MTL - There’s No God in Show Business-Chapter 69

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At three o'clock in the afternoon, under the warm sunlight, Qin Ru stepped closer to Onuo, who had a clean and handsome face, stepping on her long and beautiful legs, and then—

She staggered and walked towards the woman who was standing and looking beautiful.

"Molly! It's been a long time!"

The two hugged each other with open arms for a long time before they gradually loosened.

Called "Molly" is a petite, sweet-looking woman, who is wearing a peach-pink women's dress, with a happy smile on her lips, and looks at Qin Ru who is suddenly visited.

After a distance of about 20 meters, Lin Xi could only see Qin Ru talking with Molly in the distance, but could not hear the voice over there. Seeing that Qin Ru's assistant gave some small gifts and snacks to the actors and staff around the crew, Lin Xi narrowed her eyes slightly, and her red lips were slightly narrowed.

When Wang Fang was happy to receive Assistant Qin Ru's box of cheesecakes, Lin Xi suddenly raised her eyes and smiled at the male assistant who looked less than 30 years old and asked, "Today ... Is there something wrong with Sister Qin Ru? "

The male assistant with a good-looking face heard a little hesitation, and subconsciously replied: "Today's crew has come to Lotte, so come and see Sister Molly." After he had finished speaking, he slowly returned to God and asked with a smile. "You are Lin Xi, aren't you?"

Lin Xi was just surprised for a moment, and then smiled and lipted his lips, and nodded, "Well, I am."

"We've seen it before in Tianyu, but you should forget it. I didn't follow Sister Qin at that time." The assistant set aside the plastic bag in his hand, and somehow pulled out a big slap. Xiaoben and a black pen with a smirk on his face, said, "My girlfriend is your fan. I don't know if I can ask you for a signature."

In the past few months, Lin Xi has no idea how many "daughters", "girlfriends" and even "mothers" have signed. To some extent, as far as he knows, the age of fans has changed from Teens span more than a few decades. Even after the broadcast was over, there were staff members for his own ... Grandma asked for his signature.

He took the book and pen skillfully, just before opening the pen cap, and before he wrote down, Lin Xi looked up at the assistant, only to see the other person looked at himself nervously. Seeing Lin Xi look up at him, the assistant blinked doubtfully and asked, "Is it ... inconvenient?"

Lin Xi smiled and shook his head, asking, "What's your girlfriend's name?"

The assistant responded instantly, and he immediately responded, "Xiao Ying, novel Ying."

Lin Xi nodded his head slightly, then lowered his head and raised his pen, leaving a line of words on the white paper smoothly, and then left his name on the second line, and returned it to the male assistant. The young man opened the book with excitement and looked at it for a long time, and repeatedly said "thank you".

Long black wigs have been **** with rubber bands with the help of Wang Fang, so as not to hinder movement. Lin Xi reached out and drew the long beam back to his head, looked up at the flushed assistant, raised his lips with a smile, and seemed to ask casually: "I don't know how long Sister Qin Ru will stay in Lotte?"

The assistant didn't think too much, and answered directly: "Sister Qin hasn't met Sister Molly for a long time, and she plans to stay at Lotte for two more days and wait for the day after tomorrow."

After hearing this, Lin Xi rolled his eyes and looked at Qin Ru in the distance. He nodded slightly and no longer spoke. The assistant didn't stop anymore, he took the plastic bag and went to the others to continue distributing snacks.

"Boss, do you want to eat?"

Lin Xi turned his head and looked at Wang Fang, only to see when the fat man had opened the small and exquisite cheesecake box and handed it to himself while holding a small plastic spoon. Lin Xi shook his head slightly, and chuckled, "No, you can eat it yourself."

The little fat man gave a low whisper, without thinking much, picked up the spoon and dug a bite of cheesecake and ate it. However, he did not notice that Lin Xi's elegant and graceful light amber eyes were quietly gazing at a few people not far away, his sword eyebrows narrowed, and the bottom of his eyes was unknown.

Looking along Lin Xi's line of sight, I saw that the four people were talking in two groups.

Onuo had long since taken her eyes off to Qin Ru, and bowed his head, wondering what Wu Zhen was talking about. The elegant and elegant man sometimes nodded his head, the sharp and cold Fengmou occasionally lifted his eyes, glanced at the two women smiling aside, and then talked with Wu Zhen.

Qin Ru has always been chatting with Molly with a fresh sunny smile. Just from time to time, there was a glance at Ye Yi, who was applying makeup on the set, or Uno standing on the side.

The two seemed disjointed, but it seemed as though ... there was an inextricable connection between them.

