MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 41

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How could Prince He agree to plant Gu on his daughter? Not to mention the danger of the Gu, if people knew that his daughter had Gu, Qinghe Prince's mansion would be completely ruined.

There are Gu worms in the body of the lady of the county prince's mansion and Gu worms in the body of the maid of the county prince's mansion, the consequences are completely different.

"So the king of the county thinks that this matter can be settled with a few gifts and apologies?" Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers to bring in the gifts, "The Wei family has not yet fallen to the point where they can be dismissed casually with a few gifts."

Wei Yunzhao pushed the wheelchair to the side of Jiang Lin, and supported him, "Please ask the king to take it back. The king only needs to give my Wei family an explanation."

Qinghe County King no longer thinks that Jiang Lin is a troublemaker who cannot be provoked. He thinks that this person is just a **** stick, annoying and annoying.

Qinghe County King looked at Wei Yunzhao and said: "Master Wei, Jiang Mo Nai came to apologize sincerely, that girl Jiang Rou was spoiled, she acted recklessly and impulsively, and she liked Master Wei, that's why she did such a thing, please Wei The adults see that she is trapped by love, let the little girl be spared this time."

King Qinghe leaned over and cupped his hands, "Don't worry, Lord Wei, I will discipline her well when I get back, marry her as soon as possible, and never let her cause any trouble again."

Qinghe County King, a county king, is so much higher than Wei Yunzhao, a fifth-rank official, and even bowed to Wei Yunzhao to salute.

Jiang Lindao: "The prince should let Miss Jiang see what her father has done for her outside."

"Of course, the county king himself is responsible for not teaching his daughter," so he sighed, but did not sympathize.

Prince Qinghe ignored Jiang Lin and waited for Wei Yunzhao to speak.

Under the watchful eyes of Prince Qinghe, Wei Yunzhao asked, "The prince said that he would betroth Miss Jiang to someone else, is it true?"

"Naturally," King Qinghe replied without hesitation.

Wei Yunzhao: "Then Yunzhao wants to ask the county king to betroth Miss Jiang to the Dong family, just for this request, the past will be wiped out, and the Wei family and the county palace will have no grievances. Can the county king agree?"

This incident, as well as the previous rumors, what the Dong family has mixed up in it, Qinghe County King is now clear.

But it was also because he knew that Wei Yunzhao was more ruthless than Jiang Lin. If Jiang Rou joined the Dong family, her whole life would be ruined, and the Dong family was not sure how to torture her.

Although it is risky to have a Gu worm in the body, the Gu worm can be taken out, and it can also be hidden tightly so that no one will know.

Prince Qinghe asked Wei Yunzhao with a sullen face, "Aren't you afraid that I will attack the Wei family if you force my daughter to a dead end like this? Mr. Wei, don't forget, you are only a fifth-rank official now, and I want to touch you. .”

Wei Yunzhao's expression was light, "The king of the county just try it, and see who the emperor will ban from entering the palace of the king of the county this time."

The ban on medical treatment for Qinghe County Prince's Mansion is Wei Yunzhao's confidence now. No one can do anything to the same person at the feet of the emperor, unless it is because he doesn't want to live anymore.

Wei Yunzhao didn't force him, "Yunzhao knows the sincerity of the king. As for Yunzhao's proposal, he doesn't want the king to reply now. The king might as well go back and ask Miss Jiang for her opinion before making a decision."

Wei Yunzhao summoned the housekeeper to see off the guests, but the gifts from Qinghe County King were also confiscated. Wei Yunzhao said that the Wei family only wanted to ask for an explanation, that's all.

King Qinghe came here with sincerity and finally returned with anger.

As soon as he entered the door, the princess of the county came over eagerly and asked, "What's the matter, can the Wei family agree to this matter?"

Prince Qinghe didn't speak. Princess Princess saw the boxes moved into the mansion one after another. She asked, "What's going on? Didn't you go to give gifts to Wei's family? Why did you bring them back?"

Prince Qinghe annoyed her with asking, and was even more unhappy, "What's going on, what's going on, ask your good daughter!"

Prince Qinghe flung his sleeves and left without saying much, shutting himself in the study.

At this time, the princess of the county couldn't guess that the Wei family refused to agree to reconciliation, so she hurriedly went to find her daughter.

