MTL - There’s No Such Thing as Love in a Swordsman’s Heart-Chapter 63 Vinegar Awakening

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Jiang Su stood aside and told He Lingcheng what happened today.

There was Gu poison in the county, and He Lingcheng was a little worried that the two of them would meet again in an accident, but there was Sheng Hechen in the county, and He Lingcheng could not follow, so he could only be careful with each word.

At the same time, Wu Qi was hugging the big furry paw of the white tiger, and rubbing it against his face, with a happy expression on his face, obviously never thought that there could be such a beautiful scorpion in this world.

Jiang Su was full of emotion, and said, "Guardian Wuqi really likes cats."

He Lingcheng didn't know how to answer the words, so he could only nod his head, but then he remembered something, and couldn't help asking Jiang Su, saying: "This is your idea."

Jiang Su blinked and wanted to deny it, but He Lingcheng continued: "You don't have to deny it, the young master doesn't have such a brain."

Jiang Su: "..."

"You want to be more loyal to the young lord in order to please him." He Lingcheng said in a low voice, "You really hit his sweet spot!

He Lingcheng was so determined to tell the matter, Jiang Su didn't need to hide it anymore, he just smiled and said: "Guardian Wuqi is loyal to the young master, I just took the opportunity to give him some gifts."

But He Lingcheng said, "You don't have to give me a present."

Jiang Su knew that He Lingcheng cared about Li Hanshan very much, even if he didn't try to win over He Lingcheng, He Lingcheng would never betray Li Hanshan.

But Jiang Su felt that it was this kind of devotion that made him more worthy of admiration.

"I have nothing to love and nothing to ask for." He Lingcheng sighed suddenly and said, "At this moment, the only gift I hope to receive is to see the young master get married before I turn 30."

Jiang Su was silent for a moment, then asked: "Deputy Envoy He, are you Geng?"

He Lingcheng: "Twenty-nine."

Jiang Su: "..."

He Lingcheng added another sentence: "Twenty-nine, more than half."

Jiang Su: "..."

He Lingcheng sighed deeply: "There is only half a year left."

Jiang Su: "..."

It is impossible for Jiang Su not to understand He Lingcheng's meaning, but he could only pretend to be stupid, laughed dryly, said "time is running out", then impatiently walked forward, walked up to Wu Qi, and forcibly chatted with Wu Qi about other topics , said: "Guardian Wuqi, this white tiger will hurt people."

What he said was utter nonsense.

But at this moment, He Lingcheng looked at him with that kind of probing eyes, and he didn't want to continue He Lingcheng's topic, so he could only continue this nonsense with Wu Qi, saying: "When this white tiger was in the forest, he still wanted to Attack me, Guardian Wuqi, if you want to keep it, you must be careful."

Wu Qi hugged the white tiger's big paw happily, and said, "Big cat, there's nothing wrong with it."

Before the words finished, the white tiger seemed to be waking up. It slowly opened its eyes, still a little dizzy, and subconsciously pointed its paws at Wu Qi, struggling and resisting without hesitation, trying to grab Wu Qi's hand.

Jiang Su paused, intending to stop the white tiger, but unexpectedly, the happy Wu Qi reacted faster than him. Before the white tiger tried to resist, he raised his hand and slapped the white tiger on the head.

There was a bang, the white tiger tilted its head, and went to Punish. Jiang Su was stunned for a long time, before turning his head to look at Wu Qi. He opened the mouth and said, "Even if it has evil intentions, it won't be able to make a nest."

Jiang Su: "..."

Yes, he almost forgot.

Wu Qi's martial arts are also very high.


correct! Wu Qi's martial arts is also very high, how could he forget to match Wu Qi!

Within a day, Jiang Su found so many hopes of completing the mission, Jiang Su couldn't help being delighted, lowered his voice, and asked Wu Qi as if he didn't mean to: "Wu Qi Protector, do you have a sweetheart?"

Wu Qi was silent for a moment, and finally looked back at Jiang Su, but he didn't answer Jiang Su's question directly, but just sighed and said, "I don't have any money, and keeping a cat is too expensive."

Jiang Su paused for a moment before trying to understand what Wu Qi meant. Wu Qi raised many cats, and it would cost a lot of money to feed the cats every day. Even if the Demon Cult protector had a lot of money every month, it might not be enough.

