MTL - This Option is Fantastic-v4 Chapter 230 warning, encounter

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The wheel of destiny collided, and in an instant, the extreme shock wave generated instantly leveled hundreds of millions of time and space.

In the depths of nothingness, two figures stood staggeringly.

The blood of the emperor is rippling, and every drop of blood is filled with terrifying energy.


Seeing that Chen Luo was injured, the Gollum beast made a sound, and there was a worried look in its big watery eyes.

However, the Primal Chaos was beside him, and the Grunt couldn't make a move either.

Extreme fluctuations swept across the starry sky, and violent turbulence occurred in the entire area of ​​​​the sky.

However, the area here is different from the starry sky outside. No matter how powerful the force of destruction is, the starry sky here can be restored in an instant.

Standing in the starry sky, Chen Luo's eyes fell on the face of the Central Emperor.

The surging divine power of the tomb revolved, and in an instant, it returned to its peak state.

Injuries are the norm for him.

"Why is this kid's power so weird!"

Looking at Chen Luo, the Great Central Emperor didn't look on the surface, but there was a tremor in his heart.

It was a tie with himself, which was far beyond his imagination.

In this case, the possibility of killing Chen Luo is too slim.

But Chen Luo is the only way for him to attack the ancestors. No matter what, the Central Emperor will not give up.

Standing in the starry sky, two terrible breaths were brewing in their bodies.

"Central Divine Fist!"

"Holy grave!"

At the same time, Chen Luo and the Great Central Emperor shot.

The golden rays of light collapsed, and the surging golden divine power turned into a divine fist to cover the sky, and the power of one punch was enough to collapse the heavens and the world.

A black tomb emerged from behind Chen Luo, with the power to suppress everything.

The two magical powers erupted at the same time, and in an instant, they collided.


The shining golden fist collapsed instantly when it touched the black tomb. This scene made the pupils of the Great Central Emperor shrink again.

Divine power erupted again, and terrifying power swept in.

A dazzling golden barrier was constructed, blocking the impact of the black tomb.


And this golden barrier hadn't lasted for three seconds before it shattered in an instant, and the tomb of the gods directly buried the central emperor.


A mouthful of emperor blood spurted out, and the collision and suppression of the tomb made his body almost explode.

With a critical force, the dazzling green light bloomed, which blocked the power of the tomb of the gods.


The tomb of the gods was shattered, and the Great Central Emperor suffered heavy losses.


As soon as the starry sky moved, Chen Luo's figure instantly came to the front of the Great Central Emperor.

"Genesis: Eternal Life!"

With one leg swept away, Chen Luo's unique skills broke out again, and the power of this blow once again reached the level of ancestor-level power.

Across endless distances, in an instant.


The body of the Great Central Emperor collapsed instantly.

It seems to have fallen at this moment.

But the next second, in another starry sky, the figure of the Central Emperor appeared again.

His body recovered instantly, but his face looked extremely pale.


The divine power of the tomb moved, and the gray divine light turned into a beam of light and swept away.

It was as if the gamma-ray bursts erupted from thousands of supernovas merged into one, and the terrifying power instantly ripped apart the void.

This blow was about to land on the body of the Central Great Emperor, and suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Okay, you win!"

As soon as the voice sounded, Chen Luo's gray beam seemed to be frozen in nothingness by a mysterious force. As soon as the voice fell, the gray beam disappeared out of thin air.

"old man……"

Looking at this scene, a ray of coldness flashed across Chen Luo's eyes.

It was the ancestor of chaos who stopped it.

In just a split second, the Central Great Emperor may have been killed by him.

But at this critical moment, the Primal Chaos took action.

And this scene, Chen Luo also predicted in advance.

Make the rules, then, you can also break the rules.

The Great Central Emperor has a leg with Gui Zero, so he absolutely cannot kill the Great Central Emperor in front of the Primal Chaos Ancestor.

This point, Chen Luo is very clear.

