MTL - The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds-Chapter 44

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"...This is the gift they gave me when I went to work: more than 2 million watches, 150,000 brooches, 200,000 haute couture dresses, and when the job was changed..." Tang Xing counted one by one, and he simply Shen Jinhua didn't let Shen Jinhua speak, "As for pocket money, I have five houses in my name, and the annual rent is about one million yuan, more than six million yuan for six years, and the red envelopes of sixty thousand yuan given by everyone when I was admitted to the university... My English competition After the third prize, the red envelope is 230,000..."

The more everyone listened, the more they opened their mouths, and they all looked at the Tang Jinxin family in shock. Obviously they didn't expect them to be so rich.

Tang Xing is also very familiar, and there is no order or classification. It should be that what he finds and what he finds in just one day.

However, unlike Tang Nuan, who remembered clearly because she got too little, she got too much, so every piece seemed extremely precious at this time... At the end of the reading, the sadness in her tone could hardly be concealed.

The crowd of onlookers fell silent, and just from these gifts and small flowers, one could see the love of Tang Jinxin's family for her...

"Enough, enough!" Shen Jinhua finally couldn't help her red eyes, "Tang Xing, stop reading."

Tang Jinxin and Tang Fei couldn't bear to look away.

Tang Xing took a deep breath, and just like Lin Yue'e, he distributed the booklet to everyone, and smiled, "Look at it for yourself, let's not talk about the bits and pieces, I didn't go to any aristocratic school, and I didn't spend much money on studying, these are just gifts and gifts. It is easy to transfer money after the age of eighteen, so there is a transfer record, and I calculated that the combined money is about more than 20 million."

Everyone watched silently, and the scene was even called quiet. Everything above was the love of Tang Jinxin's family for their children, but what about Tang Nuan? It sounds like she was born in a wealthy family, but both spiritual and material are poor and pitiful. No wonder she had such a reputation before. She only got this if she fought. If she didn't fight, she probably wouldn't live as well as Tang Yi's illegitimate son.

So who is the fake daughter? Who stole whose life? Everyone couldn't help but look at Tang Sheng'an and the others.

The calmness and sense of superiority of Tang Sheng'an's family when they came was shattered by the silence, and the three of them were all behind their backs.

Lin Yue'e didn't want to believe it at all, she slapped the booklet on the table and reprimanded Tang Xing, "Don't talk nonsense here, how could their family be so rich, four children and five houses are all yours? Are they talking to you in private? Contact? Want to cheat money from our house, right? Clear your mind and figure out which one is your home?"

Before Tang Xing could speak, Shen Jinhua suddenly took out a thick bound book and slammed it at it. Lin Yue'e didn't check it for a while, but felt a pain in her face and tears came out.

Then Shen Jinhua asked loudly, "Our family has no money?"

Lin Yue'e was stunned by the beating, and Tang Shuang, who was beside her, was furious and slapped the table, "You..."

Before she could finish her words, Shen Jinhua raised her hand and threw it over again, and threw it on her face equally, making a "pop" sound, Tang Shuang followed in Lin Yue'e's footsteps, and just as the other party said When she exclaimed "Ah", Shen Jinhua slapped the third book on the stunned Tang Shengan's face with the same posture, so that their family was neat.

No one reacted, Shen Jinhua stood up and pointed at their noses with akimbo, "I know you don't want to recognize it, come on, open your dog's eyes and see, there are more than 20 houses in my mother's house, and the Brilliant Building is full of them. Why is there no money in our family?"

"As long as you dare to promise, my mother can kill you with money, believe it or not?"

The stunned people came back to their senses only now. Looking at the red nose tip and physiological tears of the three Tang Shengan family, some people couldn't help laughing out loud.

The ladies in the wealthy circle are dignified and elegant, but they are not so aggressive. Many of them have seen Shen Jinhua's posture for the first time, but it is unexpected and not annoying. For some disgusting maggots, they should use Such brutal and direct means.

Tang Sheng'an's family of three felt ashamed as if they had been stripped of their clothes. Tang Jinxin also directly threw the sorted list on Tang Sheng'an, "It's all clear now, do you have any opinion on making up the money?"

