MTL - Two-dimensional Yellow Hair System-v15 Chapter 5 DC Gods List

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star city.

When Yagami Taiji appeared in the coffee shop drinking coffee as usual, Wonder Woman Diana appeared, wearing not her usual combat costumes, but ordinary women's decorations.

Even so, this kind of clothes can't hide her heroism.

Before the New Fifty-Two, Diana's setting was always made by her mother out of clay, but after the New Fifty-Two, the setting she got was the illegitimate daughter of Zeus.

Sitting directly opposite Yagami Taiji, they also ordered a cup of coffee. Diana stared intently at Yagami Taiji.

"Is there anything you want to ask me?"

Yagami Taiji took a sip of coffee and said: "My time is limited, and I still have to watch a few theaters in a hurry..."

When speaking, Yagami Taiji was more absent-minded, because ninety-nine percent of his power escaped into the boundless void, approaching the wall of origin, and observing everything on the wall of origin at close range.

At this time, although Yagami Taiji has lost 99% of his power, his own strength can still beat everything on the earth, so on earth, Yagami Taiji will not be humiliated because of his lack of strength.

"Our Justice League can agree to your request, but you have to release Louise, and we will work hard for everything that follows."

Diana remembers that the main purpose of coming here is to let Yagami Taiji release Louise, and then have a good negotiation. It is best to let Yagami Taiji give up his unrealistic imagination. After all, wanting to make this world There is no dispute on the Internet, it is really impossible.

"How are you going to stop the dispute? Does it all depend on your words?"

Yagami Taiji turned his head, and said with contempt, "Don't be funny, I have seen all the farce you have made during this time, and I am really disappointed with you."

In the Justice League, after Batman, the wise man, stopped thinking, the rest of the people used their muscles and heels to think. They wanted to rely on their mouths to resolve disputes. During this period of time, they also saw that it was simply not feasible.


Diana clapped one hand on the table, making a loud noise, and at the same time, her palms were numb.

Normally, Diana's hand slapped down fiercely, not to mention the table, the store was about to collapse, but she had no control power under the rage just now, but everything around her didn't change much. The backlash hit her, which made Diana take a closer look at Yagami Taiji's strength.

"Diana, in this world, you have been affected by some kind of influence. You are often angry and angry. The goodness in your heart will always be left behind. Didn't you find anything wrong? "

Yagami Taiji looked at Diana and said.

In Injustice, if it is said that the blackening of Superman is a step-by-step degeneration, then the blackening of Wonder Woman is a bit inexplicable. Before Superman has not been blackened, Wonder Woman has already been blackened, and Constantly instigated along the way, and merciless when it was time to strike, he was a complete fan of Superman.

Diana was taken aback when she heard the words, and then she felt a kind of anger burning in her heart all the time.

There is hatred, greed, and hatred for Louise in this flame.

This is something that has been buried in her heart for some time, and it is usually buried in the deepest part of Diana's heart, but the moment Louise died, this thing quickly took root and sprouted, It grew up and took shape in an instant, and it has always been in her heart since then. The Secret of Rebirth

It cannot be expelled, but can only be restrained by oneself.

"what should I do?"

Diana felt the flames inside her body and asked suspiciously.

"To help more people in need, the situation will naturally get better."

Yagami Taiji said: "As for the release of Louise, it depends on your performance, and see if you can make this world free from disputes and wars, so that people can understand each other. If you can't, then only I can do it myself , when the killing happens, and the world repeats itself, don't blame me."

After Yagami Taiji said these words, he stood up and was about to leave.

Diana watched from behind, turned her feet, and flew forward. An orange mantra lasso appeared in her hand, and she lashed at Yagami Taiji.

The rope tightened suddenly.

Yagami Taiji stood beside Diana holding the other side of the rope, and the mantra lasso was completely tied to Diana's body.

Diana's small means did not pose any threat to Yagami Taiji at all.

The mantra lasso is also Diana's weakness. After being tied up, she will lose her divine power. At this time, Diana knelt down on the ground, staring blankly at Yagami Taiji holding the rope in front of her.

This kind of scene is very similar to the person next to Diana holding the pet dog.

"What exactly do you want? How do you want us to do it?"

Diana looked at Yagami Taiji and asked, "We don't know how to meet your request. We can only maintain the peace of this world, and we cannot turn this world into a new world without exploitation and oppression."

