MTL - There’s No God in Show Business-Chapter 89

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"Lin Xi!"

The golden hair was messy like a madman, and his delicate facial features had mottled tear marks. It seems like he hasn't eaten a meal for many days. This handsome and handsome boy who was a few months ago is now astonishingly thin. His cheeks were all sunken, his face was yellowish, and it seemed as if he was about to fall in the next second.

Lin Xi subconsciously flinched behind Uno, avoiding the sudden attack of Yang Sichen.

Suddenly, the action fell empty, and the decadent boy took a moment to return to God. As soon as he looked up, as soon as he was about to speak, his eyes stopped in the hands of the two men. The empty cat's eyes widened, Yang Sichen exclaimed: "You are really together!"

As soon as the voice fell, Onuo's clear brows peaked sharply. As soon as his eyes were dark, Uno had not spoken yet, and Yang Sichen felt the temperature of the opponent's body freezing to zero. He immediately shook his hand vigorously and said hurriedly: "No, no, please rest assured, I really won't do anything!"

Lin Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked up and down at the teenager who was scared like a deer. After a while, he asked, "Who brought you in?"

He naturally doesn't worry that Yang Sichen will disclose his and Uno's affairs. If the other party really has this plan, he believes that cx entertainment will have this method to completely collapse the already desperate teenager. Now, he only cares about how Yang Sichen appeared in the cx apartment with strict security and strict security.

Yang Sichen was obviously relieved. After confirming that the other party would not doubt himself, he explained: "I came in through a friend of cx entertainment. I really can't say his name. But this time I come I'm begging you ... help me, I really can't help it! If I continue this way, I will be driven to death by him! "

Lin Xi hesitated and asked subconsciously, "Who was it?"

Yang Sichen snored and didn't answer immediately. But did not let Lin Xi wait too long, he did not hesitate to pull his sleeves open. Lin Xi was surprised for a moment, and the next second, her gaze was frozen on the arm outside.

I saw that on the thin arm, black wounds were ruthlessly piercing Lin Xi's eyes, and scars had already formed!

"It's Pan Lun! Save me, Lin Xi. I know you have been good with him before, maybe he will listen to you! Please, Lin Xi!"

Yang Sichen's voice was still echoing on the quiet residential road. Lin Xi suddenly felt that the person holding his right hand was stiff. He immediately understood what was happening, and did not worry about Yang Sichen's call for help. Lin Xi turned to his side and whispered to Onuo: "I have nothing to do with Pan Lun."

Seeing Onuo nodded silently, Lin Xi then turned around and looked at Yang Sichen with confidence. So he didn't realize that at the moment when he turned his head, the eyes of this handsome and deep man suddenly darkened, and he looked at Yang Sichen trembling in the wind coldly.

"I think you misunderstood. I'm not familiar with Pan Lun. You should go to the police x police."

Lin Xi's tone was very dignified. He had never heard of Pan Lun's hobby before. Whether with him or playing with those little stars, at least in bed, Pan Lun is still a good gentleman.

"No, Lin Xi! Actually all the things I did Pan Lun knew, you have to believe me, that is, he agreed to sell me your photos."

Lin Xi glanced at him lightly: "I don't care about this."

Yang Sichen stunned suddenly, and he immediately said: "The police x investigation is useless, I can't defeat the language at all. I ... I don't have any extravagance, I just ask you if you can let me later There is a safe life in my life. I ... I just want these ... "

Lin Xi looked at the poor young man with no expression, and could not feel any sympathy in his heart, and even a little sarcasm could not be produced. He said flatly, "I can't help you with this busy, sorry." As soon as the voice fell, he took a step and turned and wanted to go. Before the footsteps had fallen, he suddenly heard a loud voice rising behind him-

"Then if I know the truth of Qi Wenyuan's fall!"


Lin Xi's heart suddenly mentioned his throat, and his body was stiffened for a moment before he calmed down. Try to make his face look calmer. Lin Xi turned his head and asked with a sneer, "What's the truth?"

Unconsciously, the original clenched hand had been released from Uno. Lin Xi took a step and walked in front of Yang Sichen, not worried about what the other party would do to him. He said coldly, "What do you know?"

Yang Sichen couldn't help but swallowed his mouth and whispered, "I know that your relationship with Qi Wenyuan seems to be very good. Even if you don't think it matters, then ... can you do me a favor and let me meet Shu Shan? I heard he was looking for the truth about Qi Wenyuan's death. Just tell him that he can help me out of Pan Lun and give me one ... "

"Yang Sichen."