Jiang Rou didn't know what Jiang Lin did to her. From last night to now, her body was still itchy. She wanted to scratch but didn't dare to scratch. She was in a manic state. She dropped everything in the room all morning. As long as anyone came to persuade, every maid was beaten by her.

The princess of the county patted the door outside to call Jiang Rou out. Jiang Rou opened the door with a bloodstained face, and her tone was not very kind to her own mother at the moment, "What's the matter, the doctor is here? Or Jiang Lin That **** sent the antidote?"

When she asked this question, the princess of the county couldn't speak at once.

But Jiang Rou knew her reaction as soon as she saw it, she sneered, "Oh, what's the use, the dignified county king personally went to apologize to a fifth-rank official, and people still don't take him seriously."

Jiang Rou closed the door with a 'bang', picked up a shard of bronze mirror from the ground, looked at the scars on her face, and there was only one thought in her mind - he wanted Jiang Lin to die!

The hand slowly clenched the fragments tightly, the palm was cut, blood overflowed from the fingers, and dropped to the ground drop by drop.

The princess of the county patted the door outside to call Jiang Rou out, and promised to invite a doctor to treat her injuries. The princess of the county patted the door for a long time and Jiang Rou ignored her. The princess of the county was so helpless that she cried outside the door .

After an unknown amount of time, the door suddenly opened, and Jiang Rou changed into another outfit, with a veiled hat on her head, as if she was about to go out.

The princess of the county rushed to pull her, "What are you going to do, where do you want to go?"

She cried: "Rou'er, mother will find a way for you, but you must not do stupid things."

Jiang Rou patted her mother's hand and said softly, "Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid. I just want to go to Anyang Hou's Mansion. Isn't Jiang Jinyue also disfigured? I'll go and see her."

As soon as she heard that she was going to the Marquis of Anyang, the princess of the county was relieved, "Then mother will go with you."

"Mother, no need, I'll just go by myself. I happen to have something to say to Jinyue, and I'll be back later."

Jiang Rou called the servant girl and left after speaking. The princess of the county stared at her back, feeling a little uneasy.

Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao didn't know what these people were plotting, no one came to the door, and Wei's house was very clean, so Jiang Lin went to the study to write Wei Yunzhao's script.

Because I was busy, I didn't continue writing "Secrets of the Hou Mansion" next time, and Jiang Jinyue said to write a book alone, but Jiang Lin didn't move. The story line of this fine heroine must still be long. Jiang Lin is going to save up more stories to write together.

Wei Yunzhao wanted "The Choice Between Fame, Fortune and Affection" urgently, so Jiang Lin wrote it for him first.

Wei Yunzhao was also reading in the study, accompanied Jiang Lin, and helped him grind by the way, but he didn't feel bored.

The two spent a long time in the study, and at night, Jiang Lin took the little girl and the little man at home to cook and eat together, and played in the courtyard. They didn't go back to their rooms until late at night.

A good night's sleep.

Then woke up the next morning, and it happened again.

Steward Yang from Zhuangzi outside the city came, with injuries on his face, and knelt down when he saw the two of them, "Eldest son, young lady, something happened!"

"All the rice seeds were destroyed, and many people in Zhuangzi died."

Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao's faces darkened instantly, and Wei Yunzhao asked Steward Yang to explain the matter in detail, and at the same time ordered the steward to prepare a carriage and go to Zhuangzi to have a look.

Guanshi Yang said: "In the past two days, we saw people we didn't know wandering around Zhuangzi. I knew that the rice seeds of the eldest son are precious, so I arranged for people to be on duty at the field day and night, but I didn't expect something to happen."

Last night, a group of beggars suddenly appeared and poured into the fields. After injuring the figurines, they trampled all the rice seeds. When he was about to bring people over to help, a group of men in black descended from the sky to stop them. This time, the men in black who came here were much more skilled than the men in black who came back last time. Although they all retired from the battlefield, they could After all, it can't compare to a specially trained killer. After a while, half of the people are lost.

"Where are the terracotta households in Zhuangzi? What's the matter? Are there any dead people?" Wei Yunzhao asked.

Steward Yang: "Two died, and several were injured. They were beaten to death by those beggars. I arranged for people to take them to the city to see a doctor early this morning."

