MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 87

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All the famous families in the upper echelon of the Fucheng heard about the full moon banquet for the younger brother of the Wei Mansion.

It turns out that the Wei Mansion didn't do much.

Even the Wei Mansion didn't even invite people from the chamber of commerce, so they all speculated whether Wei Cheng didn't like the little brother who was born.

These high-ranking famous families are all acting on the basis of the wind, thinking that Wei Cheng doesn't like the little brother so they don't hold a full moon banquet, so there is no need to go there to make fun of themselves, and they don't think about sending congratulatory gifts to show their faces.

Some people who wanted to send someone to Weicheng imagined that the husband of Weicheng would definitely dislike Weicheng after giving birth to a brother, and he would be abandoned in a short time. Originally, he was dismissed as a person from Weifu, but now he is about to move.

It's just that these famous families all guessed wrong——

It was the day of the full moon for the little brother of the Wei Mansion.

Jinzhou Baizhen Building and Baiweifang set off firecrackers early in the morning, and the crackling of firecrackers resounded through the commercial street, attracting many people to watch.

There is a sign at the door saying that the owner is happy, discounts, unlimited purchases.

Especially after the opening of Baizhen Building, the products sold there are novelty and expensive, and some people say that there are even high-ranking officials in the imperial city who sell them in the imperial city. It's just that if you want to buy more than the limited edition of Baizhenlou, it depends on whether your status is included in the list of real distinguished guests of Baizhenlou.

The price of Baizhenlou products in Fucheng has increased a lot, and some products have even doubled the price. The price is high and the quality is high, which is not affordable for ordinary people. Even if some people grit their teeth and buy Baizhenlou snacks, they can only buy it once or half a time.

There is a discount this time, and many people want to take advantage of this opportunity to buy.

As soon as the staff of Baizhenlou yelled out the happy event of the owner, the onlookers were all amazed, congratulating the full moon for a little brother, it's such a big battle, how much you dote on this little doll.

When I was surprised, I flocked to the snack area and daily use area of ​​Baizhen Building to choose.

The shop in Baizhenlou in Fucheng is more than twice as large as that in the county, and the goods on the shelves are exquisite and expensive.

Baizhen Building has three facades, one facade is designed as an open counter, and the shelves behind the counter are dedicated to displaying some of the products displayed on the day.

The goods inside are divided into several areas, such as snacks area, daily-use area such as candles and soaps, dry goods area and boutique area. The boutique area is the most expensive product in Baizhen Building. The reception in this area is either rich or expensive, and only spend one hundred taels to buy VIPs Silver card or above VIP card to enter.

When customers go in to buy products, the sliding door of the display counter is pushed open, displaying today's key products, which are still new products.

There was another exclamation from outside!

People who bought goods inside were all curious and went out, and they exclaimed at the same time after seeing it!

Such cute and exquisite puppet dolls, including rabbits, bears, various animal shapes, some are round, some are as big as a child, and some are as big as a palm......

There are also children's toys that have never been seen before, exquisite and rare.

There is also a baby bottle, with a chubby milk doll like a Fuwa hanging next to it, drinking the milk in the bottle... The color painting is vivid.

The above price made the onlookers gasp!

The staff of Baizhenlou yelled at the counter: "These children's toys and dolls are unique new products that our boss personally prepared for the full moon gift of the young master."

Wow-! !

The onlookers exclaimed one after another!

Wei Cheng was so generous in celebrating the full moon for his little brother.

When the news spread, the famous upper-class families in Fucheng were really surprised. They all knew that Boss Wei didn't dislike his little brother, but loved him too much.

As for why there is no big banquet, some famous families guessed the reason, and some famous families didn't understand.

Whether you understand it or not, when you get the news, you know that Wei Cheng attaches great importance to the little brother, and the wealthy businessmen from aristocratic families who have dealt with Wei Cheng or want to make friends with him all go to prepare a full moon gift for the little brother.

In addition to preparations, the wives of famous families, and those with children at home, never forget to send people to Baizhenlou to buy toys and dolls.

