MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 172

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Innocent got involved in the big boss fight by mistake, and Hongniao, who was pulled over by Chi Yiyin as a shield, only felt that there were ten thousand beeps in his heart—want to say.

Li Sijun looked over with light eyes, and the red bird immediately became as quiet as a chicken, stiff in place, not daring to move.

Not to mention standing in front of Chi Yiyin again.

Red Bird: I'm sorry, Brother Chi! It's not that the bird doesn't show loyalty, it's because your boss is too scary!

Therefore, Chi Yiyin was still waiting for the red bird to help him out, but he saw the red bird slowly shrunk its shoulders, stood on tiptoe, and crept before his eyes like a thief...

slipped away.

Chi Yiyin: "???"

He opened his mouth, wanting to call the red bird back.

But as soon as the first syllable was uttered, the red bird, which had already run out of Li Sijun's field of vision, suddenly disappeared behind the door of the carriage like a frightened animal that escaped the range of a predator, resolutely not staying in the carriage to eat food The guy's eye knife.

Red Bird: Brother Chi, your boss is so terrifying, don't you know! He won't do anything to you, but he can't tell me!

And the conductor who was supposed to be guarding in the corridor left silently at some point.

For a moment, there were only Li Sijun and Chi Yiyin in the empty corridor.

Even if he wanted to escape, there was no suitable reason, so he could only face Li Sijun alone.

No matter how dangerous the situation was, Chi Yiyin never backed down.

But at this time, when he accidentally met Li Sijun's smiling eyes, he suddenly had the urge to escape.

I don't want to... I don't even dare to face the truth behind my emotions.


It was Li Sijun who took the initiative to speak and broke the silence of the carriage.

He folded his arms in front of his chest, leaning against the door frame, with a leisurely and relaxed posture, as if the silent embarrassment at the moment did not exist.

"Is there a problem between us?"

Li Sijun smiled, and asked knowingly: "You seem to be avoiding me, or is it my illusion?"

"Yinyin, I don't want to have a estrangement with you. If I do something wrong, I hope you can tell me immediately. Whether it's a question, or something else..."

He stood up straight and slowly walked towards Chi Yiyin, his raised palm seemed to want to land on that handsome face.

Chi Yiyin's eyes widened slowly, and he held his breath without realizing it, his thought that had always been tightly functioning stopped, his mind went blank, he only looked at Li Sijun who was getting closer, but he didn't know that he was looking forward to what.

Or... afraid.

However, when Li Sijun walked in front of Chi Yiyin, the distance between the two was clearly less than a few centimeters, as long as he leaned forward, he would be so close to Chi Yiyin that there would be no gap.

But he stopped.

The last moment before breaking through the layer of window paper.

Li Sijun's slender fingers passed over Chi Yiyin's face, and gently moved down along his auricles, gently picking up the loose strands of hair and tucking them behind his ears.

Then, before Chi Yiyin could react, he took the initiative to take a step back, opening the distance between the two of them.

"The red bird has already left, why don't Yinyin go and have a look at him?"

Li Sijun's attitude was very natural, as if nothing had happened.

But inexplicably, Chi Yiyin felt a little lost.

It seemed that he had already expected what Li Sijun would do, but he didn't choose to refuse in the panic, but waited for it to happen naturally, but it was unexpectedly calm.

High expectations were dashed.

very strange.

If Li Sijun really did something, Chi Yiyin can be sure that he will get angry and instinctively stay away from Li Sijun.

But now when the other party didn't do anything, instead it seemed like he was thinking too much, he felt a sense of disappointment, and looked forward to something that didn't happen.

Chi Yiyin pursed her lips, and looked at Li Sijun with complicated eyes.

After pausing for a few seconds, he quickly sorted out his emotions and nodded: "Okay."

When Chi Yiyin raised his eyes again, he had regained his previous calm and rationality, and the relationship with Li Sijun could not bother him.

"You can't let Hongniao stay in another car alone for too long. Jingcha didn't go with him. He is alone, and there may be problems."

Chi Yiyin raised his chin to Li Sijun: "Let's go."

Li Sijun followed like a follower.

