MTL - Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom-Chapter 1264 Angry? Tip plus more

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"The winter bamboo shoots have to be dug, they have to be dug." Xylophone said.

She took a sip of the duck soup stewed with winter bamboo shoots, and the taste made people obsessed. Refreshing, with sweetness. It tastes different from any soup I have ever had before, and it is extremely delicious.

The root patriarch returned to the tribe alone, and was probably still discussing at noon.

It was rare for xylophone not to go back to the tribe to help him prepare lunch. She was curious about the taste of winter bamboo shoots, so she stayed at Changxia's house without leaving.


She is very grateful for her choice.

The root patriarch would not die from starvation if he skipped a meal. Besides, he is an adult, so when he is hungry, he will find something to eat by himself.

"I'm thinking about the bamboo rat and bamboo chicken that Chang Xia talked about. The winter bamboo shoots are delicious and crispy, so how delicious are the bamboo rats and bamboo chicken that are more delicious than winter bamboo shoots?" Nan Feng licked the corners of his mouth, his eyes full of anticipation .

"Bamboo rat and bamboo chicken are meat-eating, while winter bamboo shoots are vegetarian. How do you compare the two?" Chang Xia rolled his eyes speechlessly and explained.

For foodies, new delicacies always excite them.

Nanfeng is in this state.

"Mum, can my father discuss the specific time to leave Luoshui today?" Nan Feng ignored Chang Xia's eyes, caring about meat and vegetarian food, as long as it is delicious, it is worth thinking about and looking forward to.

Xylophone said: "Yes."

The weather is good recently, and it is most suitable to go into the forest.

In a few days, it may snow again. It is more troublesome to travel when it is snowing. It is undoubtedly a good choice to go to Luoshui when the weather is good.

"Snake, go home in the afternoon and pack your luggage." Nan Feng said.

Snake nodded and agreed.

Shen Rong didn't make a sound, thinking about what luggage to bring into the forest. Luoshui is not close to the Heluo Tribe, and this time they will inevitably turn into beasts and rush on their way. However, both sleds and snowboards need to be prepared, so that you can carry winter bamboo shoots when you come back.

"Changxia, the boat given to you by the fish family, you said... can you send it back to the tribe on the snow? The silver beach is near the sea, and there is no snow there, but it must be snowing when you leave the silver beach. Snow, the boat can slide."

Nan Feng narrowed his eyes, pondering.

At the same time, he expressed his doubts.

heard the words.

Chang Xia and the other orcs were slightly shocked.

Can this work?

At first, she thought that in the coming year, let Shen Rong and elder brother, together with other totem warriors of the tribe, walk from the Silver Beach to the Weeping Cliff, then from the Weeping Cliff to Weishan, and take the Weihe River to bring the empty conch ship back to the tribe.

However, Nanfeng said that with the help of snow, it seems to be possible.

"Nanfeng, don't think about it. The empty conch sea ship is not as big as the empty whale sea ship, but it is not a small boat. If you want to transport two empty conch sea ships back to the tribe from the snow, you need at least thirty or forty totem warriors... "

Su Ye glanced at Nanfeng leisurely, and said lightly.

Kong Luo possesses a trace of Kong Whale blood.

It is conceivable that its size is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary conch. An empty conch ship can carry dozens of people and load several tons, so it is definitely not a small boat.

Of course, the empty snails can be transported back to the Heluo tribe on the snow.

However, the totem warriors to be dispatched must not be three or five.

Otherwise, why didn't the Yuzu choose to directly move the empty conch ship to the Baihe River Basin instead of docking the empty conch ship in Silver Beach?

The reason is very simple, it is too expensive to move, and the pay and benefits are not equal, so it is not worth it!

After listening, the south wind became quiet.

The empty conch ship she thought was similar to Yumi Anke.

However, listen to what Su Ye said.

Nanfeng felt that she was superficial, and the empty conch sea boat seemed to be different from what she imagined. It is indeed too extravagant to dispatch at least thirty or forty totem warriors just to carry the empty conch ship.

It would be of great use if the empty snails were transported back to the tribe by sea.

That's fine.

Even if the empty snail sea boat is transported back to the Heluo Tribe, it will not be useful for the time being. The river waters in the Baihe River Basin have not been cleaned up, so it is somewhat uneasy to let the empty snail sea boat go into the water.

"Grandma, when will Elder Senda and the others return to the tribe?"

Chang Xia glanced at Nanfeng and helped to change the topic. Half a month has passed since the cold season, where are the Elder Senda?

In the cold season, although the Sub Detroit River does not freeze.

The temperature must be cold, and thousands of people migrated, if it weren't for the joint efforts of the six tribes. No tribe can hold on, not to mention the help of the Fu tribe this time.

"It's coming soon." Su Ye said: "I received a message from the head of the Gewa clan in the morning that the migration team was about to arrive at the Totam Moon Grassland. Five days ago, the totem warriors sent by the six major tribes successfully joined the migration team... "

heard the words.

All the orcs smiled.

Soon, more than a thousand orcs will join the Heluo tribe.

This makes the lively tribe more lively and prosperous in the future.

"Xylophone, are the tribes ready? The migration team will reach the Heluo tribe in at most seven days."

Su Ye was worried, looked up at the xylophone, and confirmed to her again.

Food, clothing and housing for more than a thousand people is no small matter.

Arrangements must be made early, and preparations must be made when things are imminent, but big things will happen.

The xylophone patted his chest and said seriously: "Don't worry Wu, the tribe is fully prepared and can accept the migration team at any time."

this matter.

Start preparing before the cold season.

The Heluo tribe will never do worse than other tribes.

The White Lake business district has been expanded repeatedly, and today, it has successfully expanded by more than five times. Now that the rudiment of the town has been established, when the city is built in the future, it only needs to build a city wall to enclose it, and it can change from a tribe to a city.

this day.

All the orcs of the Heluo tribe are looking forward to it.

"The bear tribe and the tiger tribe may pass by the Heluo tribe. Prepare some dry food and bring it to them when the time comes." Su Ye said.

She didn't say that the Heluo tribe would entertain the migratory team of the bear and tiger tribes. The team was too large. It is too difficult to entertain, and the venue is also troublesome.

If it is just to prepare dry food, it depends on the current background of the Heluo tribe.

Su Ye felt that the Leopard Clan should be able to provide it.

Hearing this, Xylophone nodded directly in agreement.

In the warehouse of the Heluo Tribe, there is a lot of dry food stockpiled.


She understood what Su Ye said.

The Heluo tribe does not need to prepare dry food for more than 2,000 people, this dry food is prepared in a symbolic sense. More are provided to the elderly and cubs in the migration team. Three to five hundred servings are enough, and this amount is not too much.

"Have you all eaten?" A plaintive voice came from outside the door.

Inside the house, all the orcs were startled, looked at each other, and laughed at each other. Obviously, the root patriarch is in a normal mood at the moment.

"You haven't eaten yet?" Xylophone said calmly, "there is ready-made lo-mei on the kitchen stove, you can eat it with just a little powder."

The implication.

You can't even make fans yourself, how can you blame them?

The root patriarch was silent for a long time.

"I also want to taste the taste of winter bamboo shoots." Gen was aggrieved and retorted. The one who spoke was his own partner, no matter how dissatisfied he was, the root patriarch would not dare to say it! Seriously, do you still want to go to the kang at night?

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