MTL - There’s No God in Show Business-Chapter 124

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This is the first time Lin Xi has encountered producing a partial literary and artistic film without big scenes and without too much CG technology. It actually took six months. From the choice of dubbing and music to the processing of video clips and picture tones, Raymond has considered every detail at every detail, that is, even the most common choice of black time and superimposed effects, he has personally checked.

When I got off the plane, it was clear that I should feel tired and exhausted, but at this moment, Lin Xi felt that his spirit had never been so full and full. As long as he can see the work that has taken countless years of effort, he feels that his steps are much lighter.

Arrived at the familiar red tile building, just as the doorbell rang, Raymond opened the door.

There were more white hair on her head than half a year ago, as if the whole person was a lot older, but her wrinkled face had a look of relief and joy. Even the appearance of the old can't hide the spiritual pleasure.

Without staying long at the gate, several people went upstairs together.

"This is actually the first time I watched the master tape before the movie premiered." Walking on the crunchy wooden floor, Lin Xi suppressed the excited voice in his throat and said, "But ... I really I can't wait for the publicity and release, Raymond, thank you for not following the rules. "

"Lin, I don't think you will regret the hard work of those months. Of course, I want to thank you for your performance here."

Lin Xi shook her head, and Li Li's face showed an expectant smile.

Three people went upstairs together. Although it was the second floor, because the first floor of Raymond's house was extremely high, they climbed about three floors to stop. This is also the first time Lin Xi has come to this strange place. The last time he came, he just auditioned on the first floor.

There is only one door in the entire second floor, which is a wooden door with the marks of the years. Because it is often held open by people, the copper handle is slightly yellowed. Raymond walked to the small door, reached out and gently pressed and pushed it away, and a large white screen appeared in Lin Xi's vision.

It was a large white screen that almost traversed the entire wall. The oldest projector was placed in the room. The white gloom glowed a little blue, accompanied by a crunching sound, shining directly on the On that screen.

When the eyes touched the person standing in front of the screen, Lin Xi's eyes widened and exclaimed: "Sister Chen, Mr. Arman, Mrs Arman ?!"

It seemed that Chen Yajing hadn't rested for a long time, and the whole person was a little decadent. But her eyes were full of spirits. When she heard what Lin Xi said, she stepped forward and said with a smile, "You're finally here, I'm afraid we can't wait to let go."

There are only two rows of seats in the room, which are soft and comfortable large sofas, allowing everyone to watch movies in the most comfortable posture.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for half a year, my promise ..."

"Liz, your skirt looks very good." Onuo suddenly said, interrupting his mother. As soon as the words fell, he turned to look at Raymond aside and said, "Raymond, I think we should be able to watch the master tape now."

"My Noor, you are always so cruel." Buried his face in Mr. Arman's broad and warm chest, the lovely charity lady murmured so softly. But Uno, pulling Lin Xi as if he hadn't heard it, sat in the middle of the second row, waiting for the start of the movie.

Everyone didn't say anything more, Raymond and Armman sat in the center of the first row. After Chen Yajing put the master tape into the projector, she also sat beside Lin Xi, waiting for the start of the movie together.

There was silence in the small private theater, so silent that Lin Xi seemed to hear his heartbeat. Click it, as if to jump out of your throat. The creak of the machine's rotation still echoed behind him, and everyone's eyes gathered on that screen, intently, never moving away.

When that unfamiliar and familiar English was displayed on the screen, Lin Xi heard a whimper suppressed in his throat ringing beside him. He turned his head slightly to look at Chen Yajing to the side, only to see that under the light of the screen, her eyes had been filled with crystal tears.



What sounded in my ears was the sad and low-turning music, reflecting the misty white snow of Vienna, reflecting the cloudy sky of Berlin, and finally in the sound of a distant and irretrievable whistle, everything was due to the momentary silence.

Only the torrential heavy rain was still ringing in the sound, silhouetted against the man who was supposed to be noble and elegant on the screen, and it seemed even more embarrassing at the moment.

But it wasn't just the desperate and helpless figure in the torrential rain that saddened everyone, but at the end of the film, an elderly lonely old man sitting alone in front of a grayed piano and gently stroking it With eighty-eight black and white keys, he whispered, "You said, you want to play a song for me alone. So, I waited for sixty years. Maybe ... in fact, you are waiting for me, playing a first for you Song it. "

"Mo Qing."

At the end of the picture is a gradual fading tone, as if it is an old photo that has turned yellow, in which the old man gently pressed the piano key to play a sad and sad song. The old gully face had long since lost his youthful beauty, but at this last moment, it had become his youthful appearance.

It seems that everything is back in Vienna, which has not yet been caught up in the war. It seems that everything has never started here.

