MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 98

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Yue Heng directly brought the three of Jiang Lin into Emperor Changde's bedroom. Emperor Changde lay weakly on the bed, but stared at Yue Heng firmly, full of anger and unwillingness.

Apart from them and Emperor Changde in the bedroom, only Qian Yongfu was watching by, and he was a loyal one.

Qian Yongfu looked at Jiang Lin and the others vigilantly, and said to Yue Heng, "Your Highness Sixth, as agreed earlier, I will give the emperor the antidote tonight, what are you doing?"

Yue Heng took out the small porcelain bottle, "I didn't say no, I invited them, just to be a witness."

As for what to witness, Yue Heng didn't say anything.

Qian Yongfu took the small porcelain bottle, poured out the pill and carefully identified it for a long time, thinking that it should be the antidote that Yue Heng showed them last time, so he brought warm water and fed it to Emperor Changde.

The effect of the medicine was very fast, and Emperor Changde became more energetic not long after taking it, and even got out of bed to scold Yueheng.

"Nizi, what kind of tricks do you want to play with these rebels? The throne has already been passed on to the fifth child, no matter what you want to do, you will never succeed!"

Yue Heng went over and stretched out his hand to support Emperor Changde, "I said earlier that I don't care about the throne, you don't believe it."

Emperor Changde didn't want Yue Hengfu, so he slapped him away, "Go away, you don't need to pretend to be kind, I was wrong, I didn't expect you to be such a wolf, ambitious, cruel and ruthless person, but you can't be proud How long, when the fifth brother ascends the throne, he will take care of you."

Emperor Changde was very confident. The sixth child was ruthless when he jumped like this, and the fifth child would definitely get rid of him even if he wanted to keep his throne.

Emperor Changde stared at Yueheng coldly, waiting for the day when the sixth child died.

Yue Heng could probably guess what Emperor Changde was thinking, so he could only express regret in his heart. A person who was destined to die before him was destined to never wait for that day.

Yue Heng spread his hands, his face full of innocence, "Well, since you insist on thinking so, then I'll do as you please."

But his behavior made Emperor Changde suspicious, thinking that Yue Heng must have other plans, he took Yongfu to support him, pointed at Yue Heng, and was about to curse, but there was a rush of coughing.

Emperor Changde coughed so much that he bent down and couldn't stop, the finger pointing at Yueheng was also trembling, Qian Yongfu saw that something was wrong, he hurriedly called for someone to ask for the imperial doctor, just at this moment, Emperor Changde coughed heavily With a mouthful of blood, the whole person fell to the ground unbearably.

"Your Majesty, how are you, Your Majesty? Come on, come on quickly, and invite the imperial doctor!" Gan Yongfu was so anxious that he wanted to help Emperor Changde up.

Emperor Changde shrank into a ball on the ground, not only because of coughing, but also because of the pain, which made his face distorted, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Yue Heng put his hands behind his back and introduced to Jiang Lin and the others, "If you don't take this antidote, you may be able to walk more safely and not suffer. In the end, it's because he is too greedy."

Emperor Changde obviously heard Yue Heng's words, and uttered a few words with difficulty, "Ni...Nizi, you must not..."

"I'm going to die badly, I know, you should spend less energy, and enjoy your last time before you die."

Emperor Changde was annoyed by Yue Heng, and coughed again.

"Cough...I want...I want to kill you cough...I'm in so much pain..."

Qian Yongfu condemned Yue Heng heartbroken, "Your Highness Sixth, you are a regicide, you are so courageous!"

"My father-in-law should have known about my boldness. As for killing the king, we need to talk about the evidence. What this palace gave you is a real antidote."

Gan Yongfu naturally didn't believe it, "If your highness gave the antidote, how could the emperor be in such pain? It's not too late now, your highness should quickly take out the real antidote, otherwise... you will be charged with the crime of regicide, Your Highness is afraid that it will not be easy."

"Okay, then you just wait and see how difficult this hall will be. Come here and ask for the imperial physician."

Qian Yongfu yelled for a long time and no one moved, but as soon as Yue Heng opened his mouth, someone ran away immediately.

Before the imperial physician came, Gan Yongfu took great effort to help Emperor Changde onto the bed, while Yue Heng sat aside and played with his fan, not in a hurry.