"Well, those who died will be given pension money according to the old rules, and I will ask the accountant for the money later. Bury the person properly, and don't worry about the seeds for now."

"Yes," Guanshi Yang replied, and said again: "My lord, these people came prepared, will they be with the group of men in black last time?"

"Nine times out of ten," Wei Yunzhao said with cold eyes, "It's still a step too late."

Guanshi Yang didn't know what this meant, and Wei Yunzhao didn't explain it, so he sent him to collect the money, go back and recuperate, and he will take care of the Zhuangzi's affairs.

As soon as Steward Yang left, Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao said almost at the same time, "I'm going out for a while."

The two looked at each other and spoke again at the same time.

Jiang Lin: "I'm going to find the beggars in the city."

Wei Yunzhao: "I'm going to see the Second Prince."

All right, Jiang Lin pushed Wei Yunzhao out, told Huai Jiu to protect people well, and went looking for a beggar with his hands behind his back.

They couldn't say they knew each other well, but after all they had taken money from Jiang Lin before, they still recognized Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin soon asked about the leader's whereabouts and was taken to meet him.

There was no politeness, so Jiang Lin asked straight to the point, "Last night, some of you went to a village outside the city to make trouble and beat someone to death?"

The leading beggar was a middle-aged man named Wang San. Wang San was much stronger than the others, and he looked very shrewd. Stand up, don't let me catch you, or be careful of your dogs!"

Beggars also have rules for beggars, their lives are worthless, if they dare to make trouble and kill people, as the above sentence says, all beggars in Shengjing will suffer.

"It's a group," Jiang Lin said again, "It's not just one or two."

The beggars around shook their heads repeatedly, "We were all in the city yesterday and never went out."

"It's easy to get out of this city, but it's hard to get in. Who knows when you can come in after you go out, or you'll starve to death outside if you don't have food. We're not that stupid."

These people chattered about where they begged yesterday, and they all said that they had never been out of the city.

Wang San said to Jiang Lin: "They dare not lie under my nose, did they admit the wrong person?"

Jiang Lin said: "Zhuangzi's steward said he was a beggar. There are still beggars in Shengjing who are not under your control. They not only hurt people's lives, but also destroyed more important things. The emperor will be furious if this incident becomes serious. It has a great impact on you, and I hope you don't hide it from me."

Wang San frowned, and brushed his dirty hair, "There is still a group of people I can't control, but they are not beggars, but hooligans pretending to be beggars. The leader is Fang Ba, and there are two or three people under his command. The ten people are all young and strong. They only beg occasionally, and most of the time they find trouble with small stalls and forcefully collect copper coins as protection money."

Jiang Lin's face was not very good-looking, "This is Shengjing, under the feet of the emperor, they are so bold? Also, there are yamen servants looking for the street every day, they don't care?"

Wang Sandao: "If someone reports the case, we will deal with it, and if they don't report it, we will ignore it. Wang San and his group are too slippery to be caught. If anyone dares to report the case, the loss will not be a few copper coins, but the whole family will suffer, especially if there are girls in the family. Those who set up stalls are afraid."

"Have they done these things before?" Jiang Lin's eyes gradually became dangerous.

Wang San couldn't understand the behavior of Fang Ba's group of people, so he slapped the ground, "Damn it, that's a bunch of beasts, and it has ruined several lives. As a result, there is no evidence for the useless trash in the yamen. , the case is over, and those beasts are still at large."

Wang San was still a little annoyed, "It's because I'm incompetent, or I would have killed those **** long ago."

Jiang Lin thought, maybe it's not that there is no evidence, but that there are people above.

Jiang Lin asked, "It's easy for people like Fang Ba to inquire about news or monitor people, right?"

"That's our forte. Shengjing's so-called inquisition did not buy the news from us." Speaking of this, Wang San was a little proud.

Then it's almost the same, Fang Ba and his party collect protection fees, maybe the news can come faster, after all, the methods are tough.

Jiang Lin took out a piece of silver to Wang San, "Take me to find Fang Ba."

Wang San was overjoyed when he took the money, but he hesitated when he heard that he was looking for Fang Ba, "Young master, you are so delicate and tender, if you go, you will send yourself to the tiger's mouth, that beast is not even a man. Like to spoil it."

"It's okay, if he dares to touch me, Wei Yunzhao will tear him apart."

