MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 78

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The ancients used to pray to gods and worship Buddha. Buddhism and Taoism have been passed down for many years, so Taoist temples can be seen almost everywhere. Outside the imperial city like Shengjing, there are more than a dozen large and small temples and Taoist temples.

Among the many temples and Taoist temples outside Shengjing City, the most fragrant one is a nunnery called Lianhua Nunnery. Because there was a princess in this dynasty who led hair cultivation in Lianhua Nunnery, there were especially many female relatives who came to burn incense and worship Buddha.

Also because the Lotus Nunnery has a reputation in the royal family, those noble ladies in Shengjing who have made mistakes and need to meditate on their past will also be sent to the Lotus Nunnery, such as Jiang Rou from Qinghe County Prince's Mansion, or the girl from the Zhao family.

For example, Emperor Changde has been looking for Su Guifei and the fourth prince who have been looking for but have not been found.

That's right, it doesn't matter if Concubine Su is a woman, but who would have thought that the fourth prince and a man were also hiding in it. The people sent by Emperor Changde searched everywhere, searched temples and Taoist temples, and used many methods, but only Never been to a nunnery.

That is to say, the fourth prince and Concubine Su's mother and son stayed in peace and stability outside Shengjing City for more than half a year, and no one came to disturb them.

The fourth prince also managed to win Jiang Rou's heart in this nunnery, making the daughter of Qinghe County Prince's Mansion all eyes on him, even if she followed the rebellion, she would not be afraid at all.

He even bound the Mingjun assistant candidate into the fourth prince. That's right, it was Jiang Jinyue's former Mingjun assistant system. After searching for a long time, the system found its second host in this world, Jiang Rou.

Jiang Rou has hatred in her heart, and has a strong desire to change the status quo and face the cannon fodder characters Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao, so she was selected and bound by the system.

Not long after being bound by the system, the Fourth Prince and Concubine Su Gui appeared in the Lotus Nunnery. Jiang Rou lived a miserable life in the Nunnery. It happened that the fourth prince was eloquent and pleasing, so Jiang Rou fell within a few days.

It was directly determined that she would help the fourth prince to rebel, ascend to the throne, and be admired by thousands of people with the fourth prince, and will be famous through the ages.

The system is still the same old way of fooling people, but the people selected by the system are all like this, so it is not difficult to fool people at all, as long as the system says it a few times, when you become a master, you will be engraved with thoughts such as immortality. In the bones of the host, even if he is crazy, he can't forget it.

The first mission issued by the system to Jiang Rou killed Jiang Lin. After the system bound Jiang Rou, it marked two people, Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao, and told Jiang Rou that these two people would rebel against the Fourth Prince if they were alive. What kind of impact does enthronement have.

As for Jiang Lin, the system asked to get rid of him directly, because he was an unstable factor, and even the system couldn't predict what he would do or know, so he absolutely couldn't stay.

As for Wei Yunzhao, the system's suggestion is to win over and use him first, and then get rid of him, and stated that after using Wei Yunzhao, he must be removed, otherwise Wei Yunzhao will affect the fate of the entire Dayue, causing Dayue to change his dynasty.

Jiang Rou naturally wished for the death of these two people. Her original love for Wei Yunzhao had already turned into hatred. She didn't want to listen to what the system said about using them. She just wanted to let the fourth prince get rid of these two people directly. .

Before the second prince rebelled, he sent someone to secretly send Concubine Su Gui and the fourth prince out of the palace, and left a lot of people to protect them, so the fourth prince had someone available, and he originally planned to listen to Jiang Rou's words and send someone there Kill Wei Jiang and the two, but after learning that the corpses of the killers who went to kill them were all transported to the government office by truck, the fourth prince stopped thinking about killing them.

He has only a few people in his hands, if he falls on these two people, how can he rebel.

Even if Jiang Rou didn't want to, she had to admit that the two of Jiang Lin were not easy to deal with, so she exchanged with the system and changed to a new task, and then learned from the system that there would be a locust plague and severe drought this year. The system required the fourth prince to take advantage of the locust plague and drought to get rid of at least one prince who would hinder his ascension to the throne, and to gain enough public opinion to lay the foundation for the future.