It was also expected.

The figure of the ancestor of chaos appeared in front of the central emperor, looking at Chen Luo.


Gulu Beast also came to Chen Luo, staring at the Primal Chaos with big eyes, very vigilant.

"Ancestor of Chaos, I hope you don't break your promise."

Calm down his breath, Chen Luo said.


Chaos Ancestor smiled faintly.


The void space-time cracked open, and a petite figure appeared out of thin air.

It is Nebula.

But at this moment, Nebula fell into a coma and showed no sign of waking up.

Seeing Nebula appear, Chen Luo also sighed in relief.

This trip is for Nebula.

As soon as the tomb's divine power moved, Nebula fell beside him.

Checking Nebula just fell into a coma, and Chen Luo's inner stone finally fell to the ground.


Looking at the ancestor of chaos, Chen Luo turned around.


The moment Chen Luo turned around, the voice of the primordial ancestor of chaos sounded again.

Listening to the voice of the ancestor of chaos, Chen Luo's body condensed and turned around slowly: "Is there anything else to do with the ancestor of chaos?"

"It's not a big deal, I just want to remind you not to cooperate with people who shouldn't cooperate." Looking at Chen Luo, the ancestor of chaos said lightly.

"People who shouldn't cooperate cooperate..."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Luo froze in his heart.

Who is the Chaos Ancestor?

A man in a suit?

Looking at the ancestor of chaos, Chen Luo pretended not to know: "Why can't I understand the words of the ancestor of chaos?"

"Don't pretend to sleep, some people, if you cooperate, may make you fall completely!"

Looking at Chen Luo, the ancestor of chaos said lightly.

Chen Luo: "Who is the ancestor of chaos?"

"You should know who this seat is talking about. You should also know why you came to save this little girl."

Looking at Chen Luo, the ancestor of chaos said lightly.

"It really is a man in a suit..."

Hearing this, Chen Luo's heart jumped.

"Don't go astray!"

The voice of the ancestor of chaos sounded again.

"The ancestor's reminder will be remembered, farewell!"

After speaking, Chen Luo turned around directly, took Nebula with him, and instantly disappeared into the area of ​​​​God.

The collaborator in the mouth of the ancestor of chaos, Chen Luo can basically be sure that he is a man in a suit.

By contrast, however, he is more wary of zeroing.

Help his enemy, that is his enemy!

This is inexplicable.

Even if he doesn't cooperate, sooner or later, he will go to the opposite of zero.

But now, he has not had that strength challenge to zero.

This is the first time he has been threatened since he preached to the Supreme God.

In this situation, Chen Luo is not willing to appear a second time.

No one likes to be blackmailed.

The trip to God has stimulated the fire deep in his heart.

His spark, one day, will burn out and return to zero.

"Let the tiger return to the mountain, the first ancestor, why don't you start?"

Covering his chest with one hand, the Great Central Emperor looked at the Primal Chaos and asked.

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

Looking back, the primordial ancestor of chaos glanced at the central emperor and said lightly.

"Don't dare!"

The Central Great Emperor lowered his head, but a cold glow appeared in the depths of his pupils.

"Do you think this seat doesn't want to take action?"

"Even if you shoot, you can't kill him!"

Looking at nothingness, the ancestor of chaos said lightly.

"Why? Just because of the entropy holy beast?"

Looking at the ancestor of chaos, the Central Emperor asked.

"Not all, just part of the reason." Chaos Ancestor shook his head and said.

"Part of the reason..."

"Could it be that the ancestor is partly because of his collaborator?"

Looking at the ancestors of chaos, the Central Great Emperor was shocked.

"It's good that you know." The ancestor of chaos said lightly.

"That said, is there no hope for me to attack the ancestors?"

Looking at nothingness, the Central Great Emperor showed unwillingness in his eyes.

"It's not completely absent. If he wants to attack the ancestor, he also needs the fate of the other half. Sooner or later, you will meet again." Looking at the central emperor, the ancestor of chaos said lightly.

