MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 55 (one)

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Qian Yongfu approached Emperor Changde and whispered: "Your Majesty, someone from the East Palace said that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wants to see the Emperor. It seems that he has something very important to say to the Emperor."

"Prince?" Emperor Changde put down the pen in his hand and frowned slightly, "He is grounded in the East Palace, what important matter can he ask me for?"

Emperor Changde was satisfied with the performance of the prince after he was grounded. The teachers he arranged for the prince all praised the prince for his seriousness in studying. Thinking, if he had been like this earlier, he wouldn't have produced so many moths.

Qian Yongfu tentatively said, "Perhaps I miss the emperor and want to see you."

Among so many princes, Emperor Changde treats the prince differently. The prince is the crown prince he established, and he is also the child he has spent the most time teaching. Emperor Changde's preference for the prince is by no means comparable to that of other princes. Now Yongfu is like this. Just mentioning it, Emperor Changde really thought about it.

He got up, "Since that's the case, then I'll go and see what he wants to tell me."

East Palace

The prince was walking around the courtyard with a letter in hand. In order to meet Emperor Changde, the prince didn't attend class today, so he asked some teachers to go back first.

The prince was very happy to use this letter as an excuse to let him see his father, and to remind his father that his son was still confined in the East Palace. But I was also worried about the contents of the letter. If it was true as the above said, the second child might be against it.

After walking for a long time, the palace servant came to report, "Your Highness, the emperor has arrived."

The voice of Gan Yongfu calling for the emperor to arrive just happened to be heard outside the door, the prince walked quickly to the door, raised his clothes and knelt down, "I see my father, my father is safe and blessed."

Emperor Changde looked down at the prince condescendingly, and found that the prince had lost weight, but he looked more energetic than before. It must have been hard work for him to be grounded these days.

Emperor Changde raised his hand, "Get up."

He was welcomed into the house, and after the maid served tea, Emperor Changde asked the prince, "I heard you have something important to see me?"

The prince's expression froze, he took out the letter on his cuff and handed it to Gan Yongfu, who then presented it to Emperor Changde.

Emperor Changde opened the letter, the more he looked at it, the more gloomy his face became, and finally he slammed it on the table, angrily scolding, "Presumptuous!"

The prince was so frightened that he knelt down, and Emperor Changde asked him, "Did you ask someone to investigate?"

The prince hurriedly said: "Father, it was not my son who did it. This letter was sent to the East Palace by someone, and was picked up by the palace servants and sent to my son. After reading the letter, my son felt that something was wrong. Tell Father, please come here."

"You mean that this letter fell into the East Palace out of thin air?" Emperor Changde's eyes were sharp, full of suspicion.

Prince: "Yes, what I said is true. All the ministers in the East Palace have already cross-examined, and no one knows where this letter came from."

"Father, I don't know whether the content of this letter is true or not. If it is false, it is fine. If it is true," the prince turned pale, "The consequences will be disastrous."

The crown prince cupped his hands, "I beg my father to thoroughly investigate this matter as soon as possible, just in case."

Emperor Changde glanced at the prince, his eyes were dim, "What if it's fake?"

The prince replied, "That means someone deliberately provoked my son to confront my second brother, and even more so, I want to find out the person behind the scenes and punish me severely. My son will also apologize to my second brother."

After a long while, Emperor Changde said, "Check!"

"Thank you, Father," the prince kowtowed.

There is no such thing as missing father, only the news of suing my brother for rebellion, which is completely different from what Emperor Changde thought when he came, so when he left, Emperor Changde didn't give the prince a good face.

As soon as he returned, Emperor Changde issued a secret order that Dengzhou was closed and no one was allowed to leave Dengzhou.

In addition, people were asked to check the people who had been in contact with Donggong recently to find out the person who sent the letter.

After a series of orders went on, Emperor Changde supported his forehead with a headache, "None of them made me worry."

Qian Yongfu stepped forward and pressed his head to Emperor Changde to relax, "Your Majesty, do you want someone to call the Moon Slave?"

The emperor is unhappy, and he can calm down by torturing Yue Nu.

And this time when she was mentioned, Emperor Changde was even more unhappy, "I remember that the crown prince is the one she likes, go, let people focus on Fangyue Palace, she is not a quiet person."

