MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 205

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"It's not right!"

The red bird that was running suddenly stopped, and looked around in astonishment: "Something... changed."

"Just now."

Jingcha almost stumbled and fell because the red bird stopped suddenly without telling her: "???"

His original anger turned into a joke, he turned around and still stretched out his hand to grab the red bird: "What are you talking about? What changed, can't you be talking about the weather? I know the time in Dayin Village and outside. The flow rate is different, and I’m not blind, so of course the rain stopped long ago.”

"But now is not the time to worry about this? Why don't you hurry up and find Chi Yiyin?"

After entering Dayin Village, Jingcha's strength was compressed to the extreme, and now the only tool he can use to protect Hongniao and him is his own physical strength.

This feeling of losing control and being unable to cope with a possible crisis made Jingcha terrified.

He tried to pull the red bird several times, but the red bird, who had always been in perfect harmony with him, sang the opposite tune at this moment, stubbornly staying in place and looking around, but resolutely refused to go with Jingcha.

"Wait a minute, it's not rain, it's not..."

The red bird frowned, and murmured anxiously: "It seems that the game field has returned, the little garden, the little garden is different from what we knew before."

Because of Chu Yueli, and also because of Red Bird's investigation and understanding of Chi Yiyin, he knows very well what the story that constitutes the box garden should be. It is the rage bound by the darkness under the gentleman's mask, and even the air is filled with a depressing and tense atmosphere.

But at that moment just now, Red Bird was keenly aware that the wind in the small garden had changed direction.

That no longer belonged to Chi Yiyin.

He could feel that what he was running to just now was no longer where Chi Yiyin was.

It's more like... an "old friend" he is more familiar with.

The game field that has fought for twelve years.

The dark cloud that was originally blocked from the new world has returned.

The rules and agreements of the past, those selfish malice hidden under tolerance and compassion... have returned to the wind.

Jingcha anxiously turned around and looked behind her. The surrounding village houses looked like ghosts in the darkness, standing silently and dangerously.

He was only worried that someone would catch up at this moment.

If it's just him, it's easy to say. Whether it is life or death, speak with fists.

But the problem was...the Red Bird was by his side.

His companion, who had no power to defend himself under siege, was by his side.

If he was dead or seriously injured, he would have no way to protect Red Bird. Without the help of the awakened power, he didn't have the confidence to pat his chest and say that Red Bird would never be harmed.

At that time in Tangjia City, when Jingcha saw the red bird that was covered in wounds and trembling at the slightest sound, even though he didn't say anything, he was angry in his heart.

Angry at what those NPCs did to Red Bird, he hated himself even more. So he swore secretly that he would never let Red Bird go through the same thing again.

but now…

"Red Bird, no, we must leave immediately."

The noise not far away was getting closer and closer, and the occasional shaking of the flashlight made Jingcha's heart tense.

He finally couldn't bear it anymore, he couldn't help but lifted the red bird on his shoulders, gritted his teeth and ran towards the dark place ahead.

"Just show me the direction you want to go, but we must not wait there for the people in the village to catch up."

Jing Cha gritted her teeth and cursed in a low voice: "Damn it!"

If it wasn't for that Qin Da, and Chu Yueli, they wouldn't have been blamed somehow.

The red bird swayed left and right on Jingcha's shoulder like a sack, feeling like he was about to vomit from motion sickness.

But in a daze, he suddenly recalled what Chu Yueli had said before, and most importantly... Before Jingcha saw Chu Yueli, he had fallen into the residence of the sorceress in another time and space.

That is the core reason why Dayin Village has been closed for many years, but no villagers want to leave.

If there is any change in Dayin Village, then correspondingly, the residence of the witch will also change.

Red Bird's eyes widened suddenly, and he quickly patted Jing Cha on the back: "Quick! Let's go to the sorceress!"

Jingcha didn't even ask the reason, and immediately turned around and ran towards the direction of the sorceress' house in memory.

