MTL - There’s No Such Thing as Love in a Swordsman’s Heart-Chapter 92 Wen Qingting's diary

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The book did not state that the head of the Minglan Sect was Shi Yaowu, so Jiang Su went to the Ranmen Sect every year to find him to compete with him, but every year he was in vain. Until today, he has never met the head of the Minglan Sect. Door.

As for the owner of the Valley of Unrequited Love...the people in the valley were all hurt by love and decided to devote themselves to practicing martial arts and no longer ask about the affairs of the world. Yigu's sorrowful atmosphere, although Jiang Su got to know their owner through his seniors, he had nothing to do with this valley. The Lord is a little out of touch.

The last one left is the key kept by the Meng family.

In the book, this key was considered to be a laborious effort for Sheng Hechen. They couldn't find the whereabouts of this key, and they didn't know who Wen Qingting had given the key to. Most of the Meng family were very tight-lipped, and their tone was extremely strict. He is a descendant of a ghost doctor, he is regarded as an evil way, and he respects the Demon Cult, but even when the Demon Cult searched for the key, no one in the Meng family leaked the slightest word, and no one in the Jianghu knew that the key was in the hands of the Meng family.

If it wasn't because Jiang Su had read the original book, he wouldn't know where to look for this key.

Fortunately, he now knew where Meng Du was, and what he had to do to hand over the key to them.

This process is not difficult, the Meng family was entrusted by Xie Wu and Wen Qingting, only when their heirs come here together and get along well, can they give the key to them.

Everyone in the rivers and lakes thought that Xie Wu was deceived by Wen Qingting to enter the sky. No one knew that the key to the secret room had something to do with Xie Wu. This kind of good and evil have always been incompatible, even if some people in the Zhishui Sword Sect are with the Demon Sect When everyone saw Meng Du together, most of them were at war with swords and swords. They wished to fight.

But this problem, to Jiang Su, is not a problem at all.

Did he and Li Hanshan get along well? This was a close friend, and when he took Wen Qingting's Wuzhi sword with him, he believed that Meng Du would hand over the key to him directly.

So the most important thing right now is to poke Meng Du's rescue quilt.

Jiang Su asked Sun Lin: "Do you know where Meng Du is being held? How many guards are there?"

"He didn't want me to know, but I investigated it in private." Sun Lin sighed and said, "It should be in the area of ​​Baihong Mountain, but I don't know exactly where."

Jiang Su was not worried about Meng Du's safety. Meng Du was the key that that person used to contain Sun Lin. Even if Sun Lin's whereabouts and life and death were unknown in the eyes of that person, as long as it was not confirmed that Sun Lin was really dead , then Mengdu should be safe.

As it happened, this Baihong Mountain was between the Devil's Cult and the Valley of Unfeeling. If he went to the Devil's Cult, he might be able to get both keys in one go.

That being the case, Jiang Su thought, they should go back to the Devil's Cult first, and then go to Baihong Mountain after they are ready to save Qiu Chisang and take a trip to the Valley of Unrequited Love, so the seven keys are only missing the head of the sect. The one in hand.

Jiang Su had made up his mind and discussed it with Li Hanshan. Li Hanshan had no objection, so he decided to proceed accordingly.

But before leaving the kitchen, Jiang Su asked Sun Lin one more question.

Jiang Su: "Sun Lin, do you know Bai Yusheng?"

Sun Lin was startled, and replied, "I've heard of him."

Jiang Su carefully observed Sun Lin's expression, he almost blurted out that he should not have lied, and Sun Lin also said that although he did not know the exact identity of the person behind the scenes, he had guessed and tried to prove that before that, He didn't seem to dare to directly order rice dumpling, rotten pine, gangue, and he didn't explain why he didn't want to speak. Jiang Su felt that maybe he was afraid of hurting others by mistake, maybe... because of the identity of that person, he couldn't speak rashly.

And since Sun Lin didn't know Bai Yusheng at all, Jiang Su felt that the person Sun Lin suspected and was investigating was not Bai Yusheng.

Jiang Su stopped talking, he asked Li Hanshan to send someone to **** Hua Shiqing and the high priest back to Miaojiang, and then he wrote to Sheng Hechen, saying that Hua Shiqing had gone to reunite with his father and brother, and would not return to the inn to meet them, but I want to continue to go undercover to the Demon Sect, and I will return to the Wulin League after I get the key to the Demon Sect.

As for Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo, Jiang Su asked them not to spread the matter of the high priest, and they are both Jiang Su's friends, so they naturally agreed, and they didn't even plan to go back to the inn. After a while, as the deputy gang leader, he should go back and have a look.