In fact, not only these upper-class famous families but also wealthy businessmen misunderstood that Wei Cheng was disliked by his younger brother, even Wei Zhou's two families thought it was.

They saw that the full moon ceremony was not a big deal, and with Wei Cheng's current status, he should have invited many guests, but after they learned that the little brother's full moon banquet was all from his family, they thought that the little brother had no place in Wei Cheng's heart.

Anxi is busy with anxieties, thinking that Wei Cheng is dissatisfied with his husband for giving birth to a little brother.

Guessing that Wei Cheng didn't like his little brother's speculation, he was worried for Zhou Yuan at the same time.

Wei's mother didn't like this elder brother and grandson, so she and the Wei family members sat in the gazebo in the back garden, slandering Zhou Yuan and the younger brother.

"What kind of full moon banquet does a little brother hold, what a waste!"

"that is!"

Aunt Wei and Aunt Wei echoed Mother Wei's words, making fun of Zhou Yuan for giving birth to a little brother.

Wen Lanzhi, Aunt Wei and Wei Yu looked worried and were too lazy to talk.

They all could see that the things Wei Cheng prepared for the little brother were all the best, and it was impossible not to love him.

It's just that some people still can't figure it out!

the other side-

"Yuan Yuan, son-in-law, don't you like small glutinous rice balls?"

Zhou Yuan looked helpless and amused as he watched his mother and a few friends worry about him.

Ren Nianluo: "..." After hearing Zhou's mother ask Wei Cheng if he didn't like small glutinous rice balls, he immediately froze.

Wei Cheng doesn't like small glutinous rice balls? !

What are you talking about!

If anyone in this family loves the little glutinous rice **** the most, it is the number one in Weicheng.

Whenever he is free at home on weekdays, he hugs the little glutinous rice **** and does not let go. If the little glutinous rice **** cry, he will be the first to run over to hug them. He will do all the feeding and changing of diapers by himself, let alone preparing them for the little glutinous rice balls........ What do you like to call!

Zhou Yuan didn't know how to say that his husband loved Xiaotangyuan very much, even more than his mother and father. He could only take care of Xiaotangyuan in Wei Cheng on weekdays, and tell his parents what he did, and then He smiled softly; "When I was pregnant with Xiaotangyuan, my husband was looking forward to having a little brother all day long. He loved Xiaotangyuan more than me. As for the fact that he didn't hold banquets much, he felt that we were only able to gain a firm foothold in Fucheng. Husband has always kept a low profile practice."

Zhou's mother and Zhou Yuan's friends were worried.

front yard -

A group of men were drinking tea and chatting in the hall.

Wei Cheng as a companion.

Chatting and chatting, Uncle Wei and Uncle Zhou always moved the topic north and south in their conversation, but Wei Cheng didn't follow their words, and the few of them joined forces to try to talk it over.

Uncle Wei: "Chengzi, have you opened a shop in Jinzhou City? How is the business?"

Fourth Uncle Wei: "Brother, what are you talking about? Nephew Cheng's big mansion, if the business is not good, how can you buy it. Nephew has skills, and I can't even be an uncle. I will have to rely on my nephew in the future."

Uncle Wei spoke up for Wei Cheng: "Fourth brother, what you said is wrong. How can an elder have the cheek to ask a nephew for help? We are the elders, so we should protect the younger generation."

Uncle Wei laughed: "The third one is right. Chengzi's house is so big that the north-south trip is so big. My uncle was afraid that he would be too busy. He was just asking Chengzi for help, so I just......"

"Father, why are you talking about business again? Today is Xiaotang's full moon banquet, so you should gossip about family affairs." After Wei Jihui finished speaking, he smiled at Wei Cheng: "I saw that Xiaotangyuan is so cute and I wanted to hug it once, but why didn't you?" I have a chance!"

Wei Cheng responded with a smile: "Thank you cousin for your praise of my little glutinous rice balls."

Uncle Wei and Uncle Zhou tried to bring the topic back, but failed several times. Wei Jihui, Wei Cheng's lobby brother, seemed to interrupt at the right time intentionally or unintentionally, and Wei Cheng accidentally helped his lobby brother.

