MTL - This Option is Fantastic-v4 Chapter 284 Hongmeng Prison

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Hongmeng Universe.

On the edge of the splendid galaxy, the figures of Chen Luo and Tianjian Will appeared.

Looking at the huge galaxy in front of him, Chen Luo stared at him.

Taking itself as the center, the huge immortal soul instantly covered the entire galaxy.

Searching the Milky Way, even an ant among the stars cannot escape his detection.

With thousands of thoughts, with just one thought, he can search cleanly.

Beside him, looking at Chen Luo, Tianjian will not interrupt.

After a while, the idea of ​​immortality was withdrawn, and Chen Luo's brows were twisted into knots.

"Still not?" Tianjian Will looked at Chen Luo and asked with a blink of an eye.

"Well." Chen Luo nodded.

"Which galaxy is this?"

Looking at the deep space, Chen Luo asked.

"The eighth one."

Heavenly Sword's will replied.

"The eighth…"

Chen Luo frowned.

Heavenly Sword Will: "Do you want to continue?"


After that, Chen Luo left the galaxy. Seeing this, Tianjian Will also followed him away.

Go deep into the Hongmeng universe.

Disorganized galaxies, crumbling stars.

You can even see some fragments of the Heavenly Palace floating, everything indicates that a tragic war has occurred here.

But across a distance of tens of billions of light-years, let alone the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan, they have not even met a living Entropy Clan.

This had to make Chen Luo wonder if he had chosen the wrong target.

"call out-"


In the depths of the starry sky, suddenly, a violent explosion sounded, and a powerful shock wave swept from the depths of the starry sky.

The violent fluctuations instantly attracted the eyes of Chen Luo and Tianjian's will.

Among them, there is the aura of the entropy clan, and the appearance of this situation instantly gave him a glimmer of hope.

For the last twenty entropy clan emperors, Chen Luo naturally wanted to solve it quickly.

"Go, go and have a look!" With the will of Tianjian, Chen Luo instantly moved in the direction of the wave.

With the transfer method of fate, across endless time and space, it came in an instant.

In the depths of the starry sky, several figures collided.

Five entropy emperors are besieging a figure.

The divine light intertwined and collided, and billions of rays of light swept across the starry sky.

The figure was in disarray and the body was injured. In the face of the siege of the five entropy emperors, he retreated steadily.

The breath is also declining.

Looking at this scene, Chen Luo chose to shoot without hesitation.

Saving people is not important, what is important is the Emperor of the Entropy Clan.

With five fingers, an invisible force instantly descended on the body of the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan.


With a slight squeeze, the five entropy clan emperors were instantly killed by Chen Luo, turning into blood, filling the starry sky.

The sudden scene instantly stunned the besieged figure.

Instantly kill five entropy clan emperors, or kill them in the air, hiss, what kind of strength is this?

"Fifteen more to be done!"

Looking at the numbers that were getting closer and closer, Chen Luo's heart rose a little bit of heat.

As long as he completes the last choice, even if he meets the first ancestor again, he doesn't need to be so embarrassed before.

"Who are these two people?"

His eyes fell on Chen Luo and Tianjian's will, and a question appeared in the figure's mind. At the same time, the face of the figure also appeared in the eyes of Chen Luo and Tianjian Will.

It is the face of a young man, with eyes like gems, but the light in the eyes is dim, and the ears are pointed, much like an elf.

The strength of a senior emperor.

With blood flowing from his body and his hair disheveled, he looked very miserable.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that this was a great emperor.

Do you dare to believe that the dignified senior emperor has become such a ghost?


The elf-like man came back to his senses instantly, teleported immediately, and came to Chen Luo and Tianjian Will.

"In Xiabai Qiufeng, thank my friends for helping!"

The elf man is very respectful.

"call out-"

Chen Luo flicked his fingers, and a beam of gray divine light instantly penetrated into the elf man's body. In an instant, a holy light rose from the elf man's body, and the wound on his body healed instantly.

The lost qi and blood are also healed in an instant, and the residual magical power damage in the body is also recovered in an instant.


Feeling the change in his body, Bai Qiufeng's heart was shocked, and when he looked at Chen Luo's eyes, he became more respectful.

"Thank you senior for helping me."

This time, he even changed his name directly.

"You're welcome, it should be." Chen Luo's voice sounded.

"Why are you being hunted down by the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan?" Tianjian's will suddenly opened his mouth and asked instead of Chen Luo.