Qing Jun's noble man played the piano softly, and the delicate and beautiful oriental youth played the song aside.

Time has stopped, and what I can finally do--

Is listening quietly after dark.

When a bitter cold wind blew on Lin Xi's cheek, he found out ... I don't know when the tears were pouring from his eyes. He and Uno first left Raymond's house, while the other four remained in the small projection room without leaving.

Women have always been the most emotional animals, and before the film ended, Mrs. Yallman was sobbing so hard to hold herself back. Chen Yajing, on the other hand, had a rare calmness, only the tears that kept flowing from her eyes silently implying the grief in her heart.

Looking up at this blue and clear sky, even in winter and cold wind, it is very different from that of 78 years ago. At this moment, only the warm and brilliant sun shines on the sky, which dissipates the cold of the severe winter.

There was no more roaring artillery, no more screaming siren. Everything is so peaceful, burying even more blood and tears under the yellow earth. When someone stepped on it, it made a squeaking sound, as if a low groan.

He didn't speak, and no one moved first.

The two men looked at the sky side by side in this way for a long time.


Lin Xi did not leave Berlin immediately. One is because he is currently on vacation and has nothing to rush to do. The second reason is that Raymond has submitted the film for review and proposed a recent publicity plan to Lin Xi.

Raymond's move was definitely bold enough.

After all the shooting and editing have been completed, he has not informed the fans about the film. This is an absolute self-confidence, for one's own strength, and for the film.

Western censorship of film is obviously more efficient than Tian | Chao. According to Raymond, it only takes at most half a month, and the film should be reviewed. So Lin Xi agreed to his request and did not rush to leave.

After learning the news, Mrs. Yalman eagerly called and hoped that Lin Xi could live in her home for a while, but this proposal was resolutely rejected by Onuo.

At that time, looking at Onuo's apparently dark face, even if he couldn't hear the voice of Mrs. Arman on the other side of the phone, Lin Xi could know from the other person's expression—absolutely those "Nuoer" "Noel" words.

Sometimes he also thought about how he grew up in today's family in this family. Or, in other words, it is the mother who thinks that she is abnormally “lively”, and then she has developed a more unusual and indifferent character of Onuo.

However, Uno always had a way to comfort his mother. After more than two weeks of film review, Lin Xi had never received a call from Mrs. Arman. Perhaps it was because they had been "gently" persuaded by their children, or it was because they knew that the movie promotion period was about to begin, so they didn't bother.

These Lin Xi didn't think about it any more.

After the review period, Raymond was ready to release the news the next day. In that small building that had gone through the years, he looked at Lin Xi and Onuo and said earnestly: "Lin, Mantes. I know your relationship, and you should not care about such things yourself. However, now that the news is about to be published, I have to remind you once again-this is a movie of the same **** theme, it is likely to have some unnecessary influence on you, and in a more conservative mind | Chao, The impact could be a little stronger. "

"Raymond, you don't know enough about the present day | Chao." Lin Xi shook his head gently and said, "Also, you have to have a little confidence in your movie. Perhaps during the propaganda period, this movie was the biggest The gimmicks will be me and Uno. But I believe that when this film is released, the response of the fans will prove everything. "

Listening to Lin Xi's words of such confidence, Raymond sighed and said, "It's a pity that I haven't told you any bad news. Ours haven't passed the audit of Tian | North China, so we can't be in China It can only be shown on Hong Kong Island and Bay Island at the same time. "

This result did not surprise Lin Xi, or in other words, over the years, almost no movie of the same **** theme could be released in public. Perhaps conservative traditional ideas have greatly improved in the minds of the younger generation, but in official review, it is clear that this view has not been accepted.

Uno frowned slightly when he heard the words and sighed, "But Raymond, as Lin Xi said, the response of the fans will prove everything."

Uno's words were certified in subsequent global promotions.

Even the piece of flower has never been released, just a few set makeup photos and scene photos were released, and the fans of Tian | Chao Continental exploded. Never before has such a violent fan riot, from surfing Weibo to Qianduan Post, from the fan's official website to the Cape Forum, fans everywhere are full of excited voices.

Even breaking through the walls of the network, in reality, all kinds of joy sounded in countless corners.

The subway station entrances and bus platforms, campus students and company white-collar workers, countless people are spreading a message frantically to the people around them, and they ca n’t wait to get a big broadcast to announce to the whole country—

The same-sex movie starring Onuo and Lin Xi will be released in two months!

Just as the fans hoped, the news really spread like a spring breeze on the same night.

Lin Xi's fans simply accepted this fact with an incredible attitude. The partner is Uno, which is not very novel, but the director is actually Raymond Chen! The only international director who has really appeared on the stage of the Golden Ring Award as Tian | Chaoren!

