MTL - The Villain’s White Lotus Halo-Chapter 94 【】

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The sound of the sword on the south coast of the sea is not so bright, even worse than the sound of the tide. But when it sounds, every living in this world, there are enough practitioners who have cultivated the realm to hear, or feel it.

For a long time in the cage, the pearls are dusty, and once they are out of the sheath, they must be sharp and revealing the world.

True immortality is the limit that practitioners can imagine. Linyuan sword is the deserved first soldier in the world. Many people originally thought that the stunned swords were repaired as unparalleled, and half of them were the reason for this sword. Therefore, there is a saying that ‘there are people who have the sacred mind and the true meaning of the world. However, the Juggernaut acted in a madness, and he took the soldiers and said that he would recast it, reminiscent of his sigh, and envy the good fortune of Jun.

Today, the truth of the matter is unexpected.

Huafeng, the end of the mountain, Junxi is sitting in front of the case to wipe the sword, there is no doubt. Before the Juggernaut took Yin, he stayed in his hospital. On the eve of their departure, they said a lot of words, mainly because Wei Feng said, Jun Yi listened, and believed.

"The name is not imaginary, Linyuan sword..."

Yu Shi stood in the mountains of Hengduan, and the mountain wind was wrapped in thin snow. Night and snow can't cover the field of vision. If he wants, he can look far.

There is no doubt in my heart. Chunshan laughs and the autumn wind is really a scorpion. Wei Jingfeng did not use this sword, but gave the sword to the apprentice. For whatever reason, this practice is stupid. He is somewhat indifferent to think, it is a pity that the gods should be able to get it, but they can break up and break, repair and rebuild, and there is a magical interest in the body. It is impossible to use this sword.

Linyuan swords and evil spirits, natural restraint magic road exercises.

He scorned his sleeves and appeared in the back hill. His hand was standing outside the old ancestral hall.

In the hall, the candlelight swayed and a figure was cast on the paper window.

"Can you reflect on it?" Yu Shi Shen asked.

People in the window don't answer.

Since the Battle of Hengduan Mountain, Lin Yuan has never had a ancestral hall, named Jingsi, and it is actually confined. Even the same disciple who comes to see him will be punished by the elders.

"The martial art raises and cultivates you, and the grace is like a mountain. Now the overall situation is fixed, you are not asked to cut the meat and bones to report, just do one thing for the door. After the event, the predecessor will not be ruthless, the old man will also give you the Linyuan sword. You must be very pleased when you know what is under your master."

Lin Yuan does not speak, this silence, falling in the eyes of the rest of the world is a compromise.

"If you think about it, come out." Yu Shi’s sleeves, the doors and windows of the hall are slightly swaying, the dust and debris are splashing, and the sound of shattering and cracking sounds. It is the sound of the ban.

Lin Yuan returned from the smoke and dust, and the blue shirt fell and looked cold as usual.

Yu Shi is satisfied with the idea, which should be the case, which sword repair can refuse Lin Yuanjian?

At the bamboo seaside of the Qingjian Sword School, Yan Xing’s mind was fretting. “Have you heard it? The sound of the sword.”

Song Emei, "What sword is this?"

Yan Xing smiled. "It's a little familiar. ‘The chest is small and uneven, you can drink it, the world is very uneven, and the non-sword can’t be eliminated.’ It’s quite like Master’s, but not Master.”

Song Wei was worried about him. "The Juggernaut will be fine."

Donglu has not fallen snow tonight. It seems that the dust particles refracted by the light, and the night sky is full of red light.

The broken moon in the dark clouds shines on the abyss of silence.

If you look at it from the sky, it is like tearing a half-eastern scar. It starts from the snowy peaks in the east and stretches over the snowfields. It is divided into two branches, like a tree growing out of a branch, one south and one north.

The south side, near the Suichuan River, now only leaves a fine line. At the time of the fall of the autumn frost, the Juggernaut seals the abyss, and the entire East-East aura changes dramatically, and the sword is straight on the sky, and the earth is shaking. The world's talents really see how powerful the saints are. As long as you are willing, it is enough to change the land and relocate the mountains.