The cold voice spit out from Lin Xi's mouth, and Yang Sichen's words stopped abruptly. He looked up at Lin Xi with a stunned look, and was suddenly shocked by the ruthless and cold eyes in the other's eyes. He stiffly wanted to say something again, but found himself in front of this person, as small as a ant!

"I give you one last chance, what do you ... know?"

With a stagnation in his throat, Yang Sichen reflexively answered: "Qi Wenyuan was pushed downstairs by Pan Lun."

After getting the answer he wanted, Lin Xi snapped his lips and laughed softly: "Is that so? Thank you, I will tell you and Shu Shan. The weather is so cold, you should go back to rest early."

Immediately after the words were spoken, Lin Xi took a step forward and walked to Onuo's side. He was about to lift his head and say, "Let's go," and heard the young man's heartbreaking shout from behind him: "If I Say I have evidence! "

The upright posture trembled suddenly, Lin Xi hesitated for a moment, after all, he didn't turn back: "No need, thank you." Then, he looked up at Onuo, the moment the sight touched the other side, instantly stagnate.

I saw Onuo's dark and indifferent eyes widen slightly, looking at Yang Sichen not far away with an incredible look. The cold and profound face with a thick shock and a trace of impenetrable grief, Lin Lin swallowed back immediately when he was about to exit.

"You mean ... Qi Wenyuan was pushed downstairs by Pan Lun ?! What evidence do you have ?!"

Lin Xi widened his eyes and looked at such a strange and familiar Onuo with amazement. Familiar with this mixed-race handsome face, stranger ... the whole body exudes a cold, aura of aura.

Suddenly a thought flashed through my mind--

Uno was so angry!

Although I don't know why I got this strange conclusion, Lin Xi didn't doubt his instinct at all. Because ... he's never seen what Onuo looks like now.

This is completely different from the interpretation of Onuo in the past. If you must say that there is something different ... That is, the current Onuo, even Lin Xi, feels the monstrous anger hidden under the calm face, as if Active volcanoes under the glacier will erupt next second!

Yang Sichen was also shocked for a long time, he was scared to stay in place. After seeing Onuo's eyes narrowed slightly, he no longer dare to answer immediately without delay: "It's a recording! I recorded Pan Lun's words. He used to talk about dreams in a dream before, and then I deliberately gave it He drank, and he explained everything after he was drunk. From Qi Wenyuan took out a knife in his office until he pulled Qi Wenyuan from the rooftop door and pushed him downstairs! "

On the narrow and quiet path, only Yang Sichen's voice kept echoing.

Uno didn't say anything, and Yang Sichen was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak. After a long time, Lin Xi took the lead in returning to God. He turned around and deliberately flew away from behind Uno, then looked at Yang Sichen, grinned at the corner of his lips, and said helplessly: "You think ... Can such drunk words be evidence? "

Yang Sichen had a stagnation in his throat.

After that, Lin Xi shook his head helplessly, and stretched out his hand to Laonuo, saying, "This kind of evidence has no way to stand in the court. You should go to the police x procuratorate early, and we should go back ... "

"Give me the evidence."

Suddenly he heard the deep male voice suppressed in his throat, Lin Xi's hand stretched in the air suddenly stopped. Unbelievably, he looked up at Onuo, but saw that the latter had already recovered his indifference and calmness, and looked at the helpless Yang Sichen coldly.

When Yang Sichen heard Onuo's words, he stepped back subconsciously and said with a trembling voice: "I ... why should I give it to you, this ... this is my last thing, and I want to give He Shushan ... maybe ... Maybe he can ... "

"You give me." After a pause, Onuo's dark eyes narrowed. "I'll give you 30 million and send you abroad."

At this point, Lin Xi only felt that his brain seemed to be slammed with a heavy object and turned into a blank space. He watched Yang Sichen's eyes wide open in surprise, and heard on his own that Onuo continued to add.

"It will be fine tomorrow. If you need it, I can send you abroad now."

It wasn't until Yang Sichen handed the recording pen hidden in his arms to Onuo, and it wasn't until Onuora raised his hand to take him into the apartment that Lin Xi slowly woke up. At the moment when the elevator door was slowly lifted, Lin Xi shook off Uno's hand suddenly.

He took a step backwards, widening his light amber eyes, and stared at the elegant and noble man with a strange look he had never seen before.

