MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 39

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"Yuanyuan, I have something to discuss with you."

Zhou Yuan stopped working, Wei Cheng pulled people to sit down, Wei Cheng handed the shop contract to Zhou Yuan, "This is our rented shop in the county town, and it is used to open a restaurant in the commercial district of the outer city."

Holding the contract, Zhou Yuan asked in a daze, "We want to open a restaurant? When will it open?"

His stall is doing well, is he going to open a restaurant now?

"It still needs to be decorated, and it should be able to open in a month."

Wei Cheng nodded, and continued: "There is one more thing. If the family opens a restaurant, the stall will not be able to take care of it at the same time. I have considered that the stall has to be run by someone."

Zhou Yuan looked at the person, waiting for him to continue.

Wei Cheng coughed: "I want to find Yuanzi, let his family members take charge of the operation, and distribute 20% of the profits to Yuanzi's family, which is regarded as a dividend."

His stall earns hundreds of taels of income every month, and the business is booming. Twenty percent of the profit is more than ten or twenty taels a month. Zhou Yuan doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with Wei Cheng giving the stall’s profit to others. Responded: "Yes! I don't know how to do business, and I agree with whatever you decide."

Wei Cheng: "..."

Daughter-in-law, the point is not this.

"Yuanyuan, do you mind if I cooperate with Yuanzi's family instead of your three brothers?"

When Wei Cheng asked this question, he stared at his wife's expression.

Zhou Yuan thought for a few seconds, looked back at Wei Cheng, and said with a smile: "I don't mind, you also arrange jobs for them when I am older, and they may not be suitable for catering business. Besides, husband, you must make a decision." Have your thoughts."

The three elder brothers in his family have solid personalities and have never cooked before. They may be able to learn, or ask his mother and three sister-in-laws to help run the business.

In his mother's house, his parents were talkative, his three older brothers listened a lot to the three sister-in-laws, and the three sister-in-laws thought a lot. As a result, the stall management might fall into the hands of the three sister-in-laws.

The three sister-in-laws not only have a lot of thoughts, but also their hearts are towards their mother's family. When the time comes, they will control the operation of the stall. ...things get more complicated.

"I have considered letting the three uncles take over the management of the stall before, considering the three sister-in-laws in your family, as well as the personalities of the father-in-law and the three uncles. The three uncles should not be able to manage the three sister-in-laws. If the management of the stall is handed over to your family members, the three sisters-in-law in your family will definitely intervene, so this is not my original intention."

He intends to support the family of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, but it is not suitable for him right now.

In fact, he can also take control of the stall operation, he is still the biggest owner, he can come forward to restrict the three sister-in-laws from intervening in the stall operation, and the three sister-in-laws have to listen.

He doesn't look for his father-in-law's mother-in-law's family. The first point is to vent his anger. He doesn't want the three sister-in-laws of his wife's family to live too well. But have a good day.

The second point is the personalities of the uncles, and it takes time to guide them. Rather than handing over the management of the stall to the three uncles, he would rather slowly guide the three uncles to do business independently, and let them stand up at the same time. Instead of letting the three sister-in-laws climb on top of their heads.

If the father-in-law's mother-in-law's family earns much, the three sisters-in-law will definitely search for a lot to subsidize their mother's family.

Wei Cheng doesn't want to give money to outsiders for nothing.

"Husband, you are looking for Wei Yuan's family, why not Wei Lei, he has been helping at the stall, wouldn't it be better for him to take over?"

"Leizi is suitable for management. The family will not only do restaurant business, but also other businesses. From now on, let Leizi assist me in managing the business."

The stall was run by Wei Yuan's family, so he had to talk to Wei Lei more or less.

After Wei Lei heard this, he nodded in agreement. The stalls make a lot of money, and he wanted to learn from Chengzi to do business more than run the stalls.

It's just a little surprised that Yuanzi's hands and feet are so fast that he wants to rent a shop to open a restaurant.

Wei Lei had no objection. After Wei Cheng made the pastries ordered by others and gave them to his elder brother, he then called Wei Yuan to discuss the business of the stall. Wei Yuan was initially confused by Wei Cheng's words.

For such a good thing, Yuanzi actually went to his house.

