MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 25 plague

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I don't know how long we stayed in the dark, we have been talking. Although Ji Yu never showed it, I knew he would be very nervous if there was no sound in the dark.

From my mother to his father, and then talk about the recent things that happened all over the world. Sure enough, he was very well-informed and knew a lot of things.

It was already dusk when we were rescued, the faint light shone into the darkness, Ji Yu's hand flinched in mine, and then there was an exclamation.

"Boss Ye is here!"

Many people came together and hurriedly removed the stone slabs and wooden stakes that were holding us down. We were saved. Fortunately, Ji Yu and I only suffered some flesh injuries. Mo Lan was still waiting for me outside. When she saw me being supported, she came out crying and hugged me, saying that she was scared to death and thought she had killed me.

General Yang Jiang was not buried, and Mo Lan found him after the aftershock. General Yang was a little guilty, thinking that it was he who called Ji Yu over that caused us to be almost crushed to death, so he specially sent a carriage to take us home so that we could recuperate.

The earthquake was not very severe, and there was not much damage except for the collapse of the building under construction. People survived the catastrophe, and the atmosphere of the New Year was even more enthusiastic, saying that they wanted to pray for the New Year. In order to practice the result of my cooking learning, I made a table of New Year's Eve dinner. Ji Yu invited the old servants of the family to the table to eat together, and they ate all the dishes in a very respectful manner, although I knew that the taste of this dish was only average, and I never had much talent in handicrafts.

That night Ji Yu told me that he finally saw that I looked like a princess, because I was a person who couldn't work.

Hearing that Mo Lan's New Year's Eve dinner was a great success and received unanimous praise from Yang's mansion, General Yang still didn't believe that she bought it from outside, so Mo Lan was so angry that he chased Yang and beat him.

Before the end of the year, the plague broke out suddenly.

Originally, plagues were prone to occur after earthquakes, and this plague was so fierce that it swept across the entire Muyun City at once. Qin Mu's patients generally lived longer, which resulted in a huge influx of patients into his clinic, so he rented a large yard to accommodate the patients, and Qin Yu was so busy with him every day.

Mo Lan and I went to Qin Mu's clinic to help, and after hearing the news, Song Changjun also went to the clinic every day to help take care of patients. Qin Mu had a bad temper at first, but when there were more patients, he was so busy that his temper became even more irritable. Mo Lan and his two bad tempers collided and almost didn't fight. Song Chang and I persuaded Mo Lan to go back. .

I heard that Ms. Lu's family originally wanted to come to the clinic to help, but Uncle Changyi refused. Ms. Lu sneaked out and was arrested, and she was saddened for a long time. It wasn't until Song Changjun persuaded her that it would be good if she had this intention, that Ms. Lu felt a little relieved.

Mama Fang told me these stories vividly. She has always been on good terms with Mama Gu in Changyibo's mansion, so she knows a lot. She said: "I think Mr. Song's refusal to agree to get married may not be able to persist. Miss Lu is really fascinated by Mr. Song, and she is even willing to **** the patients."

"Miss Lu may not really want to go."


While changing the patient’s medicine, I said: “Her good intentions have never been fulfilled. Whether it’s letting Song Changjun go or going to the hospital to take care of the patients, Uncle Chang Yi stopped it, but if she really wanted to do it, wouldn’t she?” Is there no way to compromise so easily? It's just a gesture."

I watched Song Changjun help the patient walk in the distance, and said with a light smile, "As long as Song Changjun remembers her well, she has achieved her goal."

In the evening, Ji Yu came to pick me up as usual, and Song Changjun sent me out of the hospital. A peddler who delivered goods to the hospital walked up to the door. He was holding a big box in his hand, and the box was covered with a cloth. Where is Qin Mu? His order has arrived.

Song Changjun asked what was in the box, and the salesman carelessly put the box on the ground and lifted the cloth.

"Snake, doctor Qin ordered the snake."

When I saw the green snake wriggling in the box, I felt cold from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, and my heart was beating like a drum, and I couldn't move. I just feel that the snake is crawling towards me, and will spit out bright red letters and lick me in the next second.

I subconsciously turned around and buried my head in Song Changjun's arms, trembling uncontrollably. I want to talk but I can't breathe, I can't say anything.

Song Changjun patted me on the back helplessly, and said, "They're locked up, it's all right."

Then someone grabbed my wrist, and when I came back to my senses, I was already leaning on Ji Yu's arms. Ji Yu asked the peddler to remove the snake with a stern expression, and then asked Song Changjun, "What's going on here?"

Song Changjun was a little surprised. He looked at me and then at Ji Yu, and said, "Jiujiu is very afraid of snakes..."

I breathed calmly and remained silent.

Ji Yu tightened his grip on my shoulder slightly, and he said, "Why?"

