MTL - The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds-Chapter 73

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Tang Nuan went downstairs. Tang Yue had already washed up and was lying on the bed to make a mask, but she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Seeing Tang Nuan sizing her up, Tang Yue smiled and said, "I have encountered something recently, and I am a little afraid to sleep alone."

Tang Nuan was surprised, but she didn't expect Tang Yue to be afraid, but Tang Yue was very calm, "What's wrong with this, I'll get into trouble too, but it's not good to tell my parents, they don't understand anything, I see. It's easy to overreact."

Tang Nuan still felt fresh. She rarely shared her feelings with others, and Ji Yun and the others also talked about things that everyone could probably guess. It was too late to hide it from Tang Sheng'an's family, for fear of being caught by the other party's weakness. .

The Tang family here is obviously different, even if the authority is like the eldest sister, she will reveal her heart.

It turned out that she received a case of a rich second-generation beating a girl for no reason and causing the other party to become disabled. The other party always wanted to use money to bribe her. Tang Yue refused to accept it. Carefully hit the trick, the other party wanted to take her indecent photos and threatened her.

Tang Nuan was frightened after hearing this, and hurriedly went to bed and hugged her, "Are you all right? Did you call the police?"

No wonder Tang Yue would not dare to sleep alone, no girl would not be afraid of this kind of thing.

Tang Yue smiled and patted her arm, "It's okay," she paused subtly when she said this, "It happened to be a favor to Wen Xingchuan."

"The police was called at that time." She pointed to her head, "I remember the person very clearly. The person who prescribed the medicine has already been caught, but the investigation will definitely take some time."

Tang Yue sneered, "That scum case committed a lot, but it's also cunning, and this is another breakthrough."

Knowing that everything was going well, Tang Nuan wanted to divert Tang Yue's attention, and asked tentatively, "Why does Assistant Wen go there? I remember Assistant Wen doesn't like places like bars very much."

Tang Yue didn't shy away from it. Hearing that, her eyebrows suddenly stood up, "He chased after me. Do you think he's crazy? It's been eight lifetimes of bad luck knowing him."

Tang Nuan suddenly became interested and asked her, holding her chin, "What's the matter?"

Tang Yue pouted and said, "Didn't you deal with the contract of the Nuanyang system with him some time ago? His ex-girlfriend came here."

"Wow, Assistant Wen actually has an ex-girlfriend?"

"It's almost thirty, it's nothing to have an ex-girlfriend, it's just..." Tang Yue sneered and said disdainfully, "His vision is really uncomplimentable."

Tang Nuan listened to Assistant Wen's gossip from Tang Yue with great interest.

It turned out that Assistant Wen had talked about a girlfriend when he was in college, but when he was about to graduate and was about to get married, the other's family disliked his background.

The woman's family is a small businessman and her family is very good, while Assistant Wen is a rural person whose parents are authentic old farmers. The woman's parents are strongly opposed to it, and the girl is also shaken by the persuasion of her family and girlfriends. There is a high probability that it will be a Phoenix man in the future, so they broke up.

As a result, I don't know whether I heard that Assistant Wen is capable or is really old, so I searched for it and wanted to get back together.

"If you want to get back together, you can chase it again? Who cares if the man is unmarried or the woman is unmarried." Tang Yue snorted coldly, "But he wants to drag me into it."

She said, "You don't know how funny that woman is, but she insisted that I was seducing Wen Xingchuan."

"It was even more outrageous later, saying that Wen Xingchuan didn't accept her because of me, and then crying in front of me how loving and happy they were before, it was just a mistake, now I finally have a chance, beg me to return Wen Xingchuan to her..."

Tang Nuan:…

Tang Nuan said, "I don't think she can't handle it clearly, she is deliberately blocking you and preventing Assistant Wen from being with you. After all, eldest sister, you are so good, she knows that she can't beat you, so she can only use this kind of thing to discourage you. I should answer you, so that you can refuse Assistant Wen."

"Haha." Tang Yue sneered indifferently, "Whatever she thinks, although I don't like Wen Xingchuan very much, I hate others forcing me to make choices."

"So once she followed Wen Xingchuan to my office to make trouble, I directly admitted that she had something to do with Wen Xingchuan, and called the police and sent her to the police station."

"Really, do you think the whole world is her parents? You can get what she wants with skinless and shameless entanglement? I don't want to eat this."

Tang Nuan gave her a thumbs up, "Eldest sister is the best."

Tang Yue smiled, but I didn't know what to think, and became angry again, "I just think, Wen Xingchuan and his girlfriend are really what kind of pot goes with what kind of lid, it's very suitable, the old lady finally cleaned up the girl's. , he sticks up again."