Wu Qi has been in the Central Plains for so many years, I am afraid that he has not saved any money, and falling in love costs money, and getting married also costs money, and Wu Qi can't afford a penny, so it has been delayed until now.

But Jiang Su felt that this question was actually very simple.

Wu Qi has no money and can't marry a wife, so find someone rich to marry him! Anyway, people in the Western Regions should not have so many rules, as long as Wuqi has a wife and he has a lot of popularity, then the soft rice will be delicious!

He turned his head, and was about to inquire about the news with Wu Qi again, but he saw that Wu Qi had fallen into the distress of his own lack of money, looked up at the huge size of the white tiger in front of him, and babbled painfully in non-standard Chinese , said: "It's so big, how many fish do you have to eat?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Wu Qi scratched his head again, and said, "Eat all the fish and don't make it eat meat."

Jiang Su: "..."

Wu Qi: "Kewo can't even afford meat."

Jiang Su: "..."

It's so pitiful, Jiang Su doesn't want to watch it anymore.

The dignified protector of the Devil's Cult is so poor that he can't even afford meat.

He looked left and right, but in the end he only went to Li Hanshan's side, and asked, "How much money do you devil sect protectors get in a month?"

Li Hanshan was secretly flipping through one of the books, wanting to see whether the posture of the villain in the book was normal, but he didn't want Jiang Su to come up to him suddenly, so frightened that he threw the book into the bag and just regarded it as a book. Nothing happened, then looked at Jiang Su, pretended to be serious, and said seriously: "I don't care about the account, and I don't know."

Jiang Su asked: "Then who is in charge of the account?"

Li Hanshan replied seriously: "Deputy Envoy He."

Jiang Su was startled, and when he looked at Wu Qi again, there was hope in his eyes.

He also said that he was looking for someone who could eat soft food. Isn't there a huge meal ticket in front of him.

He Lingcheng is in charge of all the internal affairs of the cult, if He Lingcheng can be persuaded to confiscate all of Wuqi's cat pets and become the cult cats of the Devil Sect, then the food for these cats will naturally be borne by the Devil Sect at public expense, then Wu Qi Qi naturally doesn't have to worry about the cat's food!

Li Hanshan also followed Jiang Su's gaze towards He Lingcheng, still puzzled, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Jiang Su asked him in a low voice: "I have a doubt, why Wu Qi is always in his room every time we go to look for Deputy Envoy He."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan recalled carefully, Huanfei waited for forgiveness

Every time he went to look for He Lingcheng with Jiang Su, he could always see Wu Qi holding a cat. Not only that, but Wu Qi liked to follow He Lingcheng when he was teaching, but Wu Qi didn't like to talk. Always acting as a background board holding a cat, it is easy to be ignored, so after so long, Li Hanshan didn't notice it at all.

Jiang Su made a decisive decision, walked to He Lingcheng again, and decided to ask He Lingcheng what was going on.

He felt that He Lingcheng was a smart man, and he didn't need to be tactful when facing He Lingcheng. Anyway, He Lingcheng could always see what he was thinking, so he asked He Lingcheng directly, saying, "Fushi He, why does Guardian Wuqi always follow you?" what?"

He Lingcheng was taken aback. He obviously didn't know the answer to this question, so he could only frown and said, "He...every time he comes, he tries to ask me for money to buy meat."

Jiang Su: "...Huh?"

"I told him, do what you can, don't raise so many cats." He Lingcheng sighed, "But he just likes it, and he would rather eat less than eat more cats. I can't persuade him."

Jiang Su: "He just asked you for money to buy meat?"

He Lingcheng nodded: "Otherwise?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Sorry, he was thinking too much.

Wu Qi didn't grasp the meal ticket for walking at all, there was nothing between the two of them.

When He Lingcheng saw him come back, he couldn't help but continue to mutter: "My gift..."

Jiang Su: "I'll go and see Zhou Zhou first!"

He turned his head and left. He Lingcheng stood in the distance and looked at his back. He felt that he seemed to be running away. He couldn't help but sighed again. He felt that the young master's love really had a long way to go.

Jiang Su found Zhou Zhou, and said to him: "Catcher Zhou, you are so rotten tonight and tomorrow I need you to go to the city with me."

