MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 195 versatile

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Liu Benyuan is an ordinary little priest in Linshui, but since last month, he is a bit uncommon. Because one day, a brother recruited people to go to the Lingbi Zoo to "see the show" in the WeChat group. He didn't really want to go, but the brother who sent the news often patrolled with him, so he stood up very arrogantly. And it’s out.

In the end, there were more than 30 people who went to Lingbi. Everyone knows that they are more than 30 people, and even the director must go h0u\'me:n to insert them.

Most of them are young disciples like Liu Benyuan, and their talents are not particularly prominent. They are never as important as Luo Wuzhou.

But after they went to class, their status rose. Because it is obvious that they will have great progress and benefit from the talents of the predecessors.

The lecture is a very mysterious and mysterious thing. It is the mouth of the predecessors, and in their ears, everyone understands different degrees. The effect of the paraphrase is certainly not as good as the direct lecture. You must know that every time you listen to the lectures of the predecessors, they will enter a wonderful realm, and the environment around them has been changed.

Liu Benyuan feels very lucky, this is the opportunity! Grab it, the fate is changed!

When I arrived at class, one and a half hours in advance, after the meal, the "enhanced class" (the names they secretly gave) were gathered in the front of the Taoist Temple, including the director of the management committee and the watcher Zhou Xinyi. A bus.

Confirm that every disciple has arrived, and go to the coffin together, lest anyone be late - by the way, the only thing that has a late experience is to watch the Lord himself, and everyone can be very active.

Liu Fangyuan was a little bit sighed by the generosity.

A few years ago, he was still an ordinary little disciple, patrolling the street, met a country monster, chasing the monster and coming to the coffin. He stood at the gate and didn't dare to come in for a while.

It was a few hours of classes, and the middle section headmaster was always on the sidelines. However, everyone can see that Duan Yuanchang has no interest in this. It is good if he doesn't fight. Most of the time, he is looking forward to watching the face of Lu's predecessors.

No one dares to say that they are disciples of the predecessors, but in private, these people will secretly call the head of the section called the teacher... cough, even the director does not know, they must know that they are not.

After the class was finished, no one dared to ask questions. I felt silently. The head of the section will allow them to stay here for a while. On this day, the head of the section will not rent out the banquet hall. After all, some disciples will be settled after listening to the lesson, not to be disturbed.

Today, another uncle has entered the stage. It seems that there is some understanding. The other people will discuss it in twos and threes, or think alone, and then take the bus back later.

Liu Benyuan was a little urgency. He didn't feel it during class. When he got off the class, he noticed it and went to the toilet.

He had a half-length hair and tied it to the top of his head. He was shocked when he was in the men’s room. People thought it was a girl with a ball. Come here, they are not wearing a GI.

Liu Benyuan pulled the sleeves of his shirt, walked out the door, turned a corner, but saw a bald head wearing a red vest, sitting on the steps, and a horn at hand. This is a volunteer.

Liu Benyuan and the bald head looked at each other, Liu Benyuan stared at his bald head, and he also stared at Liu Benyuan's ball head.

In the light stone fire, Liu Benyuan knew the identity of this person, and believed that the other party also saw it from his hairstyle.

For a long while, the two smiled politely.

How do you say, everyone is also a practitioner, and they are still landlords. When Liu Benyuan thought, it suddenly seemed to be a little taller, and he nodded calmly and walked to the side.

This monk is called Liu Benyuan: "This ... brother, how can I go to the cafeteria, you know?"

Liu Benyuan looked at the monk in a strange way. "You don't know?"

The monk shook his head shyly: "I haven’t been here for a long time, and it’s a road idiot. I just brought people to the toilet and I forgot the direction."

Liu Benyuan had come to the cafeteria because he came to participate in photography. Although he only remembered it once, he pointed the way to the monk.

The monks are very grateful, and the two have a common road.

Not talking too much, Liu Benyuan asked casually: "Where are you from?"

"Xishan's," the monk replied, adding that "the brother is coming... practicing?"

The Taoists traveled to and from the zoo. They lived here together, how could they not know? Everyone also discussed privately, what these people are doing, and finally speculated that there must be a senior who is pointing them, otherwise how can it progress quickly.

The monk has no other meaning, it is very magical, ask about it.

For a long time, the monks and the Taoist priests thought that the amnesty here was to cultivate Buddha. As far as they know, Lu Jushi, Bai Ju Shi, and Baozhu Master are all Buddhism predecessors.

The Taoists suddenly came here to practice, which made them a bit strange.

When Liu Benyuan heard it, he quickly glanced at him and said, "Yes."

The monk was curious and said: "I don't know which of the predecessors came to visit?"

Since they came here for class, the internal discussion of the topic was of course, and Liu Benyuan was also smashed. When he heard the monk asked, he said, "Like you."

