MTL - Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife-v2 Chapter 577 : a twist of twists and turns

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When the arrow flew, Li Hongyuan took Jing Hao down to the side, and the rest, including Gong Yu, had already opened his coat in an instant, shivering and copying in the air, and then it was over. Most of the arrows, the rest, are also cleverly avoided, and the speed of the soldiers to put the arrows themselves has a sequence, the first round of arrows is actually not so much, but those who avoid the arrows, but continue to fly Go to the opposite companion.

They are not far from the soldiers around them. The soldiers probably did not expect this to be the result. Some of them could not react, they were quickly close, and the scene became confused instantly, and the original bow and arrow naturally lost its effect. When they counterattacked with their own blade, they have been harvested several lives.

And their counterattacks are not so satisfactory. In fact, as Li Hongyuan expected, there is basically no conflict with Zhang Guo. The garrison here is still neat, but it is only a shelf, really facing the scene of life and death. Not to mention effective attacks, opposite these fiercely concealed guards, not even courageously attacking.

Now Jingjing is not afraid of any poison, and Li Hongyuan is always with her, Gong Jiu is not so much scruples, the poison of the body, do not want to spread out like money, of course, because the scope of the sacred objects of the Yi people is One foot, in order to ensure the effect, he left Jingyi alone, and everyone else tried to be within Jingyi, but to avoid accidentally hurting his own people, the soldiers in the Jingyi area were also " Asylum, they can only rely on their secret defense.

At the same time, Li Hongyuan, who had not done much before, also opened the door at this moment.

However, because he wants to protect Jingjing from time to time, the action is naturally greatly hindered, and the lethality is also weakened. If Jing Hao is not pregnant, he can tie Jing Hao to his back, but now he can't, but in Li Hongyuan, It's not too big a problem. The left is just the action that doesn't need to be big and big. The action is relatively small. With the knife that you have taken, you can go down with a knife and a knife.

Jing Hao is in the eyes, the heart jumps quickly, but it is not flustered. I thought that the end of the mortal, once again, a reversal, if you can live well, naturally it is a good thing, tightly carrying Li Hongyuan, and always with his movements, and dagger, also tight Hold it in the hand, she will shoot whenever she needs it.

Although the other party has a lot of people and they are fighting, they still don't have much chance of winning. However, no one will give up, and no one will think so much.

With more and more blood on the body, the dress has changed color, and there are many hands on the face. The **** smell is abnormally clear, and Jing Hao is more and more calm. During the period, he shot twice from behind Li Hongyuan. Retreat, and as long as the other party sees the blood is enough, because the dagger was poisoned by Gong Jiu in the first two days, directly causing the wound, which is more effective than Gong Jiu, the second, the third life from Jing Wei The hand disappeared, but she could no longer make her heart rise again.

Li Hongyuan looked in his eyes and found that Jing Hao was very cautious. He never let her go, and let her act. In his eyes, Jing Hao was also changing rapidly, and he was more and more coincident with the one in his previous life. many. Sure enough, even if the external environment is different, her bones are always the same.

Melee is a group, but the other side is even more people, but it also has its disadvantages, because these people can not all embrace.

I don't know when Sun Yilin has retired. In fact, this situation is beyond his expectations. Some things have never been touched. I don't know if these soldiers will be so wasteful. More than 300 people are dealing with it. Ten people come out in the first place, and they are killed by them. If the army of Qiyuan is like this, then nothing can be done. You can open the door directly, welcome the enemy, and let the people go.

Obviously, it is a must-win situation. However, there is no fluctuation in his heart. Perhaps it is because of the increased understanding of Li Hongyuan. In his view, it is not a strange thing to be able to be reversed by Li Hongyuan.

However, he still doesn't worry much, 30 times the number advantage, people can bury the other person and watch the fierce, but they have also begun to get hurt, this person, in the face of death, also There will be an infinite potential, and, "Go up, all go up, they will be a little bit, kill them, everyone will reward, they will not die, you are dead." Sun Shoubei's encouragement also obviously plays a role .