Frowning slightly, Onuo asked strangely, "Lin Xi?"

Back tightly against the cold metal walls of the elevator, through the low temperature from the back, Lin Xi gradually felt that his already boiling brain was slowly awake. Suddenly, a slight arc was drawn across his lips, and Lin Xi smiled and asked, "Onuo, why do you care so much about Qi Wenyuan?"

It seemed as if he had just awakened from the intense atmosphere just now, and his deep and dreary eyes suddenly widened, and Onuo opened his mouth and said nothing for a moment.

The two looked at each other in the quiet and narrow elevator, and no one spoke.

The elevator slowed down slowly and finally stopped steadily on the 16th floor. After a beep sounded, the smooth elevator door opened to both sides. The next second, Lin Xi did not hesitate to rise and walked out.

Onuo immediately stretched his arm around Lin Xi and said, "Lin Xi, actually ..."

Uno stopped abruptly with anxiously. Lin Xi shook his hand away again, without hesitation. He didn't even return his head and didn't stop. Lin Xi walked straight to his apartment, as if he ignored the stiff man behind him.

"Lin Xi!"

Hurrying out of the elevator door, Uno reached out and took Lin Xi's arm again. This time, he used the strength of his whole body, no matter how angry and angry the young man was, he couldn't break free.

"Lin Xi! Listen to me! I actually ..."

"Oh, Lin Xi?" Suddenly he turned around, Lin Xi's eyes opened red, a ridiculous smile on his lips: "Onuo, who are you talking to? Are you talking to Lin Xi?"

As soon as this sentence fell to the ground, a layer of hazy veil that had been hanging over Uno's eyes was immediately revealed. This moment he imagined countless times. In these months, countless times in the dream, the pictures that have been secretly described in dreams have finally become a reality.

But ... when he saw that the youth was so fragile that he was about to collapse, he had never been like this now, hoping that this moment of truth would never come!

The thin lips twitched slightly, and Onuo dumbly said, "Lin Xi ..." Suddenly he was silent for a moment, and Onuo sighed deeply and said, "No, Wen Yuan."

This sentence was like a sharp, cold sword, and pierced into Lin Xi's heart. Although there had been speculations before, when the moment of real confirmation came, Lin Xi was still on the spot. His body trembled with the two short, ordinary words, and after some time, his lips became pale.

"Onuo, can you tell me ... when did you know that I was Qi Wenyuan?"

Onuo stared at the young man in front of him, and answered subconsciously: "Before starting."

"So ... what kind of eyes do you see me in?" Lin Xi looked up, and there was already a warm liquid in Feng Feng's eyes: "Do you think I am ridiculous? Saying some specious words, Debuting as a newcomer, occupying the right time and place, and pretending to be talented ... "

"No, Lin Xi, don't you ..."

"No, Onuo. Did you come to see me from the beginning with a playful mindset?" Lin Xi ridiculed a curvaceous arc, and Lin Xi politely laughed at himself: "Stupid enough to be panlun Kill, and rebirth magically. Your "respect me" words should have only deliberately lied to me? Is it particularly interesting to look at myself and ask you for your impression of me? "

"Lin Xi, you are so emotional now, calm down first!"

"Onuo, I hate people to cheat me the most. Can you tell me, if you don't know I am Qi Wenyuan, will you still be with me?"

On hearing that, Onuo's sharp eyes widened. He opened his mouth slightly, but couldn't answer.

"Hehe ... Sure enough ..." Looking at the other party's hesitant silence, Lin Xi smiled wryly, and the tears in his eyes finally couldn't help falling, "I know, you just because people like me are fun, so Will it come to me ... when did it start? Can I guess? Is it the day it was turned on? Or ... "

A burst of empty sound of "嗖 ——" suddenly sounded.

Lin Xi's words were suddenly suppressed in his throat. He stared blankly at his fist just a centimeter away from his face. The open air formed a breeze, blowing his hair backwards, but stopped at the nearest place.

The whole person stiffened, Lin Xi only heard a husky voice softly ringing in the corridor: "Lin Xi, the deceit from beginning to end ... Isn't it you?"

The fist slowly lowered to his own fist, Lin Xi raised his head sullenly, looking at the deep handsome man in front of him, now looking at himself tenderly and affectionately. The thin lips were slightly raised, revealing a smile that was like a spring breeze, and it was obviously an expression that should not have appeared on this face, but at this moment ... it seemed to be particularly suitable.

