MTL - This Option is Fantastic-v4 Chapter 236 Kill, shake back, meet Lord Ha again

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Dark depths.

A storm of destruction spreads, and the starry sky shatters like a mirror.

Two terrifying beasts fought in it.

The body collided, as if the power of hundreds of millions of stars collided in an instant, and the destructive turbulence rippled across the galaxy.

The overflowing breath is enough to destroy the stars, sun and moon.

The terrifying atmosphere spread, and the battle between the clone and the deity was very tragic.

The powerful fluctuations make any existence dare not approach.

Standing in the starry sky, Chen Luo and his generals watched quietly.

General: "Guru~"

"Really fierce!"

"I can't see it, it's usually cute, but once it's mad, it's out of control!"

"Indeed." Chen Luo nodded, watching the two giant beasts fighting in the starry sky. "It was the same last time."

General: "Last time?"

"Well, last time." Chen Luo nodded, his expression dignified, "This is the second clone that Grunt met."

General: "What happened to the first clone in the end?"

"I don't know." Chen Luo shook his head.

Not sure?

How can it not be clear?

"Aren't you there?" The general looked at Chen Luo puzzled and asked.

"At that time, I fought with an ancestor and lost consciousness in the final collision, so I don't know what happened later." Chen Luo replied.

"Is that so..." The general nodded. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he stared straight at Chen Luo: "You... have played against an ancestor?"

Chen Yu: "Very strange?"

General: "..."

Isn't that so weird?

That is the ancestor-level existence!

I lost it!

Is this beeping?

Jiang Chen felt hot in his heart and stared at Chen Luo.

Thousands of words in two words.


The beep, he admitted.

Have to take it!

"Who is that ancestor?" When he came back to his senses, the general looked at Chen Yu and asked.

"The leader of the Tomb God Sect." Chen Luo replied.

"Master of the Great Tomb God Sect?" The generals and ministers were stunned.

General: "A ancestor of the entropy clan?"

"No." Chen Luo shook his head. "It's a force in the tomb."

"Why haven't you heard of it?" The general asked strangely.

"That time was also the first time I came into contact with this force." Chen Luo replied.

Chen Luo: "That's the time, I met the first clone of the Grunt in the vast universe."

"I see."

The general nodded.




The two behemoths were fighting in the starry sky, the roar shattered the starry sky, and the speed reached the peak.

Back and forth, it was impossible to see who had the upper hand.

Staring at the two ancestor-level existences in the depths of the darkness, Chen Luo's eyes became solemn.

He turned his head and looked at the generals beside him: "Brother Jiang, you are waiting here."

General: "Brother Chen, are you going up?"

"Well." Chen Luo nodded, took a step and disappeared in an instant.

In the next second, he came to the center of the battle between the Grunt and the clone.

"Thousand-zhang Leiyuan!"

The Great Sky Thunder Technique erupted in an instant, and a purple thunder column as thick as a mountain appeared out of thin air, sweeping towards the clone like a gust of wind and rain.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The starry sky turned into a sea of ​​purple thunder, and the power of the raging avenue of thunder consciously continued to bombard the replica body.


An extremely angry roar exploded in the starry sky, and the clone swallowed all the purple thunder directly.

The scarlet eyes full of slaughter stared at Chen Luo, and when he opened his mouth, a terrifying pillar of thunder burst out from the replica's mouth, and in an instant, it swept over.

With the spear of the child, attack the shield of the child!

Looking at Lei Zhu rushing over, Chen Luo was not shocked.

From the Grunt, he had also seen this trick.

As soon as he raised his hand, his five fingers spread out, and the Great Sky Thunder Technique erupted instantly, turning into the body of the Great Dao Thunder, and in an instant, the endless Thunder Pillars were stored.


As soon as the huge claws were lifted, a black divine light erupted from the claws of the clone.

With lightning speed, he quickly rushed towards Chen Luo.