"I escaped from prison." Bai Qiufeng replied.

"Escaped from prison?"

Hearing these words, Chen Luo and Tian Jian's will looked stunned, looked at each other, and looked at Bai Qiufeng in front of them.


"What prison?" Chen Luo asked when he regained his senses.

"Hongmeng Prison!" Bai Qiufeng said a name.

"Hongmeng Prison!"

Chen Luo muttered something in his mouth.

Bai Qiufeng: "It used to be a prison for the Hongmeng Protoss to imprison criminals, but then the Hongmeng Protoss encountered a devastating invasion of the Entropy Clan and was defeated. They could have escaped. No one thought that the Zero Civilization would actually join forces with the Entropy Clan. , imprisoned the great emperor of our clan, and was imprisoned in the deepest time and space of Hongmeng Prison."

"So, you are the Hongmeng Protoss?"

"Yeah." Bai Qiufeng nodded.

"You said that Zero also intervened?" Looking at Bai Qiufeng, Chen Luo asked.

"Not bad." Bai Qiufeng nodded.

"In today's Hongmeng Prison, there are still at least fifty emperors detained."

"If the Lord of Hongmeng hadn't been attacked by the ancestors of returning to zero and the ancestors of the entropy clan, he would not have ended up like this." Bai Qiufeng's face showed an angry look, a look of gnashing his teeth.

"So, there are many entropy people guarding Hongmeng Prison?" Chen Luo's eyes lit up and asked Bai Qiufeng in front of him.

"There are at least a dozen entropy emperors!" Bai Qiufeng nodded.

"In addition to the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan, there are also several Great Emperors who have returned to zero." Bai Qiufeng added another sentence.

"A dozen entropy emperors..."

Chen Luo's heart was hot, and he looked at Tianjian's will, and seemed to understand the look in the other's eyes.

"Where is the location of Hongmeng Prison?" Chen Luo asked.


Bai Qiufeng was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Luo, seemed to understand something, and said incredulously: "Senior is going to Hongmeng Prison?"

"Of course." Chen Luo nodded.

Seeing Chen Luo nodding, Bai Qiufeng instantly felt joy in his heart, "Senior, if you don't mind, I can lead the way."

"no problem!"

Chen Luo happily agreed.

"Thank you, senior." Bai Qiufeng nodded.

At this moment, he was very grateful to the senior in front of him.

Not only saving him, but also preparing to go to Hongmeng Prison to rescue other great emperors of the Hongmeng Protoss, which is simply an unexpected surprise.

"This B is probably thinking that Chen Luo is going to save the Great Emperor of the Hongmeng Protoss..." Looking at Bai Qiufeng with a face of ecstasy, Tianjian Will seemed to see through his thoughts, and shook his head in his heart.

"Oh, it's a pity, Chen Luo is not here to save people."

After calming down, Bai Qiufeng immediately turned around and led the way.

Chen Luo and Tianjian Will followed behind and headed for deep space.

Originally planned to give up, but Chen Luo did not expect that just when he was about to give up, such a surprise came.

He doesn't care about saving people, what he cares more about is the Emperor of the Entropy Clan.

The life and death of the Hongmeng Protoss has nothing to do with him.

Of course, if he can do it smoothly, then he can still be a good person.

The focus is on the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan.

Kill the Entropy Great Emperor and complete his choice, then his Great Fate Technique can reach the second stage.

Ascension to the second stage, his strength will be even more terrifying. At that time, he will also have real confidence and will go to the universe to be important.

Hongmeng Universe.

In the depths of the starry sky, in the darkness of nothingness, above an abandoned star.

Three figures are here out of thin air.

Looking ahead, Chen Luo looked at Bai Qiufeng next to him: "Is that right here?"

"Yes sir." Bai Qiufeng nodded.

In front of the finger, "Hongmeng Prison is located between the seven stars. To enter it, you must first pass through the Hongmeng Seven-Star Array."

"Hongmeng Seven Star Array?"

Staring at the seven planets floating in the deep space ahead, Chen Luo was not in a hurry.

Looking carefully, as Bai Qiufeng said, there is indeed some kind of connection between the seven planets. It seems that there is nothing, but it cannot escape his eyes.

The formation is hidden deep, but no matter how deep it is, there are still flaws.

There was a turbulent wave in the formation, and Chen Luo could clearly see the strangeness in it.

With the seven planets as the eyes, a powerful space-time has been constructed together.