Sun Yilin’s eyes always fell on Jing Hao’s body. It was the appearance he had never seen before. Even if he was inconvenienced, he was still courageous, determined, and sensitive. He and Li Hongyuan cooperated with each other, and Li Hongyuan’s action was also coming. The more succinct, the tacit understanding, there is really no room for others to intervene.

Sun Yilin looked as if he had entered the gods, and he suddenly regained his gaze, bowed his head, and his body trembled. However, he could not see his face completely, and he did not know what the reason was.

Suddenly he looked up again, and the trembling of his body disappeared. He turned his head and looked at the direction they had before, as if there was movement. Sun Yilin looked at the scene that was still in a mess, and prepared to go through the woods to get rid of the situation. Now it is not suitable for accidents.

However, only a little and a half, Sun Yilin stopped moving forward, do not have to look at it, then the obvious hooves, the number is still not a few, and can be in such a place, the speed is not slow, one or two even, this Many people will be strange people.

The safest way is to leave immediately. No matter who you are, you have nothing to do with yourself. However, Sun Yilin does not think so. If you want to hide your life for a lifetime, it is definitely not the day he wants. In fact, in the future. What will happen? He never thought about it. There is probably no such thing as a future.

He used to control Sun Shoubei and let him cooperate with himself. Sometimes, he always had to take risks.

Sun Yilin picked up a bow from the ground and pulled out the arrow from a nearby person. The family son and the gentleman are all indispensable. In fact, Sun Yilin’s archery has always been good, but he is not I need this to add to his icing on the cake. Therefore, he is practicing in private, and there are not many people who know it.

Aiming, the goal is Jing Hao and Li Hongyuan, but there is no specific goal. Anyway, they are in that position. It doesn't matter if they don't shoot. Anyway, his goal is not to hurt people.

With a bang, Li Hongyuan and Jing Hao were discovered at the same time. Jing Hao was seen, and Li Hongyuan relied on his ear force. He didn’t even think about it. Jing Hao was in front of Li Hongyuan. However, Jing Hao once did “bad things”. "Because, this arrow is not a threat to Li Hongyuan. It is not difficult to take it down. It is a hindrance to Jing Hao, but it hinders his shot. He has no time to do anything. Li Hongyuan Pushing it away, then a sideways, perfect to avoid the past.

When things were not finished, Jing Hao was pushed out and was caught off guard. He rushed forward two steps and cared about Li Hongyuan’s situation. He hurriedly turned back and did not pay attention to the situation in front of him. At this moment, a hand buckle Live her neck while a short blade is on her neck.

Relying on the person who held her, Jing Hao stood firm, licked his lips, and looked at Li Hongyuan, who had completely stopped, and said nothing.

"Stop." Li Hongyuan did not go forward, coldly ordered.

And his people are also forbidden. In fact, because the distance is relatively close, what happened, even if it was not noticed for the first time, this time is also true, even one of them, only one more than Jingjing However, when Sun Shoubei touched in, he was already clear, and quickly took Jingjing back, and the blood beads on Jing’s neck fully explained that he would definitely kill him immediately.

Jing Hao always looked at Li Hongyuan, "Don't care for me", it will not be exported, because even if he said it, he will not listen. Suddenly turned to look at Sun Yilin, the eyes of the hatred of the bones, really, she has never hated a person so much, even if she had once counted her Fang Jiafei.

Sun Yilin’s heart stabbed a bit, and let Jing Hao feel his emotions. It’s probably worthy of being happy. However, deep hatred still makes people feel sad.

Because of the chaos, because Li Hongyuan’s people have already killed their eyes, they will only ruthlessly kill the nearby enemies. The attention to the outside will naturally weaken. The only thing that can be divided into one or two points is only Li Hongyuan, because he is protected, and because he wants to protect Jing Hao, the former creates conditions for him to be distracted. The latter forces him to pay attention and whether he can succeed. It is really hard to say, but it is still successful.

"What are you doing, don't kill them!" Sun Shoubei assassin is very excited, very excited, as long as the Jin Prince is dead, as long as he is dead...

However, before they could act, the outside screamed.

