MTL - The Villain’s White Lotus Halo-Chapter 42 First love

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Yin Yi went out of the small courtyard and went to the time when he practiced the sword in one day.

At the usual time, the autumn lake was quiet and peaceful, and there was no trace of people. Only one or two vocal rules were heard.

But today's autumn lake, like inexplicable brilliance.

Following the glory, he saw the people standing under the willow tree. It’s a girl, smiling and yelling at him, “Yin brother.”

If you switch to any one person, you can recognize the woman.

But Yin Yue is not anyone.

When he took the stage to test that day, he did not look into the stands. At this time, he can only judge from the clothing that the woman was born in the ancestral hall, then went up two steps, stopped at the distance of the ceremony, and asked with doubts, "Are you?"

He has never met, and he should be called "Yin Daoyou" rather than "Yin Brother".

If other girls see him with a slight brow, a cold face, a look of incomprehensibility, he has long been angry and shy away. But the sound of the pile of smoke is falling,

"My name is Qu Duanyan. Qujiang's song, Yangliu pile of cigarettes."

This is not even the ‘Yongpu seven sons’ who are unclear, and who knows who she is.

Qujiang is the name of a river and a famous name of Yasheng.

Yangliu is the name of the patriarch and the name of her mother.

When she said these words, she did not have any arrogant look, just like the ordinary self-reported home, and frankly natural.

This made Yin Yi more good about her perception, so she took the initiative to say,

"The younger brother is in the house, I will call you for you."

The song piled up and smoked. "I am not looking for a friend."

Yin Yue is also embarrassed, the girl who came here does not find Duan Chong Xuan... Is that the way to find Luo Mingchuan?

I don't know why, he gave birth to some inexplicable low in his heart. "Who are you looking for?"

Qu Duo smoke seriously said, "I just came to you, Yin brother."

Yin Yin is more and more embarrassed, "Looking for me...what?"

The pile of cigarettes stepped forward, just like asking him if he had dinner, "Is Yin Shixiong married?"

"...not ever."

Yin Yin has not slowed down the gods, and the next sentence is full of imposing manners. "How is Yin Ying brother looking at me?"

The more Yin Yin is, the more completely it is.

In his long and long reactionary career, there has never been a confession by a sister.

No, let alone confession, as one of the many humanoid background plates behind the boss, the female spit is not able to turn to him.

Is he now... is it to open the plot hiding mode?

‘Come tell me that this is not true’. It’s circulating in Yin’s mind and it’s impossible to stop.

Qu Duanyan saw that he did not speak, and did not worry, just smiled and waited for him.

Half-sounding, Yin Yin said, "Zhudaoyou, are you mistaken?"

The pile of cigarettes was reddish. "I didn't make a mistake. Is it bad for me?"

Yin Yi has never seen this situation, and sometimes he is at a loss. "No, you are very good, it is not good for me..."

Luo Mingchuan or Duanyan, you can come anywhere! With his language ability, it is really not expressed. Finally he made it clear, "I didn't mean it."

Qudushi insisted that "the road is far away, some people accompany them together. What is wrong? Yin brother does not understand me now, but if you can give me a chance, we may not be able to get along well."

It makes sense and cannot be refuted.

Yin Yin is sinking into the heart and seriously, "You are very good. It is very good to be a man of origin and a look. You will meet very good people in the future, and you will be connected with your heart and seek for a long time. Life... but this person is not me."

The tears of Qu Duoyan finally fell. "Yin Shi brother refused me because of the people who have a heart?"

In fact, Yin Yi did not know why she refused.

Perhaps it is because Juggernaut has not returned to the mountains for a long time, and the forces of all parties are glaring at it. The world is still unclear. There are still many things to do, perhaps because he does not know it.

But he made up his mind, "Yes."

The song piled up and laughed. "That's good. Yin brothers must ask me in the future. I will come to **** my brother if I don't cherish my brother's heart."

Yin Yi feels that she laughs very sadly. No matter how many reasons, hurting a little girl is always a cruel thing. He touched his sleeve and found a handkerchief and handed it over.

The pile of cigarettes took the puff and wiped the tears, and held it in his hand. "I am gone."

Yin Yin looked at her and turned and walked along the lake. The blue silk fluttered in the evening wind, and the back was straight.

Once I saw it, I saw Luo Mingchuan standing at the door of the courtyard. I don’t know how long I have stood.

The setting sun melted gold, he stood in the shadow of the courtyard wall, his face was dark and unclear, and he whispered to him, "teacher."


The pile of smoke walked by the lake and was very depressed.

Suddenly there was a crisp sound behind her. "Hey, don't be sad."

Qu Duoyan raised his vigilance and turned back. He saw two girls, dressed in white robes at the end of the world, a bright spring flower, and a delicate white lotus.

"You follow me?"

If it was in the past, she had already discovered it, but now she is not stable, and she has not noticed it along the way.

He Yan turned his eyes. "Who is following you, I am afraid that you can't open the lake." She handed the oil paper bag in her hand. "I just bought it, it is still hot, can you eat it?"

The pile of smoke detectors glanced at it, and it was actually a few pieces of steamed cheese.

It can be seen that the other party bought something back to Qiuhu Lake and bumped into the scene of being rejected. If it is another girl, it should be very embarrassing at this time, but the character of the smoky smog with her mother, ‘what do you see me?’, is naturally not possible to have the concept of being angry.

She is now busy fighting sugar-sweetened cheese. "I don't like anything that this little child eats. How do you still eat this, my generation is practicing, so heavy appetite..."

He Wei took back the paper bag, "Xiao Lian, I will eat it."

Qu Duo Yan Yan quickly grabbed it, "... I didn't say no to eat."