And Uno's fans are more surprised by the pie falling from the sky.

A great **** who hasn't appeared in five months, as soon as he appeared ... brought a great gift? !! !! !!

Today is really not April Fool's Day, it really isn't!

On the other hand, the keyword of the same **** theme in the eyes of the gods is more like a 120w light, constantly flashing more dazzling light than diamond.

Same **** theme!

Starring Uno and Lin Xi!

what does this mean! what does this mean!

It means kissing, it means hugging, it means bed ... cough, boat play!

It is an honor for them to be a member of the Immortal Church. This cp is really the highest purpose of broadcasting benefits every day, keep showing · grace · love! Now that they still have official sugar, how can they keep them from making vows without excitement-

"We must implement the purpose of going to the cinema three times a day, and we must not let go of every movie ticket!"

Immortal teaching is really blue!

However, on the day | when news that the Chaozhou mainland would not be released simultaneously, their hearts were broken into two petals, whether it was the Tianxian match or the Tenjin group. And for the original ambitious and fiery fairy religion, it is undoubtedly a thunderstorm, and I can't wait to crush the mouse!

This is the case, and there is a wave of crusade against the Guangxi General Administration on the Internet. Although it was finally suppressed, it did have some impact on the Guangxi General Administration, making their original image collapsed because of the "big doll above the chest", a little shorter.

But even so, it still has not changed the determination of the General Administration of Light Industry to not allow the screening.

"Ha ha ha ha, for the first time I feel the benefits of going to school on Hong Kong Island! Huh, although I don't have my big Chongqing hot pot, but there are, there are great gods, there are heavens!"

"Bay Island 1."

"The jet lag party calmly passed! You still have at least Huazhi Wan and at least desserts. I only have the terrible dark cuisine of the rotten country! But you can see, laughing on hips! It's worth it!"


Every time such a microblog appears on a surfing microblog, it will trigger a group of people to crusade. In such a monstrous public anger, the always rich and wealthy Tenjin Group has already contracted half of the theaters of Hong Kong Island and the Bay Island Cinema in advance, saying that even if we can't be there, our seats will be occupied by us!

The terrible power of fans is not surprising.

The enthusiasm has not subsided. Various fan art, fan comics, and even fan clip videos are all popular on the Internet. The cp group, which was already prosperous, is now faintly rising to the national cp with the help of the waves.

All in all, Raymond calmly spread the news, but he didn't expect how the igniter would set off a fire in the land of Huaxia.

The premiere at the box office two months later also perfectly confirmed Onuo's words.

World premiere breaks through billions of dollars!

A lot of box office records directly surpassed!

In just one day, investors almost paid back more than half of their costs. If it ’s not because the special effects team and music team they hired are too advanced, so they spend too much, otherwise they should be profitable on the first day!

Not only the box office success, but also large-scale reports in the entertainment sector.


Countless similar news headlines have been circulated in the world's major public opinion media, almost a whole piece of praise. From the actor's performance to the director's direction, from the late editing to the top soundtrack, as long as the topic is involved, it is an endless sound of admiration.

Even the Golden Sour Plum Awards organizing committee, which has always been based on sarcasm, has published articles in magazines--


The cinema is crowded with fans, some have come to watch the first time, some have watched the fourth time. Maybe they have different hair colors and different races, but the only thing that is the same is that when they leave the cinema, they are red with eyes and noses. Some fans with lower tears cry even after the movie ends.

Just as the most important thing for companies is to grasp the principle of consumers' second purchase **, almost every audience who has watched in a movie theater, whether they are in the mood of expectation or the mentality of inspection, when they leave At the cinema, the first reaction was--

Buy another ticket!

The enthusiasm of this vigorous annual movie event has not ceased with the removal of the shelves. Due to the strong demand of movie fans, cinemas in various countries have also deliberately lengthened the theater line, leaving a month's broadcast period alone.

Everything is proceeding enthusiastically and grandly, the atmosphere is getting more and more enthusiastic, but it ’s only heaven | the mainland is deserted, and even a poster cannot be seen in the cinema.

Fans naturally bite a bite of silver teeth, anxious to bite a bite of the light of the General Administration of Light Industry before taking a bite.

And when it was finally decided to take off the world and no longer be released, with the mourning of fans and fans, the list of nominees for the Golden Ring Award was finally announced to the public-

Best Visual Effects Nomination——.

Best Shooting Nomination——.

Nominated for Best Art Direction——.

Nominated for Best Original Screenplay-.

Best Makeup Nomination——.

Best Editing Nomination——.

Best Costume Design Nomination——.

Nominated for Best Original Music-Aimon Orchestra.

Best Film Nomination——.

Best Director Nomination-Raymond Chen.

Best Actor Nomination-

Mantes Yarman.

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