Inevitably, the cost is also great. Except for the Huanfeng peak, almost no one believes that Juggernaut can come back.

At this time, two people stood on the edge of the snowfield. Because the practice method is the same as the source, the color of the monster between the eyebrows is similar.

Here is the starting point of the abyss, even though the snow on the snowy whistling, standing on the edge of the cliff, but can not hear a gust of wind, the silent needle can be heard.

When Lin Yuanjian rang, Rong Rong laughed. "The master of this sword, I have seen it on the Hengduan Mountain."

Yu Zhan looked at the starry star, "Do you think Linyuan sword is in his hands, can you urge a few powers?"

Rong Rong thought for a moment, "60%."

It happened that a black robe appeared quietly on his side and whispered two sentences. Did not avoid the jade eyebrows.

The news is not good, but it seems to be in a good mood.

"If you can't kill, don't go any more, why bother to send him a sword, and wait for them to come."

The man’s body is like a ghost, and after the shadow disappears, he quietly retreats.

Yu Zhan's eyebrows are cold, "60% has been a lot. You still don't do it? Waiting for the kid to be sanctified?"

Rong Rong raised his eyebrows. "What is the urgency of the palace, it is better to talk about cooperation first."

Yu Zhanmei didn't know what he had for the two people, and he didn't ask any more. "If it is cooperation, I think it should at least be honest."

It is the cooperation between the two parties, not one party, and the sincerity of Rong Yu’s eyebrows on Yu Zhan is significantly higher than that of the other palace owners. And tonight's dialogue in the abyss, no one claimed to be 'this seat'.

"What do you want to know about the palace?"

"The battle of Xiqiao Mountain, Yu Shi helps you to fake an incarnation. You have been waiting until Juggernaut has passed away. This is almost a hundred years, where have you been?"

Rong Rong really replied, "Northern Emperor. I took a lock needle to pierce the six big holes and sealed a magical breath. Twenty years lived like an ordinary person, admitted to the Imperial Palace, and worshipped a condensed god. The beastmaster, learn how to get along with the beast."

"Why are you studying the different beasts in order to find a way to get along with the comet?" Jade Shows, "Why is it so, why do you go in person? Don't say that the Northland 'change of the winter' has nothing to do with you. ”

Rong Rong did not deny that "Huang Lu and I have known the sage of the sages of the sages and help him. But he is too stupid, unsettled, and must be sent to the emperor before the death of Duan Sheng'an... Yu Shi to Xilu and Zhonglu I want Donglu and Nanlu. If the palace owner helps me, Tianluo nine turns to Donglu, you and I are equally divided."

Yu Zhan’s eyebrows were clear, and the words that were slightly surprised by Rong Rong’s words were as cold as the old ones. “You don’t think that the general trend has been fixed. Why would you like to share it with me?”

Rong Rong looked west. "The old man of Yu Shi may not be able to win the mountain."

"He is Yasheng, the Swordsman is the strongest but the Mahayana."

"Under the Juggernaut, the most good warfare is to cross the border, to weaken and win, not to mention one more person. 'Baopu seven sons' got a countertop, but only one Lin Yuangui." His next sentence made Yu Zhan look slightly. "I heard that you know the two disciples of Juggernaut? Floating sea, if it wasn't for her to save the son of St. Ann, now Hokuriku should also change hands."

Yu Zhan said, "What do you want me to do? Just say it."

"The rest of the idle things don't dare to bother the palace owner. I have everything to arrange. I only ask the palace owner to go to the mountain."

Yu Zhan's eyebrows are silent. Half-sounding, she said,

"Once the matter is done, the world is big, how much do you have to take, I only need to go to the Golden Palace and Tianluo."

"no problem."

"What do I believe in you?"

Rong Rong laughed, black and red blood drops falling down his pale fingertips and falling on the snow on the edge of the cliff.

