MTL - The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds-Chapter 55

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In the "Father's Union" group, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Damn the big news of the century! Look what I found!"

Then a video came out.

In the neon flashing bar, the crowd of demons dancing in front of them was like a group of delinquent teenagers who were caught by the dean. One by one, they stopped their movements unconsciously, and then obediently gave way and backed away. Friends Reminder soon joined them.

The crowd automatically parted to make way, and at the end of the road was a tall and straight man.

【what happened? So exaggerated, are you making a movie? 】

[Haha, I saw a lot of familiar faces, your shocked expressions are very real, why did you change your career to be a group performer? 】

Xie Feizhe, as the number one dude in the Yan City circle, opened his bar, and naturally many dudes in the group went to cheer, so they basically knew each other.

The person who shot the video said mysteriously: [It's not a movie. I understand today that art really comes from life. Some people make people feel dizzy when they see it. Guess who it is? 】

Because there is only one back, and the lights are flickering constantly, it is not like the scene can be seen clearly in the video, only a tall and straight outline can be vaguely seen, and everyone's speculation:

[Even if you are a popular actor, you don't have this expression, right? 】

【If you can frighten this group of people like this, which parent will not be the one to arrest the child? 】

[Which family's parents can be so young, and what kind of trouble can they make in Xie Ershao's bar? 】

【It does seem like you are going to arrest the child. Has anyone gotten into trouble recently? 】

Finally someone mentioned: [Could it be Young Master Ye? 】

Then ushered in the constant ridicule of the crowd:

【how is this possible? My brother said that apart from work, he is working, and at most, he can relax by golf and horseback riding, which is impossible in bars. 】

【I'm afraid you forgot, Young Master Ye doesn't drink at banquets, so what are you doing at the bar? dance? 】

Everyone imagined the scene, and it was estimated that it was even more frightening than the video.

The person who first guessed: [I mean he went to catch Tang Nuan! Didn't someone post a video of her dancing before? 】

Everyone still denies:

[Even if you really want to catch him, you don't need Young Master Ye to go there in person. Say hello, won't Xie Ershao help you send it back? 】

[Where to use Xie Ershao, it is just to save face by sending a driver and assistant to call. It is estimated that if she makes a phone call, she will be scared and go back obediently? 】

[Go there in person to pick up, not to catch you? 】

【catch? Haha, Young Master Ye went to the bar to pick up Tang Nuan? What a joke. 】

With that said, the topic went completely off the rails.

[I said that Tang Nuan was courageous enough to even dare to go there to play. Does this mean that Mrs. Ye's position has been stabilized? 】

[This is stable, and it makes her jump unsteady all of a sudden? Young Master Ye seems to hate such a woman the most? 】

[Poor to see, she used to be a playful person, I guess she has been holding back for too long, or there is some pressure. As expected, getting married still has to be a good family, otherwise, just looking at this glamorous, in fact, like a person drinking water, cold and warm. …]

[No, otherwise, how could Tang Nuan's scheming have made such a big mistake? 】

[By the way, can Young Master Ye see the previous video? 】

The discussion was in full swing, and some of them were in a dark mood, hoping that Tang Nuan would be divorced. Until the person who took the photo sent another photo.

Then ushered in a neat [Fuck! 】

【Fuck! 】

【How is this going? real or fake? 】

The lighting in the corridor on the second floor of the bar was not dim. In the photo, the man they guessed was standing at the door of a box with a very clear profile.

There is no doubt that the handsome one is really Ye Shuyan!

[So, is it really Ye Dashao who arrested people? Suddenly I can't bear to see what's going on? 】

[Didn't he say that if he went in person, should he pick up someone? 】

[The arrest is barely imaginable, but the pick-up is unimaginable. 】

For a while, the group was full of friends who @ call themselves invisible or do not disturb messages to pay attention-because whether it is arresting or picking up people, it is considered the super big gossip of the year, not to be missed.

The photographer is like a paparazzi fighting on the front line, and everyone can even feel the excitement from his short video - a small climax will soon be ushered in!

In fact, things were even more explosive than everyone imagined. In the video, at the moment Ye Shuyan pushed open the box door, Tang Nuan's voice was vaguely heard along with the sound of glass bursting: "Anyway, he doesn't. will come."


