MTL - This Option is Fantastic-v4 Chapter 213 Deprived of the source of the tomb, An Lan promoted

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The source of a large tomb directly advanced his cultivation to the late stage of the Supreme God.

This is also beyond imagination.

The source of the tomb is very powerful, even stronger than Chen Luo expected.

The surging divine power of the tomb flowed through his body, nourishing his flesh and blood.

Qi and blood are like a long river transformed by billions of suns. The rays of light are shining and the breath overflowing. Even if they are separated by billions of time and space, they can feel the power of heart palpitations.

With a breakthrough in cultivation, his immortal soul became stronger again. Although it did not reach the level of the ultimate soul, it was extraordinary. There has been significant progress.

Calm down, Chen Luo spread out his palm, the dim light flickered, and the source of a large tomb appeared again in Chen Yu's palm.

Strike while the iron is hot.

Chen Yu naturally would not miss the opportunity in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, the surging divine power of the tomb revolved again, the light of the tomb shone, and the source of the tomb in his hand was once again integrated into his body.


The divine power of the tomb, which had not yet calmed down, boiled again.

The light shone, and the gray light of the tomb enveloped the entire waste star, distorting time and space.

In an instant, the surging aura of the tomb surged, as if a tomb in nothingness appeared here.

The immortal soul is in turmoil, and it is once again promoted.

The light of the tomb lasted for half an hour before it gradually subsided, and all the light of the tomb returned to his body.

Standing there for a long time, Chen Luo opened his eyes.

The promotion of the source of the second large tomb is also extremely terrifying.

The increase in strength directly raised his strength to the sum of the strengths of the 70,000 peak kings.

Under the outbreak, it can directly cross to the total strength of the peak king of 80,000 kings.

Infinitely close to the ancestors.

Now, his strength is almost able to kill the junior emperor of the entropy tribe.

Even the abnormal physique of the entropy clan can't stop it.

Among the peak emperors, he is definitely the top group.

Everything returned to calm, Chen Luo opened his eyes, and there was a ray of gray light in his eyes, as if it had a kind of supreme magic, swallowing everything.

After spending an hour calming down, Chen Luo breathed a sigh of relief.


As soon as he exhaled, a vision came from the starry sky.

Compared with before, his strength has doubled after a few rubs.

If this depends on his own hard work, I am afraid that it will be difficult to have such a significant improvement after the end of the chaos.

The source of the tomb is the fastest stage of his ascension.

After devouring the source of the tomb, Chen Luo also had some kind of feeling between the inheritors of the tomb.

For example, the inheritor of the tomb in the kingdom of God, Chen Luo can clearly sense it.

This is some kind of connection between the source of the tomb.

But it can only be felt in one universe.

To find other Tomb Heirs, you can only go to other universes.

However, the sensing also has a certain distance. If the distance is too far, it will not work. Even in the same universe, if it is within 10 million light-years, there is no big problem, but beyond 10 million light-years, the sensing is very blurred. .

The source of the tomb is equivalent to a coordinate, and the sources of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine tombs are all related to each other.

However, the coordinates of the source of the tomb fluctuate, and only the inheritors of the tomb can sense it, or it is a close contact.

And Chen Luo was also able to do this, and the reason, he guessed, was because of the magical power of the tomb.

"Why does it feel like I'm raising a Gu..."

Looking at the dark and deep space, Chen Luo's eyes seem to be able to penetrate hundreds of millions of time and space to see the tomb beyond the nothingness of the universe.

After watching for a long time, Chen Luo came back to his senses.


The figure flickered, and Chen Luo disappeared in place in an instant, and the next second, he came to the Divine Kingdom Plaza.

On the huge Divine Country Square, the inheritor of the tomb lay on the ground, with his hair disheveled and his appearance very miserable.

All the cultivation bases were sealed by Chen Luo with the Great Sealing Technique, unable to move.

The supreme sealing method given to him by Huangdi and Wushi the Great is really powerful.