Jingcha's box was behind Chi Yiyin, and he should have knocked on Jingcha's door to tell him what everyone was doing.

But when Chi Yiyin was about to turn around, he suddenly felt that he seemed to have caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye.

A touch of black.

It was the purest black, like a black hole that could absorb everything, without reflecting any light.

But even so, Chi Yiyin felt that he seemed to see the black wriggling, flashing along the gap in the wall of the box, and getting into the box next to it.

It was as if the black thing had life.

He was startled, and immediately turned around to look.

But there is nothing.

There are only empty and clean walls left, as if to question his status.

Chi Yiyin's eyes sank: "Conductor, when did you leave?"

He has not forgotten that in the game field, all the rules are two-way.

While the rules work on the player, restricting the player's behavior, and selecting candidates for the gods, they also play a restrictive role on all NPCs.

NPCs are not proctors, they are no different from players, they are all insignificant existences in the game field, even if they die, no one cares.

——What the world consciousness wants has always been a stable situation that can protect the world, so that the human subconscious will not disappear, and its existence will not be threatened.

It will sign an agreement and use rules to protect the group of players, so that Li Sijun will not overturn the game field in a fit of anger and let everyone die.

But what it protects is the continuation of "humanity".

rather than a continuation of a particular person.

What's more, judging from the fact that the train conductor's original identity is the god's camp system, the Yunhai train is to some extent the territory of the gods.

Under the camp of the gods, the train crew will naturally not get the bias and extra delegation of power from the world consciousness.

The rules say that the lights are turned off at 10 o'clock, and it is best not to leave the box.

The conductor will supervise in the corridor to ensure the safety of the players before the lights are turned off.

But now, the conductor is gone...

Chi Yiyin doesn't think the conductor is free to move.

It is very possible that something happened... Maybe it has something to do with the black he just misread.

Under Chi Yiyin's serious gaze, Li Sijun also nodded happily, and did not hide anything.

"His superiors are calling for him."

Li Sijun said: "The train conductor No. 03 has already gone to the bar car. But now, he has disappeared from the train."


What's the meaning?

Chi Yiyin frowned.

This is not a real station, you can stop and go at any time. Not to mention that the Yunhai train has not arrived at the station yet, according to the conductor, the nearest station will arrive tomorrow.

At this height, anyone, including NPCs, who wanted to leave would probably be smashed to pieces.

The trick of escaping through the window is not feasible here.

The whole train is a huge secret room.

People outside can't come in halfway, and people inside can't leave.

Chi Yiyin had a vague guess in his mind, but before continuing to confirm his thoughts with Li Sijun, his eyes swept over Tong Yao's box.

He paused, then quickly strode towards Tong Yao's box and knocked on the door.

No one answered the door.

This increased Chi Yiyin's sense of crisis, and he immediately doubted Tong Yao's safety.

He knocked on the door for several minutes, but no one responded. Not only did no one answer the door, but even the box was very quiet, and the movement inside could not be heard from the outside.

The box with good sound insulation effect became an obstacle at this time.

Fortunately, after knocking on the door continuously and calling Tong Yao's name, before Chi Yiyin called Li Sijun to break down the door violently, the doorknob finally shook slightly.

There was a "click" sound from the door lock, and the door handle was pressed from the inside, and then accompanied by a "squeak!" slow friction sound, the door was slowly opened, revealing a gap.

The inside of the box is extremely dark, even if the light from the corridor shines into the box through the gap, Chi Yiyin cannot see the specific appearance inside.

Only Tong Yao.

She stood behind the door and only looked at Chi Yiyin through a gap, as if she was very wary of the people outside the box, so she only opened the door and did not come out.

However, considering Tong Yao's cautious character, this is also normal.

It's a playground after all.

Seeing Tong Yao appear, Chi Yiyin was slightly relieved, and a smile appeared on his lips again.

"What's the matter, Mr. Chi?"

Tong Yao's voice was still full of sleepiness, and it could be heard from the slightly hoarse voice that she had just been woken up, and she was still a little dazed, not knowing what happened.

"Sorry I was sleeping just now, I may have missed it... I didn't hear Mr. Chi calling me."

