MTL - They are Chasing Me!-Chapter 83 Pervert please go away 05

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Go through the back door.

The momentum cannot be lost, Chi Su'an said directly: "Let's play a game."

Sheng Huaiyan raised his eyebrows and got up with a sneer, "Go to the training base."

The logistics personnel ran to the front to lead the way cleverly, "Team Sheng, Brother Chi, there is still space in the training base, I will guide you two."

The two leaders left, and the rest looked at each other and followed.

A large group of people entered the training base in groups. Chi Su'an observed the surrounding environment. There were twenty or thirty people training in this meeting, not only those with supernatural powers, but also ordinary people who were running with sandbags.

He also saw a middle-aged man who was as strong as a mountain and was training his arms with dumbbells on his arms. This guy's calves were as strong as Su An's head and wide. Even without supernatural powers, he would be a big killer.

The logistics staff noticed his gaze and introduced: "That's Xiao Chen from our base. He has very good abilities, but he is a bit young. He is only sixteen years old this year."

Su An: "...It's really a hero out of a boy."

The logistics staff beamed with joy: "Yes, yes, our base attaches great importance to the cultivation of young people."

Chi Su'an silently increased the difficulty of occupying the second base. Looking along the way, the current leader of the second base is obviously very capable. The roads in the base are clean, and people’s faces are not numb even though they are sad. The equipment in the training base is simpler, but in the current environment, it is considered a Very good.

He quietly inquired about the news of the base with the logistics staff, perhaps to win them over. The logistics staff knew everything, and even boasted about the second base up and down.

The boss of the base, surnamed Fu, is old, in his fifties, and his health is not very good after the apocalypse. Boss Fu has two children, one son and one daughter. The daughter has just grown up and has no supernatural powers. His son is named Fu Jie. He is now the captain of a mission team at the Second Base. He has awakened spiritual supernatural powers, but Fu Jie’s personality is not very special. , if he becomes the boss of the second base, the supernatural beings in the base may not necessarily obey him.

After listening to this, Su An had to lament the good luck of the original owner. A good base may be messed up in a few years. Isn't this an excellent stage for an ambitious man like the original owner?

The logistics staff took them to the southernmost corner of the training base, which was empty without any equipment, tables and chairs, obviously considering the lethality of Su An and Sheng Huaiyan after they fought.

Sheng Huaiyan turned his neck, flexed his wrists easily, and hooked his fingers towards Su An after finishing the movement.

She looks like a girl, but her movements are very handsome. Chi Su'an stepped forward politely, and said with a slight smile, "Captain Sheng, you're welcome."

Sheng Huai said: "You—"

As soon as he spoke, a bolt of lightning struck quickly.

Sheng Huaiyan dodged it with a dark face, "You **** playing with Yin Chi Su'an?!"

Chi Su'an said helplessly: "Captain Sheng, I told you that I would be impolite."

There were more than a dozen crackling and flashing lightning bolts rushing towards Sheng Huaiyan in a Z shape. There is bioelectricity in the human body, and Sheng Huaiyan's hair was blown up.

Su An had a great time, using the lightning as a whip for a while, and an arrow for a while, pulling it casually, the effect of pretending to be perfect.

Sheng Huaiyan's offensive was also very fierce, so fierce that Su An was taken aback several times, thinking that he was about to be slapped in the face by the fire, but every time the fire was really about to hit him, it went out inexplicably.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the south corner, and the flames soared into the sky, like a large-scale movie, with a great momentum, which made others excited. But Su An himself knew what he was like. His abilities looked powerful, but they consumed a lot of energy. He was almost exhausted, and he couldn't beat Sheng Huaiyan, who was still relaxed on the other side.

But it doesn't matter if he loses. If he loses ugly in the first match at the base, he won't be able to make further progress in the future.

Su An thought of a way in a blink of an eye. He lowered his head, intending to "accidentally" drop his glasses on the ground, and then take the opportunity to stop the discussion. Just as he was trying to let the glasses slide off, a gust of wind blew and the glasses were wrapped in the wind and carried to the ground.

His eyes became blurred, Chi Su'an stood stiffly as if he hadn't reacted, when someone approached quickly, Sheng Huaiyan sneered and said in a low voice: "Chi Su'an, I can play tricks too."

With a cold face, Chi Su'an punched him suddenly.

Babyface, you are really Daddy's big boy!

Sheng Huaiyan turned back with a sullen face.

Two powerful men fought hand-to-hand. Because of his special occupation, Chi Su'an learned a lot of self-defense skills and wild ways. He was also merciless, and his fists made wind every time.

The people on the side were stunned for a while, until the logistics staff yelled "Don't fight!", they woke up and jumped up to fight.

