MTL - This Option is Fantastic-v4 Chapter 220 The true identity of the previous selector, Grunt

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Chen Luo is not the inheritor of the tomb, but he wants to find the source of the tomb, which is very strange.

"Perhaps, he is really the inheritor of the tomb?"

A high-ranking emperor stared at the direction in which Chen Luo disappeared, and suddenly said.

"Impossible." Emperor Moke shook his head.

"The inheritor of the tomb has a unique aura, even the immortal soul. He doesn't have it, and he is definitely not the inheritor of the tomb."

"Maybe he wants to train a tomb inheritor."

The Supreme Evil God said.

"This should be."

Emperor Moke nodded, this reason is very suitable.

"Let's solve the endgame first."


When the figure moved, several great emperors disappeared in the chaotic starry sky in an instant.


In the Tianke galaxy, the vortex of the starry sky, Chen Luo's figure appeared.

On his shoulders, the Grunt was still sleeping very sweetly.

The fierce battle fluctuations just now did not shake it in the slightest, and Chen Luo was even more curious about the true origin of the Grunt.

It is indeed a bit unbelievable that the Entropy Clan has cultivated such a monster that is not subject to the rules.

Glancing at the Grunt on his shoulder, Chen Luo temporarily put aside his curiosity, stared at the starry sky, spread his palms, and a star map appeared in his hands.

Looking at the star map, Chen Luo carefully wrote down the line of the star map, a gray flame ignited in his eyes, and in an instant, the star map in his hand was completely burned.

With a look, he can never forget it.

"Hopefully I can gain something..."

In my heart, Chen Luo instantly disappeared into the vast starry sky.

Forbidden Ruins.

A forbidden area that everyone knows about in the Moko universe.

No one dared to step into it.

Because if you get close, your divine power will disappear.

Without divine power, gods are not much stronger than ordinary people.

Although the power of the physical body is still there, I am afraid that even one percent of all the power does not exist.

The location of the Forbidden Ruins is hundreds of billions of light-years away from the Tianke Galaxy.

This distance is not short.


An hour later, Chen Luo came to a starry sky in the Moko universe.

There seems to be a mysterious force in this starry sky. When you step into the starry sky, there is a creepy feeling.

And this starry sky is the starry sky area where the Forbidden Ruins are located.

Looking at the deep space, Chen Luo could see a shining light group blooming in the starry sky. In the depths of the light group, he could vaguely see a broken bronze door standing.

Full of old-fashioned atmosphere.

"Is this the Forbidden Ruins..."

Looking at the broken bronze door in the depths of the deep space light group, Chen Luo froze in his heart.

Behind that broken bronze door is the Forbidden Ruins that makes the Moko universe terrified.

A special time and space that can deprive all divine power.

When the Moko universe appeared, the Forbidden Ruins existed.

In the endless years, countless people went to the forbidden ruins, but the result was the same.

Whether it is the gods of this universe or the gods of the outer universe, without exception, if you step into it, you will be deprived of divine power by the forbidden ruins, and if you leave the forbidden ruins alive, the divine power will reappear.

Very weird.

There are incomparably terrifying creatures in the Forbidden Ruins. These are the unique creatures of the Forbidden Ruins, and they are also called "Ruins Gods!"

The meaning of this Ruins God is very obvious.

God in the Forbidden Ruins.

Only this kind of Ruins God creature is not suppressed by the rules of the Forbidden Ruins.

But in the same way, this Ruins God creature cannot leave the Forbidden Ruins.

Ruins God is just a general term among them, and each Ruins God looks different.

Brutal, bloodthirsty!

In this area, even the Entropy people really don't want to set foot in it.

So there is no trace of war in this starry sky.

It is a rare pure land in the entire Moco universe.

Standing in the starry sky, Chen Luo did not rush there.

Run the great tomb magic, carefully feel the fluctuation of the source of the tomb.

Yes, he will go there, no, there is no need for those who set foot to take this risk.

Although he lost his divine power, he could still kill the supreme gods, but if he faced the existence of a great emperor, it would be dangerous.

This kind of strange place, if you can't go, you won't go.


"Sure enough, there is the source of the great tomb!"

"More than one!"

Staring at the gate of the forbidden market, Chen Luo's eyes instantly brightened.

From the special time and space behind the bronze door, Chen Luo felt the existence of fluctuations in the source of the tomb. Does the inheritor of the tomb say otherwise, there must be a source of the tomb, and there is more than one source of the tomb.

More than two, or even more.

This kind of powerful fluctuation can spread out from the source of the extraordinary tomb.

Absolutely different.