Wei Jihui will help, he is a smart person, he knows that Wei Cheng won't promise anything, his family and Wei Cheng finally got a better relationship, and he also admires this cousin who wants to befriend him, so that he can have a chance to drink and chat together in the future, That's why I helped to change the subject.

Zhou Junyu also chatted occasionally, Wei Jihui is a Juren, Zhou he wants to get to know Wei Jihui, making friends with Juren will help him in learning, he is devoted to learning and imperial examinations, in fact, regarding the matter of his parents, he knows in his heart that his parents are of poor character, they can be a child, he can He can't change his parents because he can't do anything. As long as his parents don't go too far, he will turn a blind eye.

Wei Cheng said to Wei Jihui: "I haven't congratulated my cousin yet for being admitted to Juren. I hope my cousin will forgive me for being late."

Wei Jihui replied: "Where, where, I accept my cousin's wishes. I can understand the inconvenience of my cousin in Fucheng."

Wei Cheng said: "My cousin was admitted to Juren, do you want to continue to take the exam?"

Wei Jihui replied: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass the entrance examination, but I will try once. If it doesn't work, I will work in the academy."

Wei Cheng said: "This is a good choice."

Zhou Junyu: "Wei Juren's knowledge is first-class in my opinion."

"Where is it?" Wei Jihui said, "You are Cheng Zifulang's cousin, I remember you are a scholar, and you can talk to me if you don't understand."

Zhou Junyu said in surprise, "Thank you Wei Juren!"

Wei Jihui said: "They are all relatives, this is a trivial matter!"

The three chatted.

Uncle Wei: "..."

Uncle Zhou: "......"

Other elders: "......"

No matter what the topic is, it turns to learning.

A few people didn't want to let go of the opportunity to talk to Wei Cheng, they always interrupted the conversation, and turned to business topics while talking, Wei Cheng kept changing the subject, his uncles just didn't know what to say...then The topic is chatting and chatting is divided into several topics, that scene is really unsightly.


The cry of the baby broke the embarrassing chat of these adults.

Hearing the cry of the little glutinous rice balls, Wei Cheng stood up abruptly, the maid had already appeared in the hall with the little glutinous rice **** in his arms, Wei Cheng quickly walked over to take the crying little glutinous rice **** from the maidservant's hand, and coaxed him in a low voice .

"Little Tangyuan don't cry, be good, Daddy is here..."

The maidservant reported: "Little master just woke up and didn't see you and the lord. The servant girl couldn't coax you so I brought you here."

The reason why the maid would give the little tangyuan to Wei Cheng instead of Zhou Yuan was because Wei Cheng had said that when he was at home, if the little tangyuan cried, she would give it to him.

Wei Cheng nodded and asked the maid to wait beside him. He coaxed a few times, maybe when he reached the familiar embrace, and heard the familiar voice, Xiao Tangyuan gradually stopped crying, and looked at his father with **** eyes, babbling softly with his small mouth. , seems to be aggrieved and complaining.

Wei Cheng felt soft in his heart: "It's dad's fault, he didn't wait for Xiaotangyuan to wake up."


Wei Cheng sat back on his seat holding the small glutinous rice balls.

other people:"........"

Once interrupted by the little glutinous rice balls, nothing can be said.

Zhou Yuan and the others in the back garden knew that Xiao Tangyuan had woken up, and then they all moved to the front yard.

Zhou Yuan hadn't received the small glutinous rice **** from her husband when the housekeeper came to report.

"Master, how many families come to congratulate the little master on his full moon, do you want to refuse?"

Those who come are guests, not to mention those who wish to congratulate his little one on the full moon. Wei Cheng ordered the housekeeper to invite the guests to come in.

"Boss Wei, please forgive us for coming here uninvited! This is your little brother, so cute!"

The guests who came in were all members of the chamber of commerce, and one person came with a family member. Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan had to personally receive them.

This is still the beginning, and people came one after another, luxury carriages at the gate of the Wei Mansion one after another, all of them came from the rich and handsome people in the prefecture, with gorgeous clothes and noble temperament, and the congratulatory gifts they brought came in one after another.

