MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 68

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After riding the horse and raising the whip to enjoy the peach blossoms, the two Jiang Lin returned to the city with Zhou Chengwang's sixth prince and others, and Zhou Chengwang complained that they value **** and despise friends.

Jiang Lin felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said, looked at Zhou Cheng for a while, and answered him, "In terms of beauty, you are ten Du Yulings behind Wei Yunzhao."

Du Yuling, who was forced to compare, was innocent, while Zhou Chengwang almost jumped up and beat Jiang Lin.

All the way into the city, Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao invited Su Qiao to Wei's house for dinner, Su Qiao knew that he had something to ask her.

It was true after dinner, and it was true to ask questions. After dinner, Jiang Lin tentatively said, "You and the sixth prince..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Su Qiao interrupted him neatly, "It's impossible for me and the sixth prince."

The tone is fast and firm, as if it has been well thought out and practiced thousands of times.

Jiang Lin was a little dumbfounded, but also a little surprised.

Wei Yunzhao took Jiang Lin's words and asked, "When did you meet?"

"Those people found me," Su Qiao didn't answer directly, but talked about how she met the sixth prince.

She didn't know when she was discovered. When she realized something was wrong, those people had already chased her to the small courtyard to kill her. They were very skillful and did not disturb the people Wei Yunzhao arranged to protect her nearby.

Just when Su Qiao thought she was going to die this time, the sixth prince led someone to rescue her, and they also got to know each other. The sixth prince would come out of the palace every night to meet him, and would often take her out of the city to play.

Su Qiao's tone was relaxed, with a bit of joy that she didn't realize, "I know it's impossible for us, but the nanny let me live for myself, let me taste the taste of love, I thought, only a short Even if it took a few months, I liked him, and I could feel that he was attracted to me. Even if it ended up being regrettable, but when I look back on this time, at least I am happy."

She said it easily, but Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao were not happy at all, they just felt that this girl was too distressing.

Jiang Lin asked, "You haven't concealed your identities from the beginning?"

Su Qiao replied, "He knows my identity, and it's not a coincidence that he came to rescue me. He didn't hide his identity from me."

Knowing Su Qiao's identity, he should also know the things that Su Qiao has experienced. If the sixth prince is sincere to Su Qiao after knowing those things, Jiang Lin feels that he will look up to him.

He has to admit that women's uncleanness is a shameful and life-threatening event in this era, and not many men can accept such a thing, especially one who has been in a bandit's den and a brothel, and the other is born with a noble status Prince.

"If two people are in love, why is it impossible?" Jiang Lin felt that the girl was too rational and the things she was carrying were too heavy.

"If you want to live for yourself, why not be thorough."

Su Qiao smiled and shook her head, "There is too much distance between us, it's impossible." Su Qiao didn't know how to calculate, the revenge of killing her father, the revenge of destroying her family, her different identities, and she was no longer innocent body.

"General, young lady, you don't have to worry about me. Su Qiao knows what she's doing and what she's asking for. And she's already prepared."

Jiang Lin didn't know how to persuade her for a while, he looked at Wei Yunzhao, hoping he would say something.

Wei Yunzhao asked Su Qiao very seriously, "Have you made up your mind?"

Su Qiao nodded, "Think about it, and I don't regret it."

The sixth prince was destined to be just someone she liked, nothing more.

It was already dark when Su Qiao left, Wei Yunzhao asked Xun Qi to see her off, but Su Qiao refused, "He should wait for me outside, no need to bother Xun the guard."

Jiang Lin then sent people out of the gate, and saw that Su Qiao had not walked a few steps, and there was a figure beside him, and he heard coughing, the Sixth Prince, a weak and beautiful man, really stood upright.

When it comes to emotional matters, outsiders can't intervene. Jiang Lin told Wei Yunzhao when he went back that he thought it was a pity that Su Qiao was a girl.

Wei Yunzhao said, "This is not Su Qiao's business alone. If the sixth prince has his heart, the result will be different. Let's just watch."

Jiang Lin felt that this was true, so he stopped talking about Su Qiao and the two of them, and pulled Wei Yunzhao to take a bath together.