A trace of green light appeared in his eyes, and he mobilized the Eye of Destiny. Chen Luo saw the interior of time and space through the Hongmeng Seven Star Array.

The time and space of Hongmeng Prison is not a whole, but two layers inside and outside.

In the outer layer of time and space, within the heavenly palaces, several figures appeared in the Eye of Destiny.

Using his strength to mobilize the Eye of Destiny, unless it reaches the level of the ancestor of the abyss, the ordinary ancestor cannot detect his peeping.

With different strengths, the power of the magical powers that are motivated is naturally different.

The outer space-time, as Bai Qiufeng said, is guarded by the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan. In addition to the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan, there is also the Supreme Being of the Zero Civilization.

All in all, there are thirty.

However, what Chen Luo cared more about was the number of entropy emperors.

"one two Three…"

Bai Qiufeng: "?"

Listening to Chen Luo talking about the numbers next to him, Bai Qiufeng looked at him in surprise.

"Don't interfere with him." Beside him, Tianjian's will transmitted his voice to Bai Qiufeng.

After following Chen Luo for so long, Tianjian Will has long known what Chen Luo was doing.

This must be counting the number of Entropy Great Emperors.

"Understood." Bai Qiufeng nodded and stood silently on the spot.


Coincidentally, there are exactly fifteen emperors of the Entropy tribe.

There are also fifteen great emperors who have returned to the zero civilization.

"With this vote, the choice is successful."

Chen Luo's eyes flickered, and his eyes overflowed with excitement.

"Look at the inner space-time."

After confirming the number, Chen Luo's heart calmed down. The Eye of Destiny penetrated time and space and saw the inner space and time of Hongmeng Prison.

In the inner prison time and space, individual cells are separated.

Each cell is imprisoning a great emperor of the Hongmeng Protoss.

Limbs were pierced by eerie black chains.

Everyone looked sluggish.

The power is blocked.

The great emperor, at this moment, looks like an ordinary prisoner, extremely embarrassed.

As soon as he swept over, Chen Luo's eyes suddenly narrowed.

In one of the cells, there was a familiar figure of him.

Supreme Evil God.

The Supreme Evil God is also imprisoned here?

Chen Luo was stunned, feeling incredible.

The Supreme Heretic God was imprisoned in Hongmeng Prison, which is simply incredible.

In the cell, watching the limbs of the Supreme Evil God being penetrated, Chen Luo thought of the high-spirited appearance of the Supreme Evil God back then.

Thinking about how majestic and domineering the Heretic God was back then in the prehistoric sky, but now, his hair is disheveled, his limbs are pierced by black chains, and his life essence is freezing, it's the difference between heaven and earth.

Seeing that the Supreme Evil God was also imprisoned here, Chen Luo's heart was inexplicably complicated.

But soon he calmed down and regained his composure.

After taking the Eye of Destiny, Chen Luo looked at Bai Qiufeng and Tianjian's will beside him, "You two wait here, I'll come when I go."

"Senior, let me go with you." Bai Qiufeng looked at Chen Luo and said.

"No, you are here." Chen Luo shook his head and refused.


"Don't talk too much, your strength is not as good as mine, are you going to add to the burden?" Before Bai Qiufeng finished his words, Tianjian's will directly interrupted Bai Qiufeng.

Bai Qiufeng: "..."

Well, there's nothing wrong with that.

They are all TMD monsters!

The dignified senior emperor has become a burden. Once upon a time, he didn't even dare to think so.

He is a senior emperor.

The existence of the pillars of the universe, but now, in front of these two, he is indeed a burden.

"Senior, be careful." After a while, Bai Qiufeng could only hold back such a sentence.

"Well." Chen Luo nodded, his body was wrapped in a layer of gray light, and instantly disappeared from the eyes of the two of them.

Bai Qiufeng couldn't see how Chen Luo disappeared in front of him at all, but the stronger it was, the greater the ability to solve the Great Emperor of the Hongmeng Protoss.

It reassured him a lot.

Hidden in nothingness and advancing, soon, Chen Luo arrived in front of the Hongmeng Seven Star Array.

Under the close contact, Fang knew the power of the Hongmeng Seven Star Array.

With seven stars as the eyes of the formation, I have to say that this is quite a lot of work.

Among them is the aura of the entropy clan. Obviously, the Hongmeng Seven Star Array has been changed by magic.

However, no matter how magical it is, in front of Chen Luo, it is all clouds.