"Let's go to school and shares here, oh, plus those two pieces of jewelry and bags, let me see, the total is 800... Forget it, round it up, I'll give you 8.1 million, and the excess is counted. I have given you alms, and I hope you will make a fortune with this."

The crowd roared with laughter.

Tang Sheng'an's face turned red, Tang Jinxin didn't let him speak, and took the booklet given by Tang Xing, "Tang Xing here..." He couldn't help but paused when he said this, obviously he couldn't bear it, and finally turned to the last page in a hurry. page, "23.5 million."

"You should make up for us 15.4 million." Tang Jinxin said, "Am I right?"

The Tang Sheng'an family never expected that not only did they not ask for the money, but they even owed the other party more than ten million yuan! Of course they don't want to admit it.

With so much money, Tang Shuang also sacrificed his face, still emphasizing, "Why are there two pieces of jewelry and bags? Although those were given by Young Master Ye, Tang Nuan was also able to get engaged to Young Master Ye because of our family... "

"I think you guys seem to have made a mistake." Ye Shuyan, who had been silent for a while, said, he lowered his head and flipped through Tang Xing's booklet without even looking up, his tone was indifferent, "Tang Nuan and I have never been engaged. It's not because of family background, if I choose family background, your Tang family will be the first one I exclude."

He finally put the booklet on the table, side by side with Tang Nuan's book, and looked up at Tang Shengan's family of three.

Those phoenix eyes were still cold and emotionless, but there seemed to be some kind of storm in them, and everyone could feel that Ye Shuyan was angry.

"It's because of Tang Nuan that I don't care about you," Ye Shuyan stared at them, "Since you got engaged, what projects have you done under my name, how much investment have you made, do you need me to greet them in person? "

The faces of the three Tang family members suddenly changed.

Ye Shuyan looked at Tang Sheng'an, "I remember I told you last time that Tang Nuan is my fiancee, and bullying her is bullying me. There is no next time? It seems that you have a bad memory?"

Tang Sheng's heart felt a chill, and he didn't care about his face at the moment, and quickly said, "Shu, no, Mr. Ye, that's not what we meant, today was the day we quarreled and rushed to talk, look at you. At that time, the time and place were directly set, and we were not good..."

"It's not good to be obedient?" Xie Feizhe sneered, "That's why you blame Ye Shuyan, if it weren't for him, your Tang family would not only have to lose money, but you could also cheat 10 to 20 million yuan. You all blame Ye Shuyan for being too powerful, no , I have to blame Tang Nuan's family for being so rich and spoiling their daughter, your family is the most innocent and pitiful, isn't it?"

The crowd echoed the ridicule, and Tang Shengan was run down and speechless.

The result was clear, Ye Shuyan didn't want to waste time with them, raised his hand and looked at the table below, "Five million four hundred thousand, I'll give you three days to make up for it, and the household registration matter will be settled within a week." After speaking, he looked at Tang Nuan, his tone softened, "Let's go, go back."

Shen Jinhua held Tang Nuan, "Mr. Ye, you go to work first, we'll talk to Nuan Nuan for a while, and send her back later." The tone was much gentler this time.

Ye Shuyan looked at Tang Nuan and nodded, then said, "Then I'll go first and call if I have something to do."

Xie Feizhe looked around between the two of them, and suddenly followed Ye Shuyan with a nasty smile.

The rest of the people pointed at Tang Sheng'an's family and watched jokes, but they couldn't care less. The loss this time was too great, 15 million, and Ye Shuyan. If Ye Shuyan wanted to hit them... Anyway, think of a way.

But before they thought about it, they heard a gentle voice say, "A big company like Tangli Group should pay taxes properly, right?"

The three of the Tang family were stunned for a moment, then turned around at the same time, and saw Tang Yue, who was sitting under Tang Jinxin, stood up and looked at them with a smile.

The eyes of the three of them subconsciously flickered for a moment, and Lin Yue'e said sternly, "Of course, our family didn't do anything illegal!"

Tang Yue smiled softly, "Oh, that's good, I love justice very much, I think you should know my law firm."

Of course they know, not only they know, but almost everyone in the whole circle knows.

