MTL - Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife-v2 Chapter 584 :Three Please New Emperor

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Yu Linjun also obeyed the orders of Zhong Qing and detained the relevant personnel. Of course, this is also the three people, two princes, and one Shang Shang.

Prince Rui stared at Zhong Qing, resentful and resentful, even if there is no room for recovery, it is still difficult to calm down, "Yu Zhongqing, you are not self-deprecating loyal to the father, how has it become Li Hongyuan's dog? He What can I give you, what is the king can't afford?"

"Wang Ye's little nephew, together with others, ruined the fiancee of the court and caused him to die. Is this reason enough? The so-called sinister debt has the Lord, and the minister does not want to be a part of others. However, you don't fall down, Wang. How did you move your little sister? In addition, the lord should not be related to the former Soviet Union’s great-successor. He has destroyed the culprits of my family’s full house. If it is not because of these, the minister will not be involved. In the battle for victory, however, Prince Jin is a good master and he will be a Mingjun."

The Prince of Rui was crushed by people, and he gasped. This is actually the reason. Liu family is really his disaster star! There is also surnamed Su, surnamed Su...

Obviously, this surname Su is probably not only the ritual book, but also his mother. Of course, if he knows that Su Mingzhang also betrayed him early, he is estimated to be mad.

The prince of Rui was taken away. Yu Zhongqing turned back and looked at the book of the ritual department staring at him. The other party suddenly smiled. It is obvious that for the defeat of the king, he is more capable than the prince, perhaps early There is such psychological preparation. "At that time, there was still a fish in the home. It also made you climb to the position of the commander of the Royal Forest. It was unexpected. You know some things about me. In case, just in case, you can only get rid of the roots. ”

Yu Zhongqing's original calm face, this moment can not be stretched, clenched his teeth, tightly grasping the handle, only did not directly pull the knife to kill each other. "In the dungeon, the lower official will entertain the adults." This sentence is almost squeezed out of the teeth.

"Then, the official is waiting." The smile of the ritual Shangshu remains unchanged, apparently deliberately stimulating Zhong Zhong.

However, Yu Zhongqing's resilience is also beyond expectations, and he has not been stimulated. He is very clear that this person has value and cannot be cut directly.

The Lecheng Emperor was sent back to the palace, and all the royal doctors arrived. Today's things can't be completely saved. However, the specific situation in the palace is also said. Li Hongyuan did not order the seal, some Things probably won’t be said.

Now, the middle and the middle ministers are gathering together, waiting for the Lecheng emperor to wake up. Of course, if you can't wake up, it will be another set of regulations.

It’s okay to be stunned by the Emperor Lecheng for a while, but it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t hinder the handling of other things, but it won’t wait for up to three days. If Lecheng is not awake, they will be civil and military. The joint request for the prince to be crowned, after all, the country can not be without a day.

When Jing Hao saw Li Hongyuan go back, he was very surprised. "How come back so soon?" She even thought that he would not return to the palace.

"Oh, I suddenly didn't seem to think of the emperor as a husband." Li Hongyuan directly gave Jing Hao a thunder.

The expression on Jingjing was frozen, and then cracked a little bit. "What joke are you doing?"

Because he would be an emperor, she sat in the back position, and then she accepted the Queen’s rights. This is the correct cause and effect, not that she wants to be a queen, and then she fully supports her husband to compete for the throne, so the latter is She is just an accessory, and there is no right to do her duties. No, it is not a big deal, but he does not want to be an emperor now? Those who worked hard to help him do things, with great risks, went to the present step, and saw the fruits of victory. He was the boss, suddenly did not want it, would they agree? I am afraid that the violent leaps are light, and I am anxious. People may hang at the gate of the palace!

Moreover, Jing Hao did not think about the possibility of his improper emperor. He had already planned some things. He only had to sit in that position, and he had full support to be able to act easily. He also knew this. He was not an emperor, her hard work. Not in vain? Ok, this is not unbearable. After all, it is not really hard. but……

"You didn't say that even if you don't have a qualified heir, you can easily ruin it. Now you have to give it to someone else?"

"It’s also awkward for other people to sit in that position."

"So, it's up to you to decide what to do, why bother to do so? And, have you ever thought that if our children are good enough, but they are not emperors, they want to sit in that position, and the name is not right? I was criticized. When we were there, I certainly didn't worry, but when we left, our children and grandchildren are not the object of resolutely eradicating the emperor, and the descendants of those who now fully assist you, don't underestimate The power of the post-autumn account; and the royal clan, for the sake of the interests, they can do anything. It is very involved, so you don't want to be one place, casually good or not?" Jing Hao is really powerless Helpless, could not help but poke on his face with his hand.