At the critical moment, the Gollum Beast instantly appeared in front of Chen Luo, and when he lifted his paw, a pink light bloomed, forming a pink barrier that easily blocked the clone's blow.

At the same time, Chen Luo took advantage of this neutral position and made a move for immortality, which exploded instantly.

The Great Sky Thunder Technique can severely damage the clone, but if you want to kill it, it is obviously a fool's dream.

However, with the strength of the Grunt, it is not impossible to kill the clone.

The Grunt is responsible for the main attack, and he is responsible for the wild attack.

One person and two beasts, so quickly fought together in nothingness.

The three beams of divine rainbows collided, and every time there was a terrifying fluctuation.

The destructive power of the ancestors is very terrifying.

Even the generals had to retreat hundreds of millions of miles away to be able to withstand this terrifying fluctuation.

"Good guy, this Chen Luo's strength is really fierce!" Watching the tragic battle, the general's eyes were solemn.

This level of fighting has exceeded his ability to bear.

Even if he wanted to help, he couldn't.

The strength is not enough!

Just look at it like that.

In the emptiness, two people and one beast slaughtered quickly, and the speed exploded to the extreme. From a distance, it was like three rainbows colliding.

The rippling waves constantly destroy the starry sky.

The scope of the destruction is also getting more and more ferocious.

There are also other life forms in the Rainbow Galaxy Cluster.

However, feeling the battle fluctuations in the distant time and space, no one dared to approach.

It is so terrifying to be separated by billions of time and space. If it is a little closer, it will definitely die.

It can be said that Chen Luo and Gulumon joined forces to defend against the enemy for the first time.

The power of the Genesis chapter cannot be underestimated, this is his ace in the game.

Occasionally, Chen Luo will give the clone a thunder package.

Take a thunder bath!

Teaming up with one person and one beast has already gained the upper hand, but it is still very difficult to kill this clone.


At the same time, the ninth galaxy cluster.

Large swaths of the starry sky collapsed, turned into a void, and chaos surged.

In the depths of chaos, the two figures collided at high speed.


Collision again, a devastating high-pressure shock wave swept the galaxy, and the stars in billions of time and space collapsed in an instant, turning into powder.

In the depths of chaos, this time, the two figures confronted each other, but they didn't do it right away.

And these two supreme beings are the ancestors of Pangu and the ancestors of destruction.

Both are ancestors, and the two of them fought almost equally.

The ancestor of destruction looked gloomy, his eyes were cold, and the cold light bloomed.

A glance is enough to kill the emperor.

The aura of destruction lingered all over the body, and the monstrous vicious aura erupted, as if to destroy the universe.

Standing in the chaos, the ancestor Pangu had a smile on his face. He seemed to sense something, and he turned a blind eye to the fierce gaze that destroyed the ancestor:

"It seems that it's going to be unbearable, tsk tsk, destroying the ancestor, the entropy family seems to be destroying another ancestor-level existence."

The unbridled laughter shattered the chaos, and listening to this, the face of the ancestor of destruction was even more ugly.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The momentum of destruction shattered the chaos, the void oscillated and collapsed continuously.

The terrifying aura swept across the galaxy, separated by billions of time and space, one could feel the aura of this devastating power.

"you wanna die!"

The anger that swept the starry sky sounded, and the next second, the ancestor of destruction stuck out a hand.

A hand of destruction enough to cover hundreds of millions of stars.

The supreme aura erupted, and this scene did not change Pangu's expression.

Looking at the hand of destruction covering the starry sky, the ancestor Pangu clenched his fist, and the power to shatter the galaxy exploded in an instant, smashing the hand of chaos in an instant.

In the dark deep space, the two ancestor-level existences fought together again, and powerful fluctuations swept the starry sky.


In another place in the starry sky, the battle between Chen Luogulu and the clone also turned the tide.

The replicator's injuries are getting worse.

Chen Luo's tomb divine power and Guru's ability have the physique to restrain the invincible monster's recovery ability.