[Fuck, what's the situation? Are you fighting? Who beat whom? 】

[I found that Tang Nuan can always surprise people. I thought it was enough to dance on the bottom line of Young Master Ye, but I didn’t expect that she would even fight. 】

Someone broke the news: [She was a school bully in high school, and she is quite skilled in fighting, right? 】

People who are not in the same class expressed their disbelief: 【Every time you are around Young Master Ye, you are so dignified and quiet, you can't see it at all? 】

[When I talked about that system last time on the live broadcast, it looked very elite? 】

[If it is true, it is not easy to pretend for so many years. 】

The others couldn't care about the discussion, and hurriedly urged the photographer to continue posting videos: [Where's the person? How's the back? Hurry, hurry, hurry up. 】

However, after a while, the other party sent another video, and the distance of the video became significantly farther.

This time the development of the matter exceeded everyone's imagination. Ye Shuyan was not in the box, but stood at the door of the box. There was another person beside him. It was Xie Ershao, who was looking at a joke. With Ye Shuyan.

The photographer said excitedly: [Second Master Xie came to stop me, but I didn't capture the most exciting part! You never expected that Young Master Ye would just close the door and come out! 】

Below is another row of question marks: ? ? ?

【Why do you want to withdraw? Wasn't Tang Nuan the one who beat people inside? 】

Others put forward a very outrageous guess: [Could it be that Tang Nuan was beaten? Young Master Ye decided to ignore it and wanted her to learn a lesson? 】

There are many outrageous speculations in the group, and Xie Feizhe here doesn't understand Ye Shuyan after laughing, "Why don't you go in?"

Ye Shuyan said lightly, "It's not suitable for me to go in for their classmates' party."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "bang" from behind the box door.

Xie Feizhe: …

He looked at Ye Shuyan, "Is it a generation gap? I remember that our class reunion was not so wild?"

Ye Shuyan didn't speak, just waited quietly with a calm expression on his face.

Xie Feizhe seemed to have noticed something, looked him up and down, and suddenly laughed wickedly, "Oh, so God Ye is down to earth?"

Ye Shuyan glanced at him lightly, noncommittal.

Xie Feizhe laughed, took two rings from his hand, and pulled Ye Shuyan's hand up.

Ye Shuyan pulled his hand back in a conditioned reflex, and looked at him with disgust at the bits and pieces all over his body: seven of his ten fingers wore various rings, several necklaces were wrapped around his neck, and one looked like a dog chain. Like, he can't understand, why do you dress up like this when you come to a nightclub, where is he so handsome?

Xie Feizhe wasn't annoyed either, he played with the ring in his hand and said, "Since it's going to change, it's going to be a bit more thorough. Don't you know that a complete reversal of the image can easily make people stunning?"

"Amazing is the most useful weapon to make people fall in love at first sight and keep love fresh."

Ye Shuyan couldn't help thinking, and felt that he was fooling him for a while, but also felt that it seemed to make sense. At the stall where he hesitated, Xie Feizhe quickly put two rings on his fingers.

Ye Shuyan stretched out her hand and looked at it. The silver ring had a peculiar pattern, but it was not too exaggerated, so she did not refuse.

Xie Feizhe smiled and took off a wolf tooth necklace from his neck.

Probably because it wasn't the dog leash, Ye Shuyan hesitated for a while and then lowered his head and put it on.

Xie Feizhe helped him roll up his sleeves twice, revealing his strong forearms, and finally looked up and down, and whistled excitedly at him, "Perfect."

Ye Shuyan didn't move, she just turned her head coldly to look at the person holding the phone not far away.

The other party retracted his hand in fright, but the last photo was sent out tenaciously.

The group continues to fry the pot:

[I finally know why I didn't recognize Young Master Ye at first sight, when did he wear such... youthful and beautiful clothes! 】

[Isn't it so exaggerated, that is, the style of the shirt is a little looser, and there are embroidery? 】

[However... this kind of cold and wild style is so handsome! Sha... I actually had the idea of ​​​​rebellious... 】

Xie Feizhe did not fool Ye Shuyan, his transformation was very successful.

When Tang Nuan came out of the box with a cold face, his eyes were obviously stunned when he fell on Ye Shuyan, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

Ye Shuyan let out a sigh of relief, couldn't help raising the corners of his lips, and waved to her.

Tang Nuan walked over slowly, and everyone behind him also filed out.

However, although they were also curious about what Ye Shuyan would do when he discovered Tang Nuan's brutal side, they didn't dare to stop, they just nodded at Ye Shuyan as a greeting, and walked away quickly.

And Ye Shuyan didn't give anyone a look at all, and only focused on Tang Nuan until Xiao Tianye came out.