The prince candidates given by the system include the eldest prince, the crown prince and the sixth prince. The fourth prince only needs to get rid of one of the three to complete the task, and the system will provide the next step plan.

"When will the disaster victims enter the city and how many people are there?"

The locusts crossed the border without leaving any grass. The fourth prince, who knew in advance that there would be a locust plague, had already arranged for people to stay near the villages given by the system. As soon as the locusts came, the affected people would be moved to Shengjing immediately. What the fourth prince asked his subordinates to say was that they were the people of Dayue, and when they arrived in Shengjing, they would be under the emperor's feet, and the emperor would definitely take care of them.

The subordinate replied, "I'm already entering the city at this moment. In two days, everyone should be able to enter. Five or six hundred people came from three villages. According to your order, the fourth prince, they were not allowed to die. They are seriously ill. They were also carried to the gate of the city."

"Okay," the fourth prince nodded in satisfaction, "You have done a good job, keep an eye on them, this is the person who will help my prince achieve great success."

"But these are not enough, there are too few, you continue to look for them, and send them to Shengjing."

The subordinates said humanely: "Your Highness, there is no need for the subordinates to pick up people. This year's drought has not yielded much. Once the locusts cross the border again, there will be no harvest. The people who have no food and drink will run elsewhere. Shengjing is the one that comes the most. .”

This year's disaster has had a wide-ranging impact. Even Jiangnan, known as the granary, has been hit by disasters. There is a lack of water, the fields are dry and cracked, and the grain production has been reduced by at least half. The entire Dai Viet has to tighten their belts this year, let alone How many people will die.

Shengjing is an imperial city. From the perspective of the common people, there may be no food anywhere, but Shengjing will not be without food. They don't need anyone to arrange for them to come to Shengjing one after another for survival.

The fourth prince smiled, "It's good to come, I'm afraid they won't come."

"Since there is no need to search for people, we should hurry up and transport the food to the nunnery, and we will have to use it when there are more victims."

"Yes," the subordinate led the order and left.

As soon as the fourth prince's men left, Jiang Rou walked in and was pulled into his arms by the fourth prince. Jiang Rou rested her head on the fourth prince's chest, "Your Highness, why do you need to provide food yourself? Let them go to Wei's house to get food chant."

The fourth prince was interested and asked Jiang Rou to talk about it carefully.

"Sending people to kill Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao is very difficult to get rid of them, but let these refugees come to ask for food. Your Highness, do you know what people will do when they are hungry? They will eat people. So many refugees swarmed up. Jiang No matter how powerful that **** is, how many people can he stop? Besides, if he dares to kill ordinary people, it will be a death penalty." He spoke softly, but the words he said could not be more vicious.

"And a group of refugees who are going to die, even if it doesn't work out, it's not a pity, Your Highness, are you right?"

The fourth prince was very moved and began to think about the feasibility of this matter.

Since Wei and Jiang must be eliminated, why not take advantage of this opportunity to eliminate them, and as Jiang Rou said, even if it fails, those who die will be ignorant and untouchables, and there is no loss for him.

The fourth prince bowed his head and kissed Jiang Rou's face, "Rou'er from this palace is still smart."

Jiang Rou was so shy by the kiss, she called softly, "Your Highness."

The fourth prince's hands gradually became irregular, holding Jiang Rou's slender waist and hugging him horizontally, "Rou'er, don't worry, when things are done, Rou'er is my queen, the most honorable woman in the world , I will spoil Rou'er for the rest of my life."

Before ascending the throne, the Fourth Prince privately called himself Zhen.

Jiang Rou was shy and full of anticipation, hoping that this day would come soon.

The two of them turned up and down in the nunnery that was supposed to be clean and repaired in broad daylight, but neither of them felt that something was wrong.

After the lingering, she began to have bad ideas again, and Jiang Rou suggested to the fourth prince, "Your Highness, it is better to leave it to Zhao Danping to lure the victims to Wei's house. She has always been thinking about Wei Yunzhao, so we just give it to her." This opportunity, it is a good thing if things come true, if not, Zhao Danping can also use the grace of saving her life to stay by Wei Yunzhao's side and act as an eyeliner for us."

Anyway, he is an idiot, and he is only worthy of being a pawn.

The fourth prince scratched Jiang Rou's nose, "How come my Highness heard that you liked Wei Yunzhao too, and you said that he would not marry?"