The divine power of the tomb was revolving, and Chen Luo's figure moved, and he came to the broken bronze door in the depths of the light group in an instant.

Now that he has discovered the source of the tomb, this risk is worth his risk.

The road to improving his strength is destined to be full of hardships, and he will not be afraid.

He has no courage at all, and he can't be called a great emperor.

This broken bronze door is ten thousand feet tall and several hundred feet wide. The light behind the door is filled with light, and even his strength cannot be discerned.

His vigilance increased to the peak, he took a deep breath, and Chen Luo stepped into the broken bronze door in an instant.

The figure was swallowed by the light of the bronze door, and in an instant, Chen Luo disappeared.

Stepping into the light, the surroundings were filled with hazy colors.

Very magical.

After a while, Chen Luo felt his eyes light up, and the Forbidden Ruins appeared in his eyes.

Looking back, there seems to be a dividing line here.

The hazy light blooms, and this is also the only way to leave the Forbidden Ruins.

The sky is very bright.

The air is very fresh.

At a glance, the vast mountains stand up.

Tens of thousands of mountains can be seen everywhere.

Time and space are huge, beyond imagination.

He tried to use his tomb divine power, but Chen Luo was stunned.

The gray light covered the whole body, this is the light of the divine power of the tomb.

"Didn't you say that the divine power will disappear?"

"Why didn't it disappear?"

Chen Luo looked stunned, this time, even he felt a little stunned.

It was agreed that when stepping into the Forbidden Ruins, his divine power would disappear. Why didn't his divine power disappear?

"Could it be because of the magical power of the tomb?"

A thought emerged, and the more Chen Luo thought about it, the more he felt that there was such a possibility.

His tomb divine power can be said to be unique.

Only by cultivating the Great Tomb Divine Skill can one have the Great Tomb Divine Power.

The tomb's divine power is still there...

"Could it be..."

"Is there any connection between the Forbidden Ruins and the Great Tomb?"

Looking at the sky, a thought emerged from Chen Luo's mind.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible.

But this is good news for Chen Luo.

The tomb's divine power is safe and sound, which is naturally a better situation. Even if he encounters an emperor-level market god, Chen Luo will not have any worries.

It's fine if we don't meet, but if we do, he won't be polite.

Stand in front of him and you will die!

Calm down and calm down the fluctuations, Chen Luo used his immortal soul sense again.

However, the boundaries of the Forbidden Ruins were not detected.

It is equivalent to infinity.

But it's certainly not boundless.

Maybe it's just eradicating his immortal soul sensing range.

"Let's find the source of the tomb first!"

Looking around, Chen Luo moved in the direction of the wave in his heart.

The scenery of the forbidden market is very beautiful. This special time and space is like a pure land in the universe, and the energy is also very surging.

But none of these matters to Chen Luo.

He came to the Forbidden Ruins for only one purpose, to find the source of the tomb.

Moving forward in the void, Chen Luo's speed was not particularly fast.

Suddenly, the space split open, and a giant black claw descended from the sky, grabbing directly at Chen Luo.

This huge black claw is astonishingly large, and a terrible aura swept from the black claw, standing in the void, Chen Luo looked up at the black claw protruding from the crack in the space, his expression did not change at all, and he punched the sky. , the space was directly blown up, and life was annihilated.


A strange roar came from the dark deep space, the black giant claws were directly smashed by Chen Luo, and a bird of prey with a size of several hundred meters appeared from the deep space.

His body is like a mountain, his body is covered with black hair, and his eyes are full of fierceness.

At first glance, it looks like a huge eagle.

But the breath is quite terrifying, and it is an existence of the highest **** level.

"Is this the Ruins God creature in the Forbidden Ruins..."

Looking at this strange eagle, Chen Luo was not in a hurry to kill it.

With a thought, the surging divine power of the tomb exploded instantly, and a terrifying force fell on this Ruin God.


As if being hit by a star, the Ruin God suddenly fell to the ground, smashing a huge deep pit.

Looking at the pit-level strange eagle, Chen Luo's eyes lit up with gray flames.


A gray flame burned out of thin air, and in a violent scream, this Ruin God was directly burned by Chen Luo Shengsheng, not even the residue was left.

But in the deep pit in the earth, a crystal like obsidian was left behind.

Almost the size of a fist.

With a thought, the obsidian-like crystal appeared in Chen Luo's hand.

Playing with the black stone in his hand, Chen Luo looked at it very strangely.

There seems to be a special power in it.


Very hard!

Chen Luo tried hard, but the black crystal didn't move.

Instantly aroused his curiosity.

"what is this?"

"Could it be something like a godhead?"