Zhou Zhou was already worried about Xu Qingyan. Hearing what Jiang Su said, he couldn't suppress his joy for a moment. He nodded and said, "Jiang Shaoxia! If there is anything you need my help for, just say so!"

"You don't need to help, I just want to ask you a few questions." Jiang Su frowned and said, "Who is in the mountain temple, has Xu Butou ever told you?"

Zhou Zhou kept shaking his head with wide innocent eyes.

Jiang Su sighed, and asked again: "Then when you went to the mountain temple, did you find anything weird?"

Zhou Zhou thought hard and recalled carefully, before Wan Huanxiu spoke, "Indeed there is."

He remembered going up the mountain with Xu Qingyan that day. In the middle of the night, when the mountains and forests were bustling, there were always some insects and birds singing. Not a single worm was seen.

He found it strange, and asked Xu Qingyan, but Xu Qingyan's expression remained the same, and Xu Qingyan asked him not to leave him too far until he entered the temple.

At that time, Zhou Zhou thought that Xu Qingyan was worried that his martial arts were too weak, and that if he was far away, Xu Qingyan would find it difficult to protect him, but thinking about it's a bit weird.

When he and Xu Qingyan went out together in the past, Xu Qingyan never entrusted him like this.

Jiang Su suddenly felt that his guess was right nine out of ten.

The art of controlling Gu is nothing more than manipulating people's hearts with Gu insects, or poisoning people's body without knowing it, and Gu insects are refined from thousands of insects. If there are Gu insects in this mountain temple, then the rest of them are ordinary Naturally, it is perfectly normal to avoid the bugs.

Jiang Su asked again: "Have you ever seen the hostages trapped in the mountain temple?"

Zhou Zhou nodded again and said, "This is even more strange."

He entered the mountain temple with Xu Qingyan, and carefully searched for the whereabouts of those missing people. He thought that so many people would be locked up in a dungeon or something, but there was no cell in the mountain temple. They searched for a long time , In the end, I saw those people in the hall.

Only a single lamp was lit in the main hall, and those people sat cross-legged on the futons, like monks in the temple, bowing their heads, but they were not chanting scriptures.

All of them had their eyes open, they were still breathing, but they didn't move at all, they didn't respond to the intrusion of outsiders at all, they were quite coincidental.

Zhou Zhou originally thought that their acupoints were sealed by someone, he wanted to go forward to try, but Xu Qingyan forbade him to take half a step forward, and then they were discovered by the people in the temple, they had to flee in a panic.

Jiang Su nodded, indicating that he had figured out what he wanted to know. He got up and let Zhou Zhou sit here. Zhou Zhou blinked at him and asked, "Jiang Shaoxia, what can I do to help you?" Is it a busy place?"

Jiang Su: "No."

Zhou Zhou wanted to say more.

"Your martial arts are so poor, why can you help me?" Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "I feel bad, don't delay me tomorrow!

Zhou Zhou: "..."

Jiang Su turned around mercilessly, leaving only Zhou Zhou's back.

Zhou Zhou understood.

He admired Jiang Su's outstanding martial arts at such a young age, but pure admiration was useless.

He should regard Jiang Su as his goal, and then work hard towards this goal. As long as his martial arts improve, Jiang Shaoxia will definitely not say that about him again!

Zhou Zhou lay down on his back, closed his eyes, followed Jiang Su's instructions, and prepared the

At this moment, his heart was full of hope.

Jiang Su rested here for the night, and the next morning, he got up and went out, and was about to practice his sword, when he saw Wu Qi came back from outside the camp with a bow and arrow on his back.

Jiang Su frowned and looked carefully, and saw that Wu Qi was still dragging a bunch of hunting he had brought from the mountains in his hand, which was obviously food for the white tiger. Jiang Su couldn't help but look at the sky. Because he needed to practice swords, it was almost dawn every day. Then he got up, he felt that he had woken up very early, but Wu Qi... was even earlier than him.

Not only that, the hunting he saw Wu Qi could not be caught in a short period of time, he couldn't even think about when Wu Qi got up, and he didn't quite understand this man's love for cats.

Jiang Su greeted Wu Qi and woke Zhou Zhou up. Li Hanshan was already waiting for them by the side of the road leading his horse.

