MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 29

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"Lin'er, you are so miserable!" The words that Jiang Lin used to pity Wei Yunzhao were now used by Zhou Chengwang and Du Yuling on him.

I don't know who wrote it, Wei'an's **** with a prostitute even made a woman's belly big, and the news that he lost a bet in the gambling house and his leg would be cut off by the gambling shop's people spread all over the families of officials in Shengjing overnight. The two came to condolences to Jiang Lin.

Zhou Chengwang: "The family is unfortunate."

Du Yuling: "It's not nice to meet people."

Jiang Lin: " read the book like this, did you get beaten a lot before?"

Zhou Chengwang shook his head and sighed, "Lin'er, what right do you have to say about us?"

Jiang Lin: "..." Okay, they are all scumbags, he understands.

Zhou Chengwang also added, "Look at the script I wrote, anyone who can read can understand it." Zhou Chengwang felt that it was not a matter of being beaten at all, it was a matter of being beaten to death.

"Okay, let's not talk about this," Du Yuling cut off the topic, and asked Jiang Lin, "Have you figured out what to do when this happened?"

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers to Wei Yunzhao who was talking to Xun Qi, "Listen to him."

After he finished speaking, he met two pairs of playful eyes, and Zhou Chengwang winked, "Lin'er, you are now marrying a chicken and following the chicken, marrying a dog and following the dog, and you are obedient to your husband's orders."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes at him, "This is a matter of the Wei family. He is now the head of the Wei family, so naturally he will listen to him. Although I really want Wei An to fend for himself outside, the old lady of the Wei family will Make trouble for me," Jiang Lin didn't want to face the best every day.

Du Yuling was more reliable, "If there is anything we can do to help, please ask someone to pass a message to the concierge."

Then, the next sentence, "By the way, how is your notebook? I bought everything last time and wait for the next time. Don't interfere with our earning money."

Jiang Lin: "..." This short-lived brotherhood is worth it!

Jiang Lin became furious and pushed the two to the door to drive them away.

When he turned around, he happened to meet Wei Yunzhao's gaze, and he heard Wei Yunzhao say, "Madam looks very happy," using an affirmative sentence.

Jiang Lin didn't deny it either, he said: "It feels good to be remembered by someone," even if it's short-lived, it's not very reliable.

"Madam is happy," Wei Yunzhao said, and then stretched out his hand to Jiang Lin, "Then Madam is willing to accompany me to the casino."

Jiang Lin blurted out, "Please beg me."

"Well, please," Wei Yunzhao said with a smile, and Jiang Lin even felt a little spoiled.

So he concluded, "Young Master Wei, you are also in a good mood."

Wei Yunzhao pushed the wheelchair to Jiang Lin, "Let's go, if you don't go out now, you won't be able to leave in a while."

Just as Jiang Lin was about to reach out to push the wheelchair, he caught a glimpse of the shadow at the gate of the courtyard out of the corner of his eye, and sighed to Wei Yunzhao, "It's already too late."

Old Mrs. Wei almost ran in, shouting, "Yun Zhao, Yun Zhao, good boy, hurry up and save your Fifth Uncle, he will die if you don't go."

As they approached, Mrs. Wei took a breath and continued, "Take it as grandma begging you. Grandma has only one son left. You can't just ignore your fifth uncle."

Maybe it was because she was worried about her son and didn't sleep well at night. Mrs. Wei looked a little more haggard than yesterday, and also looked a little more begging for help.

"Didn't the old lady insist that she would no longer recognize Wei Yunzhao yesterday? Why are you here again today?" Jiang Lin thought of Wei Yunzhao's depressed appearance yesterday, so he didn't want to give the old lady any face. .

Mrs. Wei rolled her eyes, almost subconsciously wanting to stare at Jiang Lin and even scold him, but thinking of Jiang Lin's help in saving her son, she resisted it.

"Cuixiang," Old Madam Wei called out, and Nanny Ye next to her stood two steps forward, holding something wrapped in a handkerchief in her hand.

Mother Ye lifted the veil with shaking hands, and Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao could see clearly what was on the veil. A fresh toe with wet blood stained the veil red.

Mrs. Wei cried on the spot when she saw the toe, she took out a letter and handed it to Wei Yunzhao, "Yunzhao, that's your fifth uncle's toe, they want your fifth uncle's life, grandma Please save your Fifth Uncle."