"Your Highness," Jiang Rou said in a coquettish voice, "That's all in the past, besides, Wei Yunzhao is now a cripple, how can he compare to His Highness, I have nothing to do with him."

The fourth prince just casually said that he would not take small things like feelings to heart. Besides, Jiang Rou's body was broken by him, so he naturally knew that she had nothing to do with Wei Yunzhao.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to mention it in the palace," the fourth prince patted Jiang Rou twice comfortingly, and then said: "The matter of leading the refugees to Wei's house will be handled by Rou'er."

A hint of sternness flashed across Jiang Rou's face, "Don't worry, Your Highness, this time, I will make sure none of them can escape."

Zhao Danping is different from Jiang Rou, she is an abandoned son of the Zhao family, she came to Lianhua Nunnery, no one from the Zhao family came to see her, let alone brought her food and clothing, the Zhao family seemed to have completely forgotten about her Personal average.

It's not that she doesn't know what the Zhao family is like, it's just that she used to think that she was the first wife of the Zhao family, and it was always different. It's not the same, in the past, it was just because she was useful, that she could marry a good family and bring help to the Zhao family.

Zhao Danping regretted it, regretted that she hadn't been able to go all out a little more, and directly cooked cooked rice with Wei Yunzhao's raw rice, and completely became his man. In this way, not only the Zhao family will not give up on her, but she can also live a good life in the Wei family. Perhaps she was pregnant with a child and squeezed out Jiang Lincheng as Wei Yunzhao's wife.

Although Zhao Danping knew that the Fourth Prince and Concubine Su Gui were both in the nunnery, she did not dare to provoke them and kept away from them. She didn't even know that Jiang Rou had gotten involved with the Fourth Prince.

Jiang Rou didn't want Zhao Danping to know, she was mainly afraid that this woman would talk nonsense and do bad things.

She approached Zhao Danping, and after a few polite words, she began to talk about her intentions, "Sister Danping, haven't you always liked Wei Yunzhao? Sister has a way to make you marry Wei Yunzhao, and let Wei Yunzhao Accept it willingly, would you..."

Before Jiang Rou finished talking, Zhao Danping nodded, she wanted to leave this place, she wanted too much, she couldn't stand the life of a nun with the ancient Buddha on the mountain.

"What should I do?" Zhao Danping asked expectantly.

Jiang Rou raised the corners of her lips, scolded an idiot in her heart, and then began to talk about her plan, "Recently, many refugees have come to Shengjing. I received news that these refugees are homeless and have no food. I'm afraid they will Do some drastic things. Especially if the common people know that General Wei Su is a good man, these people will think that Wei Yunzhao is the son of General Wei Su, and they will definitely not ignore them, and will go to Wei's house to beg for food and money."

"What's the matter with the Wei family? If the people are in trouble, the court will help them. It's not easy for Mr. Wei now. How can there be money to help so many people?" Zhao Danping was very unhappy after hearing Jiang Rou's words.

Jiang Judao; "There is no Wei Yunzhao, but isn't there still Jiang Lin? Everyone knows how rich Jiangnan's Yun family is. Yun Wanyan's dowry, and the Yun family's annual gift to Jiangnan, the sum of money is enough Feed a lot."

When Jiang Lin was mentioned, Zhao Danping lowered her face, full of resentment, if it wasn't for Jiang Lin, how could she have ended up like this, Zhao Danping scolded: "It really is a disaster."

Seeing her reaction, Jiang Rou laughed and scolded, "No, but after this time, this evil will disappear completely, Sister Danping, it depends on whether you are determined to be ruthless."

Zhao Danping sat up straight when dealing with Jiang Lin, "Sister Jiang, just say it, I will definitely not let Young Master Wei suffer any harm because of Jiang Lin."

"That's good, come over with your ear and I'll tell you quietly, you do this..."

Jiang Rou finished muttering in Zhao Danping's ear, and then said: "Sister, as long as you believe in my sister, my sister promises that you will be Wei Yun's well-known and righteous wife, and no one can **** you away."

Zhao Danping was a little hesitant, but Jiang Rou immediately lowered her face, "Why, my sister is not happy about this before it starts?"