Although the temperature in city h is much higher than that in city b, and the sun is also very hot, the crew did not set up parasols. The soft and warm southern sun poured over Lin Xi's body from the clear blue sky, making the face of Qingjun Junyi look eye-catching again.

I don't know how long, Lin Xi slowly opened his eyes. Standing on the reclining chair with his right hand, he stood up and looked at the people in the distance calmly.

Uno is really ... so good, wouldn't you hurry to grasp it?

Lin Xi slightly raised the corners of his lips, and his original seriousness disappeared.

"Boss, what are you going to do?" The little fat man just bit the plastic spoon and swallowed the last bite of the small cake, and suddenly he saw Lin Xi take a step forward. Wang Fang tilted his head in confusion, looking at Lin Xi who wrapped his long hem around his waist.

Lin Xi stopped talking and turned to look at the confused little fat man.

The face like a celestial man looks deep and handsome under the decoration of makeup, and has the most natural sunlight as the lighting, which is more handsome and clear. Lin Xi ticked the corners of his lips a little, revealing a calm and leisurely smile, and opened his lips and said, "I'm going ... I will be old this month."


Without answering Little Fat's doubts, Lin Xi turned and walked away. When Wang Fang returned to God, he discovered that Lin Xi had come to Wu Zhen. He pondered for a long time and still didn't understand the meaning of Lin Xi's sentence. He could only helplessly scratch his head, pouting to himself and said, "Boss is like this ... Where is it like a month old, how does it feel like going on a blind date what……"

It is true that since ancient times, there have been famous sayings of truth: "Da Yu Ruo Zhi, Da Zhi Ruo Yu"!

Xu Qigang and the deputy director discussed the journey over the past few days and returned to the rest place, and saw Wang Fang's scratching his head. He looked down the sight of the fat man, and saw Lin Xi smiled and talked to a tall woman. I do not know what to say, causing the other side to laugh softly.

Under the cover of black-rimmed glasses, those seemingly ordinary eyes narrowed slowly. Slightly thick lips half open and silently spit out two words-

"Qin Ru".

And over there, Lin Xi had already come to Wu Zhen. The old man was still saying this to Onuo. After seeing Lin Xi coming, he picked out thick black eyebrows and white eyebrows, and asked, "Why is Xiaolin here?"

Lin Xi also wore a white heroic robe with silver edges inlaid, a faint silver light in the bright sunlight. After listening to Wu Zhen's words, he answered with a smile: "Just take a rest and come and see your old man."

"Haha, don't you be poor. Is it for Qin Ru?" Lin Xi didn't relax and looked at Qin Ru, Wu Zhen easily saw through his mind. The old man waved his hand and laughed loudly: "Okay, I didn't expect that there were so many film emperor queens in my group. You new people just like to make fun. Go."

Qin Ru debuted early, starring in a debut when she was only 5 years old, and suddenly became a hot child star at that time. Although the light has weakened in adulthood, since she won the best actress in the Star x Chaoxing Star Award in previous years, her momentum has also gradually increased, and there is a vague contention with Ye Yiyi.

Moreover, after Qi Wenyuan's death, Qin Ru can be said to be the most important pillar of Tianyu.

Lin Xi took a deep look at Onuo and waited for the other side's response, then took a step towards Qin Ru. A smile aroused, Lin Xi said with a light smile: "Sister Qin Ru, I haven't seen you in a long time, I'm Lin Xi."

When Lin Xi came to himself, Qin Ru noticed each other. After listening to his words, Qin Ru was slightly surprised, and soon covered up the surprise that flashed on his face, and replied: "Hello."

Seeing Qin Ru's unexpected reaction, Lin Xi could not help but chuckled.

Although I do n’t know if the original owner met Qin Ru before, every Tianyu annual party, all the artists under Tianyu will gather together to celebrate. At that time, whether Qi Wenyuan or Qin Ru, there will be many newcomers from Tianyu to say hello or even set aside. Even though Qin Ru had never met the original owner, she was absolutely unsure whether she had spoken to the original owner at the Tianyu Annual Meeting. After all, there were so many new people at that time, definitely not one or two.

Recently, Lin Xi's limelight is flourishing. Even Qin Ru knows that this young man jumped out of Tianyu.

"I've always regretted that I didn't have the opportunity to see Sister Qin Ru before. I heard from Onuo's predecessors before. It seems that Sister Qin Ru recently filmed at Lotte. I didn't expect to see it today." Lin Xi's voice did not converge. Upload. Although the sound was not very loud, it went straight into Wu Zhen and Onuo's ears.

Wu Zhen's loud voice stopped, the old man raised his eyes in surprise and looked at Onuo.