Several people parted here. Jiang Su returned with the Demon Sect, and Elder Zhou also went back with them. This place is not far away from the Demon Sect. However, Elder Zhou was very hostile to Jiang Su this week, but Jiang Su did not. Mind, Elder Zhou can't beat him anyway, and he can't change Li Hanshan's opinion, so that means there is nothing he can do about him, so why should he be worried?

A few days later, they finally arrived at the town at the foot of the Devil's Sect mountain. Most of the people living in this town were the family members of the Devil's Sect members, and they would be able to arrive at the Devil's Sect in half a day. Have a meal in the city before leaving.

He Lingcheng took him to find a restaurant, saying that this restaurant was the best place in the city, but Elder Zhou didn't want to stay here, he was sneaky, as if he was in a hurry to go somewhere, Jiang Su didn't know where he was going, Before he opened his mouth to ask, Li Hanshan was already ahead of him, and said to Elder Zhou: "Elder Zhou, do you still remember your promise?"

Elder Zhou: "..."

"Your concubines are all in the city." Li Hanshan said, "Are you going to dismiss them now?"

Elder Zhou gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to look at Li Hanshan freely, he just kept nodding his head, and then he wandered off without knowing where he was.

He Lingcheng was worried, so he opened his mouth behind and said, "He seems to have sent a secret letter to the leader, and the reply will only come today. He should have read the letter."

Jiang Su was a little strange, and said: "Since it's a secret letter, Deputy Envoy He, how did you know?"

"A person like him will never have any confidants in the sect." He Lingcheng said, "Jiang Shaoxia, the letter he wrote to the sect leader is aimed at you."

But Jiang Su was not worried.

They stayed on the road for a long time, and only now returned to the Demon Sect, and Xie Zeli had obviously returned to Meiyou Palace with Lou Yan. There is no way to be distracted and think about other things. This week the elder wrote a letter to Meiyou Palace, and the person who read the letter is probably Lou Yan.

Jiang Su went into the restaurant, and he ate half of the meal. Suddenly, members of the Demon Cult came to look for He Lingcheng, and handed him two letters. One had been opened, but the other was still sealed. He Lingcheng glanced at it With a glance, he handed the two letters to Jiang Su and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, I have your letter."

Jiang Su was slightly taken aback, and took it casually. He looked at the opened letter first. The recipient on the envelope was Elder Zhou. Now that He Lingcheng had handed over the letter to him, Jiang Su pulled out the letter paper and looked at the contents of the letter.

The letter paper was crumpled and damaged. Obviously, the person who read the letter was extremely angry, crumpled the letter and threw it away, but no one knew who cared to pick it up and delivered it to He Lingcheng.

There was only one line of extremely scribbled words on the letter.

"Jiang Su, I can't control it either."

Jiang Su coughed lightly, looked up at He Lingcheng, and He Lingcheng said, "This is indeed the handwriting of the leader."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su could only laugh in embarrassment, remembering how Xie Zeli was **** off by him at the beginning, and twisted around with the lawsuit.

This turned out to be a letter written by Lou Yan to him.

The handwriting of this letter was also as scribbled as the letter written by Xie Zeli, as if both of them were in a hurry to do something... Jiang Su didn't want to know what they were going to do, so he quickly read the letter and was speechless for a while.

"Jiang Shaoxia helped me get the beauty back, and Lou will naturally help the young master ascend to the position of leader."

"Also, the leader is busy, so don't write to the leader if you have nothing to do."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su said no

He put the letter on the table and gave it to Li Hanshan to read, but Li Hanshan frowned and asked, "Father is busy? What is he busy with?"

All of a sudden, He Lingcheng coughed and reminded that this kind of topic is not suitable for talking at the dinner table, and Jiang Su also subconsciously kicked Li Hanshan's foot, telling him to shut up and swallow this sentence back immediately, only Wu Qi seemed to wake up for a moment , opened his mouth to answer, and said, "Young master! Of course I'm busy—"

He Lingcheng covered Wu Qi's mouth.

"We people from the Central Plains are not as open as you Persians." He Lingcheng lowered his voice and warned Wu Qi, "There are some words, don't talk about them even if you are rotten in your stomach!

Wu Qi: "...Mmmmm."

He Lingcheng let go.

Wu Qi: "I am a big cannibal!"

He Lingcheng: "I don't care where you are from, shut up and eat."

Wu Qi: "..."

Jiang Su was sitting opposite the two, watching the interaction between the two, he felt a thump in his heart, and suddenly realized something that he had neglected for a long time.

This...Wu Qi and He Lingcheng seem to be quite right?

He was still having a headache about what kind of partner to match Wu Qi, but now it seems... He Lingcheng seems to be very good.

He Lingcheng raised his head, and just happened to meet Jiang Su's enthusiastic and probing eyes. He paused for a moment, and somehow felt that the eyes were familiar.

