MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 198

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The firewood room was very cold, and it seemed that the people in the village had no intention of getting them quilts.

However, compared to Chi Yiyin's experience of going to Dayin Village for the first time in reality, and the pigsty where the villagers wanted to put them in, Chaifang still seems to be more receptive.

At least Chi Yiyin took it calmly, and didn't think there was any problem with spending the night in the firewood room.

"Is it cold, Yinyin?"

Li Sijun saw Chi Yiyin's fingers that had been turned blue from the cold, and wanted to take off his coat to him in distress, but when he raised his hand, he found that his coat was already on Chi Yiyin's body.

If you want to continue to take off, there is only one shirt.

Li Sijun couldn't help being silent for a moment.

Chi Yiyin noticed his quietness, and when he turned around to look, he saw his expression, and was amused.

"I don't care."

He shook Li Sijun's hand, indicating that everything is fine, and said with a smile: "This is much better treatment than when I came to Dayin Village last time."

In reality, Chi Yiyin did follow the professor's ghost to successfully find Dayin Village, and in order to go deep into the village, find out the truth about the death of the professor and others, crack the formation deep in the mountains and forests, and take away the ghosts of the professor and others At that time, he pretended to be a poor passer-by without any resistance, and was taken obediently by the villagers into the dungeon of the village.

For Chi Yiyin, it was because he hitched a ride with the villagers and entered the tiger's den smoothly. But for the villagers, it can be regarded as "leading wolves into the house".

—They thought they were the piglets to be slaughtered, but turned the whole village upside down.

"However, I would like to thank Mr. Li for his generosity and winning a roof for us."

Chi Yiyin shrugged, and said with a teasing smile: "It seems that you will always play a role in these strange places."

Li Sijun shook his head helplessly, and held Chi Yiyin's palm tightly, wanting to transfer his warmth to him.

He originally wanted to do more, such as being a god, he could give the whole world to his little believers. Even considering that this is Chi Yiyin's own path of testing, he can take action to improve the environment in the woodshed, at least not to make his little believers suffer.

But the monkey who rushed in suddenly didn't even need to look at his boss to know what he was thinking, and hugged his leg tightly, with a stubborn expression on his neck.

Dayou Li Sijun had the stance that if he dared to forcefully intervene in Xiaoting, he would crash and die here.

Li Sijun: "...There is some deviation in your self-cognition."

Before he wanted to throw the monkey out in disgust, the monkey jumped down nimbly and rushed towards Chi Yiyin instead.

Chi Yiyin also happily let him approach, and made a posture of listening.

— When the monkey ran away, Chi Yiyin saw it. Even when the villagers almost noticed the monkey's weirdness, he made other noises so that the monkey could take the opportunity to leave smoothly.

After all, it is located in the deep mountains, and the villagers will immediately find out if there are strangers, but there are monkeys?

That's normal.

Taking advantage of the convenience brought by his identity, the monkey also took the opportunity to lurk beside the villagers, flying over the eaves and walls, using his small body to the extreme, like a walking bug, listening to all the things in the village.

As for what happened after Chi Yiyin and the others left, it didn't escape its eyes.

"Tell me."

Chi Yiyin glanced at Li Sijun, and signaled to the monkey to ask him to exchange information for his protection.

Monkey: ...Although I am no longer a system, you are still such a dog, Chi Yiyin, and threatened me with my boss.

"It's great to have you here, it makes me feel that the world hasn't changed much."

The monkey sighed emotionally: "The vicissitudes of life, only you are the fixed point, which will never change."

Always like a dog, the dog makes the monkey want to beat people.

Chi Yiyin smirked: "Say? Or go?"

The monkey put it away as soon as he saw it, and immediately sat upright and talked about what it saw.

After Chi Yiyin left, the villagers who stayed there started talking about the two foreigners who broke in while cleaning up the mess.

According to the conversations of the villagers, there will be a very important sacrifice in the village in a few days, and the pigs to be sacrificed have already been taken to the pigsty for preparation.

Originally, according to the usual practice, these two foreigners were also killed as human sacrifices to appease the ghosts and gods, and calm the ghosts and gods.

However, the strength displayed by Li Sijun made the villagers very afraid of him, and they didn't dare to act rashly.

