MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 75

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Wei Lei went to see off, and Wei Cheng took his wife back.

It takes a lot of gossip people to be lively!

After Wei Lei sent the man back, he went back to Baizhen Tower, only to find out that Wei Cheng had left, and he also went straight back to the grocery store. After interrogation, he couldn't escape. Stretching his head and retracting his head is also a stab. It's better to finish talking early and loosen it early. tone.

Back to the grocery store, Wei Lei waited for Wei Cheng to ask, but he didn't ask anything, so he said: "I'm back, go to work when you come back, don't stand in front of me!"

Wei Lei: "..."

what's the situation? ! Chengzi doesn't ask him! ?

Then before dinner—

Wei Yuan showed up with Li Qingshui, "Leizi, Chengzi asked me to come to dinner and told me something important." Sitting down beside Wei Lei, he smiled and said, "Do you know what is important?"

Wei Lei: "..."

It turned out that it wasn't that I didn't ask, but that I was waiting for everyone!

Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan went out to the front hall, Wei Yuan saw Wei Cheng coming out, and shouted: "Chengzi, you asked me to eat, what is the important thing to say, I am here, Leizi is also here, now You can say it."

When Zhou Yuan saw Li Qingshui, he sat beside him, and the two brothers chatted on their own.

Wei Cheng saw his daughter-in-law sitting next to Li Qingshui, and when he sat next to him, he was in a row with Wei Yuan and the others, so he had to sit on the opposite side, and then said slowly: "We'll talk about it later after dinner."

"Okay." Wei Yuan was curious about him, but he was not in a hurry, "Does Leizi know what Chengzi you want to say?"

Wei Cheng had a smile in his eyes: "Well, he knows."

Wei Yuan yelled: "I am the only one who doesn't know, and you still pretend to be mysterious!" Turning to Wei Lei, "Leizi, tell me!"

Wei Lei's face was paralyzed: "...I don't know what he is going to say, no, it's hard to say, you'd better wait for Cheng Zi to tell you."

That's right, Leizi works with Chengzi, there are many things, and Leizi doesn't necessarily know what Chengzi wants to say, so Wei Yuan doesn't ask too much.

After a while.

Xiao Liu came to ask for instructions: "Master, my lord, the dinner is ready, can I serve it now?"

Wei Cheng ordered: "Have someone put it on."


At the dinner table, apart from a few people, there is also Wei Hu.

After eating, just as he put down his chopsticks, Wei Yuan couldn't wait to ask.

Instead, Wei Cheng said leisurely: "I want to know, I want to know too, let Leizi, the person involved, do the talking."

Wei Yuan was puzzled: "What's the situation? Chengzi, what kind of riddle are you and Leizi playing?"

Isn't it Chengzi who wants to talk about things, why is it Leizi who wants to talk about things instead? !

Wei Cheng smiled and said to Wei Lei: "Leizi, I'll give you an afternoon to prepare the manuscript. Now you can talk about you and that man named Ren Nianluo, whether you like him or not, and tell us the truth!"

"What?! Leizi, you have a brother you like—" Wei Yuan stared at Wei Lei with wide eyes.

And Wei Cheng, Zhou Yuan, and Wei Hu all looked at people with smiles in their eyes, waiting to watch the show.

"......" Unable to escape, Wei Lei bit the bullet and said: "Well, we met on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and you all know the process... We met again in Baizhen Building, and then , Cough... I like it when I touch it..."

Wei Lei still had no expression on his face, if it wasn't for the embarrassment in his eyes, I really thought he wouldn't be shy.

Wei Yuan praised: "Brother, it was really worthwhile to go out for a stroll during the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, it's all fate!"

Wei Cheng agreed: "Yuanzi's words are quite correct."

Zhou Yuan said: "Brother Nian and Wei Lei are destined to come together!"

"Let me tell you." Wei Hu said: "Hey, Master Lei and Young Master Ren are destined to be born by eating, Master Lei snatched my cakes, and Young Master Ren would go to Baizhen Building to buy snacks if he likes to eat."

Wei Cheng and the others laughed.

Seeing that Wei Lei snatched Wei Hu's pastry, it became a dark history in his life.

Wei Lei: "..."