"You get excited easily, I know. Give us a night and calm down with each other, okay?"

Lin Xi stared at Onuo without a word.

"Promise me, even if you don't want to forgive me, don't hurt yourself."

"Pan Lun ... is not a good opponent. If I want to practice a knife, I'll wait for you upstairs." After a pause, Uno's eyes gradually raised a sad mood, he said with a smile:

"I said, you want my heart, my heart is yours. As long as you want, everything I can, everything I can get, everything I can't get ... that's yours."

The author has something to say: Thank you

Please give me a flash of aura and throw a rocket launcher. Time: 2014-12-1800: 19: 40

Meow Ka threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1807: 13: 28

Cheng Leng threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1807: 16: 10

1088975 threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1808: 30: 57

Wei Min threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1808: 45: 22

Bethefini threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1809: 06: 23

eugenia threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1810: 03: 36

Lost Seventeen Throws a Rocket Cannon Throwing Time: 2014-12-1810: 14: 06

Xiahku threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1810: 33: 15

hyuklyn threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1811: 32: 48

Little civet tossed a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1811: 34: 06

Yun Aimi threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1812: 17: 34

kenanwyq threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1812: 18: 23

Clover threw a mine. Time to throw: 2014-12-1812: 23: 47

Momo Vivian threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1812: 24: 35

nejs threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1812: 37: 32

The oracle threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1812: 48: 58

In this step, Red Dust threw a mine. Time: 2014-12-1812: 53: 53

In this step, Red Dust threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-12-1812: 55: enia threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-12-1815: 00: 40

Little Peach threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1815: 42: 37

Miyoshino Sakura threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1816: 22: 53

eugenia threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1817: 21: 04

Passed a landmine and threw time: 2014-12-1819: 16: 15

Yun Aimi threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1819: 22: 06

Everyone, I declare you threw a mine. Time: 2014-12-1819: 24: 49

sakura threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1820: 46: 09

es Cang Yueyou threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1821: 11: 08

Rusena threw a rocket launcher at the time: 2014-12-1821: 11: 43

Dabao saw a landmine thrown every day. Time: 2014-12-1821: 15: 24

Wang Jiaye threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1821: 19: 14

The floater threw a mine. Time to throw: 2014-12-1821: 46: 22

Ice Soda Throws a Mine Throwing Time: 2014-12-1821: 49: 52

Little c threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1821: 50: 24

Nguyen Xuan threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1822: 06: 23

Bethefini threw a grenade at the time: 2014-12-1822: 48: 37

Clover threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1822: 52: 17

16159260 Thrown a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1822: 53: 21

Ink dyeing new year painting heart threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-1822: 58: 56

nejs threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-1823: 44: 39

Thank you sisters, Fuwa is very happy that Qaq touched the inside cow. . . Although I became a dog yesterday, Fuwa also satisfied ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~

However, due to today's extreme wind, Fuwa worked hard for an hour and only responded to dozens of comments.

Fuwa can only wait to reply to the blessings of the girls one by one tonight, thank you girls again here = 3 =

Fuwa promises that this is the final chapter of Nuo Shen! From then on, Nuoshen will turn over to the serfs and sing, and both husbands will return the house ~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~

Touching Nuoshen, although Lin Xiaoqiu is a person with many shortcomings, but only you can tolerate him.

To be honest, if Fuwa is Lin Xiaoqiu, I'm afraid I will always be in my heart, pretending that I don't know about it at all.

But it cannot be ignored that Lin Xiaoqiu is such a straightforward person, and Fuwa first spoils it ... Nuo Shen likes Lin Xiaoqiu at first because of his straightforward and frank personality.

Would you like to reveal it again? . . About the formation of Lin Xiaoqiu's personality ...

Still not spoiled! xd

In this chapter, Fuwa wanted to use two sentences as a summary, and finally chose the current sentence. One more sentence is:

Lin Xi: Onuo, can you tell me, if you don't know I am Qi Wenyuan, will you still be with me?

Nuoshen was speechless: this. . . Really hard to say ...

Finally ... [Fuwa walks on the lid]

Do not hit Fuwa! !! Do not smash eggs! Fuwa promises that she will not abuse Nuoshen and Lin Xiaoqiu from now on! !! !! qaq2k novel reading network

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Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy
Read Celestial Bloodline
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