"Yes," Qian Yongfu responded quickly, and said in his heart that it was a pity, if this beauty is really involved with the prince, I am afraid that she will have to die.

In addition to the unknown source letter received by the crown prince, the second prince was also repeatedly mentioned in court.

First, Yin Ji reported the case of the quarry, saying that none of the hundreds of people were struck to death by lightning, they were all poisoned first and then killed by the bombing.

Yin Ji hadn't finished speaking, "I also found out that the death toll in the quarry was far more than the two hundred people reported earlier. I found traces of burning corpses near the quarry. According to speculations made by Dali Temple and a group of disciples , the corpses of hundreds of people were burned.”

In other words, the real death toll is more than 300 or even 400 people.

Emperor Changde pointed out the Minister of Criminal Affairs on the spot, and handed over the matter of the last time to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and this was the result.

Minister of the Ministry of Punishments came out tremblingly, knelt on the ground and broke out in cold sweat, "I...I am guilty."

"Guilty? You are guilty, I think you did it knowingly!" Emperor Changde was furious.

He was so frightened that all civil and military officials in the court knelt down and begged him to appease his anger.

Emperor Changde swept the crowd coldly, "Calm down, how do you tell me to calm down? Hundreds of lives have been perfunctory with a single sentence of lightning. How do you ask me to explain to the people of the world, and how do the people of the world think of me?" !"

All the ministers said in unison again, "The minister is guilty."

"Guilty and guilty, of course you are guilty, a group of people who are paid by the imperial court!"

Emperor Changde, who was furious, scolded for a while, and was really angry.

However, Dali Temple still has something to report, Yin Ji said: "Your Majesty, Dali Temple has found out that all the people who were killed in the quarry were not exiled prisoners or employed, these people are all missing."

Yin Ji submitted a memorial, "The minister found out that there are nearly two thousand missing men in Shengjing in the past two years. These people all lost their families and property because of gambling and whoring, and finally disappeared without reason."

"And the quarry outside Shengjing City was not opened with the permission of the imperial court. This quarry is privately owned. The owner of the quarry is the same owner as a well-known gambling house in Shengjing."

Yin Ji didn't say who it was, but wrote it on the brochure. Dali Temple is good at investigating cases, especially major and difficult cases. It has some channels to collect clues. It's too difficult. What's more, Jiang Linwei and Yunzhao kept providing him with information, and Yin Ji had already grasped the whole matter in sevens and eighties.

But he also said that Yin Ji chose a good time to submit the paper. Emperor Changde had just read the letter in the East Palace in which the second prince swallowed private soldiers with the intention of rebelling, and turned around and explained clearly where the private soldiers came from. Originally, I only believed five points, but now I believe eighty percent.

Emperor Changde said good-bye twice after reading the excerpts, and ordered Yin Ji, "Check it out for me. I want to see who dares to do such a rebellious thing under my nose."

When Emperor Changde said this, his eyes fell on the second prince, his sharp eyes made the second prince feel more guilty.

After the dynasty was dispersed, Emperor Changde did not leave the second prince to talk, and the second prince did not leave the palace, but went to the harem to meet his mother and concubine Su Guifei.

Concubine Su Gui has a bright appearance, even though she is over forty years old, she still has a charming charm, she is a beauty.

After hearing the second prince's talk about the court, Concubine Su Gui's eyes turned cold, she stared at the second prince, and slowly said two words, "Idiot!"

The second prince didn't dare to refute, he just said: "I also ask my mother and concubine to help my son, according to Yin Ji's investigation, the matter of Dengzhou will be revealed sooner or later, and then my son, mother and concubine and four younger brothers will all be finished."

Concubine Su Gui: "It's a waste of my palace's thoughts to be an emperor for a young minister of Dali Temple to force you into such a state."

However, if you dislike it, you can't really ignore it. Concubine Su Gui asked the second prince, "Didn't you mention to the Yin family last time that Yin Ji's daughter should be the concubine of the fourth son, what did the Yin family say?"

The second prince asked people to hint to the rest of the Yin family, but he didn't mention it directly to Yin Ji. The rest of the Yin family had such intentions, but Yin Ji, father and daughter, refused to agree, so the matter was left alone.