Tong Yao opened some doors again, making a gesture to come out and leave with Chi Yiyin: "Do you need my help?"

Now, Chi Yiyin could clearly see the environment behind Tong Yao through the enlarged crack of the door.

The curtains were drawn in the box, and the light was deliberately lowered in order to fall asleep, making the room look quite dark.

But it is not gloomy, but a more homely sleeping atmosphere.

The quilt on the bed was messy, the shoes that had been taken off were thrown aside randomly, and the carpet was also twisted and wrinkled.

It was like someone turned over and got out of bed in anxiety, and hurried to the door before putting on his shoes, thus leaving a series of traces.

It corresponds to everything Tong Yao said.

Chi Yiyin felt relieved, reached out and grabbed the doorknob, not letting Tong Yao continue to open the door and come out.

"It's nothing, I'm just worried about your accident, so I came to see you."

Chi Yiyin smiled: "Go back and rest. Today is not a friendly day for you. Only after a good rest can you continue to face tomorrow in a good state."

Tong Yao seemed a little guilty and touched, she asked Chi Yiyin a few more questions with some uneasiness, and was persuaded by Chi Yiyin to come back.

"Don't worry, Red Bird and I will go to check the situation together, you can rest in your room at ease, I will come to you again if there is anything."

Chi Yiyin comforted Tong Yao a few more words before letting her feel relieved, she nodded and retreated into the room, she yawned, her face was full of exhaustion, she seemed not in a good condition.

"Mr. Chi, you should also be careful."

Tong Yao gave a few words of advice, and then closed the door.

At that moment, the smile on Chi Yiyin's face also disappeared.

He frowned and looked at the door, thoughtfully.

"Did you feel something was wrong?"

Chi Yiyin turned around and looked at Li Sijun and asked, "I don't feel very good about Tong Yao's box, but it looks like everything is normal... Is it because I'm a soldier?"

Li Sijun didn't answer Chi Yiyin's question immediately.

He looked deeply at the box.

It's just a door.

Even the conceptual "door" can withstand all human investigations, just like what humans hoped when they first gave it the name "door", no one can break into it without the consent of the owner of the house, But it can't isolate Li Sijun's perception.

He noticed the change in the box, just as Chi Yiyin keenly sensed it.

However, just before Li Sijun wanted to speak, a voice hurriedly appeared in Li Sijun's mind.

【You can't tell Mr. Chi directly! 】

It is the sound of the system machinery.

From the train conductor.

Although he is no longer working on the system, the train conductor, as the most powerful subordinate of the gods camp, still maintains the connection with the gods when the new system Xiao Yunhai is hijacked by Chi Yan.

As for the train conductor, he is in control of the situation of the entire train, so he naturally knows what the **** who has ruined his country by the demon concubine wants to do.

But the problem is...

[Chi Yan is on the train! And it is talking face-to-face with the "Grim Reaper" - world consciousness. 】

The conductor of the train is going crazy: [If you remind Chi Yiyin, he will block the action of "Reaper". Once the world consciousness knows Chi Yiyin's intentions, it is very likely that he will be used to threaten Chi Yan. 】

【You know, the importance Chi Yiyin attaches to Chi Yiyin is not a mother-child relationship. If Chi Yiyin hinders her, she will only choose to clear Chi Yiyin—she dares to kill herself, even threatens you, it's nothing She can't do it. 】

【For Chi Yiyin, even if he doesn't mention the mental harm, it will definitely hinder his plan and even pose a threat to himself. 】

The train conductor far away in the bar car looked up at Chi Yan and the world consciousness who were confronting each other, then shook, and was scared back to the corner of the car by the force of the collision between the two.

He had the heart to cry to death on the spot.

[You don't need to care about the game field and world consciousness, even if Chi Yiyin threatens Chi Yiyin, you can also choose to kill Chi Yiyin to remove obstacles for Chi Yiyin. but-】

[Is that what Chi Yiyin wants? 】

The train conductor's question hit the ground, causing Li Sijun to slow down, leaving the reminder in his throat that should have been said.

