MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 8 matchmaker

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When Wei Cheng had time, he went to the county town, bought a few bags of candies and preserved fruits on the side of the road, and carried them to his parents' house in the outer city.

His parents lived in the north of the outer city in the county seat. It was an ordinary folk house in a densely populated alley, with a small patio and yard. There were rooms on the left and right of the main room, two rooms outside, and an independent kitchen.

He used to live in the outer room, but now it is his nephew's bedroom, and there is another room where his sister stays or receives guests when she comes back.

As soon as Wei Cheng entered the door, his sister-in-law Wei Wu sneered at him.

"This is not the second brother, why are you here! The blind date has been disgusting for several times, and this time it was disgusting for a countryman. It is a shame to the Wei family, and now there is still a face! Why, I still want my parents to continue to arrange for you Blind date, continue to be ashamed!"

Wei Chengli ignored him, and called his sister-in-law as usual, and passed her, but someone stopped him again.

Standing in front of him was his elder brother's son, Wei Dabao, a chubby little fat man.

Wei Dabao's eyes were sharp, and when he saw something in his hand, he went to grab it without saying a word, and didn't even say a word about his second uncle.

Wei Cheng was not used to him, so he stopped him from snatching, raised his hand to hold things, and blocked it with one hand. His strength is not like never working. The little fat man with good food and drink at home can pull move.

The little fat man couldn't grab it, so he sat down on the ground, and immediately burst into tears, "Mom, I want to eat, I want to eat, please ask him to give me something."

Wei Wushi immediately pulled up her son with distress, "My dear, don't cry, mother will give it to you."

Wei Cheng worked hard at Wei Wu's pulling people, so he went straight into the house.

His father, Wei De, was sitting in the main room, drinking tea, when he saw Wei Cheng coming in, he reprimanded him: "Second brother, you are so big, yet you still bully your nephew."

He must have heard the commotion in the yard.

Before Wei Cheng could speak, the little fat man ran past him and threw himself in front of his grandfather to complain.

"Grandpa, he bullied me and pushed me to the ground. You want to avenge me and drive him out!"

Wei Wushi immediately pointed at him and scolded: "Second brother, you've got a lot of skills, and you bully people all the way to the house. Dabao is your nephew, and you still push him. If I offend you as a sister-in-law, you can't take your anger out on the child."

Wei Cheng rolled his eyes in his heart, he didn't even bother to respond to the mother and son who falsely accused him.

What kind of bear child can have the kind of mother, so why should he reason with someone as arrogant and unreasonable as a bear, wasting his tongue in vain.

"What's the noise?"

Mother Wei, who heard the crying sound coming out of the back room, saw Wei Cheng, and asked, "Second brother, why are you here?"

When Wei Wu's mother and son saw Wei's mother, they complained again.

Wei Dabao threw himself on his grandma, crying and saying that his second uncle pushed him to the ground, and his **** hurt so much, which made Wei's mother cry out for her heart.

Wei Cheng stopped rolling his eyes this time, put the pastry box in his hand on the table, stood there, and said in a flat tone, "I remember Dabao went to school, the school should have taught etiquette, it's fine if you don't shout when you see my second uncle, it's not polite He rushed forward to grab something, I stopped him with my hands, and the rest has nothing to do with me."

Wei's mother couldn't see that someone said that her grandson was not good, but Wei and Wu didn't scold, but she was angry.

"Second, what nonsense are you talking about, Dabao is your nephew or a child, why don't you just ask you to get something, and you stop him from giving it to you, are you the second uncle?" After training Wei Cheng, Mother Wei continued to coax grandson with baby in arms.

Wei Cheng didn't want to argue with the unreasonable mother Wei, let alone argue with the naughty sister-in-law, he came because he had something to do.

Wei Cheng cast a cold glance at his sister-in-law who wanted to curse, or his gaze was too serious, Wei Wu was immediately caught by his cold gaze, and forgot to say the words to curse, stuck in his throat.