It was the big wooden bucket that Wei Yunzhao asked the housekeeper to find someone to beat. Although Wei Yunzhao was the first to think about it, Jiang Lin was the one who was keen on the mandarin duck bath. After all, he can touch his abdominal muscles and his thighs, which is great.

His character design of Wei Yunzhao's body is also stable.

In late spring, the night wind is still a bit cool, even before the curfew time, there are far less pedestrians on the street than in summer.

Yue Heng walked side by side with Su Qiao. He tentatively wanted to pull Su Qiao's hand, but he didn't know whether he had scruples or did not dare. In the end, he only gently held the corner of his clothes, but Su Qiao took the initiative to put his hand into Yue Heng's hand. Constantly cool palm.

"You can do it if you want, there's no need to worry about it," Su Qiao said in a gentle tone, but her words were bolder than many women.

Yue Heng held her soft hand and said frankly: "You are right."

Then he asked again, "Do Wei Yunzhao and his wife think that I am not good enough for you?"

Su Qiao raised her head in surprise, "Why do you ask, Your Highness?" Considering their disparity in identities, even if they had to feel that she was not good enough for Yue Heng.

Yue Heng guessed what she was thinking, "He is different from others, especially Jiang Lin, as long as you can catch his eyes, he will think you are the best girl in the world, no one can match you you."

After speaking, he immediately added: "You are the best girl in the world."

Su Qiao smiled softly, "Young Madam is very nice, but they never said such a thing, they only asked when I met His Highness."

Yue Heng found it unbelievable, based on what he learned about Jiang Lin, this person should scold him for nothing, and ask Su Qiao to have less contact with him.

I have to say that Yue Heng is a very self-aware person, and he never thinks he is a good person.

Seeing Yue Heng's reaction, Su Qiao asked, "Does Your Highness care about what the general and young lady think of you?"

"Because you care," Yue Heng said truthfully, it doesn't matter what Jiang Lin and the others think of him, but if Su Qiao cares, it will be different.

Su Qiao nodded, "I care, but they won't force me to do what I don't want to do, Your Highness, I think it's enough for you to be nice."

Yue Heng was so happy to be praised that he even felt a little fluttering when he walked, and he didn't blush or pant or cough when he took Su Qiao back to the small courtyard.

It made the hidden guards who followed behind feel a little blind.

How wise their master is, he still fell on the beauty in the end.

But thinking about it again, this Miss Su is much better than that woman who was dying and wanted to climb on the master's bed, as long as the master is happy.

The imperial edict to marry Yin Feifei as the Crown Princess came down the next day, and along with it was another imperial edict, bestowing Wei Yunjia as the First Imperial Concubine. Great victory in the north, the eldest prince led the army to fend off the enemy, and Wei Yunzhao made a plan and arranged tactics with the eldest prince in the air. So he married the sister of one of the meritorious ministers to the other meritorious minister. One had a wife, and the other had a wife. My sister marries a good husband, and both parties benefit.

It seems that it is a good thing no matter how you look at it, not to mention that it is a marriage bestowed by the emperor, which is a supreme honor to Wei Yunjia.

The guard family dared not refuse to accept the edict, but none of them were really happy.

The person who came to declare the decree was Gan Yongfu, he congratulated Wei Yunzhao, and then said: "Although it is a marriage gift, but Miss Nian the Emperor is still young, so I will set the date of this late marriage after Miss Wei and Ji, At that time, His Highness the First Prince will also return to Beijing."

Wei Yunzhao cupped his hands, "Thank you, Father-in-Law, for reminding me, you are interested."

"Your Majesty Wei is polite, this is the job of the miscellaneous family, so the miscellaneous family will retire first."

Wei Yunzhao asked the housekeeper to send Qian Yongfu away.

As soon as Qian Yongfu left, the smirks on Wei Yunzhao and the others' faces instantly turned dark.

As soon as Jiang Lin closed the door, he grabbed the imperial decree from Wei Yunzhao's hand and threw it on the ground, "Fuck! What does this old thing mean, let Yun Jia become the eldest concubine?"

