang family, he would be another family, but he would change his shell, but he would not Then Li Hongyuan, for the mother, he really does not mind to be better for her, but there are preconditions.

Ms. Fang is full of sorrow, and in front of so many people, she has been cleaned up by her son. It’s really that she has no face. Later in the Tang family, perhaps the servant will ignore her. This may be the best result. Because, to give his son a face, she has no more decent. Despite this, she did not dare to say anything. Until now, she still can't see how much her son is, how ruthless she is. If she wants to stay in the Tang family again, she must be patient, and even if she breaks down I will open the ugly things of some people in the Tang family. She is afraid that she can't do it because the Tang family does not allow it! Lose the whole party, don't even want to incite the Tang family.

"Well, let's say what to do. Since we are ready to get engaged, we will make a good total of the total. What are the requirements for Ning Yu, and why do you need to prepare for yourself and what to prepare for? These are good, and there is your side. The guest list should also be taken as soon as possible, and the venue will be arranged at the time." Tang’s father also played round the field.

A group of people moved to the house.

And Miss Xiao and Miss Fang, because of Ms. Fang’s reason, can get involved in the Tang family. Now, where are they still waiting for their faces? To be honest, in the future, if they were not officially invited by the Tang family, they would never have to go to the door again. may. Especially Miss Fang, thinking that her aunt's mother is more powerful in the Tang family, but she is only a foreigner. The only real status is her cousin. Unfortunately, she will obviously be offended in the unparalleled status of her cousin. However, I am afraid that there will be no benefit in the future. Although I think that the benefit that she got from the Tang family is really nothing, but she is Tang Xiao’s cousin, many people will give face, compared with ordinary people. In terms of it, it is already too much, and there is no cousin. Her life grade does not know how much it is lost. Now, it is not a regret.

Strong support for the final dignity, polite speech.

“It’s really not very convenient to entertain you today.” Tang Yuan’s aunt said with politeness, “I will come back later.”

The smile on the corner of the mouth is already very stubborn, "resigned."

"Wait." Li Hongyuan unexpectedly opened his mouth at this time, everyone was curious, what he wanted to say. "Fang Zihan, obviously, you have to talk about what I have said before, if you really want to go to Africa for a lifetime, I will fulfill you."

"Cousin, don't, I know it's wrong. I really know what's wrong. I won't dare in the future. Please, please don't send me to Africa. Give me another chance." Miss Fang Jia hurried for mercy. At this time, I still dare to have any luck.

Li Hongyuan took a single hand on the backrest of the sofa, his legs, his indifference, and the gas field of the generation of emperors.

Fang Zihan couldn't hold it, but it was a puff that went straight down.

Li Hongyuan’s momentum at this moment is really too strong, and Tang’s father feels scared. In fact, he does not blame him. At the time of Kaiyuan, the old ministers faced such a Li Hongyuan, and they only had to sweat and sweat. Now, because of their identity, they are not afraid from their hearts.

"Okay, how big is it, still squatting?" Wei Jing was not affected, and he patted on his lap.

This shot also seems to scatter the gas field on his body, so that the atmosphere immediately returned to normal.

Li Hongyuan regained his gaze, not a salty or not open mouth. "I want you to know, oh well, I will be fine. If she is not good, then no one should think about it."

This is probably not just the other person’s voice, but I believe that no one will regard his words as jokes.

Although the woman now lives on her own, many, many, but a woman can be held by a man like a love, not a lifetime in this world.

Someone once said that a man like Tang Yuan, once emotional, may be loyal and monotonous, and the woman who makes him emotional will be very happy.

This is really true.

Just like Kaiyuan, how many people are arrogant, but no one dares to be disadvantaged to her, and even dare not say a word in front of her.

Sending out irrelevant people, the things that Li Hongyuan and Jing Hao are engaged in, the people are talking a lot, there are many young people, there are more tricks.

In fact, after all, the core is old, and the shell is so young, probably no real young man is energetic, but everyone is very busy, watching it is still a joy. Jing Hao kept a light smile throughout the whole process, basically did not express his opinion, and almost unchanged posture.

"These really shouldn't be less, but is it necessary to ask Ning Hao for a ceremonial teacher?" Ms. Fang began to look for a sense of existence.

When she said this, there were at least nine of the ten people who wanted to let her shut up. Everyone is not a blind man, but would you still need a etiquette teacher? Is it ready to let her teach the etiquette teacher? If she wants a ceremonial teacher, should they all be rebuilt?

"Don't you turn the bottom of the scorpion into the bottom of the sky? How do you know how her dad is, don't know her grandmother's previous generations, but the court's ambassador, the book was born, and received the best since childhood. The cultivation of the Tang family goes up to the third and fourth generations, but it is just a muddy leg. What is the thick foundation of the Fang family?"

Jing Hao did not say more than twenty years before the modern society. In Kaiyuan, he was born in the Shuxiangmen, and then he was classified as a prince, and then he was the mother of the world, and then the Empress Dowager. At any stage, there was no dissatisfaction. It is definitely a model of etiquette to get it now. The average person can have her six or seven points. It is already quite good. What kind of etiquette teacher is in front of her is really not enough.