Can't you do something less maddening?

Li Hongyuan grabbed Jing Hao’s hand and gently bite her green fingers, laughing and not talking.

"Hey, what do you mean, it is to give a message." Jing Hao thinks he should be joking, but this bastard, if anything really can be done, if he is "initiating sick", she also I am completely unsure of his thoughts.

Jing Hao suddenly raised a deep concern about his future. When he was in charge of his right to speak, the whole world was allowed to play with him. He sometimes played with his whim, completely driving people crazy in minutes. Rhythm. So don't you just be an emperor? However, if you think about it carefully, his ability to do things does not seem to be weakened because he can't sit on that position. Moreover, when he is an emperor, he can barely hold him in the palace, and he is in the capital, not in the emperor. When you are running around the world, how many things will you do? It’s a headache to think about it!

Li Hongyuan saw the anxiety of his wife and children. She always loved to think about it. She really couldn’t help her. Holding in my arms, I was very close.

Jing Hao resisted, and he was a self-defeating person. When he was released, his lips were red and bright with water, which seemed to be particularly confusing.

Li Hongyuan's thumb gently rubbed on her lips, and the smile was not diminished. Looking at the most gentle, but with the beauty of the world, seconds can make people faint.

However, Jing Hao’s current immunity is definitely a lever. He gave him a blank eye and slaps his hand.

Li Hongyuan was not angry at all, and he smiled happily.

Jing Hao looked at him, his heart was puzzled. Someone seems to be getting worse and worse. How do you feel a little nervous? Although there was no such situation when I was sick, it didn’t happen. It didn’t mean that he was on him. Will not exist.

Li Hongyuan grabbed Jing Hao's eyes with one hand and kissed her on the nose of Jing Hao. Her wife was so tempted to make her happy. The reaction was so interesting.

Li Hongyuan turned around and took Jing Hao into his arms. His face was smashing at her side. Things will no longer be changed. The only thing... Li Hongyuan has a little touch of Jing Wei’s belly. The eyes are a bit dark.

Jing Haowo was in his arms and looked up at him. "How is the situation in the palace? The original Wangfu is still waiting, waiting for people to come to the door. As a result, there is no one." Jing Wei said She was not disappointed, really, not at all.

According to the expectation, the normal procedure of the palace is forced to control the emperor's courtiers. The palace is surrounded by the palaces. If it is the opposite of the house, there is probably a killing order. As the public enemy, the Prince of the Kings is definitely the number one object to be attacked. The promotion of the firepower of the Prince’s Palace is not limited to this. There are countless wealth, and it’s only when you grab your hand.

The result, huh, huh...

Li Hongyuan gave a general comment on the situation in the palace.

"That said, for Rui Prince, it is we who look down on him." Jing Hao said plainly.

However, even if it is a small look, it is still like that. It was like that he only thought that he was only sixty cents. He did it 80%. In the face of two cents, he was still properly crushed.

Regarding whether he really did not want to be an emperor, Jing Hao did not get a clear answer and did not ask again.

In the next two days, Ming Ming experienced a twist and turn of the palace drama. However, Jing Hao felt no different from the past. Once suspected, there was a fake palace change. Ok, that’s true. If you want to find a relationship with Jing Hao, it’s definitely not a minority. It’s just that the door to the Prince’s Palace is not open, but the cheeky sea of ​​happiness is thrown out. Naturally no one will ever Dare to come to the door.

It is reasonable to say that Li Hongyuan should be quite busy. However, this is not the case. He has even less things in his hands than ever before. He seems to be getting long hair. Jing Hao has hesitated to look at him several times and pick up the shopkeeper. When you are so slippery, you can already foresee the sad reminder of the courtiers in the future.

What Jing Hao doesn't know is that the sad reminder is not only the courtiers, but also herself.

Moreover, the sad reminder of the courtiers has actually begun. After the palace changes, the things have gone more. The emperor did not wake up. The emperor has no matter what happened in the future. There are some things. The courtiers have the right to make suggestions, but they have no decision-making power. With. However, the people who participated in the palace change were smashed out one by one. As the main perpetrators, they basically entered the prison of the black robes, and the rest of them, as well as many family members, all entered the prison of the criminal department.