Of the princes of the Yue family, strictly speaking, only the late second prince was truly married. The eldest prince, Yue Ge, is the oldest, but he has never married a wife. Yue Ge once had two fiancées, but they both died by accident on the eve of their marriage.

At that time there was a vague rumor that the eldest prince was restraining his wife, and Yue Ge himself had no intention of being on the throne and was good at martial arts, so he simply asked for an order to go to the border. After going there for many years, every time he returned to Beijing, he came and went in a hurry, and did not stay for long.

The theory of restraining his wife because the eldest prince was not in Shengjing and had military exploits did not have much influence on him, but the marriage bestowed by Emperor Changde will definitely be brought up again.

Regardless of this, the most important thing is what the imperial decree of Emperor Changde means, and he has never expressed displeasure with the eldest prince. It would be even more impossible for Wei Yunjia to be his daughter-in-law.

Jiang Lin's face darkened, he was furious, and he couldn't figure out what the dog emperor was doing.

Wei Yunjia came over to persuade Jiang Lin, "Sister-in-law, don't be angry, the eldest prince is a military commander just like the elder brother, and he is actually quite good. Besides, it's just a gift of marriage and not an immediate marriage. No one knows if something will happen in the middle, maybe this The marriage won't work."

Mishaps will definitely happen, Jiang Lin is not worried about getting married or anything, the main reason is that this imperial decree is pushing the Wei family to the forefront.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's checks and balances, power struggles, and it's also for the prince to make up his mind to get rid of us." After a while, Wei Yunzhao spoke in a very cold tone.

He looked at Jiang Lin and the others, "The first prince is at the border and doesn't care about court affairs, the second prince is dead, and the fourth prince is missing. The fifth prince stays behind closed doors as an idle prince, and the sixth prince is an invisible man in the palace. The other princes haven't grown up yet, and the current crown prince's family dominates. He is fighting for power with Emperor Changde. As an emperor, especially an emperor who is old and in poor health, he is most afraid that someone will take away his The supreme power, the prince covets his dragon chair, and keeps wooing his courtiers, which makes him very displeased."

"But the current situation is like this. He is the only one fighting with the crown prince. The crown prince is young. Naturally, those ministers who are alive and well in the court have to think about their own future and future generations, so it is inevitable to put the crown prince in front of Emperor Changde. Emperor Changde I can think of the consequences if this situation lasts for a long time, so he wants to train another prince who can stand up to the prince. But he is still in control of everyone, and if they know that thunder, rain and dew are all the favor of the king, who will be the one? The real people in power."

As long as Emperor Changde survives, it's hard to say who will win or lose between the prince and the other princes. What the prince lacks most is the support of generals, and even the Yin family he has in mind is also a civil servant. On the contrary, the eldest prince whom Emperor Changde wanted to promote to fight against the crown prince was himself a military general, and he had just won a battle.

The married Wei family is a generation of military generals. Wei Yunzhao is still in the Ministry of War, and in terms of military power, he has firmly suppressed the prince.

If the crown prince wants to deal with the eldest prince, he will definitely not attack the eldest prince directly. The Wei family, who is hated by Emperor Changde, is the best target to attack. Getting rid of the Wei family would not only make Emperor Changde happy, but also cut off the eldest prince's arm, killing two birds with one stone.

Moreover, Wei Yunzhao believed that the Eldest Prince's return to Beijing would definitely be brought forward, instead of waiting until after Wei Yunjia and Ji.

"So this is the emperor?" Jiang Lin asked after hearing Wei Yunzhao's analysis.

"Any move involves a lot of calculations, playing with human life between applause."

Wei Yunzhao nodded, "Because of this, the more he enjoys the power to control all life and death, the more he refuses to let go."

The existence of wise rulers when young and foolish rulers in old age can be found everywhere in the past dynasties, but they are all because of greed.

"No one can guarantee that after enjoying the supreme power, they can stay awake all the time, and they won't be dizzy when they grow old, and neither can I." Wei Yunzhao stated calmly.

Jiang Lin, "So, this is why you don't want to be emperor?"

"One of them, more, I don't think I can do well as an emperor."

Jiang Lin curled his lips, "Then you are too sober."

It's good to be sober, Wei Yunzhao would rather stay sober all the time.