The clone also has the extremely perverted evildoer of the entropy tribe to restore the physique.

Unfortunately, met the nemesis.

Grunts are getting more and more brave.

Chen Luo's support did not fall.

Although it was also severely damaged, even if it paid the price, it had to help the Grunt behead this clone.

"Holy grave!"

With one hand to the sky, the surging divine power of the tomb exploded instantly, a terrifying momentum swept over, and in the next second, a black tomb appeared instantly.

Terrifying power erupted from the tomb of God.

Directly rushed towards the replica.


The moment the black tomb and the clone collided, terrifying fluctuations erupted instantly.

There was a trace of fear in the eyes of the clone, and a part of his body was smashed into pieces.

It is enough to easily kill the emperor's tomb, and if you want to kill the ancestor-level replica, the difficulty factor is too high, but it also causes heavy damage.


Taking advantage of this critical moment, the Gollum beast let out a roar, biting off one of the clone's paws.

At the same time, the body slammed hard, and the clone was knocked hundreds of millions of miles away in an instant.

Swish! !

"eternal life!"

The stalwart light and shadow bloomed behind him, the Genesis broke out again, and the terrifying power swept the starry sky and shattered everything.


The divine light devoured the clone and dealt heavy damage again.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

The Grunt didn't miss the best opportunity. It became even more powerful after biting off one of its paws. It suddenly came to the replica, Ku took a bite, and the blood pot bit off the replica. The head of the body was swallowed hard.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen felt that his hands and feet were cold, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Killing directly in the most primitive way, this is the existence of the ancestors!

Just got killed!

Jiang Chen's eyes almost didn't pop out.

If it weren't for the terrifying power that swirled in nothingness, he would have wondered if he was dreaming.

This is so outrageous!


The head of the clone was bitten off in one bite, leaving only its headless body.

But not dead.

The existence of the ancestor level, where is it so easy to kill.

If it is really so easy to be killed, then it is not the ancestor.

The headless body wriggled, and a whole new head appeared.

But the momentum has weakened a lot. It is obvious that the grunt Naku took a big blow to it.

The fierceness in his eyes disappeared.


He opened his mouth and roared, and a terrifying divine light erupted from his mouth. This time, the target of the attack was not the Grunt, but Chen Luo.

Obviously, if it weren't for this human being, it wouldn't have been defeated so badly.

The power of the blow of anger is too fast.

Shen Guang directly penetrated Chen Luo's body.

Even the immortal soul was shaken.


A mouthful of imperial blood spurted out, and the divine light in Chen Luo's eyes dimmed a lot.

This fatal blow almost killed him.

The power of the ancestors is invincible.

If it weren't for his strength, he would probably be gone under this blow.

"Roar—" Chen Luo was severely injured, and the Gollum beast let out an angry roar, and quickly came to the front of the clone, and the pink eyes instantly turned bloody.

Ku took a bite and bit off the clone's head again. This time, the Gollum Beast didn't give the clone any time to react. The new head had not grown, and the whole body was swallowed alive.

"So fast!" Jiang Chen's heart trembled again.

Swallow the ancestor!

This scene is definitely the most terrifying scene he has ever seen.

This is simply incredible!

The starry sky was silent, swallowing the clone, and a pink light erupted from the Gollum beast, once again turning into the harmless little guy.

"call out--"

In a flash, Guru Beast came directly in front of Chen Luo, looking at Chen Luo who was severely injured, Guru Beast opened its mouth and spat out a pink light from its mouth.

It merged into Chen Luo's body, and in an instant, the rays of light converged, and it instantly returned to its original state.

The breath in the body was turbulent, and the injuries on the body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and instantly returned to its peak.

The blood on the corners of his mouth disappeared, and the light in Chen Luo's eyes returned to his radiant state.

Seeing Chen Luo recover, Gulu Beast was very happy, sticking out his pink tongue and licking his cheek.


The battle stopped, and the general came back to his senses, looked at Chen Luo, and then at the Gollum beast on his shoulder: "Are you... alright?"

