MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 37 kneel please

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Almost as soon as Ji Yu was taken away, Shen Baiwu chased him out of Xueming Pavilion. He was supported by many servants and walked quickly, and the servants put a thick robe on him as he walked, while the doctor was still chasing him and shouting: "Master Cheng Guang can't make it! You can't get out of bed now and you can't see the wind." Ah, you in this chilly spring... you are dying!"

Coming all the way mightily, it was so lively.

Shen Baiwu quickly walked to the door, the carriage was just ready to be pulled over, I was waiting at the door, when I saw him coming, I walked up to him and saluted, and conveyed to him what Ji Yu asked me to say just now, Shen Baiwu was so angry that he coughed out Xuelai: "What time is still have the heart to talk nonsense!"

The servants made noise and panic, and the housekeeper advised Shen Baiwu to go again slowly. Shen Baiwu waved his hands to reject their dissuasion, and while wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he said, "Ding Sheng will go with me."

After sighing, his eyes fell on me, as if he recognized me.

"You are Ah Zhi."


"You also go together." Shen Baiwu got into the carriage with the support of the guards, I was stunned, then took the hand extended by the guards, and got into Shen Baiwu's carriage.

He didn't bring many people with him, just me, the guards, two servants and the groom, and we drove straight to the palace all the way. On the carriage, Shen Baiwu's face was as pale as a sheet of paper and he even shivered non-stop, relying on his spirit to support himself. I've heard he's been seriously ill recently, and it seems to be true.

The guard was also in the carriage, he was tall and heroic holding the sword with an anxious expression on his face. I don't know whether I was worried about Shen Baiwu or Ji Yu, but I realized that he was one of the doormen I noticed last time.

Seeing me looking at him, he bowed consciously and said, "Miss Azhi, I am Ding Sheng, Master Cheng Guangjun's servant."

I returned the gift and asked Ding Sheng again, "Do you know what's going on?"

Ding Sheng looked at Shen Baiwu, and said to me in a low voice: "It's a long story, just got the news from the palace, King Wu asked King Zhao to send Ji Yu's head to show his sincerity."

I was silent when I heard the words, now the whole Ling'an knows that Mr. Ji Yu is living in Cheng Guangjun's residence. Young Master Ji Yu just persuaded Fan Jun to send troops to help Yu Guo, and now he should be the enemy of Zhao Guo, but he is enjoying the treatment of Shen Baiwu's guest in a grandiose manner. Others dare not say that King Zhao and Queen Zhao are different. She is the daughter of Uncle Chang Yi, because the marriage between Wu and Zhao made King Zhao the queen, which is the link between Wu and Zhao.

What happened to Ji Yu at Shen Baiwu's mansion obviously offended her, even Uncle Chang Yi and King Wu also knew about it. Even though Ji Yu visited Shen Baiwu in his own name, and King Zhao did not meet Ji Yu, King Wu still had doubts.

"But thinking about it, King Zhao would not agree to this so readily. Although he captured Ji Yu and entered the palace, he won't kill him anytime soon." I said.

Shen Baiwu, who had been leaning against the car wall with a sleepy look, opened his eyes and looked at me, and said coldly: "Your Majesty doesn't need to do anything, the palace full of flowers can make him die once."

Shen Baiwu has a direct access token to the palace and can enter the palace at any time, and he can reach the gate of the outer palace unimpeded all the way. When he got off the car at the gate of the palace, he staggered and nearly fell down. Fortunately, Ding Sheng was strong enough to hold him steady. King Zhao's palace was built in a grand manner, with red walls and black tiles covering a vast area. There was a heavy snowfall last night and the roads had not been completely cleared, and the entire land was covered with white snow.

Shen Baiwu walked forward in the snow with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Fortunately, I heard that Shen Baiwu dragged his sick body to the palace in the cold spring. King Zhao rushed out to greet Shen Baiwu before he arrived at his palace. He also brought a bunch of maids and attendants, and walked out of the palace gate in a mighty manner. Shen Baiwu saw King Zhao from afar, so he lifted his clothes and knelt down in the snow on the spot, making a solid thud.

He was dressed in white, his face was pale, his back was straight, like a sycamore tree growing out of the snow.

King Zhao's clothes were a bit messy, as if he had put them on in a hurry, and when he saw Shen Baiwu kneeling down, his face changed drastically and he almost ran over to help Shen Baiwu up. But Shen Baiwu refused to get up, bowed to Zhao Wang and said: "I have committed a crime, I hope His Majesty will punish you."

Zhao Wang obviously knew why Shen Baiwu came here, his young face showed a distressed look, and he said: "Brother, why did brother do this? Gu hasn't agreed yet."

Shen Baiwu said: "The minister and Ji Yu were both hostages in the country of Yan and went through adversity. He is a lifelong friend of the minister. Now that he is ill, he cannot travel far away to rest in the minister's mansion. If he is suspected of killing his life because of this, the minister will surely die. Wu If the country insists on an explanation, I am willing to exchange the head of my minister for Ji Yuzhi's life."

"As long as I have breath, it is absolutely impossible to see my friends die because of me." Shen Baiwu's voice was resonant, and he knelt down on the ground.

Shen Baiwu actually managed to do this, to force his own brother to risk his life for Ji Yu.

Queen Zhao stood beside King Zhao without saying a word, with a complicated expression on her face.

