MTL - The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era-Chapter 765 Eliminate comedian virus

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"Maverick turned out to be such a cruel person." Du Qianqian was surprised after hearing this.

"No, he wasn't cruel, he was just fooled. He repented because he was poor, so he left me some technical documentation, enough to help me become a good hacker. Then he worked for another organization, one that would give him money and Social status organization. And I stayed in this city, took his money, and learned my own hacking skills." Rachel said slowly.

"Your technique must be very good."

"I saw, and especially traced, the flow of 'parts' of my mother, who now lives all over the world, in many places, and in many people. For those who have money, the whole The world's poor are their natural harvest farms, walking replacements, and living warehouses," said Rachel Nakamura.

"Is it worth the money?" Du Qianqian said viciously.

"I hope I don't have to attack you. Listen to me, then I start hunting these doctors, these hospitals, hunting these acquirers and sellers. I slowly torture and weaken them first, steal funds from their cards , revise their social credit, and add criminal records for them that they don’t have. Then I monitor them for a long time, listen to their complaints, then cry, then despair. Crush them, and I'll hack into their smart pistols and let them kill their own relatives." There was a quiet joy in Rachel Nakamura's voice.

"Then you and Nisto Company must get along well. We just arrested 100 traffickers for doing this last year, shot some of them, and imprisoned some of them." Du Qianqian said.

"I've always heard that Nisto Corporation maintains a weird sense of justice. You guys will make mistakes, but you admit it and correct it. The northern archipelago has also become a completely different place from the west coast."

The Northern Isles and the West Coast used to have a similar environment, with gangs running rampant and the rich monopolizing everything, but now it is very different. Du Qian moved secretly.

She also doesn't understand what exactly happened. Can the set in the northern archipelago be copied?

Make the West Coast a happy place for everyone too, and heal the endless rifts in this place.

"Everything is weird when you're in the northern archipelago. It's like living in the clouds, doing whatever job you love every day, earning a little money, and eating, drinking, sleeping and having fun the rest of the time."

"It sounds like you don't like the northern archipelago," Rachel Nakamura said.

"Yeah, otherwise why would I be here? I still like the West Coast. You can find happiness by comparing yourself with the poor. It's a great pleasure to see others living less fortunately than me. But not in the Northern Islands. It seems that everyone is living in the same way now." If you wish, then where can I make up for my sense of superiority?" Du Qianqian murmured.

"It's fine to compare yourself with your past self." Rachel Nakamura said, "If you have more dignity than your past self, you will feel happy from it, instead of being confused like you are now."


With the roar of the engine from far to near, a transport plane arrived at the site of this community.

Du Qianqian opened a container about 10 meters long, stuffed Rachel Nakamura into it, and gave her several packs of lunch, nutrition cream and cleaning utensils.

"Eat the death penalty," Du Qianqian threatened her, "When you reach the end, you will be opened, cleaned up, and sold, just like your mother's end."

"You won't do that." Rachel Nakamura remained dignified and calm even when she was sitting in the container.

"Why do you say that?"

"You are a good man."

Du Qianqian closed the container door forcefully, locked it tightly, and added two additional locks.

The loading and unloading robot came over, all with Nisto's labels on their bodies, and loaded this special container onto the machine.

Then the entire cabinet, including Rachel Nakamura inside, will be sent to the freighter of the shipping company and transported to Shangjing Bay.

Although Rachel Nakamura is a smart-talking nuisance and really doesn't want to help her, I still have to help her clean up the clues. Du Qian moved secretly.

Some more terrifying forces were chasing her down, and Du Qian was able to deal with the aftermath.

The West Coast's own chaos gave her some help. She easily spent 200,000 yuan to buy a lot of calling cards and communication terminals, and used AI to randomly generate communication recordings and online conversations to fabricate news about Rachel Nakamura.

Du Qianqian was busy with this aspect all night.

In some reports, Rachel Nakamura fled to a small island in the Southern Ocean; in others, she was shot again, or was cornered and committed suicide.

Every piece of message and every recording is very real. Listening to Rachel's voice simulated by AI, sometimes even Du Qianqian himself can't tell where Rachel Nakamura has gone.