In fact, they are also speculation, most of the monks have also been pointed out, the director also said that these people have made progress, but no one has pointed out. But everyone thinks that it may be a predecessor.

The monk was shocked: "How can the Master teach you?"

He did not dare to call the name of Baozhu. Liu Benyuan thought that it was the land pressure. He immediately said: "It was our predecessor, and Buddhism was only his second major."

Monk: "..."

The monk did not believe at all and felt that he was playing people.

"I don't believe it, this is what the director told us." Liu Benyuan said, "Do you look like the predecessor, not like a monk?"

In fact, the head of the park did not say which one is the second major of the predecessors, but they think that the high cold is very similar to the style of their door, Liu Benyuan also puts an attitude.

The monk felt very ridiculous. "Where is it, it is clearly a teacher!"

The master of the Orbs often has compassion, is kind, and almost responsive, where is it like a monk?

The two contested two sentences. One said that the character was very monk. One said that if you look at your eyes, you know that you have learned the Buddha. The atmosphere is a bit stiff.

"Oh... come, goodbye." When the monk saw the road junction, he simply ended the topic, lest he would argue again.

"Oh, goodbye." Liu Benyuan also said goodbye, thinking that the monk can not accept the loss, but who changed it, found that the predecessors can make the s-a knife live a sword, and will not easily give it to others.


Liu Benyuan turned the corner and walked to the side.

About a few hundred meters later, a middle-aged man came on his face with a bunch of keys and a stack of documents in his hand.

The two men took a photo and they were all a glimpse.

Although after a few years, Liu Benyuan still remembers that this is the fox that he met at the railway station a few years ago. Later he fled into the coffin and he did not come out.

Hu Dawei was also shocked. This is not his benefactor!

I thought that in the past, if this little priest would chase him, he would not necessarily rush into the coffin, and then get a good job here.

Nowadays, Hu Dawei, with more and more animals in the zoo, has no need to visit the white class for the night. From the cage, he climbed out of the night to work at night. He did a good job in logistics.

"The path is long, I haven't seen it for a long time." Hu Dawei enthusiastically took Liu Benyuan's hand.

Liu Benyuan smiled stiffly. He remembered that there was a teacher who said that Lingbi had a fox. Before he was still uncertain, it seems that Hu Dawei also went to great luck. He was not killed, but stayed here.

Now that I have followed my predecessors, it must be a good monster, so Liu Benyuan quickly adjusted his expression. "Hu... Mr. Hu."

"Does the little tracker come to play?" Hu Dawei took Liu Benyuan himself. "It's really impermanent. Who can think that we will meet again, right?"

Liu Benyuan thought that he did not know the class, and said: "Almost... How has Mr. Hu been doing in the past few years? Your cultivation is like a lot of progress."

Before Hu Dawei was a demon, the country fox that he found was not normal now.

"Not bad, thanks to our boss, Lu Laoda's guidance." Hu Dawei respected, even if it only mentioned the name of the land pressure.

Liu Benyuan: "???"

Liu Benyuan did not understand, said: "Is that the predecessor I thought?"

Hu Dawei gave him a look: "There is only one surname of Lu Ling."

Liu Benyuan hesitated: "He...pointing you?"

"How? I also have the potential to make a big demon. I heard that there are still the blood of the nine-tailed fox on our ancestors." Hu Dawei stood up to his chest. When he first came, he was not sensible. The director gave him to the education of the predecessors. For a few days.

Although Hu Dawei did not know the roots of the predecessors, but the predecessors of the Lu people mentioned the tone of the Yaozu, but the relatives were very good! I did mention a few words about him a little, not much, but with a dislike, but enough for him to be proud!

Liu Benyuan: ".................."

Liu Benyuan seems to have seen it, and he did not see that Hu Dawei had the slightest trace of the Taoist practice.

So in the end, how many ancestors are there - versatile? The monk taught, the Taoist priests learned, and the monsters also taught? ?



The cultural festival of Donghai City was set up in the Cape Park. The open-air venue was observed for a long time and it was determined that it would not rain. On the side of Lingbi, in addition to Mr. Liu Lao’s teacher and son, the son and son will perform on the stage, and Xiong Siqian’s teacher has to go through a play addiction. The city can make a copy this time. From the provincial Beijing Theater, the vice president Han Fengsheng Please come.

Han Fengsheng and Xiong Siqian are also old acquaintances. Before eating at the zoo, they met each other lately, mainly because Han Fengsheng especially praised Xiong Siqian. The two of them also sang together for a while, but they did not officially take it.

Han Fengsheng was very much looking forward to this. At the beginning, he had the idea of ​​inviting Xiong Siqian. This time, I promised to invite, but I can't say that there is no Xiong Siqian.

