MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 193 Hello, Sun Wukong

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Duan Jiaze knows that Xiaosu is a person with a sense of proportion, so other people look at him and the land pressure is strange, it should be just a daily tuning.

However, Xiao Su’s own eyes are really a little erratic, making Duan Jiaze fidgety.

On the same day, when he and Lu stressed that he was in class, he called a few teachers, and was heard by Xiaosu. He wanted to explain it to Xiaosu and was taken away by land pressure.

Duan Jiaze looked at Xiao Su and said to himself: "I think she is still thinking about the teacher..."

The land pressure did not feel that there was any problem, and he asked Duan Jiaze and Duan Jiaze refused to say, "What happened to the teacher? You can call Mr. Peng Peng, why can't I?"

Duan Jiaze: ".........唉."

Duan Jiaze sighed, the subtle difference here, how can he tell the land pressure?

When Susu passed them, his eyes flickered.

Duan Jiaze finally couldn't help it, and stopped her: "Small Su, sit down, let's talk a few words."

Xiaosu milled and sat down, "the head of the garden..."

Duan Jiaze smiled at Xiaosu, and hesitated in his heart.

The land pressure was in a daze for a while, and I didn’t see Xiaosu, and suddenly said to Duan Jiaze: "Is there a thing called a pointer?"

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Duan Jiaze saw Xiaosu’s eyes more and more frightened.

Lu pressure felt that the people on the waterfront were too dull and needed to be deterred, but it was not appropriate to sacrifice the s-a knife. It seems that there is something in the human world called a pointer, which is a bit suitable.

Xiaosu quickly stood up and said: "I still have something to do with the director."

The land pressure smashed Xiaosu, and said casually: "Now is it not after work?"

Xiaosu respectfully said: "I love working overtime."

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Although Lu Ge had no scruples, Xiao Su did not dare to listen. The head of the garden was red, yy was valuable, and the salary was higher.

Duan Jiaze looked at Xiaosu’s busy journey and said to Lu Jiang: “... Are you deliberate? Who will show you something?”

The land pressure is confusing: "What?" But he was still very smart. After a while, he asked, "What does the teacher mean?"

Anyway, this is the case. If you don’t do it, you can’t do it in vain...

Duan Jiaze looked at the figure that Xiaosu almost disappeared into the night, and slowly said: "Teach you new knowledge."

Land pressure: "??"



As a local intangible cultural heritage, the shadow play of the Science Museum of Lingbi Safari Park has become one of the must-see programs for most tourists, especially those with children, under the promotion of the zoo and Donghai City.

The light and shadow on the curtain swayed, accompanied by the brisk music, the little monkey in the story won the final victory, and returned to the happy life with his friends.

The small audience applauded enthusiastically, and the old shadow artists and apprentices came out together to make a curtain call. The lively children were surrounded and the shadows in their hands were very strange.

No matter how many times, for those children who love their craft, the old artists always give the same warm smile.

The children ran up and down, but there were exceptions. A six-year-old boy walked slowly and his hand was pulled by his mother. Compared with his peers, he seems to be a little thin, and his eyes under the bangs are black and big. Looking at the shadows, it seems to be shining.

"Come on, Xiao Yan." Zheng Zheng saw his son's peers' pulsating posture, and his heart was slightly hurt, but his face still showed no strangeness, pulling the child to a step.

Mr. Liu Lao holds the shadow of the little monkey and the golden hoop in his hand. He also saw the little cockroach coming slowly. He noticed that the child might be sick, so he took the initiative to say: "Children, do you like little monkeys?"

Xiaohao said: "I like...Sun Wukong, but the little monkey is also very cute."

"Ha ha ha, then this is a love house and black?" Mr. Liu laughed.

I don’t know what the house is like, and I’m looking at Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu Lai squatted down and waved to let Xiao Xiao get closer and teach him to manipulate the shadows. Xiao Yan especially liked the retractable golden hoop, only under the hands of Mr. Liu, it was danced to fly, his small hand grasped and played, and went to the back of the curtain to try.

"Grandpa, is that the case?"

Mr. Liu Lao encouraged: "Yes, you are doing awesome!"

Zheng Hao gratefully looked at Mr. Liu Lao, "I am bothering you."

"Nothing, is the child sick? If you are not feeling well, rest at home, the disease is good again, the weather in the East China Sea is always so good." Mr. Liu said with concern, he also heard through dialogue, this is Foreign tourists.

Zheng Hao looked dim and shook his head.

Mr. Liu Lao sneaked a word and immediately said "sorry" and no longer asked.

Zheng Zheng did not want to wait for the Xiaoyan to come back later, but Xiaoyan was terminally ill and can only take conservative treatment to alleviate the pain.