However, it can only seal those weaker than himself.

If you want to seal a powerful one, the chances are very small.

Just like the original strange ancestor situation.

Now it seems that Chen Luo mostly feels that the power of the strange ancestor may not be fully recovered, otherwise, the three of them will not be able to suppress the strange ancestor.

Huangdi and Wushi the Great, they are very powerful, Chen Luo does not deny this.

One-on-one, even if he is now himself, he may not be able to surpass the two great emperors.

There are many kinds of emperors.

The great emperor who proves the Dao with strength is the evildoer among the evildoers.

Even if you become a great emperor, you have the ability to overcome challenges.

However, if he devoured the source of the tomb of the inheritor of the tomb again, Chen Luo believed that he could surpass the original Huangdi and Wuyuan.

Of course, not necessarily.

As you improve yourself, others will also improve.

Although the emperor has been extremely difficult to move forward, and basically capped, but it is not impossible to move forward.

After all, both of them are super emperors who are famous in the era of supreme, and it is very reasonable to calculate.

"Who are you!"

Looking at Chen Luo, the junior emperor looked at him viciously, his eyes filled with anger.

"Chen Luo next!"

Chen Luo walked up to the tomb inheritor with a smile on his face.

"What do you want to do!"

Grinding his teeth, the junior emperor glared at him.

"Don't do anything, just use the same thing on your body!"

Chen Luo walked up to the inheritor of the tomb, as if he was admiring a beautiful thing.


"You want the source of my tomb!"

His heart sank, looking at Chen Luo, the tomb inheritor felt a chill in his heart.

"Very clever!" Chen Luo nodded.

"But you are not the inheritor of the tomb, it is useless to ask for the source of the tomb."

Forcing himself to calm down, the tomb inheritor said.

At this moment, there was still a trace of vitality in his heart.

"That's true for others, not for me."

With a smile on his face, Chen Luo looked at the inheritor of the tomb: "Don't worry, I will take it lightly, just don't yell, it will be over soon."

While speaking, Chen Luo stretched out his hand, and with a puff, it was inserted into the heart of the inheritor of the tomb.


A scream resounded through the universe of the kingdom of God, and Chen Luo did not move, and continued to insert.

Deep inside the body, Chen Luo seemed to have found something.

stretched out his hand.

In the palm of the hand, two dark sources of tombs appeared.

As soon as the source of the tomb escaped from the body of the junior emperor, the next second, his breath dropped rapidly.

From a junior great emperor, he instantly became an ordinary supreme god.

Without the source of the tomb, the prototype was instantly returned.

However, his own strength is not bad, the cultivation base of the Supreme God in the early stage.

But compared with the Great Emperor, it is far worse.

A person who was originally an existence in the early days of the supreme god, became the inheritor of the tomb by chance, but unfortunately, facing Chen Luo, he was also sad.

At the beginning, he also used the source of the tomb to be promoted to the junior emperor, and now, it has been photographed back to reality.

The heart that was broken open by Chen Luo's attack was healed, and there was no trace of it. After all, he was a supreme god, and his physique would not be too bad.

Curled up on the ground, his body was shaking constantly.

The mighty and mighty emperor deprived the source of the tomb, and it seemed even worse.

Chen Luo was not at all soft-hearted.

Since the Great Tomb Divine Art can absorb the power of the source of these Great Tombs, he will not let it go.

It is destined to be contradictory and unsolvable.

Those inheritors of the tomb will not obediently hand over the source of the tomb.

Soft-hearted, does not exist!

His heart has long been solid as a rock!

Holding the source of the two tombs in his hand, Chen Luo once again performed the magic of the tomb.

The light of the gray tomb bloomed and swept across the kingdom of God, causing the hundreds of millions of lives in the kingdom to tremble.

In the depths of the kingdom of God, An Lan's figure appeared.

Looking at the direction on the Divine Kingdom Plaza, his heart beat wildly.