This overconfident young man was very sensible at this time. He was very low-key among the crowd and wanted to slip away quietly. It could be seen that he was very clear in his heart that he was taking advantage of Tang Nuan, especially...

Thinking of what he said, Tang Nuan suddenly burst into anger, raised his foot and kicked over, "Xiao Tianye, come here, repeat what you just said!"

No one expected Tang Nuan to suddenly burst into such a big fire, and they were all stunned. Xiao Tianye was kicked to his arm against the wall. He raised his head subconsciously, and met Ye Shuyan's icy gaze. His lips moved and he whispered, "I'm sorry, but I can't speak."

After saying that, leave quickly.

Tang Nuan was even more angry when he saw him slip away, [Ye Shuyan's rival in love? You are so worthy of this dog thing! ? 】

Ye Shuyan saw that she was angry like a puffer fish, and she was filled with joy before she got angry. She didn't expect that she would be so angry for him. Her soaring anger was not because of herself, but because the other party had insulted him.

"Okay," Ye Shuyan gently stroked her back and said warmly, "Don't take it to heart."

The big palm on his back and the gentle voice somehow made Tang Nuan feel a huge grievance in his heart.

Ye Shuyan looked at her shriveled mouth, looking like she wanted to cry, but still couldn't help hugging her into her arms and gently comforting her, "Okay, okay, don't be angry anymore, be good."

Tang Nuan grabbed his clothes and buried his head in his chest, unable to get up.

When the audience watched this scene, they thought it was outrageous.

Turning his head to look at Xiao Tianye, who had fled, and Zhu Xianli, who hadn't gotten up yet, he didn't know who was wronged just now.

Zhu Xianli was finally helped out by two dog legs. Her waist and back were very painful, and her skirt was full of drinks. She was extremely embarrassed. to internal injuries.

"Why?!" Unbalanced in her heart, she couldn't help but ask, "Young Master Ye, didn't you see her hitting someone?"

Ye Shuyan stroked Tang Nuan's head with one hand, and said lightly, "I didn't see it."

He looked at her up and down again, "Why are you the only one who is uncomfortable at your class reunion?"

Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu turned their backs and couldn't help laughing and their shoulders trembled.

God is such a classmate reunion, God is so uncomfortable, hahahaha.

That's right, why are you the only one being beaten by so many people? It's not because you're a jerk!

Zhu Xianli bit her lower lip so angry that she didn't cry out, but in the end she couldn't hold back, "Young Master Ye protects her like this? What do you like about her?"

Ye Shuyan lowered her eyes, looked at Tang Nuan's gentle eyes, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised. Just as she was about to speak, a hand suddenly appeared and covered his mouth.

"Don't tell me!" Tang Nuan raised her head, and after instructing Ye Shuyan, turned her head to scan the crowd watching the lively crowd, her eyes finally fell on Zhu Xianli, who was full of resentment, and smiled wickedly, "I won't tell you! I'm mad at you!"

Everyone & Zhu Xianli: …

Xie Feizhe couldn't help laughing, "Haha, Tang Nuan, why are you so funny?"

Ye Shuyan couldn't help but laugh, reached out and pulled her hand down, rubbed her head and said, "Okay, go home?"

Tang Nuan hesitated and nodded.

Ye Shuyan's eyes were full of smiles, and she held her back to look at Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu, "Let Xie Feizhe take you back in a while."

The two were flattered, but they didn't expect Ye Shuyan to remember them both.

Xie Feizhe whistled and watched the two leave.

Tang Nuan was in a hurry to drink just now, and became angry again. At this moment, the spirit of drinking has also completely come up. After sitting in the car, he couldn't help but glance at Ye Shuyan next to him, from clothes to fingers .

Ye Shuyan looked interesting, and tentatively stretched out the ring-wearing hand.

Tang Nuan held it uncontrollably, and curiously fiddled with his ring. Ye Shuyan looked at her, moved in her heart, and tucked the necklace into her collar and said, "This..."

Tang Nuan turned his head and stared at his neckline.

He was wearing a loose casual shirt today, with two buttons unbuttoned at the neckline, and the wolf tooth on the necklace was hidden a little further down, so he had to unbutton one more button if he wanted to see it.

Seeing Tang Nuan approaching, Ye Shuyan's Adam's apple rolled, her eyes lowered and motionless, for fear of scaring her.


He looked at Tang Nuan who was close at hand, and felt that his neck was strained, so he endured a cough and said, "What are you doing?"