Previously, Xiong Siqian’s reputation was still spread on a small scale. This publicity was played out. Some local fans and even surrounding cities were preparing to catch up with the fans of the Korean Vice-President’s scene. Some doubts: Who is this guy?

It seems that I am not too young, but I have never heard of this character.

In the online search, I can't find out why, I don't know if there are even teachers and units. Of course, there are a few people who have the privilege of talking to people who have seen Xiong Siqian's video. They know that they are a folk master.

On the day of the Cultural Festival, Duan Jiaze also deliberately went to the show, how Xiong Siqian is also their zoo.

The cooperation between Han Fengsheng and Xiong Siqian is the finale. Although Han Fengsheng is invited to spend a lot of money, there is also the "local" actor of Xiong Siqian, but after all, it is the cultural festival of the East China Sea, so they are the finale.

The big axis is the Huilong Shadow Play. After publicity, many Donghai people now know the existence of such an art.

Duan Jiaze took time to look at the background, Han Fengsheng has long been through the rivers and lakes, Xiong Siqian not to mention, they have already painted their makeup, a reversal, an old man, left and left, the two are sitting in the background Chat with the violinist.

Duan Jiaze feels that he is also worried about white. They are going to sing a "Four Langsang Mother" tonight. This is quite famous. For those who don't listen to the drama, the acceptance is also higher.

Local and surrounding fans have come, and Duan Jiaze has not greeted him and returned to the audience.

When Han Fengsheng came to power, the fans who came from afar down to the stage were finally inspired by the spirit. Xiong Siqian’s momentum is much weaker, and some city leaders have taken the lead in applauding. There are not many people who know him.

However, after Xiong Siqian sang, the spirit of the fans was spurred, even though the average person could hear how good the scorpion was, not to mention the fact that they were more famous.

In particular, some of the voters, although not professional actors, but also in this area of ​​research. Some people who listened to Xiong Siqian for the first time thought that this Xiong Siqian must also be a high-level senior voter and a high-ranking person. Unexpectedly, Donghai City has such a person, but has never heard of it.

Xiong Siqian and Han Fengsheng have worked together in advance, not to mention that it is seamless, and that is also very effective.

There was a young fan in the audience. It was specially spent two hours with friends from the neighboring city. She listened and listened, but the more she wanted to feel...

"Good familiar!"

The friend next to him listened and turned and said, "Who are you talking about? This ‘Yang Yanhui’? Have you heard him sing before?”

She was shocked. The Han Dynasty sang well, of course, everyone is psychologically prepared. Instead, he played Yang Yanhui, a name that was not seen, but it seemed to be a self-contained one. It’s a pretty big-bang big man’s style, and it’s not uncommon.

"I mean, I think I have heard him sing, but he sang so well. If I have heard it before, how can I not remember him?" The girl looked depressed. "I don't even remember what he called." What is the poster written outside? I have to search the Internet."

They belonged to seeing the performance information, did not care about other people, and rushed over. Unlike some people, I curiously checked the name of Xiong Siqian beforehand - of course, there is no personal information.

Fortunately, this friend still remembers the name on the poster, reminding him: "Xiong Qian. I am also very curious to say it. This is where the cows are found! Compared with the Korean Academy, it is not too bad!" Fans are more subtle.

"Wait, I will finish reading." The girl was reluctant to leave her eyes. When Xiong Siqian and Han Fengsheng closed the curtain, they took out their mobile phones and searched.

Xiong Siqian, who first searched, did not search out, the girl had a chance to move, and Han Fengsheng searched it, but unfortunately, there was nothing. The girl's hand slipped and clicked on the name of Han Fengsheng, who was searching for it, and entered the new search page.

This new search page has another associated phrase: Han Fengsheng, Parrot.

The girl glimpsed these two words and suddenly returned to God, almost screaming out: "It is him!"

The friend was shaken by her sudden cry. "He? Checked? Who?"

The girl lifted her phone and pointed at the entry: "It's a parrot! Parrot!"

The friend has not responded yet.

The girl said: "Have you forgotten? Before I showed you the video, a budgie sings "Wujiapo", a bird is decorated with two corners, then Wang Baozhen is the Hanyuan of learning, Xue Pinggui we also discuss I don’t know which actor is. I said, how can I feel that I have heard him sing and I don’t remember this person!”

The parrot learns to sing, that is, even the characteristics with the sound also learn together, but also the girl's memory is good, or the parrot has learned too well, this time I actually remembered.

Friends are together, "Rely, think of it, ‘Hua Shengping, add water’!”

The name of the parrot he does not remember, but the classic lines are remembered clearly.

The girl laughed too. "Yes, that's it. People are called Duo Geol."

The friend looked sighed. "It's too clever. It was recognized by you. At that time, we discussed it for a long time. Who is studying, and I thought it was going to school on TV. No wonder I can't find it."


