MTL - Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom-Chapter 1 male, married?

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Isn't this a dangerous house? !

Chang Xia looked at this crypt-style tent of fifty or sixty square meters, with worn animal skins, built on branches and bound by vines, simple and unadorned. The corners of Chang Xia's mouth couldn't help twitching twice, only to feel speechless and choked, and she was speechless. At this time, the clan who sent her over had already left.

She put down the backpack and put the luggage in it aside, not in a hurry.

No mistake, this will be where she will live her whole life.

After quietly admiring for a moment, Chang Xia turned to look at Shen Rong behind him, his face was pale, his steps were sluggish and vain. When you look at it, you will know your body is weak.

"You stay outside, I'll go in and clean up alone." Chang Xia said.

"It's alright, let me follow. This beast den has not lived in it for a long time. Apart from insects and ants, we have to check whether the top of the den is rotten?" Shen Rong smiled and explained, how could he have the nerve to keep Chang Xia busy by himself.

Although the clansmen helped to check the beast den, there is definitely no major problem. But, who knows if there are any other minor issues? After all, this place is a long way from the tribe. This beast den has been abandoned for a long time. No matter how bad it is, he is still a male orc, much stronger than females.

Hear the words.

Chang Xia thought for a moment and agreed.

"Okay, I picked some wormwood before, and I'll set it on fire later. I'll smoke out the insects and ants in the nest first, and then check the top of the nest."

Soon, a pungent odor spread.

A rustling sound crept into the ears of the two of them.

"Back up!" Shen Rong pulled Chang Xia, carrying the basket on the side, and hurriedly retreated seven or eight steps.

I saw all kinds of insects and ants quickly climbed out of the nest, obviously the smell of wormwood made them uncomfortable. After a few minutes, the wormwood was burnt out, and no more insects and ants crawled out of the nest.

The two people lifted the animal skin curtain to let the animal nest ventilate.

Chang Xia neatly began to throw out the discarded things in the beast's nest. While paying attention to Shen Rong's maintenance of the roof of the nest, he was distracted and recalled what happened a few days ago.

In the last second, Chang Xia was busy killing the high-level zombies that came from the wind, and was busy running for survival. In the next second, she became a female of the Orc Heluo tribe - Xia.

Orcs, they must live independently when they are adults.

Every year the tribe travels to Normandy with adult males and females. Normandy is the largest market in the Dusk Forest, where there are many races such as orcs, birds, and fish. Males/females who see the right eye will choose to marry, and then decide to live in their favorite tribes.

Chang Xia didn't want to get married, but the only way to get the tribe's approval was to get married.

This continent is different from Earth.

It is extremely dangerous here, and without the protection of the tribe, even she can't guarantee her survival. Having experienced the end of the world, Chang Xia's only thought is to live.

a few days ago.

She follows the Heluo tribe to Normandy, where there are many males/females to mate. Chang Xia was led on a blind date by her clansmen. She was thin and weak in fighting Totoro clan, and many people rejected her.

Orc blind date is no better than Earth. Appearance is not so important, what matters is race, combat effectiveness, and strength.

Otherwise, how can you deal with powerful beasts?

Those who value appearance are the bird clan, the bird clan is exclusive, and they rarely marry the orc clan. The same goes for the fish clan.

Chang Xia is thin and small, and she is a Totoro clan that is not good at fighting among the beast clan. Of course, no one likes her.

Chang Xia had no choice, so he simply chose a corner to cuddle in.

The orcs are big and three rough, they despise themselves, and Chang Xia really despise them. One by one, the big muscle tyrants, looking at them, they can eat very well, and they are ugly.

She is thin—

Obviously the orcs are not human, what is the concept of two meters per capita?

It made Chang Xia, who was 1.7 meters tall, feel like she had come to the country of giants.

The Heluo tribe where Changxia is located is located in the Twilight Forest in the East Land. The Twilight Forest is a paradise for the orcs, the bird family to the east, and the sea to the south, where the fish family lives. Farther, Changxia is still unclear.

Chang Xia is frail and sickly. As long as he can remember, he has lived in the Heluo tribe and was raised by the tribe. She had never met her parents, but heard from the head of the Heluo tribe, that Chang Xia was picked up by Wu in the outskirts of the Twilight Forest. Wu lived alone in the sacred mountain of Kana in the Twilight Forest, and could not raise Chang Xia, so he sent him here. Heluo tribe.

Chang Xia is in poor health, eats less, and is picky.

Naturally thin.

The orcs value their offspring. Even if Changxia is not related to the Heluo tribe, the clansmen still raise her with all their heart.


Chang Xia was feeling hungry while rubbing Gulu's stomach. Tribes eat in addition to barbecue, it is stewed, the taste can be described in one word: absolutely.

Even if Chang Xia struggled for several years in the apocalypse, it was still difficult to accept.