Zhou Zhou was injured and could not ride a horse. The Zhengtus borrowed a carriage from the county government yesterday, so Jiang Su invited him into the carriage.

Zhou Zhou felt that he was too slim to blame Wei Wei

It's nothing more than meeting someone he has admired for many years, but now Jiang Su is still driving the car for him, he is full of excitement, and he can't help but follow up with more words.

"Jiang...Jiang Shaoxia!" Zhou Zhou said excitedly, "I heard your story from a storyteller."

Jiang Su replied blankly: "Most of them are fake."

Zhou Zhou was startled, and immediately shook his head to deny Jiang Su's words, and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, if you are not a legend in this Jianghu, how could those storytellers like to tell your story so much?"

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking: "What did they say?"

Zhou Zhou: "Say Jiang Shaoxia, you will be able to hold a sword at birth!"

Jiang Su: "Wake up, normal people don't walk until they are one year old."

Zhou Zhou: "Beat the seniors at the age of five!"

Jiang Su: "I didn't start practicing swords until I was five years old."

Zhou Zhou: "Became number one in the sect at the age of ten!"

Jiang Su: "I didn't start practicing sword hard until I was ten years old..."

He was a little speechless, he only entered the book when he was ten years old, before he was ten years old, he didn't like to practice martial arts at all, his foundation was in a mess, and he made up for it after he was ten years old.

But Zhou Zhou still wanted to say it.

Zhou Zhou: "Became number one in Jianghu at the age of fifteen!"

Jiang Su: "...I'm not number one in the Jianghu right now."

There are so many seniors of the sect, but he still has the head of the Mingran sect who has never been defeated.

The old man has not come out of retreat so far, he wants to be the number one in the Jianghu, but he has no chance at all.

Zhou Zhou thought for a while, and then said: "Mr. Storyteller also said that Jiang Shaoxia is not only high in martial arts, but also the most beautiful woman in the Jianghu.

Jiang Su: "..."

This he could not refute.

But is this something worthy of praise? In this rivers and lakes, so many chivalrous men have broken sleeves, why did the storyteller Mr.

Before Zhou Zhou finished speaking, Li Hanshan, who was riding beside him, looked over coldly. His eyes were as sharp as a blade, and Zhou Zhou trembled in fright, but he didn't know what he said wrong.

But he shrank back into the carriage, but insisted on continuing to speak.

"Mr. Storyteller said, Jiang Shaoxia, you are the number one person in this world for thousands of years!" Zhou Zhou became even more excited when he mentioned this, "The number one beauty and the number one swordsman, Jiang Shaoxia, you are so amazing!"

Jiang Su: "...I said it, he was talking nonsense."

However, Zhou Zhou seemed to have never heard of it at all, holding his heart full of joy, and hurriedly said: "I have admired you since I was a child!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and was about to attack Zhou Zhou, but Jiang Su had already opened his mouth and asked Zhou Zhou: "Hurry up Zhou Zhou, how old are you?"

Zhou Zhou was taken aback, and replied, "Twenty-four."

"Admired me since childhood?" Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "I'm younger than you."

Zhou Zhou: "..."

Zhou Zhou opened his eyes wide, a little in disbelief.

Jiang Su raised his hand again, pointed to Li Hanshan who was beside him, and said, "He is also younger than you."

Zhou Zhou: "Huh?"

Zhou Zhou didn't understand why Jiang Su brought up this passerby whom he had never noticed before. He turned his head to look at Li Hanshan, but happened to meet Li Hanshan's cold gaze again, so he had to look away immediately, a little nervous.

"Look, people who are younger than you have higher martial arts than you." Jiang Su said, "And you? What do you do in your free time?"

Zhou Zhou: "I..."

"If you have time to talk nonsense here, why not read your mind." Jiang Su asked again, "What school are you from?"

Zhou Zhou lowered his head in shame: "I don't have any sects. My martial arts was taught by the head catcher."

Jiang Su thought for a while about the head catcher of the Six Doors, who was born in Wandaotang, used a knife, and his martial arts were not bad, so he raised his eyebrows and said to Zhou Zhou: "Mr. !"

Zhou Zhou felt even more ashamed, and murmured softly, "I was wrong."