"It's alright." Chen Luo shook his head.

"That's good!" The general breathed a sigh of relief.


The Grunt on his shoulder suddenly let out a cry, staring at a certain direction of the starry sky, then looked at Chen Luo.


He seemed to be saying something, but unfortunately, he didn't understand.

General: "What did it say?"

Staring at Chen Luo, the general asked curiously.

"I don't understand." Chen Luo shook his head.


Jumping off Chen Luo's shoulders, Gollum looked at one direction of the starry sky, looked back at Chen Luo, and let out a cry.

Chen Luo: "..."

General: "..."

Both were trapped.


What do you mean?

Looking at the starry sky that Grunt was looking at, Chen Luo and his generals looked at each other.

"Did it find a replica again?"

A thought appeared in Chen Luo's mind, and when he thought of this, Chen Luo was shocked.

Holy crap, one is enough, come on!


Seeing that Chen Luo and his generals were indifferent, Gulu Beast's eyes were a little anxious, and his figure moved in a certain direction towards the starry sky.

"Come and see!"

Chen Luo opened his mouth and said, although he didn't understand the meaning of Gulu Beast, he still decided to take a look.

The general didn't hesitate, and followed Chen Luo, heading towards the direction where the gull beast disappeared.

The speed of the Grunt seems to be deliberately controlled, and it is not too fast. If it moves at full speed, I am afraid that even Chen Luo will have a hard time catching up with it.

This little guy looks cute, but his strength is extremely terrifying.

The two followed behind the Grunt and moved forward quickly.

Soon, it passed through the seventh galaxy cluster and entered the eighth galaxy cluster.

But the Grunt still showed no signs of stopping.

"What is this guy trying to do?"

Chen Luo and his generals were puzzled.

But the Grunt didn't stop, and they could only continue to follow.


Fast forward in the starry sky, when the two and one beast passed through the eighth galaxy cluster to the ninth galaxy cluster, the moment they stepped into the starry sky of the ninth galaxy cluster, Chen Luo's face changed instantly.

His eyes project the starry sky, his eyes are extremely dignified.

The general also noticed the abnormality and stared at the deep space.

"What a terrible battle fluctuation!"

"Chen Luo, could it be the two ancestors fighting?" Turning to look at Chen Luo, the general said with a serious look.

"Mostly so!" Chen Luo nodded.

Seeing that the Grunt was still advancing, Chen Luo quickly recovered: "Go, go and see!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Luo still kept his speed and galloped forward.

Across the endless distance, soon, the two came to the depths of the starry sky.

The starry sky here has collapsed, and millions of light-years around have turned into chaotic regions.

In the depths of the chaos, two stalwart figures are fighting in the chaos.

The fluctuations that swayed made the Great Emperor feel the trembling deep in his soul.

Sure enough, the existence of the ancestors is fighting!

Looking at the two stalwart figures in the center of chaos, Chen Luo's pupils shrank.

One of them is the ancestor of Pangu!

And the other, turned out to be the ancestor-level existence of the entropy family!

"Ancestor!" The generals and ministers also recognized the figure of the ancestor Pangu, and looked surprised.

Grunt stopped and looked back at Chen Luo again.


A terrifying collision broke out, and the ancestors of Pangu and the ancestors of destruction were separated again.

Standing in the chaos, Destruction Ancestor looked at the Grunt, and his pupils shrank.

The ancestor Pangu looked at the Grunt with a bright smile on his face.

"Hahaha, destroy the ancestor, it seems that you may have to plant here today!"

Unbridled laughter resounded through the chaos, shattering time and space.

The face of the Ancestor of Destruction instantly turned black.

The appearance of the Grunt also made the Ancestor of Destruction have a strong fear.

Gulu Beast did not act rashly, and seemed to have some fears about destroying the ancestors.

Confrontation in chaos.

The eyes of the ancestors of destruction swept back and forth on the ancestors of Pangu and Gulu beasts.