The three of Jiang Lin were completely reduced to spectators, and Emperor Changde gradually turned from curling up in pain to rolling on the bed in pain, letting out heart-piercing screams.

He wanted to swear, but because it was too painful, he could only swear out word by word, without any deterrent effect.

Qian Yongfu was anxious at the side, looking at the door from time to time, and was afraid of what Jiang Lin and the others would do to Emperor Changde, so he didn't dare to leave even a single step, and broke out in a sweat.

"It looks very pitiful, but those who died because of his subsequent words, which one is not pitiful? We didn't see it, so how do we know if those people died with the emperor who ruled everyone's life and death? It’s just as painful, are they also crying and begging for their lives to be spared, only to be slaughtered mercilessly in the end.”

And how many innocent people died because of Emperor Changde's words? God deserves what he deserves for suffering that little pain now.

Jiang Lin shook his head. He didn't think there was anything pitiful about Emperor Changde. The bad guy was going to die when he was old. He was also a bad guy, and he couldn't erase the evil things he had done.

Su Qiao also shook her head, her eyes fell on Emperor Changde, with a cool look, "I will never forget how hundreds of members of the Su family and Lu family died!"

Although Wei Yunzhao didn't speak, he also knew that the death of Wei's father could not make Emperor Changde poor.

Only Qian Yongfu was very dissatisfied with these words, he reminded Yue Heng, "Your Highness Sixth, this is the emperor and your biological father, how can you say that."

The corners of Yue Heng's mouth turned up slightly, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Emperor Changde was also a strong one, rolling in pain, and even able to spare his heart to scold Yue Heng for being a traitor, but Yue Heng ignored him and just watched him coldly.

After a while, Emperor Changde suddenly stopped moving and lay with his eyes open. Gan Yongfu became anxious again and called Emperor Changde several times, but Emperor Changde did not respond to him. Just when he was about to urge people to invite the imperial physician again, the imperial physician arrived, not just one, but all the people on duty from the entire imperial hospital came.

The imperial physicians stepped forward one by one to feel the pulse of Emperor Changde, and when Qian Yongfu asked how Emperor Changde was doing, they all shook their heads sadly.

The court judge took the initiative to start, "The emperor has reached his age, and the oil is exhausted, so I'm afraid..."

Gan Yongfu obviously couldn't accept the saying that the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry, he immediately retorted: "It's impossible, the emperor was fine before, and he was very energetic, how could he suddenly run out of oil and the lamp is dry, my lord, this is the emperor, sloppy No."

"Eunuch Gan, the emperor's dragon body, how dare we be sloppy, just ask all the imperial physicians present if the results of the diagnosis are the same."

Emperor Changde was lying on the bed, and could hear the court judge and Gan Yongfu arguing. He opened his mouth to speak, but found that he couldn't make a sound. He wanted to get up, and after a long time of effort, only his fingers could move.

When the oil was exhausted, Emperor Changde pondered over these four words and understood everything. This was Yue Heng, a trap set by his good son.

Just wait for the antidote to be given to him today, so that the imperial doctor can say that the lamp is exhausted, so that he can be exonerated from the crime of killing his father and king.

This evil animal, a rebellious son, Emperor Changde scolded Yue Heng in his heart, full of regret, he should have been thrown into the cold palace with him back then to be disposed of by the Cao family. Or maybe he should help the leader of the Cao family and let him die when he was a child, never growing up.

Yes, there is also Mrs. Cao. Mrs. Cao also let this evil animal be killed. A strong fear arose in Emperor Changde's heart. Is he going to die too?

As if to confirm what he thought in his heart, the voices of the imperial physicians arguing with Qian Yongfu became blurred, and gradually seemed to be inaudible, and his eyelids began to sink, making him slowly close them.

I can't open it anymore.

Emperor Changde died.

The imperial doctors closed their eyes before they felt the pulse for the second time.

It was not even discovered after a while, and all the imperial doctors knelt down on the spot.

Gan Yongfu, on the other hand, was full of disbelief, thinking that the emperor would not just die like this, he snorted again and again unwillingly, and finally he stepped back several steps in a daze and fell to the ground.