Some time ago, the powerful apology on the scarf was not over yet. Every day, people jumped out to apologize to Tang Nuan. The big V has already announced the compensation.

Some lawyers have analyzed that this type of case must be left behind, which will affect the future work and school.

Even if the circumstances are relatively minor, going to the police station to receive criticism and education will let relatives and friends know what stupid things they have done online, which will become a stain on their lives.

However, in the face of these, Mingyue Law Firm's original words are: The apology has been received, but it will not be withdrawn. If you hurt someone, you want to make atonement with an apology? There is no such good thing. If you do it, you will pay the price.

The former cyber rioters were naturally very angry, but they did not dare to make any drastic remarks except to suppress their temper and continue to beg for mercy.

There are still many victims of Internet explosions who contact Mingyue Law Firm, and now the atmosphere on the Internet is much better.

At first, everyone thought it was Ye Shuyan who did it, but they didn't expect it to be Tang Nuan's sister.

Once it is targeted... A company's tax evasion and tax evasion can be easier to win than an online storm, and the Tangli Group itself has been fighting infighting between the two factions, and there are many loopholes.

If they don't want the company to get into trouble, they can only lose money obediently.

A farce was resolved neatly, and Tang Jinxin's family also prepared to go back. Shen Jinhua held Tang Nuan's hand tightly along the way.

When Tang Xing read the booklet and Shen Jinhua couldn't help but stop her, she subconsciously grabbed Tang Nuan, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

Tang Nuan sat in the car, flipping through the list they had compiled. It's not as detailed as Tang Xing's own arrangement, but all the bulky items and transfer records are almost there. It's a little less than Tang Xing's arrangement, but it's not much worse.

She was actually a little surprised. After all, this family is very affectionate, and their relationship with Tang Xing for more than 20 years is not fake. To organize this booklet is undoubtedly a kind of harm to Tang Xing.

Tang Xing should also know this. She was afraid that the Tang family would not be able to sort it out, so she made the list herself...

Shen Jinhua sighed, "Nuan Nuan, sorry..."

Tang Nuan finally asked, "Why do you do this?"

Shen Jinhua was stunned for a moment, then slowly said, "Nuan Nuan, life will always be faced with various choices, there are many dilemmas of loyalty and filial piety, and it depends on the choice. Just like this matter, almost everyone is doomed. You have to get hurt, but one thing is for sure, you are the one who should be hurt the most, and you are the most righteous one."

So they finally chose to suffer for themselves and chose to hurt Tang Xing, just to give her justice.

Shen Jinhua touched her head, "Since we said to look forward, we will all look forward, Tang Xing is the same, she has to pass this hurdle, just like you have done for so many years, we believe she will be strong. of."

"Now here with us, you are the most important."

Tang Nuan looked at Shen Jinhua's reddish eyes, Tang Yue and Tang Fei supported silently, and she felt a little relieved. At least at this moment, she didn't seem to mind Tang Xing so much.

Tang Nuan said to Tang Yue, "Sister, do you want to go see Tang Xing, I'm afraid she will be in trouble." With the virtues of Tang Sheng'an's family, Tang Xing would definitely not be spared.

Tang Yue was stunned for a moment, then touched her head, "Nuan Nuan, thank you."

Seeing the smiles on Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua, Tang Nuan's mood also improved wonderfully, Tang Fei smiled, "Nuan Nuan, get your account ready, you'll be rich soon!"

Tang Nuan's mood brightened.

However, Ye Shuyan was in a bad mood. He looked down at the tablet in his hand, trying to block the annoying guy next to him.

"...Hey? Why are you so sullen? Are you still angry?" Xie Feizhe looked at him curiously, "Tsk tsk, are you angry that Tang Shengan and his family treat Tang Nuan badly? Or are you angry that Tang Nuan didn't come back with you? what."

Ye Shuyan looked at the document and ignored him.

Xie Feizhe let out a "tsk" and snatched the tablet away, "Oh, stop pretending, you just clicked to turn the page back."

Ye Shuyan turned to look at him expressionlessly, "What the **** are you trying to do?"

Xie Feizhe leaned his elbow on the car window and looked at Ye Shuyan as if he were looking at rare animals, "Let's see how Ye Shen, who swore that he would never be emotional in his life, fell in love."