Jiang Su: "Go ahead and take out the knife manual and have a look!"

But Zhou Zhou didn't have a knife manual.

His things are still in the inn in the county seat. Of course, he put things like knife books in his luggage and didn't take them with him.

Jiang Su hates that iron cannot be made into steel.

"You don't carry something like a knife manual with you." Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, pointed to the bag in the house, and said, "There is a pen and paper in it, take it out, and write silently now!" Zhou Zhou lay down in the carriage, Conscientiously writing the knife manual silently, Jiang Su heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head and saw Li Hanshan looking at him, and just smiled, without saying anything else.

But Li Hanshan felt very uncomfortable.

He felt that Jiang Su should also have seen that Zhou Zhou treated him a little differently this time, so he deliberately talked these words around with Zhou Zhou.

That is to say, Jiang Su actually... It can be seen that others have ambiguous feelings for him.

Li Hanshan was not happy.

He was silent all the way, and when he entered the county town and outside the inn, he saw Sheng Hechen waiting in the lobby of the inn, and when he saw them coming, he hurriedly greeted them, saying: "Su'er, driving a horse is such a rough job. , how can I let you do it?"

Jiang Su frowned, and said, "I know how to drive a horse, so I did it easily, what's wrong?"

Sheng Hechen was very courteous, wanted to help Jiang Su get off his horse, and then went to take the rein from Jiang Su's hand. Jiang Su didn't pay attention for a while, but he actually took the rein over.

Zhou Zhou poked his head out of the carriage holding the knife manual he had written silently, and was wrapping his peptide sheath. He grinned foolishly, and Jiang Su sighed and introduced the two of them, saying: " Brother Sheng, this is the Detective Zhou from the Six Doors."

Sheng Hechen smiled, and before he could open his mouth, Zhou Zhou hurriedly said, "Leader Sheng! Are you the leader Sheng!"

Sheng Hechen was taken aback by his enthusiasm, still holding the rein in his hand, nodded, and said, "I am."

"Ah!" Zhou Zhou shouted excitedly, "President Sheng! I admire you very much!"

Sheng Hechen: "...Huh?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Zhou Zhou was so excited that he got off the carriage in a hurry, feeling that today was really the happiest day in his life.

He took a few deep breaths, grabbed Sheng Hechen and poured out all the stories he had heard from the storyteller. Sheng Hechen had never seen anyone who was so enthusiastic about him, so he could only nod his head, and said politely, "Catcher Zhou, be polite." .”

Zhou Zhou wanted to say more, but the proprietress of the inn over there had already come over, and seeing that they had horses and carriages, she couldn't help showing a look of embarrassment, and said: "My guest, this... I don't know how to drive horses, so I can go around the guests and pass them by." Is the carriage taken to the backyard?"

Jiang Su frowned and asked, "Where are the others in the inn?"

When this matter was mentioned, the proprietress couldn't help lowering her head, she couldn't hide the worry and pain in her eyes for a while, but she still forced a smile and said: "My man went to the temple to pay homage a few days ago... Later, the man went up the mountain to look for him..."

Jiang Su already understood.

He sighed, and was about to speak, when Li Hanshan snatched his words for the first time, before he could speak, turned his head and said to Sheng Hechen: "Then trouble Leader Sheng."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Sheng Hechen couldn't help being startled, then lowered his head and looked at the reins in his hand.

He snatched the reins from Jiang Su just now, but... given his status, there is no reason for him to drive the horse.

Sheng Hechen raised his head, saw Zhou Zhou's innocent face, and said, "I'm sorry, President Sheng, I won't."

Li Hanshan answered decisively: "I won't either."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Jiang Su coughed and said, "I'll do it."

Sheng Hechen pushed Jiang Su's hand away.

"Su'er, I said, how can you do this kind of rough work?" Sheng Hechen managed to maintain a smile on his face, but he couldn't help but cut Li Hanshan into pieces with his eyes, " Let me do it."

Jiang Su: "... Ye Xun!

So Zhou Zhou got out of the carriage, Sheng Hechen took the reins and was about to get on the carriage, but Li Hanshan handed him the reins of the horse he was riding on.

"Trouble leader Sheng." Li Hanshan said sincerely, "Thank you, let's drop by."

Sheng Hechen: "..."