[If you just want to protect your believers, then you can do whatever you want without any impact. However, Chi Yiyin, he is not an ordinary person. 】

The train conductor's voice gradually became serious: 【You have given me authority, so that I can be stained with the glory of the gods, and I have the honor to manage the game field for you for twelve years. During this period, I have seen hundreds of millions of beings come and go, and countless souls left footprints in the database, which became the cornerstone of this large-scale selection. 】

[However, I have seen such a huge number of human beings, but no one is sober, rational, and ruthless like Chi Yiyin. 】

【He has never been confused, unlike others who are confused, he always knows what he wants, and therefore, every step he takes is clear and firm-this is why he attracts you, isn't it? 】

Seeing that Chi Yan and the world consciousness have already fought fiercely, the game field is about to fall into complete chaos. If Li Sijun joins it again, it may not necessarily become a terrible situation. The train conductor can only grit his teeth to dissuade Li Sijun , can't make the situation worse.

——Whether the game field can continue to survive, that's all there is to it!

If he failed to persuade Li Sijun and let Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun get involved, it would be a complete melee.

Originally, Chi Yiyin and Chi Yan had a strict confrontation, but now because of the environment of the game field, the relationship between them is in a delicate balance.

once broken...

And it was Chi Yan who swallowed the world consciousness, Chi Yiyin's enhanced version after receiving the help of the gods...

Just imagining such a scene for a moment made the conductor tremble.

He hurriedly searched his brains to find the reason, and exported crazily, betting that one of the words would suddenly impress Li Sijun.

[What the world needs are new gods, and the game field is a god-making field. You also want to see where the limit of human beings can be tested, and whether they are still eligible to continue to survive. And Chi Yiyin...he wants to rewrite the world, and let the world he hates run again according to the rules he wrote. 】

The train conductor asked: [If you hinder his plan and let him down, how would he feel about you? 】

【You will disappoint him. 】

These words were like an arrow passing through thousands of troops and pointing straight at the king, making Li Sijun stop immediately.

He paused and said nothing.

But he turned his eyes and took a deep look at Chi Yiyin.

Appears to be assessing the veracity of the train conductor's words.

Chi Yiyin didn't notice this, but turned around and walked towards Jingcha's box.

As soon as he knocked on the door, the door of the box was pulled open abruptly, and Jingcha hurriedly rushed out.

"What's wrong? Who's wrong? Is Red Bird okay!"

He charged straight at Chi Yiyin like a cannonball, almost knocking him over.

Chi Yiyin staggered a few steps, and before he could feel anything about the current situation, he had already bumped into a firm and warm embrace.

Li Sijun caught him behind him, firmly held his shoulders with his strong arms, and brought him into his arms without letting him touch the slightest bit.

And Li Sijun's displeased look at Jingcha was also like a basin of ice water pouring down his head, which calmed down the anxious Jingcha in an instant.

Although Jingcha was in the private room, she did not rest like Tong Yao, but walked around restlessly, constantly making the worst assumptions in her mind because she was worried about Red Bird.

The sound of Chi Yiyin's knock on the door was like a spark, instantly igniting the explosive barrel full of pressure.

It wasn't until this moment that Jingcha regained her composure. After looking around anxiously but finding nothing, she realized that she seemed to be overreacting.

He touched his nose in embarrassment and apologized to Chi Yiyin.

Chi Yiyin waved his hand, understanding Jingcha's mood very well.

It should be said that ever since this pair of partners, who even share titles, have seen the state of the players in the restaurant after their companions have passed away, they have been in a state of nervous tension and pressure.

The fear of losing their companions has been hovering in their hearts.

But it's a good thing that it broke out now, so I don't have to worry about whether they will do irrational things because of excessive psychological pressure.

Chi Yiyin got up from Li Sijun's arms, and was very used to Li Sijun as a companion by her side, paying attention to and helping her all the time.

Before he himself found out, his trust in Li Sijun had deepened little by little, and he could even safely leave behind him to the other party.

He walked to Jing Cha's side in a natural manner, patted his shoulder, comforted him in a low voice, let him calm down slowly, and then explained his reason for coming.

"There was an earthquake sound from other compartments. Looking at the direction, it looks like other private compartments behind. I'll go and have a look with Red Bird. You stay here and guard Tong Yao."

