MTL - This Option is Fantastic-v4 Chapter 255 3 steps to destroy the emperor, unexpected harvest

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"Thanks a lot, two, Chen Mou will leave first!" Looking at the two dragon emperors, Chen Luo bowed.


The two dragon emperors nodded, watched Chen Luo leave, and withdrew their gazes.

"The Great Emperor of the Great Desolation..."

"Brother, who do you think it will be?" a dragon emperor turned his head to look at the dragon emperor beside him and asked.

"I don't know." The Dragon King shook his head.

"This strength, shouldn't it be a nameless person?" Frowning, the senior dragon emperor said.

"Crossing the entropy base camp, senior brother, do you think he is confident?"

Looking at the direction in which Chen Luo disappeared, the junior emperor asked.

"It seems that I have a certain degree of certainty. If it is not a lunatic, it is full of confidence in myself." The senior emperor came back to his senses.


Leaving the starry sky, Chen Luo moved forward quickly, and the speed did not slow down at all.

According to the star map mark in his hand, Chen Luo chose the nearest target.

"Dozens of entropy emperors...should be enough..."


Across the starry sky, after a while, Chen Luo came to another starry sky.

The dragon energy here seems to be more abundant, and in the depths of the starry sky, towering heavenly palaces appear in his field of vision.

In the floating nebula, under the light, it is beautiful.

Heavenly palaces stand above the nebula, majestic atmosphere.

Within the Dragon Universe, more than 95% are from the Dragon Race, while the rest are from other civilized races.

Although the power of the dragon clan is terrifying, the power of the entropy clan's invasion is also very terrifying.

In the early stage, it can be blocked from being invaded, but with the passage of time, the Dragon Universe cannot be completely spared.

Around the nebula, there are countless battleships.

And these battleships are the battleships of the entropy clan.

Hidden in the dark, Chen Luo used his immortal soul to investigate the situation.

"Eight entropy emperors..."

Looking at Tiangong, Chen Luo's eyes flashed with a ray of light.

The Great Destiny Technique was activated, the light of destiny covered the whole body, and in the next second, Chen Luo's figure disappeared out of thin air.

Going fast, he's very fast.

There was hardly any stop, and quietly passed through the protection of the entropy army and went deep into the Tiangong.


"There is also the breath of the source of the tomb!"

Arriving in the nebula, Chen Luo looked at the Tiangong, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The breath of the source of the tomb, he will never admit it wrong.

Must be the source of the tomb.

And there are a lot of them, there are at least five or six sources of tombs.

"It seems to be sealed..." Looking at the heavenly palaces, Chen Luo carefully sensed the magic of the tomb, and finally, he determined the location.

Silently came to the front of a bronze temple, hiding his figure, Chen Luo did not attract the attention of any entropy tribe.

Originally planned to do it directly, but this time, Chen Luo changed it a bit, and got the source of the tomb first.

The bronze hall in front of you is about three feet high and very huge.

Looking at the bronze hall in front of him, Chen Luo carefully observed it, and the powerful formation fluctuations were hidden in the void.

It completely covers the bronze temple and wraps it like an iron barrel.

Not even the dust in the starry sky can lurk in.

However, for the Great Fate Technique, this is not a big problem.

As soon as the thought moved, Chen Luo's figure began to move forward, and the moment he passed through the bronze door, a layer of ripples swayed.

"Not good!" The formation ripples swayed, and Chen Luo's heart sank instantly.

If you believe in yourself too much, this time it's good, you're miscalculating.

One of the weird formations, even he couldn't escape.

The wave of the formation was turbulent, and Chen Luo was basically certain that he would come here with the entropy clan right away.


Don't care about the others, step over. Chen Luo stepped directly into the bronze hall.

And just as Chen Luo stepped into the bronze hall, countless gods bloomed in the Heavenly Palace not far away.

Immediately after, the extremely powerful formation blocked the vast nebula, and within hundreds of millions of miles, all were blocked.

The divine light galloped like a streamer, breaking through time and space and descending on the door of the bronze hall.

The eight emperors of the entropy clan have all come.

Looking at the bronze hall in front of him, several entropy emperors looked gloomy.

"Dare to break into here, court death!"