The servants in the mansion began to get busy. Wei Hu and the others were sent to greet the guests at the door. Inside, Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan were busy receiving guests. While busy receiving guests, Wei Cheng was distracted and told the housekeeper, Uncle Mao: "Prepare the banquet today. Not enough, you ask Wei Hu to go to Taifulou to ask the steward for help."

Uncle Mao took the order and left.

Both Aunt Wei and Wen Lanzhi had seen the scene before, and they both helped to receive Mrs. Guimen.

Wei Lei, Wei Sanshu, and Wei Jihui are all helping.

The Wei and Zhou families could see the situation in the hall on the left. They were shocked to see the nobles one after another, and the congratulatory gifts piled up all over the place!

What was even more shocking later was that when the magistrate arrived, Wei Cheng personally greeted him, and other high-ranking family members stood up to salute.

The magistrate smiled and said, "Nephew Wei doesn't blame the old man for not inviting me!"

"I have met the prefect, and it is my honor that you can come here to congratulate me personally." Wei Cheng cupped his hands.

"Nephew Wei, you don't need to be polite. You and my son-in-law met again. This old man treats you as a half-nephew."

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it!" Wei Cheng respectfully made a gesture of invitation, "Master Zhifu, please take your seat."

The magistrate personally attended the scene, not only the Wei and Zhou families were shocked, but also the Gao family family were shocked!

None of them knew that Wei Cheng knew the magistrate, and they would all look up to him in the future.

When Wei Cheng first arrived, he visited the magistrate, and through the relationship of the Lin family, he stepped into the gate of the magistrate's house.

The magistrate is a person who cherishes talents, and he knows the relationship between Wei Cheng and Yun Chengfeng in the letter written by his daughter Mrs. Lin. He knows Yun Cheng's background, so he has a friendly attitude towards Wei Cheng.

In fact, if there was no incident at Baizhenlou today, others would send congratulatory gifts if they didn't come to the door in person.

When the magistrate came, the atmosphere became even more heated.

Some high-ranking families who hadn't thought about coming here found out that the magistrate had gone to Wei's mansion. These high-ranking families had never talked with Wei Cheng and didn't know each other, so they had no excuse to come to the door, and secretly regretted it.

Before the banquet.

The Wei Mansion received congratulatory gifts from all parties.

"Boss Gu sent a congratulatory gift..."

"Boss Yang from the South sent a congratulatory gift..."

"The Min family in Nanshan County sent a congratulatory gift..."

"The Lin family in Nanshan County sent a congratulatory gift..."

"The Qin family in XXX prefecture sent a congratulatory gift..."


The congratulatory gifts are all merchants from aristocratic families who cooperate with Nanbeihang.

As soon as this wave of congratulatory gifts came, the magistrate and the noble family were surprised that Wei Cheng had such a wide network of contacts, and they had to re-evaluate the value of the north-south trip.

The Wei and Zhou families were not only shocked but also shocked!

The congratulatory gifts are piled up in a hall, how much is this worth-! !

If you can't salivate, you will be envious and jealous!

There's still a lot of weight behind—

"Master Yin Chengfeng from Yin State Duke's Mansion in the imperial city sent a full moon gift to Young Master Wei Mansion—"

Wow-! !

Duke Yin's mansion! !

Did they hear correctly—! !

The magistrates stared wide-eyed, the famous families all dropped their jaws in shock, and the others couldn't believe it—

Then several large boxes of congratulatory gifts were brought in, and the leader was an acquaintance—

"Congratulations to Mr. Wei's family on their precious son!"

"All in charge!" Wei Cheng exclaimed in surprise.

Guan Shi said with a smile: "My young master learned that you have a precious son, so he ordered me to rush back to congratulate him!"

"Thank you young master for me!"

"Wei Dong's family, you are too polite!"

From today onwards, the status of the Wei Mansion in the prefectural city has been rising steadily—

The younger brother of the Wei family was favored, and word spread among the upper echelons of the Fucheng! !

Read The Duke's Passion