MTL - The World of the Pirate Consort-Chapter 167

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A few people slowly lowered their heads, and they were all wrong about this. Where did they know that the woman was so similar to the lady? The main thing was that when the woman arrived, she immediately took the little boy out and said nothing. If it is longer, they will definitely find something different.

He sighed lightly, and said, "Well, remember in the future, be extra careful. It's late, go and rest!" That ink dye really resembles her, and no wonder they admit it.

Tong Qingmei Zi Mi and Beidou Nanxing stepped back slowly from the room. With a blink of an eye, she saw Cheer sitting with her cheeks in front of Feng Mian, with a pair of big eyes, looking at Feng Mian's smart hands.

The hands of Bian Fengmian had long, white fingers, and they moved with dexterity. I didn't know what he was making, but they all attracted Che's eyes. There are really not many people who can attract Che's eyes.

He sat unhappyly on a bamboo chair on one side and condensed, "Cheer, let's say, why did you go with that woman that day? You really don't recognize her as a mother?"

"My dear, Cheer recognized it, of course, but the woman gave Cheer a medicine, and Cheer was a little confused at the time!" Cheer said aggrievedly.

She frowned, then remembered that Mo dyed was a master of poisoning, and she would not poison Cheer. Her heart sank, and she hurriedly walked in front of Che'er, and said, "Let the mother see if the bad guys have poisoned Che'er."

Cheer said with a smile: "My dear, you don't have to check it, I'm very good. King Wang's premature doctor has checked me all over, it's all right, they dare to poison, how can King Wang promise their conditions! "

条件 "Conditions? What conditions? Who took you away?" Asked intently.

Feng Mian made the gadget in her hand, raised her eyes and looked at it, handed it to Cheer, and smiled, "This is for the innocent little boy, just play it! Just twist it here, It will run on the ground by itself! "

Che Cheer curiously held up a model of a boat made of bamboo in his hand. He tried twisting a few protruding rods and putting it in the ground, and the boat really acted in the ground.

Che Cheer was playing with joy, and he did not forget to answer Seser's words, "It's the bad Prince Cheer! Cheer doesn't know about the conditions, just listen to them mention it!"

Xi Fengmian smiled quietly and said, "The one who walked away from the little boy is a prince. As for the conditions, I think, tomorrow, even if no one tells you, you will know."

"So, do you know that?" Sesu asked with a shock in her mind. Since it was Prince Edward ’s dust that had stolen Cheer, it was not easy to rescue it safely. Because the Prince was incompetent, there were still some capable people around him, and the martial art of Guan Ning was not weak.

Feng Mian walked slowly to the window, looked up at the clear cloud in the thick clouds outside the window, and said lightly, "Mian is just guessing, or don't say it! I think the Lord will definitely retreat this time. It's not too long before his counterattack! "

That condition, the next day, he knew it.

In the early morning, Zi Se sent Zi Mi to go out to inquire about the news, and Zi Mi turned back after a while, bringing news that was extremely shocking to her.

The streets and streets of Zhe are talking about. It is said that King Zhe went to the temple yesterday and said that he had fought with the enemy for many years. It is a pity for the Holy Ghost to grant a seal to the King of the King, and let him rest in the seal. The land granted to the King of Kings is in the Mocheng area, which is a bitter cold place in the north, and it is not a place to rest.

Li Mingli was given the land, but it was actually exile. Most of the ministers of the DPRK and China have fallen to His Royal Highness, and in the eyes of the people, the king has gone!

He never expected that Ye Wuyan had surrendered all his military power in order to rescue Che Er. In this way, hasn't he become a soldier without soldiers? She always thought that no smoke at night was to take the throne of South Vietnam, wasn't it? She always thought that he was going to destroy the queen, wasn't he?

The summer sun was a little bit intense, and I stood in front of the begonia flowers outside the courtyard, thinking wryly. The blazing sunlight hugged her shivering body, she didn't feel hot at all.

Xun Fengmian walked slowly to the side of Seiser, bringing a cool shadow to Seiser.

"Are you worried about the King of Kings?" Feng Mian asked in a low voice, staring at Seser's eyes.

He looked up and chuckled, "I'm just too shocked. He didn't expect it to happen!"

There was a trace of admiration in Wu Fengmian's dark eyes, saying: "King Wang has always been in love, for the little boy, it is not surprising that he did this.

She frowned, she knew how important military power was to smokeless nights, but he said that he would give up for Cheer. Really, she had to be shocked. Without military power, this means that his painstaking efforts in this year have been lost.

"Isn't he too risky to do this? Without the military power, what else can he do?" Murmured.

Alas, what does that have to do with her, after all, he and her are no longer involved. What was she worrying about in vain. However, after all, it was for Cheer that he surrendered his military power.

All of a sudden, my heart was a little confused!