——His trust is not only in his back, but also in daring to entrust his future and life, his life and power to Red Bird.

But very strange.

Jingcha is very sure that he is running in the direction he remembers. He has seen the appearance of Dayin Village with Chu Yueli for several time and space.

but now…

"You just said that something has changed?"

Jingcha frowned: "You are right. Dayin Village is different from the original terrain."

Not just the subtle changes in the house, but even the overall layout, and the most important residence of the witch.

The land that was originally used to worship evil gods and draw formations has become completely different from Jingcha's memory.

He has actually seen the residence of the sorceress, and even seen the sorceress herself. He killed the sorceress dozens of times and watched the sorceress resurrect. items and placement.

Even if he had to draw a map by hand, it would be no problem.

But now, not only the Wutong God that Jingcha had seen, the weasel, but also other things that should have appeared in the church appeared here.

Red Bird frowned.

But immediately, following Jingcha's instructions, he was surprised to find many things that should not have appeared in Dayin Village.

"Fuck! Isn't it?"

The red bird was dumbfounded, and broke his voice in fright: "Isn't this the tower of Tangjia City?"

Right behind Jingcha and before Hongniao's eyes, he saw the gargoyle that was supposed to be in Tangjia City, but was actually entrenched on the roof of Dayin Village.

The Red Bird was imprisoned in the Tower Prison for five days and nights, and was so impressed with the gargoyles that he could recognize them when they turned to ashes.

But what was even worse was that he immediately discovered that it wasn't just this little change, nor was it just the "invasion" from Tangjia City.

Rather, the entire game field is moving closer to this small box garden, taking root and sprouting in it, and replacing it.

The stone lion that originally stood in front of the door has turned into a huge stone statue, depicting a knight in armor holding a shield and long sword. The overturned coffin under the tree is half covered, and a scorched and thin arm is hanging out. There were rustlings in the grass, and a red figure flashed by...

"Oh my God!"

The red bird was so frightened that it yelled and hugged Jingcha tightly, urging him to run quickly: "We're going to catch up! Awow!"

"Witch! Go to the witch to see what's going on!"

Just as they were talking, the gargoyles and knight statues that suddenly appeared around them also "lived" and slowly turned their heads to look at them.

A pair of eyes fixed on the two of Jingcha, and Hongniao suddenly felt creepy.

He opened his arms and instinctively protected Jingcha's back, never letting the gargoyle take advantage of him.

When he was in Gaota Prison, he knew how painful the attack from the gargoyle was, so he would never let Jingcha have a chance to know.

And Jingcha had already noticed the slight noise coming from behind, he bumped the red bird up, and without looking back, he accelerated towards the direction of the sorceress' house.

The gargoyle let out a sharp howl, and the ear-piercing shout shook the two of them dizzy, but Jingcha didn't stop a step, only relying on the sound brought by the wind to dodge left and right, under the condition that the awakened power was suppressed, Using his fighting instincts to the extreme, he finally broke through from the surrounding gargoyles.

But the moment he rushed into the path in front of the witch's house, he froze.

"Red Bird..."

Jingcha murmured in astonishment, and under Red Bird's questioning, he also turned around and looked in the direction of the witch's house.

"It's completely different from what I remember."

Jingcha's expression gradually became serious, and the moment he and Hongniao looked at each other, they could clearly see the seriousness in each other's eyes.

Behind him is the gargoyle chasing after him, but in front of him is the house of the sorceress whose situation is unknown and has undergone tremendous changes.

In less than a second, the two had already made a decision, and before the gargoyle chased after them, they ran away tacitly and rushed towards the witch's house.

Strangely, the moment the two of them passed the plaque hanging in front of the sorceress' house, both the gargoyle and the scorched corpse swaying forward stopped in their tracks, like hyenas that had lost their prey. Under the plaque, it spins in confusion, losing its direction.

"This..." Red Bird frowned.