Wang San's face changed when he heard the words Wei Yunzhao, but his face was too dark to be obvious.

Wang San hurriedly got up, "For the sake of General Wei, I will go with you." Wang San also ordered to call people back again, as if he was going to fight.

Jiang Lin stopped him, "I thought you should have known my identity." After all, he hired his subordinates to work before.

Wang San scratched his head and said nothing. Obviously, he respected Wei Yunzhao, but he looked down on the young master of Jiang Linhou's mansion.

"You know, Fang Ba knows too, especially since he might have done something wrong last night."

Wang San took two people and took Jiang Lin to find Fang Ba.

Fang Ba lived in a remote place, and he walked for a long time to arrive. Wang San pointed to the yard and said to Jiang Lin, "The people under him usually live here. It's still early, and Fang Ba should not have gone out yet."

Wang San didn't even knock on the door, just pushed the door open and went in. There were only three or five people in the courtyard, wearing dusty and patched clothes, or squatting or standing, eating steamed buns. They surrounded Wang San as soon as they saw him.

"Hey, Wang San'er, rare guest, you dare to come to our territory with these two young people, and come to be beaten?"

Someone saw Jiang Lin behind Wang San, and stretched out his hand to touch Jiang Lin's face, "Wang San'er, I can't tell, you have such a pretty boy by your side, this is a tribute to our boss...ah !"

Before he finished speaking, a scream sounded first.

Before the outstretched hand touched Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin moved, grabbed the hand that the man sent over, and snapped it with his backhand, breaking it directly from the wrist.

Jiang Lin raised his foot again and kicked the person far away.

The few other people who were still watching the show suddenly became serious, and looked at Jiang Lin vigilantly, "Who are you, dare to come to our overlord's place to act wild?"

Then someone asked Wang San, "Wang San, you don't want to mess around anymore, do you dare to bring someone to your door to find fault with you? Do you believe that our overlord can kill your dog directly!"

Jiang Lin was much more straightforward, without saying a word, he just kicked his feet and fell to the ground one by one.

After glancing at these people coldly, Jiang Lin walked straight in and kicked the door open.

Fang Ba was still lying on the bed, hugging left and right, each with a young woman wearing only a bellyband.

Jiang Lin turned around and asked Wang San, "Do you have a knife?"

Wang San obviously didn't expect Jiang Lin to be so good at fighting. When Jiang Lin asked him for a knife, he felt that Jiang Lin wanted to chop Fang Ba directly.

After all, killing people is a big deal, even if Fang Ba is a beast, there is more than enough to die, Wang San persuaded, "Why don't you ask clearly first, what if it's not someone arranged by Fang Ba."

Jiang Lin smiled, "What are you thinking, I don't intend to kill him, I just want to **** him, do you have a knife?"

Hearing Jiang Lin's flirtatious words of wanting to castrate him, Wang San and the others suddenly felt chills and felt a little pain.

He didn't have a knife, but a little beggar who came with him had a small dagger, which he picked up from no one knew where, and it was rusted badly.

Jiang Lin stared at the rusty dagger, feeling that the little beggar was crueler than him, at least he thought that the knife would be clean and neat, and the little beggar might want to make Fang Ba feel pained to death.

There was a lot of movement when they entered the door. Fang Ba's men grabbed their sore spots and got up and walked to the door when they heard that Jiang Lin was about to castrate their boss. The two **** girls who were awakened on the bed were even more frightened and huddled together in the corner of the bed.

Fang Ba was the last person to wake up. When he opened his eyes, Jiang Lin had already walked to the bedside with a dagger.

Fang Ba was startled, "Who are you and what are you going to do?"

Fang Ba's subordinates shouted at the door, "Boss, he, he, he, he is going to castrate you."

Fang Ba almost subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his crotch.

Jiang Lin hooked his lips, tossed the dagger and changed his grip, and then quickly and ruthlessly inserted the dagger between Fang Ba's legs, just a hair away from where his hand was covering it.

The dagger still pierced through the quilt and trousers after the sound of rust, and it was stuck on the bed, which showed how strong Jiang Lin was.

The two girls screamed everywhere, and fled from the bed in a panic, without even putting on their clothes.

Fang Ba himself broke out in a cold sweat, with beads of sweat on his forehead.