"The Yin family did not respond," said the second prince.

Concubine Su Gui took a deep breath, and wanted to scold the second prince as useless, but she held back, fearing that the more she scolded, the more stupid she would become.

"Okay, the Yin family will leave it to Ben Gong to find a solution, and you can clean up your mess by yourself, and don't give others any more excuses."

"Thank you mother and concubine, my son will leave."

After the second prince retreated, another young man came out from behind the curtain, it was almost winter, he was fanning with a fan in his hand, and walked up to Concubine Su Gui, "Is the concubine mother wanting my son to take action? "

This person is Su Guifei's other son, the Fourth Prince.

Concubine Su Gui glanced at the fan in his hand, and felt that this son was not very smart, "Go, let people keep an eye on the Yin family, especially when Yin Ji's daughter goes out and what she does when she goes out, I will check it out." Clear."

Then he pointed to the stupid son in front of him, "Go back and change your broken fan, and practice kung fu again, even if you are playing tricks, you will show off to me, remember?"

The fourth prince raised the corners of his mouth, showing a coquettish and charming smile, "I understand, I want to be a hero to save the beauty, and I want the beauty to fall in love with me at first sight."

"Go back," Concubine Su Gui waved her hand away.

The fourth prince waved his fan and retreated, unlike the second prince who was in a bad mood, he was in a good mood.

So good that the followers behind him were asking him why.

The fourth prince smiled inexplicably, "My Highness will marry a beauty soon, shouldn't I be happy?"

The entourage felt that this was not the reason, but the fourth prince refused to say anything.

The blood relationship of the royal family has always been weak, even with one mother.

The Wei family, Wei Yunzhao and Jiang Lin are looking at the rice that Steward Yang brought from Zhuangzi.

Xuancheng rice can only be harvested in two months, but the other kind of rice is a long time late, but the output is twice as high as Xuancheng rice. Seeing this output, everyone in the village is very excited. They were all overjoyed.

After harvesting and drying, Steward Yang sent someone to Wei's house immediately.

The farmers worked hard and gave enough fertilizer. The two fields harvested more than 200 catties of Xuancheng rice and more than 400 catties of unknown rice. Even Jiang Lin was surprised.

Jiang Lin asked Wei Yunzhao to take some rice and grind it into rice to taste it, "What are you going to do?"

Wei Yunzhao said: "I want to send these rice to the border. The border is dry and cold, and it is the most suitable place to grow Xuancheng rice."

Jiang Lin tapped the rice he planted from the seeds he took out from space, "What about this, are you going to report it?"

"Report!" Wei Yunzhao said, "It's time for me to move."

The reason why he worked as Tuntian Secretary was to plant Xuancheng rice, and then report to Emperor Changde to promote it. Now that Xuancheng rice has been obtained, Emperor Changde also sent people to bring back more good seeds. What he can do It's done.

"Where do you want to go?" Jiang Lin asked.

"Military Department," Wei Yunzhao spat out two words, and he said, "They should use me soon."

If the matter of the second prince stationing private soldiers in Dengzhou is revealed, he may not be so eager to jump the wall and turn back directly. At this time, someone needs to command the battle and retreat the enemy, and Wei Yunzhao is a very suitable candidate.

None of the generals who stayed in Shengjing was better at fighting than him.

Jiang Lin sat on his pocket and looked at Wei Yunzhao fixedly, "You are playing a big game of chess."

Wei Yunzhao did not deny it, "Yes," so be careful and plan step by step.

"Madam thinks I'm too scheming, don't you like me?"

Wei Yunzhao cared about Jiang Lin's opinion very much, and he looked at Jiang Lin with desire.

Jiang Lin got up and pinched Wei Yunzhao's face, "Then will you use these scheming schemes on me?"

"Of course not," Wei Yunzhao replied quickly and firmly.

Jiang Lin smiled, "That's it."

He put his arms around Wei Yunzhao's neck and sat on his lap. This is a habit the two have developed recently, and they are much closer than before.

"If you use it on me, you will never find me in this life."

"I believe it," Wei Yunzhao said, and added a condition, "Madam, I want to kiss you."