Under the lasso of truth, this is also Diana's heartfelt voice.

A bright yellow scroll appeared in Yagami Taiji's hand, and it was gently placed on the coffee shop table. As soon as the hand is loosened, the mantra lasso has been completely withdrawn.

"Then I will give you a simple task, just write the name on this scroll."

Yagami Taiji said: "It's just that when you write the name, you need a little blood from the other party. As long as you can fill up the list, this new world will come naturally, but in the process, you are likely to be unavoidable. Encountered some battles, even very cruel."

After saying this, Yagami Taiji looked at his watch and hurried out, muttering that he would not be able to keep up with the theater or something.

Diana stood up and picked up the bright yellow scroll with one hand, which felt like an ordinary paper.

However, at the front of this paper, the three Chinese characters on the Fengshen Bang are captivating.

With the bright yellow "Banquet of Gods", Diana got up and went back to the Justice League, completely spread the list of gods, and let the various technologies of the Justice League begin to scan and verify how mysterious the list of gods is.

It's just that, except for the supercomputer's analysis of the meaning of the three people on the Fengshen List, this paper is completely like ordinary paper, without any mystery at all, but there is one thing that does not conform to common sense, that is, even with Superman Even the power of the gods can't tear apart this list of gods.

pet king

"What should we do? Fill up this list? Such a small piece of paper, if a person's name is written larger, it can be filled directly."

Hal Jordan looked at the list of Gods below, and said.

"it's not true!"

Bruce Wayne interrupted, and at the same time took the computer in his hand, and released the information on the list of gods searched on the Internet.

"The list of gods is a rumor in China. It is said that holding the list can confer gods. After the names are written, they must be classified as gods and then have the priesthood."

"These priesthoods include the highest Jade Emperor, the five elders of the five directions, the four meritorious officers, the four celestial masters, the four gods, the five Jiedi, the five qi true monarchs... a total of three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods. Except for the righteous gods In addition, there is also the land of the mountain gods, the city **** of the underworld, if we follow what Yagami Taiji said completely, then we are likely to create a heavenly court, which is a very terrifying force."

While analyzing, Bruce Wayne retrieved additional information and said, "But it's not that we have nothing to gain. After Yagami Taiji revealed that he has a relationship with the Eastern God System, I found it in the Eastern God System. I found someone very similar to him, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!"

"East Emperor Taiyi?"

Clark has some doubts.

"However, according to Chinese myths and legends, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was in charge of the Three Realms before and above the Jade Emperor. He was the Emperor of Heaven, and also in charge of the Chaos Clock. With this Chaos Clock in hand, he is invincible first, combined with our knowledge of Yagami Taiji, I judge that he is Donghuang Taiyi!"

Bruce Wayne said this with a bit of arbitrariness, but after the people of the Justice League heard it, they felt that there was a little truth.

It is the power of space that drives Clark from the three-dimensional world to the two-dimensional world.

It's the power of time to save Metropolis and Louise.

And not only that, Yagami Taiji's own combat effectiveness is also terrifyingly strong, and he can easily play the Justice League in applause.

"Clark, we know that your power comes from the sun, but in Eastern myths and legends, the son of Taiyi is the sun, also known as the Golden Crow, so Clark, when you face Yagami Taiji, you will inevitably be controlled by others."

Bruce Wayne continued to analyze.

The members of the Justice League around felt very interested. They didn't expect that Yagami Taiji, who was beside them, could have such an early history. UU Reading

When looking at the list of gods in front of them again, none of the crowd dared to underestimate it casually.

"So what should we do with this list? Fill it with what Yagami Taiji said?"

Clark asked, this is a problem related to Louise, and it must be resolved quickly. If it is resolved early, maybe Louise will be able to pick her up before giving birth to her son.

"I think we should be cautious, and if one is wrong, it is likely to create a god."

Bruce Wayne said: "I think we should carefully find out the details of Yagami Taiji, Diana, you go back to Paradise Island, talk to your family, and see if there is anything about Yagami Taiji and Donghuang Taiyi. For information, it is best to go to Mount Olympus, and Hal Jordan, please go to Atlantis, we need to learn from Aquaman, Shazam, you also..."

Bruce Wayne assigned a task, trying to find out the traces of the Heavenly Court from all aspects of history.