"I didn't kill him this time, I'm afraid the next time will be even more slim!"

Clenching his fists, the Great Central Emperor was unwilling.

"Feiye, you have your advantages, you devoured the soul of destiny that is dominated by destiny, even if you don't break through, there is still a lot of potential to improve. Now you only fused half of the soul of destiny. When you all merge, even if you don't break through. First Ancestor, your strength will surpass that of ordinary First Ancestors, and when that time comes, it will be much easier if you kill him again." Looking at the Central Great Emperor, Chaos Ancestor said lightly.


Hearing these words, the Great Central Emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

"But his collaborator and the entropy beast are a big trouble!"

The Great Central Emperor frowned.

"Relax, there will be other forces to deal with."

The ancestor of chaos said lightly.

"Other powers?"

The Central Emperor was taken aback.

"The ancestors mean, the entropy family?"

Looking at the primordial ancestor of chaos, the Central Great Emperor said in amazement.


Chaos Ancestor nodded.

"When you are completely successful, the next opportunity will come." Looking at the Great Central Emperor, the Primal Chaos said.


The Great Central Emperor nodded: "Thank you for the guidance of the ancestor."

"Haha, you are also a collaborator of our clan, you should." Chaos Ancestor laughed.

"Then I'll go to practice first."



Chaos Ancestor nodded.

Immediately, the figure of the Great Central Emperor disappeared out of thin air.

Watching the Central Great Emperor disappear, the ancestor of Chaos moved and disappeared into the starry sky. In the next second, he came to a certain time and space in the deepest part of the God region.

There is a vast Tiangong here. As soon as the primordial ancestor of chaos appeared, a figure came out from the depths of the Tiangong.

"Brother Chaos, the Great Central Emperor has the ambition of being a wolf child. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to cooperate with him?" The figure looked at the ancestor of Chaos and said.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Chaos Ancestor said lightly.

"Once he successfully steps into the ancestor, I am afraid that his strength will be difficult for you and me to deal with!"

The figure looked at the ancestor of chaos, and there was a look of worry in his eyes.

"It's just another Master of Destiny. At the beginning, it was possible to use the hand of Gu Chensha to jointly destroy the Master of Destiny, and it can be done in the future."

Chaos Ancestor's expression is full of confidence.

"But Gu Chensha seems to have a good impression of Chen Luo, do you think he will agree?"

The figure looked at the ancestor of Chaos and asked.

"There is nothing that cannot be promised."

"If Gu Chensha wants to be detached from the incredible, he must cooperate with our family." Chaos ancestor said lightly.

"That's true, but Gu Chensha's strength should not be underestimated. He used to be able to re-inflict Destiny Lord with the power of one person. Over the years, his strength must be even more terrifying." Looking at the ancestor of chaos, the figure reminded.

"The final era is either destruction or rebirth!"

"Only beyond the inconceivable can we create everything."

"It's the way to go."

Chaos Ancestor said.

"Understood." The figure nodded, then disappeared out of thin air.


After leaving the universe, Chen Luo's tense nerves relaxed.

The primogenitor of chaos brought him a strong sense of oppression.

Three points more terrifying than the leader of the Tomb God Sect.

This also made Chen Luo alert.

This kind of old antique is absolutely terrible.

"Let's take Nebula back to Honghuang first!"

Looking at the vast nothingness, Chen Luo thought about it and moved forward at a super-dimensional speed.


A few hours later, Chen Luo's figure appeared in the starry sky at the boundary of the prehistoric universe.


As soon as he stepped into the prehistoric starry sky, there was a thud from the Nebula beside him. Chen Luo immediately stopped and looked at the Nebula beside him.

The long eyelashes fluttered a few times, and Nebula slowly woke up from the coma.

Mingyu opened his eyes, and his eyes were blank, but when he saw Chen Luo, Xingyun's eyes suddenly showed joy.