Jing Cha was startled, and retorted subconsciously: "But Red Bird is my companion, he..."

"He has me to take care of him, you don't have to worry. On the contrary, Tong Yao, she has no companions, and she is not in good condition. It is dangerous to leave her here alone. Besides, there are Yueli them... If they happen to come back when I leave , you can also help me see their situation."

Chi Yiyin asked: "Can I trust you? When I leave here."

When Jingcha turned her head to look in the direction of Tong Yao's box, she happened to see the red bird hiding behind the glass door of the box.

The other party winked at him, gestured at Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun, and pointed at himself in horror.

Red Bird: The boss is in a relationship, don't disturb them, they will be beaten! just like me.

Jingcha read: Listen to Chi Yiyin's words!

Jingcha’s brain—has stopped functioning—implanted with a new brain “Red Bird”—receives instructions—orders executed successfully√

"it is good."

Jing Cha suddenly realized, and nodded without hesitation: "Since you have already agreed with Red Bird, then do it."

"When you go out, I will take care of the house."

After speaking, he walked to the door of Tong Yao's room and squatted down.

A few black rabbits also hopped and tried to squeeze to his side, forming a black garland like a circle drawn by Monkey King, so as to protect Jingcha.

Chi Yiyin raised his eyebrows and was amused by Jingcha.

When he got out of the car, walked side by side with Red Bird, and walked towards the direction where the shock came while talking, but stopped beside the car door.

An armband that Chi Yiyin felt familiar with was quietly falling into the gap behind the door.

Embroidered on it, "Zero Three".

It is the code of the missing conductor, and it is also the armband he has been wearing.

Chi Yiyin paused, then bent down to pick up the armband.

A bit of black, falling off like stained dust when the armband left the ground.

The invisible power spread outward from the place where Li Sijun stood, mercilessly suppressing the surging things underground.

Like a bug being trampled to death.

Li Sijun frowned lightly: [I can pretend that I can't see it, but neither the "Reaper" nor the world consciousness will allow them to cross the boundary. If they dare to hurt Yinyin...]

He didn't need to finish his words, the silent and powerful deterrent had already frightened away the black liquid that was trying to surge up.

The train conductor nodded frantically, and promised to Li Sijun instead of "Reaper" that he would never let anything touch Chi Yiyin in the slightest.

Train conductor: Just kidding! Even if you attack my love brain boss, it will end better than attacking Chi Yiyin!

Who is crazy? Dare to touch the heart of the gods?

Chi Yiyin didn't notice Li Sijun's silence for a moment. Before he realized it, Li Sijun had already solved everything.

He handed the armband to Red Bird, beckoning him to check it out.

Red Bird looked at it several times, wondering: "Isn't this something belonging to the conductor? Why did it fall on the ground?"

"Even if they are careless, they won't make such a mistake, right?"

Chi Yiyin shook her head: "Something must have happened before we noticed."

He looked at the road leading to the carriage in front of him, his expression gradually serious.

"Get ready."

Chi Yiyin said lightly: "The storm is coming."

He had a hunch that the "skyquake" was by no means a trivial matter, and it was even closely related to the disappearance of the conductor.

After the few people left, the car was completely quiet.

Jingcha sat cross-legged in front of Tong Yao's box, making sure that no one could pass him into the box, and that all enemies who tried to hurt Tong Yao would be stopped by him and would not disturb Tong Yao's rest.

And while he was carelessly rubbing the little bunny in his palm, he looked around the carriage without idleness.

He remembered Chi Yiyin's words.

Perhaps, Chu Yueli and Skye will come back at this time.

"Although I really don't like Chu Yueli who has no combat power and only relies on his brain, but..."

Jingcha pursed her lips, and muttered to herself: "It's really worrying to come back safely."

There was disgust on his delicate little face, but there was worry in his eyes.

And in the box behind him, it was also silent.

It's just that it doesn't match the insurance picture imagined by Jingcha.

Tong Yao didn't rest on the bed, and there wasn't any peaceful and peaceful atmosphere in the box. Instead, the black liquid was surging and gradually covered the box.