The sorceress is now purifying her spirit and heart for sacrifices. In order to reduce her humanity and increase her divinity, she can better communicate with ghosts and gods. Therefore, she will try to keep as little contact with living people as possible before the sacrifice. Only middle-aged men can see her and report to her. Daily life in the village.

The middle-aged man only told the villagers that everything will be discussed after he comes back. Before that, Chi Yiyin and others will be locked in the woodshed without food and water, and no one will be allowed to approach.

Hearing what the monkey said, Chi Yiyin raised his eyebrows, knowing what to do.

Immediately planning to kill them without meeting them, it seems that the leader wanted to do something himself.

Cold and hunger can weaken people's willpower to the greatest extent and make people depressed.

Under such circumstances, people's psychological defenses are easy to break through, and few ordinary people are still indifferent to food after being hungry and cold for a period of time. For food, they can do anything and tell any secret.

But the only problem is... Chi Yiyin has no impression of that middle-aged man.

Whether it is in his books or in his own experience, there is no such a person.

"Hakoniwa is being tampered with by another force."

Chi Yiyin suddenly asked Li Sijun: "As I said before, the box garden is another test, and now other changes have actually taken place. Right?"

Li Sijun was stunned.

He knew that Chi Yiyin would definitely find out, but what he didn't expect was that he would find out so quickly.

Li Sijun wanted to answer, but after seeing the terrified and pleading eyes of the monkey, he endured it and remained silent.

It belongs to Chi Yiyin's test, any excessive intervention will lead to the failure of the test, and the traces cannot be cleared if the line is crossed.

He couldn't, couldn't ruin Yinyin's path because of his own selfishness.

But Li Sijun's silence was no different from an answer to Chi Yiyin.

Chi Yiyin immediately realized that Li Sijun might not be able to speak clearly for various reasons.

So he said, "You don't have to answer, you just need to listen to me."

"Hakoniwa was established by the structure of the story I once wrote. It is a test for me. This is the original intention of the new system. It has not made any intervention or modification. It is a pure third party that exists independently and does not interfere with anything. Observe and record, and witness the advent of the new century."

Li Sijun looked deeply at Chi Yiyin, without any fluctuation in his sharp eyebrows.

But for Chi Yiyin, it was enough.

With the first sentence as the baseline, he can observe and analyze Li Sijun on this basis, and at the same time get all the information he needs.

He used to figure out human beings, learn their emotions, imitate their reactions, and create masks so that monsters can safely blend in the crowd without being discovered.

And now, he analyzes and studies the gods.

"But everything I say is theoretical."

Chi Yiyin said firmly: "The new system thought that Little Garden would develop according to the theory, but it didn't. Instead, it was intervened by other forces, which interfered with the operation of Little Garden, and even weakened the new system's control over Little Garden."

"Everything that is different from the story or reality now comes from the interference of that force. Right?"

Chi Yiyin looked deeply into Li Sijun's eyes, and asked word by word: "All changes should go in a direction that is not conducive to me, but beneficial to that interfering force. And what led to all this ..."

"It's world awareness."

Li Sijun smiled slightly.

He couldn't give any hints, even if he wanted to respond to Chi Yiyin again, he could only bear it.

For the sake of his little believers, the gods are willing to give up all their power and temporarily act as ordinary people.

Just to... let his beloved believers become new gods.

Li Sijun lowered his thick eyelashes slightly, and slowly squeezed Chi Yiyin's hand tightly.

He lowered his head and breathed a cloud of hot air into those hands. His tall and slender body contained infinite strength, which was enough to throw the villagers away. He dared not get close, but in front of Chi Yiyin, he seemed so cautious.

It seemed that what he held in his palm was a beautiful butterfly that needed careful and gentle love.

"Is it still cold?"

He just asked, but it was worth a thousand words.

Chi Yiyin smiled: "It's not cold anymore."

The monkey who felt that he had been kicked inexplicably: ...Do you still have me in your heart!

The ghost of the professor next to him looked cheerful, and nodded with a smile.

He finally understood why Chi Yiyin didn't let him dissect Li Sijun. It turned out that he, a student, had already taken a fancy to him.

The professor who had been with Chi Yiyin for a long time knew very well what kind of personality his last student had.