Even if it is intertwined, there are so many people involved, and no one is kind and soft, and I am determined to remove some people from the roots.

In just two or three days, although there is no **** sky, the whole capital is full of people's hearts. Even those who have not participated in it will not be able to bring two points of joy, and those who are intimate will run around as much as possible. I want to be a little bit of power for the people in prison, and here, the Locke bears the brunt.

No way, Li Hongyuan has no outsiders. The closest thing to him is his wife, Luo Jia. Moreover, Li Hongyuan’s emphasis on Jing Hao has basically become a consensus. So, it’s normal to find Luo’s family. In this case, if Luo Jia wants to close the door and thank the guests, it is very difficult. There are always people who can get to the door with a slap in the face. It’s like those who have a family with the Locke family. These people It is not too bad to be too stiff.

In the need of these people, there is not much that Mrs. Luo’s personal reception is required. The mothers of Jing’s mothers are different. Basically, they are ushered in and there is no time to stop, especially as a prince of Jin. Zhang’s mother-in-law’s Zhang has never been so popular, and she is not very good at it. However, she remembers Mrs. Luo’s words. In short, no matter who they are, no matter what they say, they can’t understand. Do not understand, do not want anything.

Zhang is also quite wronged, then what, really, after the event, her "stupid white sweet" name is estimated to spread throughout the capital, but in order not to trouble her daughter, she still resolutely executed the mother-in-law if.

The juniors were not spared, especially Sun Yijia, most of the people in the government of the country were imprisoned, but the people who got married did not know how many, the elders cried in front of her, even at the expense of direct, Give her a kneel, this is not asking for help, this is coercion.

Sun Yijia’s face was so dark that she could drip, but she insisted on the principle and refused to agree.

Obviously, such an attitude, of course, angered those people, crying into a swearing, what is not heart, no conscience, white-eyed wolf, these are actually quite civilized, and finally because the trouble is really out of place, It was sent by Mrs. Luo’s wife.

Sun Yijia didn't cry, but she could see that she should be very uncomfortable. It would be a pain to look at it. It would be better to cry like this.

The Zhongzhong Zhongchen, who was not involved, was still surrounded by the Lecheng Emperor’s palace. There were three left in the four pavilions. Apart from the old book of the Ministry of Finance, the position of the vacant position was never arranged. There are only three of the remaining five. In addition to the Book of Rites, the book of the Ministry of Military Affairs has also been folded.

Wait a little longer, if...

"The adults, the emperor woke up." The general manager of the Lecheng emperor came out for the first time.

These big cockroaches went in, and the royal doctors were busy going back to the side.

"Chen and so on see the emperor."

However, the business of Licheng’s Lieutenant’s mouth was unable to make a clear voice, and the mouth was obviously skewed and the right hand was bent to the inside.

- The emperor's stroke, stunned. These big guys got this kind of cognition almost the first time, but that's fine.

Zhai Ruizhong did not get up, but he did not know what to do after the palace was changed. He seems to want to say something, but unfortunately, no one understands, in fact, does not need to understand, Lecheng is now No matter what he wants to say, his words are no longer important.

After the general matter is over, it is time to go to the highlight of today’s day. It is a slap in the face of the incomprehensible behavior of Prince Kang and the Prince of Rui, and the enthusiasm for the upbringing and teaching of the emperor. The country can not be without a day, the emperor is now in a state of sorrow, when the emperor is passed down, peace of mind.

That's right, it's not a matter of storing the state, but giving up.

Le Chengdi’s eyes are bigger, and it seems like he’s still dying!

And the people who are squatting below, whether they understand it or not understand it, except for those who talk, the rest are eyes and noses, and ignore it.

Since one person is going to be an emperor, it is natural to start to pull in the emperor. The two who have already entered the dungeon must not, and then the latter, even though they already know that they have already been prescribed medicine, from the latter, It’s really only Li Hongyuan, but don’t take it out to stimulate the emperor. Besides, even if there are no descendants, you can pass the clan. I believe many people will be very happy, so this is not really Hard condition.

After the age is too small, the rule is not counted, the front, one by one has been thrown out a variety of deficiencies, from birth, to temperament, to ability, finished, it seems that Li Hongyuan, Li Hongyuan Beginning with all kinds of exaggeration, the mother is Emperor Gui, and Huang Guifei is called the deputy. After all, Li Hongyuan is half a scorpion. It is just a big part of this, and then, from other places. All kinds of praise, but also basically pick up the words that the emperor himself said before, from head to toe, from inside to outside, there is no bad place.

