MTL - There’s No God in Show Business-Chapter 116

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This late spring rain was mingled with thundering thunder and lightning, clamoring over the whole Berlin for more than an hour before dissipating. As soon as the rain stopped, Raymond quickly asked the crew to pack up and go to the arranged infield, but he took a car and rushed to the nearest St. Mary's Hospital.

After a heavy rain, the air in Berlin was much cleaner. When Raymond rushed to the hospital with Wang Fang, the air was filled with a nasty smell of earth, and it was alive. Even the thick disinfectant smell in this two-story hospital was covered up.

The doctor had already put water on Uno, and he was so quietly lying on the white bed, with a trace of flushing on his cheek. The young man on the side was sitting quietly, and when Raymond entered the room, he just took off the heat paste on Uno's forehead and replaced it with a new one.

"How is Mantes?" Raymond asked directly in the first sentence when he entered the door. "I watched this boy grow up from a young age. Except that he fell into the ice cave, he had never seen him born. Ailment."

Lin Xizheng passed the disused thermal paste to Xiao Zhang, a standing assistant. After listening to Raymond's words, he looked up and replied, "The doctor said it was just a rain. OK. "After a pause, Lin Qing's eyebrow peaked slightly, Lin Xi sighed:" But the temperature is not low, about 39 °. "

"Big God's body has always been good, and this time will be fine, boss." Wang Fang was not on the side of Lin Xi when hiding from the rain, so when the rain stopped, he went to find Lin Xi . When he knew from Raymond's mouth that Uno had suddenly fallen, he followed Raymond to the hospital without a word. "I can't do much at this time. I'll go to the hospital's kitchen later and help the **** Zhang make a nutritious dinner."

Lin Xi nodded gently and said, "Well, you have worked hard."

Listening to Lin Xi's words of thanks, Wang Fang shook his head again and again. The fat man put the big bag on his back on the small coffee table in the single ward, then turned around and walked towards the gate. As soon as he got to the door and hadn't opened the door, he heard a "click", and a sharp figure hurriedly entered the ward.

"How is Onuo?" Chen Yajing asked anxiously, and when she saw the still-sleeping man on the hospital bed, she lowered her voice and said, "I just heard someone say that Onuo was fainted at the scene. Come on, Raymond, what prop hit him, or what accident happened? "


It's so terrible to pass on the legend to the three, and become a tiger.

Raymond looked at his nervous daughter and couldn't help sighing heavily. He naturally always knew what his daughter thought of Mantes. Before, he might still have the meaning of matching support, but when he learned something today, he was instead for the daughter who was ignored by him since he was a child. And felt distressed.

"Nothing. I just got a heavy rain just now, maybe there was a little less rest before this time, so Onuo had a fever." Lin Xi put Onuo's bare | exposed hand gently into the quilt, Then he got up and looked at Chen Yajing and said, "Sister Chen needn't worry."

After listening to Lin Xi's words, Chen Yajing breathed a little sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "It seems that I think too much. The group of guys in the props group actually exaggeratedly said," Mentes has vomited blood. " Fortunately, I haven't been stupid enough to believe them. "

"..." Lin Xi only recalled it a bit, and remembered that none of the people who were hiding in the same place and sheltering from the rain at the time were not in the prop group. But he was silent for a while in his heart, and he didn't interrupt. When I walked to the window and opened the window, there was no wind. Only the fresh and pleasant air permeated from the window, which made me feel very refreshing.

Raymond went back and took care of things first, and after making sure there was nothing happening here, Chen Yajing followed his father to arrange the next thing. When the two men left, the entire room was empty. Assistant Zhang also followed Wang Fang to go to the hospital to arrange affairs. In the large single ward, only Lin Xi leaned against the window bar and looked at the sleeping man in bed quietly.

A torrential rain broke all the dark clouds that covered the entire sky. The bright sun shined through the thin clouds to the earth, shining on the black hair of the youth, with a light golden yellow. I didn't know how long it took before Lin Xi took a step forward to the bed, pulled the chair and sat down.

His gaze moved from the opponent's handsome eyebrows all the way down to the tight, thin lips, and finally stopped at the undulating chest. After a flash of fear and worry flashed through the light amber pupil, Lin Xi stood up and attached his ears to the sturdy chest. The whole upper body was lying on the person's body on the bed.

Listening to the sound of a vigorous and powerful heartbeat sounding in his ears, Lin Xi's eyebrows that had been tightly frowning gradually loosened. He sighed slightly, sat back in his chair, and reached out to hold the other hand without the needle.

No one knows how panicky his heart was when he suddenly fell in front of him. The man who had been standing in front of him in a standing posture like a mountain peak fell down suddenly, as if there was a sledgehammer, which suddenly smashed the most vulnerable part of his heart.