"Oh." Because the cliff edge is quiet, the slight sound is also very obvious. The red light of the sky rose to the sky, and the blood disappeared instantly.

He said, "Come on your blood."


Yin Yin took the sword back to the sheath and bowed in the direction of Luo Mingchuan leaving innocent.

They continued along the empty long street, and the snow on the ground was stirred up by the sword of the surplus, flying in the wind.

Yin Yin said, "I have misunderstood the master first."

Luo Mingchuan Road, "I am the same."

The Buddhist method of meditation was used as a Buddhist temple. When he was trapped in the temple, he also saw it. When he saw his heart anger, he did not hesitate when he shot, and he used the strongest Tianluo.

After being easily broken, I know that there is no innocence.

The ‘foet’s thoughts’ is not to persuade him to turn back to the shore, but to tell him that ‘Tianluo’s nine turns’ is indeed a magical work, but it’s also a Dharma.

Become a Buddha, no matter how to practice, all because of the heart of the people.

"Senior brother, where is the meditation, where are you?"

"You and I are separated from each other. I am in the same position as the innocent master. When I break out of the country, I will talk to the master and see you break through."

The more Yin Yin wants to take the sword and work hard, the brothers can break the ground, it is really more human than the dead. Immediately realized one thing, tempted to ask,

"So you all saw it, heard it?"

"What did you hear?"

"……It's nothing."

Luo Mingchuan's look is the same, calm and steady. "The younger brother said that he likes me, he will be with me. Is this the sentence? It is natural to hear clearly."

Yin Yiyue felt that he was handsome, but he was always handsome for three seconds. What's more, it is now being laughed at by Luo Mingchuan. Immediately hot on the face, transfer the topic,

"The master talked to you about anything."

“The master said that when he was in the world, he broke the barrier of spiritual repair and martial arts, and he was enchanted by the Buddha. It can be said that all laws are common. Before Mo Changyuan’s cultivation of the magic road, he has already learned 100. Therefore, I want to understand Tianluo. Nine turns, reading Buddhist scriptures is very beneficial."

Luo Mingchuan took out a roll of books, and Yin Yue looked down and looked down. "The Miscellaneous Ah Sutra."

He remembered that when he played against the clean sea in Xingshan Temple, he heard a story in this Buddhist scripture and couldn't help but swear. Reading the same Buddhist scriptures, I have different Dharma.

Or the Dharma is the same, but each person chooses differently.

“The master also said that the younger brother has Huigen, and he does not want to practice the sword in the future. He can go to the temple to practice Buddha.”

"When you are in the East, the Temple is going to go, and you have to thank you personally."

Luo Mingchuan laughed. "The younger brother can learn Buddha, can't be a monk."

Yin Yin lowered his head and went down. "You and I have the truth of a Taoist, only a paper marriage book, which Buddha Temple accepts me such six unclean people."

He found that his brother was relaxed at this time, his mood was comfortable, and he was enlightened when he was innocent. Nothing, only the brothers are in a good mood, how to laugh a few more.

Out of the city is the coast, the waves wash the reef, and the echoes continue.

Luo Mingchuan suddenly stopped and pulled up Yin Yin’s hand. "Teacher, go."

Unprepared feet and empty, Yin Yi subconsciously grasped the people around, but the cold wind whistling only for a moment.

After the moment, they are already above the sky.

Without a layer of thick clouds, the stars are extraordinarily bright, as if at your fingertips.

"Whether the brothers can drive the clouds, when is the matter?"

"It was just now."

Yin Yi didn't ask more questions. He remembered what Master said. Don't worry, the realm of the mind is moving, and he walks away.

Exclaimed, "It used to be that Master took me to fly. Now it is my brother who takes me to fly. When can I fly by myself?"

Luo Mingchuan resisted the urge to pull him into his arms and smiled. "Soon."

Through the fog of the night and the night, the magnificent sea surface flies backwards at the foot.

They traveled to the unknown future by taking the wind.

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