Li Hongyuan derogated from the Fang family and let Ms. Fang be tempted again. However, there was no attack. Because the contents of this book were placed there, there was no change. However, at the same time, the old family of the Tang family was also given up. ! "Tang Yuan, just stop." Father Tang was slightly dissatisfied.

"The fact is, can't you say that?"

"Shut up." Jing Hao said not lightly.

Li Hongyuan looked at her sideways and looked cold and looked very dissatisfied. However, there was no real opening.

Nima, this guy who can't be a god, is actually a wife and a strict! OK, let his wife cure him later.

As time went by, the number of people who came back was more and more. The last one was Tang Yuan’s uncle, the only person in the second generation of the Tang family who had not yet married.

Tang Xiaoshu is also doing business. Originally, he did a good job. However, when Tang Yuan was born, he also followed a lot of gloom. However, this person obviously did not suffer any influence, and his mentality was very good. He specialized in the steel market. Because the relationship at home has always been relatively smooth, and it has been done with great enthusiasm and pockets. It should be the rich man who is second only to Li Hongyuan. I heard that there seems to be an idea of ​​getting involved in the entertainment industry recently, and the entertainment industry is indeed a big cake.

The Tang family is not bad, this little uncle is absolutely in the forefront, calm and handsome, handsome and gentleman.

"Sorry, I am late." Give the gift box to Jing Hao, "Ning Wei, right? A little gift, definitely not as good as A Yuan, is not too bad."

"Little uncle is polite, the elders sent it, it is the heart, the mind is priceless." Jing Hao took over, smiled.

Tang Xiaoshu’s smile is more obvious. “I love to listen to this.” Then I looked at Li Hongyuan, “I have a good eye.”

Tang Xiaoshu is probably the person who does not worry about Tang Yuan’s lifelong affairs in the Tang family. Because his thoughts are the same, the fate is up, and everything will be done.

"Nature is good." This is the third life. From the beginning to the end, he is one of the same, has been integrated into the soul, can not give up.

Although some people did not explicitly say it, Jing Hao can feel that Tang Yuan is in the Tang family, and his relationship with Tang Xiaoshu is in the top three. Although, the so-called intimacy in Li Hongyuan, compared with the average person, it must be greatly discounted. However, compared with the "unique family" at the time of Kaiyuan, it is already a big improvement.

The four daughters married by Tang’s father, except the youngest one, took the children with their husbands in the field and could not return. Others, each one has more or less people, but in the emperor, unless they really can’t walk, I am very happy to give face to face, from one or two to the whole family.

The Tang family has never had the habit of dividing the table, that is, the big long table, but the left is just the same dish to make a few copies, it looks really windy and lively.

The seats are arranged according to the age of the seniors.

Jing Hao paid attention to it. The other "table" dishes were quite reasonable. On their "table", the leek was a leek, and the vegetarian dish was a vegetarian dish, almost distinct.

Jing Hao took a look at Li Hongyuan and gave him a smile.

Li Hongyuan secretly snorted, nothing to look at, even if he was taking care of his preferences, today his wife went to the door for the first time, and it is better to take care of his wife. Ask someone to give it back. Others look in the eyes, the dark road, it really hurts a wife.

In fact, huh, huh...

When the table began to eat, Jing Hao did not say anything, first gave Li Hongyuan a chopsticks carrot - one of Li Hongyuan's most annoying vegetarian dishes.

Everyone else looks in the eyes, and no one wants to speak. Judging from the position of the dish on the table at the beginning, there is probably no one on the table who doesn't know his preference. At this time, it may be good to not open it. Of course, there may be someone who has a good mind.

Li Hongyuan glanced at the carrots in the bowl and looked at Jing Hao silently. The eyes seemed to be condemning and they were protesting.

"How?" Jing Hao looked like a smile, knowing why.

"Dice, don't you know, six brothers, he doesn't eat..." A woman sitting opposite, is not someone else, or a woman who was previously pointed at the garage.

However, she said that she was generally beaten by her face. Li Hongyuan did not change the color and fed the carrots into the mouth. The expression was no different from eating what he liked.

The woman’s voice stopped short, and some ugly bowed her head and couldn’t hide her embarrassment.

The performance of others is still not obvious. Only Tang is less, and there is no scornful laughter. Now, I want to find something for Liuyi.

"Good meal." Tang Dabo smashed his eyes.

Tang Qi Shao did correct his sitting posture, but he still did not change his color. Obviously, he was used to him in the face of his father.

Jing Hao, while eating, continued to give Li Hongyuan a dish, a holistic quintessence, and glanced at the opposite person, because she did not know the other person’s mind, and did not pay attention to her, only when she was kindly reminded, now this will My daughter-in-law explained, "I know that your sixth brother is a carnivorous animal. I don't like vegetarian food, especially carrots, green peppers, green vegetables, bitter gourds. People are omnivores, don't eat vegetarian food, how is nutrition balanced? So, even if you don't like eating, Also have to eat."