Song Changjun asked me with his eyes, and I nodded. So he replied: "When I was young, Jiujiu's third brother teased her and locked her in a snake cage."

Ji Yu was silent for a while and then thanked Song Changjun. He took me back to the car, then turned to Song Changjun and said, "Mr. Song, don't call my wife Jiujiu anymore, but Mrs. Ye."

I was a little surprised.

After returning to Ye Mansion, Ji Yu asked me about snakes, and he said that this was the first time he knew that I also had something to fear.

I guess I just haven't seen a snake in too long. When I was a child, I was scared and cried when my third elder brother, the former son of Qi State, was locked in a snake cage. Probably my fear pleased him, and he often used snakes to scare me.

In order not to be his toy anymore, I forced myself to get used to the snake. When my reaction became cold, he thought it was boring and let me go.

I haven't seen a snake for many years, and the moment I saw it, I still felt fear.

After hearing what I said, Ji Yu's eyes flickered and he hesitated to speak, but in the end he just smiled and said: "You slip into Song Changjun's arms like this, Miss Lu will get rid of you and hurry up."

"That was a windfall," I said.

Although the plague was raging, it was quickly brought under control. Qin Mu found a prescription that could cure the plague and cured a large number of patients. His reputation in Muyun City suddenly became louder, and the business of the medical clinic was booming. Even so, he didn't plan to stay in Muyun for a long time. Qin Yu said that in a few months, when the weather gets warmer, they will leave Muyun and go to the next place.

"Why do you keep moving?" I asked. Qin Yu also showed a confused expression, saying that he didn't know, his father always said what he said, and he only had to follow.

The plague has almost been brought under control, and there are not as many patients as before. When I was helping to pack things in the medical hall, I saw Qin Yu sneaking out with something in his arms. I went over to ask him what was wrong, and when he saw my face turn pale, he put a package behind him in panic.

"No... nothing." He said tremblingly.

These few days, Qin Yu has been depressed and absent-minded, feeling that something is on his mind.

I pulled him to sit down by the corridor, and said softly, "Is there something you are hiding from everyone?"

Qin Yu's face turned even paler, and he looked around anxiously like a frightened little rabbit, but he refused to look directly into my eyes. I held his face up and looked into his eyes: "Qin Yu, do you believe me?"

His eyes were red, and after looking at me for a while, he suddenly collapsed, hugged my waist and began to cry.


I patted him on the back: "Speak, I'll listen."

"I believe you Ma'am, don't tell anyone what I said!"

"Okay, I promise you."

"The plague...the plague...may not be a plague." He raised his head, looked at me with a pair of wet eyes in bewilderment: "I found... a lot of powder in my father's room... that kind of medicine can make people have plague-like symptoms... that The prescription is also in father's handwriting. It's not from us before, it must have been made by him recently...I don't know why father would do this."

I looked at the package behind him, and then looked at him: "So you suspect that there is no plague, but your father poisoned it? Do you want to help him destroy the evidence?"

Qin Yu panicked, and said, "It may not be my father..."

"If you believe otherwise, why don't you just destroy these powders without asking him?"

"I...I dare not." He burst into tears, tears streaming down his face, "I'm afraid my father will get angry at me...I'm afraid he will hit me."

I comforted him for a long time. Qin Yu was originally very timid, and Qin Mu lost his temper at every turn. Over the years, Qin Yu often kept silent in front of his father, daring not to have any objections.

I asked him why he suspected that his father, who was a doctor, would poison him. Qin Yu said hesitantly that his mother had mentioned to him before she passed away that his father was very crazy about medical skills and had high self-esteem, and sometimes even used living people as experimental objects. He was terrified that this was an experiment by his father.

I said to him, "You love your father, I understand. But you also see these days in the hospital, how sick people suffer and even lose their lives, they are also someone's father or mother, your father precious, isn’t someone else’s father precious?”

Qin Yu lowered his head in shame, clutching the package in his arms tightly. He whispered, " might not be my father who did it."

"Since you don't dare to ask, then give it to someone who dares to ask. Give this package to the Yamen. The chief interrogator is very wise. He returned your father's innocence last time. Let him investigate the truth this time. If he is innocent, then You don't have to feel guilty, if your father did it, it's the price he should pay, isn't it?"

Qin Yu looked at me for a long time, gritted his teeth and nodded. I smiled and patted his shoulder reassuringly.

This is really a very innocent and innocent child.

Sometimes seeing this kind of innocence, I hope he understands that the world is not black and white as he thought, and I hope he will never understand the evil and cruelty of the world.


The pitiful child Qin Yu fell into a trap

Ah, looking back at this passage, the heroine is really scary (hey, you wrote it yourself, what a horrible thing)

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