MTL - The Void Lord’s Path To Planar Conquest-Chapter 2 dark wolf

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After finally gathering enough flesh and blood from four first-level creatures, Sartre plans to go back and recruit a dark wolf first, so that he can be safer when hunting.

Sartre went all the way back to the Lord's Hall. This hall was built by Demont, all made of stone. However, Demon is considered poor among the secondary lords, and the Wilderness Plane knows that resources are scarce after hearing this name.

So there is nothing in the whole hall except an empty hall and a house. Otherwise, why do you think Damon will bring all his troops out, just to see if he can plunder some resources. The reason why Sartre was left behind was to leave a way for his resurrection, but of course he saved Sartre's life in the end.

To put it simply, the current Sartre is an empty-rod commander who has nothing but the title of a lord. Originally, Demon still had a third-level armies viper lizard lair, and several first-level lairs, and finally all of them were replaced with seven fifth-level arms.

In fact, it is definitely a loss to replace it in this way. The value of the troop nest is very high. After all, as long as a nest has resources, it can continuously produce troops.

Although the fifth-level arms are strong, the combined value of a third-level arms nest and several first-level arms nests is much higher than that of seven fifth-level arms, but Demon was anxious to increase his strength, and finally only changed seven A fifth-level arms "Iron Golem".

Without further ado, Sartre walked to the side of the hall and took out a statue of a wolf from the space. I saw the statue's eyes were green, and its body was pitch black. The wolf's mouth was open, showing a prey look. Sharp teeth are clearly visible.

This is the dark wolf's lair, but it has not been activated yet. When Sartre moved, he threw the statue, and the statue immediately swelled and expanded, turning into a wolf-shaped lair more than ten meters high.

Sartre walked in and saw a hole under the statue. Walking in, I saw six dark wolves perched inside, nearly three meters in length and nearly one meter six in height. It looks exactly like a sculpture. It's just not a physical form, but an illusion composed of light and shadow.

Generally, there are two forms of troop nests. One is this inactive state, which is easy to carry; the second is the production mode, which is the current nest mode, from which troops can be recruited.

Sartre took out the corpses of the four green-eyed deer before and threw them into the lair. The corpses of these deer turned into a streak of blood and merged into the body of one of the wolves. A wolf howl sounded.

This dark wolf that had absorbed the blood light turned into an entity and stood in front of Sartre; like a strictly trained soldier, he was on standby at any time and looked mighty and mighty.

With this second-level dark wolf, the next hunting will be much easier. After all, it is impossible for Sartre to hide the Wilderness Plane all the time. The biggest resources of the entire Wilderness Plane are only a group of third-level anacondas and a few small iron mines.

The upper limit of the strength of the protists of the secondary plane is up to the third level, and the master of the plane can break through this upper limit.

Before I knew it, a month passed. On this day, there was a terrifying aura in the hall of the lord, and the sky of the whole plane was also covered with dark clouds, and there were bursts of thunder.

And all kinds of creatures in the plane, whether it is a green-eyed deer or a python, began to tremble, bowing towards the sky in a surrendered state. As if asking for forgiveness from God.

After a while, I saw a young man with radiance all over his body and horns on his head walking out of the lord's hall.

It is Sartre;

Outside, there were already four rows of twenty-four dark wolves. They bowed their front legs and bowed their heads to Sartre, worshiping their master.

And Sartre's strength has clearly reached the fourth level, which is already the level of a **** in the secondary plane.

In a month, he finally fully integrated the heart of the plane, and the entire plane was truly under his complete control.

It's not that Sartre doesn't want to wait until he is fully integrated before going hunting and recruiting dark wolves. But he had no choice, the plane coordinates had already been leaked by Demon.

When De Meng bet all his wealth, his plane coordinates were already mastered by others. It's just that Demon doesn't care. If he wins the bet, it is very likely that he will plunder enough resources to advance to the plane. At that time, you can push your own plane, so the coordinates you have mastered before will be useless.

Secondary planes are generally fixed in a certain place. It cannot be moved easily, otherwise it will easily cause the plane to collapse. But when promoted to a lower plane, the plane begins to stabilize and can leave the original place.

The fixed coordinates of the "Plane of the Wild" have been discovered; so the Satyr must do everything possible to increase his strength in order to cope with the impending invasion.

And Sartre's way to deal with the invasion is to sacrifice all the plane's native creatures together, hoping that the plane cube will show something that enhances his strength or saves his life. If it doesn't work, he can only wait desperately. When he became the Void Lord of the Wilderness Plane, he could no longer abandon this plane.

Unless he is willing to be unable to advance in his entire life, he will always live at the bottom of the void plane. I don't know when I will die because of what.

After speaking, the satyr started to act, and the entire plane also began to mourn, and the screams and moans of various creatures were mixed together. Whether it's an adult creature or a pup. There is no mercy, only killing.

This is emptiness, there is no mercy, only the strong eat the weak.

After Sartre completely refined the Heart of the Plane, the entire plane was under his control. Indigenous creatures have no resistance in the face of the master of the plane.

Before Sartre was refined, he had to hunt with traps. But now, he can control their life and death at any time.

In a short while, the "Wild Plane" has fallen into dead silence.

And the corpse, except for a small amount of third-level pythons, was decomposed and absorbed by his control plane, and not even a trace of blood was left.

The soul was also gathered by him and began to sacrifice to the plane cube.

Seeing the Rubik's Cube radiating golden light in his mind, countless souls were swallowed up.

Sartre's mood did not fluctuate in the slightest. He knew very well that if he didn't sacrifice these creatures, he would be the one who would die.

With the devouring of the Rubik's Cube, three dazzling objects slowly condensed on the Rubik's Cube.

Soon, information about three items came from the Rubik's Cube.

The first item: Level 4 lord production increase certificate (permanent); after using it against a level 4 creature's nest, it can permanently double the number of troops recruited.

Second item: Secondary plane coordinates (true); an unknown secondary plane not occupied by the void.

The third item: upgrade to crystal; those below level five can be directly promoted to one level.

It can be said that there are three things, each of which is what Sartre wants most. The first one, the arms are doubled, and the fourth-level arms are definitely the top combat power for these secondary lords. Each additional one greatly enhances the strength.

The second plane coordinate is the real coordinate. There are two kinds of coordinates, one is pseudo-coordinates, which is the fixed coordinates of the previous plane. This is generally called pseudo-coordinates; the second is the internal coordinates of the plane, which can move regardless of the plane, and are called true coordinates. This kind of coordinates is the most precious, and it is also the premise for the invasion of planes above the secondary level.

The third type, the most direct, is one level up. The fifth-level strength is already considered a high-level among the secondary plane lords.

The general secondary lords are all level 4 strengths, only those veteran secondary lords who have plundered enough plane origin after repeated invasions can break through level 4.

These things are what Sartre wants most. But in the end, Sartre chose plane coordinates.

The production increase certificate Sartre currently does not have a fourth-level nest; although the promotion of crystal can directly enhance the strength, Sartre is now a bare commander.

There are more than one old-fashioned secondary lord staring at the Wilderness Plane, and the fifth-level strength alone is not enough to resist.

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