MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 25 (one)

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Jiang Lin stood firmly by the pond, only one step away from the pond below, as long as he moved a little further, he would definitely fall into the pond.

The maid who pushed him lay on the ground, perhaps she didn't hear the sound of falling into the water, she quietly raised her head to peek, and met Jiang Lin's smiling eyes.

The servant girl showed a shocked expression, apparently not understanding what was going on.

Jiang Lin walked back to the maidservant, leaned over to look at her, "Are you surprised why I didn't fall into the water?"

The maid looked at the jug in Jiang Lin's hand, her eyes were full of disbelief, Jiang Lin asked again, "Is it strange, I've drank alcohol but I'm not drunk, and I didn't even react at all?"

The servant girl really wanted to nod, since she saw Jiang Lin drink the pot of wine with her own eyes, how could she have no reaction at all?

But she didn't dare, she shrank back, looking very scared, "I'm sorry son, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I accidentally fell and hit you, I know my mistake, please Lord, please forgive me."

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, and the smile on his face deepened, "She's smart and quick to respond, but unfortunately, I heard it all."

"You want me to die, or is it right that your master wants me to die?" Jiang Lin tightened his strength, and the maid's face began to deform.

The maid shook her head in a panic, "I didn't, I didn't dare, please let me go, sir, I know I was wrong." She raised her voice accordingly, as if to attract someone's attention.

Jiang Lin raised his eyes, and saw a group of people who were going to the small courtyard turned their heads. Among them, Jiang Jinyue had the fastest reaction, turned around and shouted at Jiang Lin: "Big brother, what are you doing again? Is even the maid going to attack now?"

The pond is round, and Jiang Linzai's position is just behind Jiang Jinyue's group. They go directly to the small courtyard from the front, which is exactly opposite to Jiang Linzai's direction. If you don't turn your head, you won't be able to see what happened behind .

But it was premeditated, how could it not turn back.

Jiang Lin waved to Jiang Jinyue, "Come here, come here and I'll tell you what I'm doing."

The tone was flat, without any emotional ups and downs, which made Jiang Jinyue feel uneasy.

The crown prince pulled Jiang Jinyue to protect him behind him, and looked at Jiang Lin with a frown, "Jiang Lin, what tricks are you playing again? Isn't your trouble today enough to shame me!"

Jiang Lin sneered, "His Royal Highness is not ashamed, but he is so blind that he grew a pair of beads for nothing."

The prince strode towards Jiang Lin with anger, "You are presumptuous!"

Jiang Lin ignored him, poured a glass of wine from the jug, and let the servant girl drink it in front of everyone. The servant girl kept her mouth shut and shook her head vigorously.

"It's just a glass of wine that scares you so much? Don't worry, as long as you drink this glass of wine and jump off the pond by yourself, I won't hold you accountable."

The servant girl still shook her head, with a full face of resistance, and even fear could be seen in her eyes.

"So unwilling, why? Do you know something?" Jiang Lin asked.

Jiang Jinyue stood up again, "Jiang Lin, why are you so **** a little girl, why are you so cruel!"

These words irritated Jiang Lin, he slammed the wine glass in his hand on the ground, jumped up to Jiang Jinyue, raised his hand and grabbed Jiang Jinyue's neck, "That's no match for you!"

"Jiang Lin, what are you doing, why don't you let your sister go quickly," the crown prince wanted to pull Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin tilted his head, his eyes were flushed with ruthlessness, "Get lost!"

He didn't give the prince any face.

Jiang Jinyue struggled, slapped Jiang Lin with her hands, and asked with difficulty, "Jiang...Jiang Lin, what are you...doing?"

Jiang Lin held the jug and directly poured wine into Jiang Jinyue's mouth, "You said what I want to do, don't you want my life, then let's see who wants whose life."

Jiang Jinyue struggled even harder, keeping her mouth shut and refusing to drink anything.

"Drink, I'm afraid. Didn't you take the medicine yourself? You know the effect best, but it will definitely kill you. Don't you dare to drink it?"

Jiang Jinyue still shook her head, "I didn't, I didn't do anything, Jiang Lin, let me go."

The crown prince also ordered, "Come here, pull Jiang Lin away!"

