MTL - Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom-Chapter 1257 howling cub

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"Chang Xia and Chen Rong don't even have any strange powers, where did the beast cubs get their strange powers from?"

"The cub is so powerful, can Chang Xia hold her?"

"I'm afraid that I will be brought down by the beast cub just after I hugged it. How can I rub the cub after that?"

The cubs are placed in the center of the kang bed.

Everyone sat around and looked at it, at most poking and touching with their fingers.

Hug, I haven't dared to start yet.

The imprint on the back of Maple Leaf's hand has not disappeared in a moment. It can be seen that the little guy is really strong.

"It's Changxia, haven't you woken up yet?" Nanfeng muttered, wanting to get off the kang and visit Changxia in the bedroom of the cave dwelling. As soon as he set off, he was stopped by snakes.

"Don't bother her and Shen Rong, wait for them to wake up before going over." Snake approached Nan Feng's ear and whispered, "You forgot what it was like when Shen Rong handed the cub to you just now Expression? You don't want to be missed by him either!"


The south wind immediately calmed down.

Similarly, Maple Leaf Honeydew didn't mention visiting Chang Xia either.

There is a wall on the left and right, it's a big deal, it's the same when Chang Xia wakes up and then visits. I heard from the clansmen that Chang Xia worked hard yesterday. Sleeping more today is good for your health, don't worry, they are not in a hurry at all.

Woke up.

Chang Xia opened his eyes, but didn't see his own cubs.

However, Shen Rong fell asleep beside him.

"A Rong, where did Zai Zai go?" Chang Xia asked with a hoarse voice.

Shen Rong said: "Nanfeng and the others came to visit in the morning, and I held the cubs for them to watch. At this moment, I think they should be in the living room next door."

"It's rare for them to be so quiet!" Chang Xia sighed, Nanfeng is a lively person, and wherever she is, it will always be extraordinarily lively.

She didn't hear any noise outside the house, and felt a little strange.

"I'll help you up and get you water to wash up." Shen Rong said. Looking out of the window, he felt that something was wrong with the sun, and he was afraid that the sun would be high.

He thought, Chang Xia should probably be hungry too.

"Yeah!" Chang Xia nodded and said, "I'm a little hungry."

"Wait a minute, I'll wash up and go to the kitchen to serve you breakfast. However, it should be regarded as brunch." Shen Rong smiled and said, "I handed the cubs to Nanfeng in the morning, and went back to the house to sleep in the cage. .”

heard the words.

Chang Xia rubbed his stomach, only then did he understand.

Dare to love, they got up too late!


Shen Rong opened the door.

Suddenly, the whole cave dwelling became alive.

"Are you awake? You can really sleep. The cubs have drank milk tree juice three times and fruit powder once, and they are mushy. Is Chang Xia hungry?" Su Ye joked, and glanced at the cave bedroom. The faint smell of blood has not yet fully Spreading out, Su Ye stepped forward and opened the window a crack to let the bedroom breathe.

Shen Rong laughed and said, "I'll fetch water for Chang Xia to wash, she's hungry."

In the courtyard of the cave dwelling, there are still many tribesmen sitting around.

They brought many presents, which were piled up in the living room.

They didn't need Chang Xia's hospitality, they just sat around the long table next to the campfire to play cards, and there was no sound at first. At this moment, seeing Chang Xia Shen Rong got up.

very quickly.

The quiet cave courtyard is instantly bustling.

In the bedroom of the cave dwelling, Chang Xia smiled and squinted his eyes, listening to the bustle of the cave courtyard. Before she could be in a daze, the door of the next room was pushed open.

Nan Feng's face came into Chang Xia's eyes.

"Long summer—"

Immediately afterwards, Fengye Nuanchun and the others entered the room through the living room door one by one to say hello to Chang Xia.

When Shen Rong brought hot water, there was almost no place for him to stand.

Rinse your mouth and wash your face.

Chang Xia Ban was lying on the kang bed, and Shen Rong brought over the kang table and served hot meals. Fish soup, barbecue, meatballs, a large table full of food, all placed in front of Chang Xia.

Seeing Nanfeng swallowing his saliva frequently and Fengye holding his forehead, it was rare that he didn't hit someone.


Chang Xia couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Nanfeng, if you're hungry, let's eat together."

The food on the kang table was so generous that Chang Xia couldn't finish it all by himself. Shen Rong's breakfast is in the kitchen, these are all prepared for Chang Xia.

"Is it okay?" Nanfeng said, "I have eaten six meals a day recently.

After a meal, you need to eat other snacks. Smell the taste, really feel hungry. "

This said.

Except for Nuanchun Daya, Maple Leaf Milu couldn't hold back her saliva.


Chang Xia laughed out loud.

However, she quickly held back.

Laugh out loud, lower body pain.

"A Rong, is there any other food in the kitchen? Bring some more, and I will eat with Nanfeng and the others." Chang Xia said.