Such a person, that is the natural emperor, the throne, who is who he is.

People can hear it one by one. Is this really a living king?

Even though, Prince Jin himself does not want to be famous, and does not care about his reputation. They can't care. The reputation of an emperor sometimes involves the stability of the country.

Therefore, he must be covered, whitewashed, packaged, for example, the devil, this is involved in the forced palace, it is a trace of one can not leak out, even if there are many people, but as long as there is no problem with the brain, absolutely not Will mention, do not need Li Hongyuan to seal the password, they will take the initiative to seal.

Qi Ruizhong said that he said that he played, and then he personally prepared a copy of the book, and then sent the imperial edict and the jade to the Lecheng emperor, "please use the emperor to print." And now the Lecheng emperor, there is no Picking up the power of the jade, and, so coerced, he must be able to use the Indians to be strange, and the resentful and hateful eyes glared at Rui Ruizhong, as if he had never known him as a capable first assistant.

In the middle of the eye, the eyebrows are very respectful. They hold the hand of Lecheng Emperor and cover the jade. The anger in the eyes of the Lecheng Emperor is almost consolidating.

Subsequently, Zhai Ruizhong held the jade to return to its original position. "Chen and other people would follow the emperor's holy shrine." Get up, eagerly swear a few words, and take care of the emperor.

Others have seen the whole process in their eyes, and they are so stunned that they are so powerful that Luo Peishan also sighs.

"Some things, there must always be someone to do." Rui Ruizhong holds the imperial edict, a sigh of sigh. "This official is almost the same age, and the new emperor will be enthroned. The official will return home."

Others heard the words, mostly silent, understood the meaning of 阮瑞中, things he came to bear, of course, if no problem is best.

They all saw the attitude of the Prince of Jin. Instead of letting him use **** means to achieve his goal, it is better for them to give him a way to let him be righteous, so as to avoid the death and injury of innocent people and prevent a possible movement. Moreover, Regarding ability, Jin Prince should be the best candidate. Although he has never seen him do things, but with the things he is doing behind him, he can see one or two. The only thing that needs to be worried is probably his temperament. If it is really happy. Irritated, hehe...

Luo Peishan took a look at Rui Ruizhong, and he secretly screamed at the old fox. He didn’t believe that he was so righteous and degraded himself. This is clearly the opportunity to take the opportunity, but if you don’t know what the other side is doing, maybe I was really cheated.

It’s the same, just because he is the grandfather of Jin’s prince, so if things are done by him, it will definitely be considered selfish. The old fox will do it, and it will make people sigh and even bend over and express. gratitude.

"The old man is righteous, and he is very happy. We are not as good as it is."

Listen, Luo Peishan's lips moved, bowed, lest he accidentally did not hide his emotions.

"Don't say it, now the capital is in chaos, we should respect the new emperor and preside over the overall situation." Li Ruizhong smashed the sleeves.


As a result, a group of people rushed out of the palace and went to the Prince of Jin Dynasty to declare their intentions. At this time, of course, it was not the eunuch.

When these people went out of the palace, the news naturally spread out at the fastest speed. Before they arrived at the Prince’s Palace, all the people who knew it knew it.

This is not without knowing that it is wrong. It should not let Li Hongyuan sit on the throne. However, after thinking about it, after all, he did not stand up. To death, the "history of staying in the green" is not something that everyone has the courage to do. Especially, the main child like Li Hongyuan, you are dead, it is completely white death.

In the cabinet of the old cabinet, several books are headed, in front of the Prince of Jin, holding the imperial edict, and courting the Prince of Jin to become the emperor.

And this sacred purpose, although it is expected, Jing Hao still feels that the efficiency of doing things is a bit high, so quickly get it? Didn't you struggle with your heart?

Li Hongyuan seems to see what she is thinking, pinching her white earrings without earrings. "The junjie of the dynasty is more than you expected."

At any time, there is no shortage of people with integrity, just, sometimes, not so good.

"So, lord, what do you want to do, don't you want to go out and take the matter?" Seeing someone who is indifferent, Jing Hao always has a bad idea.

"They asked the king to ascend the throne, and the king went to the throne?" Li Hongyuan glanced at her.

Jing Hao silently watched him for a moment, forget it, no matter what. Although Qiyuan does not have the "three new emperors", let him create one, and love tossing will toss, let those courtiers start to exercise the heart now.

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