Jiang Lin looked over coldly, "Try, I can break Jiang Jinyue's neck with just a little force, let's see who can move faster."

The person called by the prince hesitated, the prince said coldly: "Jiang Lin, you are so brave, if you dare to hurt Jinyue today, be careful and take your head off!"

Jiang Lin looked back at the crown prince, "You picked those two pearls under your forehead as early as possible, so it would be shameful not to come out."

"You!" The prince was anxious, and pointed out, "pull him away, if he dares to resist, he will be executed on the spot."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Jinyue let out a scream, and the veins in Jiang Lin's hand that was pinching Jiang Jinyue's neck could almost be seen bulging, and the prince's men stopped again.

Jiang Lin looked at Jiang Jinyue, who was having difficulty even venting his anger, and softened his tone, "Drug me in the wine, let the servant girl push me into the water, and kill me. You really deserve to be Miss Jiang."

"I know you will say that you didn't do it, and I have no evidence to prove that you did it. Don't worry, I won't tell you the evidence, I will just fight back with fire."

As Jiang Lin said, there was already a clear killing intent on his face, and he used even more force in his hands, Jiang Jinyue who had already pinched was about to roll his eyes, "Jiang Jinyue, it's fine if you want to deal with me, but you dare to attack Wei Yunjia , I can tell you with certainty, if Wei Yunjia loses a hair today, I will demand your life."

Everyone present was startled by the ruthlessness that erupted from Jiang Lin's body, and they did not doubt the truth of what he said.

And they didn't expect that Wei Yunjia was involved in the game between Jiang Jinyue and Jiang Lin.

Someone in the crowd said, "The lady from the Wei family is only twelve or thirteen years old, right?"

Jiang Lin let go of Jiang Jinyue's neck, pinched her shoulders instead, and said coldly: "Yes, twelve or thirteen years old, but some beasts even plan on having a child."

With an effort in his hands, Jiang Jinyue's arm was immediately removed by him, and Jiang Jinyue took time out of coughing to let out a scream.

Jiang Lin pushed him away, and Jiang Jinyue fell to the ground, "This is the price you paid for plotting against me. You'd better pray that Yun Jia is fine, or I'll make you a useless person from now on."

Then, Jiang Lin glanced at the others, "Jiang Jinyue was going to take you to see the flowers just now, right? Let's go, go and see."

Everyone was a little confused about what Jiang Lin wanted to do, but the ruthlessness Jiang Lin showed just now told them that this is not easy to provoke.

Jiang Lin drove a group of people to the small courtyard like ducks, completely ignoring Jiang Jinyue who was coughing and screaming behind, and the prince who wanted to stay and take care of her.

Entering the small courtyard, the first thing that catches the eye is not the words placed in the courtyard, but the closed rooms behind. As long as you are not too stupid, you can probably guess what will happen. Not never.

Someone asked Jiang Lin a few steps behind, "Miss Wei is still young, if you make such a big fuss, aren't you afraid that something will happen to her and her reputation will be damaged? She is a girl after all, so she won't be able to bear it."

Jiang Lindao: "I won't tell, would Jiang Jinyue be so kind as to help keep the secret?"

If they kept it hidden, there would be rumors all over the sky even though nothing happened, and it would be impossible for Wei Yunjia to survive.

When Jiang Lin was going to push the door between the rooms, Prince Qinghe and his wife also came. Both of them looked unhappy, and Jiang Lin guessed that it must have something to do with what he asked Bai Qiang to tell.

Prince Qinghe walked up to Jiang Lin apologetically, "Nephew, this matter..." Prince Qinghe sighed, not knowing what to say.

Jiang Lin asked Bai Qiang to open the door and deal with Qinghe County King by himself. He said: "Your Majesty, the person who took my sister away was someone from the mansion, and she was also missing from the mansion. The king thinks for himself who can command the servants in your house."

Princess Qinghe took two steps forward, and asked Jiang Lin with an unfriendly expression, "Madam Wei, what do you mean by this? Does it mean that our county palace intentionally harmed people?"

Mrs. Wei's name was obviously meant to humiliate Jiang Lin, and she didn't speak well. Jiang Lin looked at the princess of the county for a moment, and then said: "Yes or not, the princess of the county knows best. If it wasn't for the preparation, how could there be such a thing?" What about today's flower banquet and the invitation sent to Wei's house. Are you right, princess princess?"

