MTL - This Option is Fantastic-v4 Chapter 278 annihilate

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"Which Supreme Being is this?"

Looking at Chen Luo's distant back, all the great emperors of the Taihuang Protoss were shocked.

The Emperor of the Entropy Clan was destroyed in a wave of his hand. This strength shocked them deeply.

"It should be from the outer universe..."

"Unfortunately, unknown."


Immortal Soul searched, and soon, Chen Luo found the second Great Emperor battlefield.

In the shattered void, several figures collided.

The light of supernatural power shines in the sky, and raising your hand means you have the power to destroy everything.

A mighty force erupted.

A large area of ​​void shattered like a mirror.

The storm raged, and the splendid light swept the sky, and the whole world seemed to be buried in it.

If it weren't for being in the Great Desolate God's Domain, its spread would be even wider.

Appearing in the void, Chen Luo's eyes were locked on the body of the entropy emperor.


At a glance, the situation is the same as before.

But the strength is different.

These eight emperors of the entropy tribe are even more powerful and their strength is monstrous.


"Who is this?"

During the battle, the Great Emperor of the Taihuang Protoss noticed Chen Luo's figure, which was very strange.

"Outer Universe Supreme!"

The repulsive force was clearly sensed, and in an instant, Chen Luo's identity became clear.

Although the specific situation is not clear, most of the situation is known to some extent.

Emerald green light shone, and green clouds appeared behind him.

A poisonous cloud appears, corroding the void.

The terrifying poisonous law instantly infects the void, and the vast void is shattered by the poisonous cloud like a mirror.

"Great Poison Technique!"

A certain Taihuang Protoss Great Emperor looked at the poisonous cloud that appeared, and his expression was suddenly startled.

Such a terrifying poison cloud is simply incredible.

With such a powerful law of poison, even the Great Emperor felt his heart skip a beat.

As soon as the poison cloud came out, it rushed to the center of the battlefield in an instant.

Covers eight entropy emperors.


The shrill screams sounded, and the sound made people feel horrified. Listening to this sound, it made people feel terrified.

The poisonous cloud covered the Emperor of the Entropy Clan. Under the watchful eyes of the public, the eight Emperors of the Entropy Clan were directly eroded by the law of poison and completely dissipated.


Looking at this scene, several Taihuang Protoss great emperors felt chills in their hearts.

Under close contact, even a trace of the poisonous law that overflowed made them feel the breath of death.

If this falls on him, I am afraid that he will be poisoned in an instant.

There is no doubt about this.

The Emperor of the Entropy Clan couldn't stop such a terrifying poisonous cloud, let alone them.

Among the eight entropy clan emperors, there are also two or three peak emperor-level existences, but the result is still the same. .

"What the **** is this sacred!"

Looking at the black-robed youth in front of him, several Taihuang Protoss great emperors stared blankly.

He didn't speak for a while, he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

With one move, the eight emperors of the entropy tribe were poisoned cleanly.

Not even the wreckage remains.

All were wiped out.

Horror is not enough to describe its terrifying extent.

The onlookers are chilled.

With one move to kill, Chen Luo's expression did not change at all. He glanced at a few entropy emperors, and his figure disappeared instantly in place.

Killing the Emperor of the Entropy Clan is his primary goal, as for the others, he has no interest at all.

Watching the mysterious black-robed youth leave, several Taihuang Protoss great emperors came back to their senses.


Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, several great emperors looked bewildered.

If it weren't for the poisonous law left in the void, everyone would think it was like a dream.


The slaughter continued, outside the Taihuang God Realm.

Anyone who is targeted by Tianjian's will will not be able to escape the end of their final demise, and will die without a doubt.

Inside, Chen Luo's movements also attracted the attention of countless entropy clan emperors.

Within a few hours, more than half of the number had been killed.

The death of the ordinary army is second, but the fall of the existence of the great emperor is a huge pressure on the entropy clan.

The news that Mysterious Supreme appeared to slaughter the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan not only let the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan know, but also made it clear to the Great Emperor of the Taihuang Protoss.

The news hit the entire Taihuang God Realm like a storm.

It was a nightmare for the Entropy Clan to wake up from, but for the Taihuang Protoss, this was absolutely good news.

Huge good news.


At the entrance of Taihuang God Realm.

The figure of the Third Ancestor of Heavenly Court appeared at the entrance.