Wei Yunzhao opened the letter, which read: 150,000 silver and two legs.

This is after the price has risen overnight.

Wei Yunzhao showed Mrs. Wei the way, "The gambling shop kills people, grandma can go to the Yamen to sue them, and someone will pay for your son's life."

He also tore up the letter, "When a person dies, he can't stand up with or without legs, so there's no need to spend the 150,000 taels in vain. Grandma can save some dowry for herself."

Madam Wei's face changed, and she pointed at Wei Yunzhao, probably wanting to scold him for being heartless, but she had something to ask, so it took her a long time to hold back a sentence, "Yun Zhao, that's your uncle, how can you bear it."

Wei Yunzhao stared into Mrs. Wei's eyes, "Isn't it your grandmother who made the decision whether you can bear it or not, or is it grandma who thinks I don't know what you did yesterday?"

Mrs. Wei's face paled in an instant. She obviously didn't expect Wei Yunzhao to get the news so quickly. She hurriedly explained, "Yun Zhao, listen to grandma's explanation, grandma is not..."

Wei Yunzhao interrupted her directly, "What wasn't it? Wasn't it intentional? Or was the other person not born to you, so it doesn't matter if you have a broken leg or an arm, as long as your son is fine?"

"Grandmother really impresses grandchildren!"

Jiang Lin was still a little confused. He felt that he had missed a link. Wei Yunzhao obviously didn't have the time to explain it to him at the moment, so Jiang Lin turned his attention to Xun Qi who was the door god.

Occasionally, Xun Qi winked when his mind went online, and immediately leaned into Jiang Lin's ear and whispered a few words.

"The old lady couldn't come up with one hundred thousand taels of silver, so she sent someone to discuss with the people in the gambling house if they could redeem Wei An in other ways. The people in the gambling house refused, so the old lady proposed to replace Wei An with someone else. Punishment. From you, young lady, to several ladies and ladies in the house, they have all counted their names, including the young master."

Jiang Lin understood, and exchanged other human legs for Wei An's.

"Oh, Wei An is gone," Jiang Lin said coolly.

I don't know what Wei Yunzhao said to Mrs. Wei, but Mrs. Wei begged Jiang Lin, "Jiang Lin, Yun Zhao's daughter-in-law, grandma asks you to help me, you can borrow 150,000 taels of silver from grandma. It is feasible to redeem your fifth uncle first."

"You entered the Wei family. Grandma never begged you for anything. This time, she begged you as a grandmother. You followed Yun Zhao. The fifth child is your uncle. Please help me. Grandma knows that you have a lot of dowry. with silver."

Jiang Lin: "..."

He said to Wei Yunzhao: "Sorry, I still underestimated your grandmother's face."

Wei Yunzhao stared at his grandmother coldly, probably having the same thoughts as Jiang Lin.

"Old Madam Wei, this is the first time you have called me by my name in such a serious manner. If you didn't call me that today, I thought you always thought I was a vixen, a funeral star~" Jiang Linchong, Madam Wei smiled sweetly.

There was a crack in the gentleness on Mrs. Wei's face, but she still said: "Grandma was wrong before, and grandma can't compensate you. As long as you are willing to borrow money to redeem your fifth uncle, you can ask me to do anything, even if it is I have nothing to say about my life."

Jiang Lin quickly shook his head, "Don't dare, how dare I ask you to pay for the old lady's life? I didn't do anything and you can exchange my leg for your son's leg. If I really have any ideas , I’m afraid that the grass on my grave will be eight feet high by this time next year.”

Jiang Lin made a gesture of invitation, "Old lady, just for your previous attitude, even if my dowry is in a dead house, I won't take a penny to redeem your son, old lady, please go back and collect the money yourself , who knows if it will be a foot next time?"

As soon as Jiang Lin refused, Mrs. Wei couldn't pretend anymore, she cast her resentful eyes on Jiang Lin, "My son's behavior is caused by you, a beggar, if something happens to my son, I will take you as a beggar The stars pay for their lives!"

Jiang Lin sighed, looking very helpless, "Actually, I was thinking about whether to take some money out just now. After all, I am such a kind person, but old lady, you changed your face too quickly, and you still want my life. So the silver is really gone this time.”

"Old madam, don't talk about three good things and two bad things. Your son was cut into four or five pieces. That's all because of you as a mother. Who made you want me to die so viciously?"