He called Wei Yunjia to the front and said to the little girl, "Don't worry, they won't really let you marry the eldest prince. You are still young, and we will help you find another husband after the engagement is divorced."

Wei Yunzhao thought about it, and added, "Of course, it would be better if you can find someone you like by yourself."

Wei Yunjia: "..." The first part sounded a little moved, but the latter sentence, she always felt that her elder brother thought it would be too troublesome for her to find a husband, so he let her find it by himself.

However, due to the fact that they are brothers and sisters, Wei Yunjia did not reveal her guess, and maintained the superficial brother-sister relationship.

After Wei Yunjia was asked to go back to rest with the imperial decree, Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao thought about how to deal with the prince again. They could guess what Emperor Changde meant, and with so many people behind the prince, they might not be unable to understand.

Not only did the prince understand it, but the queen couldn't wait to do it right away.

She grabbed Qiuxi's hand excitedly, "This time, it's the emperor's intention. Elder brother can no longer stop Ben Gong from attacking the Wei family. Qiu Xi, this time, Ben Gong is finally going to get rid of that family who doesn't know how to praise you. The palace wants no Wei family left."

"Let's start with the old woman first."

Qiu Xi smiled and said congratulations to the queen, "The empress is finally going to get her wish."

The queen let go of Qiuxi, sat back on the soft table and sipped tea, "I have been waiting for this day for many years."

The empress and the Wei family have a long-standing grievance. It can also be said that the empress is unilaterally targeting the Wei family. She feels that Wei Su makes her dissatisfied.

The empress ordered, "Qiuxi, you should find someone to handle this matter. I want to hear the news of the old woman's death as soon as possible. In addition, let someone invite the prince and elder brother to Changning Palace. I have something to say to them."

"Yes," Qiu Xi leaned over slightly, then hurried away.

The prince came quickly, with the same joy as the queen, "Mother, we must not miss this time, this Wei family is a disaster for Gu."

The queen asked him to sit, "Don't worry, the queen mother will help you. Not only the Wei family, but also the boss, you must not let him return to Beijing, you know?"

The prince was puzzled, "Didn't the father say that the elder brother will not return to Beijing in two years, and he doesn't want to be the emperor, so he is not a threat to Gu. Empress, if you have to work hard to get rid of him, it's better to..." The prince pointed The direction behind Changning Palace, "Get rid of it, that's the threat."

Seeing the prince talking about Yue Heng, the queen's face flashed with disdain, "What kind of threat is it? It's just a sick child who is dying. A few days ago, I told your father that I wanted to go out of the palace for a walk, but I caught a cold and fell ill when I came back." I can't get out of bed for a few days, I don't think I can live long."

The queen persuaded the prince, "You don't need to take him seriously, he can't turn the palm of my hand, if he dies suddenly, you have to pretend to be brotherly, it's a waste of your time and easy to be caught , let’s save his life first.”

The prince instinctively felt that Yue Heng was a great threat to him, but after being persuaded by the queen, he felt that it was quite reasonable, so he said: "My son listens to the queen."

The queen was very satisfied, and continued to lobby the prince to get rid of the eldest prince. As soon as the words were finished, Lord Cao came.

Mr. Cao heard the second part of the queen's words, but he knew what the queen wanted to do with a quick guess. Seeing the prince's reaction, he probably had been persuaded. Mr. Cao felt his eyebrows twitching, and he didn't even bother to salute, so he directly questioned the queen. , "The eldest prince has been stationed at the border for many years. Who knows that he has no intention of taking the throne, so why did you kill them all like this?"

"Or is it that you don't like generals, and you have to get rid of all generals to be happy?" Mr. Cao has a straight face, his eyes are full of displeasure.

The queen got up and put on airs, "Brother, although you are the elder brother of this palace, there is a difference in respect and inferiority. It is disrespectful for you not to salute to this palace and the prince, but you dare to reprimand me, how dare you!" !"

Mr. Cao didn't move, he just looked at the queen, and the queen was also waiting for Mrs. Cao to salute, the atmosphere was tense for a while.