"God is getting stronger and stronger!"

Looking at the figure on the Divine Country Plaza, An Lan couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

I've never seen someone rise so fast.

Chen Luo simply broke his imagination.

But it also made An Lan feel a little fortunate, fortunate that she had followed Chen Luo with a shameless face.

Today's life is too moisturizing.

"He is not the inheritor of the tomb, how could he absorb the source of the tomb..."

This scene also shocked the tomb inheritor who was curled up on the ground.

This is simply impossible, but now, it happened in front of him alive.

This guy is definitely not the inheritor of the tomb. Although he has the atmosphere of the tomb, he is definitely not the inheritor of the tomb, but since he is not the inheritor of the tomb, why can he absorb the power of the source of the tomb?

How is this possible!

The power of the source of the two tombs was absorbed by the magical power of the tomb, and the divine power of the tomb in Chen Luo's body surged again.

From 70,000, this breath increased to 80,000.

Compared with the improvement of the previous two sources of tombs, the improvement of the two sources of tombs is so fast every month.

Adding the two together, it was enough to increase the total strength of the 10,000 peak kings.

But this is also what Chen Luo expected.

After all, his strength is already too terrifying. He is almost on the ceiling of the three thousand universes. The energy spent trying to move forward is extremely huge.

The source of two large tombs can elevate an ordinary supreme **** to a junior emperor in the early stage.

The rationale is the same.

The further up you go, the more power you need.

This is normal.

The total strength of the 80,000 peak kings, under the extreme explosion, can be infinitely close to the total strength of the 90,000 peak kings.

This progress is also very obvious.

Although two more sources of tombs may only have half the effect, Chen Luo believes that if he has enough sources of tombs, infinitely improved, and the ancestor of the entropy clan, he can also be beaten to death!

Everything is at peace.

Chen Luo spit out a turbid breath, and the time and space of the kingdom of God also produced violent turmoil.


At this moment, a bunch of Shenhong came galloping, and in an instant it came to the square, it was An Lan.

Kneeling down on one knee, a loud voice sounded: "I wish God's strength to improve again, I wish God to sweep the heavens and the universe and become the number one ruler of ancient and modern times."

"Hahaha, get up!"

Hearing this, Chen Luo suddenly smiled.

Although he knew it was flattering, but now, he was in a pretty good mood.

This flattery, he is very comfortable to shoot.


An Lan nodded and stood up immediately.

Looking at the inheritor of the tomb beside him, and looking at Chen Luo, he said solemnly: "God, what should he do?"

"Well... I'll give you a boost when you become the supreme god."

After pondering for a while, Chen Luo said.

"Thank you Lord!"

Hearing this, An Lan was instantly ecstatic.

Although he doesn't know how this improvement is made, 8 ah believes in Chen Luo's ability. If God says yes, then it will work. There is absolutely no problem.

Hearing these words, the heart of the inheritor of the tomb suddenly trembled.

"You can't kill me! I'm..."


Before the tomb inheritor's words were finished, Chen Luo's eyes flashed a ray of gray light, and in an instant, the tomb inheritor's body softened and fell into a coma.

"Go, take you out first, and ascend to the supreme god!"

It is impossible to be promoted to the supreme **** in the universe of the kingdom of God, because there is no Dao source, this is impossible, and Chen Luo cannot do it.

Grab An Lan's shoulder, step over and step out of the kingdom of God.

In the void of waste stars, the figures of Chen Luo and An Lan appeared.

"God, isn't this the Great Desolate Universe?"

Feeling the invisible repulsive force in the starry sky, An Lan asked.

"Well, this is the eternal universe."

Chen Luo nodded, and immediately used the Great Destiny Technique, the light of destiny enveloped An Lan: "Calm your mind, it's about to prove the Dao!"


Shrouded by the light of fate, An Lan nodded and calmed down the fluctuations in her mind.

Although it is impossible to help others ascend to the highest God, he is full of confidence in God.