However, living in a tribe cannot be too unique. She can only endure. This time, Mayor Xia came to the Normandy Fair. She must find a male who is pleasing to the eye, not to be nagged by the patriarch and clansmen, but also to get married just to eat, otherwise life will not be able to live. go down.

The Normandy Grand Bazaar is located on the Normandy Plain.

It is said that it is a market, but it is actually made up of various animal skin tents. Except for the bird family and the fish family, which are somewhat particular, the orc family usually sleeps directly on the ground...

Looking at the crowd, Chang Xia had a headache.

In my mind, I couldn't help recalling what the patriarch said.

"You're too weak, so hurry up and find a male to marry, otherwise how will you support yourself in the future?"

Of course, orcs are not required to marry when they are adults. Chang Xia is a special case. She is weak and easy to get sick. The adult tribe can no longer support her. If she doesn't marry, the clansmen are naturally worried that she will starve to death.

increasingly westward.

Is it a waste of time today?

Chang Xia rubbed her hungry stomach, her eyes constantly scanning the crowds of people passing by.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

A slender male came to the edge of the big market. He was very thin and tall, more than two meters tall. Her hair was disheveled and knotted, her face was pale, her complexion was almost transparent, and she walked vainly and slowly, looking like she was terminally ill and had a short life.

Strength is not strength, Chang Xia does not value it.

After all, she is not really helpless.

The most important thing is that this male face is good-looking, definitely the most handsome and handsome Chang Xia has ever seen.


Chang Xia got up and stepped forward.

"Male, get married?"

As soon as Shen Rong returned to Donglu, he was in a trance. However, it was stopped by a female.

He lowered his head and looked at the female who had just reached his chest.

Thin and yellowish complexion.

His palm-sized cheeks were occupied by a pair of eyes full of life.

"My name is Chang Xia, and I come from the Orc Heluo tribe. Male, what is your name? Have you gotten married? Would you like to get married with me?

"..." Shen Rong fell silent. Did he leave the Twilight Forest for too long? Are all the females now so hot and enthusiastic? For a while, Shen Rong couldn't react, he was stupid.

Seeing the male staring blankly, his mind wandered.

Chang Xia waved his hand and said loudly, "Aren't you willing?"

"Are you an adult?" Shen Rong hesitated, couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Are all orc females as direct as you? I remember that birds are so straightforward."

"Underage, who would come to the Normandy Market? You don't care if I'm direct or not, will you agree to marry me?" Chang Xia looked at Shen Rong's slender body, stepped forward, stretched out his hand and patted him twice, " You are sick, and no female will fall for you. Don't worry, I can support you, so... do you want to go back to the Heluo tribe with me?"

See you.

Shen Rong couldn't help but laugh out loud again.

It was the first time he saw such an energetic female, and it was rare for him to have a trace of curiosity.

"I can eat very well, are you sure you can feed me?"

Chang Xia looked at Shen Rong's face seriously, it was so beautiful. After thinking for a while, she took out the clay pot in the back basket, and took out two fish **** the size of a baby's fist.

This is the fish caught in the fish basket she quietly made, and made into fish balls.

That fish, UU reading www. weighs seven or eight pounds.

Chang Xia didn't have ginger, onion and garlic as condiments, so he made fish **** from fish meat.

"What is this—" Shen Rong asked curiously.

Chang Xia handed the fish ball forward and replied, "Fish ball, please eat it."

Shen Rong looked at Chang Xia and at the fish **** in front of him. Maybe living in the Heluo tribe would be a good choice, "My name is Shen Rong, from the beast clan and the wolf fighting clan. At present, I have just wandered to the Twilight Forest. ."

A little while.

The two came to the Heluo tribe's patriarch Gen.

"Chang Xia, have you really decided?" Gen was a little stunned. A few minutes ago, Chang Xia led Shen Rong to the Heluo tribe, introduced Shen Rong to him, and told him that this was the partner she found. .

Immediately, everyone in the Heluo tribe was stunned.

Although the clansmen were not satisfied with Shen Rong, they finally chose to bless Chang Xia.

"Patriarch, I've decided." Chang Xia nodded his head and said, "Shen Rong looks weak, but his strength is quite good."

Geng twisted his face and agreed.

After all, there is no way if you don't agree, other males despise Chang Xia.

Shen Rong may be the only male in the Normandy market who does not dislike Chang Xia. Left and right Chang Xia will still live in the tribe in the future, it is really not good, he and his clan will take care of them more.

So, wait for the big market to end.

Shen Rong followed Chang Xia to the territory of the Heluo tribe.

Returning to the tribe, Gen did not delay, and gave her the beast nest that Chang Xia had chosen before. Orcs don't have any marriage ceremony. As long as you look right, you can build a nest together to be a marriage.

Chang Xia was in poor health, so he couldn't make a nest by himself.

Now this animal nest is left by the tribe's former clansmen, which is a special case.

They are considered to have eaten the soft rice of the tribe.

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