The business at the stall is so good, it is estimated that it can sell more than a dozen taels a month, and this is not just sending money to his family.

Wei Yuan felt that Wei Cheng was joking, but after Wei Cheng said it seriously, he believed it.

Wei Yuan took a deep breath, glanced at Wei Lei next to him, then looked at Wei Cheng, and asked, "Chengzi, why did you ask me to help run the stall? Isn't Leizi doing it?"

"Leizi is suitable for management. I asked him, but he still wants to learn how to do business with me."

Wei Lei nodded.

Wei Cheng: "If you want to learn how to do business with me, that's fine. I can find someone else to manage the stall."

He asked Wei Lei to learn how to do business, and he also had to take into account Wei Yuan's ideas. He couldn't give Wei Lei a chance, and Wei Yuan didn't have this chance.

Wei Yuan thought for a while: "I still don't need to learn how to do business. As for stall management, it's a big deal. I have to go back and discuss it with my parents before I can make a decision."

Wei Cheng watched his reaction, smiled and said, "Yuanzi, don't you have an answer in your heart?"

Wei Yuan did have the answer in his heart. When Wei Cheng said that his family was running a stall, he already agreed in his heart. He also wanted to do business. His good brother was willing to give him this opportunity, and he definitely didn't want to let this opportunity pass.

This is still a chance to make money for free, and he is not a fool, only a fool would refuse.

Discussing with the family is to respect the opinions of the family members. If the family members disagree, he will agree in the end.

Also, he was too excited in his heart, so he didn't dare to agree right away, so he had to be slowed down.

Wei Chengdao: "Yuanzi, if your family runs a stall, the village will have to find another family to take over the purchase of vegetables."

Wei Yuan: "Here, Cheng Zi, which one do you want to find?"

Wei Cheng thought about it before, "You ask Aunt Lu to ask the third master's family. He has a lot of family members. I remember two uncles who don't have regular jobs, and the third master is a respected elder in the village. He is fair and seeks cooperation from his family. , the villagers dare not make trouble."

Wei Yuan agreed: "The third master is indeed suitable."

Although he had selfish intentions to find relatives to take over, since Chengzi had made a decision, he would not mention it again.

No matter how good a brother is, he must know good from bad.

Wei Yuan went home to discuss with his parents. For such a big matter, Wei Yuan's mother can't decide, it depends on Wei Yuan's father.

Wei Yuan's father was silent for a long time, looked at his family members with a serious expression, and sighed: "It seems that our family has Cheng Chengzi's affection again."

Wei Yuan's father agreed.

The family showed joy, and Wei Yuan's younger brother was even more excited. His family was going to work in the county town, and it was still a regular job.

Aunt Lu couldn't stop her joy, and she asked her son, "Yuanzi, if my family runs a stall, do we still have to buy vegetables in the village?"

Wei Yuan said: "Chengzi said that he will find someone else to take responsibility again."

Aunt Lu asked excitedly: "Then..." She wanted to recommend relatives at home.

Before Aunt Lu could finish her sentence, Wei Yuan's father interrupted Aunt Lu's words, glared at her, "Don't even think about it." Then he asked Wei Yuan, "Son, Chengzi said which company should I hand over the purchase of vegetables to?" ?”

"Yes, Chengzi said to find the third master's family, and let us help to inquire. If the third master's family agrees, we will hand over the acquisition to the third master's family."

Wei Yuan's father hummed, and Wei Yuan's mother knew why the head of the family interrupted her. She wanted her relatives to take over in her heart, which was really wrong.

Buying vegetables is Wei Cheng's business, and she can't rely on a good relationship with Wei Cheng to just make a request. Wei Cheng also handed over the management of the stall to her family, and there is a dividend for running the stall. Her family has received such a lot of favors, if they ask for any favors, they will be ignorant of good and bad.

Seeing his wife's reaction, Wei Yuan's father felt relieved, he was afraid that she would be confused.

Regardless of whether Wei Cheng finds someone to take over the purchase of vegetables, his family should not ask someone to do it. Even if it was brought up, Wei Cheng wouldn't mind, it was Wei Cheng's problem. If his family brought it up, it would be a white-eyed wolf.

Wei Yuan replied after two days, and brought the third master's fourth son.