But before he could say anything, he saw Chu Yueli walking out of the door.

Scholars are there too.

The distance between the two was very close. Judging from their posture, even the scholar took the initiative to support Chu Yueli, so that his lame leg would not use too much force, and he could rely on himself to borrow strength.

If Red Bird hadn't been very familiar with the previous scholars, he would even have thought that the two were partners who lived and died together.

"You are?!"

Red Bird pointed at the two in shock, not knowing what to say for a moment.

The scholar's face was full of sadness, as if something sad happened to him just now, and it was not until he saw the red bird that he restrained his previous emotions.

On the contrary, Chu Yueli had always been indifferent, as if he had seen through all this a long time ago, and it was not surprising that he expected the two of them to find this place.

Everything is under control. Except for Chi Yiyin, no one can arouse his emotions anymore.

"How did you find this place?"

The scholar was pleasantly surprised at first, then pointed behind him, and said: "The witch is not here, so you come here for nothing. Chu Yueli and I are going to the square on the other side, and he thinks that Chi Yiyin should be there. You should go together ?"

Jingcha subconsciously looked at Red Bird, waiting for him to make up his mind.

The red bird glanced behind the scholar and hesitated for a moment.

After all, scholars are not his companions, and trust is still too far away. It's not that there is no possibility of scholars cheating him, not because he wants to save time, but because he wants to miss important clues...

But Chu Yueli didn't intend to waste time waiting for the Red Birds. He didn't have much patience with people other than Chi Yiyin.

Seeing this, Red Bird felt relieved, turned around and waved to Jing Cha, motioning him to follow.

——In the matter of looking for Chi Yiyin, Chu Yueli can always be trusted, and Chu Yueli will not do anything that is not good for Chi Yiyin.

Red Bird still has this trust.

But now, their interests are the same as Chi Yiyin's.

"Xiao Chu, are you sure Brother Chi is in the square?"

Red Bird, who has not seen the complete terrain of Dayin Village, was at a loss: "The village is so big, maybe Brother Chi has gone to another place?"

Chu Yueli just chuckled and didn't answer.

Jingcha rolled her eyes, raised her hand and twisted the soft flesh around Hongniao's waist viciously, the pain made Hongniao "Aw!", and she couldn't help crying out, even tears came out.

Red Bird looked at Jingcha with tears in her eyes, and asked with her eyes: Why did you hit me? Am I saying something wrong?

Jingcha: "..."

To be ashamed in front of Chu Yueli, he has the heart to kill his companion.

But Jingcha rubbed her hair irritably, and still held back her patience to explain the situation of Dayin Village to Hongniao.

Especially the scenes he saw when he traveled through other time and space with Chu Yueli.

That experience made Jingcha familiar with the terrain of Dayin Village. He knew very well that Dayin Village did not have the so-called square in the eyes of scholars.

In addition, when they walked all the way, they saw things that should not have appeared in Little Garden, but should be in the game field, and the answer was ready to come out.

The plaza is the product of the changes in Little Garden, and its source is likely to be the playground that Red Bird perceived before.

—The game field took over Hakoniwa, which made Hakoniwa, which was supposed to be the testing ground for the new gods, completely lose its independence and was interfered by the system and the game field.

Jingcha doesn't believe that Chi Yiyin can't feel it. After all, Chi Yiyin is the one who experienced it personally and wrote the whole story word by word. He should know what is there and what comes from the game field. people.

In this situation…

Based on Jingcha's understanding of Chi Yiyin, he will definitely go straight to the core, deeply investigate what happened, and try to reverse the situation.

Chi Yiyin never concealed his distaste for stupidity, he was as indifferent as if he had never lived in society at all.

But at the same time, Jingcha also clearly felt that Chi Yiyin was not indifferent to the world.

In other words, it is the desire to control.

Chi Yiyin may not care about the world, but if someone wants to take the world away from him—such as what happened in Xiaoting now, it will be enough to anger Chi Yiyin.