Tang Nuan emphasized, "It's an ex-girlfriend, an ex-girlfriend."

Tang Yue said, "I hope it's his new girlfriend, so let's lock them up."

She said to Tang Nuan, "I was obviously angry that day, but he actually said that I liked him, and he came to me to confess a few days later, and he couldn't refuse even if he refused. It's inexplicable! When did I like him?"

Tang Nuan wanted to laugh when she heard it. She didn't think Tang Yue couldn't refuse when she wanted to refuse someone. There are many ways to deal with her ex-girlfriend. Why did she choose to admit the relationship?

But looking at Tang Yue's face, she didn't dare to say more, so she could only let Assistant Wen work harder.

"That shameless person even called our mother..." Speaking of which, Tang Yue felt as if she had met a rogue who didn't talk about martial arts, and was so angry, "Anyway, if you do this, your mother will definitely ask you. , but don't worry about it."

Tang Nuan nodded, she definitely doesn't care about this matter, but she was very happy that Tang Yue could talk to her about this, she rolled over and hugged her and said, "Or, I'll ask Ye Shuyan to arrange more work for him, so that he won't have time. Look for you?"

Tang Yue also hugged her and smiled, "It's a good idea, why didn't I think of it earlier?"

"Okay, don't talk about him, I'm sleepy, sleep."

The two sisters slept hugging each other, but they slept sweetly.

Then Tang Nuan was woken up early in the morning by the sound of ding ding dong dong mobile phone messages.

In a daze, he felt that it was from Ye Shuyan: [When will you be back? 】

[Breakfast is almost ready, there are seafood porridge and Xiao Long Bao. 】

Tang Nuan immediately woke up, staring at the phone and couldn't help laughing.

Tang Yue also woke up in a daze. Seeing this, she smiled and said, "Ye Shuyan? I didn't see him being so clingy before, it's only what time."

Tang Nuan was a little embarrassed by her smile, "It's nothing, just ask me what I want to eat in the morning."

"Miss, come with you too."

"I'm not going to join in the fun. I don't like being a light bulb." Tang Yue pulled down the blindfold and turned over and continued to sleep, "Go back quickly, I'm afraid he will chase after him again and disturb people's dreams."

Tang Nuan sent a message to Ye Shuyan saying that she would go up in half an hour. In fact, she ran upstairs quickly after sending the message, confirming that on the first day of love, she could never face him in her pajamas.

After a quick shower, she took care of her skin. In the end, Tang Nuan stood in the fitting room and picked clothes... Finally, she chose a white shirt. Ye Shuyan has a white shirt and suit pants all year round. Let's wear a couple's outfit with him today...

Upstairs, Ye Shuyan, who was sitting on the sofa waiting for her, couldn't help laughing. He looked down at his sweater and went to the cloakroom to change into a white shirt. When he went out, he couldn't help but think that his clothes will be more stylish in the future. Otherwise, there is no way for his family to wear nice clothes.

Tang Nuan rang the doorbell as soon as she packed up, and when she opened the door excitedly, she saw Ye Shuyan standing at the door, and she immediately showed a row of neat white teeth.

Tang Nuan couldn't help laughing, "Stupid."

Ye Shuyan stepped forward and pinched her cheek, "Each each other."

After breakfast was set, Ye Shuyan sat down directly next to her, helped her scoop out the porridge, and put the steamed buns in front of her.

Tang Nuan laughed, "Am I a kindergartener? You can just feed me."

Ye Shuyan immediately took a bun, "Ah..."

Tang Nuan smiled and avoided, "It's numb to death."

Ye Shuyan couldn't help laughing. He used to see men and women feeding each other and thought they were sick, but now it was his turn to understand the fun.

The two were laughing and arguing halfway through their meal, and Ye Shuyan asked, "What's the plan for tonight?"

Tang Nuan was still a little worried when she thought of Tang Yue, "I will come back early today to accompany my eldest sister."

Ye Shuyan frowned, "What's wrong with big sister?"

Tang Nuan briefly explained the matter, "Although she looks fine, she will always have a psychological shadow when she encounters that kind of thing. I will stay with her for two more days."

Two more days to stay? !

Ye Shuyan said, "Where are she and Assistant Wen?" If possible, he can let Assistant Wen leave work earlier these days to ensure that he has enough time to entangle.

Tang Nuan didn't know his sinister intentions, and he thought it was funny when he thought of Assistant Wen, so he briefly talked about the entanglement between the two.

However, Ye Shuyan found that he might know more details than Tang Nuan.

Tang Yue's so-called definite relationship in the law firm was not spoken verbally. He could still remember that Assistant Wen had been reminiscing about that kiss during his office hours.