"Big brother!"

Looking at Chen Luo next to him, a happy look appeared on Nebula's face.

"Girl, are you alright?"

Seeing Nebula wake up, Chen Luo was also happy.

"I'm fine, big brother, where are we?"

Nebula shook his head, looked at the vast starry sky around him, and asked Chen Luo.

"This is the boundary starry sky of the prehistoric universe." Looking at the nebula, Chen Luo replied.

"The starry sky at the boundary of the prehistoric universe?"

Nebula's eyes were stunned, and his little head looked at the frowning starry sky, "Big brother, why am I here?"

"Don't you remember what happened before?" Looking at Nebula, Chen Luo asked.


"Did something happen before?"

Nebula asked with a wink.

Chen Luo: "..."

"Oh, yes, I seem to have had a dream that I was taken to a place called the universe of God." Nebula pondered, and suddenly said.

"Little girl, that's not a dream!"

Chen Luo replied.

"Not a dream?"

"Did I really go to the universe?"

Hearing this, Nebula was even more stunned.

"Well." Chen Luo nodded.

"Just brought you back."

"Well, I thought it was a dream."

Nebula spit out a small sweet tongue.


"Are you planning to go back or are you planning to go to where is big brother?"

Looking at Nebula, Chen Luo asked.

"Go back, the godmother must be worried about me."

Nebula whispered.


"Then I'll take you back." Chen Luo nodded.

"Hey, what is this? So cute!"

Suddenly, Nebula noticed the Guru beast on Chen Luo's shoulder, and two small hands immediately touched the beast.

As soon as the little hand grabbed it, the Grunt suddenly woke up.


When he opened his eyes and saw a strange hand grabbing him, a trace of anger appeared in the eyes of Gollum.

"Uh, girl, don't grab it. This is my friend!"

Seeing Nebula kneading the Grunt, Chen Luo said.

"Ah, my friend, I thought it was Big Brother's pet."

Hearing this, Nebula immediately sent his hand away. Looking at Gollum: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


The Grunt let out a cry, and the anger in his eyes disappeared, as if he meant he didn't mind.

"Big brother, your friend is so cute, I really want to catch it."

Nebula teased the Grunt and said while teasing.

"Cough, what, I'll take you back first."

After coughing, Chen Luo grabbed Nebula's little hand, and with a movement, he walked towards the direction of Hong Tian Galaxy.

Kneading it further, once the Gollum beast went wild, he couldn't solve it.

Looking cute, Grunt is a genuine ancestor-level existence.

Not accidentally.


After a while, Chen Luo brought Nebula to the Hongtian Galaxy.

Going deep into the Hongtian Galaxy, Chen Luo soon came to the headquarters of the All-Heaven Alliance.

It is located in front of a vast heavenly palace in the depths of the starry sky.

The two had just arrived, and in front of the Tiangong, a man and a woman appeared.

One of them is the Star Emperor Gu Taxian.

The other, Chen Luo doesn't know, but it seems that he should also be Gu Taxian's partner.

"Godfather, godmother!"

Looking at Gu Taxian and the woman beside him, Nebula instantly sent his hands away and rushed in front of them, grabbing the palm of the woman beside Star Emperor.

"Xiaoyun, you are fine!"

The woman stroked Nebula's head with excitement in her eyes.

"Bring it back so soon!"

Looking at Chen Luo, Xingdi's heart skipped a beat.

It's only been more than a day, and Gu Taxian was brought back so quickly, he was very surprised.

After all, the person who took Nebula away was the first ancestor of Zero!

It was so fast that the Star Emperor couldn't believe it.

This work efficiency is definitely the first person!

"Chen Luo, thank you for your hard work."

When he came to Chen Luo, Star Emperor looked at Chen Luo and said.

"Should be."

Chen Luo smiled faintly, then came to Nebula, took out a token and gave it to Nebula.