Jiang Lin didn't take the dagger away, folded his arms around his chest, and announced his family name, "My name is Jiang Lin, I used to be the young master of Anyang Houfu, but now I am a man of Wei Yunzhao."

Panting heavily, Fang Ba took a careful look at Jiang Lin, "What... do you want to do?"

"I'll castrate you," Jiang Lin replied.

Fang Ba didn't believe it, "We have no grievances or enmities."

Jiang Lin pointed at the chair, and Wang San moved it over for him with insight, and even wiped it with his dirty clothes before letting Jiang Lin sit.

Jiang Lin: "..." You don't need to be so attentive.

He couldn't sit still.

But when pretending it must be strong enough, Jiang Lin still sat down, and leaned on the back of the chair to raise Erlang's legs.

He said: "Last night, something happened to Zhuangzi outside my city, and someone died. Do you think this is revenge?"

Fang Ba's eyes flashed and he immediately denied it, "What does this have to do with me, Young Master Jiang, although you have a noble status, you can't recklessly wrong people."

"I, Fang Ba, have been in Shengjing for many years. I have always acted bravely. I don't know why Zhuangzi died in an accident."

At this time, a man dressed as a beggar ran into the yard out of breath, "Damn Xipi, brother, those guarding dogs at the gate of the city will not let the brothers enter the city, I have spent a lot of effort..."

When the man walked to the door, Jiang Lin suddenly pulled out the dagger stuck on the bed, flew towards the door, wiped the man's ears and stuck it on the door frame behind him.

It's just a blink of an eye.

The dagger flew out, the voice of speaking stopped abruptly, and even the person was frightened, his legs softened and he knelt on the spot.

Who would have thought that this slap in the face would come so quickly and so coincidentally?

Jiang Lin turned around and looked at Fang Ba on the bed, "Look, isn't the witness here?"

Jiang Lin asked thoughtfully, "Fang Ba, does your face hurt?"

Fang Ba looked at his subordinates who were frightened and knelt down, and cursed at the idiot, he had no brains at all, let alone eyes, it was such a coincidence that he came back, and Jiang Lin just happened to hear these words.

Fang Ba wanted to have a fight with Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin gave him a cold look, "Fang Ba, your master can't protect you this time, unless he wants to be buried with you!"

Fang Ba's heart skipped a beat, Jiang Lin's words didn't sound like a joke.

He tried to stay calm, "Young Master Jiang was joking, our Fangba in Shengjing also has names and surnames, go out and find out how many ordinary people in Shengjing dare to offend me, who can be our Fangba?" Master?"

Jiang Lin asked Wang San to take the dagger back for him, and played with it in his hand, "The task given by your master is to destroy the seeds in the field, but you should never kill people, because I— Will pursue it."

"Fang Ba, your master will not be able to stop what you and your subordinates have committed. If I kill you now, your master will thank me instead."

Jiang Lin patted Fang Ba's face with a dagger, "But I know that you are afraid of death, and all the people under your command are afraid. You will not die, so just wait for your master's people to silence you."

"Presumably, your master already knows about my coming to you by now."

Jiang Lin got up and walked out, the little beggar brought by Wang San ran out to take a look, and retreated back to the room in fright, "Mother, there are people on the roof."

As soon as Wang San heard this, he poked his head out to look, and found that there were not only people on the roof, but also bows, as if the people in this room would shoot them to death as soon as they took a step out.

"Jiang, Young Master Jiang, what should we do now, we can't get out."

Jiang Lin stood at the door and glanced at the roof. His face was covered and his eyes were sharp.

"He won't make a move on us, let's go," Jiang Lin walked into the yard swaggeringly.

Wang San and the others followed behind him anxiously, but they were relieved only when the opponent's arrows didn't fall when they left the gate.

The two beggars brought by Wang San looked at Jiang Lin adoringly, and Wang San was fine, he asked, "Master Jiang, how do you know that he won't attack us?"

Jiang Lin pointed to himself, "To be precise, he probably wouldn't do anything to me."

"Because their master doesn't have the confidence to kill Wei Yunzhao immediately after killing me, otherwise..."

All the filth that lies beneath will rise to the surface.

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone, ok, I will give you a small red envelope for leaving a comment~

I plan to change the name of the article to "This is a cool article" next week hahaha

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