The sound of the horseshoes and the sound of the arrows breaking through the air, accompanied by a "killing innocent", more and more soldiers fell to the ground, and at this time, Li Hongyuan’s dark guards once again shot .

This time, it was purposeful, with Li Hongyuan standing out, and the outside also tearing open a mouth, the hatchback merged, and Li Hongyuan was completely safe.

The garrison troops were still being ruthlessly strangled, and there was no resistance. The venue was quickly emptied.

However, the people who came to the rescue did not dare to speak out, but they were still fighting, and it was already dead.

During this period, Jing Hao has been taken away for quite a long distance. Sun Shoubei is leaning against a tree. Jing Hao is in front of him and looks at the left and right with vigilance. But anyone who takes a step forward and arrives at Jing’s neck. The short blade is a deeper one.

Sun Yilin also relied on the past at the very beginning, so now, there are three people opposite, facing more than 300 people here. This situation is similar to the initial confrontation, but obviously still has Huge difference, before Li Hongyuan, they are still in a weak position, but still calm, now, well, among the three people, only Sun Shoubei can not stop shaking.

However, his trembling hand made the sharp edge continue to penetrate into the flesh and blood of Jing.

Li Hongyuan looked in his eyes and felt pain in his heart, but he did not easily look at it. It was just the anger of this heart, showing the awkward atmosphere, so that the sea of ​​help to rescue could not help but swallow, knowing He is one of the least feared of Li Hongyuan, and now he can't help but want to stay away.

However, things are in trouble. He knows the sea and scratches his head. He is a mother in the heart. What kind of guys are these guys who dare to pull their teeth in the tiger's mouth? It is simply that the old Shouxing is too long.

Instead, Sun Yilin suddenly shot and grabbed Sun Shoubei’s hand and let his hand move away.

Jing Hao did not put the tingling sensation in her heart. Like most of Li Hongyuan, it seems that she does not feel pain at all. Her eyes are only Li Hongyuan, who is the only person she cares about right now.

Li Hongyuan knows what Sun Yilin wants, but it seems that he is not very sure. He has not spoken for a while.

And Sun Yilin is more like a water stop, and there is no intention to speak. It is very difficult and easy to deal with Li Hongyuan. It is because it is very difficult, and it is easy to grasp the soft underbelly. It is easy to deal with it. Become a consensus throughout the world.

In the end, Li Hongyuan couldn’t hold back, which is inevitable.

"What do you want?"

How about? To be honest, Sun Yilin is really not very clear, even if he is in danger, he has seized Jing Hao, and the original specific purpose is really not clear. He does not want to and will not hurt Jing Hao, but to grasp Jing Hao is to completely get out? - After all, if he had just left, the overnight order would not last long, and it would be like a shadow - but obviously not; is to see Li Hongyuan being restrained by him, whispering? In fact, it is not. In Sun Yilin’s mind, he excluded Jingyin’s factor. He actually admired Li Hongyuan’s. He’s so many sons, he’s not in the middle of it, and his cousin’s cousin Kang is actually quite unbearable, in Li Hongyuan’s in him. When he was exposed in front of him, he felt the emperor's power on him. At that time, he already had a choice in his heart.

So, what do he want to do now, um, I really don't know.

Sun Yilin is very awake, but the brain seems to be very chaotic, and there is a feeling that I don’t know what day it is.

It’s a squeaky horseshoe, but this time it’s very clear, just a horse.

Looking back, you don't have to look very clear, you know that it is the black girl around Jing Hao, because the black girl does have characteristics compared to other people. However, the black girl is not alone, and there is a person in front of her.

As the approaching, the black girl turned over and pulled down the man on the horse. Compared to the black girl, it was just a weak woman. She was caught by the black girl. It was very embarrassing and embarrassing. It was easy to stand still.

"Sun Yilin, you dare to hurt Wang Hao a hair, I lived her." The black girl was exposed to fierce light, and at the same time, the woman in her hand was licked by her neck, pale, and even some blue, enough to prove that Black girl is definitely not a joke.