Xu Shi was in pain, and finally came back to his senses, crying loudly, "Your Majesty."

Yue Heng got up and said to the three of Jiang Lin, "You guys go out of the palace first, remember to tell Fifth Brother to let him come in quickly."

The purpose of Yue Heng inviting them here is to let them watch Emperor Changde die with their own eyes, watch him suffer pain before death, and watch him die quietly.

Maybe he still can't solve their hatred, but it's already the best he can do. After all, he can't really cut him to death with a knife, after all, his identity is here.

After telling Yue Heng to be careful, the three of Jiang Lin left the palace.

They walked forward, and Yue Heng dismissed all the imperial physicians, leaving only Yue Heng, Qian Yongfu and the corpse of Emperor Changde in the hall.

Yue Heng looked at Qian Yongfu and smiled, "Eunuch Gan is really loyal to Emperor Father."

Qian Yongfu turned his head to look at Yueheng with vigilance when he heard the words, "Does the Sixth Highness not even let the old slave go?"

"How come, Eunuch Gan is such a loyal person, he must be kept. After all, Eunuch Gan is alive to prove the innocence of this hall."

"The medicine, it's the medicine that has a problem!" Qian Yongfu instantly understood why the sixth prince was not afraid to ask the imperial physician to see the clues. He must have tampered with the medicine early in the morning.

Yue Heng shook his head lightly, "It's not the medicine, it's him who has already run out of fuel. You all have to thank the medicine in this hall for extending his life for such a long time, otherwise, he should have died long ago."

"This hall said that you are greedy enough."

"Eunuch Gan, do you believe me now?"

Gan Yongfu stared blankly at Yue Heng, not knowing how to react, and he couldn't tell which of his words was true and which was false. The only thing he could be sure of was that the sixth prince didn't seem to intend to kill him.

"Okay, Eunuch Gan is a smart man, he knows what to say and what not to say, so spread the news of Father's death, don't make people wait."

After Yue Heng finished speaking, he turned around and left without even looking at Emperor Changde's body, without the slightest emotion of grief over the death of his father and son.

The news of Emperor Changde's death quickly flew inside and outside the palace walls. Since the passing of the throne to the fifth prince yesterday, all the ministers and concubines in the harem have been prepared in their hearts, although it came a little too soon.

The fifth prince, Yuecheng, entered the palace to preside over the overall situation, and the sixth prince, Yueheng, assisted from the side, everything was in order.

People with a discerning eye have already seen that the fifth and sixth princes have no intention of competing, and it can even be said that the sixth prince intends to fulfill, and the new emperor is destined to be the fifth prince.

The emperor had a great funeral, all the officials cried for three days, all the people were in bed, and they fasted for one month. Drinking and having fun, marriage and slaughter are prohibited for seventy-seven forty-nine days.

The royal family all observe filial piety for one year to show their respect.

Shengjing, which was originally quite lively, became deserted because of the death of Emperor Changde. The people were even more afraid of violating taboos, and they seldom even went out. There were very few pedestrians on the street for a while.

Except that the former prince dragged his weak body to the Changde emperor's spirit and cried about his injustice, and was stunned by the words of Yue Heng who came after him, everything else went smoothly.

On the first seven days, the eldest prince Yue Ge rushed back from the border, full of dust and dust.

It took more than half a month from the death of the deceased to the release of the spirit, and it took a month in Shengjing from the officials down to the common people to restore the peaceful life in the past.

One month later, on an auspicious day, the new emperor ascended the throne, and all the officials paid homage to him. He was renamed Yongning and called Emperor Yongning.

Wei Yunzhao walked home wearing court clothes, Jiang Lin greeted him at the door, and when he saw someone approaching, he happily jumped on him, "It's the first time I saw you walking back in court clothes, my husband looks so good."

Wei Yunzhao clasped his hand, bowed his head and kissed him, and said with a smile, "My wife is also pretty, she is the prettiest person in my heart."

"That's not right!"

With a proud expression on his face, Jiang Lin pulled Wei Yunzhao through the door and stepped into the courtyard. He looked up at the warm sunshine, which was still a bit bright in winter.

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand and pointed upwards, "Look, the sky has changed."

The author has something to say: is it the end of the text?

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