If it was really something he didn't want to do, no one else could force him to do it anyway. For those who wanted to take advantage of Chi Yiyin, the grass on their graves was two meters high.

Looking at it this way, he, a student, is really moved.

The professor was a little emotional.

Even when the monkey stretched out his paw and wanted to remind Chi Yiyin unbearably, he was stopped by the professor and made a silent gesture.

The professor smiled and mouthed: don't disturb them, or do you want to come and be my company?

The monkey frowned in horror.

However, Li Sijun was not happy for long - obviously, Chi Yiyin cared more about Dayin Village than Li Sijun.

"But you said just now that the leader said he wanted to go back to find the witch?"

Chi Yiyin frowned and asked the monkey. Looking at each other with the professor, they both knew each other well. In the original Dayin Village, there was no such rule at all, saying that the witch should be separated from others before the sacrifice.

On the contrary, in the Great Yin Village that Chi Yiyin saw with his own eyes, not only would the sorceress not stay behind closed doors, but she would also communicate with the villagers as much as possible.

This sacrifice is really important, in order to communicate with the "divine power" of the sorceress, and report all the situation of the village in the past year through this sacrifice to the ghosts and gods worshiped in the village, so that the ghosts and gods can know the village they are sheltering. what is the situation.

It is equivalent to reporting to ghosts and gods and explaining to investors where the money is spent.

In real sacrifices, when ghosts and gods come, not only will the upper body witches appear, but the power that belongs to them will also appear on the villagers.

At that time, the professor believed that this was the silk thread for the ghosts and gods to control and manage the villagers, so that the ghosts and gods could ensure that the villagers would not change their minds, and would sacrifice and worship themselves from generation to generation according to the original agreement hundreds of years ago.

In this way, how could the witch be separated from the villagers?

The sorceress also has her own fears, and she needs to make sure that the villagers obey her and not complain to the ghost when it comes and speak ill of herself.

Therefore, before the sacrifice, the sorceress will definitely visit every house, tell every villager the divine words of blessing, and calm their emotions, telling them not to talk nonsense, which will anger the ghosts and gods, and they can only say according to the divine words she gave.

This is also the sorcerer's careful plan, using the information gap between herself and the villagers to make everyone speak in unison and prevent possible backstabs.

But what the monkey heard was that the sorceress closed her door and didn't see anyone, which didn't match the reality...

Chi Yiyin frowned: "Either it's the Dayin Village here, and even this rule has been changed. Or there is something wrong with the sorceress herself."

The professor nodded and agreed with Chi Yiyin's statement: "If the ghosts and gods get angry, the witch, who is the carrier of power, will definitely bear the brunt of the backlash, and she will not allow this to happen. Unless she is too busy to take care of herself now and has other problems , can't see people."

Chi Yiyin and the professor had actually met the sorceress, and knew how selfish and rational the character of that shriveled little old lady who claimed to have lived to be 800 years old was.

All her decisions must be made after weighing the pros and cons.

The current situation can only show that from the perspective of the sorceress, the danger of being found out about her current situation is even greater than the possibility of someone complaining to ghosts and gods, and it is worth taking a risk for her.

But what would that be?

Chi Yiyin frowned, and the feeling of losing control became more and more obvious.

All his knowledge of Dayin Village in the past is now gradually drifting off course. If he wanted to find out what was going on in Xiaoting Garden and Dayin Village, and the purpose of the force behind it, he had to go there himself to see clearly the current situation in Dayin Village.

He looked outside the woodshed, and it seemed that all the villagers were afraid of Li Sijun, and they didn't dare to get close to him, and took over the job of guarding nearby, so there was only a big lock outside the woodshed, and no one was there.

It was not until the gate of the courtyard outside that there were three or four villagers sitting under the eaves, warming up and eating, watching them and preventing them from escaping.

But to Li Sijun, these were just decorations.

As long as Chi Yiyin said a word, he could get the two of them out of here immediately.

Monkey also thought Chi Yiyin would do the same.

But he just turned around and sorted out the pile of firewood in the firewood room, and Quan used it as a stool, sitting on it and chatting with the professor relaxedly, recalling the previous experience of walking through the evil place with a man and a ghost, and also talked about All kinds of Dayin Village.

If it wasn't for the wrong environment, the monkey would almost think that this is a study somewhere.