"Activate the purgatory formation!"

A peak emperor of the entropy clan directly ordered, listening to these words, the other seven entropy clan emperors started to work together, the dark light bloomed, and they disappeared into the bronze hall in an instant.


A violent thunder sound erupted from the bronze hall.

The eight emperors of the entropy tribe joined forces to activate the strongest purgatory formation.

From the outside, the bronze hall was enveloped by light, but inside the bronze hall, various ferocious attacks broke out instantly.

Like the flood that opened the gate, it swept the entire bronze hall.

In the center of the bronze hall, on a high platform, Chen Luo's figure appeared on the high platform.

In front of him, a layer of enchantment was covered, and in the enchantment was the target he wanted, the source of the tomb.

There are a total of eight sources of tombs, more than he expected.

The powerful barrier is difficult for even the Great Emperor to break, but Chen Luo raised his hand and easily penetrated into the barrier, and the powerful guardian barrier directly became a decoration.

Things are in front of him, and Chen Luo is not polite.

It's over!

The source of the tomb, the first ancestor came and he had to grab it!

With a thought, Chen Luo directly included the source of the tomb into the kingdom of God.

At this moment, terrifying attacks swept directly from all directions.

The entropy clan's purgatory formation is still driven by the eight entropy clan emperors, and its power is quite terrifying, which can be seen in Chen Luo's eyes. It's totally a decoration.

Even standing still can't break his defense.

But Chen Luo wasn't that stupid either, standing and waiting for the attack.

Unless the brain is watted, it's about the same.


The surging divine power of the tomb exploded instantly, and the gray light formed a terrifying barrier, and all attacks were completely swallowed up.

The breath of disaster erupted, stepping out one step, the doomsday natural disaster broke out instantly.

How powerful is the cataclysm.


The hard bronze temple was instantly shattered into pieces, the sound of the explosion rang out from the nebula, and the terrifying shock wave swept away instantly.

Outside the hall, the eight emperors of the entropy tribe watched this scene, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they joined forces to mobilize their divine power to resist the shock wave.



Even if they fight together, they still can't stop such a terrifying shock wave. They vomited blood and backed away.

In the collapsed bronze hall, in the depths of the ray of destruction, Chen Luo's figure appeared in the eyes of the eight entropy clan emperors.

"Hand over the source of the tomb, otherwise, you will never be able to get out of here!" An entropy great emperor said, his eyes were as cold as ice.

Divine power erupted, and the powerful momentum rushed like a galaxy.

Chen Luo stood on the spot, motionless, looking at the eight entropy emperors, his face did not change in the slightest.

"Very good, they're all here, so I don't have to kill them one by one." A dull voice sounded.

The eight entropy emperors were taken aback.

Is this guy confused about the form in front of him?

A great emperor really thinks that he can do whatever he wants?

Do you really think you are the ancestor?


The second step was taken, the black sun storm appeared, the terrifying black sun bloomed, the wind of disaster erupted from the black sun, and the torrent of disaster swept through.

In an instant, a fatal crisis came to mind.

Haven't had time to prepare anything yet. In an instant, it was swallowed up by the wind of disaster.


A shrill scream sounded, and this sound made people feel horrified and shuddered.

The surrounding Tiangong collapsed, and countless entropy tribes were blown away by a ray of catastrophe, and disappeared like weathering in an instant.

The cataclysm technique ranks in the top ten of the three thousand avenues of law. This is not a vain name.

A defeat.

Six entropy emperors fell, and two entropy emperors suffered heavy losses.

The restraining effect of the divine power of the Great Tomb is contained in the divine power, and he has lost the recovery ability of the monster level. For the first time, he has tasted what it means to be injured.


The two severely wounded emperors of the Entropy clan vomited blood, their breath was scattered, and the wind of disaster blew them into full of holes.

The immortal souls have suffered incomparably heavy losses.

The black sun disappeared, the wind of disaster calmed down, and in the next second, Chen Luo stepped again.

third step.

Big day fire!

Black flames bloomed, and the fire of disaster drowned in an instant.


Painful screams spread throughout the starry sky, and in the next second, the peak emperors of the two entropy tribes were completely reduced to ashes in the black flames.