"I found it, I found it, young lady, come quickly." Before Princess Qinghe could answer, Bai Qiang's voice came over first.

Jiang Lin immediately ran over and was relieved to see the two girls sitting on the bed.

The girl who accompanied Wei Yunjia was the one who had been helping Jiang Lin to speak.

Wei Yunjia called Jiang Lin brother, and then his eyes were red, Jiang Lin signaled Bai Qiang to go and hug her young lady, and thanked the girl himself.

"My name is Yin Feifei. You guys are here. The person who knocked Wei Yunjia out is in the room. Go in and have a look."

Jiang Lin cupped his hands in thanks, "Thank you, Ms. Yin, I don't know how Ms. Yin met my sister, can you tell me?"

Yin Feifei nodded, "Of course it's no problem, you all have to thank Miss Ben today, otherwise things will definitely go wrong."

Yin Feifei said that she was also going to change clothes, but when she went in, she heard a noise. She looked subconsciously and saw a man carrying a woman and was about to run away. Yin Feifei recognized Wei Yunjia from the woman's clothes, and quickly followed, and then saw the man carrying Wei Yunjia into a room, Yin Feifei guessed what he wanted to do, she He found a rock in the yard, opened the door and threw it on the man's head, knocking him unconscious.

After that, Wei Yunjia was woken up. The two of them were afraid that the man would not be able to beat him when he woke up, so they wrapped him tightly in a quilt and stuck him under the chair. The two of them waited in the room.

Yin Feifei said: "Originally we wanted to run out immediately to call for someone, but when we thought about how a man would go to the latrine to abduct people in a good county palace, someone must have deliberately calculated it. Isn't this kind of thing just to destroy Wei Yun Because of Jia’s reputation, there will be a large group of people coming to see the excitement soon, and we will see who is the leader or the person who proposes to come here, and whoever is sure is the one who plots against Wei Yunjia.”

After finishing speaking, Yin Feifei asked, "By the way, who suggested that you come?"

The people present subconsciously thought of the same name, Jiang Jinyue.

What Jiang Lin thought was, she is really a smart little girl, and she is also very brave.

The man was quickly moved out, the little girl hit hard, her head was smashed by a stone, and she didn't wake up even now.

Jiang Lin said to King Qinghe, "The king of the county must not want to see such a thing happen in the mansion. This person is not from the mansion at first glance. What is his identity, how did he get in, and who is behind the scenes? Everyone needs to be investigated, I think it's better to hand it over to the Yamen, the Wei family wants a result."

Before Qinghe County King responded, the County Princess couldn't wait to stop her, "Miss Wei is unscathed, there is nothing wrong with it, why send it to the Yamen? Nice to hear."

"Is it Yun Jia's bad reputation or the reputation of the county prince's mansion?" Jiang Lin looked directly at the county princess.

King Qinghe glared at his wife. With so many people watching today, what happened to the Prince’s Mansion would make him look ugly. If he still covers up this gangster who is trying to do something wrong, I’m afraid it will be difficult for the King’s Mansion of Qinghe to be in Shengjing in the future. foothold.

"Send!" Prince Qinghe County said, "Send it to the Yamen to find out who instigated it, and no matter who it is after finding out, it must not be lightly forgiven."

The princess's face paled a little on the spot.

The servants of the county prince's mansion were about to carry the man away when suddenly a voice came from behind, "Slow down!"

When everyone turned around, they saw that Zhou Chengwang and Du Yuling had also arrested someone. They held the man's arms, one left and one right, and walked forward. Zhou Chengwang said, "Don't worry, there's another one here."

When the detainee approached, Zhou Chengwang kicked the man's knee and made the man kneel down. He said, "We caught him near the back door of the county prince's mansion. We saw him sneaking around, so we wanted to arrest him for questioning. We didn't expect this When you ask, you really get something out of it.”

Zhou Chengwang kicked the man again, "Say it yourself, if you dare to tell half a lie, Lord Xiaoxiao will cut your tongue!"

The corners of the man's eyes and mouth were bruised, obviously he had been beaten before he came here.