He Lingcheng coughed, a little nervous, just wanted to divert Jiang Su's attention immediately, he had an idea, and almost blurted out: "Jiang Shaoxia, don't you want to read the letter Wen Qingting left in the church?"

Sure enough, Jiang Su's attention was immediately diverted, he looked at He Lingcheng curiously, and asked: "In addition to the classics that record the relationship between the two of them, there are also letters left by my master?"

He Lingcheng nodded, and said: "Wen Qingting likes to write down little things in his spare time, and he also has some letters with Xie Wujiao. Xie Wujiao puts all these things together with his own letters and puts them in the library. available for review."

Jiang Su was startled, and said: "But your leader..."

"The leader ordered the young master to take charge of the Holy Cult temporarily. Of course, the young master can also look it up." He Lingcheng said, "As for who the young master wants to give this thing to see...we have no control over it."

Jiang Su: "..."

He Lingcheng didn't wait for Jiang Su's answer, he looked directly at Li Hanshan, and said, "Young Master, I'm going to send people to open the Library Pavilion right now, and take away the letter left by Wen Qingting!

Li Hanshan was stunned, and said: "Uh... You will also take the quilt and window umbrella with Xie Wujiao's reply letter!

He Lingcheng got up immediately, turned around and told his attendant to do this matter, when he came back, Jiang Su really only had Wen Qingting's letter left in his heart, He Lingcheng was relieved, and felt that he was really very witty, but I didn't want him to turn around, but happened to meet Wu Qi's eyes.

Wu Qi seemed to have something to say to him.

He Lingcheng consciously leaned over, and heard Wu Qi lower his voice, and nervously said to him: "When the leader read Wen Qingting's transcript, he glanced at it twice. There may be something in it that Jiang Shaoxia should not see."

He Lingcheng was full of doubts: "Why?"

Wu Qi: "Wen Qingting is a little bit different."

He Lingcheng: "Huh?"

Wu Qi changed his words: "His appearance on the surface is different from his actual appearance."

He Lingcheng felt that he understood.

That Wen Qingting, an iceberg beauty with a dignified appearance, is actually very deep in the city, and it is really different from the outside. People like Jiang Su who admire Wen Qingting, once they know the truth, will inevitably feel a little bit disappointed, but He Lingcheng also thinks that this is not a bad thing. To save Jiang Su from taking Wen Qingting's ruthless and desireless appearance as an example, even for the sake of the young master, he should let Jiang Su know what kind of person Wen Qingting is.

So He Lingcheng just winked at Wu Qi and said, "Don't worry, Jiang Shaoxia is very strong, there is nothing he can't accept."

Wu Qi: "..."

After eating here, several people went up the mountain together again. After half a day, when it was getting late, they finally arrived outside the mountain gate of the Demon Cult, and they were greeted by people outside. He Lingcheng introduced Jiang Su one by one. The elders in the church are the hall masters in the church, and everyone is respectful, so Jiang Su didn't pay too much attention.

His attention was all on the entourage who was sent by He Lingcheng to pick up the letter not far away.

The entourage held a box, which obviously contained the transcripts of letters left by Wen Qingting. Li Hanshan also knew that Jiang Su was curious, so he excused that he was tired and wanted to go back to rest earlier. After taking the box, he directly pulled Jiang Su Su returned to his room, and then opened the box to Jiang Su.

"I once heard my father mention these letters." Li Hanshan said, "He said that the Wen Qingting in the letter is really different from the rumored him in the world."

"He wrote this letter to Xie Wu." Jiang Su said, "In front of close people, the master's tone will of course be different."

After saying this, Jiang Su picked up the topmost bound book, suppressed his nervousness, and opened the first page.

He thought that this book should be Wen Qingting's daily essays, which is equivalent to his diary when he was in the Devil's Cult, and Jiang Su has always admired Wen Qingting, that is to say... what he is holding in his hand is the one he has admired for many years Diary of an idol.

Jiang Su took a deep breath and looked at the first sentence on the yellowed page.

"July 11th, it was extremely hot.

Xie Wu said that there is a clear spring in the Demon Cult, so he went with him.

The beautiful mountain scenery is not as beautiful as a half-hidden beauty, which attracts people's reverie. "

Jiang Su: "..."

ah? wait, what?

Jiang Su stared blankly at the next line.

"After bathing, I think I haven't competed for a few days. I don't know how Xie Xie is progressing, so I ask him to hold the sword—"

Jiang Su breathed a sigh of relief.

This page is broken here, but he didn't turn to the next page immediately, he just thought... His master is still his master, just now the master just thought about it, the problem is not big, diary, no one else See, there is nothing wrong with thinking about it.

Jiang Su patted his chest and turned to the next page.

"—Show me the dress dance."

Jiang Su: "..."

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