MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 51

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Wei Ji's grocery store recruited shopkeepers, and the news spread.

On that day, dozens of men came to apply for work, and many faces came.

Uncle Mao, the housekeeper, who is also the manager of the grocery store, gathered all the applicants to one place and directly announced the request to recruit shopkeepers.

There are two types of recruited shopkeepers, one is to buy goods from the grocery store and sell them directly, and the other is to continue to sell their own original goods. One is to become the exclusive salesman of the grocery store, the goods are provided by the grocery store, and only the goods of the grocery store can be sold.

Buy goods directly from the grocery store, according to the wholesale price, every time you get the goods, you need to settle the payment at the second time. Become the exclusive salesman of the grocery store, and get the corresponding commission according to the number of goods sold, and an additional subsidy of ten coins per day.

Regardless of whether it is a private salesman or a salesman in a grocery store, a contract must be signed and the provisions of the contract must be abided by. The previous month signed a temporary contract, and a month later, after passing the assessment, the official contract can only be signed after passing the assessment. Anyone who violates any of the provisions of the contract, the grocery store has the right to void the contract made by both parties. Those who violate the contract shall pay corresponding liquidated damages.

After the words fell, the people who came to apply for the job immediately whispered to each other, talking about the contract, and the wholesale price... They didn't know all kinds of things, which made them choose.

Uncle Mao raised his hand, and the crowd quieted down, before he said: "Now start applying for jobs, and through the applicants, I will explain everyone's questions in a unified way."

With Uncle Mao's words, those who came to apply for the job hurriedly lined up to apply for the job.

Wu Da came with his companion, who was also a shopkeeper. The two had been selling cold salad at Weiji stall. By selling cold salad at Weiji stall, they had a stable income every month. The family can still sell meat several times a month.

Wu Da and his wife must become the peddlers of the Wei family grocery store, but they are hesitating whether to choose to sell the goods by themselves or become the sales peddlers of the grocery store.

Wei Youli and Li He used to work as porters with Wei Lei at the dock. They were friends with Wei Lei. They met Wei Lei at the dock and Wei Lei asked them to come.

The two had been working as coolies at the dock before, so they were apprehensive about the au pair. After listening to the rules of the grocery store, how could the two of them have the money to get the goods if their families were poor, and Ying Gong must have become a salesman in Weiji's grocery store.

Both of them have seen Wei Lei since he was doing business with his good brother, wearing clothes that only rich people can wear. When they met them, they invited them to a restaurant, which was the place they dreamed of going to. Wei Lei asked them to come, so they chose to come after considering it, and their family members supported them.

After answering the job, he took over a dozen shopkeepers.

Uncle Mao explained to them, the purchase price and the selling price. At present, there are seven or eight types of sauces, cold salads, pastries, and pickled side dishes at affordable prices. You can choose to sell individually, or you can choose to sell each model together. Selling goods from Weiji grocery stores must wear vests with Wei characters printed on them uniformly.

The three uncles in Weicheng chose to be peddlers in the grocery store, Wu Da, Wei Youli and Li He, and three tall and thin men, and a short and thin man also chose to be peddlers in the grocery store. Others are shopkeepers or small street vendors. They choose to sell their own goods. The profits are high, but they have to bear the risk of not being able to sell.

"The sauce was sold in the first three days, and the grocery store will provide you with three catties of sauce for free. The free sauce provided is for you to give it to customers for free. Each customer can only receive a small spoonful. Let you deliver it for free There is a purpose for giving to customers, not for nothing. It is to let customers try the sauce for free, understand the taste of the sauce, and only when customers are satisfied will they return to buy.”

"The sales areas are all divided, and you have to sell in a fixed area. Merchants and wealthy portals depend on everyone's ability."

Uncle Mao let everyone go, and he will go to work on time tomorrow.

"Master, provide the sauce to those peddlers for free. If the peddler takes the sauce home privately, it will be for nothing." Butler Mao didn't understand this point, what was the purpose of his master doing this. He just asked for advice.

"In the early stage of opening the sales market, you have to lose money. Only by losing a little can you make subsequent sales." Wei Cheng sipped his tea, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up. The promotion fee was too cheap in his eyes. If they take the material home, the loss is their own, and they can test a person's character." He can afford to pay for this loss.

Uncle Mao has been taught!

Wu Da is a well-behaved peddler. He sells goods in the houses he often sells. When he comes, the ladies in the houses know him, and most of them ask him to buy cold salad. Wu Da told the aunt that there are new products, and there is also a free spoonful of limited sauce for each household, which is used for cooking and cooking. The dishes made by the sauce are comparable to restaurants.

The onlookers, who were chatting under the big tree, heard that there were free things, and hurried home to get a bowl to fill them. Wu Da was surrounded, and Wu Da dispatched them one by one. There is really free sauce. The auntie smiled when she saw that the color in her hand was shiny, but it smelled pungent but had a strong sauce aroma.

Hearing the commotion outside, the people passing by were all curious and went up one after another. As soon as they heard that there were free things to distribute, they all went home to pick up bowls to receive them. Wu Da didn't have to walk through the streets to distribute all the sauces, cold salads and side dishes, and a lot of pastries.