The man trembled and said: "Little man... The villain is here to take care of the reception. Someone asked the villain to take a girl away. The villain just takes money to do things. He doesn't know anything else. Please, my lords, please spare the life of the villain." ,” the man kowtowed.

Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows, "Where are you sending him?"

"Send... to Tianhua Mountain outside the city..."

As soon as the words Tianhua Mountain came out, someone gasped, "That mountain is full of bandits, if a woman goes up the mountain..."

There is no end to the conversation, and the consequences can be known as long as one thinks about it. How can one come back innocent after going up, and even if one returns innocently, one's reputation will be ruined.

It can be said that this is a series of attempts to ruin Wei Yunjia's reputation, and let her die!

Wei Yunjia stood next to Bai Qiang, listening to these words in a daze, with a dazed and unbelievable face, who is so cruel to harm her like this.

Zhou Chengwang kicked the man again, "Tell me, who ordered you, and how did you sneak into the county prince's mansion."

The man shook his head and kept saying that he didn't know. Zhou Chengwang wanted to kick him, but was stopped by Du Yuling, "Forget it, I guess I really don't know. After all, people who do bad things will be very cautious, so we will send them to the yamen together." Bar."

"Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with the county prince's mansion. We're waiting for the news from the yamen," Du Yuling glanced at Qinghe county king and county princess when he said this, as if saying that if the yamen didn't give any news, It must be what the county palace did.

Prince Qinghe's face was livid, he didn't know whether he was ashamed or angry, he waved his hand and asked his servants to take him away, and said in a stern voice: "Take care of him closely, if something happens, I will ask you. "

He expressed his attitude, but the princess of the county still wanted to persuade him, but the face of the prince of Qinghe was really ugly, and the princess of the county was forced to swallow back the words of obstruction.

Something happened here, and the crown prince also came with someone, but his expression was not good, and he looked at Jiang Lin with piercing eyes, as if he wanted to kill someone.

"Jiang Lin, you are so brave. Just because of an unwarranted farce, you dare to hurt others in public, and even dare to be disrespectful to Gu, you are guilty!"

Jiang Lin bowed to the crown prince, "Your Highness, I was indeed too anxious and spoke impulsively just now. Jiang Lin is here to apologize to Your Highness."

As for the crime, Jiang Lin did not admit it.

The prince's eyes were gloomy, "Jiang Lin, you want to expose the matter of you insulting the orphan just by apologizing, and you are delusional, insulting the prince is despising the royal family, the county king, what crime do you think you should have?"

Prince Qinghe glanced at the prince carefully, "It's disrespectful, you should be punished."

"Since that's the case, come and take Jiang Lin out and have him beheaded," the prince ordered.

The people behind the prince immediately stepped forward and captured Jiang Lin.

Wei Yunjia and Zhou Chengwang wanted to stop them, but Jiang Lin shook his head at them, signaling them not to say anything, and was taken away obediently.

He didn't say a word to justify, but the prince felt that something was wrong, and stopped him again, "Stop, Jiang Lin, do you have any last words?"

Jiang Lin shook his head, "The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. The crown prince wants the people to die, and the people naturally dare not disobey. The little people have no last words."

After speaking, Jiang Lin took the initiative to walk out.

Then the prince's face became even more gloomy. A prince who wants his ministers to die for no reason is a foolish prince, and a prince who kills a commoner at will will certainly not be a wise prince.

The prince figured out the meaning from Jiang Lin's words, and then he wanted to kill Jiang Lin even more. However, with so many people watching, if he really did this, he might not only be said to be narrow-minded, but also be accused by the eldest prince and the second prince. Waiting for someone to use it as a handle to deal with him.

"Jiang Lin, because you are a first-time offender, I won't chop off your head this time, but the death penalty is inevitable, and the living crime is inevitable, so I will punish you to serve porridge for beggars on the street for three months, do you admit it? "

Jiang Lin turned around, "Xiaomin believes that His Royal Highness's demeanor is really like a wise king. Thank you, Your Highness, Xiaomin."

The prince naturally heard Jiang Lin's implication. As a prince, he has the style of a wise king. This is to say that he covets the throne. If his father finds out... the crown prince was furious, and wanted to scold Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin lowered his head and saluted without even looking at him.

Finally, the prince flicked his sleeves and left with a cold snort.