And this person, Jing Hao naturally recognizes - Yu Yuan.

Yan Yuan, Li Hongyuan is naturally very clear, and at this time, the eyes flashed deep thoughts, and some things were carefully thought about before and after, and came to a conclusion that it is not so important, but it is still important. From the attitude of Sun Yilin to treat her, she has a status in his heart, a deep analysis, this position is still very heavy, very heavy, because, to a certain extent, Yi Yuan is actually the only Sun Yilin.

Nowadays, people who still care about Sun Yilin are not without, such as Sun Yijia, such as Mrs. Sun, but both of them have more important things. The minds placed on him will become weaker over time. There was once a small shackle around him, but the little scorpion had already fallen into the hands of Li Hongyuan’s men, and he had experienced torture, but now he does not know.

Yi Yuan is the only one, not only the one who is only with him, but also the absolute sincerity, the hot feelings, and all others who have been on Sun Yilin’s body. Sun Yilin has never encountered it, and probably will not have the first Two, can he really be indifferent to her being in danger?

Li Hongyuan had a good eyesight. Although Sun Yilin was covered, his hands were behind him, and he was still faintly discovering that he was not right. "Black girl, let people go first."

The black girl will not disobey him.

Yu Yuan has gradually lost consciousness, suddenly being loosened, slamming a bite of air into the lungs, coughing up, screaming and burning, and people are gradually waking up.

Perhaps it is because of coughing, physical tears can not stop falling, looks unreasonable.

After easing the god, the eyes looked at Sun Yilin for a moment, and looked at it, tears fell even more fierce, which is obviously not caused by physiological reasons. "Some things, you said early, why don't you say it earlier?" Yi Yuan seems to be accused, but more is sad, and sadness is at its best.

Still no one is talking.

"I am not married, I have to follow you without a face." The voice of Yi Yuan went down. "But, as of today's step, I am so reluctant, why are you so cruel, so unrequited. The person you put in your heart is a married woman. If you forget it, you still have to do it yourself. If you are not a human being, the most sad thing is that even if you are not a person, I still like you. It is my own guilt, but, Sun Yilin, if I am dead, will you look at me with a wink? "Yu Yuan just looked at him, then looked at it, but in her eyes, Sun Yilin was always indifferent.

The last glory of the point in the eyes of Yi Yuan also disappeared. The so-called mourning is greater than the death of the heart, not so.

"If you want to use me to threaten Sun Yilin, it is wrong to pay attention now. His person has long been a person. But you killed me, I can't live anymore." Yuan Yuan's voice is low, saying If it is, that is the last words.

However, when Yi Yuan closed her eyes, Sun Yilin had an action. He lifted his foot and walked step by step.

And he only walked three steps. With a bang, an arrow flew out and pierced the thigh from the top of his knee. He couldn’t feel it, he was still limping forward, and it was a bang. The other leg, the same place, has another arrow, the speed is slow, but it has not stopped.

In the third arrow, the target was Sun Yilin's arm. When she heard the movement, she opened her eyes and was shocked. It was hard to say that she saw the fourth arrow shot through another arm. Suddenly she struggled wildly and almost broke free. The black girl’s jealousy. "Don't shoot, don't shoot, please don't shoot..." Yu Yuan collapsed.

However, the words of Yi Yuan obviously have no effect, however, "enough." Jing Hao two words, let the people who continue to aim down.

The reason why Jing Hao will speak is not because she has moved her heart to Sun Yilin, but because she is married to her.

At the same time, Jing Hao also felt that there was almost no cockroach behind him, and he quickly appeared.

The person who used to aim at Sun Shoubei by hand was ready to take action. In a flash, Sun Shoubei became a hedgehog and could not die any more.

Li Hongyuan almost felt Jing Hao around the first time, saw the small blood hole in Jing Hao's neck and shoulders, his face was gloomy and terrible, and Gong Jiu also arrived.

Fortunately, there must be a distance from the blood vessels, and some medicine will be scarred soon.

Li Hongyuan brought Jing Hao back and was quickly surrounded by people. This is a complete safety. I believe that there will be no more changes.

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