At this moment, the voice of the Grunt suddenly came from its shoulders. It woke up and looked at the black spar in Chen Luo's hand with its big watery eyes, as if it had seen something delicious.

"you want?"

Looking at the appearance of the Grunt, Chen Luo asked very curiously.


Gollum let out a cry, and licked its pink tongue, as if responding to him.

"Then I'll give it to you!"

He put the black stone in front of the Grunt. I don't know where it stretched out two lovely claws, and hugged the black stone directly. Ku took a bite and nibbled it directly.

Looking at this scene, Chen Luo's heart twitched slightly.

Good guy, even he admires this mouth!

It shattered in one bite.

Although he just exerted a little force just now, with that kind of power, I am afraid that even the stars could be easily crushed, but the black stone did not move at all.

Looking at the Grunt again, Ku took a few bites, and the fist-sized black stone went directly into its body.

After eating, he seemed to be still a little unfinished. He licked his pink tongue and rubbed Chen Luo with his body. He seemed very happy.

"What the **** is this thing?"

Looking at the Grunt on his shoulder, Chen Luo was very curious.

This was the first time he saw a Grunt eat.

And the food is still so hard.

Aren't you afraid of breaking your teeth?

But it seems that this product doesn't have any teeth...

After eating the black stone, the Grunt changed a comfortable position to lie on Chen Luo's shoulder, and followed...

It slept again!

Chen Luo: "..."

My dear, you can sleep after eating!

Looking at the Gollum beast that had already slept, Chen Luo didn't disturb it and continued on.


Forbidden Ruins.

Above a dilapidated building sitting on the ground, Chen Luo's figure appeared.

These buildings look very old.

Very dilapidated.

Some have collapsed.

The temple, the gods have everything.

Falling from the sky, Chen Luo came to this ancient building.

There are hundreds of ancient buildings scattered here and there.

And here is the place where the source of the tomb has the strongest sense of fluctuation.

Looking at the surrounding ancient buildings, Chen Luo walked forward. Suddenly, he found a body in an ancient temple.

"Heirs of the Tomb!"

Looking at the corpse, Chen Luo's eyes narrowed.

This corpse has the aura of the inheritor of the tomb, which he will never sense wrong.


Coming to the corpse, Chen Luo carefully looked at the corpse of the inheritor of the tomb in front of him.

His chest was torn open, and blood was still flowing, as if he had just died, and the source of the tomb in his body had been dug up by life.

Only one corpse remained.

This is weird.

"Did the Ruin God here do it?"

Chen Luo frowned in thought. Judging from the aura of the corpse of the inheritor of the tomb, the strength of this guy before his death was also flickering in the Supreme God.

Most of them are close to the king level, if you add the promotion of the source of the tomb. I am afraid that it can reach the existence of the Great Emperor.

A great emperor really died tragically in the forbidden ruins. This is even more creepy.

Although the divine power is imprisoned, the emperor's strength can be singled out to the highest **** even if he has no divine power.

He was killed so easily, and the source of the tomb was dug out of his body. Was it unintentional, or did he come from the source of the tomb just like him?


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of earth shaking, as if a super earthquake had occurred.

In an instant, Chen Luo came outside the ancient temple.

A brand new building full of technology appeared in his eyes.

In this large piece of ancient buildings, there is a modern building full of technology, which seems to be full of extreme violations.

Staring at this technological building in front of him, Chen Luo's eyes were extremely solemn.

"The source of the tomb!"

A gray light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and Chen Luo's eyes were placed on the top floor of this science and technology building.


Like a cannonball blasting through the top floor, Chen Luo quickly appeared in the room on the top floor.

The room is large and has a leather sofa.

And that's not the point. The point is a crystal cabinet in the center. In the crystal cabinet, there are three sources of tombs.

This is what Chen Luo is looking for.

Suddenly, a science and technology building rose from the ground, and the source of the tomb he wanted appeared in the top room of the building.

Is this a coincidence?

I'm afraid it's not that simple!

Arriving in front of the crystal cabinet, Chen Luo was about to violently demolish it when suddenly, the air squirmed and turned into a figure.

A figure stepped out of the air, and a middle-aged man in a suit appeared in front of Chen Luo.

Also wearing glasses.

It looks Sven.

But the aura wafting from his body was extremely terrifying.

Ancestor level!

This man in a suit turned out to be an ancestor-level existence.

The room was instantly silent, as silent as stagnant water.

And as soon as the man in the suit appeared, his eyes fell on Chen Luo. No, to be precise, it was on the Grunt on Chen Luo's shoulder.