"Girl, in a dangerous situation, activate the token and big brother will appear by your side."


Looking at the token in his hand, Nebula's eyes showed extreme inconceivable.

"of course it's true."

Chen Luo nodded and laughed.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

Looking at Chen Luo, the beautiful woman smiled.

"You're welcome, Madam. I like this girl, Nebula, too, but I hope it won't happen a second time."

Looking at the beautiful woman, Chen Luo said.

"Oh, it's all our fault."

The beautiful woman sighed.

"Chen Luo, which ancestor did you see returning to zero?"

Looking at Chen Luo, Xingdi asked.

"Ancestor of Chaos!"

Chen Luo replied.

"Ancestor of Chaos!"

Star Emperor's eyelids jumped, and his expression showed a very solemn expression: "The first ancestor of returning to zero, hiss, this is troublesome, he won't come again, right?"

"Probably not. His purpose for catching Nebula is probably to attract me there."

Chen Luo shook his head.

"Attract you to?"

The Star Emperor looked at him in amazement.

"Have you made any deal with the Primal Chaos?"


Chen Luo shook his head.

"That's okay, the ancestor of the zero, all of them are sinister and vicious!"

Star Emperor said with a sigh of relief.

"Okay, don't talk about this, I hope you can take good care of Nebula. I also agreed to Nebula's father's request, and I don't want her to have another accident." Looking at Xingdi, Chen Luo suddenly said through a voice transmission.

! ! ! !

"Father Nebula!"

Star Emperor's pupils shrank and looked at Chen Luo: " mean Nebula's biological father?"


Chen Luo nodded.

"Who is he?"

Calm down the waves in his heart, Star Emperor asked through voice transmission.

"I can't say it now." Chen Luo shook his head.


"Presumably her father is also an ancestor, right?" Looking at Chen Luo, the Star Emperor said.


Chen Luo nodded.

"Don't worry, I've always thought that Nebula is being raised by my daughter, and there will be no unexpected situation." Star Emperor nodded.

"Okay, this is my card of the soul. If there is another ancestor of returning to zero, you can urge this card, and I will come as quickly as possible."

Chen Luo nodded, then flipped his palm and handed a token to the Star Emperor.


Accepting the token, the Star Emperor nodded.

"Okay, that's it, I still have things to do, so I'll say goodbye!"

Looking at the Star Emperor and the others, Chen Luo said.

"Is big brother leaving now? Would you like to accompany Nebula!"

Hearing this, Nebula stepped forward and grabbed his palm and said pitifully.

"Little Yun, brother Chen has something to deal with, let's be obedient!"

The beautiful woman came to Nebula and touched her little head.

"Alright then! Big brother remember to come and see me!"

Nebula nodded, reluctantly.

"Yes." Chen Luo smiled slightly, touched Nebula's head, and in the next second, his figure disappeared out of thin air.

"Thanks to Chen Luo this time, otherwise, Xiaoyun would not have been able to come back so easily."

The beautiful woman watched Chen Luo leave and sighed.


Star Emperor nodded, and looked at Nebula again, with a hint of complexity in his eyes.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the complex color in the eyes of the star emperor, the beautiful woman asked.

"It's nothing, go back first."

Star Emperor shook his head, and in the end, he still didn't say it.

Nebula's biological father appeared, and he was an ancestor-level existence, which greatly exceeded the expectations of the Star Emperor.


The existence of the top of the road!

Incredible realm!

The Star Emperor never imagined that Nebula's biological father would be so terrifying.


In the vast starry sky, Chen Luo's figure appeared.

Nebula's matter was resolved, which also let him put down the burden in his heart.

But at the same time, he also felt a pressure.

Pressure from zeroing!

Don't work with people who shouldn't...

This sentence lingered in his mind like a spell.

Chen Luo can be sure that the man in the suit must be the target of the eradication.

Is it really as the man in the suit said, return to zero... Really reached an agreement with the entropy tribe?