Jiang Lin bowed his head, thinking, are there not enough relatives recently? Just kiss, so I have to say it.

He was more active than Wei Yunzhao, and directly blocked his mouth. The two of them chased and frolicked in the small world, their lips and teeth intertwined until they couldn't breathe.

Jiang Lin leaned his head on Wei Yunzhao's shoulder and shared his feelings with him, "It's strangely comfortable to be comfortable, but every time afterward, I lack oxygen."

Wei Yunzhao held Jiang Lin's face in his hands, "Then practice more, maybe kiss more."

Jiang Lin thinks it makes sense.

"Then do you want to try again?"

Naturally, Wei Yunzhao couldn't say badly.

So in the name of watching the rice, the two practiced kissing in the house. In the end, Manager Yang outside couldn't wait anymore and knocked on the door to call them out.

After Yang Guanshi entered the door, he found that the mouths of the eldest son and the young lady were all red, and even their ears were red, as if they had done something shameful in the house.

But very wisely, he didn't say what was in his heart.

Wei Yunzhao talked about the arrangements for these two types of rice, and Jiang Lin quietly went to take out the Xuancheng rice seeds that were hidden in the space last time, and asked Steward Yang to arrange to send them to the border gate together, where there are people from Tongwei's family The soldiers who have fought side by side with the generals have the people they have guarded and the beautiful scenery of the boundless wilderness.

After Steward Yang transported the grain away, Jiang Lin said to Wei Yunzhao, "Take me to the border gate to have a look in the future."

Wei Yunzhao clenched his hand, "Okay."

In the early morning of the next day, Minister of the Ministry of Industry played an incident related to Wei Yunzhao.

The ministers have not heard the surname Wei in the court for a long time.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry said that the rice seeds that can yield nearly a thousand catties per mu were planted on the Wei family's Zhuangzi, and a farming book was also presented, which was also compiled by Wei Yunzhao.

There are not only methods of farming, but also methods of how to increase yields, how to use one field for multiple purposes, and how to use one field for multiple purposes. This agricultural book was presented earlier, and the minister of the Ministry of Industry had read it a long time ago. After reading it, he was surprised. Wei Yunzhao, a military general, is so proficient in farming. If he had been made an agricultural official earlier, the people of Da Viet would really have no shortage of food. up.

Emperor Changde flipped through the agricultural book, and was also surprised, but he couldn't be happier when he saw Wei Yunzhao's signature on it.

This Wei family is like that weed, if we don't cut the weeds and get rid of the roots, it will never burn out, and even in farming, we can find opportunities for him to turn around.

Emperor Changde looked at the rice seeds with a yield of nearly a thousand catties per mu written in the Ministry of Industry Booklet, and felt that Wei Yunzhao was really ignorant. He clearly said that all the rice seeds were destroyed, but now he said they were planted again. Let the people praise him before he is the emperor.

Emperor Changde put aside the excerpts and agricultural books, "I already know about this matter, Wei Qing's family has made meritorious service, and I will call him into the palace to discuss the promotion of agricultural books in detail."

Qian Yongfu asked the other people if they had anything to play, and if they didn't, they would retreat.

None of these courtiers were human beings, so they could naturally guess what Emperor Changde was thinking, and they were very sensible and didn't speak again.

Emperor Changde walked away with a cold face, and Jiang Jinyue was called over as soon as he returned to his bedroom.

After Emperor Changde vented his anger, he pinched Jiang Jinyue's chin, "I remember that I was going to give you to Wei Yunzhao at the beginning, and then you asked the prince to make up a pretext and let your brother marry him. Now Wei Not only is Yun Zhao not dead, I even want to give him a promotion, do you regret it?"

Jiang Jinyue was shocked, with a bright expression on her face.

Emperor Changde tightened his grip on her chin, "If you hadn't been greedy and wanted to be my daughter-in-law, you wouldn't have suffered so much now, maybe it was your elder brother who you sent to marry instead of you." .”

This sentence successfully aroused Jiang Jinyue's hatred, and it was also a thought hidden deep in her heart.

Back when her mother asked Jiang Lin to reconcile with Wei Yunzhao and let Wei Yunzhao marry her, her mother had the intention of letting Jiang Lin enter the palace instead of her.