Monkey: "...Don't you even have a sense of crisis?"

It looked up at Chi Yiyin, and said speechlessly: "Those people are planning to kill you as sacrificial objects, don't you really think that relying on my boss can solve everything?"

The powerful but unusable love brain boss of his family is also powerless at this time.

As long as Li Sijun helps Chi Yiyin, Chi Yiyin will lose the qualification to become a god. Safety must be guaranteed, after all, it is the only existence that God puts on the cusp of his heart, and even declares that he has only this believer. But in that case, Chi Yiyin wouldn't want to go any further.

Is that what Chi Yiyin wants?

Ever since I met Chi Yiyin, I was either being pitted by Chi Yiyin every day, or the monkey on the road being pitted by Chi Yiyin. It is clear that Chi Yiyin and his boss are almost two kinds of creatures.

One with only career in mind.

Chi Yiyin was the only one on his mind.

Monkey even felt a little regretful, why wasn't he a subordinate of Chi Yiyin? If it is under Chi Yiyin's rule, then the boss can work and enjoy the subordinates, how happy it is.

It's a pity that it is a creation of God, and the camp cannot be changed.

Monkey felt a little regretful, and looked at Chi Yiyin with even more doubts in his little eyes, wondering what he was planning.

Chi Yiyin just smiled: "Don't worry."

"Someone is more anxious than us."

He smiled meaningfully: "As long as there is something you want urgently, you don't want to sit in peace."

"Just wait, he will come."

Chi Yiyin didn't say who he was waiting for, but he was determined.

Li Sijun frowned slightly in thought, then laughed too, sitting side by side with Chi Yiyin on the firewood pile.

The two looked up through the leaky roof, with a relaxed expression, without any sense of self-awareness as a prisoner, as if they were admiring the stars.


They put you in the woodshed, and you came here for your honeymoon?

Even the players off-screen couldn't sit still anymore, walking around anxiously, only wishing that they were not in Dayin Village to replace Chi Yiyin.

"Even if Chi Yiyin has a stable personality, this is too much."

The player couldn't help complaining: "If it was me, I would have evacuated to a safe place by now!"

The conductor in charge next to him slowly turned his head, his cold uniform did not have a trace of human warmth, and he wore a "Zero Three" armband on his arm.

He stared at the player's eyes, as cold as a leopard staring at its prey.

The player trembled, and subconsciously turned around to look, when he heard a voice behind him.

"You can't even get out of here."

The deep voice was extremely calm, no different from a mechanical voice.

But it was inexplicably full of ridicule.

The player vaguely felt that the conductor was saying: You can't even get off the Yunhai train. You were rejected in the last round of tests, and you don't even have the qualifications to enter the Little Garden. You can only use the live broadcast to be an insignificant person who can be killed at any time Witness, what did you say that you can replace Chi Yiyin?

For a moment, the player didn't know whether he should be surprised that the conductor who had not said a word responded to him, or he should be angry at the conductor's contempt.

He wanted to be angry, but he thought about it carefully before speaking, and found that although what the conductor said was not pleasant, it turned out to be a fact.

He really... failed the test.

Don't say that there will be great things in the future, people who die today, talk about tomorrow without shame.

The players were silent for a moment.

And when he turned his head, he also saw another figure actually appeared on the screen.

When Chi Yiyin and the others strayed into the village, although it seemed to them that it was midnight, to the village, it was dinner time just after sunset, when every house raised smoke and children played.

The villagers who were disturbed had to put down their meals at home, and exchanged information with neighbors and relatives and friends.

And the few villagers in charge of the guards could only wrap their coats and warm themselves in the cold wind. A few potatoes were thrown into the fire, and they talked while checking whether the potatoes were cooked or not. They thought it was dinner.

But how can it compare to the meals at home.

"Damn it! If it weren't for these dead foreigners, I would be at home drinking hot soup and eating hot dishes to warm up by the fire!"

Someone spat and said in dissatisfaction: "Those foreigners who have been abandoned by God are indeed filthy sinners. Why don't they all die? God is too soft-hearted."

The other person was also wrapped in a coat and rubbed his hands to keep warm, and nodded repeatedly: "Isn't it, if it were me, I would kill them all one by one, it would be easier."