She also left behind a lot of charred bodies and devised a bunch of escape routes, each of which looked like Rachel Nakamura might have used it to escape the West Coast.

Du Qianqian heard a theory.

The greatest function of AI is to pollute the human information base. They can generate tens of millions of fake messages every second. These messages are specious and prevent humans from getting the truth.

If ai is authorized, they are fully capable of weaving a whole set of false information to fool humans, tampering with the literacy cards they read as babies, and then all textbooks, books, and Internet searches, without humans being able to detect it.

She deeply believes that the Internet is now full of spam, and many people who are unable to identify them live in ignorance and deceit all their lives.

Also under the guidance of this theory, Du Qianqian distracted the followers by generating these misleading messages and achieved results.

Rachel Nakamura has already docked at Shangjing Bay, and the west coast has a group of spies who returned without success tonight.

They were really smart and dug up tens of thousands of clues about Rachel Nakamura's escape, but unfortunately only one in ten thousand was true.

After all this was over, Du Qian moved to the safe house of one of his identities.

She has 9 different safe houses on the west coast. The previous owners were all women who were similar in stature to Du Qianqian. Due to various misfortunes, Du Qianqian stole their identities and pretended that they were still alive.

Occasionally, they will go out with their relatives and friends to make more money from these people.

One of her favorite false identities is an Internet celebrity named Miranda. Du Qianqian doesn't even need to work, but just pretends that he is suffering from severe depression. Online fans occasionally update their schedules and earn money by taking slices of themselves "psychological counseling" at the beach.

Every day in this city, people are born, die, become famous, and fall into poverty. Du Qianqian's magic power of transformation is most suitable for fishing in troubled waters.

Lying in the exquisite apartment where the Internet celebrity lived, Du Qianqian took a breath.

Du Qianqian was deeply impressed by what he saw and heard today.

Comparing the current west coast and the northern archipelago, Du Qianqian gradually realized that Xu Yang's approach was not only very special, but also exceptionally successful.

The earliest Nisto companies made their fortunes through mining, manufacturing and agriculture. First, they provided basic jobs for a large number of desperate people, allowing them to join the production communities built around industrial parks and plantations.

It is work, it is "labor" that allows them to be human again, and then it emphasizes the role of the law and the security forces, and finally the normal operation of the entire society today has become a peaceful place that Du Qianqian hates.

What if someone on the west coast directly wants to unite the bottom?

What unites them is a gang of gangsters, a bunch of wildlings regressed to their primitive state, a bunch of bio-monsters, and unorthodox hackers.

Even if the West Coast fell into the hands of these nobles, there would be no chance of any improvement. It would be more decent to maintain corporate governance. Du Qianqian thought about it.

At least there is a clean place in the hands of the company, and it will be a mess if it is left to the gang.

She turned over and looked at the luxurious night scene outside the window.

The cyber attack doesn't seem to have had any major impact on the city, which always kills insignificant people anyway. And Du Qianqian likes to see those poor people stay where they should be.

By the way, since gangs are rampant here, it would be better to call Katsuragi to open a branch.

There are also islanders, Hong Kong gang, Nanyu gang, and Jialongpo gang here. If it is Katsuragi Asahi, I am afraid that he will be able to slap those ghosts and monsters to pieces, and then establish righteousness on the west coast.

She sent a message to Katsuragi Asahi, and then she put her phone on the bedside table and locked it up, and went to sleep.

By the way, Nakamura...

After so many years, Du Qianqian finally walked out of the shadow of Wei Shiyue.

She found Rachel Nakamura to be an interesting woman who might be interested in herself.

If I helped her escape from the west coast so neatly, I'm afraid she will give me a high opinion.

Afterwards, we will have a meal...a date is also a matter of course.

Who said Xiao Du couldn't restart a new and beautiful relationship?

Good night, West Coast.

Du Qianqian stretched out his five fingers towards the moonlight outside.

Also, wish yourself happiness.

When Xu Yang met Rachel Nakamura, he felt very strange.