If God says to ascend, it must be possible.


There was a wave in the body, and in an instant, An Lan's aura rose to a peak.

In just one breath, the threshold of enlightenment is reached.

Promotion is already a familiar thing for Chen Luo.

However, in order to prevent accidents, Chen Luo sent An Lan a great tomb divine power.


There is a wave that sweeps across the eternal universe.

The Dao incarnation is born from nothingness.

At this time, An Lan also opened his eyes, took out a supreme artifact, looked at the avatar of the Dao rushing over, and killed it directly.

With the support of Chen Luo.

An Lan was not afraid at all.

Boom boom boom! !

In the depths of the starry sky, Anlan's power overflows the starry sky.

Standing on the waste star, Chen Luo watched quietly.

An Lan's proving catastrophe was nothing to him, but it was different for An Lan.

The violent fluctuation also attracted countless onlookers.

Chen Luo stepped out and appeared in nothingness, without the power of God spreading, suppressing the starry sky: "This disciple preaches the Dao, no one is allowed to approach, those who disobey will be killed without mercy!"

Without God's power erupting, the fear suppressed in their hearts made all the onlookers feel a sense of suffocation from the depths of their souls.

A supreme **** preached the Dao, and there was actually a great emperor to guard it, darling, this battle is impossible!

The sound exploded into the starry sky, and under the shock of Chen Luo's imperial power, no one who didn't have long eyes dared to approach.

Standing in the starry sky with one hand behind his back, Chen Luo quietly watched An Lan testify.


Suddenly, Chen Luo seemed to notice something, his eyes penetrated billions of time and space, glanced at it, and then withdrew his gaze.

At this moment, in the depths of billions of time and space, a figure appeared, looking at Chen Luo solemnly.

And this figure is the Great Scorpion Emperor.

The starry sky where Chen Luo is located is also within the domain of the Demon Scorpion Protoss. There are Taoists in his domain, and the Demon Scorpion Emperor naturally wants to take a look.

But I didn't expect that Chen Luo would serve as the guardian of the Tao.

This was beyond the expectations of the Scorpion Emperor.

"Why do I feel that this guy's strength is more terrifying than the Eternal Emperor!"


"Did he rise again?"

"Gan, what kind of evildoer is this riding a horse!"

I couldn't help but let out a foul language in my heart. When I glanced at each other just now, even the Demon Scorpion Emperor felt a suffocating breath.

The three pillars of the dignified eternal universe will have a strong heart palpitations when facing Chen Luo.


The figure stepped out from the depths of billions of time and space, and the Scorpion Emperor came to Chen Luo.

"Brother Chen, long time no see, is this preacher someone from you?"

When he came to Chen Luo, the Devil Scorpion Emperor smiled and said hello.

"My disciple."

Chen Luo replied.

"Disciple... So it is!"

The Demon Scorpion Emperor nodded, looked at An Lan who was fighting with Dao's incarnation, and sighed: "The strength is extraordinary, it seems that Brother Chen will soon have a disciple of the Supreme God."

"It's just the supreme god, it's nothing, the Great Scorpion has won the prize."

Chen Luo replied calmly.

There was a bit of a beep in his tone.

But for Chen Luo, the supreme **** is really nothing.

After all, there are countless supreme gods who died in his hands.

It wasn't a shocking thing to him.

The promotion of Anlan is only a matter of time.

To Chen Luo, it was just trivial.

"Isn't that the Great Scorpion Emperor..."

"Honey, shouldn't the emperor beside the Demon Scorpion be the mysterious emperor who appeared on the eternal battlefield?"

"I'm afraid that's probably the case!"

"This preacher is a bully! The presence of the two great emperors in person, this ostentation is so bullshit!"

"Yeah, I wouldn't dare to do this in my dreams."

"Damn, why don't you dare to dream? If I dream, the ancestors have to bow their heads when they see me."

"I think you have to pee your pants when you see the ancestor..."