After Shen Baiwu finished speaking, he coughed continuously. I handed over the handkerchief but saw that the handkerchief was stained red after he coughed. King Zhao immediately helped him up anxiously, and said that everything is according to you, and the Queen's face is even more ugly. After being supported by King Zhao, Shen Baiwu staggered a few steps, the light in his eyes faded, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore and fainted to the ground.

King Zhao immediately asked Shen Baiwu to rest in the palace. He originally sent the best doctor to Shen Baiwu's residence, but now he immediately called him into the palace. The doctor, Ding Sheng and I were scolded, saying that we didn't stop Shen Baiwu and that we were going to kill us all.

At that time, Shen Baiwu woke up slowly on the bed, and said: "Bai Feng, don't blame them."

King Zhao immediately left us alone, walked to Shen Baiwu's bed and let out a long sigh of relief, and said in a hoarse voice: "Brother, I only have you as a family member in this world, can you take care of your health for my sake? "

Shen Baiwu smiled softly, this was the first time I saw him smile, even this person's smile was very shallow.

"Bai Feng, His Royal Highness King Zhao. You have to walk alone in the end. You know I...can't live for long."

"Don't talk nonsense..."

"Ji Yu, did you let go?"

Hearing this, Zhao Wang seemed to be ignited. He walked around the room with his hands behind his back and raised his voice: "Brother, I really don't understand why you protect such a person? You believe him but I don't, even if it's not Wu Wang asked me to kill him too..."

"Bai Feng!" Shen Baiwu seldom spoke in such a harsh tone, and he started coughing again after speaking. Zhao Wang hurriedly walked over to give Shen Baiwu peace of mind, and restrained his rage a lot. Shen Baiwu looked at King Zhao with a frown, and said in a low voice: "In the future, even if you don't like people, you still have to give them a chance to speak. Ji Yu will not smash his own brand, and there is no king who acts on his persuasion without profit. , since he came to Zhao State to persuade you, he must have grasped something you don't know, and it is dangerous if you don't know anything."

"Today, I will protect Ji Yu with my life. When King Wu asks you, if you just push me on the head, it will be regarded as a rescue for you."

I bowed my head and knelt in front of the bed, but I thought in my heart that Shen Baiwu was indeed raised as a prince, a son who once enjoyed a great reputation. Even when she was sick in bed, Linglong didn't lose her mind.

There are high-sounding reasons for the alliance of disputes among countries, but the Wu-Zhao alliance is only for profit in the final analysis. If Ji Yu can bring greater benefits, why would King Zhao not do it?

"Ahem, and in the future, even in front of your ministers, Your Majesty must remember to call himself 'Gu'." Shen Baiwu covered his mouth and said.

I slightly raised my eyes to look at King Zhao, and saw him showing a painful and melancholy expression.

Remove the title of Zhao Wang and look at Shen Baifeng, he is just twenty years old, young and energetic, bright and proud, and has never been tortured by too many things in the world. Even wearing solemn imperial clothes, can't stop this vigor. He didn't have a city like Shen Baiwu and Ji Yu yet, and the look in his eyes that looked at Shen Baiwu was real worry and sadness.

He loves his only older brother.

King Zhao stayed with Shen Baiwu for a long time before leaving, and before leaving, he promised Shen Baiwu that he would never make things difficult for Ji Yu. The imperial physicians are always on call, so I stayed in the inner room with Ding Sheng to take care of them.

During the bumpy road in the afternoon, Shen Baiwu spent too much energy kneeling and fighting in the snow, he sat on the bed with a hand stove in his arms, and was a little lost in thought.

When he came back to his senses, he looked at me and called me over.

"That **** handkerchief, did you do it on purpose?" He had a bad complexion but bright eyes, looking straight at me.

In fact, Shen Baiwu didn't cough up blood just now in the snow, the handkerchief I handed him was the one stained red when he vomited blood at the gate of his house.

I nodded and replied, "I want to save a little effort for Your Highness."

Shen Baiwu smiled noncommittally, he was leaning on the cushion, his whole body was thin and thin, as pale as snow on the tiles in the palace.

"I heard that you persuaded Ji Yu to drink medicine?"


"How did you persuade?"

So I told Shen Baiwu about the gamble, and Shen Baiwu, like Zikou, asked what the answer to the mystery I set for Ji Yu was. I looked into his cold eyes and hesitated for a while, then answered.

"'I'm sorry', my answer is the three words 'sorry'."

What a simple three words, but I know that even if Ji Yu guessed it, she would not be able to say it. Even Xia Wan said that she had never heard Ji Yu say these three words, and he would never admit defeat, let alone say sorry.

But I also thought that if Ji Yu could really say sorry to me, I would regard this as A Yao's last words to me.

In fact, A Yao has nothing to do to me, I just want to use this as an explanation for my years of delusion.

Shen Baiwu looked at me for a long time, as if he wanted to see through my thoughts through the faint candlelight. At the end he said: "If you want Ji Yu to be soft, you can only win against him, but he has almost never lost in these years. Anyone can become what he wants in Ji Yu's hands, he can turn wolves into sheep , but you are still a wolf in his hands."

He seemed tired after saying a word, and he continued after a while: "I thought a lone wolf like him didn't need another wolf."

Lone wolf? Ji Yu has held hatred alone for many years, never sharing or relying on it, she is indeed a lone wolf.

I smiled and didn't answer.

Maybe Shen Baiwu knows Ji Yu better than we imagined.

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