Among the three, Wei Lei, who was the last one, finally met the brother he likes.

Wei Yuan happily asked: "Where is that brother from? When are you going to propose marriage?! Your houses in the suburbs are all under construction, and they will be completed next month just to be a new house."

Wei Yuan asked so many questions, Wei Lei coughed in embarrassment: "Brother Nian is the concubine of a wealthy businessman in the inner city of the county, as for the others... not sure..."

Wei Cheng bluntly exposed Wei Lei: "Yuanzi, you didn't say anything about the question you asked. I guess Leizi didn't even tell anyone about his confession."

After Wei Yuan finished listening, he patted Wei Lei on the shoulder and encouraged him: "My good brother, you have to keep working hard!"

"I don't think he has to work hard. If he wants to marry someone, he has to work hard." The concubine of the Ren family is a young master no matter what. His brother's background is not known if the Ren family will be interested. Wei Cheng said: "Brother, when you need help, just ask!"

"Thanks, brothers!"

Wei Lei raised his glass to thank him!

If he likes him, he will work hard. If he was ordinary and poor before, he would not dare to expect extravagantly. Having contacted many wealthy businessmen and various famous families in the county, he still has confidence in a wealthy businessman.

Wei Lei is still thinking about finding a time to confess his love to Ren Nianluo.

After thinking about it, the third aunt of Ren's family decided to come to the door and get to know Wei Lei's character first.

If Mrs. Ren does something good for Ren Nianluo and Baizhenlou's stewards, and she doesn't object, it will be good for the Ren family.

When the third aunt came to visit, Wei Lei was surprised, and rushed over after receiving the notice from the waiter.

Facing Third Yiniang, in Wei Lei's eyes, he was directly facing his future mother-in-law. He was sitting on pins and needles. Thanks to his serious and expressionless face, Third Yiniang could not see that he was nervous, but thought he looked stable.

The third aunt has a gentle temperament, but she does things very directly. It may be related to her only brother. She has turned Wei Lei's family from beginning to end, and even Wei Lei's parents understand clearly. This is also related to what the third aunt asked, and Wei Lei answered without concealment. He was afraid that his mother-in-law would be dissatisfied, so he was very honest!

Seeing that he is a tall and steady man so honest, San Yiniang is even more satisfied with him. She is very relieved that her brother will be entrusted to him.

Although her family background is poor, at least her brother will not be bullied, with her around, and the Ren family as a backer.

Third Aunt: "As his wife Ren Nianluo, I'm taking the liberty. I don't know if you are interested in my brother? If not, just pretend that I have never been to Baizhen Tower today."

Wei Lei said solemnly: "Third Aunt, I, Wei Lei, miss my brother very much."

When Wei Lei said this, he was very nervous, and he clenched his hands into fists by his side.

The third aunt pinched the handkerchief, satisfied with the person's reaction, and then said: "My brother is lively and sometimes very childish. If Nian'er gets married, as a mother, I am most worried that my brother will live after marriage." Okay, don't expect to live a rich life, and I will be relieved if I can be worry-free."

"I won't bully Brother Nian, I will support him."

Wei Lei hastily expressed his opinion, which attracted San Yiniang to raise her handkerchief to cover up the smile on her lips, there was still a slight smile in her eyes, and after hiding the smile on her lips, San Yiniang said: "Actually, I'm here today I was passing by, and I heard that Guanshi Wei thanked my brother for his care, but there is no other meaning." I thought to myself, and didn't even say that I would marry my brother to you.

It seems that she really likes her brother, that's why she lost her composure.

"Third Aunt, you're still called the kid Wei Lei." Wei Lei said.

"Then I'll hold you accountable and call you Leizi."

Third Aunt thought about coming out for a while, everyone knew her, she had a good character, so she didn't stay for too long, she left Baizhen Building and went back to her residence, and she refused the gift from Wei Lei before leaving.

Third Yiniang is well versed in the ways of the world, otherwise how could she, a woman, live in peace in Ren's mansion.

The gift from Wei Lei was his intention, but she absolutely could not accept it. When she came to find someone, she would not do anything for greed, so naturally she would not ask for any gift from Wei Lei.