Shen Rong rolled over the tables and chairs and let Nan Feng and the others sit down.

"Yes, I'll get it." Shen Rong nodded and replied.

In the kitchen, in addition to the food that Su Ye helped prepare, the xylophone and snails came to help prepare a lot. Whenever you want to eat in the long summer, there are basically semi-finished products in the kitchen, which can be eaten with a little processing.

Take your time, nothing else.


Nanfeng and the others are all pregnant with cubs, no matter how stingy Shen Rong is, he will not be stingy in this regard.

"Sit down, I'll go to the kitchen to help you get the dishes." Nuan Chun said.

Daya wanted to sit down and chat together. However, as soon as she sat down, the bear cub in her arms kept thumping, and Daya had no choice but to get up. She planned to throw the bear cubs to Yadong, and then come in to chat with Chang Xia and the others.

Not long after, A Yu'er and the others all came in.

Immediately, the cave bedroom was packed to the brim.

Chang Xiaban sat on the kang bed, drank fish soup, ate barbecue and meatballs, happily chatting with everyone.

Talk about the latest gossip of the tribe, and then talk about other tribes.

The atmosphere is congenial and harmonious.

However, everyone did not bother Chang Xia for too long. Knowing that she was going to rest, they quickly left the tranquility of the cave bedroom to Chang Xia, and they continued to carnival in the courtyard of the cave, celebrating the birth of Chang Xia's cubs.

"Sleepy?" Shen Rong asked gently.

Chang Xia shook his head and said, "It's okay. You bring the cub here, and I'll take a look at her. I didn't have much strength when I woke up before, so I didn't take a good look at her."

Hearing this, Shen Rong nodded and walked out of the room.

The cub was being carried by the xylophone on the kang bed in the living room at the moment, it was too cold outside, so naturally they didn't dare to carry the cub to the courtyard of the cave dwelling.

No matter how strong the orc cubs are, they are still weak at birth.


Suddenly, Chang Xia heard a cry.

She was startled, and said in surprise: "Oh! Did I hear wrong? Is this what the chinchilla beast cubs call?"

"All beast cubs call like that." Shen Rong said.

As he said, he carefully handed the cub to Chang Xia, and at the same time told her.

The beast cub probably smelled the familiar smell from Chang Xia's body, and its small body was arching and arching under the quilt, so excited.

Seeing this, Shen Rong hurriedly picked up the cub.

This little guy didn't care how serious he was, he was really worried that Chang Xia would be injured by the cubs.

"Tsk tsk! This strength is really terrifying." Shen Rong said.

Looking excitedly at the beast cub under the quilt, the eyes were not even opened.

If he didn't put in a lot of effort, he really couldn't hold the cub, this strength is really a bit strong.


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Chapter 1257 The screaming beast cub. But no one doubted the origin of this ability. After all, the best talent of the Peacock Monster Clan was to move the stars. Her technique has the same effect as Dou Zhuan Xing Yi.

After defusing Cao Yuwei's attack this time, Mr. Mei did not rush to attack, but just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly, is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he melted his armor with flames, he had other methods. If Young Master Mei kept up with the attack, then he was sure to use this method to restrain her. The content of the chapters in the computer version is slow, please read the latest content of the novel for free on the app. But Mr. Mei didn't step forward, which made it have to interrupt the ability that was originally ready to go.

The saber was slashed out again, the powerful saber intent was a bit stronger than before, Cao Yuwei also followed the saber with his body, united with the saber, and went straight to Young Master Mei.

In Young Master Mei's hand, Tianji Ling once again made the mysterious circle of the sky, and with an instant transfer, he switched his position. While resolving the opponent's attack, it also resolved the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden-red light on Cao Yuwei's body disappeared in a flash. If she hadn't dodged quickly, there would undoubtedly be another ability coming.


consumption! She seemed to be fighting Cao Yuwei for consumption.

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But no one doubted the origin of this ability. After all, the best talent of the Peacock Monster Clan was to move the stars. Her technique has the same effect as Dou Zhuan Xing Yi.

After defusing Cao Yuwei's attack this time, Mr. Mei did not rush to attack, UU Reading just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly, is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he melted his armor with flames, he had other methods. If Young Master Mei kept up with the attack, then he was sure to use this method to restrain her. But Mr. Mei didn't step forward, which made it have to interrupt the ability that was originally ready to go.

The saber was slashed out again, the powerful saber intent was a bit stronger than before, Cao Yuwei also followed the saber with his body, united with the saber, and went straight to Young Master Mei.

In Young Master Mei's hand, Tianji Ling once again made the mysterious circle of the sky, and with an instant transfer, he switched his position. While resolving the opponent's attack, it also resolved the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden-red light on Cao Yuwei's body disappeared in a flash. If she hadn't dodged quickly, there would undoubtedly be another ability coming.

Fight consumption! She seemed to be fighting Cao Yuwei for consumption.


Chapter 1257 The Howling Beast Cub free to read

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