That was an invasion of the beast's territory.

Chi Yiyin, who has a strong desire to win, will not just watch this happen.

"Since the square only appeared at the back, and the sorceress is not in my home..."

Jing Cha frowned: "Is it possible that Qin Da was killed by the sorceress, and instead blamed us?"

He suddenly became furious: "Damn it! I should have killed the witch a few more times in other time and space!"

The red bird who was just about to praise his companion for being smart: "..."

Forget it, this silly rabbit is less than three seconds smart.

He sighed.

But the hand holding Jingcha's arm never let go.

Both of them followed closely behind Chu Yueli, and the red bird suppressed Jingcha, preventing Jingcha who hated Chu Yueli from doing anything out of the ordinary.

Jingcha wanted to find Chi Yiyin dignifiedly and relying on her own strength, but Hongniao knew rationally that being trusted by the most sensitive scholar to change was enough to show that Chu Yueli was concerned about the new changes in the box garden. clearest.

If you want to find Chi Yiyin, no one is as good as Chu Yueli.

Jingcha gritted her teeth, but Red Bird shrugged indifferently: "It's just a ride, why are you angry?"

"Look, isn't this the same as us using Chu Yueli to work for us? Thinking about it this way, don't you think it's not so difficult to accept?"

Jingcha: " can keep your voice down when you say this. Chu Yueli is looking back at you."

Red Bird's heart trembled, and when she looked up, she met Chu Yueli's frowning eyes.

He touched his nose with a resentful smile, and was just about to quibble...ah no, explain, but saw that Chu Yueli's eyes didn't fall on him.

Instead, he looked over his shoulder and looked behind them.

Red Bird was puzzled, and turned her head to look behind her.

Then he saw that the gargoyles who were originally isolated from the plaque all followed up again because they left the range around the witch's house.

And not just gargoyles.

The entire village is gradually being engulfed by the black mist.

Darkness invaded from afar, and quickly enveloped the entire village, every village house was swallowed up, like a monster opened its **** mouth, swallowing the entire Dayin Village and the mountain forest.

Even though there was a light not far away, it gradually disappeared behind the black mist and was completely covered, leaving only a faint light.

and screams.

It seems that the panicked shouts of the villagers sounded from a distance, but when they were carefully identified, they disappeared, leaving only the sound of "huchi" and "huchi".

It seems to be the deterrent sound made by the beasts lowering their forelimbs while hunting.


Red Bird was stunned, and felt that the hairs on his body stood up layer by layer, making him so stiff that he couldn't let go of Jingcha.

This is... the game field's full-scale invasion of Hakoniwa.

It has been twelve years since entering the game field, and this is the first time that Red Bird has seen the game field completely tear away the illusion of peace, revealing the aggressive and cruel side inside.

The system never wants players to live happily. It is one of the pleasures of the system to see players collapse and die in pain.

But even so, the behavior of the past system was bound by layers of rules, and it never deviated slightly from the agreement reached by the two opposing camps. No matter how dangerous the dungeon is, there is always a glimmer of life, so that the players will not all fall into isolation and despair.

But this time...

Red Bird didn't know, but Chu Yueli could see clearly.

This time, it's not the system, let alone Li Sijun's side, who controls the entire game field.

but world awareness.

The world consciousness, which was seriously injured by Chi Yan's attack, put all its efforts into a desperate fight.

It took the initiative to tear off the mask of hypocrisy, no longer staged any great drama for the destiny of all mankind, but truly let its own selfishness occupy the commanding heights, regarded the entire game field as its own nourishment, and desperately learned from the players. Drawing strength, I want to make up for the part lost by Chi Yan's injury.

The entire world, including the game field, was cut into pieces from Chu Yueli's perspective, and every gradually expanding crack was clearly visible, and the crisis of the world never escaped his vision.

He saw that the playground was filled with desperate howls.

