MTL - Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom-Chapter 10 negotiation and exchange

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"Nanfeng, where did Chang Xia and the two go?" Geng paced back and forth, anxiously asked.

Chang Xia's body was just right, and he started to toss? Why didn't Shen Rong persuade him, he had contacted Shen Rong and thought he was a stable child. Now it seems that it is still not calm enough, and it has to be beat.

Nan Feng was free to do nothing, and helped Chang Xia to fill the stone jar with water.

"Father, I told you. Chang Xia decided to go to the Salt Lake today to fetch salt and pick some ginkgo fruit. Calculate the time, it's almost time to come back." Nan Feng raised his right foot and showed Geng the rattan shoes on his feet. Said: "Father, go to the beast den and find a place to sit, and I will teach you to weave rattan shoes. Later, you will weave a pair for Eminem. In this way, Eminem will not be afraid of sand and gravel when he goes out to pick and collect."

After listening to Nan Feng's explanation, she stopped worrying.

Let Nanfeng take off the rattan shoes on his feet and take a serious look.

At the same time, he gestured with the rattan shoes on his feet a few times. Rattan shoes are moderately soft and hard, and are much more comfortable than animal fur sandals and feet wrapped with leaves.

"This rattan shoe was also taught by Chang Xia?" Gen said happily.

The animal fur sandals popular in the tribe were taught by Changxia.

"Yeah!" Nan Feng nodded and sighed: "Father, Chang Xia is really smart. It's a pity that his health is a little worse."

"What's wrong with her body? If it wasn't for Wu's use of precious medicines to raise her for these years, she would be able to live up to her own spirit. Not to mention living to adulthood, I'm afraid it would be difficult to change shape." Gen sighed, Wu said that when Chang Xia came tribal time.

They were all worried that this poor cub might not live long.

However, Chang Xia was really good at it.

Relying on Wu's precious medicine, she escaped death many times, and she really survived by virtue of her life.


The tribesmen are extremely patient with Changxia.

No matter who gets a good thing from the clan, they will give her a copy.

Just like this Changxia Jianyao, changing one's roots can kill people.

"Father, don't worry, Wu didn't say it. As long as Chang Xia survives the catastrophe of adulthood, he will be able to live the rest of his life in peace." Nan Feng picked out a few vines from Chang Xia's open vines and compared them with hers. The rattan shoes were woven slowly.

It doesn't take a moment.

It was really imitated by Nanfeng.

"Father, try—"

Gen took over the rattan shoes and took off the animal fur sandals on his feet.

He got up and walked back and forth several times.

"These rattan shoes are really comfortable to wear, better than animal fur straw shoes." Without saying a word, Gen squatted down and took out thin rattan to make a pair for his partner. As he started, he instructed Nanfeng, "Nanfeng, you have time to cut some fine vines back to the tribe, and by the way, pass the weaving method of rattan shoes to the tribe."

"Wait for Chang Xia to come back and ask her what she means." Nan Feng said.

"You're right, you should ask Chang Xia. I was in a hurry just now, after all, rattan shoes have a great influence on the tribe." Gen agrees with Nanfeng's meaning. Orc tribes implement private ownership, and even if the root is the patriarch, they cannot take away the belongings of the tribe for no reason.

Time passed in the two people weaving rattan shoes.

At noon, a dark shadow approached the beast den.

Gen and Nanfeng raised their heads quickly, sensing the familiar aura, and both of them showed joy.

"I'm back at last." Gen put down the thin cane in his hand and said happily.

"Chang Xia, someone at home—"

Shen Rong carried Chang Xia on his back, and the beast body was tied with baskets and baskets, all the way to the Heluo tribe. As soon as he arrived at the tribe, Shen Rong sensed two auras in his beast nest.

"Who is it?" Chang Xia asked curiously.

Who will come here at this time?

"It seems to be the patriarch and Nanfeng." Shen Rong replied. The beast's eyes narrowed, guessing that the reason for the root should have something to do with Chang Xia. After all, she said that the practice of fish **** should be handed over to the clansmen.

At the same time, add river prawns and stew.

