MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 80 Extraordinary Fireworks

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Jisko has always felt that his parents are different from those of ordinary people, but he hasn't figured out why they are different. It wasn't until the young master of the Xu family, who was at odds with him, said in front of everyone in the school that Jisko's father was a softie, that Jisko suddenly realized.

His parents are like the parents of other people's family.

Ji's family is a well-known businessman and rich family in the town, but these businesses are all managed by his mother, and sometimes his father and mother will look at the accounts together, but his mother will come forward for any work that needs to be seen in public. .

Who in this radius of hundreds of miles doesn't know that the lady of Ji's family is gentle and gentle, but she is a character with powerful methods of thunder.

As for his father, what his father likes most is to play the piano, draw pictures, and play chess with his mother. Occasionally, he cooks himself when he feels the mood. Hearing that where the scenery is good, I left the business to Aunt Wan, and took my mother out for a while. People in the town said that his father was probably not born as a rich man, and he was raised by his mother.

Besides, in other families, husbands coax their wives, and in Kisko's family, it's his mother coaxing his father. Fortunately, his father's temper comes and goes quickly, and he is easy to coax.

What the young master of the Xu family said was reasonable, but it didn't stop Jisko from pushing him to the ground and beating him hard. He has two aunts who are excellent in martial arts, so even though he is only ten years old, he is already good at fighting.

The young master of the Xu family covered his face and went home crying to complain. Jisko also clapped his hands, and brought the book boy back home and went straight to his father who was painting.

He shouted all the way: "Daddy! Daddy!"

His father put down the paintbrush in his hand, raised his head and looked up and down the dust on his body with a smile, he didn't mean to blame at all but was full of interest.

"Fighted? Did you win?"

"Of course I won!"

"Okay, if the master comes to me to help you, don't let your mother know." His father is obviously accustomed to Jiskel's routine.

But today, Ji Skoo didn't come to find out about his father. He said what the young master of Xu's family had said, and raised his head sincerely to ask his father: "Father, why don't you and mother have the same relationship with other people's parents?" the same?"

His handsome father didn't even frown when he heard the harsh words of the young master of Xu's family, he squatted down and looked at him with a smile and said, "Do you think father and mother love each other?"

Jisko heard that his mother almost died of dystocia when she gave birth to him, and his father seemed to have died, so since then, even if his mother wanted to give him a younger brother and sister, his father refused to agree to it. .

He nodded firmly.

"Then how do you think your parents are?"

Giskel nodded again without thinking.

His father laughed and said casually: "Then it's over, you live comfortably and don't care what other people say. Most people who have the time to point things out probably have a bad life on their own, and are jealous of your father." I can marry such a good wife as your mother. If you are not happy, it will suit their wishes."

Jisko suddenly remembered what his mother said—your father's mouth will offend many people.

Kisko deeply agrees.

"But why did father marry mother?" Kisko asked suspiciously.

His father smiled slightly, picked up a pen and finished his painting of flowers and birds leisurely, and said confidently: "Of course it's because your father and I are as beautiful as a crown of jade."


At this moment, Aunt Wan's voice came from the front hall, saying that his mother had returned home. His father put down the pen in his hand, waved his sleeve, and said: "I have something to tell your mother, if you have any questions, please ask another day."

Then he was left with a handsome back, and his father yelled "Nine Nine" loudly, and walked out swaggeringly.

Jisko stood there aggrieved, when Aunt Wan came in and looked at him with a big smile, she hurriedly said that there was a new tea cake in the kitchen and she wanted to take him to eat. Jisko tugged at Aunt Wan's skirt and said, "Is dad going out with mom again?"

Aunt Wan lovingly patted Kisko's head, acquiescing to this point.

Giskel was even more aggrieved.

His father said that he would not be able to take him out until he was twelve years old, so every year he just watched his father and mother go out together for two or three months and then come back, bringing back a bunch of delicious and fun things, which made him very greedy. up. Last year, he failed to negotiate with his parents to take him on a trip, and he wanted to run away from home angrily. He successfully boarded a passenger ship and was recognized and sent back to a town just downstream.

It was only when Aunt Laiying escorted him back in person that he knew that Aunt Laiying who hugged and teased him since he was a child and then left the Ji family to do business on her own seemed to be doing a big business. The merchant ships of the entire Wei Kingdom were under her under the name.

When Ji Skou was young, he often felt frustrated. His mother crushed him in terms of intelligence, his father crushed him in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, his aunt Nansu's husband crushed him in martial arts, and his Aunt Laiying in business. He often wonders if he's not too smart, so that he still maintains a humble character when he crushes others later.

When he grew up and began to crush others, when he knew the true identity of his parents, Aunt Nan Su's husband was Gu Ling, the sword master, and Aunt Lai Ying had run too many big businesses, he realized that it wasn't that he was too weak Yes, these elders are too strong.

He is already the best among his peers, okay?

Of course, this is all something later, ten-year-old Jisko walked into the front hall while eating tea cakes, and saw what his father said to his mother, and his mother blushed suddenly and pushed his father, who laughed leisurely. The mother gritted her teeth and said angrily, " did you get it..."

While they were laughing, the mother's eyes fell on Gisko. Jisko had clearly changed into clean clothes, washed his face and wiped his hands, but at this moment his hairs were still standing on his head, and the next moment he heard his mother say: "Xiao Kou, are you fighting again?"

...How the **** did he figure it out?

Jisko immediately cast a look at his father asking for help, and his father answered the look and waved to him with a smile: "Come here, Kou, and take a look at your father's collection, the love letters your mother wrote to me when she was young."

His mother's attention immediately turned back to his father, angrily holding up her skirt and chasing him around the room, while his father dodged around triumphantly shaking the turmeric paper in his hand. Gisko took advantage of the chaos and quickly slipped away.

With his good eyesight, what was written on the turmeric paper was "Le Zhijunzi, Longevity", which looked like the kind of paper written in temples to write wishes to the gods. How could his mother write a love letter on this kind of paper? Besides, isn't his mother's favorite "Taoyao", she asks dad to play it to her every day.

While wiping the tea dregs from his mouth, Jisko walked outside the house. In the sky where the night was falling, he didn't know who was setting off the fireworks. Clusters were blooming in the dark sky, beautiful and warm.

Only a gentleman can live forever.

He will also use this sentence to write love letters in the future.

He and his wife should also love each other like his parents.

No, love a hundred times more than they do!

Hmph, who told them not to take him out to play!


Here's a little cute episode~~

After that, there will be a postscript. According to the usual practice, I will show you some clips that were deleted for the fluency of the article, and then I will chat with you~~~ (like a movie tidbit hahahaha)

I hope you guys can continue to support my next book! I'm still pre-accepting the manuscripts of "Ms. She's Kind and Loves People". I want to write a warm and happy story in the next book. I will also talk about it in the postscript.

Love you more than heart!

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