The third father and the fourth son are in their early forties. They work in the fields all year round. They have dark skin and speak boldly. They are easy to get along with.

Wei Cheng called him Uncle Zhongkun.

Unlike friendship with Wei Yuan's family, there is no need to sign a contract to buy vegetables. If it was San Ye's house, the two parties would have to sign a contract.

Wei Zhongkun accepted the contract: "Wei Cheng, thank you uncle, I am the only one in my family who does not have a regular job, and your other two uncles both have regular jobs in the county to support the family, so I can only work on the farm and come out to do part-time jobs .”

"You trust uncle so much, uncle will definitely help you buy good vegetables, and prevent the villagers from taking advantage of troubled waters."

He not only buys vegetables, but his son can also help deliver them. He has a fixed salary every day, and it is still a job at his own door. The time is not long, and he can take care of the fields and housework at home.

"Thank you Zhongkun!"

After Wei Zhongkun left, Wei Cheng talked to Wei Yuan about cooperation.

This time, a contract is to be signed.

Wei Yuan's family is in charge of stall management, and distributes 20% of the profits every month as dividends for Wei Yuan's family, and they are paid 30 Wen a day instead of 50 Wen.

If the stall is too busy, it is okay to hire people as appropriate, but if you hire extra people, the cost of hiring people will be deducted from the dividend.

After signing the contract, Wei Yuan was still thinking, 20% of the profit, plus a fixed salary every month, this is a lot of money, he will help run the stall in the future, and it will not be in vain for Fei Chengzi to help his family like this.

Wei Yuan thought that a monthly two-cent dividend would only be a few taels of silver, which was already a lot. After he got the first monthly dividend of at least a dozen taels of silver, he and his family members were trembling, and the money became hot. It is even more demanding to reduce dividends.

"Yuanzi, tomorrow you and Aunt Lu will come to learn how to cook and eat, and you will also set up a stall together."

"Okay, let's come with Wei Lei tomorrow."

He knew when Wei Lei came.

Wei Cheng thought that he, Aunt Lu, and his younger brother were the only ones in Wei Yuan's family, but he didn't expect that Uncle Lu Quan also came. When Wei Cheng saw Wei Yuan's father, he couldn't laugh or cry. Wei Yuan's father saw Wei Cheng laughing, and he joked, why can't he come, he is also a good workman.

A few people came, but they didn't have breakfast, it was Wei Yuan who Wei Cheng had told them to do, and then everyone had breakfast together, after breakfast they started a busy day.

In addition to Wei Yuan's family studying, the Shaodong family also arranged for people to come and learn how to make sauce.

Wei Yuan and his family members help in the stall business, Wei Cheng won’t let his wife go to the stall, Zhou Yuan will not agree, if he doesn’t go to the stall to help, he has nothing to do at home, Wei Cheng said: “Yuan Yuan you want to strengthen arithmetic, and you will be the shopkeeper when the shop in the county opens."

Zhou Yuan: "..."

One of his elder brothers is the shopkeeper, so his husband must be joking.

"Aren't you the shopkeeper? Otherwise, Wei Lei, how can I be the shopkeeper?"

Wei Cheng hugged him in his arms and kissed his forehead, "After the sauce factory is built, your husband and I will be busy at both ends, and Wei Lei, the store manager, will be in charge. You must be responsible for collecting money at the counter, and you can try it." You recently learned arithmetic and failed."

Zhou Yuan agreed. He has been studying all the time and feels that he has a great responsibility. He must study harder before the store opens.

Wei Cheng would definitely not let his daughter-in-law be responsible for collecting the money alone, so she would have no free time to rest, and would always have to find someone to train her.

"Daughter-in-law, I may have to spend a lot of silver in the past few days, so I will report to you first."

"You don't need to ask me, you know where the money is at home, you can get it yourself."

Zhou Yuan didn't care about the "large amount" in his mouth.

"Yuan Yuan, we're done talking, should we go to sleep?" Wei Cheng stared deeply at the soft and fragrant wife after taking a bath, distracted.

"Well, go to sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow." Zhou Yuan said without finding out.

The corners of Wei Cheng's mouth curled up, and his voice was low: "Yuan Yuan, tomorrow is your husband and I will get up early, you don't need it, you can sleep as late as you want."