Xiaoxi’s father has divorced her because of her child’s illness. Zheng Zheng took her child to the East China Sea to live because the climate is pleasant. Xiaoyan had long thought of playing in the Lingbi Zoo. They moved in for half a month, and Zheng Zheng found a good weather and took the children to satisfy their wishes.

Mr. Liu’s apprentice packed up the good things, they should go back, and Xiao Yan also reluctantly returned the shadows.

"The zoo has a lot of fun places, children, you can go to the Golden Monkey Museum to see, the little monkey is the golden monkey." Before Mr. Liu left, he said to Xiaoxuan.

"Thank you Grandpa." Xiao Yan looked up. "I am going to ask the little monkey, can you introduce me and Qitian Dasheng?"

Mr. Liu Lao was amused by the children's words. "Well, you go ask."

"Would we go to the Golden Monkey Museum?" Zheng Xiao took the little cockroach and gave him a few mouthfuls of water.

Xiao Yan just played for a while, but also some asthma, kneeling on the shoulder of her mother: "Okay."

Zheng Hao holds a sightseeing car in Xiaoyuan and other gardens. From here to the Golden Monkey Museum, there is still a certain distance. Xiaozhen’s physical strength is not good, and Zheng Zheng can’t hold the whole child.

Sitting in the car, Zheng Zheng heard the two girls in the discussion.

“Is it really going to be bye? I feel so superstitious!”

"Is it very spiritual? I have to go and worship the white fox before every exam."

"So, are you still willing?"

"Yes, but I don't want to buy feed here. I went to the surrounding stores to buy white fox dolls. Now I have several homes."

"Hahaha, I really have you."

Zheng Zheng knows that they are talking about the Arctic fox in the zoo. It is said that this Arctic fox has a high reputation on the Internet. Zheng Zheng also saw it when he checked the zoo Raiders.

However, compared to the legends in the zoo, Zheng Yi feels that it may be more useful to go to the water in the past few days.


The sightseeing car shuttled through the zoo and soon arrived at the Golden Monkey Museum. As a national first-class protected animal, it enjoyed an exclusive exhibition hall.

Because there are a lot of people here, Zheng Hao is holding a small squat.

As soon as he arrived at the venue, Xiao Yan pushed his mother's shoulder and asked to see it.

Zheng Yu bent over and put him down. The mother and the son did not squeeze to the front, but stood on the back of the stairs and looked inside. The precious golden monkey disappeared.

Not only is it a small beggar, many children will ask, where is the golden monkey?

Such a professional pavilion will of course design animals to avoid the corners of tourists' sights. Visitors can't do whatever they want, and they want to see animals. Although such a design will be dissatisfied with some tourists, but sensible people know that in the long run, this is the intention of the animal's physical and mental health.

Therefore, Zheng Xiao also explained to Xiao Xiao: "The little monkey may be resting, just like sometimes you don't want to be around your mother, you have to play games by yourself. If your mother is staring at you every second, will you be unhappy? ?"

"No." Xiao Yan screwed his body and replied.

Zheng Xiao smiled and kissed him on the cheek of Xiao Yan. "Let's wait for the little monkey. Now go see the souvenirs."

There is a separate shop in the Golden Monkey Museum, and all the goods in it are monkey-shaped. Xiao Yan also saw that there was a gold hoop sold here, and immediately looked up at his mother.

"Is there not five or six at home? How can I buy a gold hoop when I go there?" Zheng Zheng was helpless, but still bought a new toy gold hoop.

The plastic "golden hoop" is very light, and the little cockroach holds it, and puts it down, "Mom, I am going to the toilet."

"Okay, wait a minute, my mother is looking for an uncle to accompany you." Zheng Zheng looked at the male staff with his eyes.

"Mom, I will!" Xiao Yan is not very happy, he feels that he can go to the toilet alone.

Zheng Hao only hesitated. When he saw that there was no one in the men's toilet, he said, "Then go, my mother is waiting for you at the door."

Xiao Yan walked inside with a gold hoop, and even went to the toilet and was not willing to let go, so Zheng Zheng was a little helpless.

Xiao Yan went to the toilet himself, came out of the compartment, washed his hands, wiped it clean, and then picked up the golden hoop again. At this time, he heard the monkey crying, and he had to stop walking. Go to the window and look out.

The green area of ​​the coffin is very large, and the window is a thick bamboo forest. The little cicada actually sees a monkey holding the bamboo and appears outside. He bows his head and screams, proving that the voice just was not a small mistake.

There is a golden brown-haired brother under the bamboo, and he looks up: "Come on, go back, or the director must say me again!"

The monkey screamed again.

The brown-haired youth angered: "Bold, actually dare to play with you!"