It is only natural to accept gifts from her son-in-law if the relationship is established, but if the relationship is not established, she will not accept it.

Wei Lei is still in Baizhen Building, waiting for someone.

The third aunt's visit reassured him that he had been approved by the third aunt, so he just had to confess.

San Yiniang went to Baizhen Building in the morning, Ren Nianluo didn't know, he was used to going out after lunch.

As usual, when Wei Lei was in the private room, he was invited to the private room.

When Ren Nianluo entered the private room, he saw Wei Lei sitting on the seat with a slumped waist. Seeing him appear, he looked straight at him.

Ren Nianluo sat calmly next to Wei Lei, watching the other party pour tea for him, put pastries on small plates in front of him, as usual, but why was he so nervous...

Ren Nianluo lowered his head and ate the pastry, not daring to look up, his face must have turned red.

After Ren Nianluo finished eating the cake, seeing people still staring at him, he asked embarrassingly, "Well, is there something on my face?"

Wei Lei stared at the person, he wanted to confess, he liked brother for the first time, he didn't know how to confess, he kept staring at the person nervously, "No, I, I have something to say, I don't know how to say it .”

"What, what are you talking about?" Ren Nianluo was stared at at a loss.

"Brother Nian, I..." Wei Lei took a deep breath and said directly, "I like you, I want to marry you, do you like me?"

No matter how paralyzed and cool his face is, when Wei Lei faces the person he likes, he is as nervous as other men confessing their sweetheart.

The sudden confession made Ren Nianluo dumbfounded, his heart was beating out of his chest, and Wei Lei's confession kept recurring in his mind—

Wei Lei likes him......

This feeling not only made his heart beat faster, but also made him smoke...

Ren Nianluo realized that the reason why he often came to Baizhen Tower was because he also liked Wei Lei!


Uncle Wei's house.

The family was devastated and anxious.

Third Aunt Wei saw Uncle Wei coming back from the outside, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter? Will Dafang lend us some silver taels?"

Uncle Wei came back with a heavy and tired body, shaking his head, "Brother and sister-in-law said that the money left by Jihui to take the exam in the provincial capital is untouchable. They said that parents' expenses, except for the daily expenses of Wei's house, there is no extra money to lend us. I gave fifty taels of silver. I also went to the fourth brother’s house, and all the money from the fourth brother’s family was invested in the business, and their family had no money.”

"Fifty taels, only fifty taels. We have more than a hundred taels at home, and this is not even half of it. What can we do? Where can we make up five hundred taels?" Aunt Wei covered her sleeves and wept.

"What else can I do!" Uncle Wei, who hadn't slept well these few times and was exhausted from running around to raise money, scolded angrily, "Let him solve the trouble he caused by himself!"

"The son didn't do it voluntarily, he was cheated." Third Aunt Wei cried and defended Wei Yexuan, "You beat him up so badly that the son can only lie on the bed now, is it possible that you want to drive him out of the house?" home."

Uncle Wei sat on the chair decadently, without saying a word.

When Wei Yexuan heard the words of his friends in Taifulou, he started a business partnership with a friend. He originally invested more than a dozen taels. I didn't know that what my friend tricked him into signing with cooperation was a loan contract.

Wei Yexuan's friend fled privately early on, and was cheated of more than a dozen taels of silver, and was also tricked into signing a high debt of five hundred taels. When the creditor came to the door, the whole family was shocked.

Wei Yu came out of her younger brother's room and saw the sad expressions of her parents sitting in the hall. She had a bad feeling and guessed that it must be her father who couldn't borrow the silver taels from her uncle, so she became anxious.

Uncle Wei said weakly: "Sell the house. After selling the house, our family can go back to the village to farm."

The only son, he couldn't really watch him being beaten to death by debt collectors. He was just a small shopkeeper, and he lost his job as a shopkeeper because debtors went to the store to collect debts and made trouble.

Aunt Wei agreed with Uncle Wei to sell the house. As long as she can save her son, she is reluctant to live in the house now. For her son, the only way right now is to sell the house to make up the money.

Wei Yu next to her bit her lip. As far as she could remember, the whole family lived in the county town, and she was at a loss for a while when she wanted to go back to the countryside to farm.