"Metaphors, metaphors understand?"

"Then don't brag too much. Be careful of the ancestor's induction. It can kill you even if you are separated by billions of time and space."

The noisy discussion sounded, and Chen Luo didn't care about these voices so much, as long as he didn't go up to disturb An Lan's preaching.

As for the rest, he didn't bother to care.

Just talking, he doesn't have the spare time to manage so much.


With the explosion of the supreme artifact, and with the help of the vast divine power left by Chen Luo, An Lan completely broke the incarnation of the avenue and successfully stepped into the supreme god.


The aura increased wildly, and An Lan has completely stepped into the supreme god.

"Brother Chen, congratulations!"

Looking at this scene, the Demon Scorpion Emperor smiled and said.

"It's nothing, the emperor has won the prize."

Chen Luo nodded, An Lan was successfully promoted to the High God, and he was still very happy.

Of course, on the surface, he was still very calm.

Just have to endure.

"Brother Chen, why don't you take your disciple to my place to sit down?"

Withdrawing his gaze, the Demon Scorpion Emperor looked at Chen Luo and issued an invitation.

"I'm afraid it won't work. I want to go back to the Honghuang Universe to see it. After so long, go back and take a look and feel relieved."

Chen Luo shook his head and said.

"Okay, let's meet again."

Hearing this, the Demon Scorpion Emperor didn't say anything, he said goodbye to Chen Luo and left directly.

At this moment, An Lan's breath also stabilized, and she came to Chen Luo: "Thank you, God!"

The joy in An Lan's heart was indescribable when she truly stepped into the Supreme God.

He never thought that one day he would become a cosmic giant, it was like a dream.

"Get up, get out of here first."

Chen Luo opened his mouth and said a word, and then the divine power of the tomb swept An Lan, stepped out and disappeared into the starry sky.

Chen Luo and An Lan disappeared, and the remaining onlookers also recovered from the shock and dispersed.

In the dark starry sky, Chen Luo randomly chose a place to stay and took An Lan into the kingdom of God.

Coming to the Divine Country Square, he came to the inheritor of the tomb who was in a coma. As soon as Chen Luo raised his hand, the divine power of the tomb turned and instantly enveloped the inheritor of the tomb.


A shrill scream resounded through the kingdom of God, and even An Lan, who was beside him, shuddered.

Chen Luo's expression remained unchanged, the light shrank, and finally, the body of the inheritor of the tomb was condensed into a green energy group.

Holding the green energy group, Chen Luo directly injected the green energy group into An Lan's body.


The green energy group entered the body, and An Lan's breath trembled and rose rapidly.

It took half an hour to regain calm.

At this moment, An Lan's cultivation base has risen to the level of the middle stage of the Supreme God.

Just broke through and improved again.

Having directly crossed a threshold, An Lan was even more shocked.

"Thank you Lord!"

Kneeling down on both knees, An Lan respectfully kowtowed three times.

"Get up, this is what you deserve."

Chen Luo said lightly.

Hearing this, An Lan got up.

"Consolidate your strength well, this seat may need you."

Looking at An Lan, Chen Luo said.

"Yes, God!"

An Lan nodded, seeing this, Chen Luo took a step forward and stepped out of the kingdom of God.

Appearing in the vast starry sky, Chen Luo stared at the shining galaxy and pondered for a while.

"It's better to go back to Honghuang first, and improve their strength by the way."

After a moment of contemplation, Chen Luo made a decision.

In the next second, he moved forward at full speed and disappeared into the vast starry sky.

Not long after, Chen Luo came to the boundary area of ​​the eternal universe.

Stepping into the chaotic area, Chen Luo's figure disappeared.

A moment of effort.

Chen Luo came out of the universe.

Advance in nothingness.

Soon, he came to the tomb.

When passing the tomb, Chen Luo stopped.

Look carefully at the tomb floating in nothingness.

For some reason, this time, Chen Luo felt a little different.