"But it's good to have these foreigners, so that every year when offering sacrifices, people from the village don't need to sacrifice, and kill them to replace them."

The people next to him laughed, as if their emotions towards foreigners were not so intense.

But Chi Yiyin, who heard the conversation among the villagers from a distance, glanced at the professor.

The professor fell silent and sighed.

He was also a foreigner who was killed like a piglet to sacrifice to ghosts and gods.

It is precisely because the soul is regarded as the rations of ghosts and gods, so even if he screams, he can't leave here at all, and can only gradually wander in the mountains and forests.

If he hadn't met Chi Yiyin at that time, or even if he had met someone else...he could only be trapped here in despair until he gradually forgot everything about himself and completely degenerated into a ghost.

It was Chi Yiyin's incomprehensible or even weird power to ordinary people that wrote him into the book, confronted the ghosts and gods of Dayin Village, and rescued him.

A "god" against another "ghost".

It was a struggle beyond the human level, which allowed the professor to be rescued. He thought that he had already relieved himself, but until the villagers inadvertently mentioned it again, recalling the past, he realized that he had never forgotten it at all.

The professor shook his head and smiled wryly.

But before he could say anything, something changed outside the courtyard.

There was the sound of another person's footsteps.

A middle-aged man came over with two simple rice buckets.

His pair of godless three-white eyes were hidden in the shadow of the corridor, like two dark eye socket holes, eerie, strange and chilling.

Including the villagers.

The villagers who had gathered together to warm up at the fire looked up, and when they saw the middle-aged man, they hurriedly got up and kicked over the stools without caring.

"Brother Qin, why are you here?"

One of the villagers looked obviously much older than the middle-aged man, but he still nodded and bowed with a smile on his face: "It's so cold today, brother, hurry home and enjoy the fire, we're here to see if nothing happens, brother do not worry."

The rest of the villagers also praised the middle-aged man again and again, saying that he has a heart for the village, is the mainstay, the backbone of everyone, it is too responsible to come here to check the situation of foreigners in such a cold, he is simply the greatest person, worthy of being a witch selected candidates.

Hearing Chi Yiyin: "..."

He turned his head and whispered to Li Sijun: "This is the best flatterer I've ever seen, and it's too big."

Li Sijun couldn't help laughing, and responded in a low voice: "Indeed, even the hymns of the church are not as exaggerated as they are."

— Actually not.

As a god, the various praises Li Sijun heard were so exaggerated that he even wondered if he had really done such a thing, so he couldn't help frowning.

But as Chi Yiyin's partner and lover, Li Sijun ensures that he has only one attitude in front of Chi Yiyin—Yinyin's attitude is my attitude, and Yinyin says what she says.

Li Sijun: How dare my wife refute? Don't want a wife yet?

While Li Sijun and Chi Yiyin were talking in a low voice, watching the villagers enjoy it as if they were watching a stage play, the villagers finally shut up under the signal of the middle-aged man pressing his hand.

But looking at the smiling face of the middle-aged man called Big Brother Qin, you can tell that he also enjoys this kind of flattery, and enjoys the feeling of being hugged by everyone.

"Okay, okay, I know you are the main force in our village, I can't freeze you."

He shook the rice bucket in his hand, motioned to the villagers with a smile, and then stuffed the rice bucket into their arms: "Here, my family was going to stew a chicken tonight for my wife to make up for, but I took it." Come here and warm yourselves."

"Haven't you had a good bite of hot rice yet? Hurry up and have a bite next to me. I'll watch over here for you."

The villagers were both surprised and happy. They were so excited by the smell of the rice bucket that they swallowed. They said they were sorry, but they never let go of their hands holding the rice bucket.

After dismissing a few villagers with a smile, the middle-aged man did not sit down by the fire, but turned around and looked in the direction of the woodshed.

Through the gap in the door panel, Chi Yiyin and him met their eyes, and they were very clear about what happened.

"It seems that you already know why I'm here."

The middle-aged man walked towards Chi Yiyin slowly, and said calmly, "So, I like dealing with smart people, so I don't need to say anything."

Chi Yiyin sneered and said, "Is that so? But I think you still like your stupid folks very much."

The middle-aged man shrugged his shoulders without changing his face: "Who doesn't like being praised by others? Is there anyone who likes to be scolded every day? It would only be done by such a weird pervert."