Jiang Linxiao's words were harmless to humans and animals, but Mrs. Wei almost couldn't bear what she said. She fell backwards and almost fainted on the spot.

"Old lady, don't get dizzy. You don't know yet. All the officials in Shengjing know about your son's prostitute gambling in the casino. Probably even the emperor knows about it. You have to think about it, old lady." After your son is redeemed, how will you deal with the imperial court? After all, it is against the law of Dai Viet for an official to play with prostitutes in a casino."

Mrs. Wei couldn't bear it this time, she rolled her eyes and was really dizzy.

The people serving around him were in a mess, carrying people back in a hurry, and yelling again and again to call for a doctor.

Jiang Linchong and Wei Yunzhao blinked innocently, "What should I do, your grandmother will call me unfilial again when she wakes up, and she will scold me."

Wei Yunzhao pursed his lips and smiled lightly, and tapped the tip of Jiang Lin's nose, "Well, I'll protect you."

Jiang Lin clicked his tongue and pushed him outside, "You can't even stand up with this leg, I can hit two."

Wei Yunzhao was quite easy to talk to, "Then it's your turn to protect me."

"What kind of protection? Do you think I'm Xun Qi?"

"You are smarter than Xun Qi."

The two bickered all the way out the door, and Xun Qi, who was implicated, felt that he sacrificed too much for the general to make the young lady happy.

"Bet, bet, bet big or small?"

"Big, big, big, big!"

"Small, small, small, open small!"

The inside of the casino seems to be a bit busier than the bustling Shengjing Street. It is overcrowded, and you have to fight with people when you walk inside.

Jiang Lin simply stopped at the door and asked Wei Yunzhao, "Go in and gamble or meet their boss?"

Wei Yunzhao threw a piece of silver to the thug at the door, and said, "Go and tell your boss, someone wants to see him, you know who I am."

The thug held a piece of grass in his mouth, looked at Wei Yunzhao, then shook his head and said it was a pity, then turned and left.

The two didn't wait long, and the thug came back and led them upstairs.

Jiang Lin didn't carry Wei Yunzhao on his back, he directly lifted the wheelchair together with the person, and walked upstairs just like that.

Not to mention the thug's reaction, even Wei Yunzhao was in a complicated state of mind, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

When they went upstairs, they saw a man in a black robe and a mask. The man obviously saw the way Wei Yunzhao went upstairs, so the first thing he said was: "Madam Wei is a real hero."

Jiang Lin pushed Wei Yunzhao to the opposite side of the man, then cupped his hands and fisted at him, "I'm sorry, I should be able to fight you like this."

Wei Yunzhao realized that his wife was taking a path that she was ready to do at any time.

The man chuckled twice, and his voice was nice.

Jiang Lin said, "You can't see people with your face, but your voice is pretty good. God still treats you kindly."

The man's laughter was more obvious, "Master Jiang is really an interesting person, why didn't he find out before."

Then he said to Wei Yunzhao: "Mr. Wei, your wife praised me for having a good voice. Is Mr. Wei jealous?" Obviously sowing discord.

Wei Yunzhao responded indifferently, "It's okay, he also praised Ah Huang's voice as loud and pleasant."

The man in black robe paused, "I don't know who this Ah Huang is?"

Even Jiang Lin himself didn't know when he got an extra Ah Huang.

Wei Yunzhao: "It's a son of a **** raised in the house."

"Pfft~" This was calling the man in black robe like a son of a bitch, Jiang Lin accidentally laughed out loud, and successfully attracted the attention of the people present.

Jiang Lin quickly waved his hands, "Leave me alone, you continue."

The black-robed man was not angry when he was scolded by Wei Yunzhao, but asked Wei Yunzhao, "Mr. Wei came to the door today to redeem your fifth uncle to go home?"

Wei Yunzhao shook his head, "No, I'm here to bet with you."

"Oh, I wonder what Mr. Wei wants to bet on?"

Wei Yunzhao: "Anything is fine. I only have one condition. If I win, you will break Wei'an's legs."

Indifferent and calm, she lightly said something that sounded cruel and unexpected.

The black-robed man was only surprised for a moment, and then he said firmly: "Mr. Wei is worthy of being a general who can win battles at a young age. He has courage. I will accept this matter."

He reached out to the table next to him, "Please!"

Winning or losing is determined in one game, just bet on size.