Looking at the entrance to the restricted area in front of him, the Third Ancestor of Heavenly Court glanced at each other.

Immediately, he stepped into it at the same time.

When they came to Taihuang God Realm, they just wanted to see if Chen Luo really wanted to do it.

Probing the news is one of them. To be more precise, if it is what they think, it will be even more shocking.

Through the darkness, the light comes into the eyes.

The broken sky appeared in the eyes.

Chaos surged, and the void collapsed in a large area. This scene hit the depths of their hearts.

"Is Chen Luo really here?"

Looking at the collapsed void, Tianzu muttered to himself.

"Whether it's coming or not, it'll be clear after tracking it."

The ancestors spoke, and while speaking, he took out a mirror.

As soon as he thought about it, the mirror in his hand burst into a splendid glow.

In the depths of the light, an indistinct figure appeared.

The appearance of this indistinct figure instantly surprised the third ancestor.

Although it was only a vague outline, they could clearly tell that it must be Chen Luo.

Unable to forget, Chen Luo has left an indelible mark on their hearts.

An indelible mark.


Suddenly, cracks appeared in the treasure mirror in the hands of the ancestors, and the cracks continued to spread, covering the entire mirror.


With a loud noise, the treasure mirror in his hand exploded instantly, completely annihilated, and disappeared without a trace.


The instant the treasure mirror shattered, the **** ancestor immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and the light in his eyes dimmed by three points.

"The Void Mirror can't be clearly presented! And it's broken..."

The Third Ancestor of Heavenly Court looked at each other. In this situation, they all understood what it meant.


Only the supreme existence of the ancestor level can make the Void Mirror unable to withstand the power of backlash that is being tracked and manifested.

Is Chen Luo the ancestor?

! ! ! !

As soon as this thought appeared, the Third Ancestor of Heavenly Court suddenly burst.

"This... what is this Nima kidding?"


"is it possible?"

Looking at the divine mirror of the void that exploded into nothingness, the three ancestors of the heavenly court fell into contemplation.


Will Chen Luo be the ancestor?

This...this...what cosmic joke is this?

I met before, although I knew that Chen Luo was strong, but I could clearly know that he was only the emperor and could not be the first ancestor.

They can still distinguish the breath of the emperor and the ancestor.

"There is only one possibility." Tianzu looked serious, and murmured while watching the broken void.

"What is possible?"

Both the Earth Ancestor and the Protoss looked at him.

"The realm has not yet reached, the strength has reached!"

Looking at the two ancestors, Tianzu spit out eight characters.

"The realm has not yet reached, the strength has reached..."

The third ancestor was silent and lowered his head directly.


Will it be true?

Although they don't want to believe it, the reality is in front of them and they have to believe it.

This is the result.

Chen Luo's strength is already comparable to that of the ancestor.

Genuine ancestor-level existence!

The strength has been reached, and the realm is only a matter of time.

It was unbelievable that he could overcome such a terrifying stage in just a few years from being the king of the highest gods.

In the past, present and future, I am afraid there is only this one.

The only one ever.


Taihuang God Realm, a huge city floating in the void.

In the city, there are countless heavenly palaces.

In a white jade temple in the center of the city, hundreds of entropy emperors gathered together.

Among them, there are junior emperors, senior emperors, and peak emperors.

The existence of the Great Emperor is very powerful.

More than a hundred entropy emperors have gathered together, and this power is even more terrifying and astonishing.


At the top of the White Jade Temple, a dark beam of light bloomed, condensing into a figure and appearing in the eyes of the emperors.

The figure gradually solidified, and it was a great emperor of the entropy clan.

The cultivation of the peak emperor, but his strength is even more terrifying.

An existence that is infinitely close to the ancestor level, with almost the total strength of eight thousand emperors.

The burly body, the white hair and the shawl, the light in the eyes is even more frightening, and the eyes are terrifying.

As soon as he appeared, the eyes of many entropy emperors turned to this terrifying emperor.

"Bai Di, how is the situation?"

Looking at the burly emperor in the first position, an entropy emperor asked.

"The strange ancestor has been notified, but it will take time to come."

Bai Di said coldly.

"That's good."

Hearing this, the emperors breathed a sigh of relief.

In a few hours, more than 100 entropy emperors have fallen. This number is shocking.