However, he did not deny another sentence Chi Yiyin said - stupid folks.

It seems that in the eyes of this person, those villagers are really stupid, not enough to conspire with big things.

And those who can bypass the blockade of the village and enter here are the "companions" he longs for.

Even if it is an enemy in the eyes of the villagers.

The middle-aged man stood still at the door of the woodshed, glanced casually at the heavy iron chains wrapped around the door, and said to Chi Yiyin in a flat voice, "Come out and sit, isn't it cold inside?"

"Don't worry, those guys who are like pigs are lazy. If they have good appetizers, they will definitely go find wine. They may not sleep until long in the next house."

When he talked about those villagers, his tone was full of disdain, and he didn't care that they were also his fellow villagers, and he was even flattering him just now: "Don't worry about them, it's just something that won't make a big deal."

Although he said this, he didn't intend to open the door for Chi Yiyin. Instead, he turned around and walked towards the fire on his own. He chose a place sheltered from the wind, picked up the long wooden stick next to him, and fiddled with it leisurely. Start a fire.

Chi Yiyin raised his eyebrows, knowing it clearly.

This is also the test of this man, to see if he is different from those villagers.

Really... Didn't expect that there would be people with this kind of character in Dayin Village?

Chi Yiyin shook his head and laughed, thinking that changing the box garden behind his back, making this "brother Qin" the power to appear, is also interesting enough.

However, for Chi Yiyin, this really wasn't even a test.

The middle-aged man originally thought that Li Sijun would violently break open the door of the firewood room, but Chi Yiyin found a wire from the side, roughly bent it a few times to try the feel, and then kicked off the door frame, which was already crumbling He stretched out his hand nimbly, groped to find the keyhole, listened carefully to the sound of the iron wire in the keyhole, and opened the lock after a few strokes.

With a "crash", the chains were scattered.

Chi Yiyin removed the chain, opened the door and walked out calmly, strolling around the courtyard, as if going to a grand banquet.

The middle-aged man was full of surprise, he didn't expect to see such a thing happen.

But then he realized that when he looked at Chi Yiyin, his face was full of admiration.

"You foreigners are really different from us."

He pointed to the stool next to the fire, and invited Chi Yiyin to say, "Sit down, enjoy the fire, and keep warm. Is it raining outside the village? Thank you for finding this place."

The monkey who was kept in the firewood room by Chi Yiyin as one of his trump cards and was not seen by the middle-aged man was speechless, thinking that the middle-aged man might have misunderstood the stranger because of Chi Yiyin.

Not everyone can pick a lock! We don't have this weird skill!

"My name is Qin Da, and I'm from Dayin Village. What about you? What's your name? Are you from outside the mountain, or from the village at the foot of the mountain?"

General Qin picked up the kettle at hand and poured hot water for Chi Yiyin and the others.

Seeing that Chi Yiyin did not refuse, a smile appeared on Qin Da's face.

"My surname is also Qin."

Chi Yiyin lied without changing his face: "Although I am from outside the mountain, in theory, I am actually in the village at the foot of the mountain."

Qin Da raised his eyebrows: "How do you say?"

"Before I answer you, there is one thing I want to confirm with you."

Chi Yiyin looked vigilant and careful: "Dayin Village is related to my aunt... the Qin family in the village under the mountain, right?"

Qin Da's hand stopped, and the water glass that was supposed to be delivered to his mouth stopped in mid-air.

After a while, he raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Chi Yiyin with disbelief in his eyes: "Could it be you..."

Chi Yiyin nodded, making himself look very surprised, as if he had confirmed something from Qin Da's reaction.

"Yes! Mother Qin at the foot of the mountain is my aunt. My mother had a relationship with her before, and after hearing about her, she asked me to come back for a walk."

"But it seems that I came back too late."

Chi Yiyin looked gloomy, and said: "There is nothing in the village at the foot of the mountain. All the things that Mrs. Qin used to have ran out, but there is no one in the village. I can't even ask someone to find out what happened. arrive."

"That's why I went up the mountain and wanted to ask you."