The prince had no choice but to stand up to smooth things over, first to persuade the queen, and then to Mr. Cao, "Uncle, the queen mother is also for the sake of the orphan, and the father made this arrangement to let the elder brother compete against the orphan. If you don't get rid of the elder brother, what about the orphan?" enthroned?"

Mr. Cao said: "Your Highness, the eldest prince has no intention of taking the throne. He will not prevent you from ascending the throne, so why kill them all. Besides, there are not many generals who can win battles in the court. You want to get rid of Wei Yunzhao and the first prince at the same time. , who will guard the border in the future, do you want your Highness to conquer it yourself?"

"This..." The prince hesitated.

But before he finished speaking, he heard the Queen snort coldly, "What's the matter? The majestic Da Yue has countless talents and generals. Without these two, is it possible that the country will perish?"

"Brother, don't forget, your surname is Cao, and we are brothers and sisters with the same blood. You don't help your sister and nephew but speak for outsiders everywhere. What are you thinking?"

Master Cao's tone was cold, "Your Majesty thinks that I won't help you and Your Highness, why did you ask me to enter the palace today?"

The queen was choked, what else could she do, she naturally wanted the Cao family to be her helper.

Seeing that the empress remained silent with a cold face, Lord Cao also sighed, and carefully analyzed the situation with the prince, "Your Highness, if you were the emperor, would you hand over the country to a murderous and unkind son?"

The prince shook his head almost instinctively. Although he hadn't become an emperor yet and had no children, he knew that he definitely didn't want to see his children fight each other.

"Could it be that the whole world is a king, Your Highness, you really don't know anything about what you have done, Your Highness, have you ever thought about the consequences of things being revealed?"

Mr. Cao was persuasive, "In addition to the eldest prince, there are other princes below. Is your highness going to kill all the brothers and sisters? Even if you ascend the throne in the end, the annals of history will record what your highness has done."

The prince was obviously shaken, but the queen suddenly scolded, "That's enough! I didn't invite you here today to hinder the plan of this palace and the prince. If Mr. Cao doesn't want to help the prince, please go back. I won't be here in the future." I won't bother the Cao family any more."

"But whoever I want to get rid of, no one can stop me, otherwise, I don't mind taking one or two more insignificant lives."

The queen spoke extremely harshly, and her eyes were full of murderous intent.

Mr. Cao felt that this sister was hopeless, so he turned around and left.

The crown prince didn't expect such an upset, so he followed up and chased Mr. Cao, but he couldn't catch up, so he had to rush back to persuade the queen, "Mother, uncle is also thinking about the future of Dayue, why are you angry with him?" .”

"In the future? I think he is just obsessed with the vixen of the Wei family. It's really a great skill. He hasn't stopped after so many years of death, which has attracted your uncle to defend the Wei family repeatedly."

"Fox spirit?" The prince was puzzled, he did not remember that the Wei family had other daughters besides those young girls.

"It's just a dead person, it's not worth your asking," the queen didn't want to say more, and turned the topic back to getting rid of Wei Yunzhao and the eldest prince.

The crown prince felt that what his uncle said had some truth, so he discussed with the queen, and the Wei family should still be the main one, "My queen, anyway, if the elder brother doesn't return to Beijing for the time being, he won't be able to threaten us, and everything will be discussed after we get rid of Wei Yunzhao. "

"Father's health is not as good as before, maybe before the eldest brother returns to Beijing..."

The prince didn't finish his sentence, but the queen understood what he meant, and the queen reluctantly accepted the statement, "Then wait a little longer, but Wei Yunzhao must not stay."

When Wei Yunzhao was mentioned, the queen became fierce all over.

The prince said: "Your minister has this intention." The mother and son looked at each other and saw the cruelty in each other's eyes.

Jiang Lin and the others were also waiting for the Queen's mother and son to attack, but the first person killed by the other party was Mrs. Wei who was locked in the government prison, which really surprised Jiang Lin.

He asked Wei Yunzhao, "So what is the indissoluble enmity between the queen and the Wei family that wants to drive and kill the Wei family?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-16 17:47:40~2020-11-17 20:33:46~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: I clasped my hands for one old iron;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of ima and fafa; 1 bottle of Pinellia in bloom;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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