The people who heard the news didn't receive it, Wu Da was quite business-minded, so he made it difficult, and promised to give it away again for free tomorrow. It was praised by the surrounding residents.

Other shopkeepers also sell according to Wu Da’s method. The aroma of the sauce smells delicious. Some people want to buy the sauce after getting it for free. Gone in vain.

Zhou Yuan's three elder brothers were guided by Wei Cheng alone, had free sauces, and sold sauces, but they sold several catties of sauces with the free sauces. The cold dishes and side dishes are free for customers to try, and the ones brought out for sale are all sold out.

They dared to let customers try it for free because Wei Cheng opened the back door, and they didn't have to pay for the loss if they couldn't sell it.

The peddlers at Weiji's grocery store have registered how much they receive, and they have to make up for the loss by themselves. If you give customers a free trial, after trying as many as you can, you won't be able to sell half a catty, and you have to pay for it yourself.

Every peddler tried his best to sell according to the guidelines. There was a peddler who listened to his mother-in-law and took the sauce home to eat by himself.

The shopkeeper's wife: "There are free sauces. It's better to eat them at home than to give them away for free. Our focus is to sell cold salads, and we rely on cold salads to make money."

The peddler has always been jealous of Wu Da being able to sell cold salads. He saw that Wu Da made money selling cold salads. The peddler who bought the goods before has the goods to supply. He has always wanted to sell some cold salad from Wu Da's hands, but Wu Da refused, saying that he signed a contract with the stall and could not provide him with the goods.

This time Wei Ji's grocery store was recruiting a peddler, and he ran over, mainly because he wanted to get cold dishes and side dishes, and he would definitely make money. There are free sauces to take, and after hearing what my mother-in-law said, I feel that free delivery is for nothing and cheap for outsiders, so it is better for myself.

The shopkeeper only sold cold dishes and side dishes that day.

To be honest, this sauce is really delicious.

The peddler's sales area is in the residential area of ​​his house, and the fragrance of his house is wafting.

Residential houses in other areas wafted from different people's homes, and the smell made the family salivate. The man who had just got off work was hungry when he returned to the door, and now he will be even more hungry.

the next day.

Wei Cheng ordered Uncle Mao to provide a batch of sauces to the peddlers in his shop. The other peddlers saw it and thought about yesterday's situation, so they took out some money and approved some. Only the peddler who took the sauce home did not approve the sauce. The peddler thought to himself, he has free sauce, why pay for it, and the boss will not know if he sells the free sauce directly.

But he didn't know that everyone in Weiji's shop noticed his out-of-sync behavior with other shopkeepers.

Uncle Mao would understand what his master said.

If there is a problem, you can see through it at a glance.

As soon as the shopkeeper arrived at the place where the seller was selling, the aunts gathered around, chirping and chattering, saying that the sauces were delicious for cooking, and they were free of charge. There are several kinds of sauces on the peddler's goods. The family is rich enough to buy a little of each, and the peddler will tell them which sauces are suitable for cooking which dishes, and there are also noodle sauces.

In half a day, the shopkeeper was happy to sell the goods and returned to the grocery store to share the sales process. Only that greedy peddler returned to the grocery store in the afternoon and saw everyone happily sitting together drinking tea and chatting, and after inquiring about it, his face was gloomy. No, he was going to find out why they could easily sell them out, so he walked around for a day and found out that the problem was the free sauce.

As soon as he got home, he hurriedly asked his mother-in-law to return the sauce, but his mother-in-law told him that a few catties of sauce were taken by relatives, and those given away were gone. The peddler got angry and scolded his wife severely on the spot. The peddler's wife is a hot-blooded person, so she is not the one who allows him to scold, and the two quarreled—

That salesman learned to be smart, and gave away the remaining free sauces for free. Looking at the heartache, there is still a return. He looked at the money and went home every day, and he drifted away, imagining that he would live a life of good food and spicy food in the future.

He didn't know that after this month, all properties under Wei Ji's name would never be hired.

In the name of Taifulou, Shaodong's family gave away a set of high-quality sauces to the distinguished guests of Taifulou.

The gifts sent by Taifulou were treated seriously by the rich and famous. Even though they didn't understand Taifulou's intentions when they received the gifts, they asked the kitchen to cook the dishes according to the paper method inside.

Add freshness to light dishes, add thick and fresh sauces for strong tastes, and add relative sauces to meat stews to make dishes taste better.

Those who tried it all went back to Tai Fu Lou to inquire about the source of the sauce. With such a good sauce, I wonder if it is a new product from Fucheng, and I think that only Fucheng has such a high-quality product.

Guanshi only said that Baiweizhai, which sells sauces, is about to open in the county. He also intentionally mentioned that the recent improvement in the quality of dishes in Taifulou was related to the sauce of Baiweizhai.

They are all human beings, how can they not understand the meaning of Quan Guanshi's words.

If you want sauces, wait for Baiweizhai to open.

On the day of the opening of Baiwei Zhai in the county inner city, there were one after another luxury carriages at the gate.