The Mysterious Supreme came to the Taihuang God Realm, causing them a lot of pressure.

Had to communicate with the ancestors.

Such a terrifying supreme being is most likely a genuine ancestor-level existence.

After all, no matter how terrifying the Great Emperor is, he cannot be terrified to such a level.

More than a dozen great emperors, including the peak emperor, can be destroyed in one move when facing the mysterious supreme.

Not even the wreckage remains.

This kind of strength is inferior to even the White Emperor.

If you don't communicate with the ancestors, I am afraid that the situation of falling will be even more terrible.

When the strange ancestors come, they will have confidence.

The ancestors shot, absolutely can resist.

"Is there any news about the mysterious Supreme?"

In the first seat, Emperor Bai asked.

"Appeared in Shenxu half an hour ago, now, I don't know."

An entropy emperor said.

"The strength is too strong to be traced." Another entropy emperor said.

"Check, you must check it out!" On the throne above, Emperor Bai said solemnly.

"No need to check, this seat is here."

At this moment, suddenly, a cold voice sounded, the space shattered, and a black-robed figure stepped out of the void and descended.

The supreme power of the emperor erupted, sweeping like a galaxy.


Under the powerful momentum, the empty building collapsed instantly.

The entire city collapsed under the oppression of the momentum, unable to withstand this terrifying force.

The city collapsed, and all the great emperors appeared in the sky.

In the center, Chen Luo put on a black robe and carried it behind his back with one hand, and his eyes fell on one of the great emperors.

He is also the strongest emperor of the entropy clan.

Infinitely close to the ancestor-level existence.

The powerful aura made all the entropy clan emperors feel the incomparably heavy pressure, and the pressure even made them unable to breathe.


No one thought that the mysterious Supreme appeared suddenly.

Followed up so quickly.

beyond their imagination.

Stepping into the void, Chen Luo's eyes became hot.

More than one hundred entropy emperors, all solved, then his choice can advance three-tenths.


As soon as he raised his hand, a green poisonous cloud appeared instantly.

The Great Poison Technique erupted instantly, without the slightest hesitation.

The poisonous law eroded the void, and huge voids appeared in the sky.

A huge poisonous cloud swept all around, covering it all in an instant.

All this happened too fast.

In this short moment.

A shrill scream resounded through the sky.

Countless entropy emperors want to resist erosion, but once they are contaminated by the law of poison, they can't get rid of it at all.

directly corroded.

Nothing can escape the erosion of the law of poison.

Magical resistance is basically a joke.

More than 100 great emperors of the entropy tribe were destroyed in half in an instant.

Chen Luo will not show any mercy towards the entropy clan.

Kill directly.

Not only to kill, but also to kill cleanly.

And the Emperor of the Entropy Clan, he has no nonsense at all.


A gloomy rainbow ripped through the poisonous cloud and rushed out.


A mouthful of green poisonous blood spurted out, and the figure that rushed out was entangled by the powerful law of poison.

constantly eroded.

And this figure is the most powerful Emperor of the Entropy Clan.

"Want to run!"

Chen Luo's eyes narrowed, and when he grasped it in the air, a terrifying power burst out in an instant.


A loud bang spread for hundreds of millions of miles, and the strongest Emperor of the Entropy tribe was instantly killed by Chen Luo.

And at this moment, at a distance of hundreds of millions of miles, the three figures stopped in the void.

It is the Three Patriarchs of the Heavenly Court!

Even if they are separated by hundreds of millions of miles, they can clearly see what is happening hundreds of millions of miles away.

"The aura of the Great Poison Technique..."

"It's Chen Luo!"

Tianzu was startled in an instant, watching incredulously what happened hundreds of millions of miles away.

Thousands of miles are covered by a green poisonous cloud.

The screams continued to sound, and they could not know the situation in the poisonous cloud, but they could also judge a general situation based on the fluctuations.

Massacre the Great!

Not one or two, not five or six, but a terrifying astronomical number close to a hundred.

"Go, don't miss it!"

In an instant, the ancestor came back to his senses, and the figure rushed out immediately.

Immediately after, Tianzu and Dizu also rushed.

Across billions of time and space, it comes in an instant.

The scene in front of them made them instantly petrified on the spot.

The sky and the earth were covered with green poisonous clouds, and this terrifying poisonous law rippled.

There is no doubt that if this sticks a little, it may cost their lives.