Only then did she realize that her uncle seemed to be different from usual today, he was no longer dull, his back was not hunched, and he was dressed upright.

"I'm here this time to ask you two elders to help me propose a marriage."

If it weren't for the words of the matchmaker, who said that the elders and parents had to come forward to propose a marriage, and Zhou Yuan, who couldn't be wronged, would have wanted to go by himself.

Father Wei glanced at the two sons, "Propose marriage? Which girl do you like?"

"It's not a girl. The last blind date was from the Zhou family in Qinghe Village, his brother."

Wei's mother stopped coaxing her grandson, and the two elders thought about it, there was such a thing, it seemed that the family was from the country, dressed in the dirt, and her second child didn't like each other?

"Second, don't you dislike that brother?"

"I fell in love with you, and you left before I said anything."

Wei's mother and Wei's father remembered that they also came and left that day. It was not because the second child was dull-tempered, and he didn't say anything that day. Although he is a brother, the Wei family doesn't like it, but they can settle the marriage for the second child, don't worry about it, they don't care if the other party is a brother or not.

Wei's mother: "You have made up your mind, you want to marry the brother of the Zhou family."


"Okay, your mother, I'll find a matchmaker to propose marriage tomorrow."

Wei Cheng is satisfied, so he still wants to mention, "Before proposing marriage, you ask the matchmaker to come to me first, I have something to explain."

Wei's mother was also puzzled by Wei Cheng's request. It was a trivial matter, so she ignored it and waved her hand, "Okay, you can go back, and bully your nephew as soon as you come, and come here later if you have nothing to do."

After Wei's mother finished speaking, she was so concerned with coaxing her eldest grandson with the candies bought by Wei Cheng that she didn't even ask anyone if he wanted to stay for dinner until almost noon. She treated her second son as if she were an outsider.

Wei Cheng definitely won't stay, and it's even more satisfying for him to come here less.

Less than a quarter of an hour after Wei Cheng left, Wei Liang, the eldest brother of Wei Cheng, came home from the shop to have lunch. He was surprised to hear that the second child had come, but he didn't pay attention to Wei Wu's complaint about Mai Tai.

"The second child is here? What are you doing here?" Wei Liang stopped washing his hands.

"It's not about marriage yet, I'm here to find my parents and a matchmaker to propose marriage."

"Which girl does the second child like?"

"What girl, it's my brother!" Wei Wu looked disgusted.

Hearing that Wei Cheng wanted to marry a brother, it would be difficult for him to give birth. She was also worried that Wei Cheng would find another grandson for the Wei family. The two elders of the Wei family might subsidize Wei Cheng because of this grandson. Now it's all right, a brother Well, she doesn't worry about her family's big treasure being divided out.

Wei Cheng didn't go out of the county directly, he turned a corner and went to the shop in the county, tomorrow the matchmaker went to say goodbye, and he had to buy some pastries for her to help bring over.

This is why Wei Cheng went to find him when he wanted the matchmaker to talk about marriage.

There is a Baixiangzhai in the county town, which specializes in selling pastries. It is an old shop. There are other shops in the county and outside the county. The pastries in this shop can only be bought by wealthy families, and the price is not cheap.

The pastry he bought for Zhou Yuan in the suburbs last time, he went to buy a piece to eat later, after eating, he couldn't say anything.

If he hadn't been busy with family affairs, he would have done it himself.

When he arrived at Baixiangzhai, Wei Cheng went straight in. The guys who greeted him were neatly dressed, and the quality of their clothes was better than Wei Cheng's. The guys still greeted him warmly without any contempt.

"Guest officer, what cakes do you want to buy!"

Baixiangzhai's pastries are all placed on the shelf cabinets, and there are various varieties on them. The palm-sized delicate pastries are a circle smaller than those bought in the suburbs.

The shelf cabinet smells like sweet desserts, and there are red bean cakes, mung bean cakes, osmanthus cakes, rice cakes, white sugar cakes, and various shortcakes on it.