Ye Shuyan couldn't help but said, "Are you still a high school student? Why are you so naive?"

"Yeah," Xie Feizhe didn't mind at all, still looking proud, "Who made me an infatuated kind? People say that love can make people lose their minds, so I've always been like this."

Ye Shuyan rubbed his forehead with a headache, "I told you, how many years have passed, just for a woman, is it worth it?"

Xie Feizhe looked at him and suddenly said, "What about you? Do you want to break up with Tang Nuan?"

Ye Shuyan was inexplicable, "Why should I break off the marriage with her?"

Xie Feizhe said, "Why not? It was really suitable to choose her before, but if you want to get married now, it's better for you to choose someone who is in the right position? I don't believe your smart and calm brain can't analyze this conclusion."

Ye Shuyan said lightly, "She is the most beneficial to me."

Xie Feizhe said with a smile, "Ye Shuyan, don't deceive yourself, she is definitely not the most beneficial." After speaking, without waiting for Ye Shuyan to speak, he asked coldly, "Did you want to take her with you just now?"

Xie Feizhe said, "please, you are the one who wants to go back to work now, what are you doing with her? Her parents are all there, and they obviously love her very much, and they can't suffer any losses. Why do you want to take her? Heart reluctant? "

Ye Shuyan was startled.

"Do you know that your appearance of wanting to keep people by your side at any time is one of the manifestations of love."

Ye Shuyan felt that he was unreasonable.

Xie Feizhe held his chin and continued, "And what happened to the carnival the day before yesterday? It doesn't make any sense for you to participate in that, but I think you are very happy to be with Tang Nuan, you even do it yourself when they have trouble with their family. Running over, this is also one of the expressions of love..."

Ye Shuyan couldn't bear it any longer, "That's what I should do as my fiancé."

"Oh? Is that so?" Xie Feizhe looked at him curiously, "Then do you think she is very beautiful, are you very happy when you see her, do you always think about her when you don't see her..."

Ye Shuyan was suddenly a little irritable, "What the **** are you doing here?"

Xie Feizhe looked at him and smiled, "I came to see your jokes. When you called me an idiot for being an idiot, I said that one day, you will be punished..."

Ye Shuyan took a deep breath, "I never scolded you."

Xie Feizhe waved his hand and said indifferently, "Anna, it's not important, that's what you mean anyway."

Ye Shuyan didn't want to mess with him, and said coldly, "I'm sorry, I'm going to disappoint you, I don't think I've been punished."

"Oh?" Xie Feizhe said with interest, "Then let me ask another question. If Tang Nuan likes someone else and wants to break up with you, you will break off the marriage with her calmly, right?"

The car had already entered the basement of Ye's Building. As soon as the car stopped, Ye Shuyan got out of the car and went straight to the elevator, and instructed the driver, "Take him away."

The driver looked at Xie Feizhe embarrassedly, but Xie Feizhe was not annoyed either, leaning on the car and watching Ye Shuyan who was in a hurry, he whistled, "Ye Shen, don't admit it, it's just when you're tempted, there's nothing shameful, love The brain boss is also very cute!"

Ye Shuyan's face was cold as if he didn't hear it.

In the President's Office on the 20th floor, Assistant Wen watched his boss come back almost angrily through the glass of the office, full of doubts, didn't he go to witness to Miss Tang? How can you be angry? If he didn't say it, Tang Sheng'an's family wouldn't dare to be angry with his boss even if they had a hundred courage?

Did he see it wrong? As Assistant Wen thought about it, he sorted out the documents and waited for Ye Shuyan to ask him to report on his work, but half an hour later, there was no movement.

Assistant Wen had to take the initiative to find him. When he walked to the door of the office, he remembered something, and returned to pick up the USB flash drive and the kraft paper bag on the table before walking back to the president's office.

The secretariat seemed to have noticed something and reminded him, "Mr. Ye doesn't seem to be in a good mood."

Assistant Wen held up the kraft paper bag, so didn't he come with a secret weapon?

Ye Shuyan sat behind the desk and looked at the document with a cold face. Assistant Wen felt in a trance that he saw that cold working machine again.