"Wait, after the present, the Pangu universe is waiting for the wrath of our clan. In the future, the Pangu universe will be wiped out!"

The loud voice shook in the chaos, and the next second, the sound of destroying the ancestors disappeared directly out of thin air.

No way to go!

An ancestor of Pangu plus a grunt, even if the ancestor is destroyed, he has to give in three points.

Gulu Beast and Pangu ancestor did not make a move.

Instead, watch the Ancestor of Destruction leave.

In other words, even if you want to stop it, you can't stop it.

Looking at Chaos from afar, there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

Warning of the destruction of the ancestors.

What price the Pangu universe will face next, even he can't predict.

Perhaps, the impending disaster will completely put the Pangu people on the road to destruction.

But even so, the ancestor of Pangu still has no regrets.

If you don't make a move, can the Entropy Clan let go of the Pangu universe?

Obviously, this is an idiot talking in a dream.

Already an enemy, then there is no room for retreat!


The Grunt moved and came to Chen Luo's shoulder.

Looking at the ancestor of Pangu in the center of the chaos, Chen Luo and the generals also came back to their senses, and they stepped over, and the two came to the ancestor of Pangu.

"Ancestor, are you okay?" Looking at the ancestor of Pangu, the general asked.

"It's fine." Ancestor Pangu shook his head.

Chen Luo: "The ancestor, which ancestor of the entropy tribe is that?"

The ancestor of Pangu: "The eighth ancestor of the entropy family, the ancestor of destruction!"

"Destroy the ancestors!"

Hearing this title, the two of them froze.

General: "The first ancestor, how did the first ancestor of destruction suddenly come to the Pangu universe?"

"It should have sensed the danger of the replica of the entropy beast, so it came." The ancestor Pangu looked at the area where the ancestor of destruction disappeared.

"For the replica of the entropy beast!" Chen Luo's heart froze.

This time, he understood what the Grunt had done before.

Knowing that the ancestor Pangu was helping it, it also wanted to repay the ancestor Pangu.

Chen Luo glanced at the little guy on his shoulder, and then looked at the ancestor of Pangu: "I didn't expect to bring trouble to the Pangu family this time, Chen Mou is deeply sorry!"

"Hahahaha, you're welcome, little friend. The entropy tribe is the enemy, so it's not a problem."

The ancestor of Pangu laughed, looked at Chen Luo, and said heartily.

"This is Chen's soul card, please accept it. If the Pangu clan is in danger in the future, you can crush this card. Even in other universes, Chen can sense it." He took out a piece of gray The token, Chen Luo handed over to the ancestor of Pangu.

"Oh, thank you so much, little friend." Ancestor Pangu showed a smile in his eyes, but he did not refuse and accepted Chen Luo's token.

One shot, although it would make the situation of the Pangu Clan more dangerous, it could be exchanged for a future promise from Chen Luo, which was very cost-effective.

The first ancestor of Pangu knew it, and so did Chen Luo.

It is because he knows this that he does this.

Grunt and him are on the same front.

Even if it wasn't, Chen Luo would still do it in the face of the Entropy Clan.

Some things, do not need to think about anything, just do it.

This is also his bottom line!

Be a man, he has his own bottom line!

"By the way, how were your results?"

Putting away the token, the first ancestor of Pangu looked at Chen Luo and the generals and asked.

"It's okay, the biggest two ends are resolved, and the rest is nothing to worry about." Chen Luo nodded and said.

"That's good." Ancestor Pangu nodded.

"Are you going to move on, or are you going to leave?" Looking at Chen Luo, the ancestor of Pangu asked.

"Go ahead." Chen Luo nodded.

"That's okay, let the generals accompany you. After everything is over, be sure to come back to the Pangu Holy Land again."

Looking at Chen Luo, the ancestor of Pangu nodded and said.

"No problem." Chen Luo also nodded.

Then, the ancestor of Pangu disappeared.