The struggle failed.

Qu Duo smoked and looked at them while eating. I felt that the two girls looked really good and couldn’t help but ask, “Yin Shi’s brother said that he has a happy person, who is it, is it one of you two?”

Xiaolian Xiao’s 噗嗤噗嗤 laughed out. “Of course not. Look at the words embroidered on the handkerchief.”

Qudui smoked his eyebrows. "Pearl brilliance, white ruthlessness, what do you mean?"

He Wei explained, "The ‘ming’ is the ‘明’ and ‘白璧’ of my brother Luo Mingchuan, of course, refers to Yin Yin’s brother.”

The pile of smoke was shocked. "It is like this!"

There are also males in the practice circle, but only a small number.

But she quickly accepted this statement, that is, some loss. "I have seen Luo brother, gentleman, and it looks like a good person. In this case... it seems that I have no chance."

He said, "You look so good, you have a good talent, why no one will be happy with you later?"

After listening to the words, the pile of smoke smashed down, and the yak cheese did not eat. The toes sneaked and jumped onto the weeping willows on the lakeside. She sits on the willow branches, like the wind without weight, and the willow branches are only trembled twice and will not move.

He Wei was afraid that she ran with the cheese, and also mentioned the real yuan, and Xiaolian was on the tree.

The three girls sat side by side on the huge willow tree, the sunset glowed away, and the new moon appeared at the horizon.

The pile of smoke looked at the sparkling lake and suddenly sighed. "I don't think I can marry."

He was shocked. "No, how old you are. If you fail, you will be beaten."

The song piled up with a white eye. "What do you know, this is not my first failure! This is the second time!"

He Wei had to admit that the beauty is a beautiful woman, and her eyes are better than her.

So she was amazed. Apart from Yin’s brother, there are still people who can refuse these beautiful people. The heart of the gossip is difficult to suppress for a while. “Who is the first one?”

Xiao Xiaolian’s face was quiet and quietly erected his ears.

Qu Duoyan has never said this to anyone. Even she didn't know.

Perhaps it is a short hand and a soft mouth. Perhaps it was nightfall, the atmosphere was just right, she didn’t think of it, she actually said it.

"The first one is my younger brother, Chen Yi."

Yan Xiaolian was shocked, "Ah?"

He Wei also feels that Chen Yi is too... ordinary.

If you don't take a knife, you can't find it on the street.

The pile of smoke has misunderstood their surprises.

"He is older than me, and he is higher than me, but the introduction is late, of course, it is the younger brother! I am not counting the old cows to eat the tender grass... It is really difficult to express the confession, obviously my mother succeeded once, how come I have Failed."

He Wei, she was sad, she waved her hand and took her shoulder.

"What is this? When I was a child, I still secretly loved Luo brother! But then I understand... Just like you see a flower, think it looks good, want to have it, you just like it, it is an appreciation, not What a heart."

Yan Xiaolian feels the same,

"When I was a child, I wanted to marry the little brother of Yamashita Roast Chicken Shop. I just liked him to be a roast chicken, and it was not a pleasure."

The night is getting darker, the bright moon is sprinkling with the glory of the bright, and the pile of smoke looks at the lake, thoughtfully.

"It seems that there is a reason to say this. I saw Yin brother on the side of the stands. Where did you say that you are happy?"

The three girls spoke of the first love that they had forgotten, far away and ignorant, and the lake became jealous.

"Initially... Why did you confess with Chen Yi?"

"When I was eight years old, I went to visit Mr. House. I met him in the school and bandaged the kitten. I ran over to play with him. He took the jelly beans for me. I asked him if he would marry me in the future. ...he refused."

"You are not mistaken? Eight years old! It is too small!"

"What about that, the girl who fell out of the country at the age of eight, closed the moon and shy!"

"You are too narcissistic, give me the cheese."

The song piled up and laughed. From the willow branches, he went to the lake and went to the lake. "The last piece is left!"

He Wei and Yan Xiaolian rushed to chase her.


Yin Yin felt that Luo Mingchuan’s eyes were wrong.

As for what is wrong, he can't say it.

The two stood in the evening wind on the lakeside, no one spoke first.

Luo Mingchuan also knows that his current state is very wrong, but he has no way, he can't control it.

He stood in the courtyard and listened to his younger brother talking to Qu Duo. At almost the same time, he wanted to push the door several times. This kind of emotion made him scared. He asked himself, why should he block it? What qualifications are there to block?

Soon and sadly discovered that Jiansheng has not returned to the mountains for a long time, the world will be chaotic, and the younger brothers will interact with the daughters of Zhai Zongya, and Yuhuan and Yuyashan will have advantages and disadvantages.

Luo Mingchuan once again felt that he needed strength.

Very strong, strong enough to change the world, no need to consider anyone, anything.

Fortunately, the younger brother refused the girl.

Luo Mingchuan pushed the door open and saw the younger brother standing alone in the sunset.

The mood is ups and downs, and it can't be calmed for a long time.

At this time, Yin Yi finally found a way to break the silence. "What is the threshold of the yard, the yard?"

Luo Mingchuan looked back, behind him was a pile of tiny dust, faintly able to see the outline of the threshold, the breeze blowing, gently floating up.

He coughed softly. "I have been in disrepair for a long time. I didn't pay attention when I came out."

Yin Yi didn't believe it, but the intuition told him that it was better to follow Luo Mingchuan's words at this time, "Oh."

He didn't know that if he turned back in the evening, the whole yard would become like this.

"Is the brother now free? In the end of the sword, I have a trick, "Mingsha Suyu" does not understand, the brothers help me?"

Luo Mingchuan laughed, like a breeze,


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