After he left, the others breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Jiang Lin with a little more admiration. They only knew that he was famous for seducing men, but they didn't expect that he was also courageous and dared to go against the prince.

After the crown prince left, Jiang Lin also took Wei Yunjia to bid farewell to King Qinghe.

He has no evidence to prove that Jiang Jinyue did it. The people in this mansion were either bribed or ordered by the master. Even if they asked, they probably wouldn't be able to find anything. There is no need to place hope on the Yamen side. But if the news of today's incident spreads out, it will definitely have an impact on the reputation of Qinghe County Prince's Mansion. In the future, this family will not be able to hold any more flower banquets and poetry banquets.

As for Jiang Jinyue, if she dared to go out in the short term, Jiang Lin decided to get her the most shameless pennant in the world to hang on her.

Jiang Lin was about to leave, Zhou Chengwang and others also offered to leave one after another, and the others were similar. If this happened, there is nothing worth rewarding for these flowers. It is better to go home quickly and tell the family what happened today. It's a real good show.

After leaving the door, Jiang Lin said to Zhou Chengwang, "Thank you for today, Yun Jia was frightened, I will send her back first, see you at the old place tomorrow."

"Well, then see you tomorrow, go back quickly," Zhou Chengwang touched the secret anecdote of the Hou Mansion in his cuff, wishing he could go back to read the book now, and didn't really want to chat with Jiang Lin.

Du Yuling stood beside Zhou Chengwang, nodding his head to express his opinion. When there is nothing to do, brothers are not as important as words.

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, and then led Wei Yunjia to thank Yin Feifei. Without her today, Jiang Jinyue's plan might really have succeeded.

Yin Feifei said generously, "Don't worry about small things. I'll go back first. Sister Yunjia can come to my house to play with me if she has free time. I have time anytime."

Wei Yunjia nodded, "Thank you Sister Fei, I will look for you."

Several people got into their own carriages and walked back separately.

Jiang Lin rubbed the little girl's head, "Are you scared?"

Wei Yunjia nodded, still a little embarrassed, "I'm afraid, that person was hiding in the latrine, and I was knocked out as soon as I entered. Sister Fei said that when she rushed in, that person would have taken off my clothes. If I didn't She, I already..."

Wei Yunjia didn't dare to say any more, let alone imagine the consequences of what happened.

"I'm the one who got you into trouble," Jiang Lin said guiltily. It was the first time that someone else was involved in his own affairs, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Wei Yunjia quickly shook his head, "Brother is not to blame for this matter, it's because that woman is too bad." Wei Yunjia already knew that Jiang Jinyue had arranged all of this, and when she mentioned her, Wei Yunjia was very indignant.

"She must have planned it in advance, otherwise how could she send us invitations, and the man hiding in the hut was arranged early. She plotted against her brother time and time again, this woman is simply worse than a snake and a scorpion vicious."

Jiang Jinyue's plan today is not perfect, but if Jiang Lin doesn't have space and spiritual spring water, it will most likely make sense.

Add medicine to the wine, and when he drowsy, let the servant girl pretend to fall and push him into the water. An unconscious person may not even think of throwing himself into the water, and at that time Jiang Jinyue led him in another direction Let's go, wait for them to react when they hear the voice, and then call someone to rescue him. This process will take a lot of time, and a person who has been poisoned and can't drink water can't wait that long.

Jiang Jinyue wanted him to drown in that pond.

As for Wei Yunjia, it was Jiang Jinyue's plan to kill two birds with one stone. Jiang Lin believed that in Jiang Jinyue's plan, Wei Yunzhao must be killed. The Wei family without Wei Yunzhao was nothing to worry about, but with Wei Yunzhao around The death of the Wei family is more beneficial to her than living.

She couldn't say how much she hated Wei Yunjia, she got rid of her only because her surname was Wei, and at the same time, she could use Wei Yunjia's accident to deal with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin might not necessarily die in the water as she expected, but if Wei Yunjia, who was brought out by Jiang Lin to the banquet, was tarnished and ruined her innocence, or even lost her life, the Wei family would never let Jiang Lin go of.

She could use the help of the Wei family to eradicate Jiang Lin, and even use Jiang Lin's death to deal with the Wei family under the slogan of revenge for her brother.