As for Tong Yao, she was standing behind the box door, facing the door panel and sticking to it, her expression was stiff and pale, not like a living person.

Only those empty and stiff eyes were staring at the door panel.

It seems to be passing through the door panel, looking at Jingcha who is guarding the door. But there is no warmth when looking at his companions, but cold and gloomy, like a ghost.

Jing Cha shivered unconsciously, feeling cold all over, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake from behind.

"Has it cooled down?"

He muttered and looked back at the door panel, a little puzzled.

When Chi Yiyin and Red Bird arrived at the carriage that heard the vibration, the other players were almost there, and they were almost the last to arrive.

The players who arrived first blocked the corridor of the carriage so tightly that they couldn't even let Chi Yiyin and the others pass by.

The red bird tried its best to hop its feet, and stretched its head to look at the box in the center of the crowd, but its vision was blocked and it couldn't see anything.

"What exactly happened here?"

No way, Red Bird could only grab a familiar player next to him, and asked him in a low voice: "Good brother, I didn't see anything when I came late, can you tell me something?"

The player shook his head and sighed: "It's good that you are late, at least there is no suspicion."

Red Bird: "?"

What suspicion? Could it be an earthquake or something they did?

But Chi Yiyin saw through the crowd, sharp-eyed the blood flowing out of the box surrounded by groups.

A large amount of blood appeared at the door of the box, soaking the carpet.

A few messy **** handprints were pressed on the door of the box and the walls of the corridor, which were very conspicuous on the beige wallpaper.

It seems that someone crawled on the ground, trying to prop up the wall to borrow strength, thus leaving traces.

Chi Yiyin couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the box, but saw the half of his arm that fell on the corridor.

The players who rushed over after hearing the sound formed a big circle in front of the box, and no one spoke first, nor did they take the initiative to walk in.

They were all stuck here, looking down at the ground, their expressions numb and terrified.

It was as if they had seen their own dead bodies.

Chi Yiyin frowned, pushed aside the person in front of him and walked to the front: "Excuse me, is there something wrong with that box?"

"If the person is still saved, quickly ask what happened."

His questioning was like a switch, allowing voices and movements to resume in the car where the pause button was pressed.

The player shook his head with a wry smile, and stepped back, making way for Chi Yiyin.

The player standing at the front raised his head and looked at Chi Yiyin with a serious expression.

"He died a long time ago, and there are no clues left."

The player looked indifferently, and looked at the other people around him with no warmth: "I know that saying this will make many people uncomfortable, but for the sake of the survival of our group, please be sure to die when you are in a similar situation." Leaving clues before so that the rest of us can get the news and avoid death."

Others couldn't help frowning, and some looked at the speaking player with dissatisfaction.

"Don't pretend to be rational here, it's just because it wasn't you or your companion who died."

Someone sneered: "If your acquaintance died here, let's see how you react? What are you pretending, thinking that saying this will make you look very powerful?"

Others nodded in agreement: "It's not cold just after death, so it's a little too cold to say such things..."

The player didn't move his brows and eyes, and he didn't have the slightest anger that he was targeted.

"I said, it's for the survival rate of our group, not for one of us."

"Things have come to this point. First, the so-called cannibalism caused by wishing killed more than half of the people, and then there was an accident in the box, and one died."

He asked: "Do you still think that this is someone's business? What can we gain by relying on internal fighting alone? It's just being divided by the game field, causing the power to disperse, and finally the entire army is wiped out."

"But if each of us can leave clues before we die, perhaps, some people will be lucky enough to survive and successfully fulfill our ideals."

These words made Chi Yiyin involuntarily look up and look at the player opposite.

The player wore a pair of glasses, his hair was scrupulously pulled back, and he was wearing a soft and fine cashmere sweater with no wrinkles on the shirt inside.

He looks like a scholar who spends years in the library and laboratory in the university. He only has reason and no extra emotions. Even life is just a research topic for him.

...How similar to Chi Yiyin before he put on the mask.

Chi Yiyin bent his lips, becoming interested in the player, but sighed silently.

It seems that the player doesn't understand the ways of the world, and at this moment when everyone's nerves are tense because of death, saying such words...

It's a good ending if you don't get killed.