This person is also a person.

He is not God.

Fingers rubbed each other's palms gently. The hot temperature transmitted from the fingertips still reminded Lin Xi that the other party's abnormal body temperature at this moment. He twitched his lips slowly, and clenched Uno's hands.

The last bit of sunset slowly fell from the sky to the west. There were only a few bright stars in the sky dotted the dark night, and there were no clouds, as if foreshadowing that tomorrow would be a good day.

When Wang Fang and assistant Xiao Zhang pushed the door into the house together, they saw this scene-

The handsome young man leaned over the bed with his man's arm leaning over the bed. I don't know when he fell asleep, but his frowning frown seemed to imply that the other party was not sleeping well. And the man who should have fallen asleep has already woke up. After meeting Wang Fang and Xiao Zhang, he raised his eyes and passed a look—

Sound softly.

Xiao Zhang, the assistant, immediately understood, closed the door lamely, and put the prepared dinner on the plate. Wang Fang also obediently stood aside. After considering for a while, he finally decided not to wake his boss.

The nurse had taken the saline, and Uno's forehead was pasted with a white heat paste. He didn't eat immediately, but just stared down at the sleeping young man, his eyes darkened and he didn't know what he was thinking. When Lin Xi woke up, he saw a pair of dark and deep eyes.

He hesitated for a long while and asked subconsciously, "Are you awake?" As soon as the words came out, he felt like he was asleep, and this kind of non-nutrition question he asked.

But Uno was not surprised. There was an imperceptible radian on his lips, and Onuo chuckled, "Well, I'm awake."

"How is your body feeling now?" Lin Xi stretched his eyes and stopped looking at the plastic plate. "This is from Wang Fang and Xiao Zhang?"

"Well, much better. The day after tomorrow should be able to continue to boot."

Holding her chin, Lin Xi looked at the man who was back to normal with a funny look. It seemed that the sick man had disappeared a few hours ago. "Sure enough, as Raymond said, your resilience is too strong."

Onuo raised a brow lightly: "Then how many days will I faint?"

"... Raymond crying to you first."


Looking at Onuo's helpless look, Lin Xi first couldn't help smirking. The bright and clear moonlight was reflected in from the window, and the ground was brightly flooded. Outside the window was a small, peaceful garden, with only a few known tweets, which seemed to remind the coming summer.


Probably it is really strong, but after a day of rest in the hospital, Onuo was active on the set as usual. Surprisingly, this disease of Onuo seems to be the gospel of the entire crew. It turned out that there were occasional bumpy shooting processes, which proceeded at a speed that everyone could not believe.

Even Raymond said, "I don't make mistakes every day, it seems a little sorry to everyone. Hey, who, the menu at noon today is a bit repeated, I remember the crew also ate this four days ago."


However, it is a good thing to cooperate with tacit understanding. Although Lin Xi is really not good at musical instruments, it has become more and more like it in the past few months of study. At least when he picked up the bow and sat on the violin, Raymond never called a "card" again.

The shooting time was fast, and it was June in a flash. Unlike the scorching heat of the sky | Chao, which is due to the ocean, the weather in Berlin is relatively cool. The breeze of wind set off the ladies' short skirts on the road, and the chestnut trees and linden leaves under the linden tree gradually grew denser and greener.

This day's indoor play was only half shot, and Raymond gave the whole crew a vacation, and first came to receive a guest.

Onuo and Lin Xi were also on the side, plus Raymond, Chen Yajing and the gentle gentleman, as well as some staff members such as sound effects, post editors, etc., the group went into the recording studio, waiting to listen to the original Interlude and theme song.

"Mentus, you don't go home to see in Berlin, Mr. Armman misses you very much." The gentleman-like man turned his head to Onuo with a smile, and continued: "Your mother is very sad , She asked me to bring you a word, I hope you can bring your daughter-in-law next time you go home. "

The man was speaking very bitter German, and even though Lin Xi had come to Germany and filmed several times, he could only hear the words "Berlin", "missing" and "mother" sporadically. Understand what each other means.

Uno was unimpressed by these words. He raised his eyes and gently scanned the man, and said coldly, "Kyle, I don't know when you still like to do this kind of microphone transmission. "

"Oh dear Mantes, am I not concerned about your life-long affairs. Listen to Mrs. Armman's statement, you should already have the other half. I guess it is a cute and awkward lady ? "

Immediately after that man's voice fell, Uno's cold, biting eye knife fluttered away. The man who has been ridiculing had to helplessly wave his hand, and then the topic was exposed in a few words. In the recording studio, Kyle opened the small box he carried with him, and a row of four neatly arranged black metal recording pens appeared.