The crown prince is the support behind her. Once she has a handle, it will be much easier to destroy the Wei family.

Jiang Lin thought, maybe it's not just killing two birds with one stone, it should be killing three birds with one stone.

Jiang Lin followed Wei Yunjia's words and said, "You're right, Jiang Jinyue is a bad woman, so she should pay the price."

The news spread quickly, and when Jiang Lin and the others returned to Wei's house, Wei Yunzhao was already waiting at the gate, and he let out a sigh of relief when he saw the two of them coming back with their beards intact.

He pushed the wheelchair forward and stared at the two of them, "Are you all right?"

Jiang Lin shook his head, "There is no danger, I'm fine now."

"That's good," he said, and waved to Wei Yunjia. When he came over, he imitated Jiang Lin's usual movements and rubbed the little girl's head twice. "Don't be afraid, big brother will protect you."

Wei Yunjia nodded heavily, "Brother, I'm not afraid anymore. Brother, can I learn Kung Fu from you? Learn real Kung Fu."

My father and elder brother taught her some things before, but my mother didn't like it. Every time she saw her practicing in the courtyard, she would discipline her and often punish her. Gradually, she didn't practice much.

But what happened today told her that if she was better at kung fu and more vigilant, she would not be easily knocked out and let others manipulate her.

Wei Yunzhao: "Hey, if you want to learn, big brother will let Xun Qi teach you."

"Okay, thank you big brother, I will definitely study hard," Wei Yunjia replied, then waved to the two and went back to his yard.

Jiang Lin pushed Wei Yunzhao back to Zhaoyun Garden, and asked him, "Did Xun Qi tell you?"

Wei Yunzhao nodded slightly, "Well, I asked him to go out to do something, I heard it on the street."

In fact, the first thing that came out was that Jiang Lin said at the gate of the county king's mansion that Jiang Jinyue and Zhao Qiuru stole his mother's dowry, and then more and more news came out. Wei Yunzhao vaguely sensed that something was wrong, so he asked Xun Qi to pay attention She said, but she didn't expect Jiang Jinyue to dare to do such a cruel thing.

Jiang Lin's simple colleague Wei Yunzhao summarized Jiang Jinyue's actions today, and then said: "Young Master Wei, have you ever thought about what would happen to you if Jiang Jinyue didn't let me marry you, but married you yourself? ?”

Wei Yunzhao really thought about it for a moment, and replied, "Perhaps grass has started to grow on my grave now."

Jiang Lin laughed, "I think it is for sure. Of course, we still think too beautifully. Jiang Jinyue would rather die than marry you."

Wei Yunzhao nodded in agreement, he would rather die than marry.

After entering Zhaoyun Garden, Jiang Lin washed up first, and after eating, he asked about Wei Yunzhao's grievances with Qinghe County Prince's Mansion.

According to Jiang Lin's speculation, Jiang Jinyue had arranged for the person who knocked Wei Yunjia unconscious in the latrine and tried to misbehave her, otherwise Jiang Jinyue would not have suggested going to that small courtyard, obviously to lure people to catch rape.

Later Zhou Chengwang and Du Yuling arrested the man who wanted to take Wei Yunjia out of the city. Jiang Jinyue succeeded in catching the traitor. Wei Yunjia must be right under their noses. That person wanted to take Wei Yunjia away. It's not easy, Jiang Lin felt that Jiang Jinyue would not make such a useless arrangement.

Because in Jiang Jinyue's view, Wei Yunjia's life would be ruined by catching the traitor on the spot, and her goal would be achieved.

So Jiang Lin suspected that the person behind was arranged by someone from Qinghe County Prince's Mansion. As for whether the other party took him away before Jiang Jinyue's action or tried to steal him after the action, Jiang Lin didn't know for the time being.

Wei Yunzhao thought about it for a while, and he also had clues, "Qinghe County Prince's Mansion once invited a matchmaker to come to propose marriage."

"It happened two years ago. After winning the battle that year, I returned to Beijing with my father. Within a few days, a matchmaker came to my door, saying that Qinghe County Prince's Mansion intends to betroth the eldest lady of the mansion to me, and asked the Wei family's intention."

Jiang Lin sat across from him with her chin on her shoulders, as if I was ready to hear the story, so hurry up and tell me.