Outside the new world, the players who failed to enter the new world in time at the moment the new world opened were all struggling in terror in the game field and the dungeon, shouting, questioning the game field and the system, wanting to get an answer.

But the greed for peace and happiness in the past has now become a life-threatening knife.

They have never taken the game field seriously, and have never bravely taken responsibility for their own lives, so the game field has never taken their lives seriously.

——The "survivor" is just an equal wish for every player.

But it doesn't mean that the player will really survive to the end.

Many players didn't finally see the cruel and cruel inner nature of the game field until the moment when the game field was completely torn apart, and knew the truth about the world and the game field.

However, no matter what they wanted to do, it was too late.

The gear of world destruction has started and is running slowly, while the rumbling sound of the game field about to fall is deafening, and everything is already rapidly sliding into an irreversible abyss.

The time and death that were once frozen due to the mercy of the gods, at this moment, finally rotated again.

Death once again found all players.

The fear of being frozen in reality at the moment of dying was finally remembered by them again.

One copy after another is shattering, and the sky is collapsing.

Players in it are like being in a drifting boat, sailing hopelessly on the sea roaring with waves. Even if they survive this second, they don't know whether their life will still be alive in the next second.

They are so tiny.

In the face of the power from the world, everyone is nothing but ants. Facing their own death, they don't even have a chance to fight desperately.

I can only follow the wind and waves in despair, praying that a big wave will not come over in the next second and capsize the boat.

The playground is crying.

Every inch of space outside the new world, tens of millions of players, are gradually collapsing and dying.

The souls and consciousness of those players after death are being crazily absorbed by the world consciousness and transformed into their own power.

Chi Yan is very clear that if he fails to completely kill the world consciousness, it will anger the world consciousness, make it crazy, and make it do whatever it takes to save its life. For this reason, it is likely to endanger everyone in the game field.

But Chi Yan didn't care.

"It belongs to their own lives. They have never fought for themselves, so how can they expect others to be responsible for their own lives?"

There was a crisp sound when the lighter was switched on and off.

A light was lit, and the smoke drifted away.

Chi Yan turned his head sideways and lit the cigarette between his lips, then slowly raised his head, put one hand in his pocket, and looked down at the collapse of the entire game field.

She saw everything in her eyes, but there was only indifference in those steel blue eyes, and she was never affected by it.

Whether it's joy or sadness, even the slightest schadenfreude... none of it.

It's like a lifeless, emotionless, absolutely rational robot.

She just watched it all happen, documented, observed, analyzed.

Then rewrite the world according to your own needs.

Xiao Bingling stood behind Chi Yan, as always.

The two people standing at the highest point in the forest just looked down at the village and the mountains below them shaking and collapsing, and they were indifferent to it.

But Xiao Bingling hesitated for a moment, but it was rare to break his quietness and obedience by Chi Yan's side, and talked about what he saw when he was in charge of hijacking the new system database.

Especially the reason why Chi Yiyin was chosen for the new system.

"The new system once left a running log in a small independent database, which explains why it chose Chi Yiyin."

In the eyes of Chi Yan who looked over with interest, Xiao Bingling was silent for a moment, and still said: "The new system believes that you are too indifferent to the world and will not protect the survival of all human beings. And Chi Yiyin, if he becomes the new God , will protect all mankind."

"Because of this, the new system chose to help Chi Yiyin."

"Including the establishment of Little Garden, and this trial."

Xiao Bingling didn't think there was anything wrong with what Chi Yan did.

He regards Chi Yan as his god, and even in his own thinking, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with Chi Yan's approach.

Whether it's Xiao Bingling's own experience or the time he spent with Chi Yan, he has seen too many stupid and stupid existences, and he has seen too many disgusting human natures, and he is very tired of it.

Even before he entered the game field, he sometimes thought that it would be nice if the world were destroyed, if only all stupid people died. After all the unqualified people die, the world will definitely be a lot cleaner.