Chen Luo didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe it.

God's line.

put a lot of pressure on him.

Especially the battle with the Central Emperor.

Chen Luo had an intuition in his heart, maybe...

One day, he will meet the Great Emperor of the Central Committee.

This day may not be far away.

"The Great Central Emperor will also have a great destiny technique..."

"Because of what?"

"Does it have something to do with the so-called half-destined void?"

Looking at the vast starry sky, Chen Luo's heart was heavy.

I thought that my current strength would not be under any pressure.

But reality slapped the face.

The universe of God, the ancestor of chaos!

And he carried words that bordered on threats.

This made Chen Luo feel extremely pressure.


He needs strength!

More power!

The power to crush everything!


Just when he came back to his senses, when Chen Luo was about to leave, suddenly, he seemed to sense something.

His eyes turned to the depths of the starry sky.

"This breath..."

"Why does it feel familiar?"

Looking at the deep space, Chen Luo's eyes narrowed.

The next second, in the depths of the starry sky, a figure appeared in Chen Luo's field of vision.

The divine rainbow bloomed and came at a terrifying speed.

The figure in Shenhong slightly surprised Chen Luo.

An Mengqiu!

The former president of the Zhutian Foundation!

Chen Luo has not met anyone from the Zhutian Foundation since the outbreak of the Age of Chaos.

Haven't heard from the Foundation either.

He also thought that the All-Heaven Foundation had been submerged in the flood of entropy invasion.

I didn't expect to meet you here.

Still his old acquaintance.

"Chen Luo!"

An Mengqiu also saw him, and his expression was very unexpected. Soon, An Mengqiu came to Chen Luo.

"President An, long time no see!"

Looking at An Mengqiu, Chen Luo smiled and said hello.

"It's been a long time."

An Mengqiu nodded.

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

Looking at Chen Luo, An Mengqiu was very surprised.

"I didn't think so either."

Chen Luo nodded, looked at An Mengqiu and said, "By the way, President An, how is the situation of the Zhutian Foundation now?"

"Hey, don't mention it, there are ten presidents, and now I am the only one. Ninety percent of the foundation's power has been destroyed by the entropy clan."

With a long sigh, An Mengqiu said with a lonely expression.

"This is unavoidable. After all, the power of the entropy tribe is indeed terrifying."

Chen Luo nodded.

Even with his current strength, he had to admit the terrifying power of the entropy tribe.

It is indeed very powerful!


An Mengqiu sighed.

"By the way, where is President An planning to go?"

Looking at An Mengqiu, Chen Luo asked curiously.

"Go to Pangu Universe!"

An Mengqiu replied.

"Pangu Universe!"

Hearing the name, Chen Luo was slightly startled.

Among the three thousand universes, the strength of Pangu universe is also extremely terrifying.

The Pangu clan is even more terrifying than the dragon clan.

So far, in addition to the Dragon Universe, although the Pangu Universe has also suffered a large number of entropy invasions, it has not shaken its foundation.

This alone is enough to prove the strength of the Pangu Clan!

"And you?"

Looking at Chen Luo, An Mengqiu asked.

"I'm fine." Chen Luo shook his head and rolled his eyes. He looked at An Mengqiu and said, "I wonder if President An would mind if I go to the Pangu universe with you?"

"You also go to Pangu Universe?"

An Mengqiu was stunned.


Chen Luo nodded.

Temporary change For him, any universe will do.

The source of the tomb was scattered too widely, and it was necessary for him to look for it.

The pressure of the ancestors of chaos made him have to be vigilant.

"Of course you can!"

"It's too late to welcome me."

Stunned for a moment, An Mengqiu came back to her senses.

She naturally knew Chen Luo's strength.

Chen Tiandi, this is not blown out, but played out with real strength.

"In that case, let's go."

Chen Luo nodded.


An Mengqiu nodded.

Immediately, the two of them headed towards the prehistoric border area.

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