Wei Yunzhao shook his head helplessly, "I didn't wait for the matchmaker to come to ask the Wei family's answer for the second time, and I went to the border with my father. Before I left, I told my mother that she would help me and refused. I have been fighting outside all the year round. Miss and I are not suitable."

Later, when he returned to Beijing, he met Jiang Rou once or twice, but each time he only got a disgusted look. Wei Yunzhao didn't pay much attention to it, and he didn't expect that the past things could cause trouble now .

Jiang Lin raised three fingers, "As far as I know now, you almost have three fiancées. Mr. Wei is really lucky," Jiang Lin smiled.

Wei Yunzhao smiled wryly, he was so wronged, he didn't even talk to these people much.

Seeing his reaction like this, Jiang Lin stopped teasing him and said, "I think you have to ask your mother about this. If you just simply refuse and refuse to agree, Jiang Rou shouldn't be so hated because of love." To the point, this time the flower banquet was arranged by Jiang Jinyue, and Jiang's family indulged and even participated in it, with a strong purpose."

Jiang Lin continued to ask: "Do you know how old Jiang Rou is now?"

Wei Yunzhao: "It should be seventeen or eighteen. The matchmaker said that he was not much younger than me."

Two years have passed, and Jiang Rou has not yet married. Seventeen or eighteen years old can be called an old girl in this era before she is married. He didn't see Jiang Rou today. Jiang Lin felt that there was something serious going on here.

The Wei family was afraid that they offended her severely.

Wei Yunzhao: "I will ask clearly, how did the family reject Qinghe County Prince's Mansion two years ago."

Jiang Lin sighed, he had to cut off his hind legs constantly, and had to wipe his front ass.

He has been tossing for so long, the only thing to be happy about is that the dowry will be brought to him soon.

Jiang Lin still has this bit of confidence, because he believes that Zhao Qiuru and Zhao Jia are willing to lose face, but Anyang Hou will not agree, so Anyang Hou will definitely force Zhao Qiuru to pay back the dowry.

But in order to get the dowry faster, Jiang Lin decided to add more bargaining chips.

He went for a stroll around the yard, and when he came back, he had two more herbs that no one else had seen before. Jiang Lin roughly smashed the two herbs and extracted the juice inside. Jiang Lin packed it in a small bottle and handed it to Xun Qi, asking him to help him go to the Anyang Marquis Mansion at night and pour the contents of the bottle on Jiang Jinyue's pillow and clothes.

Xun Qi was very happy to help, and he also hated that vicious woman Jiang Jinyue to death. If he couldn't kill her directly, Xun Qi would really like to do it.

"Young Madam, don't worry, I guarantee that every drop will be poured on that vicious woman's body and face!"

Jiang Lin smiled, "Then I'll wait for the response from the Marquis of Anyang tomorrow."


"my face!!"

Early in the morning, there was a shrill and ugly scream from the Anyang Marquis Mansion.

"My face, how did my face become like this," Jiang Jinyue looked at herself in the mirror in disbelief, she cried and shook her head, "Impossible, it's not me," this pussy-faced person absolutely It's not her, it can't be her!

Yesterday she was choked by Jiang Lin and her throat was hurt. After one night, she could talk at most, but her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and her throat still hurt when she spoke.

But Jiang Jinyue didn't care about these things, no matter how ugly her voice was, it was not as important as her disfigured face.

The serving maid kept calling her, "Miss, miss, don't worry, I've already gone to invite the doctor, and I'll be fine soon."

The servant girl grabbed her hand that was trying to scratch her face, "Miss, don't scratch it, it will leave a scar."

"Itchy, so itchy," Jiang Jinyue was irritable and irritable, her heart was still very angry, her face was covered with pustules and she couldn't tell her expression, but her eyes were red as if they were hiding fire, which might erupt at any time.

Jiang Jinyue clenched her fists and said viciously, "It's Jiang Lin, that **** Jiang Lin must be trying to kill me."

She pushed the maid closest to her, "Go to Wei's house quickly, go and call me back that **** Jiang Lin, he is the one who tampered with my face, he must know how to fix it, go!"

Yesterday, Jiang Lin just dislocated her hand. When she came back, she asked the doctor to pick it up, and then she could recuperate.