Perhaps because of this, Chi Yan, who has a similar idea and has the ability to turn it into reality, is so attractive to Xiao Bingling, making him willing to dedicate his life and soul to it.

But no matter how much he scoffed at the conclusions of the new system, he still clearly knew that just as they planned to hijack the new system, the system's permissions were a great help to players.

It can even be said that from the moment the new system chooses Chi Yiyin to become an independent third party and fully supports Chi Yiyin to pass the trial, Chi Yiyin and all other players have already stood at different heights.

He is stepping on the height above the system, which is closer to the sky.

Xiao Bingling didn't care about the new system and Chi Yiyin any more, but he also wanted Chi Yan to win this war, and wanted to watch his **** rule everything.


"President, can temporarily pretend to act like Chi Yiyin."

Xiao Bingling put forward his own opinion: "The reason why the new system didn't choose you is not because it thinks you are not capable enough, it just fears you because you are too good, so you can..."


Chi Yan said lightly, interrupting Xiao Bingling's words: "Don't say any more."

As soon as Xiao Bingling started, Chi Yan understood what he wanted to say.

Let her put on a mask and become "Chi Yiyin", be more compassionate and kind, and be more gentle to those she hates.

Nothing more than that.

Since the new system chooses Chi Yiyin's behavior style, wouldn't they be able to achieve their goal as long as they pretend to be "Chi Yiyin"?

Take the advantage that belongs to Chi Yiyin to himself.

But Chi Yan was not prepared to do so.

Although few people can fool the world consciousness and system, Chi Yan is very sure that if she wants to do it, she will succeed.

She just doesn't bother to do it.

Neither pride nor self-esteem would allow her to become someone else.

——It's still the side she doesn't like.

"Chi little monster."

In the rolling black mist that has gradually encroached upon the entire Dayin Village, Chi Yan standing on the top of the mountain is like standing on a cloud, far away from all dangers in the world, as proud as a **** who has always stood at the highest point, never looking down at the despair of human beings with suffering.

She raised her head slightly, exhaled a puff of smoke between her bright red lips, and then let out a low laugh, causing her chest to vibrate.

"He has always been wearing a ridiculous mask, hiding his true and cruel personality under the mask, thinking that as long as he does this, he can deceive those ignorant things and integrate into society."

Chi Yan asked with a light smile, "but this is an insult to me, isn't it?"

"I haven't done anything wrong, why should I wear a mask and pretend?"

Chi Yan's eyes were cold, she was so firm that she never wavered in her belief even for a moment.

Even temporary performances and changes can help her gain a powerful boost.

But her pride made her disdain to do such a thing.

"My attitude towards the world is always the same. All stupid people are not qualified to survive. Even in front of the system or Li Sijun, I still come to this conclusion."

"—When I become a new god, all inferior lives that cannot meet the standard should become the nourishment of the world."

"As it is now."

Chi Yan smiled and pointed down the mountain, saying: "Even if the world consciousness behaves kindly and harmlessly every day, isn't it just a lie to fool life in the end? It is not killing life and using human beings as its own fertilizer."

"It doesn't even have the courage to do it aboveboard and admit it."

The cigarette was crushed on Chi Yan's slender and beautiful fingertips, and she casually lowered her eyes, as if through layers of black mist, all the way to see the few people running desperately in the bottom of Dayin Village.

"How ridiculous. People willingly believe in world consciousness just because of a warm illusion. They feel that the game field dare not kill them, and that someone will come to save them. But the fact is that the saint is dead."

"Those who easily entrust their lives to other people's care, those who evade and shirk their responsibilities, those who want to be safe in the temporary living area... are all lives that are not worth dying for."

"This is the day they should be thinking about when they give up defending their lives, fighting for themselves and the world, and withdraw into their shells."

"The lives they give up will also give up on them. This is fairness."

Chi Yan smiled lowly, took a step forward with one hand in his pocket, and the gravel fell from the cliff.