Xiao Yan immediately pushed the window away and stumbled: "Brother, can you understand it?"

The brown-haired youth turned his head and looked at Xiao Yan. He didn’t feel so good: "Of course I understand!"

"Cheat, if you understand, you are the Monkey King." Xiao Yan flattened his mouth and said.

The brown-haired young man looked at Xiao Yan with a cool look. "What do you say?"

Xiaoxiao laughed and thought that this brother is really interesting. "You are not handsome enough. Sun Wukong has a golden hoop, there are eyes, there are armor, there is a need... and the monkeys listen to Sun Wukong! You let it down It doesn't come down!"

Brown-haired youth: "...What must be?"

Xiao Yu painted it. "It’s two long whiskers, on top of the head."

As soon as he lifted his hand, the golden hoop in his hand was revealed.

The brown-haired young man licked his mouth. "Oh, you have a golden hoop."

"This is what I bought, and I only have this, I don't have to." Xiao Yan said blushingly.

The monkey on the head felt that no one noticed himself and secretly grabbed the bamboo next to him, but the brown-haired youth quickly raised his head and yelled: "Go down!"

This little monkey, did not listen to other children, said the monkey to listen to the Monkey King.

When the macaque was unstable, he loosened his hand and the brown-haired young man stepped forward and reached out to catch the monkey accurately. Going next, the monkey will land firmly.

Xiao Yan looked at him. "It’s amazing, it’s even better than the little monkey in the shadow."

"This is awesome? Look." The brown-haired young man proudly reached out and took a plastic gold hoop from his hand and danced with one hand. The stick was flexibly rotated in his hand, and the windmill was in the air, and there was only a residual image.

For the first time, Xiao Yan saw that someone could do this in reality, and his mouth was wide open.

Seeing the child's expression, the brown-haired youth was even more stunned. A stick out, the plastic gold hoop hit the bamboo, and suddenly it was folded into two pieces, scaring the monkeys to bark twice and screaming on the ground. .

After a minute of staring at the stars, I also screamed and cried, "My golden hoop -"

"Wait a minute! Don't cry!" The brown-haired young man slammed his mouth. "You don't cry, I will tell you a secret."

At this time someone came in and saw the brown-haired youth licking the child's mouth across the window and looking at him strangely.

The brown-haired youth did not look at him and said: "In fact, I am really a Monkey King."

The child's tears fell, don't believe it.

"..." The person who went to the toilet said, "...Hey, Sun Wukong? Is this your child?"

"No!" The brown-haired youth slammed back.

The person who went to the toilet scared a step back. "I am going to... children, what about your parents?"

He wanted to go forward to rescue the child who was suspected of being scared and crying, but the fierce young brown-haired youth actually reached out and took the child out. He immediately made a decision and turned back and shouted: "Come to people--"

The brown-haired young man took the child down and saw the little cicada coughing up. He said in a hurry: "I didn't work hard, how are you?"

The monkey jumped over and curiously looked at the coughing child, his claws sticking out and patted his back.

Xiao Yan was shot by a monkey, and his eyes showed some curiosity, but the cough did not stop. He coughed and said: "The liar, Sun Wukong is the most powerful, so I don't wear a shirt."

The brown-haired young man looked at his white shirt dumbly. "Hey, you kid... I don't have anything to hang on every day? Forget it."

Waiting for the child's parents to come, and report back to the management office, the head of the school has to be embarrassed. He put the child back on the window sill and touched the broken plastic gold hoop. The gold hoop was suddenly intact and stuffed into the child's hand.

Xiao Yan’s eyes are wide open, “Cough! You...”

The young brown-haired youth did not know where to get a peach. He took a piece of his hand and broke into the mouth of the child. He just blocked the words behind him, and then took the peach and ran the macaque.


Zheng Hao and the enthusiastic tourists of the staff and the letter rushed to the back of the exhibition hall. When the toilet window was out, there was no one here. Xiao Yan sat on the window sill and held his plastic gold hoop in his hand. The mouth is bulging, I don’t know what it is.

There was also a staff member in the toilet rushing in, and looked around, and there were no other people inside.

Zheng Hao grabbed Xiao Xiao, "Oh, is it okay?"

Xiaoyan wants to talk, but there is a peach in the mouth, a very sweet peach. He chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it. Then he spoke: "Mom, I met Sun Wukong."

Zheng Zheng only noticed this detail: "What are you eating?"

"Shu Wukong gave me the peach." Xiaoyan said, the reporter who said the letter also said, "Oh, the man said to his son that he is Sun Wukong, and then take him away."

That's it, just like using a lollipop, Zheng Zheng is afraid of it. She is also the first time to come. I don't know if there is such a big window in the toilet, and no matter what, I shouldn’t let Xiaoyi come in alone. .