Tang Nuan crossed the two collars tightly to make sure they were tight, and said coldly, "It doesn't look good, buckle it up!"

[So boring, who do you want to seduce? If you don't keep male morals, you can't show it to others! 】

Ye Shuyan couldn't help laughing, she raised her arms, but she didn't hold back, she pulled the person into her arms slightly.

Tang Nuan guessed that she was really drunk, and lay on his chest obediently without moving.

Ye Shuyan only felt that his whole heart was about to melt.

But it only lasted for twenty minutes, and when we got home, it was another story.

He helped him to the door on the 19th floor, when Tang Nuan suddenly became vigilant again, pushed him away, covered the lock with one hand and entered the password, and stared at him to warn him from time to time, as if he was afraid he would see it.

Ye Shuyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she patiently leaned against the wall, watching her dizzy and losing several times, and finally opened the door.

Help her to the bedroom first, when he went to the kitchen to pour a glass of honey water and came back, Tang Nuan had already wrapped himself in the quilt and sat on the bed tightly, staring at the door without blinking.

Seeing him coming in, his eyes were bright, but when he got close, he became vigilant again, "Put it there, I'll drink it myself."

Ye Shuyan put the water glass on the bedside table next to her and asked casually, "Do you really like me at all?"

Tang Nuan suddenly got angry, "I don't like it, why should I like it?"

She glared at Ye Shuyan, "If you say you can't like it, then you can't like it? If you say you like it, you should like it? Why?"

"Do you know how determined I am? I worked so hard, I thought about everything, and if you like it, you will overthrow it all? Why?"

Finally, he said coldly, "Like is the most unreliable thing! How long can your liking last?"

Ye Shuyan didn't expect that her heart is similar to his, is it a natural couple?

But this matter, he did hurt her, "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

"No, you're right." Tang Nuan wrapped the quilt, not knowing what to recall, and said with a distant gaze, "Grandma said that she and grandpa were in love with each other back then, and even if she couldn't have children, she insisted on marrying her, They live very happily..."

Ye Shuyan realized that she should be talking about the old lady of the Tang family.

"But what?" Tang Nuan sneered, "It's only been five years, but grandpa still took Tang Shengan back. The sincerity that grandma handed over wholeheartedly, in the end, only ended up with Tang Shengan's face alive."

Ye Shuyan was stunned for a moment, Tang Shengan was also an illegitimate child? The Tang family was keeping it a secret.

"Like me..." Tang Nuan murmured, "I rely on you for everything, and most of the honor and respect I get in the circle are because of you."

"I'm nothing without you, just like today, they knew you wouldn't go, so they laughed at me and looked down on me. But when they faced you, they were obedient and silent like a quail again, knowing this Why? Because you are powerful."

"If one day you change your mind, not only will I have nothing, but I will be trampled on by them."

Ye Shuyan didn't expect her to be so unconfident in her heart, "How could it be? You..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tang Nuan suddenly sat up straight, raised his arms and shouted: "I want to become stronger! I have to rely on myself! I want them to see me in awe as much as they see you!"

Ye Shuyan was almost hit by her fist, she leaned back to dodge, she couldn't help laughing, he was wrong, she was actually braver than him, he just ran away blindly and needed his mother to wake him up, but she knew what to do How to work hard.

"Well, you will..."

"I don't like you!!" This sentence shouted extremely loudly.

Ye Shuyan:…

He couldn't help but grit his teeth, "Aren't you the one who can't help but boast?"

Tang Nuan suddenly fainted again.

Ye Shuyan sighed and took out the towel from the bathroom, wiped her face and said, "What's the matter?"

Tang Nuan frowned and said, "I can't get stronger... um... Director Feng said that my project is not good."

Ye Shuyan frowned, "Who said no? I think it's good?"

Tang Nuan glanced at him and said with disgust, "You're not a professional." Then she became depressed, "I'm not either..."

"In case of losing money... I'll be a pauper! Am I not good enough?"

Ye Shuyan couldn't help rubbing her head. Usually, she always looks confident, but thinking about it, she's just a young man who just graduated. It's inevitable that there will be pressure on such a big project.

"It doesn't matter, isn't there me?" he said, "I'll pay for it."

His original intention was to let her not be under pressure, but Tang Nuan seemed to be surprised and forced to cheer up, "No, no, it can't be counted as yours, it's mine." I can do it!"

Ye Shuyan:…

What does she mean?

Is his help a beast to her?

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