Sure enough, the player's words further aroused dissatisfaction and panic among others.

For a moment, everyone's attention was shifted from the box to the player, and they were attracted to the player with full firepower.

On the contrary, Chi Yiyin took an opportunity to squeeze through the relaxed crowd and successfully stood at the door of the box.

What caught my eye was large swathes of red blood.

Not only the ground and corridors, but also the walls and all the furniture in the box.

The blood mixed with minced meat was sprayed on the walls and ceiling, and then under the action of gravity, it fell down bit by bit.

It makes a slight sound when it hits the ground.



In the noisy and chaotic crowd, it seems so quiet that if you don't pay attention, you will be ignored.

On the walls on all sides, there were long strips of blood everywhere.

It looks like someone left a mark when they ran away with their **** hands on the wall.

The furniture was tilted here and there, and the expensive crystal chandelier was smashed to the ground, mixed with blood.

The player who fell on the crystal shards turned his head sideways, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something terrifying.

His arm pointed to the door of the box, even leaving fingerprints on the carpet outside the door, but he still failed to escape, but died in the box.

Life dies, and the temperature gradually drops.

The player's body gradually took on the unique cold feeling of death, and his body gradually stiffened.

Chi Yiyin looked down for a while, then squatted down and looked carefully beside the dead body.


Although the player was covered in blood, there was not a single wound on his body, not even his clothes were scratched.

The cause of his death?

Chi Yiyin frowned, and couldn't help but start to doubt the awakened player among the players.

Unless this death is related to the Sea of ​​Clouds train, only the awakened can achieve such a strange death.

In the new world, all players' account points and props are cleared, and they start over.

On the Sea of ​​Clouds Train, no player has anything other than himself.

But the awakened ones... their awakened power itself is an exception.

When Chi Yiyin was thinking, Red Bird squeezed over with difficulty and squatted down beside him.

With a glance, Red Bird already knew the identity of this player.

"Class A, awakened, titled 'Moon'."

The red bird roughly looked around the corpse for a few times, then frowned and looked into the box, as if looking for something: "The title of 'Moon' has something unique. Those who have won the title will have two wolves as their support."

"The master is dead, where is the wolf?"

He felt strange: "That's the wolf given the title, and lived and died with the title. Why is he here and the wolf is gone?"

Chi Yiyin looked at the box with heavy eyes, but was skeptical about the way the player died.

The tragic scene in the box, it seems that someone took advantage of his unawares, entered the box and killed him.

But the problem is, the moment Chi Yiyin saw those furniture, the incident that he saw the corpse hidden in the furniture before, and was even dragged into the abyss of death rang out.

Is there a possibility that no one is attacking the player, but the furniture is chasing him?

The mess all over the floor was not caused by escaping, but the furniture turned into dead things again after they succeeded, and then fell to the ground.

Or rather, the dead monster hiding in the furniture...

"I don't have to kill him."

A calm voice of negation sounded.

Immediately there was a fierce scolding sound.

"Me too! Do you know what you are talking about? Do you know who I am? There is absolutely no need for me to use this method to win! Whether he dies or not has no effect on me, and there is no reason to kill him at all!"

Chi Yiyin turned around and looked up, and saw that the players had disagreed again.

The first few players were suspected by others, and it was determined that the assailant who killed "Moon" was among them.

If the perpetrator is not found, it is possible that the perpetrator will commit crimes again while they are asleep, and take the opportunity to kill them and achieve their own goals.

Nobody bets on other people's goodness.

The saint is long dead.

Under the common threat, those players who arrived later quickly twisted together to deal with the few players who arrived earlier.

But the few suspected players did not unite because of this. Instead, they cursed and explained their innocence, while suspecting other players who also arrived early, accusing each other of suspicion.

The scene was chaotic.

Chi Yiyin also understood why the player said it was better to be late.

Indeed, it can save a lot of tongue.

But in this chaos, only one person remained calm.

The player pushed his glasses, lowered his head, and met Chi Yiyin's gaze.

He froze for a moment.

Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read Cursed Immortality
ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts
Read Academy’s Genius Swordmaster
ActionAdventureFantasySchool Life