"Hello, is there monitoring here? That, that person is probably a trafficker, and may even seduce other children." Zheng said to the staff.

"No, Mom, he is Sun Wukong." Xiao Yan interrupted. He always wanted to talk to his mother about Sun Wukong, but his mother didn't have time. He lifted his golden hoop, "The Great St. also made my golden hoop better."

No one took the words of Xiao Yan seriously. This is just a child's words. What's more, Zheng Yi always knew that his son liked Sun Wukong. She was busy dealing with the staff and only dealt with Xiao Yan's "Mom knows."

"I am really embarrassed, I will take you to rest, we will also ask this gentleman to cooperate with the monitoring." The staff was very positive, immediately asked them to sit in the lounge and promised to check.

Zheng Zheng gave Xiao Xiao a good hand and followed the staff.

Xiao Yan only felt that after eating the peaches, his stomach was full and warm, and he changed his sleepiness before he could not walk for a long time. But he is still too young to accurately describe his feelings. It can only be very simple. According to his current needs: "Mom, I want to go down."

Zheng Xiao put down Xiao Xiao, and said in his mouth: "Mom is about to say you, next time there are strangers and you talk, Mom and Dad are not around, don't take it. They are bad people, will take you away... ”

Xiao Yanran said: "But he is not someone else, it is Sun Wukong."

Zheng Hao came down and said seriously: "That is not Sun Wukong... Wait, are you a little hot?"

She found that in a blink of an eye, Xiao Yan’s cheeks showed some blood color, and in peacetime white paper was a bit different.

"Not hot." Little eyes, "But I want to see the monkey."

"No, we will follow this uncle and take a break." Zheng Zheng said seriously, "Come."

Xiao Yan lowered his head and said: "But then rest, the zoo will close."

The staff said next to them: "Children, you will give us a free ticket tomorrow."

Zheng Xin is a bit bitter in her heart. Tomorrow, she will take a small donkey to the hospital. "...nothing, have you heard it? We can come again."

Xiao Yan looked up: "Is it tomorrow? I will come to Sun Wukong."

"Not tomorrow, tomorrow we still have things, but the doctor said that Xiao Yan is doing well, then the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow can come." Zheng Yi is not willing to break the children's fantasies, but now obviously there are bad people to take advantage of this, so she has to say seriously "And then, Mom wants to talk to you seriously about Sun Wukong's problem..."



Sun Wukong has forgotten the child, and sneaked the monkey to the sneak peek, ignoring the voice of its pleading, saying: "The little scorpion is too naughty, and will not bring you out next time."

As he licked the peaches, he went to the animal lounge.

Sun Wukong’s speed of eating peaches was very fast. In a short while, there was only one peach core left. At this time, he just pushed open the door of the lounge and put the peach core on the head of Xiong Siqian.

"Hey!" Xiong Siqian glared at his head, dared to speak out, and looked at Sun Wukong with a grudge. He bowed his head and picked up the peach kernel. This can also be used for planting.

Sun Wukong jumped, lying heavily on the sofa, his feet were put up, and he sat down on the other side and snorted.

Inspired to wake up, looked at Sun Wukong and quickly climbed onto another sofa and sat down with Xiaojiu. Since Sun Wukong’s identity was exposed, Xiaojiu was not so isolated before, sometimes they would be willing to Take care of him.

Sun Wukong discovered that Jade Bird, Jingwei and Jiuwei Hu were playing games. One person painted on the whiteboard. The other two people guessed what she was painting. Shancai helped them score.

Now it is the Jingwei painting, she has fallen behind a lot, thinking for a while, drawing a circle on the whiteboard, painted a heart in the middle.

There is Su: "Hey, this should be... yes..."

Jing Wei, quickly painted two curves of the tentacle tentacles above the circle.

Shuiqing and Susu almost shouted at the same time: "Sun Wukong!"

Sun Wukong: "???"

Sun Wukong is very dissatisfied. "What do you mean, you can't just draw a golden hoop next to you?!"

"Who knows what the stick is, it may be Yuan Hong, after all, the four waste stars can be like you." Su Yinyang said sullenly, "but the two must-have items are different."

Sun Wukong took a black line. "This is my phoenix-winged purple crown! Phoenix wings!"

Shuiqing hit the round field: "It is customary to go to the countryside. Anyway, the human world is also called."

When Sun Wukong thought of the child's words, he only thought that many people were too disrespectful now, and he was not willing to say: "The head of the section knows that this is the golden wings of the phoenix wings..."

Su Gan smiled and said: "Don't say it, the head of the garden is not willing to be a gentleman."

Sun Wukong: "..."Share to: > Like (24)previous post

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I opened the zoo for yearsComments 3

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