When he saw the tomb, he had an inexplicable intimacy.

Very kind feeling.

Standing in nothingness, looking at the tomb: "Is it because of the magical power of the tomb or because it devoured the source of the tomb?"

Looking at the tomb, Chen Luo pondered for a long time, guessing it should be like this.

With his current strength, the tomb is still full of mystery in his heart.

No one knows how the Tomb came into being.

In the Supreme Era, the first time the tomb appeared, it gave a strong shock to hundreds of millions of civilizations.

It appeared strange and abrupt.

But every time the tomb appears, it represents the beginning of turmoil.

There will inevitably be countless civilizations, and countless Supremes will fall.

It seemed to him that he was cleaning.

Clean up countless civilizations, clean up countless supremes.

However, Chen Luo didn't know the exact reason.

Even the giants born in the supreme era do not know the true origin of the tomb.

There are rumors that the tomb was created by the Zero Civilization.

But Chen Luo thought it was impossible.

The power of the tomb, even when he faced it, felt vast and boundless.

The zero civilization is powerful, which Chen Luo does not deny.

However, if it is said that the tomb was created by the Zero Civilization, he would not agree.

Because of a little.

Entropy clan!

The tomb can give birth to such a terrifying civilized race as the Entropy.

Its terrifying level made the Zero Civilization take a few steps back.

If the power of the entropy clan is concentrated, no civilization can resist it, and I am afraid that it will not be able to bear it.

If it was created by zero, it would definitely not be the current situation.

Returning to Zero will not invite many kings and emperors to discuss and deal with the entropy clan.

On this point, Chen Luo felt that it was unlikely to be the case.

"I really hope that one day I can uncover its secrets..."

Looking at the tomb, Chen Luo muttered to himself.

After staring for a long time, he came back to his senses.

After calming down his mind, he took a step and Chen Luo disappeared into nothingness.

The tomb is full of too many mysteries, but now is not the time for him to think.

The danger is still around, he has not reached the level of true invincibility.

There is an invincible heart, but also invincible strength!

The combination of the two is invincible!

Just having an invincible heart is not enough.

Strength is fundamental.

Maybe someday, he will be able to uncover the secrets of the tomb.

Perhaps on that day, when the secret is revealed, he will not be too shocked.

After a while, Chen Luo came outside the prehistoric universe.

Stepping out one step, he did not enter the prehistoric universe.

Passing through the dark and chaotic area, Chen Luo came to the starry sky at the boundary of the prehistoric wilderness.

The epic battle at the cosmic level in the past still left deep traces.

The starry sky weeps blood, and the vision of the universe has never faded away.

It will take infinite years to wipe out all of this.

Appearing in the starry sky, Chen Luo went directly to the area where the Fuxi Galaxy was located.

The prehistoric school has been shattered. This point, Chen Luo already knew the situation through the news of the clone, and it was not too long. It was only a few months when he was cultivating the magical power of the tomb, and he had no time to take care of it.

However, before the collapse, most of the power of the Honghuang Academy was transferred to the Fuxi God Clan.

This step was also an agreement that Chen Luo had arranged in advance and reached an agreement with Emperor Haotian.

The three remaining clones were destroyed, and it was precisely because of his three clones that the Prehistoric Academy had a chance to respite.

Otherwise, the situation may be more serious.

Chen Luo still doesn't know the current situation of the Prehistoric Universe.

However, the collapse of the prehistoric school is also bad news.

From this point, Chen Luo can also judge the general situation.

Perhaps, another attack of the entropy tribe has come.

Don't look at him destroying many entropy armies and entropy giants, and think it's easy.

He is a special case!

No, it should be a special case within a special case!

The entropy people are not afraid of any harm, just that, it is terrible.

Ninety-nine.99 percent of civilizations are hard to stop when facing the Entropy.

It's just a matter of time before it collapses.

The power of the Entropy is too powerful, powerful enough to make people desperate.

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