But Wei Yunzhao didn't agree.

Jiang Jinyue disdains that Wei Yunzhao is a cripple, but she is dissatisfied that Wei Yunzhao is a **** who looks down on her. Now that Emperor Changde mentioned this again, Jiang Jinyue immediately felt infinite hatred. Ten times and a hundred times raised the bet on Jiang Lin.

Jiang Jinyue's reaction made Emperor Changde laugh, "It's a pity, it's too late, you didn't become my daughter-in-law, but instead became my woman."

Emperor Changde let go of Jiang Jinyue, "Don't worry, I like you in my heart, and I will take you with me after a hundred years, and let you be buried with me."

The hatred in Jiang Jinyue's eyes instantly turned into panic, but she dared not shake her head and beg for mercy.

The night she was just sent to the palace, Jiang Jinyue was crying and yelling no, but no matter how many times she yelled no, she was whipped by Emperor Changde with a whip soaked in salt water. Dedi was happier.

It was also at that time that she realized that this is not in the mansion, no one will pamper her, and no one will love her anymore.

Later, Jiang Jinyue learned to be good, but what she thought in her heart was only shown on her face and eyes, because Emperor Changde liked to see her scared but dared not speak, so she could suffer less.

Emperor Changde was indeed satisfied with Jiang Jinyue's reaction, and asked her, "What do you want to say?"

"Do you want your elder brother to enter the palace to accompany you?"

The hatred for Jiang Lin in her heart made her nod without hesitation, "Your Majesty, my concubine's elder brother looks better than my concubine, and Wei Yunzhao cares about him."

Regardless of looks, Wei Yunzhao cared about Jiang Lin, which was enough to arouse the raging pleasure in Emperor Changde's heart. If those who robbed Wei Yunzhao were humiliated every day, there was nothing Wei Yunzhao could do, let alone Changde. No matter what the emperor thinks, even Jiang Jinyue feels that there is nothing more enjoyable than this in the world.

Emperor Changde was indeed moved. He had met Jiang Lin. Although he was not the man and woman Jiang Jinyue said, he was indeed good-looking. Emperor Changde didn't like men, but it would be different if it was Wei Yunzhao.

If Jiang Lin was captured and imprisoned in the palace, and Wei Yunzhao knew that the person he liked was being humiliated in the palace every day, Emperor Changde closed his eyes and imagined Wei Yunzhao's angry and helpless reaction, and laughed out loud.

It's just that the reputation is not good, Emperor Changde thought.

"Your Majesty, what if Jiang Lin's death is suspended, tell everyone that Jiang Lin is dead, and then quietly bring him into the palace, and only release the news to Wei Yunzhao, so that no one else will know, and naturally they won't say that the Emperor is wrong."

Hearing Jiang Jinyue's idea, Emperor Changde came to his senses and said what was on his mind.

Emperor Changde was very satisfied with Jiang Jinyue's idea, he squatted down and touched her face, "Yue slave is doing very well today, then I will reward you with a new way of playing."

Ever since Emperor Changde took up the hobby of torturing Jiang Jinyue, some elderly eunuchs in the palace have had a new job. They specialize in making torture instruments for torture. Let people die. These people have been in the palace for many years and have seen countless secrets. They are the most suitable people to be used as instruments of torture.

All the instruments of torture were used on Jiang Jinyue. The new trick that Emperor Changde said was a barbed whip. Jiang Jinyue screamed as soon as he whipped it down. Emperor Changde didn't care about her at all. use force.

When Jiang Jinyue was carried out of Emperor Changde's palace, she heard a sentence in a daze, "It's a good idea, but I don't like women with snake-hearted hearts."

After going back to rest for a while, Jiang Jinyue realized what Emperor Changde meant, but so what, as long as Emperor Changde can get Jiang Lin into the palace to suffer what she suffered, it doesn't matter if she likes it or not, she It has never been strange that Emperor Changde likes her.

Jiang Jinyue thought it was a happy event, so she called her most trusted Xiao Ba and shared it with her.

Xiao Ba echoed the words of congratulations to the beauty, but in his heart he wished to chop off that **** Jiang Jinyue and that dog emperor with a knife on the spot. What the hell, he dared to miss their young lady. The heads of these two dogs were pulled off and played like polo!