Qin Ru also looked stunned. She subconsciously turned her head to look at the straight and handsome man not far away, but saw that the other party still looked at Wu Zhen with her eyes fixed and calm, as if she did not hear Lin Xi's words at all.

Qin Ru turned her back after a moment's sleep, and turned to look at Lin Xi, chuckling: "Our crew just killed today, and just came to see Molly." She paused and changed the subject quietly: "I heard that you took over Qi Wenyuan's role in Chu Ge at a young age. It's really not to be underestimated. I heard Molly said just now that you are excellent."

It was surprised that Lin Xi couldn't help but find that Onuo hadn't answered his own stubble, and didn't even pass a look. Before he had time to think of another move, he heard Qin Ru's words. I had to bury my doubts deeply, and Lin Xi smiled and replied: "Sister Qin Ru is really an award, in fact ... I have always been your fan." The tone is sincere and serious, with a little ease that I didn't even find out And release.

Although he has been a brother and sister of Tianyu with Qin Ru before, in fact, Qi Wenyuan and Qin Ru are not very familiar. The former debuted for 11 years, all relying on his own step by step to fight, and then gained his position in the circle. From the beginning, Qin Ru has the innate advantage of Qi Wenyuan, which has been insurmountable. He has been busy with his journey and rarely appears in the company.

"Oh? Which movie or TV show do you like?"

Such a small problem naturally cannot be overwhelmed by Lin Xi, and there is a beautiful arc on the corner of his lips. He said calmly, "From the first to the one that was released last year ..."

The voice of Qing Qing, a young man, sounded in the mild sunlight. As his words spit out, Qin Ru's originally smiling Xing Mu gradually became serious. For the first time, she stared so seriously at the young man who looked thin and thin, and the contempt in her heart was slowly cleared away.

She once heard Guo Xiao say that this Lin Xi is just a newcomer who climbs Wu Zhen through the back door. but……

If the young man in front of him is the newcomer to Guo Xiao's mouth, then she can only say that even if she does not have perfect strength, then this young man who only knows how to walk through the back door will definitely go further than Guo Xiao Stand taller.

Qin Ru didn't believe that Lin Xi really liked his works from an early age. However, she can judge and evaluate other people's works like several others like others. Over the years, she has only seen one person, one ... She watched the other party step by step, stricken with pain, and finally stood with A man in a place where he is level.

Even if she could not attend the funeral of the other party in order to avoid suspicion, she had silently mourned the person in her heart. Just because she knew that what this man worked hard for was absolutely worthy of everything he got. That's what she deserves.

And now ... she saw a second such person.

This, people with better external conditions and young capital.

A gentle breeze lightly flew over the rows of willows on the pavilion, the sparkling lake, and the tender branches were hanging in the air. The flirtatious and slender body danced. The gentle sunshine gradually lost the firepower at noon, only a little warm light, quietly shining on the youthful and exquisite face.

There were deep smiles in those twinkling phoenix eyes, and the lips fluttered, talking with the handsome and tall woman. It's not a bit obtrusive. They are like friends who have been together for a long time. They look harmonious and natural.

The crew has already started shooting the next shot. Wu Zhen looked down at the scene in the monitor, his brows froze, and didn't notice the situation around him. Molly has already rushed to the set to shoot the film. For a time, beside the complicated and valuable camera monitors, there were only three long silhouettes, and the black shadows swayed with the movement of the sun.

Onuo narrowed her eyes and stared quietly at the handsome young man in front of her. The dark and deep pupils only reflected the thin figure, the eyes were gentle and peaceful, and even the usual indifferent and calm face was loosened.

The air is filled with the unique fragrance of flowers in the valley. It should be cold and cold in the winter and the moon, but there is a warm air flowing over everyone in the set.

Winter has come, spring ... can it be far behind?


Today's drama ended very early, probably because of Qin Ru's visiting class, Wu Zhen deliberately killed the drama early. After Qin Ying was also generous, he directly invited the whole crew to go to the small hotel next to the film and television city to give him a meal. It was this group of people who left Yongshengju's rich box lunch to comfort the maggots in the stomach.

With the lesson of drunkenness last time, Lin Xi raised the spirit of his whole body this time and resolutely stopped touching a drop of wine. Maybe it was because there was still a film to be filmed the next day, and everyone didn't drink a few glasses of wine, so they had an early dinner party and returned to the hotel room to rest.

Picking up the cotton yukata placed on the metal rack next to the bathroom, Lin Xi simply wiped off the water droplets on his body and put on a white yukata. Tie the broadband on the waist and hit a loose knot at will. Lin Xi kicked out of the bathroom and put on plastic slippers a few times.