In three steps, the group destroys the emperor of the entropy clan.

The black flames swept through, and the fire of disaster spread across the starry sky. All the entropy people did not escape the burning of the fire of disaster, and were completely burned to nothing.

The starry sky was burned into a huge hole by the fire of disaster, and the residual breath made the emperor tremble.

The number in front of him changed, and it was one step closer to one thousand.

It was an unexpected surprise after solving the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan and harvesting the source of eight large tombs.

Chen Luo never expected such a surprise.

They got the source of eight large tombs at one time, they are really good people!

Unfortunately, it is his enemy.

In front of him, it has to be eradicated.

Soft-hearted, does not exist!

One step over, Chen Luo disappeared into the vast starry sky.

The speed is fast, and all the entropy emperors are eradicated, and the big cutting technique is at hand.

A true god, time is precious.

Only false gods waste time.

Not long after Chen Luo left, two beams of divine rainbows descended in the depths of the starry sky.

Stopping in the starry sky, looking at the shattered starry sky, the nebula that has been completely destroyed, there is still a supreme breath in the starry sky.

It seems to herald a war here not long ago.

And these two figures are the two dragon emperors that Chen Luo met not long ago.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the two dragon emperors fell into silence.

Solved the first one so quickly.

They also planned to see if this Chen Luo would really do it, but no one could have imagined that Chen Luo would really do it.

Not only started, but also the speed of TM thief fast.

"Senior brother, if I remember correctly, there should be two peak emperors of the entropy clan here!" Looking at the destroyed starry sky, a dragon clan emperor spoke, his voice hoarse.

"There are a total of eight entropy emperors, two peak emperors, and the rest are all high-level emperors." Another dragon emperor replied.

"Is he really the emperor?"

"I'm afraid Senior Brother Feng is not as scary as him, right?"

"We underestimated it."

"This guy is really scary!" Another dragon emperor muttered to himself.

"Fortunately, it's not an enemy, otherwise, I'm afraid no one can beat him except Long Zu!" Looking at the broken starry sky, the dragon emperor's eyes showed a lingering fear.

"Such a massacre, such a risk, what is he doing?" Looking at the broken starry sky, another dragon emperor lowered his head and pondered.

"The entropy clan holds some sources of the tomb, and some of them are in the hands of the great emperors of the entropy clan. Do you think they came for the source of the tomb?"

"Probably so!"


"He doesn't seem to be the inheritor of the tomb, what do you want the source of the tomb for?" Frowning, the two dragon emperors were a little puzzled.

So crazy, but not for himself, this is really unbelievable.

"Go, let's report this situation to Long Zu!"

When he came back to his senses, a dragon emperor said.

"Well." The other dragon emperor nodded, and immediately, the two dragon emperors walked towards a certain starry sky, and in the blink of an eye, they disappeared without a trace.


At this moment, Chen Luo has come to the next galaxy starry sky.

White Dragon Galaxy.

This is the galaxy of the White Dragon family.

The White Dragon Clan, a branch of the Dragon Clan.

Contains some dragon blood.

Belongs to the hybrid species.

The direct lineage of the dragon clan, the real dragon, the celestial dragon, the divine dragon... These are the real supreme dragon clan.

For dragons, bloodlines are very important.

What kind of bloodline is equivalent to what kind of growth limit.

The true dragon bloodline, the heavenly dragon bloodline, the divine dragon bloodline... These dragons' orthodox bloodlines have a very high growth limit.

It is possible to ask for the existence of the Great Emperor.

And any other hybrid dragon race, it is incredible to die to the highest god.

Of course, it is not absolute.

The blood of the dragon family can evolve and continuously improve.

This is also an advantage.

It's not that the upper limit is locked.

However, it can evolve, which is a bit inferior to the real noble dragon.

But there are still benefits.

This is undeniable.

Overall, very strong.

White Dragon Galaxy.

The White Dragon Clan here has been eradicated by the Entropy Clan, but there should be some still alive.

After all, a galaxy is still huge.

It takes time to confirm all the eradication.

Stepping into the White Dragon Galaxy, Chen Luo's speed did not stop.

Go straight to the entropy base camp.


In the deep space, a white Changhong galloped, and behind the white Shenhong, several entropy tribes appeared.