"Entropy Heavenly Beast, I didn't expect that the entropy tribe was really nurtured."

Looking at the little pink beast on Chen Luo's shoulder, the voice of the man in the suit sounded, full of magnetic voice.

But for Chen Luo, this is not the point, the point is that this guy is an ancestor-level existence.

What is the entropy beast in his mouth?

Is it the true origin of the Grunt?

Sure enough, it has something to do with the entropy family.

At this moment, the Gollum beast on Chen Luo's shoulder also opened his eyes, his big watery eyes looked at Chen Luo, his pink tongue licked Chen Luo's cheek, and then he looked at the man in the suit, his eyes showed vigilant.


The Gollum beast suddenly screamed, and a pink bubble instantly appeared, shrouding the man in the suit.


Seeing that he was about to approach the man in the suit, suddenly, he stretched out a finger and directly burst the pink bubble of the Grunt.

Looking at this scene, Chen Luo's eyes became more solemn.

It seems that the bubble of the Grunt is nothing, but in fact it is difficult for him to burst.

The man in the suit was so easily broken, which made him even more frightened.

And Gurumon watched his bubble burst, anger appeared in his big watery eyes, and at this time, the man in the suit spoke again:

"Great existence, I have no disgust for you, you can't check and balance me now."

Hearing this, Gulumon seemed to understand the meaning, and his eyes showed contemplation.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Looking at the man in the suit, Chen Luo asked cautiously.

"who I am……"

Hearing Chen Luo speak, the man in the suit smiled.

"same here!"

The man in the suit said.

"like me?"

Chen Luo was taken aback.


The man in the suit nodded and said, "I was also the chooser in the past. I swept all the choosers at that time, killed them, and became the only one I am now."

"The Chooser!"

Hearing this, Chen Luo's muscles suddenly tightened.

Looking at the man in the suit, his expression became even more solemn.

Choose to meet, only one can survive!

Chen Luo is particularly aware of this.

It's just that for so long, Chen Luo has never met another chooser.

The two original selectors had already been killed by him.

Now, the man in the suit is the third.

And it is also the most powerful one, the ceiling in the cosmic ceiling exists, the ancestor level, the peak at the end of the avenue.

The man in the suit looked at Chen Luo with a smile on his face. He didn't have the murderous intention of choosing to meet before, but even so, the vigilance in Chen Luo's heart still didn't disappear.

"Do you know why you haven't met other selectors for so long?"

Looking at Chen Luo, the man in the suit smiled.


Chen Luo was wary.

"It's very simple, because they were all killed by me!"

The man in the suit said with a smile.

"I was killed by you!"

Hearing this, Chen Luo's muscles tightened even more, and the divine power of the tomb was about to move.

Looking at the man in the suit in front of him, Chen Luo's voice sounded: "So, Your Excellency wants to kill me too!"

"Hahahaha, no, no!"

The man in the suit shook his head, looked at Chen Luo with a smile on his face, sat directly on the leather sofa, and said, "I won't kill you, and, even if I think about it, I'm afraid the entropy beast won't either. promised."

"Don't worry, I was the selector in the past. You can understand that I was the selector of the previous term. Your choice has nothing to do with me."

"Then why did you kill the other selectors?"

Chen Luo's vigilance still did not relax.

"It's very simple, because there can only be one final chooser!"

The man in the suit said lightly.

"You are very good, very similar to me at the time, or in other words, our experiences are almost the same."

The man in the suit sat on the leather sofa and said.

"Oh, to help me like this, I'm afraid Your Excellency has the conditions, right?"

Looking at the man in the suit, Chen Luo said.

"No, I'm just optimistic about you, that's why I kill other selectors."

The man in the suit shook his head and said.

"Is it?"

Hearing this, Chen Luo's vigilance still did not relax.

"The entropy clan has a big conspiracy, and I also need someone who can fight alongside me. You are the best."

Looking at Chen Luo, the man in the suit said.

"The big conspiracy of the entropy clan?"

"What conspiracy?"

Chen Luo was wary.

"You should have heard of the conspiracy that devours everything."

The man in the suit said.

"The eleven ancestors of the entropy race, they can be separated or merged, do you understand?"

The man in the suit said.


Hearing this, Chen Luo's heart skipped a beat.

Separation and fusion?

Are you sure you're not kidding me!

Looking at the man in the suit, Chen Luo's eyes widened.

"But they can't be integrated now, they can only be separated from each other. Only after all life is wiped out, or the source of all the tombs is found, they can be integrated into one and become an existence beyond all inconceivable."

The man in the suit said solemnly.

"Cleaning the universe one by one is still too slow for them, so they have a bigger plan."