冷 Yi Lengxue at this moment is also standing under the sun. In front of that rose, red, white and white, some opened brilliantly, and some, but they were already starting to wither.

凝 She stood for a moment, turned out of Yun Cui Yuan, and left for the night king's dump. Along the way, I saw that the servants in the house were busy taking care of their clothes. It is said that the King of Kings had fired most of the slaves in the house. The emperor did not want to take back the mansion of the King's Mansion. He did so, and it seemed that he did not intend to return to Feicheng again.

Is that child so important to him that he has turned his years of hard work into naught, and even made him give up his old grudges? She did not expect that he would surrender the military power, which made her incredible.

As soon as I walked to Qing Ye Ju, she heard a melodious hole flute. At this moment, he still has the mood to play flute?

Zhe Yi Lengxue stood at the door and listened carefully, and found that the Xiaoqu was nice, but it was too sad. Low back gentle, slow and sad, revealing endless sadness and gloomy sadness. People listened and couldn't help feeling sadness.

This is a portrayal of his mood right now! ?

She should have been happy, but for some reason, she couldn't be happy anyway. A maid had gone in to report that Yi Lengxue was led to walk inside the house.

Inside the squatter house, the light is dim and the room has a strong medicinal smell.

Ye Ye was half-smoke on the bed without smoke, and the usual brocade dress was removed. It was just a home-made robe. Ink hair was only tied with wooden cymbals. It looked like he had washed his plum, but he still did not reduce his peerless style.

His face was a little bad. There was a hint of melancholy in the paleness. When she saw her walking slowly, she lowered the jade flute in her hand gently. Her deep eyes could not see the joy and sorrow.

Zhe Yi Leng Xue saluted, softly said: "Have met the King of Kings!"

Yan Ye no-smoke half-confused, laughed at himself: "No need to be polite! The king is just a prestigious lord, no different from ordinary people!" Then he coughed slightly.

"Is the lord ill?" Yi Lengxue stood quietly at the bed and asked softly.

Yan Ye smokelessly frowned, "The other day, I had a duel with Helian Aotian. Although the trauma was good, the inside was badly hurt. These days have been a little uncomfortable. I'm afraid it will be difficult in this life."

Yi Lengxue's eyes lingered on Ye Yanyan's face for a moment, seeing his pale beauty, she said softly: "Master, you are worrying about the seizure of military power, so let your heart sink, in fact, you can still Come back again! "

Yan Ye heard the smoke without a word, and coughed a few times, condensing: "Lengxue, the king has fought in the border for many years, and ended up only in this way. Why can you say that the king can rise again?"

Zhe Yi Lengxue moved his lips and whispered for a long time, "Isn't there still Chunshui Tower?"

He heard the words without smoke at night, and cold light condensed in his clear eyes. He nodded and said, "Yes, there is Chunshui Tower, but how can those old, weak and disabled come in handy. In recent years, Lou Zhong also A lot of losses, less than a thousand people today. Lengxue, you saved me then, but now you want to come, you might as well die that day, so as not to be so depressed and alive! "

Yi Lengxue stood lightly at the bedside, and whispered: "Master, what are you going to do next, do you really want to leave the imperial capital and go to Mocheng? This time you managed to come back. Besides, go to Mocheng again, you There are no more soldiers. "

The smokeless night smiled bitterly, and said, "My only plan now is to heal the sick as soon as possible. Leng Xue, my king is tired, you go down first, my king will send someone to pack for you, and tomorrow morning, you will Let ’s go with the king! The king promised that as long as you do n’t leave, you wo n’t abandon you. If you leave, the king will not stop you. The funny thing is that now the king is already unable to protect himself, I ’m afraid to protect you It's safe! "

Yi Yixue smiled and said, "Master, rest, Lengxue will retreat." After that, he bowed and left.

After a long time, Yi Lengxue was far away, and Ting Ting, who was standing on the side, asked softly, "Master, if she leaves, tell the story of Chunshui Tower, how can it be good?"

Ye Yan snorted lightly, and her narrow eyes narrowed. "She won't go! Besides, she doesn't know the exact address of Chunshui Tower."

On the same day, Yi Lengxue was in a coma after entering the Chunshui Tower for the first time. When he left the building, he instructed his niece to order her sleeping place. Even if Yi Lengxue Road revealed the secret of Chunshui Tower, they could not find Chunshui Tower.

Ye Yi Lengxue didn't have to leave, because he still had some news to spread through her.

Less than a day later, the servants of the King's Palace resigned, walked away, and in an instant, the King's Palace almost turned into an empty house. The next day, King Wang took a carriage without smoke, took the necessary softness, and was guarded by the guards in the house, leaving the imperial city of Emperor Capital. Since then, he has faded out of the vision of the imperial capital.