Wei Cheng asked the prices of several types of pastries, and after listening to them, he clucked his tongue secretly. Each pastry was worth more than a dozen yuan, and even more expensive, twenty or thirty yuan a piece. Suburban pastries were only seven or eight yuan a piece. The pastry is smaller than that one.

However, it tastes good!

Wei Cheng ordered a box of red bean cakes, a box of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, and a box of sugar cakes, eight in a box, paid the money, and went home with them.

Wei Cheng was looking forward to the matchmaker coming to talk about marriage tomorrow, but he didn't know, he didn't show his face for a few days, Zhou's family thought he didn't care about his brother, and planned to match him first.

The Zhou family waited at home for four days, but they didn't see Wei Cheng looking for a matchmaker. They all thought that Wei Cheng didn't like his brother.

Zhou Yuan looked forward to joy from his heart, but in the end his heart was empty.

It turned out that he had hoped too much.

Also, how could Wei Cheng fall in love with a brother like him.

If he had never been on a blind date, there would not be much misunderstanding if the man asked his brother to give him a gift, and he would also go to inquire about whether he intends to get married. But when the two parties have been on a blind date, there is such a relationship, and they give things in the street.

The fault is that Wei Cheng didn't fully understand the ancient etiquette, so he didn't come to the door for a long time.

Several sister-in-laws in Zhou Yuan's family thought that Brother Zhou could marry someone from the county seat, so they all whispered to the woman they had a good relationship with in private, not only did they say a lot about giving Wei Cheng to Zhou Yuan, but they also added fuel to the story of the Wei family. These two days will definitely come to say kiss.

A few days have passed, and no one has been seen. The marriage must have been a mess. The three sisters-in-law are very dissatisfied in private. It was originally a happy and face-saving thing, but they were all happy in vain if no one came to say goodbye.

Zhou Yuan's marriage has become serious again, and he still has to stay at home for free, and he doesn't know when he will get married.

They were so focused on complaining that they didn't even think about whether it would be spread when they told about Zhou Yuan's affairs to the woman who had made friends with them.

Gossip spread in Qinghe Village again.

The gossip passed on was still Zhou Yuan.

The three sister-in-laws privately sent things to Zhou Yuan from Wei Cheng, and spread the news that the Wei family had come to talk about their marriage in the past two days.

People in the village spread gossip, except that what the person who spread the rumor said would be somewhat true. Passing on, adding fuel and vinegar, is far from the truth.

"Have you heard that the brother of the Zhou family accepts things from the man in private."

"No, I just heard that it's not a big deal to collect things. The Zhou family also said that the man will come to say goodbye in two days."

"It's been two days, it's been several days, and I haven't seen the matchmaker."

"Didn't that guy come to say goodbye?"

"Nothing, my house is close to Zhou's, and there is a happy event, how could I not know about it."

"Oh, that's Zhou's family lying."

"It's not a big deal." A woman whispered, "Someone even saw Brother Zhou flirting with men on the street, holding hands."

There was a burst of exclamation!

These words definitely came from Zhou Qingqing and Zhou Xianger.

"They're all on a skin-to-skin basis?! Where did you hear that? Don't spread the word. Brother Zhou really won't be able to get married if the word gets out!"

"Marry." The woman who said that Zhou Yuan was flirting with the man sneered, "They all flirt with the man in the street. Who would dare to want a brother who hooks up with a man."

"This...isn't necessarily true..."


Mother Zhou walked into the house with an ugly face.

On the way back, there were rumors and gossips from my brother, and some familiar women asked her if it was true. Her family was going to marry the Wei family from the county town, and the Wei family did not come to propose marriage for several days.

Only her family members know about this matter, and no one will spread it.

If Wei Cheng gave gifts on the street and let the villagers know, she would still think that someone saw it and spread it, but Wei Cheng didn't come to the door to propose marriage, and only talked about it at home.