He took out the leftmost recording pen, closed the box carefully, then looked up at Raymond.

It seems that considering that many people present did not understand German, this time Kyle spoke fluent English: "Mr. Raymond Chen, these are the movie dubbings that Mr. Armman brought me. These include the original symphony of the piano, violin ensemble, three main songs, and twenty-seven episodes. As for this one in my hand, it is the original song. "

Then, Kyle handed the recording pen to his assistant. The young man immediately connected the data cable after taking the recorder, and Kyle looked at everyone and continued: "Mr. Arman means that the original song should be fine. You can choose the three main songs. . He's got something wrong these days, and he'll be there in a few days to discuss the soundtrack with you. "

There are already a few black folding chairs in Anning's silent recording room. Everyone has found a seat and waited for the start of the first round of audition. The dim yellow light unique to the recording studio shone on Lin Xi's side face, with exquisite eyebrows and fair complexion, adding an ambiguous sense of beauty to the already delicate features.

Kyle happened to be sitting next to Lin Xi, and when he looked up, he saw the strange young man around him. Gaze lingered on Lin Xi's body for a moment, and as soon as he raised his lips, he wanted to say something, and suddenly his eyes were on the side of Onuo.

Kyle: "..."

Why is this strange and familiar warning look of Mantes like a male lion warning him not to invade the territory of the other party? !!

This thought flashed inexplicably in his mind, and Kyle swallowed his mouthful. The original romantic feelings that belonged to the French also disappeared. He looked up to Raymond and said, "Mr. Raymond, this is the first time our Elmond Orchestra has scored a movie. There are indeed a lot of inadequacies. You also have more requirements, so Mr. Yerman I can only formulate some songs according to the script. After seeing the movie later, we will cooperate with you to make some major changes. "

Raymond waved his hand indifferently, saying: "I believe Anse's strength, at least he will not let me down." After a pause, Raymond continued: "Let's put it all now, Kay Seoul. "

Kyle nodded when he heard the words, then looked up and gave his assistant a wink, and the other party immediately began to play the music. After only one clear "tick", the lights on the mixer light up. Everyone held their breath and waited for the sound of the first music to sound. The empty recording room was quiet and abnormal for a while, as if all the heartbeats in the chest of everyone could be heard.

The dimmed light is like a thin layer of veil, blocking everyone's sight, making people forget the vision, and only the ears are still sensitive enough to capture the signal.

The deep, low-pressure piano sounded first, without the crisp and bright sounds of the past, and every click seemed to be pressed on the heart of everyone present. The dignified watery notes slowly flowed out of the sound, slowly unfolding a blue picture for everyone, with the deepest sorrow in the bottom of my heart, the kind of melancholy and helpless despair.

Not even the sound of breathing could be heard, only the dull piano sounded a little.

However, for a long time, the slightly bright violin sound was suddenly inserted, so that the sorrow that was full and almost overflowing was swept away, so that the whole tone color was brightened. The sound of the magnificent symphony orchestra is mixed in the middle, and they are just slightly colored. The main subject is the dance of the piano and the violin, creating a magnificent music hall.

This is an unforgettable auditory feast. The ensemble of the world's top violinist and pianist, coupled with the background music of the top orchestra, Lin Xi has forgotten where he is, like an open eye, just To the sacred place in the hearts of all musicians-

The golden palace, the golden hall.

I don't know when, in the harmonious dance of the piano sound, the low and sad violin sound gradually disappeared into the increasingly strong background music, leaving only the lonely piano sound still whispered in low voice. The thick background sound seems to be lit to the highest point, as if crying, as if humming, everything is at the moment when it reaches the highest point-

Instant annihilation!

The monotonous piano sound is still being played gently, without the overwhelming sadness at the beginning, it seems to have read the countless vicissitudes, and after the baptism of time, it has allowed all the emotions that have been expressed to converge stand up.


It was this silent sorrow that made Lin Xi's already wet eyes even more reddish. In the end, he still couldn't bear the weight of tears. It was only a moment that he wet his cheeks.

The music is still echoing in the small recording studio, with the last bit of reverberation, if he drifts for half a century, and finally finds its destination, flies farther and farther, but has been deeply burned into the presence of In the hearts of everyone.

Raymond's voice was already hoarse. He reached out and touched his face, and the water in his hand made the old-fashioned serious man look kind. At this time, even indifferent and calm, such as Onuo, also red eyes, clenched thin lips refused to speak.

"Anse's tune ... good." Raymond finally broke the best silence helplessly, and said with a wry smile, "I know that only Ans can understand that feeling best, and only him, It ’s the most clear ... Over the years, what is this song supposed to represent? "2k novel reading network

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