Before Zhou Yuan could understand the meaning of this sentence, Wei Cheng covered himself up, kissed him with thin lips, and swallowed Zhou Yuan's exclamation......

the next day.

Zhou Yuan didn't wake up until noon.

Zhou Yuan "..."

Sleeping until noon, no one else can guess anything.

He should be thankful that the family helpers are all next door, otherwise he would have no face to face others.

Things are arranged.

Wei Cheng set out to find someone to decorate the shop. He had drawn the design a day earlier, and carpentry was mostly used in the shop's interior decoration. He went to Zhao Carpenter and contracted the shop decoration work to him.

Carpenter Zhao took the blueprint and sighed, a country guy in Weicheng is now more and more promising.

In addition to decorating the shop, he wants to build a shop-style workshop. The shop is for selling goods, and the workshop is to move the work at home. There are also different workshops to be established in order to do other business.

The establishment of the workshop requires the establishment of living quarters for the employees, which will be used for the workers of the family in the future, as well as a temporary residence for Wei Yuan's family, so that his family can work in the future.

There is a large open space not far from the market, with an avenue on the side, which is the place that travelers and businessmen must pass through when entering the county. He plans to build a workshop there. He considers that large open space is also suitable for building an industrial site.

Wei Cheng went to the yamen, the last time he and Guan Shi came over, the yamen arresters knew Wei Cheng almost by now.

Seeing Wei Cheng coming, he stepped forward to entertain him warmly.

Wei Cheng said his intention, he wanted to buy the wasteland near the market outside the city.

"Boss Wei, do you want to buy wasteland?"

"Yes, what procedures are needed."

"Please wait."

The catcher also knew the location, and when he knew that someone wanted to buy the wasteland, he went in and reported it. After the catcher returned the report, he came out with an extra secretary.

The land outside the city is under the administration of the yamen, which must be measured by the yamen to determine the number of mu of land and its location, register it in the register, and then sign a contract, all of which are red deeds.

The price of wasteland is not expensive, five taels of silver per mu, Wei Cheng bought 30 mu.

The yamen is very happy. The wasteland is useless in the first place. If someone buys it, the yamen can also increase their income.

After everything was done, it took ten taels of silver to manage it, and the total cost was more than one hundred taels.

Thirty acres will definitely not be fully built. First, build the shops and workshops needed in the early stage, and the cost of construction is estimated to be two to three hundred taels.

In the past few days, Wei Cheng spent more than four hundred taels at a time, and then went home satisfied.

Wei Cheng handed over all the contracts to Zhou Yuan. Zhou Yuan looked at the 30 acres of wasteland in the contract, and then looked at the silver that was missing by more than half.

Zhou Yuan "..."

Only then did he realize the amount of "a large amount" of money in the mouth of the husband, Zhou Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and his breathing stopped for a moment.

What a great skill it is to spend two or three days the money that country people can't earn in their lifetime.

Can he say that his husband is a prodigal?

Who has the money he spends like this.

Yun Chengfeng, who had been following Weicheng's movements all the time, knew that Weicheng had bought a large piece of wasteland that day.

"Buy wasteland? Still so much?"

Yun Chengfeng frowned, guessing what Wei Cheng bought so much wasteland for.

"Uncle Quan, can you guess why Dao Weicheng did this?"

"Sorry young master, my subordinates can't guess."

When Steward Quan heard the news, he was very surprised, but he didn't know what Wei Cheng's move meant. Wasteland cannot be planted, and such a large space cannot be used to build a house.

Yun Chengfeng said: "Don't say you can't guess it, even the young master, I can't guess it either."

"Then young master, should we find someone to inquire about it?"

"No, Wei Cheng's plan should be known to no one except himself. Unless you ask him directly, where else do you go to find out."

Steward Quan frowned: "Then..."

Yun Chengfeng sat down lazily, and said with a smile: "I'll go to his house in two days and ask him, so I'll know."

"Ah?" Steward Quan was stunned, "Master, are you going to visit Wei Cheng's house?"

And ask someone directly, Wei Cheng will say?

"That's right!"

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-1303:30:19~2022-05-1602:11:32~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 535000712 bottles; 1 bottle of happy little woman;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!