The man in the suit said.

"What plan?" Chen Luo asked.

"I don't know." The man in the suit shook his head.

Chen Luo: "..."

"I really don't know, but this plan has something to do with the zeroers. It can also be said that the zeroers and the entropy have reached a certain condition."

The man in the suit said.

"Have the Entropy Race and the Zero Civilization achieved the conditions?"

Looking at the man in the suit, Chen Luo looked stunned.


The man in the suit nodded.

Standing up, looking at Chen Luo, he said, "Don't believe in zeroing too much, remember, zeroing, like the entropy clan, has ambitions beyond all unbelievable things. They join forces, this is a secret, you better not Leak it out, otherwise, the ancestor of returning to zero will definitely attack you."

"Then how do you know?"

Chen Luo asked.

"I found out by chance, that time, it almost killed me." The man in the suit said lightly.

"I'll fight side by side with you, against the entropy and zero?"

Chen Luo said.


The man in the suit nodded and said, "So, these three sources of tombs are my gifts, you just need to accept them. When the era of chaos is coming to an end, I will appear again, and then it will be you. When I joined forces to sweep the heavens and the universe, you had no choice, and the choice could not be changed. If you do not agree, the Entropy Race and Return to Zero will also eradicate you."

"Also, you also have the entropy beast as a good helper. The creatures in the Forbidden Ruins I created are all gifts for it. You can kill them all and feed the entropy beast. It grows completely, and it is the best thing for you and me. Good helper."


After the man in the suit finished speaking, the Grunt on his shoulder let out a cry.

"This is not exploitation, but symbiosis!" Looking at the Grunt, the man in the suit said solemnly.


The Grunt called out again, but Chen Luo didn't understand it, but the man in the suit had a smile on his face, "Don't worry, I didn't have a war with him, and we live in symbiosis."


The Grunt let out another cry, and the man in the suit laughed.

Chen Luo was dumbfounded.

He really admires this comprehension ability.

Gulu, who really understands what this guy is talking about?

"After you arrive at the ancestor, you can have **** with Entropy Tian. It means that it likes you. If I dare to attack you, it has to attack me." Looking at Chen Luo, the man in the suit said. .

Chen Luo:  …

Looking sideways at the Grunt on his shoulder, the Grunt also looked at him, sticking out his tongue and licking his cheek.

"By the way, I have a daughter. If you are free, please help take care of it."

He seemed to have remembered something. Looking at Chen Luo, the man in the suit said.

"Your daughter? Who is it?"

Chen Luo asked.

"You know." The man in the suit replied.

"I know?"

Chen Luo was even more confused.

"Yes, she is Nebula."

The man in the suit nodded.


This sentence was like a thunderbolt bombarding Chen Luo's heart.


Let me wipe, is Nebula your daughter?

Chen Luoru was struck by lightning and looked at the man in the suit in front of him.

I couldn't believe my ears.

"Time is running out, I'm leaving, the entropy clan and the ancestors of returning to zero are staring at me, there is no way, I can only ask you to come to the forbidden market to meet. Remember, don't believe in the ambition of returning to zero and returning to zero. Worse than the entropy tribe!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the man in the suit disappeared out of thin air.

Looking at the man in a suit who disappeared out of thin air, Chen Luo didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

The previous selector!

He really didn't expect to come to the Moko universe, he would have such a big gain.

This is really like a king bombing the sky!

Looking at the source of the three large tombs in the crystal cabinet, Chen Luo's heart turned upside down.

This news is indeed not a general shock to him.

Did the Zeroers really reach an agreement with the Entropy Clan?

is it possible?

Thinking about what the man in the suit said, Chen Luo's mind was a mess.

He also did not expect that this trip to the Forbidden Ruins would yield more rewards than he imagined.

Not only did he know the true identity of Grunt, but he also met the previous selector.

And it seemed friendly to him.

With his heart intertwined, Chen Luo stood there for a long time, and finally calmed down.

Friend, or enemy!

Now the conclusion, he can't be sure.

The zero civilization is also an enemy. Before getting his own affirmative answer, Chen Luo would not believe the one-sided words of the man in the suit.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, this needs to be verified by himself.

Even if it is dangerous, he has to verify the facts.

Even if the man in the suit is his friend, he will have to wait until the verification is clear before making a conclusion. Right now, it's too early.

But the only thing Chen Luo didn't expect was that the man in the suit was Nebula's daughter.

This simply made him not expect.

The origin of Nebula is very mysterious.

No one knew about it, but today, Chen Luo couldn't believe it when he heard such an explosive news.

"There will be a day when the answer will be revealed!"

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