And the strong wind blew her hair and clothes, like an eagle fluttering its wings.

She turned slightly sideways, looked at the person behind her with cold eyes, and said, "Since Chi Yiyin and I both think that what we hold is the right one, let's see...whose 'right' is right?" Have more power."

After the words fell, Chi Yan opened his arms, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Then suddenly fell to the cliff.

There was no fear on her handsome face, she even raised her head in the gust of wind, her jaw line stretched out in a beautiful arc.

She was laughing out loud, full of madness.

Xiao Bingling followed closely behind without hesitation, and also jumped off the cliff, following Chi Yan as he fell into the black mist below.

They might not have been engulfed by the black mist, but they rushed into the battlefield on their own initiative, facing the game field that occupied Little Garden.

Chi Yan raised his eyes, hooked his lips and smiled lightly: "Hello, World."

The consciousness of the world that fled in embarrassment from the battle with her... meets again.

How does it feel to destroy the world with your own hands?

The smile on Chi Yan's lips gradually widened, and the steel blue eyes were extremely crazy and thorough. On the turntable of the world's fate, she put everything on the wheel, including her own life.

Winner takes all, loser dies.

It's up to you... if you dare to bet.

world awareness.

Little Garden is trembling, the sky and the earth are collapsing and crashing, it seems that the world consciousness hidden behind Little Garden is also afraid of Chi Yan's madness.

Before the villagers of Dayin Village understood what was going on, they were already swallowed by the collapsed earth, and their terrified screams and cries were mixed together.

And Red Bird and the others, who had already run out of the village gathering place, stumbled but finally entered the square, finally had time to catch their breath and looked behind them.

Dayin Village trembled and collapsed, the scattered smoke and dust buried all the crying, and life was dying.

Only the land of the square is still safe and sound.

All the ground with golden lines remained motionless, as if two completely different worlds were separated from Dayin Village.

In the dim black mist, those golden lines suddenly lit up, like molten gold and flames flowing on the ground, outlining characters and patterns that no one could understand.

And a corner of the spell at the far edge of the square collapsed, revealing a long corridor leading underground amidst a loud bang.

Chu Yueli seemed to have known all of this a long time ago, without any hesitation, he directly walked in that direction, preparing to go underground.

The Red Birds still stood there blankly, watching in a daze the catastrophe that belonged to the box garden and the game field.

Fortunately, Chu Yueli finally remembered that these two people were somehow related to Chi Yiyin, so he turned around to look at them, raised his eyebrows, and signaled, "Are you planning to die here?"

"I won't stop it, but please stay away from death."

Chu Yueli politely asked: "Don't let your flesh and blood pollute the land where you are going to become a god."

Jingcha: '...'

He really wanted to rush over to beat Chu Yueli, but the red bird silently held his hand, and then sighed a long time.

"He's right."

Red Bird took the initiative to turn around, grabbed Jingcha and walked a few steps to catch up with Chu Yueli: "Let's go, go find Brother Chi."

At this time, anyone who is still in Dayin Village, whether it is a villager or a player... I am afraid that there will not even be a whole body left.

There is no need to save.

Red Bird finally took a deep look at Dayin Village, which was engulfed by the black mist, then made up his mind and walked forward without hesitation.

"Brother Chi is waiting for us."

Red Bird patted Jingcha on the shoulder, and persuaded in a low voice: "When we reunite with Brother Chi, someone will be able to restrain Chu Yueli, and then you can file a complaint."

Jingcha is satisfied.

Chu Yueli seemed to hear it, but he didn't care.

When the group of people finally entered the underground passage, the flawed corner of the square also returned to its original state, blocking the invasion from the ground.

For example, the new system tried its best to hold on to the last line of defense for Chi Yiyin.

In the underground palace, Chi Yiyin raised his head and looked at the top of his head thoughtfully.

"I seem to hear..."

"The world and life are weeping."