Like chasing.

Among the white gods is a white dragon.

A young girl from the White Dragon clan.

The strength is in the early stage of the Supreme God, and the entropy tribes who chased her are all in the early stage of the Supreme God.

In the same realm, the entropy clan are basically invincible.

A few can challenge kills, but that's too rare.

Among the billions of civilizations, there are few.

Like Chen Luo, that is unique.

Watching this scene of chasing and killing, Chen Luo didn't mind doing a good deed.

Standing in the starry sky, as soon as he raised his hand, the terrifying power directly crossed time and space, and instantly descended on the supreme gods of the entropy race.


Direct annihilation, the body explodes, and it is completely transformed into nothingness.

! ! !

Looking at this scene, the eyes of the white dragon girl almost didn't pop out.

Kill a few entropy supreme gods in the air.

This strength had to shock her.

However, feeling the breath of the emperor on Chen Luo, the shock in his heart also calmed down.

It is only natural that the existence of the Great Emperor can have such terrifying strength.

"Thank you for your help, senior, Yuling is grateful."

In front of Chen Luo, the supreme **** of the White Dragon Clan said respectfully.

"It's nothing to worry about." Chen Luo glanced at the white dragon girl in front of him and said.

"It's dangerous here, you should leave quickly." Looking at the girl from the White Dragon Clan, Chen Luo reminded.

"Senior, are you planning to go to the Entropy Clan?" Looking at Chen Luo, the Supreme God of the White Dragon Clan asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Well." Chen Luo nodded, "Okay, it's none of your business, leave here quickly, so as not to hurt innocent people later."


After speaking, Chen Luo disappeared from the eyes of the white dragon girl.

"Affected the innocent?" The girl was stunned, and when she saw Chen Luo disappear, she came back to her senses.

"Entering the entropy base camp alone, is he... crazy?"


After a small episode, Chen Luo quickly crossed deep space and arrived in front of the entropy base camp of the White Dragon Galaxy.

In the depths of the starry sky, a supercontinent floating starry sky is larger than several stars combined.

The magnificent and tall buildings are endless, and the entropy army can be seen everywhere.


"And the source of the tomb!"

Stopping on an abandoned star, Chen Luo stared at the supercontinent in the depths of the starry sky, with an incredible look in his eyes.

What luck did he have today?

After harvesting the source of eight large tombs, how could they meet so quickly?

Chen Luo felt it was incredible.

It's just dreamy!

"Almost three or four..." Staring at the supercontinent, Chen Luo's eyes glowed The source of three or four tombs, plus the eight tombs he got. Source, these are more than ten pieces.


The gray light covered the whole body, and in the next second, Chen Luo hid in nothingness and moved forward silently.

The Great Emperor of the Entropy Race will not run, so he will first get the source of the tomb.

More sources of the tomb can make his strength increase rapidly.

This is almost unlimited.

As long as the source of the tomb is sufficient, it will not be a problem for him to break through the ancestor immediately.


Passing through the continental barrier, Chen Luo descended into the supercontinent.

Concealing the breath of the figure, Chen Luo moved forward in the dark.

Not long after, Chen Luo came to an ancient temple.

This ancient temple looks unremarkable, and there is nothing outstanding about it.

But from inside this ancient temple, Chen Luo felt the origin of the tomb inside.

And there are quite a few.

"The source of the four tombs!"

Looking at the ancient temple in front of him, Chen Luo could determine the exact number.

But just as he was about to step into the ancient temple, Chen Luo suddenly noticed something strange.


A beam of divine light suddenly descended, and an entropy emperor appeared in front of the ancient temple.

The strength of the peak emperor.

Arriving in front of this ancient temple, the Entropy Emperor looked back and looked into the distance, as if he was waiting for something.

"Forget it, take it out first."

Muttering to himself, the Emperor of the Entropy Clan pinched his hand, and the dim light burst out instantly, and in the next second, he disappeared into the ancient temple.

Immediately, the closed gate of the ancient temple opened, and when he raised his hand, four groups of dark rays of light in the ancient temple appeared in the hands of the entropy great emperor.

And these four dim light groups are exactly what Chen Luo wants.

The source of the tomb!


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