Tang Yuan grew up from small to large, although it is not absolutely non-sticky, but compared to meat, it is really pitiful, especially Jing Hao said a few, absolutely no touch, even if it changes the appearance, he accidentally eats In the mouth, you can spit it out, no one can force him to eat, but he doesn't want to, and seeing him eat these days, is not unusual.

Regardless of the folder, Jinghong Li did not change his color and eat it. However, he will not take the initiative to stick chopsticks on the dish.

At Kaiyuan and at the dinner table, most of them are two of them, and the people with high weights and waiters don’t even have the extra ideas. Now there are so many people squatting, there are so many elders, Jing Hao is actually a bit not I am very happy, but there is no way, she does not clip, someone does not take the initiative, so even if it is "show love", we must continue to show.

"Enough." At some point, Li Hongyuan finally stopped.

Jing Hao estimated that it was almost the same, and stopped his hand. "If you can't eat it, you can't take the initiative?"

"You have to be annoying, you can not give me a clip." Li Hongyuan said coolly.

"Oh, when will you get a full bitter melon feast."

"Well, as long as you feed me in one bite, I don't have any opinions." Li Hongyuan continued to speak loosely.

Rao is Jingjing now "King Kong is not bad body", still feel that the dough is a bit burned, smashing someone under the table.

And Li Hongyuan deliberately took a look at Jing Hao, a pair of "you are my wife, you are too naughty to care about you", Jing Hao almost did not stretch.

Sure enough, no matter how many years, in some ways, she is never the opponent of this man.

Li Hongyuan’s attitude still seems to be not very good, but the atmosphere between the two of them is that others can’t get involved. The people present here are also open-minded. I didn’t expect him to be such a Tang Yuan. For those who don’t eat, can you pull out the person who can't change the color in any occasion? What are the people who are caught by others, no matter who they are, what are they?

"So this man, still have his wife to rule, as long as the heart really likes, what can be cured." The little grandmother said with a smile.

So, if you don’t listen to your wife’s meaning and get rid of the problem, don’t you really like your other half? The little grandmother can play a bit awkward. In addition to Li Hongyuan, the married man, the rest of the married men probably suffered.

Father Tang sighed softly. "What do you say?"

Grandma laughed and didn't talk.

In the latter half of the meal, it was quite harmonious. When everyone was together, they couldn’t eat without food. However, there was something in the mouth that was not allowed to speak, and it was not allowed to speak to the table. This is the most Basic, and certainly not too noisy.

Jing Hao was intensively raised in Qiyuan for a lifetime, and his mouth has long been raised. However, the cooks of the Tang family have done something unexpectedly, and they have done quite well. Then they don’t accidentally hear the peers. Science popularizes that Tang Yuan has been picking up his mouth since childhood, and he is picky about the cooks. The cook can only be improved. However, it turns out that he picks the pick and picks a good standard. The Tang family’s food is absolutely Can compete with the best chefs outside.

After the meal, people who have eaten and eaten, most of them have taken a half-day vacation, and they don’t have to rush to go back. They are still not so lucky to go to school. However, the places where they go to school are relatively close. Don't worry about it for the time being.

Jing Hao continued to exchange feelings with the people of the Tang family. At this time, she did not care for her peers, nor for men and women. Regardless of what she said, she basically got the message, and she was always ill, giving people a kind of confidence. Feeling, and, the feeling of communicating with her is very comfortable.

After a lap, the impressions of the people changed again. Ning Yu was very knowledgeable. Talking about ancient times, from rectification to business, from education to art, even if it was something in some professional fields, she did not know, she could also publish from the side. The view must be closely related, and it will not give people the feeling of not understanding. In addition to these, she is also good at listening and is a very good listener.

Regarding the situation of Jing Hao, except for the younger age, the rest of the people know that now I feel that the information on the information does not match the seriousness. No, it should be said that the information is too simple and one-sided, but it is all growth experience. Something that involves her own, basically not, has made some more arbitrary judgments.

But it turned out that she is so good.

The second daughter of Tang’s father is the governor of a certain province. This time he was in the emperor’s meeting. So today, she is a capable and rigorous person. Like her older brother, she also has a special preference for Tang Yuan. Obviously, the political sense of smell is very high. However, because personality problems are not suitable for politics, she is actually more regretful than Tang’s father, and even unwilling, but she is helpless. To a certain extent, she actually treats Tang Yuan as a son. My brother’s thoughts are quite ugly. Since he is a son, he will certainly be quite picky about his other half. Of course, she is an aunt and will not pass.

The second aunt is more inclined to observe than other people. Therefore, from the time she saw Jing Hao, she did not speak except to say hello.

At this time, I couldn't help but open my mouth. The problem is quite simple and straightforward. It is to ask about development. It is also the province where Jing Hao’s hometown is located. It is also the place where she went to college. This problem is very wide and very general. It’s a slap in the air.

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