Seeing the disappearance of Pangu's ancestor, Chen Luo and his generals came back to their senses.

The two looked at each other silently, and disappeared into the chaos at the same time.


The eighth galaxy cluster is also the third largest galaxy cluster in the Pangu universe.

Pegasus galaxy cluster.

The entire supercluster looks like a Pegasus.

The Pegasus galaxy cluster is also a galaxy cluster that has assembled many god-level civilizations.

Among them, the most powerful is the Pegasus God Clan.

The status is comparable to that of the Thiaoouhua Protoss, but the overall strength is slightly inferior to that of the Thiaoouhua Protoss.

Few of the Protoss can be safe from the entropy invasion.

The Pegasus Protoss was also not spared.

It also suffered a large number of entropy invasions.

But fortunately, there are still many god-level civilizations here, fighting together, and the situation is even better than the situation of the Tiaoouhua Protoss.

Came to another starry sky in the Pegasus galaxy cluster.

The figures of Chen Luo and the generals suddenly stopped, and they looked far into the distance, as if they could penetrate deep space.

Look into the dark depths.

Chen Luo frowned.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong?" The general turned his head and looked at Chen Luo.

"It's nothing, it's just a bad feeling." Chen Luo came back to his senses.

"A bad feeling?" The general was taken aback.

"Should I still meet the ancestor?" With wide eyes, the general looked at Chen Luo in disbelief and asked.

"How can there be so many ancestors!" Chen Luo rolled his eyes and said.

"Yes." The general nodded.

"Let's go." After Chen Luo finished speaking, he took a step and disappeared into the vast starry sky.

The generals followed closely behind.


through a nebula.

In the darkness, a team appeared in the eyes of the two.

Every figure in the team has wings.

There is also a special mark between the eyebrows.

The number of the team is not large, about a hundred or so, and they are moving fast, looking flustered, as if some terrible existence is chasing and killing them.

"Pegasus Protoss!" The general recognized the identity of this team at a glance.

But at this moment, the eyes of the two shifted.

Throwing into the depths of the starry sky, a dark shadow appeared in the eyes of Chen Luo and his generals.


"Why is this figure so familiar?"

Looking at the dark shadow that appeared in the deep space, Chen Luo's eyes narrowed.

In the depths of the starry sky, the speed of the shadow is moving fast, but it looks like a leisurely walk.

When the appearance of this black shadow appeared in the eyes of Chen Luo and his generals.

The generals are incredible.

a dog.

This is not the key, the key is that this dog is still such a great emperor!

It was the first time that a general and a minister met the dog of Emperor Cheng.

Although it is only a junior emperor.

But it was incredible.

A moving expression appeared on Chen Luo's face.

A smile appeared in his eyes.

Isn't this dog Mr. Ha?

This guy, changed his body, changed his shotgun to a cannon, and became an emperor directly!

"I didn't expect to meet it here..." Chen Luo muttered to himself.


Hearing Chen Luo speak, the general glanced at Chen Luo next to him, and then at the dog that came from the depths of the starry sky, "Brother Chen, do you know this dog?"


"Quite familiar!" Chen Luo smiled and nodded.


The general was dumbfounded.

Damn, do you all know such perverts?

A broken dog can become an emperor!


Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but take a deep breath.

At this moment, Mr. Ha, who was leisurely and content in the depths of the starry sky, suddenly stopped his pace and stopped in nothingness.

A pair of dog eyes stared at Chen Luo.

The pupils are full of incredible!

Chen Luo!

Why is he here? I can meet him even though I have gone to other universes?


Lord Ha's heart was beating wildly, a peaceful heart, at this moment, collapsed directly.

I met Chen Luo.

How unlucky it is!

You can meet him wherever you go!

Lord Ha was speechless.

But soon, it calmed down again.

"Yeah! Why should I be afraid of him? I'm the emperor now!"

As soon as the thought in his heart came out, Master Ha's eyes showed a proud look again.

Taking a step, he came to Chen Luo.

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