Just took the towel on the silver metal shelf next to the washbasin and wiped the water droplets on the hair. The hazy water vapor on the mirror had not completely dissipated, and the loud doorbell echoed throughout the room.

Since there is only one person living in case of any accident, Lin Xi has never been used to locking the door and bathing. Lin Xi's eyebrows frowned in confusion as he heard the sudden ringing of the doorbell, and thought to himself: Come at this time ... Is it Xu Qi or Wang Fang?

While rubbing the black hair on his head casually, Lin Xi took a step and walked to the bathroom door. Pulling open the metal door handle of the bathroom, he asked loudly, "Who is it?"

"I." The low magnetic male voice passed into the room through the thick nanmu door. When listening to Lin Xi's ear, he couldn't help but hesitated for a long while, and it seemed that he didn't quite understand why the other party would suddenly visit at this time.

But it wasn't too long before he walked to the door, and opened the door without hesitation.


When the cold and dark eyes touched the other, they widened half a minute. Obviously, the place where it was blocked was completely blocked, but in the eyes of Onuo, it felt strange ... it seemed to be a silent temptation.

The uncleaned water droplets fell down along the youth's curly black hair, and when it moved to the end, it dripped on the white and fragile collarbone. The wide pajamas' neckline was not completely tightened, revealing a large white chest, but covering it in the most imaginative place.

Uno couldn't help looking inward along the half-open neckline, covered by the dim dark shadow, and seemed to be able to see two small red dots faintly.

Water droplets flowed through the tall clavicle and fell down, gradually submerged in the shadow blocked by the bathrobe. The traces of water were like tiny feathers, and they scratched at Uno's heart and scratched gently.

The throat seemed to be dry for a long time, and the dark eyes were a little darker. Onuo watched Lin Xi like this quietly, her brows peaked slightly, and she was silent.

"Huh? Onno?"

He didn't realize that there was anything wrong with this. Lin Xi saw the other godlike god, and asked with a smile.

This sentence was like a thunder on the ground, awakening this dumb man stupidly.

The deep Fengmu's eyes were stunned, Unuo nodded gently, raised the transparent small glass bottle in his hand, and said dumbly: "... this afternoon, with the essential oil of Xiangtang." The glass bottle was handed to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi instantly came to understand. He didn't notice the sudden change of Onuo's expression. He stretched out his hand to take over the essential oil, and said with a smile: "Thank you very much. It's so late today, in fact, you don't have to leave tomorrow ..." Lin Xi's voice Stopping abruptly, he stared at Qingya's exquisite eyes, staring at the glass bottle that had suddenly dropped from his hand.

Uno didn't seem to have anticipated this situation either, he bent a little and immediately reached out to get the glass bottle. At the same time, Lin Xi suddenly returned to his senses, squatting abruptly and reaching out to catch the falling glass bottle.

The dark brown liquid is constantly shaking in the bottle, and the falling speed is fast, and it will fall to the ground and break in just a blink of an eye!

Between the electric light flint, the intended glass breaking sound did not come, and the small and exquisite glass bottle steadily fell into a white wet towel. Lin Xi took a half step forward with his left foot to catch the glass bottle. After confirming that nothing was happening, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

As he stood up, he relaxedly said, "Hoo, I didn't expect this thing to be so slippery, almost ..." The voice stopped suddenly, Lin Xi opened his light amber eyes narrowly, and looked at the handsome beauty in front of him. Noble man.

The tip of the nose touches and the breathing is offset.

It seems that with every blink, the touch of the person's long eyelashes on his skin.

Near to--

Stifling distance.

The author has something to say: ~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~ la la la, give Nuoshen the welfare ~

Next chapter ... will there be more benefits inside ovo

Fuwa just doesn't tell Nuoshen ~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~ la la la

Thank you

Lost Seventeen threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-0207: 20: 03

Xia Ningning threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-0210: 24: 28

szdjhsy threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-0221: 29: 54

szdjhsy threw a mine tossing time: 2014-12-0221: 38: 05

Fuwa is so good, feel the girls ~ Hold Lei Lei and roll away ~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~ la la la

Finally, Nuo Shen, Fuwa tells you that your spring is really hot!

It's so cold, you have to let spring come early! Rest assured ~~!

qaq Fuwa seems to have a cold. . . My nose is sore _ (: 3∠) _

Probably because I slept too late every day, and my aunt actually visited Fuwa again in two or three weeks. It was so uncomfortable t ^ t

I really want to caress the girls. . . qaq 嘤 嘤 嘤 嘤, the winter of Nuoshen is gone, and the winter of Fuwa is here. .

Heart beats and rolls ... roll and roll 2k novel reading network

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