Knowing that the wealthy family is buying Baiweizhai sauce, the door followed suit and bought it. Baiweizhai spread in the county within only one day. More and more portals followed suit.

This is the propaganda effect of the famous and powerful.

Baiweizhai's business occupies a single market in the county. After the sale, the supply of sauce workshops continues.

Wei Cheng didn't know the situation in the county, and he was drinking afternoon tea with his wife in the Xianmanlou private room.

"Husband, brother, is their sauce business doing well?"

Zhou Yuan knew that his three elder brothers started to be shopkeepers, selling sauces, so he asked the three elder brothers about their sales.

"With your husband and I as a guide, if the sales are not good, it will damage your husband and my reputation as a businessman." Wei Cheng laughed.


He was asking seriously, why did my husband say it to himself.

Seeing his daughter-in-law glaring at him, Wei Cheng stopped being funny, and said, "I earn dozens of renminbi a day, and I can get two taels of silver this month."

"The clerks in Xianmanju earn more than one tael per month, and they get a bonus every month. It's almost two taels." Zhou Yuan said: "In this way, wouldn't it be better to ask elder brother and the others to work in Xianmanju? , including three meals a day."

Wei Cheng smiled and said: "Now it's two or two a month, uncle and the others have a husband to open the back door, from now on every ten or twenty a month will be no problem."

The market has only opened a small mouth, and the key customers are merchants and wealthy households.

The opening of the market is even bigger, and if the merchants don't take the initiative to come to the door, the follow-up peddlers' monthly money will be really high. This is the resource only the peddlers in Weiji's grocery store have. Unless the peddlers who get the goods can find merchant customers, they will only bring sales from a fixed area, and the fluctuation will not be large.

"so much!"

Wei Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, how could his daughter-in-law sometimes think too little and sometimes too much.

"Let's not talk about my brother-in-law and the others. We still have one very important thing to talk about."

Zhou Yuan looked at the person with clear eyes.

Wei Cheng's heart softened, and he stretched out his arms to pull the man onto his lap and hugged his wife's slender waist, "Yuan Yuan, don't you really want to go home to live in, the house at home will be finished in two days, we're going to move back home, happy?"

Every night when he returned to the backyard of Xianmanlou, he noticed his wife's emotions.

Zhou Yuan's clear eyes overflowed with joy, "Really?" Even though Xianmanju is also where they live, he still likes the feeling of that home in the suburbs. No matter how comfortable living in Xianmanlou is, it can't compare to his and her husband's home.

To go home and live, joy appeared on Zhou Yuan's face, his eyes watered brightly, and Wei Cheng's heart itched when he saw it.

His eyes darkened, Wei Cheng's lips covered his daughter-in-law's lips...

After the kiss, Zhou Yuan gasped on Wei Cheng's chest, his face flushed and his lips ruddy.

Wei Cheng raised his hand and gently wiped off the water stains on the corners of his lips, "Yuan Yuan, we haven't been shopping for a long time, and we need to buy a lot of supplies after finishing work at home. Let's go shopping in the inner city tomorrow."

ah? !

Zhou Yuan stopped leaning in his husband's arms, raised his head, and asked, "I'm going to the inner city, who will look at the counter?" Xiaoliu's arithmetic has improved, and she is responsible for a lot of things, so let her take care of the counter alone, not a clone Lack of skill?

"In the store, I asked Wei Lei to hire the shopkeeper again. In the future, the shopkeeper of Xianmanju will let a newcomer do it." Wei Cheng said.

Zhou Yuan was slightly stunned: "I, I don't need to be the shopkeeper anymore?" He sat up straight, his eyes drooping.

Wei Cheng lightly pecked his lips, pressed him back into his arms, hugged him tightly again, and said softly, "Yuan Yuan, my husband is not willing to let you be the shopkeeper all the time. Your original intention to be the shopkeeper at Xianmanju is to hope that you will learn more knowledge. In the future, I will be the housekeeper. Well, including me."

Zhou Yuan relaxed and leaned against his husband's chest, with a smile on his lips, "I'm not coming to Xianmanju, will you let me stay at home?"

Going home to take care of the house, taking care of your husband is what he should do, Zhou Yuan even forgot his responsibilities as a husband, if he can take care of his husband better by staying home, he is very happy.

Wei Cheng hugged him tightly, a smile appeared on his thin lips. The daughter-in-law is finally not sad.

"The business of Xianmanju is stable. I won't come here often, so let Leizi take care of it." Wei Cheng said, "I will be in charge of the grocery store every day from now on, so you can accompany me to the grocery store."

Zhou Yuan sat up straight, looked at the person, and asked doubtfully, "What can I do at the grocery store?"

Wei Cheng just smiled and said nothing.

Zhou Yuan urged with small eyes.

Wei Cheng said slowly: "I take care of others, but you—of course you take care of me!"


The author has something to say:

Change the name of the grocery store to Weiji Grocery Store,

Convenient to remember, haha~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-28 14:35:45~2022-05-29 21:09:00~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of rice balls; 3 bottles of Ke;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!