Jiang Lin really wanted Wei Yunzhao to win, and the man didn't mention the condition of Wei Yunzhao's loss, so Jiang Lin rolled up his sleeves and proposed, "How about me?"

Yuanshen is a gambler, and he is very good at it, and Jiang Lin has sharp ears and hearing, so if he wins, he has a great chance of winning.

Wei Yunzhao refused, "I'll do it."

There was no tension at all, the two of them held a bamboo tube containing five dice and shook it, and then opened it to see the size of each other's points.

Then, just like the arrangement, Wei Yunzhao shook out five sixes, and the black-robed man had four sixes and one five, just a little less.

Jiang Lin looked at the man in black robe, "I didn't expect you to want Wei An's legs so much." Jiang Lin now understood which legs Wei Yunzhao wanted to cut off Wei An.

Jiang Lin clicked his tongue twice and sighed, "Your hobbies are really special."

The black-robed man said, "Young Master Chang of Guards owes me a favor, and it's not a loss."

Wei Yunzhao did not refute this, and told the man in black to let him cut off Wei An's **** and a leg.

The man in the black robe: "..." I still overestimated the affection between your uncle and nephew.

He also understood what Jiang Lin said.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Jiang Lin pushed Wei Yunzhao to the top of the stairs, and lifted him and the wheelchair down the stairs again.

The man in black watched the two leave, his lips slightly curled up under the mask, he felt that this matter would be more interesting than he imagined.

After leaving the gambling house, Wei Yunzhao didn't get into the carriage and asked Jiang Lin to push him around the street.

Jiang Lin said: "I didn't expect you to be so determined to come here and have Wei An abolished in person."

Wei Yunzhao said: "I may have killed more people on the battlefield than you have ever seen alive. I have never been a kind-hearted person," otherwise I would have died countless times.

"That's different..."

Wei Yunzhao said, "It's nothing different, it's all about life and death. If Wei An is allowed to continue jumping around, the Wei family will be implicated by him sooner or later, and the century-old business will be ruined."

"That's right," Jiang Lin thought, after all, Wei'an was the breakthrough point to deal with the Wei family.

"Then what are you going to say about where your grandmother is?"

Wei Yunzhao pointed the direction to Jiang Lin, "To the left, I don't need me, someone will explain to her."

Jiang Lin was not in a hurry, anyway, he would have an answer soon, but he looked at the direction Wei Yunzhao pointed him, "What are you going to West Market for?"

West Market is the place with the largest number of people in Shengjing. There are all kinds of people here. It is also the place with the most complete things and the best place to do business, because people can buy everything here.

Wei Yunzhao didn't answer, but directed Jiang Lin to push him to a stall selling puppies, and then chose two puppies, one yellow and one white.

Wei Yunzhao called Ah Huang to the yellow puppy.

Jiang Lin: "???"

Wei Yunzhao explained, "People can't be dishonest. They can't lie when they say there is a puppy named Ah Huang in the house."

Jiang Lin: "..." Is there such a thing as unfaithfulness?

Also, is it not considered a lie to lie first and then go back?

Jiang Lin: "...So after I go back, I still have to praise it for its loud and pleasant voice?"

Wei Yunzhao: "It should."

Wei Yunzhao touched the other white puppy again, and said, "This one is called Xiaobai, with a clear and pleasant voice."

Jiang Lin: "...Okay, remember."

If there is a chance, he would like to introduce these two puppies to the owner of the gambling house. He has a hunch that the other party should like Xiaobai more. Who makes their voices nice~

When they returned home, they passed by the wheelchair shop. There was a portrait of Wei Yunzhao and others hanging outside the door. There were quite a lot of people coming in and out, so it seemed that the business was good. Jiang Lin also saw that many people would give five cents to touch Wei Yunzhao's portrait.

Jiang Lin said: "If we run out of money in the future, I will push you to the street and let them touch real people. Each person will charge at least 30 Wen."

Wei Yunzhao paused for a moment, then asked: "Madam Lao, let me figure it out. You have touched me all over. How much money should I charge you?"

Jiang Lin snorted, "Wei Yunzhao, you may not understand one thing, I am your savior."

"So Madam wants me to promise you with my body?"

Jiang Lin: "That's not necessary, just let me touch it casually."

Wei Yunzhao: "Sure, as long as Madam likes it." Mr. Wei is as easy to talk to as ever.