In the poisonous cloud, the screams became weaker and weaker, and finally stopped.

The huge poisonous cloud also began to shrink, and the size of thousands of miles continued to shrink, one million miles, one hundred thousand miles...

In the end, all the poisonous clouds melted into Chen Luo's body.

The poison cloud disappeared, but the traces of destruction left behind did not disappear.

Thousands of miles of space, collapsed, eroded by the law of poison, leaving an indelible mark.

Inflicted eternal damage.

Even after a long time, it may not be able to recover.


Absorbing all the poisonous clouds, Chen Luo let out a sigh of relief and showed a satisfied smile.

Advance three-tenths, this speed, very gratifying.

When I first came to Taihuang Universe, there was such a big surprise, Chen Luo didn't even think of it.

And this scene was not only seen by the three ancestors of Heavenly Court, but also witnessed by the Great Emperor of the Taihuang Protoss with his own eyes.

Massacre more than one hundred entropy emperors.

Is he really just an emperor?

Those who ride a horse, the ancestors are just like that!


"How did they come?"

Chen Luo noticed the figure of the Third Ancestor of Heaven.


As soon as the figure moved, Chen Luo came to the three ancestors of the Heavenly Court.

"Three, why are you here?"

Looking at the Third Ancestor of Heavenly Court, Chen Luo greeted and asked.

"come and see!"

Tianzu came back to his senses and replied with a smile.

"Look?" Chen Luo was stunned, staring at Tianzu.

"Killing more than 100 great emperors of the entropy clan in an instant, I am afraid that it is just the first ancestor. Brother Chen, I am afraid that your strength has reached the first ancestor, right?"

The ancestor opened his mouth and sighed.

In the words, there is a hint of compliment, and there is also a temptation.

Chen Luo: "I've passed the prize. This seat is still a long way from the ancestor. The ancestor is not so easy to achieve."

Hearing this ambiguous answer, the three ancestors of Heavenly Court looked at each other and seemed to understand the answer.

There are already predictions, admit it or not.

The reality is in front of you.


The universe is too wild, the galaxy is too wild.

Taihuang Protoss Holy Land, a supercontinent floating in the stars.

Holy Land, Taihuang Temple.

A figure hurriedly entered the Taihuang Temple.

The Great Desolate Temple was completely empty, and there was not a single figure.

The Taihuang God Clan stepped into the Taihuang Temple and bowed to the first position: "Nantian has important information, please see the Lord of the Wilderness."


As soon as the voice fell, the golden throne shone with light, and a figure appeared out of thin air in an instant.

The tall and mighty body, between the eyebrows, reveals the supreme domineering, the momentum is even more terrifying, the eyes are like torches, and the majesty is majestic.

And he is the leader of the Taihuang Protoss.

Lord of the Wild!

Appearing on the throne, the Lord of Taihuang looked at the Great Emperor of the Taihuang God Race in front of him, and said, "Nantian, what's the matter with you?"

"Lord of the Wilderness, an important situation has occurred in the Great Desolation God Territory!" Emperor Nantian raised his head and looked at the Lord of the Great Wilderness.

"Major things?"

"What's the big deal?"

The Lord of the Great Wilderness looked at the Great Emperor Nantian and asked The Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan in the Great Wilderness God Domain was annihilated by a mysterious Supreme... all annihilated. "The Great Emperor Nantian said solemnly.


"What did you say?"

Hearing this, the Lord of Taihuang suddenly came to the Great Emperor Nantian at the speed of teleportation, his eyes fixed on the figure in front of him.

"Repeat what you just repeated!"

"The Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan in the Great Wilderness God Territory was completely annihilated by a mysterious Supreme." Taking a deep breath, the Great Emperor Nantian said.

"Approaching more than 300 Entropy Clan Great Emperors, are they all wiped out?" The Great Desolate Lord looked at Nantian Great Emperor, his heart burst instantly, and he still couldn't believe it.


"All annihilated."

The Great Emperor Nantian nodded.

"When did it happen?"

Staring at the Great Emperor Nantian, the Lord of Great Desolation asked.

"Just now." The Great Emperor Nantian replied.

"Just happened?"

"you sure?"

The Lord of the Wilderness asked again.

"Yes!" Emperor Nantian nodded.

Although I also know that this news is too incredible, but the reality is like this, no matter how shocking it is, this is what really happened.

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