Jiang Jinyue excitedly talked about what she was proud of, but she didn't know what Xiao Ba was thinking, let alone what Xiao Ba planned to do.

It just felt that the pain was too much when taking the medicine today. Every time Jiang Jinyue asked Xiao Ba, Xiao Ba said that the new whip hurt too badly, and the pain was normal. Jiang Jinyue could only bear it while howling.

Xiaoba sent the letter quickly, and Jiang Lin soon found out about Emperor Changde and Jiang Jinyue's plans, and Jiang Lin was disgusted.

He recited Jiang Jinyue's name fiercely, "I thought she would settle down when she entered the palace." Jiang Lin turned his head and said to Wei Yunzhao, "I'll go to the palace."

With space, it would not be difficult for Jiang Jinyue to enter the palace. Wei Yunzhao guessed that he was hiding a secret. Now that the two are getting close, Jiang Lin is worried that he will be exposed.

Wei Yunzhao didn't object, he just asked Jiang Lin, "Can you take me with you?"

Jiang Lin shook his head, he could only enter the space by himself, and could not bring anyone in.

Wei Yunzhao didn't say anything else, but told him to go early and return early.

Except for Wei Yunzhao, no one knew about Jiang Lin's departure this time.

And no one knew what he did. Everyone only knew that within two days the emperor's favorite new beauty had become mute.

Then two days later, Emperor Changde was furious because of the news from Dengzhou, and broke Jiang Jinyue's hand when he whipped her, and he couldn't touch it again.

Emperor Changde didn't know whether he was frightened or angry by various things, but fell ill, and it was very serious.

Emperor Changde was getting old and fell ill. At this moment, everyone started to be in a mess.

Only after the second prince's people rushed to Dengzhou did they know that someone had come to investigate his private soldiers, and at the same time took away a lot of evidence that he had raised private soldiers. When he was arranging the transfer, Dengzhou suddenly closed the city, They even blocked the road, so that they could not go forward and back, and were forced to be trapped in Dengzhou.

These private soldiers cannot be allowed to transfer alone. These people came from wrong paths, let alone came to be the Second Prince's private soldiers voluntarily. If no one is in charge, there will be big troubles.

When the second prince received the news from Dengzhou, he knew that he had been exposed, and it was almost over. The hundreds of lives in the quarry were nothing compared to the private soldiers. This was the real deadly existence.

The second prince had prepared for the worst, but he didn't expect his father to be ill all of a sudden, it was a turn of events.

When he arrived at Concubine Su Gui's bedroom, he called his younger brother, and the mother and son began to discuss countermeasures.

Concubine Su originally wanted to arrange for the fourth prince to have a heroic rescue show with Yin Ji's daughter Yin Feifei, so that Yin Feifei would fall in love with the fourth prince. As long as she became the fourth prince's concubine, the Yin family would be on board with the second prince. Unless he doesn't want his daughter anymore, he will keep a line with the second prince no matter what.

As a result, the girl Yin Feifei also stayed at home, and she didn't go out of the door. She didn't let Concubine Su find a chance, and the martial arts practiced by the fourth prince was in vain.

The second prince suggested to Concubine Su and the fourth prince, "We've reached this stage, and we won't be able to escape when he wakes up. It's better to just do it." The second prince wiped his neck with a fierce look in his eyes.

Concubine Su shook her head, "It's not suitable, the prince is not abolished, as long as he is the prince, he will be a legitimate prince, and the ministers of the court will not support you."

The second prince disdainfully said, "It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong. In this world, whoever can sit in that position has always had the final say. Anyway, except for the old ones, the young ones should be settled together."

The fourth prince also agreed, "Mother Concubine, Second Brother has someone in his hands, as long as he can bring the troops to Shengjing, he will not be a problem with several princes."

Now the situation is really not good for them. It is better to act first than to wait and let the mermaid go. Concubine Su also hesitated, but she did not agree. It’s not too late to act if you’re really sick.”

The second prince showed joy, "Yes, then mother and concubine will have to worry about it. My son first finds a way to transfer him to the vicinity of Shengjing, and then he can act."