Zhao Danping quickly waved her hands and explained, "It's not that I don't want to, but I just don't want to part with it. So much jewelry and money, are they really going to be given to those refugees for nothing?"

When reminded by Zhao Danping, Jiang Rou also felt a little pity. How could a group of untouchables deserve to take so many good things away? Elder sister Shi Dong will also find a way to get it back, and I will give it to you when the time comes, and it will be your dowry in the future."

"Thank you, sister. My sister will do her best and will never disappoint my sister's kindness." As long as things are done, people and money will be hers. Zhao Danping is overjoyed.

"Since that's the case, my sister is ready to prepare. I will go down the mountain and enter the city in these two days. My sister is waiting for your good news on the mountain."

Zhao Danping got up to send Jiang Rou away, and when the others walked away, Zhao Danping closed the door, smiled foolishly with her face in her hands, and said softly, "Young Master Wei, you will soon be mine, and I will soon be your wife gone."

"Master, many refugees suddenly appeared on the street today."

Chang An went out to run errands to help Jiang Lin buy food, and found something wrong, so he hurried back to report to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin frowned upon hearing this, "Tell me carefully, what's going on, and how many people are there?"

When Jiang Lin asked, Chang An had a lot to say, "Master, you really can't imagine how smart these guys are. Afraid that the guards at the gate of the city would not let them in if they were dressed too shabby, they all came in in good clothes, and some people Pushing the carts of vegetables and food, it was like going to the city to sell vegetables and food. After entering the city, these people found an empty alley and changed into tattered clothes, and then a large group of people got together and went to The streets started wandering and begging."

"I just saw a lot of beggars I didn't know suddenly appeared on the street, and I felt something was wrong, so I went to inquire. I really didn't see, I didn't ask, I didn't know. Only after I asked, did I know that there are hundreds of people who got through this way and entered the city. .”

News of the severe drought in various places has reached Shengjing, and locust plagues have also been reported in the past two days. It will be a matter of time before refugees appear in Shengjing. But Jiang Lin didn't expect it to happen so soon, as if a catastrophe had just begun, these people abandoned their homes and came to Shengjing.

But it is obviously impossible, not to mention that people generally will not be willing to leave their homeland. Once they leave, the house and fields will be gone. It is earned by generations of ancestors. It is too important to the people, and they must be reluctant to lose it. .

Even if you are really forced to leave your hometown to find a way of life elsewhere, the journey along the way is already in a mess, and there are no good clothes to wear, food and vegetables to sell, let alone this way of entering the city.

It's so wrong.

Just as Jiang Lin was thinking, he heard Chang An say another sentence, "If I hadn't inquired clearly and knew that these people are really refugees, otherwise I would have thought they were organized to rebel."

organize? rebel? Jiang Lin grasped the key words at once, and he ordered Chang An with a serious expression, "Go to the cashier to pay some money and go to the street again, and ask these refugees to find out who sent them to Shengjing and what benefits were promised to them. "

Seeing Jiang Lin's reaction, Chang An knew that the matter must not be simple, so he turned around and ran outside, "Don't worry, young master, I will definitely ask everything clearly."

After Chang An left, Jiang Lin also went out by himself, and first went to Zhou's house. He wanted to ask Zhou's father about Emperor Changde's views on the disaster. Relief must be provided, but how to arrange it? How much money will be paid, and when the money and food will be delivered to the local area, there must be a system and a specific time.

When Jiang Lin met Zhou's father, he first told his father about the refugees on the street and his own guesses, "Uncle Zhou, these refugees came too fast, and they will cover up, obviously organized, I suspect that someone is going to use these refugees to make trouble. "

Father Zhou is a smart man. As soon as Jiang Lin said that he could think of what the consequences would be if these refugees broke out, he asked Jiang Lin, "You want me to report this to the court as soon as possible?"

Jiang Lin nodded, "Not only that, Uncle Zhou please also present this." Jiang Lin took out a bound booklet and handed it to Father Zhou.

Father Zhou took it and opened it to look, and saw that the drawing on it was actually a locust, and there was also a description of how to eat locusts. Father Zhou flipped through several pages and found that they were all about how to eat locusts, which made him a little greedy.

"Is this locust really edible?" Father Zhou asked.