"The patriarch's temper is still as impatient as ever." Chang Xia sighed and sighed.

Shen Rong's body froze. In terms of impatience, is Chang Xia qualified to speak of others?

"Chang Xia, did you bring a lot of salt and ginkgo?" Gen Gang was about to wave hello, but his eyes suddenly fell on the things on Shen Rong beast. Immediately, surprised.

"A lot? I don't think it's much at all." Chang Xia took Nan Feng's hand and jumped off Shen Rong beast. Seeing that the root had a bad face, she explained quickly, saying: "Patriarch, salt is used to pickle vegetables and meat, and I will seal the salt to prevent it from getting wet. Ginkgo, I am going to use it for research and make it easy to store. food."

"The fruit powder is gooey?" Nan Feng joked.

Chang Xia pinched the tender meat on Nanfeng's waist and defended, "What I'm going to do is not the fruit powder, but noodles or flour. You wait first, and I'll tell you when I'm done. Anyway, I don't These ginkgoes will be wasted."

"Okay, it's up to you." Gen didn't ask any further, confirming that Chang Xia would not waste food, he turned around to help Shen Rong unload the basket and basket on his body.

"So many!" Nan Feng held his forehead, looking at Chang Xia with helpless eyes.

Geng didn't say anything.

He believed that Chang Xia was a measured child.

Since you promised not to waste, you will definitely do it.

"Ginkgo, pour it directly on the ground to dry, and move the salt into the animal den first." Chang Xia instructed Shen Rong to move the salt first. The ginkgo can be directly sun-dried while the weather is good, and it is convenient to grind it into powder. Looking at the baskets of ginkgo, Chang Xia whispered: "The amount of ginkgo is a bit too much, so I have to exchange some pottery jars with the tribe. Otherwise, there is no place to store the dried and milled fruit powder."

"I can make wooden barrels." Shen Rong said.

They didn't have anything to exchange for pottery, like wooden barrels and rattan baskets, Shen Rong could make them himself.

"You can do it?" Chang Xia said in surprise.

Shen Rong nodded and replied, "I can do it."

"Then you make more wooden barrels, all sizes. By the way, it's just like woven rattan baskets, not all of the same size." Chang Xia instructed.

On the side, Gen father and daughter quietly listened to Chang Xia's conversation. UU Reading


Sure enough, after we got married, the child grew up a lot.

"Chang Xia, if you are short of clay pots, I can help you exchange them with the tribe. You gave the method of fish **** to the tribe, which helped a lot." Gen said seriously.

Early in the morning, he asked Nanfeng to go to Baihe to catch a few fish.

Let the xylophone do it and follow Nanfeng's instructions to successfully make delicious fish balls. Although Nanfeng said that the taste is not as good as that made by Changxia, Gen and Xylophone are already satisfied.

Fish balls, delicious Q bomb.

In addition to its delicious taste, it is very suitable for tribal elders and animal cubs.

At the same time, this represents a new source of food for the tribe. Even in the cold winter, the tribe can eat one more food. Greatly lightened the burden on the root.

"Patriarch, I want to exchange some resin with the tribe for the method of fish balls. Can the clay pots be exchanged?" Chang Xia rubbed her hands nervously. Neither she nor Shen Rong could participate in the hunt for the time being.

Not being able to hunt means that it is impossible to obtain animal skins, animal bones, etc.

Tribal exchanges are mostly animal skins and bones, and the rest is food.

"Okay." Gen nodded, and while helping Chang Xia drop the ginkgo on the ground, he explained, "Nanfeng said that in addition to fish balls, you also know how to eat river prawns and new methods of stewing meat. If you I hope you can teach this to the Horde if you wish."

"I do." Chang Xia nodded quickly, all the ginkgo fruits in the basket were poured out, and the salt was moved into the animal den. She looked at Shen Rong and said, "Shen Rong, go to the lake to catch some fish and shrimp. Come back. At noon, the patriarch and Nanfeng stayed at home for dinner."

Hearing that, neither Gen nor Nanfeng refused.

Shen Rong nodded, washed his face and walked towards the lake with the basket in his hand.

Read The Duke's Passion