He quickly took out a USB flash drive and a kraft paper bag and handed it over, "Mr. Ye, this is from reporter Li from the Metropolitan Commercial Daily. He said it was a photo taken, and the article has also been sent to your mailbox. Please take a look."

In the end, Ye Shuyan didn't lift his head, and said lightly, "Let's put it there, what else is there?"

Assistant Wen frowned, why did he seem more angry? Could it be that Miss Tang provoked him? It is also possible that it is normal for young couples to quarrel.

Ye Shuyan looked up at him, Assistant Wen consciously guessed the reason, and without touching his bad head, he consciously stepped back three meters away and started reporting.

Ye Shuyan listened with an expression on his face, and Assistant Wen was not used to it.

"...The preliminary evaluation of the warm sun system has come out, and now we need to contact the team there to determine the final financing plan."

Ye Shuyan seemed to be lost in thought.

Assistant Wen called out, "Mr. Ye?"

Ye Shuyan frowned, "Financing plan?"

Assistant Wen was stopped by him, could it be an acquisition plan instead of a financing plan? Isn't that what the Jiang family said? We can't let Miss Tang suffer.

As a result, Ye Shuyan said coldly, "Acquisition plan"

Assistant Wen: ? ? ?

Wow, is this the capitalist? So cruel to his fiancee after a fight? What a scum!

Ye Shuyan didn't change his mind at all, "If you need to get in touch, contact Tang Nuan, and come back to me if you have any questions."

Completely businesslike, Assistant Wen felt as if he had returned to a few months ago, when his boss only regarded himself as a fiancé.

After Assistant Wen left, Ye Shuyan stared at the document for a long time, and found that he couldn't read a single word. His eyes fell on the document bag next to him. He hesitated for a while, but picked it up and opened it.

In addition to the U disk, there are several washed photos.

Ye Shuyan pursed her lips, her eyes involuntarily fell on the beautiful woman above, she held his arm intimately, leaned her head slightly on his shoulder, but her eyes were slanted in his direction. With her mouth slightly pouting, Ye Shuyan could completely imagine the way she was quietly staring at him at that time, smart and cute...

His fingers couldn't help caressing the black pearl hairpin in the hair, this one really suits her, and this long hair...

There was itching between her fingers, and the feeling of the five fingers passing through her fingers that day reappeared, and Ye Shuyan's eyes fell on her hand again...

The knock on the door sounded, Ye Shuyan came back to his senses, and found that he had been stuck like this for a long time, he couldn't help frowning, put the photos and the USB flash drive back in the kraft paper bag, and threw them into a drawer beside him.

When the executive came in to report his work, he discovered that he had not had time to read the information submitted by the other party.

Ye Shuyan rubbed his forehead, took a deep breath, and devoted himself to work. This time, there was no trace of distraction, and it was already afternoon when he regained his senses.

Assistant Wen came in with a thick stack of documents, and mentioned tomorrow's schedule by the way. Before leaving, he thought about it, and still reminded, "Mr. Ye, I see that Miss Tang has posted on the Moments, and it seems that she is preparing to celebrate thoroughly. After leaving the Tang Li Group, do you want to prepare flowers and gifts?"

Ye Shuyan heard the words, raised her head and stared at him faintly.

Assistant Wen was stared furiously, "No, don't you need it?"

Ye Shuyan said lightly, "It's hard for you to keep an eye on her affairs."

Assistant Wen: …

Isn't this the job you gave me? What's with your resentful tone? Looking at me so coldly, should I continue to stare or not?

Assistant Wen weighed the pros and cons, and finally coughed lightly, "It's me who talks too much."

However, when he left, he heard Ye Shuyan say indifferently behind him, "I'll get off work later today, so you can prepare flowers and gifts."

Assistant Wen: …

Social animals are so difficult!

However, half an hour later, Assistant Wen was handling the work that should have belonged to Ye Shuyan, which was brought back from the desk, while listening to the careful consultation of the jewelry store manager on the phone, "Hey, why did President Ye come in person? Is there anything he is particular about and avoid? Let's be careful here."

Assistant Wen said expressionlessly, "I don't know, he's a moody capitalist, don't sympathize with him."

Jewelry Store Manager:…

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