He sighed: "Grandma Qin...what's going on? How could she die? "

In fact, Chi Yiyin didn't know the connection between the two villages on the mountain, and the story tampered with by Xiaotian made him no longer familiar with it, and he didn't write about the village of the fifth aunt at the bottom of the mountain, what are the two villages in the story? He didn't know the situation.

But this does not affect that he can rely on the only clues and make up nonsense.

The old man next to Fifth Aunt didn't look like a human at all, but looked like a weasel who thought he was pretending to be human. In addition, the person who died next door to the Fifth Aunt's house was Qin's weasel woman. Not to mention the strange death, there was a weasel in the house...

So when this person introduced himself as Qin Da, Chi Yiyin used the surname "Qin" to connect everything together.

In the reality of Dayin Village, what is enshrined is not a righteous **** at all, nor is it the "god" that most ordinary people recognize.

But Wutongshen.

In other words, what they worship is an evil **** that can satisfy their desires, which is not a good thing.

The weasel is one of the five gods.

The fifth of the fifth aunt is not because her husband is the fifth, but because there used to be a weasel that transformed into a human form, and when walking in the world, it called itself "Wulang".

I just don't know whether the fifth aunt is a weasel herself, or a weasel is enshrined.

As for the Yellow Rat Woman of the Qin family... Many of these "carriers" who believe in the Wutong God are related to each other by blood. In addition to the surname "Qin", if there is a relationship, it is easy to hit the truth .

Chi Yiyin made up things with reason and evidence, and immediately convinced Qin Da.

In particular, Chi Yiyin also mentioned that there was something wrong with the death of the Yellow Mouse Pom of the Qin family, and even called her Po Qin affectionately.

Although Qin Da didn't know the specific relationship between them, and he hesitated that he hadn't heard that Huang Shupo had acquaintances outside the mountain, but thinking that he had never been out of the village, it is possible that he didn't know what happened outside the village Yes, I was relieved.

"Then you came back, it was really late."

He shook his head and sighed: "If your mother asks you to come back to rescue Mrs. Qin, don't count on it. She is hopeless, and there is not a single bit of corpse left."

"However, if you want to save yourself, there is still time."

Qin Da raised his head slowly, looking directly at Chi Yiyin calmly: "As long as you cooperate with me."


Chi Yiyin sneered, with a sarcastic expression on his face: "I didn't even figure out what's going on here, so you let me cooperate with you? How do I know that you didn't kill Granny Qin?"

He acted like a junior grieving for the loss of a loved one, filled with righteous indignation for the death of his loved one, unable to accept it, and full of vigilance towards everyone, including Qin Da.

And Qin Da also showed an expression of understanding, and was even more convinced of the relationship between Chi Yiyin and Qin's Huang Shupo.

"Don't worry."

He took a sip of hot water, then let out a long sigh of relief, and sprayed out a cloud of white mist: "Don't worry, I'm definitely not the one who killed the Yellow Rat Woman."

"You should know that the sorceress of our Dayin Village is the elder sister of the Yellow Rat Woman."

Chi Yiyin: "...???"

He subconsciously glanced to the side, and looked blankly at the professor.

They don't know!

Even if they had actually been to Dayin Village in reality, they didn't know that the witch had a younger sister, and the village at the foot of the mountain never appeared at all.

The news that Qin Da released without hesitation directly put one person and one ghost in place.

But Chi Yiyin immediately collected his expression, nodded pretending to understand, and didn't let Qin Da see the clue.

"I know, so what?"

"Could it be that Qin Po's death has something to do with the sorceress?"

When Qin Da heard this, a sarcastic smile appeared on his face, as if he had heard some funny joke.

"Related? Ha!"

He laughed so hard that he was choked by the hot water and coughed again and again, and a bit of blood appeared on his pale and thin face.

"This kind of thing can't be said to be related, brother Qin."

Qin Da leaned back, looked at Chi Yiyin meaningfully, and called him the fake name he made up: "Do you think the **** we enshrine is a kind god?"

He laughed until he shed tears: "If you were really kind, you wouldn't have eaten my three children!"

"How can you be a kind person who enshrines such a god?"

"If my sister finds out that my sister is more talented than me, is more favored by God, has more power, and may even take my place..."

Qin grinned: "What do you think, sister will do?"

Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read Academy’s Genius Swordmaster
ActionAdventureFantasySchool Life