It made Jiang Lin feel like a hooligan molesting good women and men, although he didn't feel any guilt at all.

Not long after Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao returned home, Wei An was brought back and placed at the gate of Wei's house, bloody, looking half dead.

Not long after waking up from a coma, Mrs. Wei learned that her precious son was back, and immediately went to the door to pick him up with a cane. Then, seeing Wei An's miserable state, she almost fainted again.

Wei An weakly called his mother, "Son...son's legs are gone, so he's not...a man anymore."

The little Zhou who came with Mrs. Wei suddenly exclaimed, "What did you say? You said you are not a man anymore?"

Wei An didn't know whether it was the pain in his body or the pain in his heart, his face was covered with snot and tears, his eyes were red and swollen, he was very miserable.

Hearing what Xiao Zhou yelled again, he burst into tears and called mother again and again.

Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao were also there, but they were not too close. When Jiang Lin heard Wei An calling his mother, he shook his head, "People in their tens are still not weaned."

Mrs. Wei also knelt down and hugged Wei An, mouthing my son one by one, crying is called a sad one.

But Xiao Zhou's focus is completely different from theirs. She kept pushing Wei An, "What you just said is true or false? Are you really not a man?"

Wei An just kept crying, yelling that he was in pain, and completely ignored her, Xiao Zhou was dissatisfied, and stretched out his hand to pull Wei An's pants, "Take it off and let me see, if you are not a man, what kind of trouble will I have with you?" Son."

Wei An's leg was smashed to pieces, and it was useless, but he could still feel the pain. When Xiao Zhou moved him, Wei An screamed, "It hurts, it hurts, you poisonous woman, do you want to murder your relatives?" Husband, poisonous woman, you are so cruel."

Mrs. Wei felt sorry for her son, and quickly asked someone to drag Xiao Zhou away, "What are you going to do, this is your man, didn't you see his pain?"

Jiang Lin complained again, "If you really care about Wei An's life or death, you should have lifted the house and invited the doctor instead of howling like a pig at the gate."

Except for Wei Yunzhao, no one else heard Jiang Lin's words, and at the door, Xiao Zhou, Mrs. Wei and Wei An had already quarreled.

The theme of the quarrel was that Wei An was no longer a man, and Xiao Zhou looked disgusted and didn't want to get along with him.

Then Wei An's mother and son scolded Xiao Zhou for being vicious, and Xiao Zhou was also straightforward, gave Wei An a bad mouthful, and walked outside with the maid.

The rest is the scene of mother and child hugging and crying.

When Mrs. Wei finally thought of bringing Wei An into the house to lie down and ask for a doctor, a group of yamen came outside, and the leading yamen raised his hand and said: "By the order of the governor, Wei An, as an official of the court, In disregard of the laws and regulations, openly prostitutes come and go in and out of the gambling house, and now they are going to be taken back to the Yamen for trial, and those who have nothing to do with them will retreat quickly, and if anyone violates the order, they will be taken away and taken into custody together."

The two crying bitterly were dumbfounded, Yacha was about to come to pull Wei'an after he finished speaking, Wei'an waved his hands and struggled, calling his mother repeatedly.

Old Madam Wei naturally refused to let her precious son be taken away, she got up to stop them, "What are you doing? This is Wei's house, the majestic General's Mansion, what are you, you dare to arrest people at the gate of the General's Mansion."

The leading yamen servant laughed, "Old lady Wei is still dreaming, the Wei family is no longer a general's mansion. I can't tell the age, if you dare to stop me, I will take you away together."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand towards Mrs. Wei, who was startled and took several steps back.

"It seems that the old lady is also afraid. If you are afraid, don't hinder the official business and take it away!"

Wei An struggled and was taken away, Mrs. Wei realized that she was going to chase someone, but it was Mother Ye who was beside her stopped her, "Old lady, calm down, you can't be caught together, or someone will save five Master, old madam, you are the only one in this house who misses fifth master."

Mrs. Wei immediately responded, "Cuixiang, you are right, I have to save An'er, I have only one son left, I have to save him!"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-11 20:57:13~2020-10-12 20:47:33~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: If you are evil, please explode 6 bottles; 347710753 bottles; 2 bottles of Huakai Pinellia, Ye Yunjing, Wall Cat, and Kazama Wuyue; 1 bottle of Yu Ni;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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