To save her younger brother, she must be rescued. When she went back to the countryside, Wei Yu was afraid of not knowing what to do. She suddenly thought of Cousin Wei Cheng. He must have money because he opened a shop. "Father, we can go to Cousin Cheng to borrow money."

Uncle Wei and Aunt Wei looked at their daughter at the same time...

Yes, there is also Wei Cheng, you can go to Wei Cheng to borrow money.

Uncle Wei and Aunt Wei seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw.

"But, nephew Wei Cheng, will he borrow it?"

It sounds like they are relatives, but it doesn't sound like they have any relationship between the two families.

But no matter what, Uncle Wei still went to the suburbs.

Wei Cheng was at home, and he had to be surprised when he received a report from his servants, "Third Uncle?"

Zhou Yuan: "Third Uncle came to our house, husband, do you know what Third Uncle came to?"

Wei Cheng shook his head, "I'm going out to see my third uncle, Yuan Yuan, you don't have to go out."

Zhou Yuan nodded: "Okay."

Wei Cheng went out to see Uncle Wei, and saw his uncle's appearance, fidgeting, his clothes were wrinkled, and his expression was anxious, it seemed that something happened.

"Third Uncle."

"Chengzi." Seeing Wei Cheng, Third Uncle Wei couldn't sit still immediately, and begged, "You have to help Third Uncle, Third Uncle came to you because he really had no choice."

"Third uncle, please sit down. If you can help, my nephew will definitely help." Wei Cheng didn't immediately agree, he thought it was a big deal.

Uncle Wei sat down, and seemed embarrassed to speak again. He opened his mouth for a while and said, "Your cousin was cheated and owed five hundred. The debt collector came to the door. The third uncle asked your uncle and fourth uncle to borrow money, and they all borrowed money." No, the family only got two hundred taels, and there is still a shortfall of three hundred taels, so the third uncle can only ask you. Chengzi, you must help the third uncle, help your cousin, can you borrow three hundred taels from the third uncle? Third Uncle will definitely return it in the future."

That second-hand cousin Wei Yexuan was cheated? !

Wei Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, borrowing money was okay, the amount was not big, it was a trivial matter, so he called his servants and told him: "Go to the backyard and ask the master to get three hundred taels of silver." He is rich, but he has very little. Enlarge the bank note.

When Uncle Wei heard this, he hurriedly said, "Thank you, Chengzi, thank you, Uncle Third!"

The servants took out the banknotes, and Uncle Wei held the banknotes. These days, he was anxious to the point of selling the house. Now that the banknote is in hand, the big stone that weighs on his heart is removed.

When he came to look for his nephew, he thought about all kinds of possibilities, but he never thought that not only did his nephew not embarrass him, but he agreed to lend him the silver taels without even thinking about it. Uncle Wei had mixed feelings.

"Chengzi, Third Uncle will definitely repay the three hundred taels I borrowed from you, but it may take a while to borrow it. I hope you will understand Third Uncle."

Wei Cheng said: "Third Uncle, take the money and use it urgently first, and it will not be too late when you loosen it."

"Chengzi, Third Uncle doesn't know how to thank you." Wei Third Uncle sighed and said in a low voice, "Third Uncle really can't help it. People who want debts found Third Uncle's work shop, and there was a scene in the shop. Third Uncle lost his livelihood. The money will be returned to you only after you find a job again.”

"Third Uncle, you don't have a job right now?" Wei Cheng pondered for a while, and said, "Third Uncle, my nephew opened a North-South Wholesale Store at the wharf and is in need of a manager. I wonder if Third Uncle is interested?"

He has an average relationship with the third uncle's family. The third uncle is a good person, and he has always been the shopkeeper. His shop needs to recruit people, and he doesn't need to recruit someone who is familiar with him.

When Uncle Wei heard it, he was pleasantly surprised: "Yes! I'm interested!"

Wei Cheng smiled and said, "The salary is thirty taels a month, and the bonus is calculated separately. If the third uncle agrees, he will come to work at the grocery store tomorrow, and the Nanbeihang store will not officially start work until half a month later."

Uncle Wei hurriedly agreed!

Third Uncle Wei left and went to Wei Cheng's house, feeling relaxed, even his physical and mental fatigue was swept away.

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