Jiang Lin nodded, "Of course, and it can be used to feed chickens and ducks. Humans eat big locusts, and chickens and ducks eat insect eggs. Only when there are fewer insect eggs can the plague of locusts be completely solved. Otherwise, the whole of Da Viet this year will be in danger."

"I will submit this booklet tomorrow morning. Don't bother with the refugees. That guy doesn't like the Wei family. If you are labeled as using refugees to rebel, then the entire Wei family will flee." not drop."

"Thank you Uncle Zhou, don't worry, Uncle Zhou, we won't meddle casually, please ask Uncle Zhou to submit the booklet, and I will leave first."

"Okay," Zhou's father got up and sent Jiang Lin to the door of the study. He also called out his useless son and asked him to send Jiang Lin out.

Jiang Lin didn't plan to go back, he had to go to Du's house again, Zhou Chengwang heard that he was going to Du's house, he immediately said he wanted to go together.

After getting into the carriage, Jiang Lin carefully stared at Zhou Chengwang and looked him up and down. Zhou Chengwang was frightened by him, and hugged himself carefully, "Lin'er, don't you have any unreasonable thoughts about me again? Let me tell you, I I won’t obey you, even if you force me.”

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes in disgust, "What are you daydreaming about, I was just wondering when you and Du Yuling are going to confess to the family."

Zhou Chengwang looked a little unnatural, and stammered, "Frankly, what's the matter, I'm fine."

"Heh," Jiang Lin chuckled, "Xiao Wangzi, look at how guilty you are, does your face hurt when you say that?"

Jiang Lin didn't think much about it at first, but saw that these two people were mingling together like they were wearing **** every day, and they didn't intend to get married yet. He just wanted to inquire about their future plans. cheated out.

"Who... who's guilty, I don't even know what you're talking about, where's the guilty conscience." If you don't stutter, and don't glance around, you should be a little more believable.

Jiang Linbao looked at Zhou Cheng's head, and asked him to face himself, "Why, you two are even hiding it from me?"

Zhou Chengwang was defeated almost instantly, and his whole body was in a state of mourning, "I didn't want to hide it from you, it's just me... I just realized that it's not like we've been together for a long time, so that's all."

Love develops over a long period of time, Jiang Lin expresses his understanding.

"Since I didn't find out before, how can I know now," Jiang Lin was thinking about gossiping, and pulled Zhou Chengwang to tell him carefully.

Mentioning this matter, Zhou Chengwang didn't lose hope, but felt a little more embarrassed, "Du Yuling's mother is going to show him a wife, and when I think that he will marry someone else's woman, I get tired of being together all day long, and I feel so embarrassed." I felt a little uncomfortable, so I just thought... I figured it out," Zhou Chengwang insisted that this was the case.

"Oh," Jiang Lin was very disappointed, "I thought you'd marry another woman, and we'd have nothing to do with each other from now on, but there's a scene where we're secretly hiding, drinking, and crying under the covers. It turned out there wasn’t any.”

"Who is crying? Anyway, I didn't cry," Zhou Chengwang refused to admit.

But for this reaction, Jiang Lin felt that there was still something to do, but he didn't continue to ask, but asked about the two people's plans, "Have you thought it through yet?"

Jiang Lin doesn't think it's wrong for two men to fall in love with each other, and it's not special, as long as everything is from the heart.

"No," Zhou Chengwang switched to the depressed mode in an instant, "I'm afraid my father will interrupt our dog legs."

Jiang Lin corrected him, "Your father should only break your dog legs, and Du Yuling has his own father, maybe the defender Yunzhao will have a wheel partner in the future." .

Zhou Cheng looked towards the river and said, "You are someone from here, give us some advice."

Jiang Lin didn't feel that he had come here at all. His situation was different. After all, he was still packaged and sent out at the beginning, and there was no such thing as a broken leg.

He looked at Zhou Chengwang and said seriously: "Actually, there is no idea to come up with. As long as you and Xiao Lingzi both think clearly about whether you want to spend the rest of your life with each other even if your legs are broken, then there is nothing that can hinder you. gone."

The author has something to say: I'm sorry, I got the timing wrong again...

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-24 20:46:43~2020-11-25 20:19:55~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of you like the wind; 5 bottles of sandwich dumplings; 1 bottle of flowering pinellia;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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