At the first glance, he felt that Nakamura Rachel was an extraordinary woman. She was 1.67 meters tall, wearing a gray suit, wearing a black tie, combing short hair to the ears, and had a good appearance. She stared straight at Xu Yang, as if she wanted to interrogate him Same.

It was this kind of judgmental gaze that Xu Yang hadn't experienced for a long time.

He leaned back in his chair, not showing his face.

"I heard that you are also a hacker. Your codename is 'Akila'? It sounds like a man's screen name." Xu Yang asked.

"I have noticed that despite your high position, you still have a clear tendency to divide men and women according to gender temperament, ignoring the inevitable uniqueness of people in a pluralistic world. Allow me to assume that you have a More traditional values." Rachel Nakamura said.

Xu Yang felt it was funny from the bottom of his heart.

It has been 10 years since he was reprimanded by his boss when he was 23 years old. Rachel Nakamura is also very interesting.

"Your father is dead, please allow me to extend my deepest sympathy to Mr. Maverick Miller." Xu Yang turned serious.

"Yes, it completely changed the trajectory of my life. Instead of continuing my career as a professional insurance salesman and amateur hacker, I'm standing in an office on the 67th floor of the Upper Ginnisto headquarters, trying to pull off a Conversations that affect my future fate." Rachel Nakamura said.

"I've heard of the name Akila. You once stole a large number of cash cards and sold them to non-camera institutions. As a result, all cash cards received an emergency update." Xu Yang said.

"The actual benefit of that was far less than the fame. I only ended up with about $425,000 in funding. It was from a group of doctors and it should have been more."

"So Akira, you are actually a famous hacker, I guess you must have attended that World Hacking Conference."

"The convention where greasy Todd Compson levitated his fat, good-natured smiling face into the air in a dot painting, and all the hackers had to look up?"

"What you said is too precise, it's the conference." Xu Yang nodded, "There is the easiest way to confirm your skills—at the end of the conference, Todd left a cracking challenge, and you are the first one to successfully crack it of?"

"I want to know about you first." Rachel Nakamura said.

"I am one of 30~60." Xu Yang said mysteriously.

Actually he was No. 56.

"According to my experience, you are likely to belong to one of the 50~60, which means you may be xn0de, I use ? , atruegay, ineffabilis, awakened at the age of 15, a dead end hacker, trying to mend the sky, one of shin0b1."

"Well... it's up to you."

"495. I was the last to crack. I observed all the other people's actions, and because I was the last to crack, I was able to see the previous hacking messages of the other people, so I could identify half of them. Afterwards I blackmailed them for an extra benefit, as a reward for being so unaware and me being so sophisticated," Rachel Nakamura said calmly.

It's strange, although Nakamura Rachel's expression is so indifferent, and her words are so cold and methodical, but Xu Yang always feels that there is something funny about it.

Maybe it has something to do with the task he wants to give Nakamura Rachel to solve.

"I know that you have obtained your father Maverick's inheritance, but first we need to find your father's colleague, 'Coming Star', maybe she knows why Maverick committed suicide." Xu Yang said.

"Where can we find her? Comedian is a vicious and evil female hacker. I also want to confront her face to face. From my psychological knowledge, Comedian is likely to have been trying to fool my father for a long time, and from my father's suicide. Come on, comedian won this time. I won't let her win." Rachel Nakamura said.

"I also want to kill the comedian, come on." Xu Yang showed Rachel Nakamura a piece of code.

She noticed that this was a piece of code related to Leaf Huyu's "Bliss Paraiso" game. UU reading

It's completely infected with the comedian's special bomb virus!

All strings, texts, and codes are replaced by soy emoticons, and gamers are trapped in their own virtual warehouses, overwhelmed by endless smiles that are constantly generated in all directions!

"I'm very interested in your skills and experience. I guess if I can solve these viruses, would you like to have further cooperation and exchanges with me?" Rachel Nakamura looked at Xu Yang.


"Considering that you appointed a woman with a very bad personality and very limited intelligence as an important West Coast agent, I guess you have extra tolerance and employment skills. So I decided to accept your proposal." Rachel Nakamura understood.

Her father was murdered by a comedian, but she will find him out.

Put a gun to her forehead and let her know what it was like when Maverick died.

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