In the face of absolute strength, any skill seems pale and powerless.

However, out of prudence, Chen Luo did not choose to enter it openly.

Sneak in, secretly eradicate the emperor of the entropy clan, and complete the choice.

this is the best.

The Hongmeng Seven Star Array is hidden in nothingness, and if it is not strong enough, it cannot be detected at all.

Chen Luo calculated that the power of the Hongmeng Seven-Star Array was enough to kill a junior emperor and severely damage the senior and peak emperors.

This power is already very terrifying.

But in his eyes, it was a little worse.


With the addition of invisible power, Chen Luo stepped into the Hongmeng Seven Star Formation in one step and disappeared.

The power of destiny entangled the whole body, and the Hongmeng Seven Star Array became a decoration completely, and did not notice the intruder at all.

It was very easy to pass through the Hongmeng Seven Star Array.

Soon, Chen Luo came to the outer time and space of Hongmeng Prison.

As far as the eye can see, a lot of heavenly palaces appear.

Thirty emperors guard, this lineup is extremely powerful.

Chen Luo was very surprised, why didn't these guys kill the Great Emperor of the Hongmeng Protoss.

Could it be that there is some conspiracy in it?

When things go wrong, there must be demons!

But now is not the time to think about conspiracy, he is still full of confidence in his own strength.

There is no danger induction, which means that there is no ancestor-level existence here.

Without the existence of the ancestor level here, it is equivalent to safety.


With a flick of the figure, Chen Luo came to the Heavenly Palace.

Immediately appeared, a powerful aura erupted directly.


The momentum swept across, and the entire Hongmeng space-time had violent turmoil.

In the next second, thirty entropy tribes and the Great Emperor of the Zero Civilization appeared instantly.

"Where is the evildoer, dare to break into this place."

A bang blew the starry sky, but no answer appeared, only endless thunder.

A purple thunder as thick as a mountain descended, and the thunder of the destruction of the avenue instantly drowned the thirty emperors.

The big sky thunder technique was launched directly, and Chen Luo had no time to talk to these 'ants, what nonsense.

The powerful Dao Destruction Thunder directly submerged the entire outer space and time of Hongmeng.

A powerful force of destruction penetrates time and space.

At this moment, in the prison of the inner space-time, countless imprisoned Great Emperors of the Hongmeng Protoss seemed to sense something.

Outside, Bai Qiufeng and Tianjian will sense this terrifying aura of power.

"Senior has started!"

Bai Qiufeng's eyes were dignified, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

Time and space can't stop this senior's power fluctuations, he can't imagine how terrifying this mysterious senior is.

This strength is simply invincible.

"Don't worry, even the ancestors can't stop Chen Luo." By the side of the ear, the voice of Tianjian's will came.

Hearing these words, Bai Qiufeng petrified on the spot.

The ancestors can't stop it?

you sure?


Looking at the time and space of Na Hongmeng, Bai Qiufeng couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Baby, is it so scary?


The shrill screams sounded in the outer space and time of Hongmeng Prison. In the thunder of destruction, the Emperor of the Entropy Race and the Emperor of the Zero Civilization kept screaming.

He tried to resist with supernatural powers, but under Chen Luo's Great Sky Thunder Technique, the Great Emperor's attack seemed so pale and powerless, UU Kanshu had no resistance at all.

Bathe in thunder and destroy everything.

The internal and external time and space of Hongmeng Prison have been affected by a powerful shock.

And at this moment, the eyes of the Great Emperor of the Hongmeng Protoss who were imprisoned in the inner space and time showed light.

With such violent fluctuations, there must be a mysterious supreme being fighting in the outer space-time.

Must, must have come to rescue them.

Thinking of this, the imprisoned Great Emperor of the Hongmeng Protoss was filled with incomparable excitement.

In this broken place, they can finally go out.

"This breath..."

"It's Chen Luo!"

In a prison cell, the Supreme Heretic God also sensed a powerful fluctuation, and also recognized the aura of this fluctuation.

Although the time and space are separated, he can be sure.

This breath must be Chen Luo.

to rescue him.

"Gu Chensha is right, Chen Luo is indeed my luck."


With a single strike, the Thunder of Destruction on the Avenue struck again, and the final scream went out.

"Selection done!"

The golden font appeared instantly.

The next second, Chen Luo's body was enveloped in endless green light.

[ps: Two more updates will be resumed tomorrow]

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