At this time, the program on the stage has been carried out to the final shadow play, offering a section of the Dragon King.

In the front row of the audience, Duan Jiaze sat and watched. Sun Aiping on the left said: "When it is over, you will have dinner with me!"

A friend from another department on the right also said: "How can I be so smart, I want to have a meal, a short paragraph, go to us to eat."

On the stage, the shadows swayed, and Mr. Liu was thinking about the prayers of the Dragon King.

Duan Jiaze felt sweaty behind him, and his mood was very exciting. He couldn’t recover for a long time. "I, I will go!"

The two are amazed, "How come you go?"

They can not eat in the same place, Duan Jiaze can still be divided. Can not be?

Duan Jiaze has a headache: "...I will go tomorrow."

"That can be discussed, who is the first person. Hey, small paragraph, do you have paper towels?"

As soon as the voice fell, Duan Jiaze yelled at his pocket and took out a packet of paper towels and handed it to him.

The man paused for a moment before he smiled and said: "You said this short paragraph, is it going to put me behind, sorry to say, so enthusiastic."

Duan Jiaze: "..."

Duan Jiaze touched his face. He felt that he was very dedicated now. He did not know what the ancient Donghai Dragons and humans had agreed to. Otherwise, his professional instinct was just around the corner. Don't want to take care of the Terran.

Although it has not yet reached the point of losing control, it is indeed very impulsive. This is probably what Baozhu said. He is still too young, and only the dragon soul is left. Sometimes it is a bit confusing.

Duan Jiaze thought that fortunately, the land pressure was not at this time, otherwise...

After they finished their appointment with Sun Aiping, Duan Jiaze used an excuse to go to the toilet and stay away from the stage. He calmed down and heard the excitement of the sacrifice.


The next day, Duan Jiaze habitually browsed the comments on the Internet, which often included the opinions and opinions of tourists.

Today, quite a few people mentioned "Xiong Qianqian". Duan Jiaze looked at it carefully. It turned out that a blogger claimed to have visited the cultural festival last night. He heard Han Fengsheng and Xiong Siqian sing, and then suddenly a flash of light, thought of Xiong Siqian's aria and voice are like a play by a net red parrot.

In particular, the original parrot was Han Fengsheng Xiong Siqian singing. The following is also a video comparison. Once you hear it, you know that although it is not the same play, it should be the same person!

At the beginning of the stage, Tagore’s play was also discussed in a small circle, but no one had a final conclusion about who was Xue Pinggui. I can confirm the comparison today.

Some people have come up with a proof that the zoo where the parrot is located has been introduced. It was imported from the Tokai Lingbi Zoo. It is even more correct. Although Xiong Siqian did not perform on TV, the two were in the same place. It’s not strange to hear him sing!

Unexpectedly, these two incidents have also been connected in series, making people inexplicably excited. Moreover, Xiong Siqian himself is also very good. In the past, his video of singing was circulated in a small circle. This time, he dressed up, accompanied by accompaniment, and sang with the Korean Vice-President, it is even more capable.

These people have a trip to the Lingbi Zoo and also to the Cape Aithorn Zoo.

"Hua Shengping, the teacher of your parrot found it!"

"The original Duo Geer imitated this teacher. I thought that the parrot had a very good taste. I really sang it more shockingly. Unfortunately, only the video, I really want to hear the scene."

"I want to listen to the scene plus one, but this Mr. Xiong does not seem to be a professional actor, hehe."

"You can only listen to the video recorded by the netizen. Is there any official video on this show? The sound quality is better."

Everyone found out that this was a program at a cultural festival, so they rushed to the organizer to call, email and ask. This is really a official record, still in production, and there are so many people waiting to hear, they are also very glorious, work overtime to cut out the video and release it.

Han Fengsheng originally did not pay much attention to the network, but this time many people saw it and told him. He later realized that there was a net red parrot who learned him and Xiong Siqian, and it was quite interesting.

Many fans are familiar with the Lingbi Zoo and the Cape Zoo because of this incident. After knowing that they have raised a lot of parrots, there are people who come to propose that your parrots are so versatile, can you sing a special class? ? Even the accompaniment can learn, singing big drama is enough!

During the live broadcast of Lingbi, Duan Jiaze was a guest live room, and many people were brushing this proposal.

Duan Jiaze simply pointed the camera at the parrots: "Hey, baby, everyone said that you are versatile, how are you doing?"

These dozens of parrots are open-mouthed, but they all say the same sentence: "Hua Shengping, add water ~~~~"

When I saw the barrage, suddenly it was so dense that all the netizens who laughed crazy, thought that Duan Jiaze had trained.

Duan Jiaze's mouth was pumped a bit, um, yes, a lot of play. Share to: > Like (27)Previous

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I opened the zoo for yearsComments 3

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