Speaking of which, Tang Yue is also a werewolf. If she is really with Assistant Wen, then if he uses Assistant Wen again...

Ye Shuyan hesitated again, should he keep busy?

"Assistant Wen is too funny, she went to my mother directly." Tang Nuan smiled, "I don't think my sister can beat him. My mother likes boys like him."

Ye Shuyan said lightly, "I think your mother likes me more." Just let him be busy, long pain is worse than short pain.

Tang Nuan was amused by him again, "Yo, even my mother's favor has to be fought."

Ye Shuyan put a bun in her mouth and directly blocked her mouth, discussing serious matters with her, "I think now that our matter has been settled, it is time to formally visit your parents and re-engage the engagement, what do you think? "

In fact, under normal circumstances, she should have officially met as soon as she recognized it. Shen Jinhua had mentioned it specifically when she called Sun Wanqiu last time, and it was obvious that she also cared about it.

It's just that Tang Nuan was more inclined to break off the marriage at that time, Ye Shuyan didn't mention it, and the matter has been delayed until now.

Tang Nuan nodded.

The situation of the two of them is a bit special. Although the relationship has just been confirmed for less than a day, they have been engaged for three and a half years and know each other very well.

Now that Tang Nuan has made the decision to accept him, he will no longer hesitate. This is respect for each other and for Tang Jinxin and his wife.

"But how do you order it? Are your parents going to show up, or yourself?"

Tang Nuan actually prefers Ye Shuyan to come forward. It is true that Ye Zhenghong and Deng Qiong are at a loss for words, but without their parents, they feel disrespectful to Tang Jinxin and his wife.

Ye Shuyan smiled and touched her head, "Don't worry, I will arrange it, and I will definitely not make you feel wronged."

Tang Nuan tilted his head and rubbed his hand, smiled, "Okay."

Ye Shuyan looked at her well-behaved look who completely trusted him, and suddenly reached out and picked her up and placed her on his lap.

Tang Nuan was startled, "What are you doing!"

Ye Shuyan kissed her cheek, "I want to take you away in my pocket."

"Why didn't I take you away in my pocket?"


The two of them had a sticky breakfast and went to work separately.

Everyone in the president's office found that Ye Shuyan was very talkative today, so all the planning cases that were difficult to decide before and afraid of being scolded all rushed to the office. Ye Shuyan was very busy, and naturally he would not let Assistant Wen go. , just let him deal with it directly next to him.

Assistant Wen was too busy to drink a sip of water, let alone contact Tang Yue. He thought that he could contact him after work at 12 o'clock, but at 11:30, Ye Shuyan arranged a lot of work for him. .

Assistant Wen looked at his unscrupulous boss, and considering what happened last night, he had every reason to suspect that he did it on purpose.

Ye Shuyan passed the document without changing his expression.

The phone rang suddenly, Ye Shuyan saw the caller ID, her expression changed, she cleared her throat before picking up the phone, "Auntie."

Assistant Wen immediately pricked up his ears, making Ye Shuyan's attitude still called auntie, there is no one else except Shen Jinhua.

"Special banquet." Shen Jinhua said, "We heard that your brother gets married before you?"

Ye Shuyan froze for a moment and said, "No."

Shen Jinhua breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, then it's probably spread on the Internet, otherwise we won't agree, the old and the young are orderly, you have been engaged for more than three years and haven't married, what's the matter with your brother and the others getting married first?"

If Ye Shuyan was still single, Ye Shuchen would get married before him, but Ye Shuyan had a fiancée. If they got married earlier, it would be disrespect to Ye Shuyan and Tang Nuan. No family would do this, Tang Jinxin's family would naturally not let Tang Nuan suffer this kind of grievance.

Ye Shuyan assured Shen Jinhua that such a situation would not happen, and hinted that he would bring his parents to visit him formally in the near future to discuss Tang Nuan's marriage, and Shen Jinhua hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Putting down the phone, Ye Shuyan immediately opened the scarf. Tang Nuan was fine recently, and he seldom looked at this thing, but since Shen Jinhua heard the news, it should not be groundless.

Assistant Wen stayed by the side the whole time, guessed the matter according to his conversation, and suddenly said, "Mr. Ye, if the elders and children are orderly, in Miss Tang's house, does lawyer Tang get married too? Can you get married?"

Ye Shuyan:…

He looked blankly at Assistant Wen, "Lawyer Tang doesn't have a boyfriend yet." What kind of sweet dream?

Assistant Wen said, "Maybe not now, but what if you had it before you got married? And if your relationship is stable..." There is still a dream, and he will definitely realize it!

Ye Shuyan remembered this guy's unscrupulous cornering ability to overtake...

Assistant Wen handed back the documents in his hand.

Ye Shuyan:…

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