After hearing what the doctor said yesterday, Jiang Jinyue knew that Jiang Lin would not let her go so easily. Jiang Lin said that he would make her a **** for the rest of her life, and he would definitely attack her again.

Jiang Jinyue looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't be more sure, this must be Jiang Lin's handwriting, he was taking revenge on her, for what she did to him and Wei Yunjia yesterday.

After Jiang Jinyue finished yelling, seeing that the maid didn't move, she slapped the maid on the face with her hands, "Baby maid, can I not order you?"

The servant girl was obviously stunned for a moment, then hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, "Miss, I know I was wrong, I will go invite someone now."

The maid was about to get up after she finished speaking, but Jiang Jinyue held her still, "You have a pretty face," Jiang Jinyue pulled the corners of her mouth into a frightening smile, "If you can't invite that bitch, Just be careful with your face."

Jiang Jinyue ran her finger across the maid's face, then poked it with her nails, "If it breaks, it won't look good."

The servant girl shrank back subconsciously, feeling terrified in her heart. The young lady seemed to have changed completely, her temper was bigger than before, and her heart was even more ruthless.

The servant girl repeatedly assured, "Miss, don't worry, I will definitely invite someone here. If you don't come, I will stand guard at the door of Wei's house. Miss, I will go right away."

The servant girl hurriedly got up, ran out in a hurry, and bumped into Zhao Qiuru at the door, Zhao Qiuru said displeased: "What are you doing in such a panic when you walk without eyes?"

The servant girl immediately knelt down again, "It was the young lady who asked the servant to go to Wei's house to invite the young master back. There is something growing on the young lady's face, and she said that the young master can fix it."

Zhao Qiuru came here in a hurry just after hearing Jiang Jinyue's scream. Hearing that she couldn't take care of the maid anymore, she walked in and asked Jiang Jinyue, "My dear daughter, what's the matter, what happened?"

Jiang Jinyue turned her head to look at the door when she heard the voice, Zhao Qiuru was taken aback by her pus-covered face, "This...what's going on?"

She wanted to go forward, but she was a little scared, but Jiang Jinyue rushed towards her aggrieved, hugged Zhao Qiuru, and started crying, "Mother, I'm disfigured, mother, I don't want to be disfigured, I don't want to become like this ghost , you must help me find a way."

Zhao Qiuru hesitated for a while, but reached out and patted Jiang Jinyue on the back, "Don't worry, mother will help you find a way. Mother will send you to the doctor, and you will be restored to your original appearance."

Zhao Qiuru hugged Jiang Jinyue to comfort her for a while, and then heard her claim that it must be Jiang Lin's hands and feet, her face was not very good-looking.

What happened at the gate of the Prince's Mansion in Qinghe County yesterday has been spread throughout Shengjing. She and her daughter are completely humiliated, and even the Zhao family has been affected.

It was getting dark yesterday, and the mother-in-law was sent to spread the word, telling her to deal with this matter well, and if it was rumored that the Zhao family was a thief eating their daughter's soft food, they would turn their faces.

And Hou Ye, his daughter suffered such grievances yesterday, he didn't even look at her, he just got angry at her, and warned her to send the dowry to Wei's house immediately, or get out of Anyang Hou's mansion .

Everyone is pushing her, and now her daughter's face has become like this, besides the anger that has nowhere to vent, Zhao Qiuru also feels aggrieved, but no one listens to her grievance.

As soon as she comforted Jiang Jinyue, she heard her say: "Mother, return those things to Jiang Lin. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was already dissatisfied with me yesterday. If Jiang Lin makes trouble again, I'm afraid His Highness will..."

"No," Zhao Qiuru refused without thinking, "No one wants me to pay back the dowry."

"Mother," Jiang Jinyue said displeased, "it's become like this now, if you don't pay back the dowry, how can you go out to meet people in the future, how can you let your daughter go out to meet people in the future, let alone my face now, if it is true Only Jiang Lin can solve it, mother, do you think I will live my whole life with such a face?"

"Whether the daughter is married or not, His Highness the Crown Prince won't be interested in her. Mother, are you really so cruel to your daughter?"

I really can't see this face,

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts
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Chapter 192

30 minutes ago

Chapter 191

a day ago