Apart from her and the head of the family, her son will not spread the news that is not good for his brother's reputation, and it is impossible for the children in the family to know about it when they play outside all day. Only her three daughters-in-law can spread the word.

If they really ruin her brother's reputation, she will never spare them.

Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws were also outside, and they were all frightened when they heard the rumors, and they all thought to themselves—it's broken!

Zhou's father and the three brothers of the Zhou family were still working in the fields and did not know the rumors in the village.

Zhou Yuan stayed in the room and didn't know anything about the village.

Zhou Qiu, who heard the rumors outside, rushed to Zhou Yuan's house.

Zhou's mother was furious, so she sat at home and waited for Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws to come back.

The Zhou family's aunt gloated over her misfortune, so she purposely ran home and told Zhou Yuan's grandparents what had happened, letting them know how much his grandson had embarrassed the Zhou family, and planned to let the two elders go over and scold them.

The rumors and gossip in the village became more and more outrageous.

The gossiping women in the village read the jokes and waited for Brother Zhou to come true, but they didn't know that the matchmaker who came to Zhou's house to say goodbye came to the entrance of Qinghe Village with three gift boxes of cakes printed with Baixiangzhai.

Matchmaker Zhang was dressed festively, with a big red flower in her hair. Villagers in Qinghe Village could tell at a glance that she was a matchmaker.

Which one is happy!

Matchmaker Zhang didn't know the way, so she asked her aunt for directions.

"Excuse me, Zhou Yuan, how can I get to Brother Zhou's house?"

Don't expect Wei's mother to worry about the names of the Zhou family's parents, as Wei Cheng also remembers that Brother Zhou's name was also mentioned.

Zhou Yuan? !

This aunt also heard Zhou Yuan's rumors in the morning, and now that the matchmaker came to find Zhou Yuan, someone really came to her door to say goodbye!

The aunt inquired, "Is the Wei family in the county going to the Zhou family to say goodbye?"

Matchmaker Zhang laughed happily, "It's the Wei family in the county town, and this eldest sister knows it too." She wondered how the people in Qinghe Village knew that the Wei family came to talk about marriage.

It's really a kiss to Brother Zhou! !

The rumors circulating in the village are not all false!

It's really not worth the life to kill people. Whoever spread rumors, if the Wei family came to the door a few days later, it wouldn't be forcing his brother to die.

Aunt Chun is also an enthusiastic person. She hurriedly took him to Zhou's house. She would be happy to see the villagers being slapped in the face with her own eyes. Fan.

"I'll take you to Zhou's house, this way for Zhou's house..."

Aunt Chun brought Matchmaker Zhang to Zhou's house. The door of Zhou's house was open, so she opened the door of Sang and shouted, "Mother Zhou Yuan, a happy event is coming, hurry up and greet her!" Greet Matchmaker Zhang to come in.

Mother Zhou heard the sound, someone came to announce the good news, and she walked out of the house.

The anger in my heart is still not down, and I am still wondering what kind of happy event, where did the happy event come from!

As soon as Mother Zhou came out, Matchmaker Zhang cheerfully went up to meet her, "This is Aunt Zhou, right? I'm Matchmaker Zhang, and I'm here to congratulate you."

Mother Zhou didn't even understand the situation, so she met the matchmaker's festive face, everyone was out of the situation, "Yes, yes, who are you congratulating?"

Matchmaker Zhang waved her handkerchief, "Of course it's a happy event between the Wei family in the county town and your brother. Wei Cheng, the second son of the Wei family in the county town, has taken a fancy to your brother. No, let me kiss you."

Mother Zhou was stunned!

The Wei family really wants to kiss!

There were several women outside the gate of Zhou's courtyard. They had gathered at the gate of Zhou's house because of rumors, and they also heard what Zhang Matchmaker said.

stunned -

The Wei family really came to say hello!

They were originally talking about brother Zhou's rumors, but those who talked in that tone took the rumors seriously.

Now the matchmaker is at the door.

How can there be fakes! !

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