Chi Su'an was pulled away by Wang Er's arms, and after walking away, he couldn't see clearly where Sheng Huaiyan was. He wiped the corner of his mouth, licked away the fishy smell in his mouth, and smiled falsely, "Captain Sheng, I suddenly think your proposal is good, I hope you can arrange my people properly after I enter your team."

The people around him were moved to tears, "Boss..."

They all saw that the boss couldn't beat Sheng Huaiyan. When they fought, they were clearly evenly matched. If the boss's glasses hadn't fallen on the ground, it wouldn't be certain who would win.

But now the boss has wronged himself to agree to Sheng Huaiyan's request for them, and the eyes of several genuine people are already red.

Several of them were more guilty. These few people had a short time with Chi Su'an, and they had discussed it in private before, and felt that the boss's gentleness was just pretending, but in fact they didn't think much of ordinary people like them. But seeing the boss doing this for them now, they realized how dirty their previous thoughts were.

Looking at Chi Suan like this, Song Niannian frowned tightly. No matter how she looked or thought, she felt that Chi Suan was planning a bigger conspiracy.

Sheng Huaiyan suppressed, "Let go."

The team members who held him let go.

Sheng Huaiyan pressed the tip of his tongue against his palate, and his lower abdomen was still aching in the area close to the root of his descendants. Chi Suan cast all his shadows on him, his face was ugly, and he walked towards Chi Suan in a cloudy manner.

The people around Chi Suan looked at him hostilely, Sheng Huaiyan didn't even look at them, but only stared at Chi Suan gloomyly, "The team members need to live together, keep up."

He turned around and left with the fat man and the others. After Chi Su'an ordered the people under his command to arrange for them, he also followed.

The fat man looked behind and whispered, "Brother Sheng, you showed mercy just now."

Sheng Huaiyan slapped him on the head, and slapped him every word, "I! Damn! Are you being merciful?! I'm afraid of killing him!"

The fat man screamed, Sheng Huaiyan sneered, "Teach this embroidered pillow a lesson, the two strokes just now are enough."

The fat man clicked his tongue, "If he's called an embroidered pillow, then we're all rotten wood."

Sheng Huaiyan snorted coldly, but did not speak.

Chi Suan followed them to a villa.

You can see how strong Sheng Huaiyan's team is from where they live, and it can also be seen that the second base has really given very thoughtful preferential treatment to people with supernatural abilities.

There are only four bedrooms in the villa. Chi Su'an stood in the living room, smiling politely: "Then where do I live?"

Guangzi and Fatty looked at each other, pushed open Sheng Huaiyan's door, and said enthusiastically: "Brother Chi, only the captain's room has a second bed in our villa, and his room is also big, both beds are Two meters and two wide, you will definitely live comfortably."

Chi Su'an raised his eyebrows, walked over and saw that Sheng Huaiyan's bedroom was as neat as a hotel, with two chapters of soft and clean beds on one left and one on the right, there was a coffee table sofa set by the window, and an office desk. table.

"Very good," he nodded with satisfaction, "Let's just go here."

As for living with Sheng Huaiyan, Chi Su'an believes that after today's discussion, he will not do anything that crosses the line.

But when she was sleeping at night, Su An realized that she was thinking too much.

Sheng Huaiyan stood on the edge of the bed with his upper body bare and looked down at him, his malice was almost unobstructed, "Shoes are not allowed in the bedroom."

Su An's abilities have been exhausted today, so he wisely didn't want to argue with him, so he took off his shoes and put them outside the door.

Sheng Huaiyan continued: "Socks."

Su An took off together and put them in the dirty clothes basket.

Sheng Huaiyan glanced at his feet from the corner of his eye, breathing slightly excitedly, but when Su An was secretly vigilant, he did nothing and went to bed to rest.

Su An went to take a shower, and was not used to coming out barefoot. Fortunately, the floor in the bedroom was clean, and there was a layer of carpet on the edge of the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and wiped the water off his feet with a towel, and heard the faint swallowing sound again.

Su An turned around and saw that it was Sheng Huaiyan who was drinking water.

He breathed a sigh of relief, lay down on the bed, took off his glasses, and began to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Su An was awakened by a numbness in the soles of his feet.

He opened his highly myopic eyes and looked at the bedside in a daze. The room was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. Su An's eyes were narrowed and he didn't see anything. He thought it was an illusion, and was about to continue sleeping, but his big toe was suddenly swallowed into a warm and humid place like a snake's body, and was gently rubbed by the teeth for a moment.

Su An shuddered at the terrifying touch from his toes to his scalp, and his eyes widened.

The author has something to say: Good night!

Fu Jie, the three pronunciations of Jie character, here use jia