The second prince felt that the opportunity had come, but as Emperor Changde became seriously ill and gradually became unable to speak, the courtiers felt that this matter was a big deal, and they didn't know who took the lead first, and made a big deal out of it. The saying of the witch's revenge.

Because Emperor Changde fell ill after breaking Jiang Jinyue's hand, Jiang Jinyue, a witch, was unwilling to reconcile, so she cast a curse on the emperor and asked him to pay for his life, so the imperial doctor couldn't cure him, and the emperor even got sicker and sicker.

As soon as this statement came out, at least half of the people thought it was reasonable, and they all demanded that Jiang Jinyue, a witch, be executed. As long as she died, the curse would be solved, and the emperor would be fine.

Also because Emperor Changde fell ill, the empress, the true master of the six palaces, was collectively requested by the prince's group to lift the confinement in advance, and take care of the affairs of the six palaces first. ordered.

The power of the concubines returned to the empress, and when the courtiers proposed to execute Jiang Jinyue, the witch, the empress naturally followed the wishes of the courtiers. After all, in her heart, she and the prince were all caused by Jiang Jinyue. .

The queen will not forget what Jiang Jinyue has done just because Jiang Jinyue sent someone to show her favor during the confinement.

Jiang Jinyue didn't know that so many people were looking forward to her death. She was in a state of madness after she became dumb, her eyes were full of resentment all the time, and she couldn't speak, so she could smash things vigorously. The ornaments have been replaced several batches in a row.

Jiang Jinyue had always suspected that it was Jiang Lin who set her hands on her, because after she entered the palace, she only suggested to Emperor Changde once to let him get Jiang Lin into the palace. Jiang Jinyue suspected that Jiang Lin got the news and came to revenge her. Poisoned her into dumb.

Jiang Jinyue even wondered if Jiang Lin was as systematic as she was before, monitoring her every move at all times, otherwise, it would be such a coincidence that she would become mute a few days after she finished speaking.

After Jiang Jinyue got angry for a few days, she tried to tell Emperor Changde about Jiang Lin poisoning her, but he didn't expect Emperor Changde to sway her whip and cut off her hand.

The mouth can't speak, the hands can't write, it happened that Jiang Lin cursed her before, Jiang Jinyue really went crazy.

When the empress came leading a group of people, Jiang Jinyue was lying on the bed crying silently, her eyes fixed on the top of the bed, trying to kill someone.

The hand that was broken was wrapped in a white cloth, and the other hand was tightly clutching the quilt, and the fingertips were bloodshot and discolored.

The empress ordered in a cold voice, "Go, pull that demon girl up to me. If the witch dares to cast a curse on the emperor, I will get rid of this witch today and undo the curse for the emperor!"

Jiang Jinyue reacted violently, as soon as the maids approached the bed, she frantically waved her hands to block their movements, preventing anyone from touching her.

Several court ladies didn't even get close to Jiang Jinyue for a while.

The empress was dissatisfied and called the maid back, and sent a few big-armed nuns to go. Jiang Jinyue had no power to resist in front of these nuns, and was soon dragged over and knelt in front of the empress.

The queen gave Jiang Jinyue a disgusted look, and said, "Slap your mouth, let me explain clearly what curse was cast on the emperor, and how to break it."

The queen knew that Jiang Jinyue had become dumb and couldn't speak a word, so she slapped her mouth to make her speak, which was obviously just an excuse to torture Jiang Jinyue.

Although the nuns knew it well, no one dared to refute the queen. They raised their hands and slapped Jiang Jinyue on the face until Jiang Jinyue's entire face was swollen, and the queen looked like she had just recovered her memory, "I forgot Now, you are dumb and cannot speak."

"Since that's the case, let's use writing. While you still have one hand, write down the method of breaking the curse honestly. Otherwise, you may lose your other hand."

A nanny wanted to please the queen, and said: "Your Majesty, I heard that if this person died without complete limbs, he would not be able to reincarnate with a whole child after death. I am afraid that he will still be deformed in the next life."

These words made many people gasp, and Jiang Jinyue shrank her neck and trembled all over.

She has realized now that the queen doesn't like her at all, and even hates her to death, otherwise she would never treat her like this.

Jiang Jinyue looked at the queen with pleading eyes, and shook her head, but the queen pretended not to see it, and asked someone to take a pen and paper to force Jiang Jinyue to write.

Jiang Jinyue couldn't struggle, and she didn't know what to write at all. The ink blurred the paper, and she didn't leave a single word for a long time. The queen charged her with being uncooperative.

The queen asked her, "Jiang Jinyue, do you know why I am here today?"

Jiang Jinyue shook her head, looking at the queen expectantly.

The queen smiled, "All the ministers in the court are going up together, let me get rid of you, the witch who cursed the emperor, if you cooperate, I can spare your life today, otherwise, today is the day." The day you die."

There was disbelief in Jiang Jinyue's eyes, she realized that she got up and was about to run outside, but the Queen brought so many people, how could she give her a chance to run.

He directly asked the maid to forcefully pour a glass of poisoned wine that had been prepared into her mouth, and then asked someone to put Bai Ling on the beam and hang Jiang Jinyue from it, without giving her any chance of survival.

The queen looked at Jiang Jinyue kicking and struggling, showing a satisfied expression, and led a group of people away in a mighty manner. All the palace people in Fangyue Palace were taken away, leaving only Jiang Jinyue who struggled in vain.

Just when Jiang Jinyue was about to take her last breath, the white silk silk broke suddenly. Jiang Jinyue fell heavily on the ground, moved her fingers twice, and then fell silent.

The brazier in the hall was burning vigorously, making crackling noises. As it was burning, the brazier suddenly splashed sparks and flew towards the table covered with cloth.

The queen went back to Changning Palace, only to learn that Fangyue Hall was on fire.

The queen frowned, thinking that this was a coincidence, and there seemed to be something wrong.

But before the Queen could figure it out, Qiu Xi came to report, "Your Majesty, Mr. Cao is here."

"Brother, what is he doing here?" The queen stood up, "Please come in, brother."

Master Cao hurriedly saluted after entering the door, and then asked the queen to retreat to the left and right. The queen asked everyone around him to retreat, and then asked, "Brother, do you have something important to say to me?"

"Mother, something is going to happen," Lord Cao lowered his voice, "My people found out that the second prince intends to rebel!"

The queen smiled, "Brother, it's not a secret, the second child's men are all in Dengzhou, even the emperor knows about it."

"What Dengzhou, his people are just outside Shengjing City!"

The queen's face changed when she heard this, "What's the matter, hasn't the emperor already ordered people to seal off the city and roads? How did his troops get outside Shengjing?"

"The news hasn't come back yet, but what is certain is that as soon as the emperor..." Master Cao gestured, "The second prince will lead troops into the palace immediately, and the empress should make preparations early."

The queen and the crown prince have the least advantage in terms of military power. The queen is anxious, "At this time, the only thing I can mobilize is the Imperial Guard."

"How can you know that the imperial guards are not the second prince's? The emperor is seriously ill, and sooner or later the imperial guards will change hands. If the second prince really succeeds in rebelling, these imperial guards will be his guards in the future. No one knows if they will surrender early."

In particular, the relationship between the commander of the imperial guards and the prince is not harmonious. The prince was once the one who threatened him with the commander of the imperial guards.

"Then..." The queen turned around anxiously, "What about the army in the camp outside the city, I remember that there were tens of thousands of people in the camp outside the city, so I ordered the troops to be dispatched."

Master Cao sighed, "Only the Tiger Talisman can mobilize the troops in the camp outside the city, not even if you are the queen. Besides, even if there are troops, someone must direct the layout, otherwise it will be a mess."

The queen heard that there was something in his words, and said: "Brother, why don't you just say something, why do we have to play such riddles between brother and sister?"

"I'm afraid you don't want to hear what I said, empress, if the second prince really wants to rebel, you have to ask someone."

General, there are too few people who can use the word begging, the queen said coldly, "Brother wants to talk about Wei Yunzhao, he is also worthy of asking me to beg him!"

"Your Majesty, as long as His Highness is not enthroned, he must have the support of military generals who hold military power, so the chances of winning will be greater.

Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

30 minutes ago

Chapter 98

30 minutes ago
Read Damn Necromancer

Chapter 192

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Chapter 191

a day ago
Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read My Space-Time System
Read Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure
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